The thoughts of the lovesick youth are Baby's Teeth, sa.dly miss-shapen. )1'VERY WEDNESDAY MORNING A chiropodist bas dubbed himself "WilAt birth the rudimentary teeth exist a.a -BYlia.m the corn-curer. " ll:>ft pulpy masses. '.Fo change this soft mMa to the hard, pearly substance called .a "How pretty Miss S. would be if she ~1. toOtb, great o~anges :i,re nece~sary. It. is wonld onlv better care of her teeth l" AT ram OFEICB accomplished m two ways. W1th~iut gorng "Quit e true ; but perhaps she is in mourninto details, it will suffice ~o say lime must p 88& Oftlee Block, King Street, Bowman· ing." ville, Ontario. be deposited in coosid.erable quantit~es. Stra.nger-" You don't look happy, friend. While the embryo tooth is thus h~rdemog 'rER~B: Met with some heavy loss?" "No, sir. I it is pushed forward, exerting a. !'loder~te ,liCI 1 , 1 J Jl l' 1 : ru . or $11! paid In advance. pressure in the soft pa.rta before it which have just retired from business to enjoy Having purchased the business formerly carried on by H UMPHREY &. life." MAYER, I have moved it across the st1~eet to the . premises lately r·ot striotly In advance required from 11re really absorbed away as the tooth The girl who h as fine teeth rn~y not occupied by Shaw & Tole, where in connection with my Tin and Stove 'liiicrtbers outside of the county. Ordi:rs to advances, leaving only a sma.ll a.mount of a. k<eener sense of humor than other women, .. JCon.tl1roe the paper must be_ accompanied by 1 1 eamoilnt due ortbepape wll not bestopped, cutting to be done. To insure harmonious but you can depend on her to show all the Business will be found a full line of Heavy and Light Ha.mess, and all ' lbeoribers are responsibleunt! full paymentie action lihree things necessa.ry: Na.ture appreciation she has of a. joke or a funny other furnishings usually founrt in a first-class -harness shop. must have sufficient lime phosphate furniah!.do' story. ed her; she mu11t be ca.pable of aasimilatiog · · BA.T:Elil 01' A.DVEBTISING 1 'ii:~ .. Caller-Your little dog doesn t look very it and using it where needed ; lastly, the . ooooOm"".WholeColumnone1ear ............. ., !"';J!m well this oforning, Mrs. Hobson. Mrs. sofli parts, or gums, m·ist not offer unuaua.l 00 · " .. Ha.1 year ···.·· ·· ··-· 36 :::no Hobson-No, poor little fellow ! The baby's will receive the most careful attention, having secured the service3 of One quarter ......... 20 00 l!!"" resista.nce to the progress of the tooth. crying kept him awake all nigho: He bark· H< Column one year""" ..... · "· a6 ~ ::-- When these three elements of success JOID MR. W. HUMPHREY, whos.i skill in t his branch is so well known v .. Ha.If year . ............. 20 0 ed until nearly morning. ha.nds no further evidence of teething is " One quarter_ ......... 12 6 throughout this district, as to need no further comment. given than the appearance of the sharp, tiny Magistrate (to plaintiff with lump on his Quarier ColuJJ'.',.n one yee.r ·· .. · ...... 20 00 ·· " Hal! year ...... , .. _ 12 Ii0 The Buffa.lo Robes. point so delights to test, having poshead)-" If your wife threw a sad·iron at All my work is finished by experienced workmen,_ n one other.employed ·· " One qu11orter ...... .. 8 00 6 sibly an increased flow of saliva which is norBuffa.lo robes almost out of fa.shion. you, why di:in't you dodge ?" Plaintiff-" I All I a::ik is an inspection of my stock and you w.111 be con':lnced t hat Ten lines and under ,first Insertion. SO 60mal and the desire to bite the gums on some did, your honor, and that's how I come to Many other skins have been forced into use Baoh subsequen 1ineei;tion ...... 0 25hard substance, though in many cases there for the purposes once supplied by the ~uffalo, get hit." it is the laraest to choose from, best workmanship, and prices really J'rom six to ten llnes,_first1~eertlon 0 75= Each subseque~t ins~rtion ....... 