voice, the tea.rs rolling. down her white face. MISOELLANEOUS. "I would wish to be dea.d, a.nd with 111a mma, if it wa.s rnt for ,the children, bu t I love A plain loop of silver cable cord makes NATHALIE. them, and they love me." odd brooch. Gentlemen'sClothes Made to Order. Once s aid that the secret of good he alth " L:ive you ! Just listen tc her I The WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 29. 1888. I sa.w her first carrying a. great fat ha.by, Ii.ttle vampires tha.t suck her life·blood. There is one thing about which a.11 the consisted in keeping the head cool, the DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTER. apparently heavier tha11 herself- a thin, The tyrants tha.t get her more bea.tiogs than most repuhble literary organisms of the feet warm, and t he bowels open. Had small.faced girl, looking about ten years o~d, I ca.n count ! And, ma.dame, you hear her United States appear to be of substantially thifl eminent physician lived in our day, one mind, an<1 tha.t is their hostility to She T1·ied in vain to Get but as l afterwards found out, nearly thir- s~y she loves them?" tee~. I sha.11 always think Nathalie was "Yes, they do love me," she sighe_d. " Trusts." These modern tra.de phenornena and known t11e merits of Ayer's Pills RelieC aud had quite stunted as an aperient, he would cert ainly have. by a perpetual baby burden, for her "Monsieur Pierre, they a.re a.11 I ha.ve m a.re regarded on a.ll hands with suspicion and aunt with whom she lived, had a. frequent the world. Tante Poiron is not always in ma.ny q ua.rters with strong aversion. recommended them, as so many of hia Given up all Dope. a.ddihon to her family, and Na.the.lie h;;d cross. She ha.a good days, you know, a.nd is They ha.ve· been driven to ma.ke plausible distinguished successors al'c d oing. T S:E. STEAMER The celebrated Dr. F arnsworth, of Oampbellford, June 9, 1887. nursed ha.hies since she wa.s seven years old. kind, but then, you see, ·he h a.a so many efforts at self.defence and justifica.tion, but About that time her mother died, a.nd the children, she ha.a no love to sp<ire for me." they cannot root out the growing conviction Norwich, Conn., r ecommends Ayer's . MR. E. MORRIS, Toronto, little orphan was thrown upun the tender "That's certa.in and sure," Pierre mut· ~h.at they are evil thiBge, and a.pt to become Pills as the b est of all r emedies for tered in his heavy beard, but we had reached intolerable among free people. · DEA.R Srn :- I feel it my duty to give mercies of her aunt. (A. DUNLOP, Master.) "Intermitt ent F evers." Ma.dame Poiron wa.s stout, red-faced, loud· the farm-house, and he lifred Nathalie out - tou my testimony for the good I. had The Duke of Marlborough, to make assur Dr. I. E . Fowier, of B ridgeport, ILL Make h er regular trips on t~ill · from your Dandelion Liver and Kidney voiced, a.nd with one ruling passion that all tenderly. "Farewell, ma.du.me, a.nd tha.nk you," she a.nee sure, has got himself safely married Conn., s ays: "Ayer's Pills are· ltighly route, leaving Cobourg every morntnlf Bitters. My liver was in a bad sta.te and a.round her should ea.rn their sa.lt by con· again according to the English formula. On at 7:30 and Port Hope a.t 9:50 o'clock, on a.rriv..i, work, said, a.a he bore her into the hoUB!3. and unive rsally spoken of by the people I wao a great sufferer. I ~ad ~ned m stant of G. 'f. R. trains from 'the East and West; ;, She would have liked to rise at midnight, I thought often of Nathalie during the either side ot the Atlantic, therefore, is there about h ere. I make daily use of them oonnecting at Rochester with the New York vain to get relief and had qmte given up a.nd set her household their tasks, but a.s next few weeks. I heard her ankle wa.s a.nv reii.son why the new Duchess should Central, Northern Central, and Erie Ra.Hwa.ya: in my practice." ever feel ashamed of -her relations t.o the all hope, till a friend told me of your th_ at wa.s _ impossible, she conten~ed., herself sprained, but tha.t she was _doing we~l. I and the Lake Ontario Divi~ion of the Rome. Dr. Mayhew, of N ew Bedfortl, Mass., Bitters. I got a bottle at once and I am with begmnmg a.t da.wn, and grmdmg and did not venture to c11.ll, for it w11.s evident