a w _ _§£ ;p,1l'!iiil3 ___s::_____EH __:!"_§____ _; __;==:_.__!!_&:~~; b" t he cake. After t ho flour has been put The H ealing Touch!n stir just enough to mix it with other Uur rea.ders ma.y have observed that mgred1en t s, and wh~11 .the hatter I S sm~oth singufar sys tem of cure for all human dis- j iJ.:-.~·· 1, ... '· · ··~"'""'" "~ .. ·" · . ,,. - ,. ' ' ...... : ' IS PUBLISlllilD The Children of the Household. and free from lumps 1b is ready for bakmg. ea.see has lately pr oduced an excitement in EVEJtY WEDNESDAY 1110RNING ~ SOME INTERESTING J,;MERGll!\'CY AMUSE!ltENTS S~me womebn beliey\1 th·if ~e lonfr o~te some parts of this count ry. Certain per~ons e, w e~ _ e are suppos.;d to be endowed a.t birth with -»Yl'OR '.rlIEM. is st irred ~he etter i~ .w1 contrary IS the fact, fol too much. stirring healing powers-magnetism, the quality is 1 ~ .!..I t Are Y?u a. mother with several little la~s I after the ingredients "' e blended will. make sometimes called. The sick, lame, deaf and · AT 'l'HB OF:S:IOE a.nd lassies? )lave you cvct planncrl to have ; the cake tough. P ou· the b_atter lD t he blind a.re b rought to them . they lay their! the former enJOY an afternoon on your lawn? ' bakin ans and Jet i Lsettle mto place of · : Poll& Office Rlo<~k, King Street, BowmanH b t setl and cai· oled into j . gP · , b · d t th 't . th hands upon them, and i t IS a.saerted t hat . ville, Ontario. _ a!e you e;er een ea its own accor~, Uu v no smoo 1 "'.1 health the use of theil' limbs or their im· ' 1 g1van'&: llb1rt~daym ;a.~lry !~rpl:~: an~ti~~? ah spoobn or k~t1f~. Bhavde thetotvent of med~u~ paired' senses, as thec11.se ma.y be, are instantA T E R :r.v.f: S : . n , a y, a er au , - eat.,. ut.a.~ i is a ar ma_ er o regu a e h restored. e t-4! 1 ,, .All~lt;Vl· or$1 i f paid ln·1ulv11nce. mg cons·mt, after arr angement of the thous- an oven 1f it seems hot a d ish of cold water >Th' . b t t h . f Id b . f , , - mt stri~ly in advance required from a.nd and one t hings nectSsary to a· lawn party should be placed in it to prevent the cake E" ist!s ut t ' e rev~va1 0thando ef1 ietti' rif.-(,;~beraontside of the county. Oxd':rs to of big or little folk, have yon ever paused burning and a paper cap pla.ced over the ~romtl ime 0 tm~, bsi~he th eC ~~\0 d e p po ts tes, tperhsonshm ho be a. icde.nt 'montlnne the paver mu1:1t be accompanied by to ta.ke breath, and in pausing, found t hat to\;£ the cake. for and tb W 'l nu·bestopped h h a d d' · d a cIou d , an d . mto . . ro es a.n . c nrc ea ' tt i:wo f een a 11ege N o " · t e sun i~appearedbe 1 un hen Jookmg the oven to see how it h I" t e&mount due or epaPe 1 bAortbers areresponsibleuntl full payment i6 j uat as the last little guest arrives with her is getting along do not open t he door and po~sess m1racu1o'f hgt hs I o ea mg. d o ~It' dainty attire, and chargod with her mother's shut it q uickly ' thereby creating a draught of wfieretmany bl~ e dot wh omgnan metn ' " Cnsto:r!aissowelladapted tochildrentba1; Cast orla cures Colic, Constlpa.t!on, ·a.a.TES OF ADVERTISING a0 ii;~ admonition to" keep her dr ess tidy," have which will ce.~se the cake to fall and be 0 t ellrd · s. ages be 1 tehv': t 0 ha.ve h. P0'~e; 0 [recommend itaa suneriortoanyprcscriptioa Sour Stomach, Dia.rrhoos., Eructation , lclown to me." .,,; · Alt~a MD Kills Vll'~nns, gives sleep, a.nd promote. di· '""'I! you ever f eIt a d rop of ram · on ha11d or hei>vy but after lcokmg . . cure w ·1 et 111mg, Wbole Column one7ear ..... . ....... .,60 oo """'" a t or turnmg th e 1 b t a ft iseasea th · · yth e1r one d th · ..... ,,,. v~- · · .. gest11;>n . . " " Hal year . ...... . -.. . 