0 85_10 is not enoug-h uneasiness to call 'f orth this Unlike most fashions, it was the failure of My expenses bein~ lower, There are 856,000,000 heathen in the lower tha: any other place in town. Ovel' ten lines, first msertlQn,per,~ine 0 asb symptom, the supply not the failure in demand, that Gentlemen~ place m your .Baoh subsequentinaertion 0 08 _ Unfonuna.tely, failure in any one factor makes th~ buffalo robe out of fashion. world. It is no wonder that the man who therefore I give my customers the benefit. The number of lines to be reckoned by _ _ entirely changes the line of the story. It Seventeen hundred bales of them arrived in chips in a. nickel when t h.e collection box is orders at once and don't miss this opportunity. Repamng promptly ~ apaoe oocupied,,measured by a scale of requires technical knowledge and diagnostic Chica.go recently. Several years ago these passed a.round occasionally feels depress and done. D on't forget the place, Quick's Block, Bowmanville. ci.iscoi: ra.ged, Dl!d Nonvarell, skill to at once determine the real trouble, robes were for sale at several Eastern and " I understand th11ot Col. Blear is very However, if the child is inclined to be fleshy, ' Vestern points, a.nd were brought up for "==· · DRS, McLA.UGDJ.IN d; BEITH. if the fontanelles in t he head r emain open Canadian use. The Canadians did not want wealthy." "Well, he's worth,about '.$100,20 and large, long past the us~al period for them, and they were sent from Toronto to 000. · "How did he mall e it ?" " He Bowmanville, May 15th, 1888. ' 011FJCE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWl\!ANVJLLE. it out of coa.1 oil." " Indeed I" ' ' Yes, his partial closure, if the flesh is ffabby, the Dr.J.W.MoLaUGHJ,IN, Dr· .A.. BEITll, Gradu back part of the hea.~ wet with s'Yea.t, es- a Chicago dealer who has owned a large wife lit the fii:e with kerosene, and he got number o! them, The invoice is a remark- all her money," · licentiate of the Royal ate of the Toronto · College of Physicia.ns Unive r s1ty, Physician pecia.11 y when sleepmi::, sa.turntmg ~he able one, as it is known to be t he only pillow, rest assured there is faulty a.ss1m. commercial collection of wha.t was a.t one " I know," argued the gay coquette, "nd member of the l:<oyal College of Sur· Surgeon, &c. ilation, and probably also lack of sufficient time a special Americ:i.n ~roduct,. an,?- one "I ha.ven't hooked a husband yet; i;eons, Edinburgh. But then," she added , softly sighing, quantity. . . t hat can never again be obtamed. W 1thm ten U:o rem edy, if the baby is bdog brought the buffa.lo will be swept from the face "I've had some fun while I 've been tryini:(. " DR. ;J. (), MJTfJUE:U ,, KMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICI.A.NS up on the bottle, add to the milk one tea- of the United States, and almost out of Guest (at the wedding of Bobby's big sis---M.A NUF.A.CTURER OF- - spoonful of lime water three t imes in twenty. existence. All the.t remains of these animals and Surgeons, Ontario, Co~oner, etc. · OJlloe and Hesidence, E°:nisk1llen, M. four hours. If the chiltl is a.t the breast, give are the few small herds owned by the ter)-" Well, Bobby, and when do you in· t hree grains of phosphate of lime or car- Government and straggling specimens in tend to get married?;' Bobby (eiirht bona.te twice a day. Don't the mis- the Southwest. Commerce ie not senti- old )-" Oh, I haven't decided so far ahea.d. '\V, S, OlUtJJSTON. L, L, B, I ain't even begun to smoke yet." KING STltEET, BOWMANVILL Barrister , Solicitor, Conveyancer, &c. M!JDE'.'Y take of thinking if a lit tle is beneficial more mental, and the thr illing fea. ts of the hunter He kissed her neath the moon's pale r ays. to loan, Oftl.ce, In lle11yer Block upstairs in will be better. Na.tare will appropriate a 118 now on hand a number of vehicle~ (and le manufacturing o. great ma~y more) «;>f the no and his banquet of buffalo hump on the rooms foin:ier)y . occupied by Dr. Harnden, only so much and the surplus is eliminated patterns 11ond best finish, which I am offering for ~a.le at the lowe~tpi:1ces consis tent" ~ He kia&ed her on the lips and "forrid ;" wide, grassy till.hie of the West, count little 39 Bo-wmanville. · with due r egard to workmanship a nd quahty. The .tollow10g is a list Of · '-" as a foreign substance and, if in too great in the matter of supply a.nd demand. In She bent on\him her melting gaze, the principal vehicles manufactur ed by me And softly murmured : " Ain't you horquantities, induces bowel troubles, the very DK. E. (). McDOWELL. less than the past ten the hunt has rid I" Double Covered Carriages . ............. ...... .. .. .................... ........ $150 Upward· evil we wish to avoid. If on the other hand, ICKN'l'IATE OF ROY.AL COLLEGE the child's bony system seems well formed, yelded over 100,000 bales, containing. a Single Phretons . ....... . ....... .... ..... .. ............... .................... ... 1og '.: The rooster would be a much more popu· dozen skins each. Skins that were sk1llof Physicians. London, Eng.;Member .or. Open Buggy... ......... ··· ... ...... ··· .................. ··· "" ·" "" · · ....... ~O College ot Physicians anil Surgeons. Ontario. but the gums are swollen, hot and tender; if, £ully dressed by the red men were sold fro~ lar bird if he could only be induced to feel SUBGERY .aND Rl1:SJDENOE.:.,-Rear of Messrs. moreover, there is a whitish gristle-like $15 down to $4. 1.'he remnant now here IS that t here is no real, vital necessity for his T op Buggy............................................... ......................... 6 Rigginbotham's Drug Store, Bowma.nvllle,* looking line along the cen tral portion of the quoted at from $14 to $25. 5 reporting his whereabouts oetween midnight Democrat Wagon.................... .. ....... .... ...... . ........ ...... . ....... .. 6- lyr, alveolua or gum, the infant isfeverish,fretful, a.nd 3 A. M . We know that he is at home Lumber Wagons ... .. ............................... ............. .. ............ :. 55 constantly rubbing its mouth and little in the bosom of his family. So we, but Light Wagon............ . ...... ..... ··· ........... . ...... ·...... ........ " ····"· 4~ D, B1Jll:KE SIMPSON, head, probably the third element ofsuccess is we don't get up in the nig ht to buµ: a.bout i t, A Queen's Popularity. Express Wagon,........................... ... ..................... . ............. 7o ARRISTK'R SOLICITOR, &;o. MOPRIS wanting, the gums offer too much iesistance BLOCK, up 'stairs, King .street, Bowman· and the from the imprisoned tooth is " And do you doubt my love?" he asked, The Qaeen Regent of Spain ha.a just given Skeleton ......................... .. ··· ......... ···· ..... · ····· · ·· · · · · · · ... · · .. · · ·.. 50 Re. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank Sulky...... .. ....... .............................. ... .... ................. .......... 4 0 terrible, a.s all can t estify who have had the another proof that she knows t he way to win pa.ssiona.tely. "No, G-eorge," she answered l"rlvate lllonev11 Ioaned at the lowest rates, with admira.ble ta.ct : "but when. you say misfortune to struggle o'er the advent' of the hea.ns of her p eople. On T hursday last , Possessing superior tacilitles tor manufaoturing carria~e s, I lo tend to sell very cheap for o, their so.called wisdom teeth, though they as she was being driven a.bout 7 p.m. down that t he day you ca.11 me yours will usher or approved credit, a nd by so do! ng I hope to greatly. mcrease my. nu_mber of sales. Woullll .Jolan Keith Galbraith, era of life long devotion and tend~r in an sell tho wood parts only, or the gear mgs of buggies ironed, the P uerta del Sol witn her two little girls, ARR IS TE R SOLICITOR, NO'I' ARY seem perfect " follv teeth." solicitude youpa.rdon me, dea.r-you put 1t a priest bearing the host chanced to come PUBLIC, &o. ' Office-Bounsall's Bloc,k ou t of a house close to the Cafe du Levant, a on a trifle too thick . You seem to forget , ;Jng Sbreat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, Poisons. :restaurant which visitors to Madrid cannot George, that I widow." A.t the Shor test Noj;lce, Painted and Trimmed if Desired. WILLiill WIGHT. When a.mmonia wa.ter has been drank, ·fail to remember. N o sooner did the Queen At the Factory I also do P laning, Matching, Turning Sawing with C_ir~le,Band · So~ ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the vinegar and water should be given freely Regent see the sacred proceesion than, stopsaws, and prepare all kinds of lumber tor carp.enters nd othors ~or bmldmg purpo.ies. "Shooing" a Panther. County of Durham. Orders left at the a nd on the instan t. This may be followed ping her carriage, she alighted, and signed Ornamental and P Pickets for fonotis m every s tyle requir ed , made to order. 