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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1888, p. 3

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- - -- -·-·- WEDNESDAY , SEP T. 19, 1888. The treatment o'f many tllouaauds of cases of those chronic weakuesses and distrcesini:; ailments peculiar to f emales, at tbe Invalldti Hotel and Surgicnl Instit ut o, Bu:tralo, N. Y., has afforded a vnst experience in nicely adapting and thoroughly testing remedies for the cure or woman's peculim· malarlics. Dr. Pierce '!! l?av o r ite J.'1:cscriptlon is tile outgrowtll, or result, of this g rent and valuable experience. '.l'bo usands of testimonials, received from patients and from physlciaus who have tested it iu the m ore aggravated and obstinate cases which had baffied the.Ir skill, prove it t o be the most wonderful remedy evet· devised for the r elief and cure of eutrering women . It ls not r ecommended as a " cure-all," but as a. most perfect Specific for woman 's pcculiiir ailments. As a J>o.,verful, invlgoratiug tonic, it imparts strength to tho whole system, and to the womb and its appendages in r.artioular. For overworked, ' worn-out," 'run-down." debilitated teachers, milliners, dreesmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls," housekeepers, nursing mothers, nnd f eeble women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest em·thly boon, beiog unequuled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. A;,~- a l!IOothing and strengthening ne~:iue., HFavorito Prescription" is unequaled and is invalmtble in allaying and subduing ner vous excita. bllity, lrrit1lbility, exhaustion, prostration, hysteritt, spasms and other distressing, nervous Bymptoms commonly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep aud relieves mentul anxiety and despondency_ Dr. Plorcc·s Favorite Prescription Is a Iegiti1nate ine di c lne, caref ully compouudcd by an ex]Jericnced iind skillful physician, nnd a.dapted to woman's delicate orgaaiza.tioa. Jt it! purely yegetable la it& composition and Jiol"fectly harmless in its etrects in auy con itlon of the system. For morning sickness, or nausea. from whatever cause itrising, wea k stonrn.cb, indigcstJon, dyspepsilt and kindred symptoms, its use, in small Closes, will prove very beneficial. "Favo1·ite P1·cser iptiou" is a posi· tlve cure fo1· the rnost cornplicated and obstinate cases of lencorrhea, excessive liowlng, painful menstruatio n, unnatuml suppresaione, r.rolE1psus, 01· rnlling of tlie womb, wealc back, bearing-clown sensations, chronJe (,'OUgestlon, infiammatioa nnd ulcorution of the womb, inftamm·tion. paln and ten(lerucss in ovaries, accompanied with " internal heat." Ali o. regnlatol:' ancl promoter of functional action, at that crJ ti ml period of change from girlhood to womanhood, "Favorite Prescription" is a per fe ctly safe remedial ag·ent, and can produce only goocl rosults. It is equally efficacious ancl valuable in its elfeots when taken for those clisordurs and derangements incident t o t bat later nod most critical period, lmown as " 'l~hc Change of J,ifc." "JFa il'Oi"ite Prcscriptio u"' when taken in connection with tho u se of Dr. Pierce's Golden M<>dicnl Discover y. flnd small laxattve doses of Dr. Pierce's Purgative Pellets (LittJ.e Liver l'illsl, cures L iver. Kidney and Ill!l.dder disca.ses. The il· combined uso a lso removee blood taints, and abolishes cnncerous and scrofulo L 1s humors from the system. "Favorite P··escri11tioJ1" is the only medicine for womco, solrl by druggists, u uder a positivo guarantee, from the manufacturers. that l t wlll gi vo satisfaction In every case, or money will be r efundod. Thia g uarant ee llllA been printed on the bottle-,vrapper, and fa.J4'Mu1Jy ca.rried out for many years, Large bottl!JS (100 doses) $1.00, Ol" six bottles :101· $11.00. \ For lar g o, illustra.tod Trc11.tise on Diseases of \ Women (160 pages, paper-covered), send tell cents in st11mps. .Address, ~female wen.kness," ante vers ion, r etroversion, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 663 1'1ain st~ BUFFALO, N. lr. JOHN SP ENC ER, 'VETERINARY SURGEON, 0 R ONO. O.N'l'. GRAIN · I ' · Jno. McMurtry & Co. a.re preJLared to pay the highest prio e all kinds of Grain delivered at the Wharf or their Store House in town. T0 l· ' IRS 'l' APrLYT.XO, W I UL ~ 'l'UEY LAST. 