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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1888, p. 7

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-1if t ' Horrible Croeltles Penal System of . S heep are frozen· in several d_11 forent plir.ces ' Th. l m N ew Zea.land. A few milnll north of : . I'. a t est la.oe mac~ines are 200 incl1 es I the (Jele8'1al Empire. Ohriat church 15 OOO are often ~!au htered ; wide m ate.ad of 150. J:he ?utput is 25 per . I s sending th ousands a nnually t o t he W E DNESDAY, SEPT . 19, 1888 _ . T~rough a br?ad arch.ea aatewa.v between a.nd frozen for ~ne steamer (·o E~gland. t cen t g~e~ter and t he q.ua.ltt y much .bett er 1 iusau c asylum ; a n<l t he docto:·s say t his ..... ______ I a. pair of these mght 11!a.nsh . a.~bs we entered The ffocks of sheep a.r e conilit;ned to the I than w1~h th(! o~d ma.chines. · t rot1ble is alarmingly on th e in crease. =======-:;;-:;::;; ·::: --·:..: ---..;;;== ::.....----'------ th? ya mun. l"':lrt?ed 1a.t~ly inside was a low compan y owning the freezing eai.tlbliehment, ~ g en111s ha.s_1n~ented a fia..t & r?n, and has T he ns11al rcmc<lios, while they ma y bn~k she_d, d.1v1ded m t o. compartments, which is erected in an open plain near the uhhzeJ. the pnnil1;:ile of ex pansion of meta.ls w~1ch a..t first sigh~ looked llk~ th? cag.~s of . r ailway, and connected with i t by a. siding. !>Y h~at so that a littl~ bell rings 'when the , gh e temporary relief, are likely to <lo wild amma.Is. Tlus was the d1str1ct pnson, : They a.re first p enned, but there are large iron is hot enough t o iron clothes wit h. m or e !Jarm tha n goocl. "\Vhat is n eeded a.~d a. second glance revealed th~ figures be- · p addocks available for such sheep as can Wh th · · te · l · d hmd the b ars t o be human bemgs They . en e non m recurse IS proc a1me . is a n Alterative and Blood-purifier. were certainly the moat wretched '!ookmg ' not at ~nee be slaughtered._ W?en their ~nd t he bi~ding. arrangement iij a. broga.t· 1 A yer's S a rsaparilla is i ncomparably . ts I h' h . . d turn arrives the sheep are driven 1n twos or mg, Ua.nad1a.ns will not forge t t hat Halifax t h e b est. I t corrects th ose d isturbances . o bJec ever saw, ic 1s saymg a. goo t , th recs ' (accord mg " to t · h e· num · " b er of b u t c h ere t. J oh ne and the Intercolonial · 11ore · m · exis· · ' .. · . wCh" in the cirmilation which cause slee1)Iess8 d ea· l P risoners m . meee JS.I1 11.re no I employed) a cross a short narrow bridge in· tence, and can ha used. allowe~ to sh:i.ve their heads, and the long to the slau ghter-house where they are seiz. · · · ' n css, g il'es incr ease[! vit ality, an d restra.g~hn_g hair! black and coarse a.lm<Jst as · ed hung up and ala.ughtered as fa.st as they · Robert.Hardmg, a young E nglish So01& 1- , stores t he nP-r vo 1 1s system t o a healthiul horse hair, fallma 't . ' · Bt, when he wants to m ake a speech on condit ion . IN UNC~JIIBED CONFUSION eEer ~t. , h . h 00k h' h h k the st~eets or -P?blic s.gu~res, p~dlocks him00 10 I;.e v . T . G. A . Cote, agen t of th e Mass. ·w . self with a chain to an iron rence or ·some . · . ac ca,r~a.se a.ngs on a a.bout their faces, gave to them a wild 1;1n· 1s. attached to ~ pulleyor grooved roller run· similar fixture. Then when the police come issiona.ry Socie·ty, wri tes th at H ome :r<C ca.i;iny ap~ea.rance. They looko:d more hke mng alo~g ~n 1r_on b11or under th~ ro~f of the to ta.ke him in they have to 8 end. a Ion his stoma <'-11 was out of Jrder, his sleep ha.iry gorillas t~~n mel!, peermg ~hr~~gh s~ed· . S1milar iron b!l.rs a re 11:"1d m every time in getting h. im unfa.stenel and he ca~ v ery often disturbed, a nd some imthe bars a.t the Amer1ca.n ba.rbar1r>n, _or 1 d1rect~on, so _that mer~ly pushing the oar· mak e a. pretty long speech before h e is car· purity of th e b lood ma n ifest ; bnt that a.s they termed me, "Fankwae," with · case lightly 1t can r ap idly be transferred to ried off ~ a perfect cnre w as ob tained b v the nse mournful curiosity. a.ny p a.rt ot the slaughter-house; in fa.ct, · · · . of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. · One poor wretch. I noticed whose lips and they answer the purpose of a miniature