5'.UTllSMAN office or forwa~·ded to 'fyrone. ~O. by copious acid drinks, - lemonade, orange to the priest to take her place in the It is said t hat a woman's favorite weapon ·Ill! receive prompt attention. 28.6 juice, etc. A generous dose of sweet oil vehicle. Her daughters had also been lifted is a broomstick, and that her chosen exwill also be useful ; ice freely employed down from their sea.ts, and taking one by clamation in r esisting attack is usually s. (J, IUJNIONG, will somewhat control the infilllmmation either hand, she followed with them on foot. ' Shoo !" Perhaps such gentle measures are ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR a.nd opium will be needed to subdue the pain. walking b"hind the carriage. An immense more effectual tl:lan they are generally sup· Arnica is sometimes drank by crowd collected forthwith as the news posed to be, for certainly one of simila.r the county of Dnrba.m. Sales attended To empty the stom- spread, and, touched by the Queen Re- mildness worked wonders in the following 10 011 shortest notice a nd lowest rates . .A.~i;t~ss foi something else. :l~~R1JCE~P:. . ,::: 0::. ' - -- - -- - - -- - - ach thoroughly with an emetic then follow gent's pioua humility, follc;iwed a.fter her incident , taken from" Tiger.Shooting in tho with a. generous dose of castor oil, if it and her childnm to the Ca.rmen chur ch. Door and U lwa.r. " PiflllOS Tuned and Repair-ed.' can be borne, ll.t_ the first important steps in It was t o ~his church that the I rea.ched Baga.iaur as it was getting dark t reatment. Paregoric will su bdue · the priest e.nd the host belonged, _a.nd .her one evening, a.nd pu.t up a.ti a. bungalow. As ~P I LL S ARTIES WISHINGTHEIRP 1 ANO~ and if the heada.ohe per sists, employ a hot thajesty, entering the sacr ed edifice with'ner my servants were prepa.riog my dinner, tht 'l:'nn~d or repa1ren oan navethom attende<l foot bath, put a mustard p1LSte to the back !itute ones, prayed for some minutes before native in__charge told me that a leopa.rd fre· Purify the Blood, correct all l)isorderS"of the to by loi>ving word ,at the DOM INION OnGAI\ of the neck, and give one-half tea.spoonful one of the altars. On again regaining the uen ted the vicinity, and during dinner I .Co's OFFICE, Bowmanville .A. :tlrst-clae mal'l of the bromide of potassium dissolved in street and entering her carriage, the Queen q heard i t calling, as i t wandered round the r~IVRR, STO!ftJ\.f] U, KIUNEVS A Nn BOWELS. 11ow l>einR In their emplo; water. Regent was applauded most vociferously by neighborhood'. When children drink kerosene oil, or the enormous crowd that had ga.thered, and They invigorate a.nd restore to healt h Debilitated Constitutions, a.n Afterwa.rds I was r ea.ding a newspaper, mothers a.dminist er too much of it to t hem which was so dense round t he royal carriage when my attention was attracted by some\I.r e invaluable in all Complaints incid ent al to Females of all A ges, Fo1 carelessly, the symptoms are great pallor that it was only with great diflicnlty that a thing moving ic the direction of t he door, Children a n d the aged t.hey are p r iceless. -:. of the face, blueness of the lips, drowsiness, start could a.t length be made. No wonder which, a.t the furthAr end of the long room, feeble pulse, coldness ot the extremities and the Spanish Republicans are beginn.iog t o was open, except for a Ion~ wicker screen great prostra.tion. Give mustard and water despair. Such a. queen as Donna. Christiana hanging over it on the outside. fs a.n infallible remedy for Bad Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wound s to empty the stomach a.nd if vomiting does is worth more t o t he monarchy in Spain Turning quickly round, I saw ii. pa.other , not occur at once, t he fingers should be tha!ll a whole army corps of soldiers.