'Ve wi ll :u·n d hv mail n.n ap- propriatl! g·ilt to Cnch maiden, \..\. wife, mother or cook- one to '51 n. fa mi ly - who w ill t ry the Br.EADMAKrn's BAICIHQ POWDER ~Jl-itd~ ·~ ~ " -W ..l~':J!~. ~~~~ft6J~;~L~ d~~..~~ORONTC C ut th e red cir cle fru m the l:tbl'i n r.d send it in a lette r s ta ting h o ne st opin ion af te r fair tria l. Eiti1 cr a 5 , 10 o r 25 ccr.t s iz :! wi ll secu re the g ift.· .An v grocer or st orckccµcr kn ow·s ' ': here to rret i l i f a sk e d llSS McTAVISH Has received her new stock ot GOODS, nd invites the Ladies ofBowmanville and vicinity to call and see her Pattern BONNETS, HATS and a.ssortmen tot TRI ·M MINGS ITOKJ11-8eecind·oorwen ·f wnuam la&cller siau· , then put in the others, and cook ;11 same TEMPERANCE. vine~·ir till it j j will just cover them. K eep under with a. , A German paper states that 10,000 perWeli-Beine:. ,plate and p11.st e five or six papers O'"'r · i son.a. die in Germa;ny ever:}'. year from , · . , . \. PLonr MARMAI.ADE: Use che plums left i delirmm _trem_en.9, wh1~e forty-six per cent. of 'Ihe rrna.lth is of all thmgs t ne chief pos- 1 ft ·tt· . . ff th .. . · . t the convicts m the prisons are drunku.rda · session worth ha.vm g in t his world is evinc- a er s 9.u:nug 0 · e JUICe , or J U11.Y · pu . " · . · · ed even n the common forms ol salutaiiun th~m th~~ugh a sieve t o.rem?ve s r,.,·nes .and\ The !lfo~er:itrnn Soci~t_Y m New ). or~ h~s among almost all p eoples when individuals , slnns.. ~ hen prepa.re m this pruportrnn.: a :i;ierambu.atmg tan~ a t ice water, which is meet each oth er : H ow do y ou do ? How do I . Ooo pmt: ~ulp, half pound sugar. ~011 driven about the city all ~ay and makes you carry yourself? I hope you are well. slo~I~, .st1rrmg well _to prevent burnmg, frequent stop! that the thirsty may t ake How is yom· healt h ? The ancients showed , unt il it 1a a ~mooth, thick p_as_ t e. Exce~lent ~dvantage of the water. T~e t ank holds their regard for health when t hey imperson · 1 m~rma.lad_e 18 made by mtx inii the silted 300 gallons, and on h.°t days is filled th_ree ated i t by a beau t iful and immortal young pn P of wild plums and . c rab apples. ~1~es. and uses up 2,100 po_unds of ice. girl carrying dri nk to ·che gods; 11nd the \ U NS!'LTED P ICKLES.-·Pour over ::o t'Yo· :i;111~ IS the second season of this mode of aomod.eri:is show t~eir ,r"gard for it by ~he , q uart p~ of sm ~ll cucu:nbers, tlie fol!ow·ng sistwg t~mperance. · broadsides of their newspapers filled with i prepa.rntion hoi;. One q uart good vmegar, A reVIew of the first year of the high . for and the advertisements of l\ tent m edicines that,. one cup ~u~11>r, one ~blespoon whole cloves ., license system in Minnesota shows a satis· are to restore it, being lost, [\nd whose libar· two t ablesp ) ons allsp;ce, two tablespoons un- factory result. The number of saloons has al use by those of slignt ailments doubtless ground ciu~amon.. Boil foin five minutes, b een reduced fro~ 2,806 to 1,597. while the ' ...C&.'!torJa is sn well ada'!>!:ed tochildl'en that Csasto:rfa cures Colic, Colll!tlpatl.,11, 1 [recommend it as superior to any prescription Sour Stomach, Diarrhooa, Eructation, . does much tow11.rd occasioning its loss. There · p~ur over, ti.e up with p ape_r a.nd spread over revenue ha8 been mcreased from $850,000 to liJlow1Home." R. A Altcmm M D Kills W?rms, i;ives sleep, and promot.es 4!is, indeed, no blessing to be hi.d that com- with s tarch to excludethe air. $1,100,000. A decrease in the consumption .. ' · ·7 gest1on pares with that of a sound mind and body, CUC CIMBEB PICKLES.