British aristocracy, so fa.r as legal grounds Watertown and Udgenabnrg Railway for all. points East West nnd South. says : "Hav ing prescribed m an y thouhappy to say the Bitters ~e.de a. new wo· driving a.s no slave. driver in the ante· bel- that Ma.dame Po iron had ta.ken a.n inveterate are concerlled ? And of course, every one RETURNING-Will leave Charlotte (port of sands of Ayer's Pills, in my practice, I man of me. I can heartil;y recommend lum days ever ventured to do. · dislike t,o me. But I was glad to see the will hope tha.t si:unvill continue 'jii!rsonally Rochester) on Mondays. Wednesdays and a.ttra.otive so th11.t on no other grounds will Fridays at 12 o'clock: p. m .. Tuesdays ~t 9 p.m. c~n unhesitati ngly pronounce them the them to a.ny one troubled with liver comHer husband was a former a.nd mdler little girl walking out one morning with the Thursd&ys at 11 p. rn., and Saturdays !or Port near the little town of Mapleton ; h.er two ba.by in her arms, I hurried forward and she ever rue the day that plaoed her a.mong best cathartic in use." . plaint. Yours truly CA.RRIE STEPHENS. eldest sons worked in the fields with the ~intercepted them. Nathalie was thinner the peeresue~ of England. The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr. H~e~l~~~e~~ ~~~~· ~ill find this the ohea.11ea.t other laborers, a.nd woe to any of them who tha.n ever but her eyes-lovely eyes they and most expeditious route to Oswego, Boa· So Brother Jona.than mea.ns to show hia A. A. Hayes, certifies : ",I have mode a - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - did not obey;the imperious dame. S':te did were- brightened a.t sight of me. ton, Albany, Ne·N York. &;c. careful analysis .of Ay~r ~ Pills. They molars on this Fishery business, doee he, by For further particulars apply to Good.News at Home. not spa.re h~r~elf, for constant employm~nt "Are you quite well, Na.tha.lie ?"I asked. sending some of his war ships to proteot the contain t he a ctive prmc1plc~ of w~ll A. DUNLOP . or C· F.IGILDERSLEEVE~ known drugs, isolated f.rom m ert ~at was her religion; but she ha.d a frame hk e "My foot hurts me a. little, m,.da.me, but "rights" of his fishing boa.ts in our wa.tere. Port Hope. · Kingston. ter, which plan is, cbem1c~lly s peakmg, E. MoRRIS, EsQ. ,-DEAR Srn,-1 h~vJ iron, and the strength of a strong ma.n. I ca.n walk. It is the first time I could Well, a.a long as he doesn't grind these teeth J. R . KENNE R, .A.gent, Bowmanvllle. of gr e at importance to thl'.u usefulnes~. reason to speak well of your Dandelion As for Na.tho.lie, ~a.d it not bean for the ca.rry Bebe- sweet Bebe?" kissing enthus- too ferociously we don't need to mind. No It insures a ctiYity, c ertamt.~·" and u~1Liver and Kidney Bitte rs. I have. been babies.she was reqmred to keep_ out of the ia.stically the pa.sty fa.ced infant. "We a.re use of get1;ing rattled over it. Tha.t is about formity of effect. Ayer 's Pills contain troubled for aome time with my Kidney way, she would !1a.ve ~een driven to the going to have a. f ete in the woods, Bebe a.~d a.ll his wa.r vessels are good for, a.nywa.y, 11t11d no m etallic or miner al substanc.e, b:it gra.ve by ta.ska 1mposs1ble for her puny I " showing me a little pa.cka.ge she held m we must not oompla.in if he finds some suoh the virtues of vegetable remedtes in t\nd a.Jriend of mine rec?mmended them skilIIul combination." frame to perform. · o~e ha.nd. " There is a slice of pie and a police work for them to do. H~rry up y~ur to me and I tried .them m my case, and As it was, she a.te her hurried meals with piece of ca.kc, and O madii.me, will you not minotaurs, Brother, and for thsir proteotion found them to work like a ~harm ; there· the everlasting ha.by on h~r lap, whom she come 1;o our f ete ?" io might be well to send a.long a dynamite fore I have much pleasure m recommend- wa.s expected to feed a.t mterva.ls, a.nd atTo buy Foot Gear for Men, Women;. I said I would but I must run home Jiist Prepared by Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maaa. ing them to all persons who are troubled tend to the wants of th': twins, ab?ut two for something, ' Th!l.t so~ething 'Va.a an gun or two if you have them handy. Sol<l by all Dealers in Medicine. Boys and Maidens, at '.l~he political Ahabs in the American Conin any way with their Kidney. yea:i:s old, who sa.t. beside her. Sh_e was addition to the tea-party m the shape of · Yours truly, then driven out, with the t_hre~ child_ern, some fruit I had just received. It was good gress seem determi :ted by force or fra.ud fo \. J. J. JoNES. t,o be kept out cf the way until dmner-t1me. to see the delight in Nathalie's eyes, when get possession of th~ Ca.na.dian NaJ;>ot_h's vineyard. They begm to talk retalui:tion "Ha, I treat the little one well!" Mad,.me I laid my contribution before her. Newtonville, Ma.y 3, 1887. Poiron would sa.y to her gossips. "She is · " O B abe ! Bebe?" she screamed, clap· very freely even to an extent which ~a;v my poor sister's child, and I have p~ty for ping her hands, "ba.na.nas, Bebe ! Oranges! provoke war. The a.vera.ge Yankee pohti· ()onsumptlon Surely ()urcd. her. I work myself, I wor k mv children; and lovely white grapes I Oh, they are too cia.n ha.a ever been a bully, with stroni;t r~ liance on stalwart cheek and bluff. Their but for Nathalie, all she 1as t o do all da.y bea.utitul to eat I" Jong is to play in the woods wi'.h the little When the repa.st wa.s over, N a.thalie claims on our fishing grounds are quite un· ['o THE EDJTOF : P leine info1m your readers tha.t I have ones. It is play, pl& y all the t ime for her, wrapped what remained in her a.pron for rea.sona.ble a.nd they virtually threaten war if we venture to defend our rights. But we a positive remedy for the above named and el\>. and drink of the best." Bebe and the twins. dieeaee. By its timely use thousa.uds of Madame Poiron believed faithfully what "You look quite happy, Nathalie," I are of British blood, and come of a. race no~ used to being frightened into surrender.· ho eless rnH~s have bt'en permanently she s1id. said. 1 Cures Chronic Constipation, caied. I ~hall be glad to send two bottles It was during one of these "pla.y" times "Happy? ah yeP, madame, there is no.one The terrible accident that happened et a of my nmc dy FREE to .anv of y~ur readers that I first made the a.cquainta.nce of Na.tha.- happier than I am i;o-day. Only think, I c ompa.r11.tively recent date, on the Boston C o!ltiveness and all Complaints who hsve conrnmption 1f they wtll send me lie, I had be!'n walking through the pretty can walk a.gain and nurse Bebe. I love all and Providence R R., is said to have cost little woodland which sur rounded the town the children but B ebe is a real angel of the roa.d already about a million dollars, on their Exi;ress and P. O. address. . our New Stock has arrived, and comn.Tisb i g from :i di sor derod st ato of tlle L iver, RespE ctfully, Dr. T. A. SLOGO M,._37 of .M.apleton, where I was spending the heaven I" ' ~toJ.rlach and Dow cls 1 su ch a~ account of "da mages " alone, to sa.y nothing prises something neat ~nd pretty for summer witli u. friend.. Si.td~enly I. c!l.me I sa,t there wondering over that sta.~veo of the losses in the destruction of their own YoDge Street, Toronto, Ont. Ladies, Good and Serviceable for Men Dyspe.psia or Indigestion, Bilious Affections, upon two sto_ut, stohd-lookme: childr~n, young life whose only modicum of sun!1ght property. A million ~ollars .would have and Boys, and Boots that R Boots fol: looking more hke Dutch dolla than anythmg wa.s putty-faced Bebe. 'What was happmess built a good few sound iron bridges. That Headache, Heartburn, Acidity of the Stomevery member of the h ousehold. ADVICE TO MOTIIERS.-A re yon dis- else. Their laps were full of flowers, and a.fter a.II? A poor ill-treated waif, who~e is s omethiog tha.t will bE a.r r eflecting on by in front of them wos lying the baby, crow· daily bread was fhvored by harsh words, aclf, Rheumatism, Loss of Appetite, Gravel, ma.nagerff of other ro.i.dR which cling to their turbed at night and broken of Y:our r~st . . sat there tinder God's blessed sunlight and old rotton wooden structures, t h;i.t htwe' by a sick child suffering and cryrng wtth ing aud kicking up its heels. TRUNKS, V A.LISES, .t;SA.TCBEI.S. IN STOt.'11:. Nervous Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c . N;i,t halie was g oing t hrough a kmd of called herself happy. I gave up the prob- stood the wea.r and t ear of a quarter of a . pain of Cutting T eeth 7 If so send at ..crvbat ic p ertormance for t he amusement of lem. percha.nee, or even more. Penny century ~Ordered Work and Repairing a once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winsl~w'a her charges, while the twins gt·avely sta· ed C 111LDRV.N J.YKF! l'l' 1 l\rfoi ·nr:ns r ,n t E rr I Bec11~1 Ho Several weekB pa.ssed, and although I wa.s wise ia sometimes pouud foolish, a.s the Boa· it i s a gr P.riable to t he t.