rail· The F fenoh national debt 1e S!l.ld to be t h(} j aws were swollen out of all proporticin by way, to which the goods are suspended in- largei;it In the world- $5,000,400,000 _ ; an· Frederick W. P ratt, 424 ' VashingLou t he flogging he had received on the m outh st ead of being carried on . it. The floor of nua.l 111tereet, $264,000,000. Th us the inter· street, B os ton, writes: " My d aughter to ma.ke him confess as a criminal or to the slau1i:hter-houee and of the large adjoin- est alone is nEiarly $60 .00<?,000 more than was p rost rated w ith n ervous debility. testify as a witness. A wit ness whom the in~ space where the sheep are ih yed and the the total wants of the.United S tates G ov· Ayer's Sarsaparilla r estored h er to mandarin t hinks stubb orn and unwilling t o offtJ. removed , is Ia.id in cemen t, over which ernmen_t. The per capit a t:i.x of the F rench h ealt h ." t es tify is treated as barbarously in China. are wooden gra.t ings like those on board p eople l s $15, per~aps t he !argest of any "\Villia.m F . Bowker , Eric, P a ., w as as a criminal. In an adjoining cell t o this ships; water flows continuously over the p eople. T he President receives a salary of cured of n ervonsness a n d s leep lessn ess $153,000 ~year, PUREST,STRONCESY,BEST9 one was <.m other wretched ob ject lying on floor and dr11oins off into a. large sewer. his stomach and moaning piteously ; his A s fast as a sheep is dressed-t hat is, Our neighb ours cannot be said tJ b e exb y taking A yer's Sarnapa rilla for about CONTA IN S NO back was a mass of bruises and laccr<>tions. sldnned and cleaned-the skins are removed cessively abstemious. La~t y ear they cont wo mon th s, d 11rin g w h ich time h is ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, Outside were several men wearing about t heir in one direction, and the offa.l on little tr am· sumed 1. 19 gallons of spirits, 0.54 gallons or a ny injurious materials. weight increased over twenty pou n ds. necks heavy wooden ca.ngues or yokes; barrows in anot her ; t he l at ter ar e tak en to of win e, and 11.98 gallons of malt liquors 'l'ORONTO, ONT . E · W · GI LLETT ' CHICAGO, ILL. others wore shackles and were fastened to the boiling-down house, on the opposite side per head , T he p er capita consumpt ion in lb n' f'r of tho C li:L!ll3ATED11011'AL YEA!lT CAl!Ell. blocks of stone, which they had to drag with of t he r oad , w here tallow is made, and this Canada on t he other h and w as 1. 225 gallon s them whenever they moved. is the only p a.rt of t he whqle establishment of spiriti, . 148 gallons of w ine and 2.574 PREPAitED BY LI KE A SCENE FitOM COMIC OPERA . where the.smell is decidedly unpleasant . gallons of beer. We drink fou r ga.ll<lns of MEA CH AM'~ l1. soap and a chemical factory, wit h in a beer per head to thirt een gallons con sumed Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. CrossinQ this outer y iu d, we p assed few hundre d yards, take away t he p or t ions by the Am ericans an d yet we are no t t oo Sold by all Druggi·ts. Price $1; six bottles, $6, throu1'h another gateway, and found our· f h sel ves within an inner court . In t he centr e o t e sheep not required for freezing. t emperate. . t d b d l d t t W hen dresse d and hanging to its h ook, The Russian G ove.rnmen t ?ecently i"ssued If y arc languid and weak, and your appe· of this s oo a roa · ow woo en s rue ure, ea.ch carcase is examined by an ex pert, ite poor My Beef, Iron and Wine is th e t onic, be sure. h alf house, ha lf she d. Here at a table sat and if one be found showing any sign of a very enlightened ukase fo r which it is en.A.a an invigorating tonic it is recognised by the man darin, smoking a. silver water-p ipe disease, injury, or even a bruise, it is at t iled to high p.