-rLon- or large leopard, glide in at the door, and Ulcers. It ls famonl! for Gout and Rheumatism, lt'o r dfoorders of t hrust into the throa.t. Brandy and water don Figaro. -Chest it has n o equal.and go under a table which stood near the is injected to restore heart a.otion. wa.11. I could still see it there, although For Sore Throats, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, P oisoning by opium or aPy of its prepara· the only lioht in the room wa.s a tallow ca.n· tions (morphine, lauda.num, paregoric, etc. ) The Days of Railroading. dle on tne table b.eside me, and the ani mal Gl~ndular Swellings, and all Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and is r emedied by fifteen grains of sulpha.te ot When we picture the surroundings of :was partly in the shadow. I t stood staring contract e d and stiff j oints it nets llke a charm . zinc in a. little water. If this ca.nnot be ob· the traveller upon railways during the first m tently at me. · ta.ined at once, use mustard and warm water , HA RN DEN , L . D. 8 . or salt and warm water, and a.fter vomiting ten or fifoocn of their existence we j I got ?P· ai:id ~ook one or t wo rapt~ steps M a nufactured only nt ·ruoMAs HoLL O'\V A.Y 's Establishment, Gr .. n11a.te ortheRoyal Collegeof Dent&! give plenty < ·f str ong coffee, put mustard find his journey was not one to be envied. I t<;>ward it, s':"m~mg the newspaper 111 the Surgeons, Ontario. · plaster a.round t he calf of each l eg and if t he H e was j .-mmed into a narrow seat with a ' at~,, ~~di s~:og ·h h ,, 78, NEW OXFORD STREET, (late ~33, OXFORD STREET), LONDO.N ' · 1 · . · sn . · 1 · O J<'lCE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. patient is chilled a.nd sinking give freely of stiff back, the deck of t he c~r was low !nd are sold a t 16. ltd. , 21!1. 9d. , 4s. 6c1,, lle. , 22a, , a n d 33s. each Box or P ot , and fiat, and ventilation in winter impos1 Upon t h is the panther. sl unk out, .~nd }Ollt FILLING A SPECI ALTY spirits, and water. cold wa.ter over sible. . · . The springs of the car were although the door rem~med open unuil I m ay be had from all Medicine Vendor a tb.roughout t h e World, the face and sh01ilders and walk the person 1 Alt'.rIFIOI.AL T EETH INSERTED WITH OUT hard, the jolt ing intoler able, tlrn windows! :went to bPd, bo_th tha.~ mght and th? foll.o':"· -PllllirC:ha~er 1t hould look at th0 J ,abfll un the Poh a n cl Boxes. to k eep him from going to sleep, for tha.t PL.A.TES. I n »!~3~ rd ~trP.f!l . f ,oJicJ o n. the:v ;a. re~ l!itHt r A01ur.. means death when the drug is yet active in rattled like those of the modern omnibus, mg ore, the a.mme.l did not repea.t its v1S1t. Oreo.t Reductions in prfoe on. a ll Dental the and_ c?nveraa~ion was a lux ury. that c~uld ·-"'" -~Work Vitalize<!. Air, conatunt!y m use proFor treatment of poisoning by sulphuric be m~u~ged. m only by those ~f, recogmzed 1· Curiosities of Cost. ilucing Painless Operations. P articular atten The Lizard Lost His Tail, · . . . . . £ ion JJii1d to the iegulation o! Children's Teetu acid , oil of vitriol, muriatic acid, and similar superiority m lung power. Th~ brakes Pretty Girls a n d Politeness. were clumsy &nd ot little service. The The highest priced piano m America 1a $1lr"A LL WO.RK W ARRANTED.~ minera.l acids, giveinsta.n t ly either m1tgnesia., Ma.ny observers have not iced that some of vVhile middle a.ged and elder ly persons ends of the Jlatbar;railswere cut diagonally, owned by H. G. MMquand. The works chalk, whiting, lime water, soda, sa.leratus Branch office. Dr. R utherford's Orono. mixed in water, or, what is better, in milk so that when laid duwn they would lap a.nd were made by ,Messrs. SteiLway & Sons, the pretty houstl liz3.rds of tropica.l countries ought cer tainly to enconmge young people in have part~d with a whole or part of their having plenty of innocent fuu, the Ju.tter and water . If neit:1er of these substances form a smoor.her joint . Occasionally t hey I and t he case, which was built in L ondon, tu.ils, whbh appendage i,s, ~ow.ever, ~ai~ to shoulct a leo remember tha t the ee.rth does became sprung ; the s.pik~s w.oul<i not ho!d, was designed and painted by Alma Tu.dem!l. is within easy reM h , k:aoek a piece of plaster grow again. The follow10g m c1dent ta cited not belong wholly t o them, an d rught to off the wall, pound it and give that in milk and the end of the rail