- Gather one pail of liquor ia shown in nearly every county, !11 So.. oxtord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Withons wJurious medication. . and in fact one ca.n hardly be had without Gucumbers, quite small and of even size. the traffic is under bett<Jr police supervision, THE C E NTAUR C OMPANY, 77 Murray Street; tr. Y. the other, although we know and thi..,k very l sv day, sprinkle with tea ·cup salt and a.nd lov1 groggeries have been almost comIittle about the m atter until we ha,·e los \ one oover with boiling water : 2nd day, drain plet ely ba.nished. or the other. . and cover with fresh boiling water : 3rd A whole temperance sermon was recently To be well I What a world that phraseim· day, drain and cover wivh fresh boiling preached in a ±ew words by the proprietor plies l Liberty to move and have one's de- wa.tcr, 4th tla.y, drain and cover with boil- of a. meat m arket where a young lady called FOR SALE BY J, HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLEi sires, to do one's work! to fulfil one's aims an,d i~g vinegar, 5th day, ~rain and boil t~e and wHh much misgiving asked for a dolla; plans and purposes; m short, to round one s vmegar and cover agam, 6th day, dram tow!>.rds pa.ymg a temperanc e lecturer of scheme of life and devel?P one's nature to and cover with new vinegar in which has no"e, who was soon to speak for the W. C. to the full. That large liberty of movement been boiled-one tablespoon cloves, one T. U. IIis reply was as follows: "There's too, how much it signifies ! How very much cinnamon, two allspice. Pack in a jar and your dollar. .I've eoht more meat in one d11.y it signifies to one that do~s not have it ! Ia cover with slices of horse-radish. since this town went no license than I used there music, one shall hear it ; is there seenPICKLED 0 NIONS.-Peel small, white to sell in a week when we had ~a.loons. " ery, one aha.II see it; i ' there plea.an e, one onions, and boil them in equal portions of Public sentiment is being aroused in Monshall ~ake it; one shall go about tile W?~ld, sweet milk and :"ater, until they_ begin to treal in regard to the sale of liquor to minors. see friends, see famous people, famous c1t1es, get t ender. Drain them, pub in Jars, and Tue statement which has been often made be a part of the life of it; one shall walk, cover with hot spiced vinega.r. that a large number of children frequent the one shall ride, one shall r~n, shr.11 climb, TOMATO HoNEY.-One pound yellow to - liquor si>loons of the city appears to be toe sha!l dance, whatever th~re is to do, ~ne shall ma.toes, one grated lemon peel, six fresh true. Since .J anuarv last two hundred mi· do i t, and be a~ much ahv~as the wrnd .that peach leave~. Boil these together well and nors have been brought b efore the Recorder blows f~om h eight to height, as the. ata:s eq ueeze through a bag. Then to one pound charged with drunkenness. These cases tha~ swmg and sp11.rkle _along the skies i_n ot juice, add one pound of sugar, juice of one were, of course, very frequent ones, or they their. perpetual pr?cess10n. For health is lemon. Boil till i;hick as jelly, put into would not hi>ve engaged ~he attention of the n?thmg less than wmgs.,to the soul that. as- glasses and cover with paper. police. The Montre:.l "Star" estima.tes tha.t pires. And not to carry out one's desires · the youthful customers of the liquor saloons and aims and plans, that is nob to live one's ----cm ca·· · of the citv number a.bout six thouaa.nd. life; it is to have one's powers contracted, A Novel Ascent. one's scope limited, one's n ature dwarfed, Although prohibitory laws have been en· . Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surrounding one's resources the same as annihilatedSome little time since, under the title of a.cted by Congress for Alaska, still there is a Townships that he has opened out business in the old stand, formerly that is not life at all, it ie rather a living "a Subaqueous Excursion," we embodied our grea.t deal of drunirnnness 'in the country, occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and death. impresFions on visiting the caissons ot the and a very low state of morals generally, And wh11t crucifixion is this, moreover, to Fourth .Bridge at Q11eensferry, and portray- Mre. J. A. Ackermann writes from Sitka will!at all times keep in stock all goods usuaUy kept in a first-class Hardware Store, conl:listing of be conscious of great powers and capabili- ed the 5cenes en>tcoed in the air-chambers, that she has