-aiae. T he want oi re11>dy the Medicitl pr ofession as t he best strcmi:tthen- 11.n~ listening t o phe r ep resentat ions of a once r ejected, and this examin11>tion is far, money h as too frequ ently m ade the p oor ing medicine thus far produced. It is invalua· man who was gesticula ting and talking in a. h · E 1 d Russian former t he pr ey of wily speculator s ble as a blo'Jd and muscle maker. especially \·ery h igh k ey. Standing a bout in attentive !llore sever~.th~n any mspecftio~ in ngl~n who t ook advantage of his necessities to in thoRe cases where weakness is the result of 13 not quite 0 p n me EJ.Ua ity, for ce t h e p r ice of wheat below the level tl1at "t d · i· !or meat w.iic imperfect or insufficient food, or wasting a tt1 u es were ya.mum-runners, po icemen, though thoroughly healt hy, ie not fro zen, fever· "r excesses of any sort. It cont ains the lictora and the various function aries of a but sold to the local butcher, while t he un· would have been r eached by t he legit imat e n " m!ent or Beef, the stimulant properties of Chinese court of justice, I ha d arrived at healthy meat goes to the boiling -down shed. operat ion of the law of sup ply and deWi:t..e and the tonic powers of I ron, an d Is ad· ·m irably calculated t o buil<l up thA emaciated the yamun just in time to see something of W hen t he medical inspection is over, a ma.nd. To remedy this ev il the R ussack is d rawn over ea ch carcase and ca.re- sia.n government h as authorized t he ruil· E ystem, Sold in Bow manville by Higginboth· a. Chinese criminal t rial. Ct: res C hronic Constipation, The policemen w ore sh ort, stagy-looking f l h fi way companies to mak e ca.sh adv11onces am Broe. - - - - - - - - jacket s on w hich were sewn discs of white u 1Jy c osed,and it t hen p asses into t e rst on t he security of wheat entrusted to - - -----C ostiveness and all Complaints §_ IAAX oilclothafoot 1'nd1"· meterbeforea~dbeh1"nd. orcoo!ing· , where the temperature them f or t ranspor t at" i ~ B ~ ~"' l ~ ~ Va.rie3 fromchamber 32 d egrees to 40 d egr ees, a CCOr· IO ll a n d BaI e, Th es e . I!_ I ' On the di sc~ were big red characters. These ding to t he season , being, of cour se higher a dvances are not t o exceed sixty p er cen.t. arising from a disorde r ed state of ~he Liver, Manufacturers of odd app endages gave t h e wea.rera·a peculi- in summer t ha.n in winter. of t he va.lue of the whea.t, a nd t he rate of in· Storuach au d Bowcla, such as a.rly grotesque appearnnce. They looked T his, like all t he freezing chambers, is terest is to be fixed by the S tate B!l,nk, while DyspCiJsia. or Indigestion, Bilious Affections, l like comedians on the mimic stage r a.ther constructed of concrete, and completely the valu e of t he wheat will be estimated acthan Government officials seriously em pl<Jy - excluded from the outer air and light; a cording to the ruling prices at the nearest Headache, Heartburn, Acidity t ho Stomed. Over the strange ga.thering, suspe .u.ded heavy dou ble d oor gives access t o it, and commerda.l centre. This certainly is a meas. A.r1ificiaJ h ure which does cr edit t o t he p!lr ent a.1 care of from the rafters of the building, hun~ h Gravel, ach, Rheuma.tism, Loss of Appetite, a h undr ed gay-colored lantern s, boar ds w en t e men a.re at work the electric 1ight the Ruasi~n autocrat, and if all his measures Limbs , hep ar e left indt.his wer e equally well d esigned to meet th e wants Nervous Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c. with big gilt inscriptions, and b l nners. '.l'o is turn~d on. f The ~he .A.nd .Applia nces for a.11 Det wenty. our to orty -e1 g t hours, acaor mg of h is c nildren, no great fault could be found fortnitiesof lhe HumanBody me to circumstances, and are t hen tl"ansferred C mLDREN x.rKE IT ! l\1onmns r~tl(J:: IT I Because THE WIIOLE SCENE, to the first freezing-cha mber, wher e t he w ith his autocracy. I t is said that the Rus · -Spinal Diseases, Hip J oint. it ls agreeable t.o th e t n.str, docs not occasion Disease. Diseases of the from the p erkish -looking m11on dar in, in big, t emperature is about 10 derrees below sia.n press is unanimous in expressions of No~u.sea , :tdH -wi th out gri11i1w, is c<'dain in i t.:S K nee and Aukle. K nock Cflt!cts, and i s effcctivo in small doses. Knee, Bow Legs, Club F eet, round sp ectacles a.nd t he long p eacock· freezi~p p oint, and from this again to t he satisfaction, an d hopes that i t will be bene· feath er in his hat, to the giH sign and r ed la.st one, where the air is still colder-down ficially instrumeotal in ensuring the best JN LIQUID FORM. E t c. paper lan tErns, was th e life and paraph ernalia t o abou t zero