36 oo - ~ !il cheek? · . · · cake, 'close the door of the oven slowly. u a er e1r.aea cro:; s r epa.!r o e1r lll So. Cb:tonl 13~, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wlthou~ injurious medication. . " .. Onequarter ........ . 2oog~ Tothosewhohaveexperienced it 1t1s Wh h k h"k f th 'd fth toll}bs, toobtamhealthLo~the v1talpower Trui: CE>IT.d.UR Coll!l'.d.NY, ' " :durray Street, N. Y. ; ll.altCO~mn ~~ at this" unforeseen contingency" that: wi th pan ~~J s~i;a =~gl~~ rao: sig~ ~~ i: ~one~ W~lch was posaesi:yd by th~r-tb~nesf 11 d " One quarter·- ......... 20 12 5 the poet, you would flee " far from the mad- Remove it irom the oven to the boa.rd or B n 1 owS b a.ya mu 1l~t~s 0· lw.e ~'Qnarter Colunm one yeo.r .. ......... 12 oo dening crowd." But no, that ca.nnot be table turn t he pan on its side, and holding F erna e ad i°u erons, a 1 e i;:·r S mt ' " Halt year ........... 6 done. Some one must do 2omething. De· the !~ft hand against the top of t he cake, r~nce, an ba 80f ~aoun~ }01~ia~ lD co · T.,;llnesa;dun~::.fi\.~~r:;;~ti~n·: 50:- spite rueful looks at t he play-ground the t urn out the cake Place t he pan upside 1an.' a ~e~h er ; h war r vm: ~dco:grb0 Jl:aehsnbsequen-linsei:tion ...... 0 2~ children must be hurried into the house and, down on t he table ~r board and put the cake ganon, 0 · 0 "'. om were e e FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE1 deprived of their anticip1>ted pleasure, must t 0 't Tf 1 "t 8 t' k t 0 t h ·d 0 f th endowed wit~ a miraculous power of c!1re. .Wl'Omslxtoten linee,firstmeertion 0 7o·1 1 10 1Caeh subsequent insertion...... 0 35 - 10 h h" k 1 ·ts l coo on · ~ ~ e si es e Among t he H10dus and some of the Afncan O~er ten lines,ftrst insertion,perline 0 lo,·a.vWe shomet md g to ta e ) a.ca. k d pan do not ~ry to e!iake it out;, but loosen t~ibes cer tain p"rsons are believed to t o be Saeh subsequentinser tion " 0 03 at l?OO · now, a~e iammoo s and carefully with a klllfe. . filled with a mysterious fluid which they 'Th8numberoflines to be reckoned bY/_ swmgs? G . m e a.re the Joys of archery an Never put a.way ca.ke until perfectly cold, . te b t h to th ' croquet! In va.in the delight of " still a.nd then put it in a covered tin cake box or coT:1uch~a ?uc th e:s. . 'tlt.,11paceoooupied,,mea.sured byascaloot 1 Oi 'd Nonpareil, palm "and "tag goal. " jar. It will keep much better if wrapped e mese . e ieve a ea.c person iss!lr-~ ===s It would not be a marvelous thing for us . t k' I k · r ounded by a. lllmbus, or atmosphere, which 1 1 who a.re interested in children to be caught ~;r:ad~~e tor goo_d th'?r ~tvi\.ev~try l!v!ng ht o~yt 0;n~reai!. u?Ji t°ii~ ~ak~vi~ ~ze~ts DRS, MeL.i.ITGRLIN -" BEITH, in just such a way this summer, a.nd I cold or it will soak through and make it althcme ds. WI m 1 s !ml ' givinir 0 1 1 Ol'FICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE· would suggest a. thing or two, which al- soggy When frosting \\'Bit until the cake ief y or isease. d t d "d h h Dr.J.W.MoLAUGHLIN, Dr. .A.. BErra. Grad u thou1?h not new to many may be a help to ir cold ; t urn the ca.ke face down, and al- t the 1ea.;~ o~r reda.t~rs 0· ~m teh ow m !1c 11cent1'ate of the Royal t of the Toronto ethers . f t th b tto Wh"l · · th ru or a se oo ere 1s m ese c1 aims u a e wa.ys ros e ~ . m. i e _icmg, e t hat the body of man can imp1i.rt vital power ~~~e~e~b!:Y~~ci~~: University, Physician JlEAN JlAGS. knife_ used for spreadm~ the frostmg should by touch to other bodies ; but t here can be no ~uysl College of Sur- Surgeon, &c. Have a board a.bout two or t hree feet be ~ipped frequent ly mto cold w~~er. In doubt that the soul of me.n has such power. long with a hole in t he center the size of a cuttmg cake always use a sharp km.e. W ithin every man who reads these lines, ·a eons, Edinburgh. .,R, J. (l, JlllTC:HELL, breakfast plate, Place this slantingly dwells a.n invisible living creature, perpetuSJ[11:MBER OF COLLEGE OF'PHYSICIANS against a chair or ottoman. Have four or The Way t o Pour Tea. a.lly at work, stretching out i ts iuflnences i trind Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. six bean bags of two different sizes. Give There ls more to be learned a.bout pouring t hrough his words, his smallest acts, even Olnoe and Residence, Enniakillen. 'l!l. each child one turn with all the baga at a tea and coffee tha.n most people are willing his looks, infusing disease or health int o the dieta.nce of five paces or so, some one keeping to believe, If t hese decoctions a.re ma.de at people with whom he comes in contact. The Begs t o inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrou~'.ling W. S. ()JlMJSTON, L, I., B. account on paper. Those-if there are more the ta.hie, which is by far t he beet way, man whose body is the cage of this living Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. Money than one-who throw the largest number of h . · d gment , an d power may scarcely remember its pr esence occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door ea'!t of S tandard Bank, and Th t ey require experience, JU to loen. Office, in Beaver Block upstaira in en exactness ; if they a.re brough t on the table and may be ignora.nt of the influence which , .corr·s form erly occupied by Dr. Harnden, bags into the hcle have a secon d turn. willfat all times :keep in stock all goods usually kept in a firstscla.ss those who have t he largest number · sti1 mves ou t and receives. · · dgment so to it incessantly ..,. Bo-wm~nv!lle. 39 · h in t he r eady ma.de, 1t 1 r eq mres JU second turn throw again, until t er e a.re apportion them that they sh1>ll prove euffici· He takes ca.r e that his body shall not Ha1·dware Store, comisting of DK. E. C. McDOWELL. only two children left. Tbese throw also ent in quality for the family, and t hat the come in con tact with bodies that throw off ICINTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE and the one who wins is entitled to a. prize elder members shall have t he stronger cups. the germs of typhus or diphtheria or other . of Phyeiclans. J..ondon, Eng.;Member of if you wish to have one. An orange or a Often persons pour out tea who, not being disease. But he does not r emember that Loll e~e or Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. fancy cake is sufficient, just a. litte some- at a.ll a.we.re t hat the first cup is the weakest finer creature within, which is more easily SllllGEllY AND RESIDENCE:- Rear ot Messrs. thing to betoken the vict:>r, Thi's is also a and that t he tea grows stronger as you poisoned, or strengthened. llilllliJ:Jbolham's Drug Store, Bowmanv1lle, proceed, bestow t he poore~t cup upon the The r eader of t his may only be a school. 6- lyr.