with its sharp pomt It cost $46,000. by Colonl;ll Cookson, and is suggested as an show consideration t o the elders, and be Sir Dona.Id Smith of Montreal, is the ex of this loss : or water. Wha.tever solution is use1 give a rose high enough for t11e wheel to run pll.tient with t he children, who so apt wine glass full every two or three minutes. under it, rip it loose and send the point~d owner of t he costliest ever made As I sat rea.ding at " little table in froi;t to abound in places of Su mmer resort . end thr ough the floor of the car. This in this country. It is also ~ S teinway, War m wa.ter e.nd m ucilaginous drinks, such of one of t he windows of my bungalow .m The q uiet and quaintly dr essed maiden as linseed t ea, barl ey water, milk, gruels, was called a " snake's head, " and the and the case was by potter & Stymus. India., my attention was auuracted to a. vio- bdiea may seem very ·tiresome t o t he p retty unluck!y being sitt ing over it was like1y to It cost, when landed in Montreal, $27,000. etc., should be ireelv given for s ometime lent fight tak ing place between two house girls who ar e st aying bene1>th the same roof; a.fter a sufiloiancy of the antidote has been be impa led against the. roof . . ~o t hat t~e The most expensive sideboard ever made lizards upon the curt ain, T hese creatu r es nevertheless, the latter should r emember ta.ken. A common poisoning is by oxalic traveller. of .that da.y? m addition to his in t he United States is owned by Judge about the size of newts. T hey live upon that conquerors show t o t he best advant age a.cid, which is taken by suicides 11.n d is e-lao othe: mlSer1"'.3· wa~ m m?me_nta~y '."ppre- Harry G. Packer, of Mauch Chunk, Pa. It t he walls and windows of hcuse~. ~hey find when they most magnanimous, and a ~· miata.ken for ep3om salts ; the latter how- hens10n of bemg spitted like"' Christmas covers the whole side of a room, and was shel ter in cracks and cr evices, teedmg upon beautiful and much admired women is cerWITHn\JT Tl!BrH ever, are bitte1· and the a.cid is sour. The turkey. 'WITH Tll:E'l 'l!o built by B ez Brothers for $47,UOO. It fiies, which t hey stealthily approach, a.nd tainly, for a brief space, a conq ueror of t he r em edies are the same a.s for oil of vitriol is a mi>rvel of ela.bor11.te and beautiful c11.r v- t hen suddenly pounce upon. . earth. Let her, therefore, give pr~cedence, poisoning. ing. The two liz9'rds took up their positions in en ter ing a. carrh ge, in passing t hrough a From a Counter to a Throne. Mr. Mu.rqua.nd is also the i;iossessor of about a ya.r d ap~rt. They then suddenly doorway, or in going up or aown sta.irs, PltA.Vl'IVA.L DENTl!!T , Some years ago, the " crack" linendrapHow to Cure Fickleness. OVB:B TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENOE, er 's shop in the Gra.nde Rue of Pera was the costliest billiard ta.ble in the country. scampered forward at the same moment, to the spinster whose youth has long since like knigh ts in a tourµ.a.ment of old, had a flown, and our young beau ty will ot only . A correspondent is in Jrouble,- trouble of kept by Tomkms a.nd Marengo. Mrs. Tom- The price was $26,000. trouMO.xideGas A1lminl stered f o r l"at nles J. W . Mackey fumishe<l. about $75,000 in severe t ussle when they met, and then sep- obey t he laws of politeness in this way, a serious but not uncomrr. on sort. Hes kins was a Swiss, and sat behind the countOperations, bu ~ may win for herself a firm friend and writea : er dispensing gloves and cosmetics to Turks, weight of silver , and paid Tiffany & Co. $120- a.rated to the same distance t as befor e, proteot JllVC:LlJNG'S JU,O«J&., ress in the older woman, who may "No matter wha.t I in hand, I soon Greeks, J ews, Armenians, and other na- 000 for the work on his dinner service. usually changing s ides after each r ound. Again and again t~ey rushed forward a~d still have a fresh, warm heart, even t hough tire of it. I am an experienced m echanic ; tiona.lit ies. By her . side sat a. pret t y, light which thus repr esents $195,000. The costliest string of pea.rls in the country closed, when at last m t he st ruggle one seiz . her face be plowed with wrinkles. have