F ahrenheit. HngP admirably. results from this year 's splendid crop p ros · La1.'g e B o ttles, 25 cen ts ca.c1t. .A LSO CRU'fUlIES. of 1he sta.ge. The man darin was t he star, constructed steam-engines drive th e condens- p eats. the _policemen and y amm;1 i r unners, wit h inl( and expanding ma.chines which ca.use T he n e wspaper s of the U nited Sta.tea are thAir ludicrous bulls-eyes, were t h e clown s the exr.reme cold, and which are being im· at present ver y funny. J efferson Briok~ A POOR MAN 'S FRIErrn. and the others the ca.st anc l " s upes." proved on as every successive one is made. · abound and wild ora tor ical flights of imagin One thn.t wil I mn dnys of siclrnc·s n.ml ma.nY E veH t he wretche d prisc uer, clad in scanty I t i.i curious to observe in the warm ation and abuse o.re the order of the da1. a Do!la.r in time n nd D octor's Hill~ . on0. u l w:1\'.S rags an d prostrate on h is face befor e the engine- r oom how one cylind er is so hot t ha.t Ther e is n o need for much search in order n o:1.r :i.t h :1 .ud, r oa.dy at a momc11t.'s caJL Tlli:; friend is Pr.n1~Y D AVIS' cour t, was a clever actor, t o me- quite a one ea.nnot t ouch i t, while eight een inches t o find su ch t id bits. T hese a.re everywher e VETRRINARY SUlWEON. star, may be, drawing a s alary second only furt hex· the lal'ge p ipes a.re surr ounded with and w hile some are more absurd than others to that of the leading m an h imself-the a coating of frost , and Jong icicles h an~ from Y" b the general air of trn~endousnese and mll.ndar in at the table. tne j oints. .r11e cold air is tur ned into or effort is simply su blime. Every one is try· 'l'AFEN INTERNALLY ,it c"r0.sD;-rnntcry, To p a.ab t hrou gh the middle ga.te seem ed a shut off from the cooling and freEZing Jh am ir:g t o work himself up into a fever of ex· Cbolcrn ! ]Jrnrrlioon. Cra mp a"(l j)p1n in t,J: o comp1.ete cbange_ hom·the r ealm ofit ragedy to her s, as required, by an ingenious sys tem of citemeut and p atr iotism, and the r 0<u·i11g }'.tolnach , ]1o"t_Vel Cump la. int.~, f.1,lin lP rJs l))l ic , ~0nBdy. To tlJ.osc. imm ediately in terested, tubing and vaives ; and when t he process of and tire stu.mp ing a nd the spitting and the ] 1 ~·:-q.>CJ)!-d.: 1. c: :·.1 ;1digestio11 Snddc11 Cul<ls. Sore T l:roat. Cont.ms, ,l.:c. hvwever, it is p erhap s needleis to sa y that it tree zing is completed, such sheep a.3 9,re not sweariag ar e simply inclescribable. The USED EXTEm\'ALLY , i t c1 ires Dru ises, w a ~ anytb.ing but a farce. A F r a.nkwtJ.e was a immediately r emoved a.re tr ansferred to the n a.tion seems to have gone d elirious, but Cuts,.. Du rus . ~ cal ds a nti Sprniu~ . b'ycll ln!!S of rare v ibitor in Na.m· ngan, and for a m om en t st ore, w here t here is h anging Ep:i.ce for 10, · a fter all it i s n ot the n!i.t ion it is only the tho Joint~ . T ooth:1.ehc. Pilin in t Im F:~ ('C . 1\ e umy entran ce arn s'ed t he a t tent ion of the 000 sheep, and the temperat ure 1s about the t ypioa.l editor and reporter ths.t are work · r:d R' in. ~tnd RhflTllH:H iSill. m;~·~so ! 1l Uy] )en.le rs in J,'o,mily ~fo,!i o i_.,os tho \V orl<l Aru und. w nole court . E v an the prieoner twisted h;s same as in the firs t free:Ging- chamber . ing the ma.chine for ail they are wor th. By 25 C ENTS PCR Bonu. neck to see what was !he cause of th~ By t his time t he sack s are frczen to the a ll mP.an s let t hem go on. They will feel inte rnp ';ion. The mandarin rose from h is sheep in one soli d mass, and t he carcases better after they have got su ch INi.ds of .llewr.!r c of Comitcrfcits !l!Hl lm itatious. ah air , and, " chinchinning" p leasantly with are as ha.rd t hroughout as a ha.rd stone. nasty stuff off their st omachs anci if every fh~ ~&\.