-i !'l t '·i d ocs u ot .oC(; as;~:m Soothing Syrup." For children .teeth~ng, a t her with their big ex pressionless blue often on the watch, I faW nothing of Na.th- ton Specialty, as usual. and Proyidenoe has found out. N nu sen act$ withon t i:.rripi w~, i s cer ta 111 lll. 1ls its value is inca.iculable. It _ will r elieve eyes. I have sel dom seen any one so active a.lie. The house where my friend a.nd I D. D AVIS. effec ts, '~11c..l is e ffccr.i vo ju S llHHl d u:sc s. The city of yYashington has recen~ly :a.h:.e~ the poor little suffe rer immediately.. D e· a.nd daring a.s N a.tha lie was, as she sprang bou ded commanded a full view of the Poiron I N LIQUID FORM. pend upon it, .mothers ; there Is n u from one grape-".'ine to another, and danced form; for some da.ys none of the men had a step which might very properly be im1ta.tea J...a:rgc BottleFi, 25 cents e ach. been working in the field&, an d the loud by every city on the continent, and we trust mistake about 1t. It cures Dysentery a. kind of pas seui on them. that Toronto will not be the last to do so. h I was hidden behind a clump of bushes, voice of Madame Poiron was silen t. lilllMWHrik and Diarrhcea r egulates the Stomach a ncl " What is the matter over at Poiron's !" T:1is s tep was the appointment of th~ee Your attention is directed to the imme~·e Bowels, cure~ Wind Coli~, sof tens _the where the children did not see me ; but I A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. women to serve as mat rons in the police stock of Gums, r educes Infl.ammat10n, and give ' noticed the little girl's face was pale, and I asked our landlady, Mr s, Blake. On e th a.t will rnx < ! <l ~ :rs o f !li e kn ess ri 1~ d mnn;\Mrs. Blake turned very red and looked sta tions of that city. The lauda.bleness of big drops stood on her forehead from tone and energy to the whole syi.<tem . fatigue. a D ol lt t r in t imc nn1l ]Joc t or'~ Hi l l~, -0 110 11 1 ~~',:1 :-:~ mch a. measure needs no words to make it Whenever she stopped t o rest, the confused. lle:u :t t hand, r eady n.t u, JllOlllcllL" c :d l. Ih1ti " Mr~. Winslow's Soothing Syrup " }\for Dutch dolls 11et up a howl. " W ell the truth is, I didn't like to t el.I plain. This evidence of advanced humanity fri e nd is l' F. UllV D AVIS ' children teething is pleasant to the taste has been due in large measure to the efforts "Oh, hush, Manette, hush, Marie, or you, ladi~s, for I thought you might get of every d escription at and is the prescription of one of the old· Tante Poiron will come after us! Then sea.red, and there ain't a. bit of danger, for of the women in the District of Columbi;i., est and best female physician s and nuraee she will not let us come here a ny more. I ther e's no communication between the farm Here is room for somo humble, self.denying In the United Sta.tea, and is for sale .by a.m going to pla.y again for you. Now look, a.nd any house in town., They've go~ small· work on the part of Toronto ladies which we TAKE N I NTERNAJ, I,Y. it cures Dyse.nt ery, Cholera,, lliinr h ooa . Crn~llp a n d . P m t} 111 q )e all d ruggists t hrouµh the world. P:rice look, and see me fiy l" pox there b11.d. Nearly a.ll the family are hope will l>11 t aken possession of to good purShe has just opened out one of the largest Stomu.el1, Bow <'i Uornplarnts , P a.inte r s Coh c , pose. l"olice matrons ough t to be reg!l.rded She made a spring to a high vine, which down with it. Old Poiron caught it from 25 cents a . b6ttle. Be snre and ask fo,~ ])yspep~i:1. or Iud igestion , S udden Cold·, Soro and most stylish stocks ever bl"ougb.t as essent ially necessary ad juncts of the ma.. 