* good out door game : DONKEY. greatest stranger, and give the strongest to boy of small impor tance in his little world. th.an D. BITRKE SIMJ"Smv, I shall also keeo a well assorted stock of the best mar.ufacturers' Dru.w, aa you have ability, with a era.yon, a very young member of the family, who ~ut h ,let him I t remember h 1 1 . he has tthe power h ARftlSTElt, SOLICITOR &o. MOPRIS a ta.illessdonkeythreefeetlongona. sheet. would b e better without any. Where m is sou 0 epevery ivi?gcrea.urew pm BLOCK, up stairs, King Street, Bowman- Pin this to the wall a little distance from aeveral cups of equal strength are w anttd . he meets. If 0 1;11Y by a .smile, a kind word, le, Solioitor tor the Onta.rl o Bank the ftoor. Provide each child with a tail you should pour a littie into each, and then \ ~ cheer~ul, cordu~l greeting, he may make l"rlvate llonev11 loaned at the lowest r_ate~!. · d d f · d go back, inverting the orde'l' as you till them, life easier and bngb ter for them. Stove Pipes, Mic:i.s, &c. of colored tissue pa.per, tw1ste an rmge and. so the strength will be apportinned Theru are .two .rules of t h.e new system of a.tone end, and a pin for at taching purposes " f b dI d h hh t b JollD. Keith Galbraith, at the other. Blindfold the children in properly oure or 0 1 V iaeases w ic emus 0 ey, The manutacture and putting up oC EaYe Troughs 0 AR RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY ' He must t ouch the person whom he wishes will receive spt> cial attention. to help,- not stand apart and view him ·~l PUBLIC, &o. Office-Bounsall's Bloc,k turn and place them eight or ten feet from !~ · S treet, Bowmanville. Money to lend, the sheet. Let them turn a.round three Bathing in Hot We at her. with lofty superiority, but meet him as a times and, with one arm extended and holdIn spite of all that has been said on the brother, face to face. WILI.IAJll WIGHT. ing the t ail by the pin, let them move for· subject, it is r emarkable how many people H e must, too, have faith in God, t o give ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the ward in the direction they think the donkey miss .one of the greatest sources of hea.lth strength and life to h is own soul, and County of Durham. Orders left at the is and pin the t ail upon the first object they and enjoyment from not under standing t he through him to others. :'U'Jl!SMAN o:tHce or forwarded to Tyrone P .0, touch. Sometimes it is the sheet, sometimes use of water in ~he toilet. There are m~n and women who seem to ~IHI Ncieive prompt attention. 28:6m a guest, sometimes a piece of furniture. A sponge bath should be taken a t least be sent into the world as healers of all hurts This maims it all the more enjoyable. '.l'he da.ily in hot weather. For persons in vigor- and sorrows. W ho would not be one of S. C. HIJNJUNG, B owmanville, April 2nd, 1888. one who pins the tail nearest the right place ous health t he proper time is immediately on them ? ·LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR wins the prize. y rising in the morning; but for weak persons . ttie County of Durha,m. Sales attended HOT AND COLD. and the aged, the middle of the for enoon is D eaf Mutes And Marriage. 1(1 on ihorteet notice and lowest rates. Address ~OU<R'l'IC!I P . 