@l\'!TM8lifuiii!Jj his clasp ed ha nds, moti oned me to a seat. Air-tight railway waggons ar e the n run u p one of the p oor wr etches thinks th at he is THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. IT WAS AN AW F UL TRAGEDY, l lO WEVER. alongside a p latform opposite t o the sliding· wfolding the r od tha~ rules t h e uuiverae and . d" · d d d oors of t he s tor e, and the car cases a.re e _lects p r esi_ d en_ts, by all means let ,h im. If Th1e momentary ivei-s1on en · e , the tria t l h t d h f ld went on as before. The 'cu te-looking gentle quickly tra.naferred t o them. When a. train ! P ease 1 m. 1 oed t e res.to . tie wor Dr~ Graduate of the Ontarlo Veterinary College. man with the h igh· keyed voice, it seems , of such w aggons is r eady, i.t s tea.ms off to no ha.rm. H is brother lunatws m m ~~y an .Registered IlM'!mber of the Ontario Veterinary was p r esen t ing the prisoner 's case to the L yttelton, w here t he grea.t steamer ia ly ing I asylum have oft.en exactly t he same idea, co mpoun11 Extractof Pure Red Jamalca Medical Association. · h · alongside the pier, an.d the sheep are, at I b ut the wor.Id a.Iter all wheels a.long m1.1ch mandarin, As h e fi nieh e d , wit an 1mpres 1 T d h h WO:ffi.oe and Residence, Newtonv llle, Ont. sive wave of his hand from the m and arin to once p laced i n the cold chambers, wnere ~3 usua '. . oe gr~ss gr_ows an ~ e sun s rnes Will visit Orono every Tuesday andiSaturday the p risoner, the lat ter rose t o his feet. t hey w ill rem ain u ntil they reach London. ' J_ust a~ 21 a P ces1dentia.l _elec trnn were not o mce :hours rr m 10 a . m., to -1 n. m ., al 1' he in&.nda.rin bea med a.t him with jud icfal Some sligh t ex posure t o the outer .,_;r fo ' tor ward an d J efferson Brick were de9.d, Coulters' Hotel Calls by Telei;(ra.ph r eceive For .tho c:m:c of Scoofub, Salt Rheum, Cancer, severity throu gh h is g!aescs and a.ildressed unavoidable while the cai:caseu are beiug: T he GermanJ, i t is said , ta.ke the recen~ imi: ediate attention. al.l Sk.i.n Diseases, Tum ore, .Enlargement of t ho him curtly. T he culprit , if culprit he wtia, trall!ferred fron? store to ra!lway t ruck, and success of Boulanger- varyqnietly. They are CH.AI Gl£S MODERATE. r....1vcr and S;>leen, Rh eumatic Affection!';, diseases huag his head and muttered a response. from truck to ship ; ~ut t he.y ~re so t,~oroughly satisfied tha t any Government should rule in of t he Kidneys, Blacider nnd U r inary Organs opp1 ·essjons nf th e Ch~st or L tm,cpi., L eu con·hea: Pcr hapn it was m erely a meek assertion of. frczen that t hey re9eivenulilJlli;y. I~etru~ks France which will be · 1cceptab:e to the grea~ C ~br:·1 1, u1ul ~11 dieen.scs r cstilti ng from a do!nnooence, p erh a.ps a.n appeal for mer cy. a,~·e constructed with double sides, ice bemg mass of the F r-ench pecple and w hich will bv' pr~tvcd and impure co11ditio1l o f the blood. vVhatever it was, it seemed t o fi re the trai:; tightly pack'.~d ?etwe·e n t he two, s o thar. r easonably inclined to live at p ea.ce with CA.U 'l'ION.-.L1slc j"o·1 · "D1·. Channing's of t he m andarin's w rat h, and with a n ex- ~·1uh truck is itself a cold cha.mher . As their neighbors and espeai<J.l.ly with their S a 'rSt.i pa1···illaH ta l.~ c no othm· ·i,·n , i ts 1'>lacc. plosive order which w11>s almost a shriek, many ;'-8 35,000 sheP.p ·.r~ sometnnes brought neighbor;i on their c mstcrn frontier. '.1.' hey scathing and condemnatory, e'·en t o me, who home m one steam vessel. don't balievo thii,1; B oulanger if he gets more D::,vis & Lawrence Co., Limited, conlda't und erstand a word, he glared lik e p ower, if indeed he get u.11 th e p:Hver he a.n owl through his spectacles, Where do :Flies ?;O' ·l l Winter ? could wish, w ould necessarily rush into war SOLE AGENTS, T he prisoner prostrated himself in tok en Some one has ask ed, " W here do flies go with Germany. They t h ink he is too wise :::l£0~TE.EAL_ C URES of submission; two policemen selected flat in w inter ?" This is a question of some in- and prude.n-t 11> man to run su ch rm enormous TMD!l~'lliliidl'Dl4ii@iiiiiil11lmBm.mt.!WIM bamboo rods, and advanced. T.he cond emn- terest, for a house fly is born fmly grown r isk for so comparatively smail an advan· DIGESTI VE OR AFTER DINNEH PILLS, ed man meekly ha.red his own thighs, with aud of ma.tu t·e size, ancl there are no little tage. In shor t t he people of the Fatheifo t· Pnff'f'hlcd digosUon jn·ot rembling h an ds ; folded his arm'3 across his flies of the same species, the smo.ll on.es land are prepared to welcome any kind T ABLETS duccd from w n.n t of J;ropcr br east, and Jay fiat on his stom'l.ch. H is occasionally obser ved being different in k ind of rule which the F .