been holding night temperance ties, to know that one could have excelled where, some ninety feet ilelow water-level, meetings in the court room, and prayerin tbis study, could have penetra.ted those the huuda.tioni ot the huge structure were meetingsintheo.fternoonsevcrywhereamong secrets of nature, could have made that ex- being excav11.ted. All this is now ohange(l; t he native children and the whites. The ploration , could h ave written, could have the busy workers no longer ply pick and Governor's wife g11>ve groat o.esista.nce in this sung, could have subjected the elements, shovel deep down beneath the water ; but work, and a.a u result two unions were orga· could have fought the battles of life, could high up in mid-air above the · ga.lla.nt niz ed, one among the whites and one among have swum on the top of the world's crest ; Forth ' a.re rearing the steel superstruction t he natives. Loyal Legions have also been and one is chained with a ball, limping, of the ~iant cantilevers. '.!.'he mg.in steel organiz3d among the r.ative and Russian I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best mauufacturers' helpless, set aside, and left by the way. i:iers are now erected to their full height, children, all of whom have been much given To have hea.lth ! Thav is, be io accord and their a.scent form· · an expedition so to the use of toba.cco. with th11 right movement of the earth in her novel and unique, that we have ,endeavoured -Canon Wilberforce, well known as a lib· orbit, with the growth of her plants, with to briefly dep1cc our experiences in gaining eral churchman, ~nd a very pronounced total Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. the flowing of her tides. Not to have it is to the summit. absta.iner, ha.a given great offence to &ome of be out of tune VI ith the universe. If it is not Leaving the classic Hawes Inn, immor· the good people of Dublin. In a letter a.d- Tile manutacture and putting UJ) Ea,re Troughs your sin, it is the sin of some one in the pa.st talised io the AntiquaTy, and which at one dres!ed to his parishioners during a recent will receive special attention. come to light in you ; the combined sin, per· time or another sheltered many historic tour in Ireland, and which has found its wa.y haps, of many breakers of law. That great persona.gee on their way across the Forth, a into the µewspe.pers, the Ca.non saya :-"I things have been wrought by those whose steam-launch conveys us to Inohgarvie, the prea.ched on total abstinence in St. Pa.trick's ~t hca.lth was a thing of doubt or a thing be· isl.,,nd in mid-cha.nnel. We pause on land- Cathedral on Sunday, which was crowded to yond doubt, being so hopelessly deficient, it ing, a.nd lo.ok upwards a.t the mighty excess. The two l:'rotestant ca.thedrals are is not to be denied, by men and women towering structure. The Forth Bridge stands both memorials of drink, St Pe.trick's having whose hearts, whose stomachs, whose three hundred and sixty feet E·bove water- been built or restored from the proceeds o spines, whose nervous systems, were level, belo w which its foundations at their porter brewing, and Christ church from 'lnly pathologica.1 specimeus of disoidera. greatest depth extend some ninP.ty feet- whiskey distiHing. The hugest Presbyteri· Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. Yet it has been in rare and exceptional giving au over-a.ll mea.suremont of about a.n church and the gra.ndeso was built by a instances, and the work done h,.s sel four hundred and fi tty feet-" h eie;ht but whiskey mt·n." Brewing and distilling, he dom been more than the completion of that little exceeded by the Great; Pyramid of a.dds, are the princip"'l industries of the begup in health, a.nd finished only under the Egypt, which reaches four hundred and city. Dublin he char..cterise~ as the most impetus thus acquired. But thosewllohave ~ixty feet, or by Cologne Cathedral and Old drun~en city in the United Kingdom, and been a.ble under such circumstances to a 0 80 P ..ul'~, standing respectively five hundred he cll\lms that half the crime-not agrarian complish much have been rarely exceptional, and ten and