0, 36:tf One goes out of the room, An a.rtiole is better. Only the very robust are benefited It is evident that t he loss of the sense of hidden. The child returns a.nd is guided in by cold baths. For most, cool, tepid, or hoe.ring h a.a an effect on character, moral slightly warm water is better. After a da.y Pianos Tuned and Repaired. finding it by some one playing the pianoand intellectual. Whatever may be t he loudly when he is near iu, or "hot," softly of heat and dust, and especially of hard work, education of the deaf mute, he will remain, cleanliness is secured and r efreshing sleep 'P ARTIES WISHING THEIR.PI ANOS when a.way, or "cold." The music serves promoted by a warm bath at bed-time. The in some essential and not easy to be char Taned or repairea can nave them attended to amuse those net actively engae:ed in the respects, different from other people dress should be a.ppropria.te to the sea.eon, acterized to~ leaving word .at the Dor.UNION ORGAN search. It is exceedingly hard to cultivate in them and also to the occupa.tion. It should be a spirit of self dependenoe or eradicate t he :Co's O:J'l'IOB, Bowmanville A ftrst-clas maJ1 POINTER ti.ow belna In their emplor light in color and weig~t, loose and .e~y, notion t hat society owes them perpetual All stand in a circle, with one in center but in our changeable climate not t oo t hm. care and support. The education of deaf blindfolded with a pointer of cane. The cir- It is advisable for most persons to wea.r light mutes and the teaching of t hem trades, so cle moves around until the leader ta.pa t he underwear throughout the summer. All that they become in telligent and produ ctive floor with his ca.ne. He then extends it and tight clothing should be discarded, a.a imped - members ofsociety , of course, induces marrit he one to whom it points takes it in his ha.nd. ing the circulation, preventing free move- ages among them. Is not this calculated The lea.der asks him q uestions, a.nd he mu.st ments and creating discomfort. to increase the number of deaf mutes? Dr. an~wer in a disguised voice. If t he leader (l-illette thinks not. The vita.I statistics guesses his name correctly, the ouher takes St1okfast for Flies. how t hat consanguinoua marriages are a his pla.ce; if not, the leader trios until he is " Mix together equa.l parts by measure of h.rge factor in dea.f.mutiam; about rn per correct. mehed rosin and c11.sfor oil. Stir unt il cent., it is estimated, of t he deaf mutes a.re If you ha.ve- them ma.rch out to supper, thoroughly mixed- which will take only a t he off spring of parents related by blood. Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts run cut plain white car ds in two, all differently, minute. W h ile yet a little war m spread Ancestral defects are not i.lways prepetuat or if they a.re old enough to r ead readily, thin and evenly on any strong, p11.per that is .,din kind ; they may d escend in physical;de over one month. cut ca.rds w ith quota.t ions from Mother not porous. We use foolscap, writing paper, formity , in deafness, in imbecility. Dea.£, Goose, an-3 pass them a.bout. Those two catalogue covers, ehowbills, &o. Spread nees is more apt to descend in collateral HA'.FlNDEN. who have the corresponding corners or quo· with a case-knife or any straight.edged in· branches t han in a straight line. It is a ¥ Graduate ofthe Royal College of Dental tation, go out to the table together. Thie strument, slight ly warmed. Leave a narrow striking fa.ct in a table of r elationship preSm1:ieone, Ontario. idea can be elaborated at pleasure with border to handle with. Lay. the pa.per on pared by Dr. Gillette t hat while the 450 ca.rds decorated wit h ribbons, etc. -0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. the' tables, shelves, or any spare places where deaf mutes enamerated had 770 relationships These a.re only a few gl\mes of t he many flies are numerous. T hey will soon cover to other deaf mutes, making a tota1of 1,220, lOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY that we can t h ink of in moments of leisure. bTIFICI.AL T EETH INSERTED WITHOUT It is when th11 emer gency suddenly arises the papers. As soon as they a.light they only twelve of them had d eaf mute parents, will stick fa.st and soon pull themselves down. and only t wo of them one deaf mute pa.rent, PLATES, that our wits flee. and if we have a few the mot her of t hese having been a.ble to hear r;rea.t Reductions in vrlce on all Dental ideas where we can p ut our band on them, When the p!t.pers a.re covered twoorthreefties and that in no case was the mother a.lone a Work. Vit'alizel Air, constantly in use pro· our delight in makin'> the children enjoy deep, put it in the stove and replace with luoing Painless Operations. Particular e.tten ..nother one. Be sure and use no water. d eaf mute, Of the·pupilswhohave left thisin.tlon pa.id to the iegulation of Children's Teetn themselves wo:n't seem so much like what The oil prevents the rosin from hardening stitution 251 have married deaf mutes and ,.,..ALL WORK WARR.ANTED."&.\ Samantha Allen cal!s a "pleasure exertion." and has the peculiarity of not evaporating. ·19 hearing persons. These marriages have The oil leaves no odor when cool. Ten cents been as fruitful as t he average, and among Branch Office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono. will buy enough to kill all the liies in a them all only 16 have dea.f m ute children ; Uake Making. in some of the families hl\ving a deaf child house. " I ~ is not of so much importance to know there are other children who hear. These how to make a va.riety of kinds, for two or facts, says the report , clearly indicate t hat Canning Corn. t hree kinds well made are mutb to be pre. the probability of dea.f offspring from deaf ferr ed to a doz 3n half made. Although in Husk and silk t he corn, and put into a. paren t age is remote, while other fa.Qts may cake making , as in every thing else, experi- kettle of boiling water ; let scald, but not clearly indicat e that a deaf person probably ence is a good teacher, it is usually t' very enough to cook. Then cut it off, and to five ha.s or will have a d eaf relation other than severe one, and most people would rather quarts of corn add au ounce of tartaric acid. a child.- [Ha.rper 'a Magazine. profit by another's experience than by t h eir l'ut the corn in a perserviog kettle, with own. enough to cover i t well, and heat it to the Waited 60 Years for Her. After getting a good recipe, first have boiling point, stirring well in t he meantime. near at hand on your board or table every - P ut in cans and seal. It will keep pe1fectA r ieh old farmer, who lives a dozen WITa: TBlll'l' , ..:P· WITIIOllT Tlll!TII thing re.CJ. uired in the reoipet, so that you ly. Be sure that t he liquor covers t he corn mil.is or so up the country from Norwich, ol f will not have to leiwe your cake w hile mix- in the cans. When used, drain off the 011.me to t hat city a few days ago wi bh his 'l M" 'ti '\VJ' ing to get some ingr edient wanted. Grease liquor, soak in water t en or fifteen minutes, young bride, upon his w edding tour. The '· Al.Lo .q· JU. j t he baking pans well with good la.rd or but- cook and season to taste, adding a trifh of old man is 85, while his wife is just 70 years PRA.C:TIC:A.L DENTIST, ter, or if liked better, cut a piece of white soda. Some may object to the tar taric acid; his junior. H e had purchased an orga.nette OVER 'J.'.