\·enoh people may plea.~e - - -- - secretion of the G astl'iu J uice. Thoy gi v e i mmediate i:eliefin Dys1>e 1·sia t h igh s were already a mass of bruises from from th e larger ones. T he h ouse fly docs t o adopt and to live on terms of amity an< l I 1uligestio 11 . t he last flogging, administered, p robably, not bite or p ierce the sk in, but gather s its with i t if p ossible, and if not possible JJ_IllJUJTIONS.- Tal:tl one or ~too p_m,, l.~1Hn ediately aft(.1' :i.bou t four days bdore. fo od by a comb or rake or brush-like toogue, they persuade t hemselves they can ta.ke ;~:~~~l ~~ j;}~,~~:l:~:~~.n'1 1 !} from .l11d i91Jatio·n, L W/111' in tllo A BitUTAL·LOOKING TUR~KEY with which it is able to scrape the var nish care of i;hemsel ves when t he time 8a 111 1)ln; ~('11t f 1·tH!. Add i·"~~ from covers of book~, and thus i.t tickles the comes. All t his is cc;mmon sense and good h . h d Davis & Lawrence Co .. IU;n;:ed,) Montreal. h e ld h is ea er his feet. With shar p , skin of a person upon whom it alights t o po licy. E ven t h e enem1ea · · SUI.IC Af; n;-; ·rs;. · k k , a.not I of t h e young qu1c ·tro es t 1e two policemen flogged the feed u pon the per~piration, A fly - is a G ermau E' mperor ac k nowJe dge t h at h e is · ~§W.-IM!Mil!m\IWD prostrat e man b y t urns, twenty str ok es ll.t " I d ' · J J · ,. t ime until ea.ch had delivered 100 str okes. scavenger, a.nd is a vehicle by which con- n ot v, 100 , an wna.t inter est 1as ie m proHIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM. tagioua diseases are spread. It poisons vok ing a war of aggressfon eith er with for ChnpJleil JTnnds , l"Me nn<l Lips. Rouqh :uul Jford S k in E ac - from F · · any oth er count ry? Ju 'ra.nce or w1tt1 d 1em · h en ht of twen ty stro k es w as wounds a.n d may ca.rry nea.dly v irus . h comp ~~ a fiug , ~ u nburu ·· B.urns. S(.!ttlrls , It~hinp;, <lhilblu:ns . Sor~ d e I1ver · e ,t h wit t e accuracy of long experi- decaying organic matter into food. It retires s h ort, w h"l · · "t h t a comptl.rative · N 1p1~c~ , 'Ha.1.1 ~ ?\:i.1!!'!." athl all 11 npk:i.."'rtnt c 1 1111iitions or ,AND A L L SUMMER COMPlAIN.TS I 1 e it is a p1 Y t . a tl!e_bl·m o.f Ji~tc c h :trnc tt'!'. JJriLtlu X :lil s :·oftc~nrii i n o ue ence, m e same p ace, which ma de a · 1 f h "d h lllt;llt. l 'rH!C .,o t:ci.:u Jltl!' hott l t'. !!iultl lJ)' Uni;;;;h t!. ave sv much p ower st raight furrow of batt ered flesh a.nd bl ood from the sight at the b eginning of the hauatu o mens oul AND F"LUXE:S Of THE:. BOWELS "'h winter, but wher e i t goes few persons know. to d isturb the peace of the worlcl aud to . · IT IS SAFE AND RE:LIABLE._.FO.R across t h e t h 1gne. .1. e next twenty made · h r h · h another furrow ju st below. .Ten times this If a search of the house be m.ade they will be r um t e lVcJS and appmess of t ousands CHILDREN OR A DULT S. 1 . found in great numbers secr eted in warm a.t t he same time it is a matter for tl19.nk process ·wash"'r eated, the la.st furr ow being places in the roof or b etween the p 11>r titions f u Iness th a · · " epb d ,. th · e rnterests of that lian df u l aud a l most m t " en of the k nees, leavill!! · a mb" · · ~ or floors. Last winter we h ad occasion to even t h e1r 1t1ons seem to pomt at the t h e w hole 1engtb of the t hig hs a sick ening · · h d" · f m ass of m angled flesh. examine a r oof, and found around the p resent ti me m t e irect1on o p eace. ,. · ~t .. . · · ' · When the wretch ed man was released his i!himney myriacls of flies hibernating comWhat is to be the end of all this pot her ! '. fj . : : : -. : · ;:_ -. : ~ whole frame was quivering w ith agony; he fort1>bly and s ufficiently lively to fly w hen bet ween Canada and the Sta.tea? Some of was slobbering h elplessly at the mouth, and disturbed "in overpowering clouds." No t he roarers look as if t hey were in earnest, his ey es rolled wildly in t heir socket s. As- doubt this is a favorite winter rcsor~ for but with t ue gr eat majority it is evidently --o-s isted by t he turnkeys he knelt again be- these creatures. - [Boston Globe. t in thund er and bluff. When the 6th of fore the m andarin, who again questioned November has come and gone things will And with its advent h im. This