five hundred and eight feet -th~.t is crime in towns of over 100,000 for the majority of people are incapable above ground-level. inhabitant·, is committed in Dublin. in pa.in, in languor, in dis tress, of thinking The "cage" which we now enter will a.c· Frequent drinking makes a glib tongue, E~ of much outside of i;beir immediate circle of commodate about a dozen men. It Is strong- and matters that might be regarded as State wants and emotions, and when out of health Ly constructed of steel, and differs but little secrets outside the pa.le of the bar.room are a.re also out of energy and desire to do any- from those similarly employed ii:! coal-mines, there discussed with a shocking lack of thing but to get well or die. In India The bar across the entrance is closed; a sig· reserve. The funny part of it is that the there is a god to whom the sick reaorv, nal is given to the man in charge of the .vind bartender is taken seriously into the disand having rubbed his image with grease ing·engine, o.nd we are off. Visits to Colli- cussion, and his opinions are treated as of or oil in whatever p11rt of the body they eries have been so frequently described, that great respect and authority by parsons who, are themselves nffiicted, they rub them· the sensations gemmt.lly experienced are tol· when sober, have no companionship with selves likewise, and depart cured or about ernbly fomilia.r, at le~sb on paper, even to the mixer of drinks. Think of a ma.n taking to be cured; the god is thick and dark those who have never p erson a.Hy ventured on his busineas affairs, his love aff<J.irs, his with his coatinge of grease, attesting that somewhat trying novelty. But here all family affairs, to be submitt ed to the judgboth the faith of his worshippers and is reversed. The same cage is attached to a ment of a bat tender, and you will have in their great eagerness for health. l n America wire-l'Ope, wound by a similar hauling· engine mind· what actually happens very, very the like god to whom wo appeal is the hut darkness gives place to light, and the often. !'lace a white-aproned man behind will patent medicine bottle, and the purses and dread feeling of sinking into t be bowels of a whiskey bar, and he becomes, in many palacea of its proprietors testify to the eager· the earth never to return yields to a senss.t- instances, the lea.der in thought a.ad expres· ness of this deity's subject worshippers. ion of easy and luxurious devation and airy !ion of those who exchange money for as we rise higher and higher :irinks over the two feet of walnut boa.rd Y es, we all value h ealth, and yet how we ascension, ma..ses ofbrncinNand strut- h "t I '.I"nere is · no way m · wmo · · h we d 0 throughcompln: " ~ was t e 1 ting, till we land on the platform at the sum- t at separates them, and this explains, in i d. d th I th · 't 11. measure, the vast influence of saloons in no isregar e ru es S.u compasa 1 · mic, and i· 11mpivg from the caae, experience · · a pleasing sense of exhilaration "' in the fresh politics. W e read , £or 'x'~mpI e, · m th e d ar k · an d Ill bed, a.nd in the oars, instead of waiting for breezes, the vast expanse of country open to A Terrible Trae:edy. light and quiet i we sit ·all da.y at work our gaze, and the thought that we have beA telegrabh from Berne which has been when we Ehould vary the day with exercise ; neath us the largest railwa.y bridge in the received here gives an a.ocount of au ex. we eat in a hurry, as if we feared each mor- world. ael was to be snatched from us, when we A glance over the edge reveals to us the traordinary drama which has just occurred should ea.t slowly Doud invoke the powers of very grea.t height at which we stand. Far on the La.ke of Bienne. A journeyman digestion; we steal from sleep the hours helow in the giddy depth we see men, re. watchmaker, living at Saint-Imier, had that belong to that benign restorer of tired duced to the size of pi!i:mies, hurrying about; fallen violently in love with a young lady nature; we delight our gustatory nerves whilst the 11 nardship is dwarfed into a toy- of the neighborhood, who returned his over banquets which millstones