'l 'hro:tt, Coughs, &c. "N\.u. WrnsLow's SooTIIING SYRUP. hung far above the one on which she was a. tra.mp. Two of t he children will die to· cbinflry to town, consisting of : of the law in every well regulated sitting. She missed it, and fell to the night, and they say t he old ma.dame can't USED llX'rERNAJ,LY, it cnres Bruises, and .·~ke no other k ind, Cuts., l1urns , 15cald s an1l S.11r:1.ins, S~c lli.nµ-~ o f ground. In a. moment I was beside her, live. There is no one?to attend them but city. 1'I ill in c1·y, Dre s ~ ~ilks the .i om ts, 'l'ootli:wh a, P1un 1 n t bc F a cc . Ne u· It is the genial but plain spoken Auto· and lifting her up. one of the boys and little Nathe.lie." ralgi n. :i nd R h c11 111nt.ism . ~ · ~: 'f '·So l d. b y ] 1cn.ler s Velvets, &c., " Are you hurt?" I a.sked. " Sae is not sick, then?" I said re1ieved. crat of the Breakfast Ta.ble who says that i u l lu,mily Medicines > he W orlcl A ro und. "1 d on't know,'·' she said, rubbing her "Nathalie ? no. Old Dargan who has "pride in the sense of contemning others with a very fine stock of :l!'eathers anrl 2 5 C ENT G PER B OTTLE. head. "My head hurts, but it has hurt been there-he's had small·pox himself- told less gift;ed tha.n her self deserves the two Flowers. newa!'c of Counterfeits ""d Imitations. When Baby waa sick, we gave bor Castcl11a, me all d a.y. U Bebe, don't cry!" The baby Mr. Blake, the child goes from one to the lowest circles of a vulgar woman's Inferno, Call and inspect this fine display, which.. When llhe "'"" a Child, she cried for Cast·ria, was yelling at the top of its voice, and the other with Bebe in her arms. Bebe has where the punishments are small.p ox and 1 I liii l!ihWA cannot fail to give satisfaction. chorus wa.s swelled by the Dutch d olls, who smallpox, too, and she never puts it down." bankruptcy. She who nip3 off th~ end of W'hen she boc<>me Miao, sho clung to Caatoria, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. were frightened by my sudden appearance. I c11.nnot express a.11 I felt when the next brittle courtesy, a11 ~11e breaks the tip of a.n When sbe bad Children, ebe gave Uiem Castoria, "Don't cry, my darling l Thalie is coming day I saw the funerals leave the cotta.ge- icicle to bestow upon those whom she ought to you." ' one of the sons a.nd one of the smaller chi!· cordi~lly and kindly to recognize, proclaims She rose to her feet, nnd sank down again dren, filrs. Blake did not know which. Then the ia~t tha.t she comes not merely of low co m p o nnn E xtrai:to rP ure R e dJam aica with a sharp cry. a. few da.ya afterward the hearse stopped blood but of ba.d blood." 'Vomen of this OF CANADA. "Ah, my foot is broken ! I cannot walk! al(ain, and two small white coffins 'Yere kind ~re neither so few nor so far between Capital paltl ap, SI,OOD,ooo. Wha t will Ta.nte Poiron ea.~,? Wha.t shall brcught out. They held the poor little as oould be wished. 'l'heir a.fle ct!l.tions of _..,_ Rest, SHo,oo gentility only serve to show their ess?ntie.l do? Oh, what sha.ll I do ? Dutch dolls. This Bank ls prepared to do Legltt. vulgarity in a stronger light. Aud m no After that, I heard of the gradua.l recovery ' '{ ou will do nothing but lie here till I For tr:c cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum , Can cer, HE SCIENCE OF LIFE, '8a.te Banking in all its branches. come back," Isa.id. "It is a. short walk to of ~he other patients and that Nathalie did wa.y does their "low" blood reveal i tself :i.U Slti1:r Dise a ses, Tumor!=, :Enlargem en t of t he the great medical work Live r :u1d Spleen, R h enma t ic A ffections, d isensee your aunt's, and I will go a.nd tell her, so not take the disease. Nearly a mouthefop3 more clearly than in their bearing towards Farmers notes discounted ; Depo1lf;ir-. of the age on Manhood, or th e 1~i <lneys, Dlnd <ler an cl Udnary Organs, t hat she can send for you. Perhaps these ed, and I wa.s prep uing t o le11-ve Mapleton those whom they 11ore plei;sed to consider 1 eceived and Interest paid on amounta ot onprrn!sion s of tllo Chest 01 · Lun g~, L cu eol'rltr.o, Nervous and Phyatcal De· children will let me ta.ke t hem home." Bu) when, in one of my .wall!s, I came suddenly their social inferiors. C3.t n.rrh, an d nll d isca.sr.s r esultin g f rom rt de .. 