t ime he mainta.ined a dogged The White Pasha, quiet d own and second and sober thoughts 'l th d · d h1 " h d d w ill .iome even to the most hot-headed. In si enoe; e man a;m wave ~ an · an NEW YORK, Sept. 9. ~The " l:Hm 's" Lon· t he meantime what can C11onada do but maiu. ~~e t u rnkeys leld dhim awahy to huillis cd ell. f!.s don coatspondent c11>bles : The White Pasha ta.in her dignity and, if n ecessary, suffer and BOWDA.ro VILLE, Ont. e poor rn11>ng e wretc sh e p1>m· the Behr A l Gh azal continu es to be writ fully off I woL d ered whether h e was real- on b . E "'h b e calm. Le~ her do what is right and fair l · · 1 ·ir t 0 f h" . ten and telegraphed a out m ' urope. "- e in the circumstan ces and if that involves has opened out a fine new stock F,s'l'ART,TSHJ.m, 1857. Y ancrimma. n u fn wti mteg ?t o n ess ts i;ri.me, mysterious p ersonage w ho is rep orted to trouble why, of course, then trouble must or o 1y unw111 mg · t be. Non-intercourse is war at a certain 1 ion s sent a.gains .:. . . . .ofs an h u t l01· una bl w1 t ness p erh t 'n th' h ave repu1sed three exped"t' 0 a.p . on~sh Yd h~na toe, ·es ·I Y as e him by the Mahdi's successor is generally stage. If the President of the United A :{.L KINDS m and arm w1s e . d to b 0 S 1 b th" "d ent 1 "t Y h.as Stai;es choose to force that upon Ca.na.da in · t~n ey, u law r~ uil"es a mur uerer b e1ieve is 1 Chinese criminal 1m to c nfess his "It Ii f b . d not been established. One report makes him order to increase his chances of re-election, d e ore e can . con em· out the M udir of an Egyptian province, and t hat is h is look out and with h im rests the 11:e to. capita.. pum~hment: If c1rcumsta,n. 11 1 for 0. him to be supported by an im, tial evidence 1s agamst h im t he unhappy a cec h grave responsibility. Mei>,ntime he may and a lovely stock of p risoner is usually flogged and t ortured me'!se following of blacks. '.I he despat c es just as well understand sooner as later t h s.t "l l"f b h to-aa.y announce that the people of KharCanada is not t o be b ullied out of her righto . V ery few d a.ys un t 1 1 e ecomes su e a f b"d d t t lk f h " h" h · " ' e Cl0no in t h e latest styles a nd materials. burden tha t he is a.t !en t h lad to confess toum .are or 1 en. 0 a 0 im, w Jc . IS and while sh e is r eady to say anything and in order t o have the g t~ d h ' m'?st important, as it proves t hat he_ha.a in- ever yt hing t o equity and r ight yet nothing Lmisery. execu wner en is spired t hose he means to conqu er wit h fear to mere r a.nt and fustian. I t is a. pity to see SCOTCH, E N G LISH, GERMAN AND -·- · and respect. such on goinp-s, which could so easily have Tourist- My p hysician h as advised ine to - · - "~ . b een obvi at ed b y a little quiet thought and Ladies in want of a choice of fine NEW B RUNSWICK locate where I m ay get t he south wind. "E_ve~y female w;oman is an expression Christian pri~ciple.-~n th e m eant ime, hands Fancy Dry Goods please give me Does it ever blow h ere? Native-Well, sir, in a b11l mtroduced m to Congress by an In- off. Canada is not gomg down on her mar' I may say as you 're l ucky to ha.ve come to d iana Senator. row bones at the fi rst talk of u nscrupulous a call. I have them in endless t his p lace· ·The south wind alwa.ys blows ! Norman (four) b egs h is mother t o take electioneering wire p ullers, If it is all a . t ·t S A here. Tourist- A lways? But it seems to· h im to a. ball. She says he can't dance. mere make .believe it is a piece of t he most variety at S ore, opposi e · · I N STOCK . be blowing from the north now. IS.ative- j " Yes, I tan dan ce; and my way is m ore consummate mischievous folly . If it is a.Ill Barracks Oh, it mar be comini;t from th at direction . diffitult than your'way . I ~dance alone, but in i:a~nest i.t is simply ma dness and a. great Call a nd see our designs an d get ou r n ow, but 1t'a the south wind. It's coming ' y ou h ave to be h olded up." poht1cal crnne. · estima'o~s before p urch asin g . back, you k now,- Once a Week. · _ _ . ·---- ---. Bowmanville, Ma.rob l S, 1888. 1l! ~ anauUlU ~ a t.$ttUlU. ,.t· ~t t ·i CHlNESE POLICE TORTURE. 1;-;ie Sheep Freezing in New Zea.land;· · 1· .PASSING :NOTES:· j I Want of Sleep R. PEATE Tail61!' 