worked many ye11rs at my present haired Swiss girl, who had picked up ;a Impatience with children is a common trade ; but a wandering inclination, a con- smattering of T ur kish, by means of which belongs toa New York lady, and cost $51,- ed the other by the tail, snap ped a piece off, a nd scampered back in t riumph to his cor- fault with young people, but surely a most stf1nt hankering for che.nue,- ma.kes it im- and by her good looks she attracted ma. ny 000. Another New York lady has a ner, with the portion of his mutilated adver- illogical one. Accordh1g to t heir own t hepossible for me to concentrate my energies [ ' urkish Pashas to the ahop in quest of . ory, t hey should yield gracefully to the deupon my work. The result is that I have gloves and mild flirtation. Among t hem diamond ring, for wh ich she paid Tiffany & sary in his mouth. I think I shall never forget how dismal mimdsofthelittle folks, since they cla im tha.t never acquired first-rate skill, and conse- was t he present Sultan. He s11ow and loved Co. $48,000. Xhe late Mrs. Morgan p $250,000 for t he d efeated Iiz11.r d looked with his stump J age must yield t o you th; a dd it is a poor quen tly cannot earn fil"st-rate wages. My the fair l:lwies girl. One afternoon she a.nfrom whictt the t a.ii had been broken, as he rule t hat does not work both ways, natural capacity is good enough, but this nounced to her aunt that she was a bout to her necklace. Mrs. Hicks-Lord is the own- se.t looking on, while bis oa.nniba.1 of an opfickleness of min<l, :nuch as I fight against ma.rr y a Pasha. In vain the aunt explained er of a dia.mond necklace which co:tt $250,· ponent positively at e t he fragment up before it seems likely to be my lifelong curse. to her· that she wa.s disgracing herself by 000. h ia eyes ! Ohinese Drugs, ' " Can you tell me, a.a well a s thousands such an allia.nce, and endeavoured . to lure T he Assistant Examiner of t he Chinese of other readers, how to acquire the ability her back to r ecollections of her native land Stole $18,000 from a Mexican T emple. Customs Service has sent to the Unit to stick to one thing? If so, you will do ua by telling her how happy her lot would be A Very Mild Campaign. A theft recently committed in a templ e e d S tates Trell.sury· Department a printed an incalculable favor." as the bride of a tradesman in Berne or at Izamal, of t he State of Yucatan, and Taking the present campaign t here has list of Chinese medicines exported from Evidenbly our c<1rrespondent needs no Lucerne. The niece rema.ine'l t rue to h_er which is valued at $18,000, embraces t he 1 Hter much time and money, am "ly upon th& mischievous effects of Pasha, and Mrs. Tomkins, with m_any mis. been less blood a nd Jan guage shed than in any Yangtee ports. Among the r emedies are 1 ow psreniling i .. pared to fill all orders promptly. I . homi following articles : One crown of gold a nd awo " fi ne assortment of WAVES, B.A.NGS, fickleness aod indecision. So far he is givings, consented to the wedding, The precious stones- the cross of the crown is previous Presidential cont est since the er a t igers' bones, ground blood, bears' gall, of good foeling. In only one State in t he asses' glue, tree bui;:s, elephants' gall, fossil SWJ'T(JHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. better off than. some ?f his comp~nions in Pasha is now t he Sultan, and t!te Swiss gir l two inches and all diamonds, t he whol e ::B.A.NGS FROJl.l.r $2 U Pmisery. Now i f he will r eally be free from Sultana. She has t aught him E uropea.n weig hing from · six to seven pounds two ros- Union- Tennessee- has politics been keyed crabs, fossil teeth, fowls' gizzards, " insects Jld fo" itcl1 es colored and made to look like the slavery into which he has fallen, let languages, and her influence is unbounded aries of genuine p earls, two diamond rings, up to t he liar, poltroon and scoundrel, of nine smells," Job's, cow hai~, glas!J, a.nd even in Tennessee it has not been found rhinoceros horns, cow's k nee, p uft ba.11~ , . new. Highest price paid for long cut hair. him begin at i;he beginning, and set about over him; two emerald rings, two pearl rings, one necessa.ry to ca.II