15 upwards ln Savings Bank Department: blllty, Premature Decline, as I approached the twine, they threw them- upon N athalie, leading her aunt by the ha.nd. pravcd and impure condi t ion of th e blood. It is an interesting question whether the DRAFTS Errors of Youth, and the selves fia.t on their backs, and yelled as if I " Oh, I am so gla.d to see you, madame !" la.w ought not to proceed aq:11.inst ?ruta.l CAUJ.'ION. -Asl; for" Di·. Clianninu' s untold miseries coneequent [ssued and Oolloetions made ln Europe ha.d been the Giant Blunderbore, ready to she cried. "We a.re ta.kin~ a. little walk, wi.fe tormentors, merely because the wife reSr : n·suJ)(t' rillal~ talro 'ILO <Jthe· r in, its place . thereon, 300 pages, 8 vo., 125 !Jnited Stat.es and Canada. eat them up. Tante Poiron and I. She is getting quite fuses to make complaint. A case in point prescriptions for all diseases. Clot?. full gilt, " They don't like stra.ngers !" N athalie strong aga.iu." occurred a.tu. town in a.n E~stern State the W. J ··10NBS, only $1 tiy mail, sealed. Illustra.t1ve sample Davis & Lawrence Co., Limited, · a.Jk !" "I am glad to see y ou out," I said. "I other da.y. A brute of a fellow, in a drunken free to all young and middle aged men. Send gasPed. "0 madame, I mus t try:to w. A ti Pn SOL E AGENTS, now. The Gold &nd J ewelled Medal awarded But as she raised herself, she sank back al- heard how ill you were." fit, assault.ed his unfortunate wife and gouged to the anther by the Nation~l .Medical Aasooi· mo&t fainting with agony. I walked rapid· "Is it the kind city lady, 'Tha.lie ?" she her eye ou·t. H~r other eye he had g·mged ation. Address P . 0 . Box 189a, Boston, Mass., or D:tt. W . II. l:'.AltKEH.. graduat.e o~ Harvard ly to the house, and, a.s I neared it, sa w a.eked. " I a.m blind, ma.di.me. I Ii ve, out under similar circumstances about a on tinues to do a General Banking Buslneaa Medical College, 25 'ears' practice m Boi ton, Ma.dn.ma Poiron in the front ya.rd, washing yes ; but never to see again ! H elpless, year before. No steps were ta.ken against DIGESTIVE OR AFT ER DINN ER PILLS, aBo wmanvillti Branch. who ll:lay be consu lt(ld confidentially. Specialty some clothes. I knew her well by sight, useless, ah!" With a gr.)aU she threw up him on t h11ot occa.sion, however, because the for ctifC'eblcd d i g est.ion, Jlr o... Diseases of Man. Office. No. 4 Bulfinch St. TABLETS dnccd frolll w au t of proper and 'i..s I called her name, she raised her her gauot arms, a.ud her face, torn and woman refused to lodge a. complaint. Now, DEPOSl'J'~ secr etion of t11e Gas tl"i~ ,Ju ice. monstrous, dripping arms from the suds, ploughfld by the drea d dieea.se, full of des· what ought to be done in i;he case of a man Thoy g i v e i nunediate r elicfin D ysp e psia . t eoelved in Savings Bank Department and and turned to me. pair. a n<l Indigestio n. like tha.~ 1 Can it be s eriously thought that 1 all and interest allowed at current ra.tee. N ·O "Wha.t does madam want ?" she asked, "Oh hush, Tante !" Nathalie cried. the fow give11 a. rua.n the prescrip tive right DIR A'(JT101i'S.- 1'td :e o n t or two rnlh i mrn.ed i at t:l-y a.ft,.,,. 1otlce of withdrawal necessary. All depoelt eatinr; 0 1· ·Vlitn s 11J!'P-rin y from Jndi 9cst1on , J.ump i·n tj~tJ "Am I not here to help you, and do i>ll to commit at rocities like that on a. woman curtly. )a.yable on demand, T hroat or Flat11-le ucr. Cleaned, Died,\Preseed and.Repaired by " your little niece has hurt herself yonder you want ?" Sam p h·w si-n t f 1·cl'. Adclr<'9!0 il1e merely b ecause she is his wife? Surely h11 .EXCHA..NGE Davis & Lawrence Co .· (Limited,) Montreal. in the wood. She has either sprained or "Yes, it is so," the woma.n uttered, ia a.n offender ago.inst ·he majesty of the broken her ankle. Sho c1i.nnot walk." quietly. "The one to whom I was cruel la w itielf which should not depend for the Joughtand sold and Dra!tsissued upon Europ& frAIAMMilii& Jnited States and Canada, also Gold,Silver a.t ll " Oh the mis.ira.ble creature !" cried the a nd unkind, God ha.a given me my sole avengement of its sacred cha.ra.oter, so ruth· Jnited Sta~es Greenbacks bou2ht and s old, woman: "Forever and forever doing some- stay. I tell her to go and be ha ppy. She lessly insulted, merely on the will of the Dyerimtl Clothes Cleaner, , HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. Goods warranted to be as no one will know thing wrong ! And nothing to do but a.muse shall ha.ve money to live whet·e she chooses, woma,n in the case. By a deed of tha.t for Chn ppcd H :tnd!, F:\cc nnil L SJlti:, P.:011 !! h :l.nrt fTn.rfl S kln, C:OLLE"TION~ C!1:1!i u g, S unburn. :R u ru~ . Scn ]d :>, J tell i n; , Chilhl:linx. SClre them from new when done. herself all day l Has she hurt my children?" b ut. she says, 'No ! No !' :: . . kind, not the direct sufferer onlv is injured, N irmlr:s , ' ' 1l ;tt1:: N a.i i.