1 I Gentlemen'sOlothes Made to Order: DAILY LINE TO ROCHESTEit j tA I s ~ '.l' HE S TEAMER I NORSEMAN (A . DUNLOP, Master.) ILL l\'lake h er r egular t rip s on t h is route, leaving Cobonrg every m orning a t 7:80 and Port Hope a t 9:50 o'clock, on arrival of G, 'l' . R. trains from 1.he East and West · connecting at Roch ester wit h the New York Central, Northern Centra.l, and E rie Ra ilways and the Lake Ontario Division ot the Rome · W!'tertown and Odgensburg Railwa.y tor ail pomts H;aet , W est ·nd South. RETUllNING-Wlll leave Charlotte (por t ot R ochester) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays a t 12 o'clock p. m ·. Tuesdays !it 9 p .m. Thuredays a t l l p. m.. and Saturdays for P ort Hope, direct, at 4 p . m . Dealers in stock will Jlnd this the cheapest and most exp ~di tious route to Oswego, Hoston, Albany, Ne·R York. &c. For further par ticulars apply to .A.. D uNI, OP, or C· F.IGILDERSLEEVE P ort liope. Kingston, J.11. K ENNER, .A.gent, Bowman ville. W I I Ayer's Sarsaparilla, T o buy Foot Gear for M en, W omen , Boys and M aidens, at BEEP, IRON AND WINE. DAVJN' Popular No. 1, Boot and Shoe EMPORIUM! Our N e w S tock h a s arrived, and comprises somet h ing nea t and pr e t ty for L adie s, G ood and Ser viceable for M en and B oys, and B oots that R Boots for every member of t h e h ouseh old. Tll UNK S, 1' ALISES, d<iSAT CilEl.S, IN STOCK. UOR(Q AUT n .,, TRUSSEs of JlliD'"Or der ed Wor k a.nd R epairing Specialty, as usual. · a D. DAVI S. 117 CHUR C HS T., TORONTO, O N T. ~l~IKJ]llf, LAD I E S You r attention is directed fo the im men s e stoc k of We We M I L L INERY of every d escription at MRS. DONNEL Y'S Sh e has j ust open ed out one of the laretest an d m oat stylish stocks.. ever brought to town, c onsisting of: ; 1 t lillincr y, D 1·ess Silks V elv ets, & c ., wit h a v ery fin e stock of F e ath er s an~ F lower s · Call an d insp e ct this fine dis play, whi ch cannot fail t o give satisfaction, CHANNING'S --------- ------ --··- - - - STANDARD BA NK OF CA N ADA. Cap1lal paid up, $ 1, 000, 1100. Rl)st, seao,ao SARSA PA RI LLA DR. FOWLERS · - ~EXT: OF~,~ -. ,"WI LD · Tulei B ank 1s -;.;par-~d to d e Leetltl· "ate B a nking in all branchea, "' F:~rm ere n otes d illconnted ; Dep osits i:_ce1ved and I nterest paid on a mounts of fo upwards in Savin g s Bank Depar tment ; JU~ JR J~ ~? 'l' ~ ; ~~1rnd and Oollections ro<1.de in Europe S uited S ta t.03 and C:a.nada. its TRAWBERRY RAMPS . ~P .. .J"· ·!ONES, !!~~¥1!!~' O L I C _,..a@.r I 'rfIE ONTARIO BANK cout-inues to do a General Banking BUfliness Bo wma.nvillt> Branch. J.~ E .If' OS I 'I'S tecetveq in SavingB Bank Depa rtment a n d ·al!. and mterest allowed at current r ates N o .otioe of withdrawa l nec0ssary. .All dep'oolt! Hi.yuble on demand, ri1IARRHCEA l!JYSENTERY I t h (1 .lEX«J.H&.N GE Jn1tod Statea a nd Canada, also Gold Silver a lo~ght and aold and Drartsissued unon ll:urop e Jnited States Green backs bought a nd sold, n :UG!!.J ~~{;'J.·~om~ m_ ade 1~t current r11.tes upon all J! (_lreth Brittain, the United States and pDar ':Jlnion of lJanada . o ,' 1·ourpt~y 'JI'e.m.eg1·aph 'l'rau §.f'e1·s .'<i:ade for 1arl'!e or smaIJ sums on all parts Canada, 1:rh1s Is especially adva ntageous persona living In Manitoba or the North·w Ml it makes t h e funds available at on ce at t pfo.oe of payment. For fm·ther particular s call a t t he Bankin ffouse. · r. RODIE, GEO. McGILL, Accoun tant , Manager ·lv l ALL 'S o:F - SPRI N G- p EN · ! N~ ~ Granite Works, MR 0 . flll . -:! 0 I I Lac es, Embroideries, P lu shes ; LA DIES ' fIN EU NO[RWEAR. UNDERTAKING -:av LEVI MORRlS. the shortest n otice, at the loweatpossiblera (la.skets a n d Bur ia l Cases ready onahortnotlFirst-class hearse on very modera te tern. . Shr ouds a nd Coffins constantly on h a n d · .F11 1 eral oar d s supplied a t once. Furnit.ure Shop l .:how Rooms- Bouns all'sNowBlock. It is estimu.ted that t her e are 10,000 florists in t h e United States, with 1.000 a cres en tirely covered wit h gla.ss, in the sh ape of green h ouses, devoted to !lowers. llJ3I' I am f ully prepar ed to attend F'"iineral CRAN ITE M0NU MENTS I I MR . s IVES Children ~ry~fo_!'!<_!~.c!ie~~J!~Bto!!~

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