could not boat. The view is one never to be forgot· pils3ion. She was of remarkable be11.uty, grind to aigestion, aud we drink draughts en. It is a clear day; and one by one we and as soon as her family heard of the affair which inflame the stomach, and set the see the islands of the Forth reposing on ita every attempt was made to put a. stop to brain on fire, a.ad bring the body to naught. placid surfa0e, and mark the grand outline the meetings of the couple. A day or two And when all is done we go about, if we are of the western hills, fa.ding away into the ago thev contrived to elude the vigilance still able to go about , complaining that blue distance. Arthur's Seat stands sharply of t he girl's relatives, and traveled together there is no health in us, and we blame fate marked against the glowing skies, and the to Bienoe, where they passed the night. and the divine laws when we have ourselves smoky canopy of Auld Reekie fringes the The next morning they hired a boat, and when they ha.d got about 200 ya.rds from to blame and our ancestors. But the worst thing of all that we do is glories of the beautiful grounds of D11.lmeny. the shore the man was seen to attach Turning northwards, lnverkeithing and ea i;o beggar our own stock and amount of " Dunfermline gray " lie almo~t at our feet, the anchor rope to his companion's bod:ihealth tha.t we have none to give to our and the 0chil Hills flank a scene seldom after which, produciurr a knife, he attempted to open the veins in her arm. Meanwhile children, and we let them 3ome into the if ever surpassed. world with impaired physical systems to beWe turn from the beauties of nature to the spectators of this decidedly unpleasant gin with, 11.nd often let them run for luck in the gigantic ca1tilevers beneath our feet, scene had sprung in the boa.ts which were the care of those systems afterward. If we d k h b k h · ·1 lyingnear, and were pulling with the utmost have no sense of the attention we should an mar t e usy wor ers at t eir toi · energy towards that in which the watch No light ta.sk that, to labor hour after hour give our own health, if we neglect and in- betwixt heaven and earth, summer and win· maker and the girl were seated. Perceiving jure our own bodies-those temples of the ter. All honour to British pluck aud deter. tha.t they would not long be left to carry spirit that deserve religious care-we have mination, to the minis that direct, and the out their work of self destroction unmolested the man threw down the knife, and seizing no right to take liberties with the bodies of hands tha.b execute suc.h an undertaking! a revolver fired twice at his companion, others; but the moment that the health of but without wounding hei:-. He then turned the children intrusted to our ca.re is injured, the weap:in against his own breast, and either by neglect, or by wrong indulgence, Trom Ritgs to Wealth. seizing.the girl round the waist he sprang or by want of wisdom, we are culpable ; for The other day a leading solicitor received wit h her into the lake. Their would-be we not only rob those childr..u of a birthright, but we rob also the whole race, of instructions from London to hunt up a young preservers arrived too late on the spot, and man who had quitted England ten years it wa.s some time ere the bodies could be which they and their descendant~ are a part, of that which is their portion, and which previously a.nd a draft for £300 was enclosed recovered. The girl and her lover were to pay his p ir.ssage homt>. After ~,course of they have a riuht to expecb, since hea.lth, in tightly locked in each other's arms. any normal state of society, should be as advertising a member of a charitable society Inspet'tion Solicited. much the inheritance of a child as its called in a.nd directed the solicitor to a Infant Marriages in India. certain hovel in Lower Alexande.r, Sydney. mother's life-blood or its father's name. lftlJRDOUH BROS. The solicitor, knowing t he "lay" of the One of the moat significant and encourag- Victoria Buildings. country judiciously sent his clerk down to iag incidents in Ea.st India socia.l history Seasonable Receipts, eaten