out the militia or r ea.d the drai;ons' teeth, straw, hedgehog skins, drie<.. l HAIR TONIC acquiring, little by little, the habit of a cting brooch with precious stones, twenty.five R iot Act. After all, it; is not the easiest silkworms, skins, crabs' eyes, horse Positively Ridiouloiis'. Warranted to prevent the hair trom falling accord!ng to rea.son .inst ead of liste11:ing to lilies of gold, two silver candlesticks, a.nd t hing io the world to bubble over with tails, and cen t ipedes. every idle of impulse and passion. . out and will make it grow. two sirver chandeliers. pa.triotic enthusiasm upon a. q 11estion of poli:rhere is no jumping into such a habit. A somewhat unpolished mother of a very BI have also a fine lot of new Stamping tical economy, or to get mad enough to be Patterns. A.II orders promptly attended to. Fred (to chum) - What luok, Charley? The very word implies something to which a ·1 charming da.ughte~ was rece~tly he~rd t o Jones- W hat's t he matter with your face, willing to fight, bleed a.nd die for free wool Congr atula.tioos in order ? Charley (fain tly} man must habituate himself. T he will like say : - "I don't intend lAttm' Emily go or free whiskey, as the case ILight be. As the memory or any other faculty, is to be . back to Mme. Waring's school. They don't Charley? Charley- I've just been shaved. - Fred, she told me that she loves another, '17 Neads' Block, Bowmo.nville. strengthened by exer cise. Let h i m begin : teach 'em right. Now, I don' t know so very Jones- Well, t he man who hacked you io it is, t he wat chword of both pa.rt ies seems Fred (sympathizingly)- Tha.t 's tough, Charand dullness, and we to be decency, decorum, t hen t o exer cise his will, in other words to much myself, but I n?ver would tell my that way must be one of the biggest fools ley, after a.ll your devotion. vharleyto $8 a day, Samples and duty FRJ!lE act decidedly both as to matters in general, child that IX spells nme. It's absolutely on ear t h. Charley (earnestly)- He is, Jones are all going in for the lilies a.nd languors of il'ough ? Why, F red, in the past three Lines not under the horse'steet, Write d · i1' t.. tt f b" d "l "d" · 1 " virt ue and the platitudes of our ver y best - he is ; I sha.ved myself, months her fa.ther's dog has bitten me no less BREWSTER'S SAFETY R EIN HOLDER an · espec1a y, a.I! to tue ma er 0 IS a1 y In ICU ous. company beha.vior.- rChicago News. t han seven t imes. ,..,Co.. Holl, Mich, I employment, a ' "' ,...., IS PUBLISHED THE CANADIAN STATESMAN A.JAMES, HEALTH. .,,,fl. He has settled it thtd his present occupation is one for which bo is well fitted. Very well, Now let him ac~ 1rncordingly, treating all impulses to change ··B so. many tt..:npt·ations to foolishness. "\Vhat 1f he ha~ forty such impulses every day ? He ma_y ~till keep at his work, determine·i to excel m it. The gymnast may fo11l ~ever so ~azy aa he strips for his hour of exnrc1ee; but if he kee~ at t he pulleyweights aud the dumb-bells, hlS muscles will be strengthned, bis lazy feeling :o the contrary notwithstanding ; and the probability is that he will not wo.rk very Jong before his listless mood will have passed awa.y and been forgotten, Let our friend who wishes to strengthen his will, follow the same course. Wha.t he has to fea.r is not so much idle impulses as idle actions. His impulses, it may be, he cannot help; hie a.ctions, like the gymnast's, are within his own power. V<hether it be a. ma.n's arms or bis will that is under disipline, the result is a question only of time and pa.tience. SUMMER SMILES. Harness I Harness 11 caanca Ot UUStNISS. ----o---HAND·MADE COLLARS ----o ---- 101 _ Le @~ ~TDJl~~e I I HAINES' CARRIAGE 'WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, M OARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. L B Jl - -·- - L --·- - All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired L rn-----------· \.. ,.L'HE HEAL TH B'O R ALL ! P DENTISTRY. THE OINTMENT i --···- I -----------,........------- - -------- ---- DENTISTR Y. I ! I I I I 1 · J. DI. BR IMAC OMBE, F ine IIair Goods. LADIES, Patroniz B Home TRADE. I I I :Mrs. A. DAVIS, .. -·- - $5 I · Chtktren cry:fo~ _f'ltcher~~~gutprll!;