~ENTY YEARS EXPERIENOR. paper to fit the bottom of the pan, grease it that is only to k eep the corn from spoiling , for a Main street music· dealer a few months &ro1uOxlde.GuA.dmlnlsteredforPalnleB and the sides of t he pan. It is best to nae and i · harmless; soak in two or three waters, before and wanted some music for it. The Operations. pa.per on the bottom if the pan is an old one and no ttace of the acid will be left. Corn old man suggested as a sample. "Where canned in this wa.v is d elicious, and has a. is My Roy 'l 'o-Nig ht." H e led his bl'ide up MC:CI.ITNG 'S BI.OCll. ~~;:::nt~e b:~~o~ ~f~~:~~kt;'. bAf~ ~;~ fresh &l'l'I C:E .;.· , to the coun ter, and, after paying for the taste. many women prefer earthenware for mix ing music, said, addressing t he clerk :"My son, she's my wife. Aint she a cake, good clean tin is every bit as good, and A little ammonia and borax in the water much lighter and easier to handle. Have when washing blankets keeps t hem soft and likely one?" He seemed to remember somet hing, and st taightening np, said : " Young a.side from the genera.I mixing dish a smaller preventl! shrinkage. one a.nd q uite"ahallow for beating the white man, I've waited for sich bl ood as flows in When you give your cellar its spring them veins fur nigh onto 60 yea.rs now. i of t he eggs. In ma.king ca.k e with eggs al ways beat cleaning, add a little copperas water and knowed her grandmam and wanted her, but , - · . d ~he whites and yolks separately, no matter salt to the whitewa.sh. she wouldn't see to it. She married my I Inspe<·hon Sobc1te · how cheap your cake may be, and you will Ch emists say t hat it takes more than Victoria Buildings. lftlJRDOCH BROS , be sure to have it nice and ligh t. In twice as much sugar to sweeten preserves, separating the white of an egg from the sauce, etc., if put in when they begin to round, but somehow they got wind of it and yolk, it is the better way to break a small cook, as it does to sweet en after t he fruit is I was dished again. She went and got · hole in t he . narrow end and let the white cooked. married and had a daughter. Says I 'Jona.r}m out of it, for in this way there is ver y House p lants that have become sickly t han, you'll marry t bis'n,' and ·I settles · . G>;J";.:~ ·: . · !1ttle ?anger of ~he yolk breaking an~ mix - lookin l? can often, by the aid of a few doses down glum like to wait fur the youngster Hter spenlfti'h9.~llcli time &ii:J.'}f dioney, I a mg with th~· whiti:: If the le~st J?a.rt1?le of of.nitrate of soda., be quick!~ brought 1;? a. to grow up. Martha's folks watched her 1ow prepaf.\d":\6-·ftll 'llll orders~p,romptly. the yoi!t mlx~e wit h the white,. it will ? e per fect state of healt h agam ; butJ b1nng close and I begun to suspect I'd have to iBVe a tln11 . 11.ss2 orr1 t ment of WAYE S, B.A.~G~._ . almost 1mposs1ble. to beat t he white to a stiff . ' very powerful iri its action this must be used wait fur the next family, when they diedSWITCH . ~~BS and P~N§:·~r:t; ~heap., froth. In f~osting lt is e11pecia.lly importa.nt in sma.11 quantit ies, a piece a.bout the size of a.11 of t hem died, and Mar tha was left with BA .· . Mt~:ROlY.t ·$~ UP- · that the wh1te·:5h.ould, be free'. from the yolk a marble is large enough for a twelve-inch out no r elatives- so I popped the question .Jld Swit!J .