the fever instead of doing it in person. t.ook place a short time ago. The Princes of , Thet well-dressed young man explored the R <>jpootana hold the highest rank in Hindoo Toi:rATO CA·r suP : After you have cooked \barbarous region dodging through ha.ck society in India, and the associations con~nd _sifted _ your tomatoes, allow th;e. follow - lanes and over m'ud piles and amoag broken nected with their history not only show the mg i~gred1ents to one gallon of Juice and fences that hung wearily and lopsidedly braYery of the men, bu~ also the herois~ ~f pulp · . \ amid abysses of mud and at last he arrived the women. Such bemg the fact, iu 1a One pound brow1!' sugar (~ay be omit~ed) ·at a huG which boa.~ted .a box and a p ile of specially grat ifying to have to announce one_ quart good. vmega.r, six large onions ' rags and straw for its sole furniture. A that these Princes have made a change in (boiled soft and sifted,) o~e ounce black pep- 1weary woman, who 1'ad once been handsome the law of marriage within their territories, per, one tablespoon allspice, one teasp o;i and who under happier auspices would be which Viscount Cross, the Secretary of cloves, one.tea.spoon ca.yenne pepper, Botl handsome a.gain be!!'ged that they should not State for India., h 11.e characterised as one of the pulp? vmegar and a_ugar togethe: half an be turned out their dismal abode until her th.e g reatest r efor ms ever mu.de in India, and hou.r, skim, add the spices, .and b01l nearly husband was better, and a ho:law-eyed inva- as to be looked upon as one of t he greates half away, Seal and keep m a dark, cool lid stretched on a. pile of rags in the corner advanc~s that has taken place in that coun- THE BEST LlJBRICATOR IN THE MARKET, place. I echoed the petition. And these two were try durmg the present century. PICKLED.PEACHES: Three f!allons_ pared the heirs to a.fortune of $150,000. Those chiefs have unanimously in Council When buying Coal Oil ask your dealer for the New Oils, peaches, two quarts strong cider vmegar, , . assembled resolved that henceforth no girl three pounds brown sugar, one ounce stick shall be ma.rried under the age of 14 and cinnamon, two or three cloves stuck in each. An embarras.ied young man who had just no boy before he is IS. This is equivalent Boil the vinegar, sugar and cinnamon toge- been married by a clergyman of a city, not to a social revolutfon, and is sure to be fol. ther; when it ha.a been skimmed, put in half knowing how to exprees his gratitude, in lowed all over the country. It rin,l{s the the peaches and boil till they begin to get handing over a small fee, said: "I hope to death-knell of the abomination of infant MctJOLL BROS. & CO"Y, tender; te.ke out carefully 11ond put into jar11; give mote next time." I marriages. HOUSEHOLD.. l way ; afterward boil down the i I Infants . p I Children. I I HARDWARE ! HARDWARE l ! Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils. SEO.£. MANN/NB Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelf Goods, Glass, Putty, Paint8, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c. COOK, HALL & PARLOR STOVES. or Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared to sell goods small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. ~ @~Q>~@m M"hAl?OOll?~e me McDOUGALL & METCALF, B O""\JV:M...A..N""-V I LL are ottering Coal as fallows : Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and Egg, .............................. 6.00 be charged when accounts run over one month. Twenty-five cents extra LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices. McDOUGALL & METCALF. Murdoch Brothers' N'E W OE:IN'..A. E:.A..LL'.I where are to be seen 21 Dinner Sets, lov~ly patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, SEVERAL CASES SUPERIOR GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. 20 "White Bed Room Sets. Large variety Hana-ing and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Saucers, &c. THB,ESHERS AND FARIERS USE ONLY lVIcCOLL'S I I ARDENE MACHINE OIL. ol FAMILY SAFETY& SUNLIGHTCOAL0IL. Try it once, and you will use no other. Toronto.

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