~ . · · and :i l l 1111nh·a:;:1n t r.ond itions o t Promptly made at current rates upon all var turning upon me fiercely. "Leave you and Bebe l N a.thahe cried! th~ Sic.ir l l' f Jil;(~ <:h !tr :tcu:~ r. Rritl.ii.?.X:liH i.:Mtc11"·l in On.6 Corner of King and Ontario Streets, but the whole community, a.nd t he law oigh, . Prir o 5U r c mlS 1u·r ho Lt l i·~ :Sul.I l ·r l h· u ;;i; i:.t ~. Jt Great Brittain, the United Sta.tee a.nd Da "No, but she is badly hurt.' "Never! With you is my home as long as oould descend with all its terrors on the Bowman ville. minion of Canada. " Saints be praised it is not my a.ngela? you wa.nt me." head of a. being so lost to all sense of ma.n· Nathalie is a stubborn, ungrateful girl. The woman, still wea.k and nervous, burst hood a.s a. husba.nd must be who w ould trea.t 'I'elegrapll Transf"~rs And now to lay herself up, and leave me all into te11.rs, a.nd her little niece led her.a.way. his wife so inhumanly. The New York Sun ll:ade tor lari:ce or small sums on all pa rts ot Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and prema· to do ! Pity she hadn't broken her neck at My problem was solved. If N athahe wa.s commenting on the c11.se claims that such a Canada. This is especlally advantageous to peTeons living in Manitoba. or the Nor th·wea tureDecay promptly and permanently cured by once !" happy in loving and serving a. little child, man would get no more tha.n his deserts by as It ma.kes the funds available at onee at Uui " You aught to be a.aha.med of yourself, what will be her d egree of felicit y. to find being sentenced to i~prisonment. for_ life. place of payment. Ma.ds m Pviron !" I cried, indignantly. "If hcrseli necessnry to a. whole family- her We incline to agree with the Sun m this. Forfnrther partlculM's call ·a t the Banll:ln you do not intend sending help to the poor duties ma.nifold, _but swee~ened h;r the love ffouse. The Montreal correspondence of a da.ily child I will do ao." a.nu trust for. wluch her fa.1thful httle heart T. RODIE, contempora.ry made mention a few da.ys a.go GEO. McGILL, "And where does madame think I can get hungered. Does not interfere with Diet ~r usual o.c cupa--o-Accountant. of the attempted suicide of a. girl of fourteen tioJl and fully reetores lost vigor and msurea help ? ()all the men out of the field at this Ma.nag er perfect manp.ood, ~ent to o.ny address, post· · lv for the extraordinary reason tha.t her father ' paid on receipt of. price One Dollar per box. hour, and lose so much time ? No; if a.ny one And with its advent would not let her keep the company of some :Fun in the Ohoir. Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, goes, I must !" King str iet, Toronto. She stoae off, and I followed her, for some· In a. church in Baltimore a. noted t enor young fellow whose a.cquainta.nce she had how the idea of a dove in a vulture's cla.ws singer wa.s rendering a solo in W at.Cl'ID ma.de. Because of this life had lost its light, pursued me when I thought of poor, trembl- "Te Deum," and, mistaking t ho inst:~ ,..,ns a.nd the clarkness of d eath seemed the only ing little Nathalie borne in the a.rms of the to the orga.nist a.a to the use of t he s..ops for resource t hat was left. These suicides and unfeeling giantess. When I reached them, the sacred words, sa.ng out at the top of his a ttempted suicides of children, which appear has opened out a. fine new stock she ha.d the girl by the arm, and had lifted voice, "Peda.i, great ga.mba. a.nd swell," to to be so lamentably common now·a days, -ofher to her feet. the astonishment of the congregation. He a.re a.mong the most interesting in a melan " None of your a.irs !" she cried. "If you could not account for the uncontrollable oholy 11.nd painful way, of