-0,ted anil, made -WI' lock l!ke, 'a,o:a J!e~fectly clear, or t he icing will be a. pet. This fer t illizer ,bas also t he effect of and we were married." And picking up new. Hi~~~·_v 11i~ for to~!Jll:t h~\f ... fi\il~re. Be~ore_ mixing the. cake beat the . forcin~ plants on much more quickly than t he music Jona.than placed i t under one of ~1r:~ONl·C . ,. ~ . ' whites very· stiff a.nd put. Jn a· c!old place other m11ol!U1 es, and iii therefore valuablll for his arms, while one of Martha's stole under 1 : ~ jG .;. - · O ; Until wanj;ed :fdr USe I , I. ' · i· . th ose tha t are na.t ura.lly of elow the other, a.nd t he two lovingly walked out WarranteiliAR w eve.nt,.the- .IKiii:..·.Jrqm. ~lUng· , 'B ... ,,, , · . ass1eo1ng ofi. lw.b'!fill:m.@.k~jt"'~u .:.. _ _ , ,,, . ~t th_e butt~r a.lid sugar to~ cr~m Jn t he growth. · : of the store, complete:y ignorant of ~he fact THE BEST L lJB RICA.TOR TUE l'tlA.RKET. tha.t they were furnishing amusement for NI have also' a fio~Jo ·~ ·1\p>nli'. ,xw.xmg d 1 flhr'-. usJn_g a>woodeh spoonj ad~ t~e , - -.- -- -- -- the crowd. Patterns. AU crdei;j"~ ,... . 11(). J bea.te~. y9lJi:11, _~1x ,. w ell :touethe11, ~t1r rn , An Accommedatine: Young Man. When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, '1\ 11 ..£.'\·r.-31 ~}\" a ~h~'Wffftes,~pw,1n!tt_h~:flew11ron, to~hamould- . _ . , . _ .LU :r;~ ., · -- ·· -~, ~ i.rrg-..- troard . and measure, ,N'ever meaall,I.'~ p.er Father- I cant give her a.ny dowry. " What makes y ou jam everybody up in 47~oft~:rtll,e, hiAre aiftii:6g:":. ·p;i,b thp 'qµ~n~~ty )1? be used i am'. very p~or, Mr., Browne. My little all t his corner ?" yelled a. man in a crowd t o a. - - - -·-~--=· ;:;:,; ~- · -_ Qi,e s~ite, '~dd 'the bakii:ig pow<Ier, amfj'wo:li1t'f0ot UP. to 1Jlore .than $2?,000. policeman. "I want to preserve order," Try it once, and you will use no other. ~$ ·lia~t a!J· ip~o the mixing dish. Always p ut Mr. Bi-?wne-;,Oh, $25,600 ll! enough for r eplied t he pol~cem~n, a.a he proceeded to ~in :\. tt~g powde~ t~rougnli~. dry f!o~r, us to b~gm on,, Mr· .Jsmyth. 1 pound the man mt o ielly, 1 ~ · lllcliOLL BROS. & _ _ 'l'oronto, co · ,.\ 10 "J'.!l!'~ ,_rip~fi!W:'~'s·~~a·: t~~tthter ,.~11r1~-.'..1.-.~t ·~ --N----·----------s "Tff£ CANADIAN STATESMA HOUSEHOLD. M A JAMES . . "!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!~WWW~~~~..,...~!.i:Nl~B~ ,~itl'!:!!ll~~-~a~:rt, @_?____ W* n _ ~he I I I I I -· · I· I ° Infants 1 1 1 I Children. WJ.l:::r·::::::::::::::. - ;o J ¥t ,i &g- = . G t° %1l;P HARDWARE ! HARDWARE 1 -1 Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. - l I BEO.£.MANNING L Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels , &c, ~ COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. L Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit t h e t imes. @:m~~@:m Mr~OO:OOIUll@e m e MCDOUGALL & METCALF, are ottering Coal as follows : 1>ENT18TRY. Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 - Grate and Egg,....... .. ... ............. ., ... 6.00 L. D.S. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. · n E NT I S T RY, Murdoch Brothers' N""E-W-- C:S:IN"'A.. ::S:A..LL., where are to be seen RI MAC 0 BE 21 Dinner Sets, l ovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant desrgns, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room S ets, 0 20 White Bed Room Sets. Fine~:xHair Goods. SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. LAJ?.!:ms, Patronlz.{ H om e ~ . Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and SaucArs, &c. ~~~~~:~~h~~eJ:~g~~!!~~n he~t~ff.~t:~sn'~ 'TRADE THB.E SHERS AND FARIE RS USE ONLY McCOLL'S 1 l :: L ·A RD JIN MACHINE OIL. IN E:: FAMILY SAF ETY& SUNLIGHTCOAD0IL· $5 ~a.i;;iii!i~~i:.t.f~~·:;!~:~ . ,,.°'~,.n~ ..... , · 11·'"" 1'"n":.. .. . : ., ,, -. · Children Cry for Pitcher's Ca&torla~ ·_ _ -·- cory,