all the sa.d and try to walk, you can. You are pretending. a.nd convulsive though suppressed la:ught_er p~inful studies of moral pathology. How a Stand up !" of the choir, and w&s not aware of his mis. young creature, just entering on life1 ca.tch· I caught the child as she fell back, and a.t ta.ke until it was explained to him, when he ing gfimpses through the half revealmg curthat moment I saw a man whom I knew well was overcome with mortification. Another tain, of lon(( vista.a of hope·empurpled years, and a. lovely stock of coming down the road in his ca.rt. instance, more intensely amusing, was that a.nd full of every impulse to cling passion· "Ah, here is Pierre Lagrange I" I er i~d, ol a well·known baritone singer in the same a.tely to existence, how such a one can -:BY"joyfully. "I know he will ta.ke the child church on another occasion, who in11.dvert· home." . ently placed the slur on the wroni note. Pierre was a good, humane fellow, more He had adapted the . air of "'Ilte Jewish which looks i!1 va.in for . a.n expla.nat1on ..- I am tully prepared to attend l!'1:rneral · · · f h · f fi the shortest notioe, at the lowest possible ra than willing to do a kind act, and lifted , 11faiden" to a. hymn be~inning, " Before which can sa.t1Bfy the mmd. No other young animal ever does such a. thing. To . La.dies lll want O a C oice O ne '.Jaskets a.ndBurla.lCasesready on short not! Nathalie into his cart at once. Madame ' the Lord We Bow," and 1nstead of placing Or tb11 Lfqnnr ll{,tbtt. Pollltlvely Cared. B'l.rst-clase hearse on very moderate tert Poiron, growling like a. bei..r, had taken her- the slur on the first two syllables he placed be sm:e these infantile ~u~cidea are exoep· I Fa.ney Dry Goods please give me Shrouds llT Adminl~terin·L>.r. Haine·' , and Coffins oonstantly on band. tl't1 ' · Goldea Speclllo. self off with the baby in her arms, and the it on the la.st one, and rendered it thus, tions. So a.re adult suicides. That does 1 eraloards supplied at once, Furniture Shop 1 n can be clven In,. cup of coffee or te· withoua "Before the Lo1d We Bow-wow-wow." not lessen the mvst.ery, however, of those a call. I have them lD endless how Rooms-Bounea.ll'sNew Block. 'he l<nowlecTge oCtheperoon taking it; ls absolutely Dutch dolls toddling after. · t t t 't S A harmlesir. aud will etroct a pennnnent and 1peed;r "But then this ia a bad business for you, The effect wa.1 immense. As. he h~d an!1 ca.sei whioh do happen. Most of us a.re eure whetl1er the patient Is a moderate drinker or Nathalie," Pierre sa.id, as he jogged along. still has .a. powerful and bea.utif~l votce, h.LS only glad t.o live as Ion~~ ever we can, va.rie Y a s ore, oppos1 e · · an aicohollc wreck. It bll.!I been given In thouUD<J.s He (poetical)-" But what is money comand if we are not too rebgaous, we a.re too Barracks. of cases ILDd 1n e·er:r ln·tanca · perfect Clll'9 " That old fire-cat is going to give you ha.rd hearers were thorough1y ele.Jtnfied a.t thi· Jaaa followed. n .uv"" /ailJ.. The system once pared with true love?' She (practical)- " Ab, unwonted and unlooked for canine imitation cowardly to take suoh lib~rtiea with the Impregnated with the Speclllo, It beeomes an t\tter times." · now I wonder whether my drell·ma.ker would tmposalblllly for 'ho liquor appetite to exist. For ··I never have easy times, Monsieur He has never entirely recovered trom 11he future as may be involved ma too Tiolent ~reular and fuU lartlculare addre.s GOLDEN M:cept that aoutimeni ?" rB<loil from the evils of the present. I Bowmanville, March 13, 1888. 12 ·1"&011'10 ~o., Iii Bae· sc., Cl11cl11aaii.o. Pierre," she. answe~ed, with her patient lfeot of hill ludicroua mistake. ~auadiau Jtattsuu\u. YOUNG FOLKS. a.J AFamous Doctor R. PEATE, TailoP~ ~ NORSEMAN W I Ayer' s Pills, Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! LADIES MILLINERY p AIN-t{ OLLER .. MRS. DONNELY'S~ Dr. CHANNING'S STANDARD BANK EXHAUSTED VITALITY I SARSAPARILLA T THE ONTARIO BANK - ·Gents' Clothing T H 0 S. P E AT' ERRORS QF YOUTH ' -SPRING- DUNNjS B .A KINC THE C · OOK'S BEST FRIEND MRS.IVES Plushes P 'O WDER Laces, Embroideries, DRUNKENNESS ~==:~~~d1j~y~~~~ce~at:}Yd~:Ji:s;8 !h!y~~:; IlADIES' . f IN E uNOfRWEAR. UNDERTAKINU L EV1 MORRIS. I j :oo I I MRS IVES