· ea ..... - -..,,_ ------. ~ -- New Choice lines ---"-0---- SHAW'S SCIIOOL HOUSE. 'l'he Harvest Homn }'estival held in conn<ction with the tlnbbath School at this place, came off, as ,.nnounced, 011 Sunday anrl Tnosday last . ( >n Sunday twxi sermons were preached, by Hnv~. J . Tholi'll , B.A .. of Newcastle: and .r. ::lnuderson, llLA., Bow manville. to large and appreciM;ive congre· gations. The Newcagtle Chok W118 present at each service and rendered some choice singing, which was hiAhly appreciated. On '.l'uesday afternoon tho progra.m wne resumed when a 'l'ea. we.a served to the children, at 4:30 o'cloJk, at Mr. C. Osborne's, and afterwards to the p ublic, who had assembled in la.rge numbers . '.l'he T ea waR first-class in · every particular and r~fl~cted great credit on the ladies of the neighborhood . who f;ot · it up. Everybody was delighted and tl10rOU1l'bly enjoyed themstlves . After Tea the meeting was called to order , with Rev. J. Thom in the chair. Short addresses were given by Reva. Messrs. Sanderson, of Eb~n ezer; Dunlap. of Orono, and some choice singing by the Newcastle choir and also by Mr . W.R. Knight and compP .ny. The proceeds will be a.bout $65 . We must not u ot forget to mention the way in which the School House was decorated for the occasion. '.l'he decorations w~re all from the products of the Earvest, and wer e ~ ery tastefully ar ranged, aud were a credit to the commi ttee, composed of the tencher, Mias 'Valsh and Mr. G . Rickard, who must have spent some time a nd Jabour to arrange it in such a neat manner. 'l'his Sabbath School is iu a very flourishing- condition and has an average attendance of about fi fty scholars, wit b seven teachers and a superintendent.. 'l'he B ible .class num hers about twenty. A. vei·v nice L ibrary is in circulation and illust rated pa· p ers are distributed every Sabbath . 'Ve hope success may attend their efforts and ;!;bat much irooc l ma.y result therefrom. LARGE PoT.\To11s .-Mr. El. Allin ,at Davie' Shoe Store, has 011 Exhibition a potato whfoh weighed I lb, 6~ oz ~. Who can b eat thfo? H enry Uie Photographer is takinu eomo very nice outside views. nround t own , ir.cluding residences, &o.. Among others, a very a ttractive one, and worthy of partiouIa.r mention is the view of Dr. Hillier's new dwelling on Beech .1henue. The picture is a handsome one, and one of tho best outdoor pholos we have ever seen, Mr. H enry has also tBkcn some views in 'he Cemetery wbiol are also very n icely e1tecuted. Several of our citizens h ave had their plo~s p.botogre.ph ed , i n order to send to fri ends at a dietance, a correct picture of the last resting place of some departed r elative or old friend. When you wanl anylhing in photography, either onldoors or ill, oall on HENRY, directly opposite the Ruebollom Bourn. Prices reasonable. PROMl'T RESUL:rs.-"l was very sick with bowel complaint la.st summer. I tried other medicines but all was no use until I tried Dr. Fowle r's Wild 8 t rawberry. 'f he next day I was like a differe n t man." Geo. H. Peacock, S t roud, Ont. BUY FROM DRESS COODS~ McOlUNB BROS, THE LEADI NG DRY GOODS HC US E, BOWMANVILLE. -·- - -; :::: ; -We have made special efforts this season to meet our customers with a complete stock. T1is combined with a competent and courteous staff of hands we are in gooti shape to serve you well. We carry a stock of MILLINERY GOODS and MANTLES for Ladies and Children of more than u:mal attraction. A Grand Display of NEW DRESS GOODS in all the new textu:es. :!S EW COLORINGS and NEW CollUHN.A.TIONS with trimmings to match. A large assorfa.t..e:nt both in plain and fancy designs including Silks, f:llu.,hef, Velvets, Velveteens, Cashmeres, Crapes, Crape Cloths, ]foules, French Twills, Ottomans, Soliels, Jersey Cloths, 'I'ricots, Meltons, T weed Mixtures and a great variety of fancy efft cts in Plait s, Stripes · and Combinations; Skirts, Shawls and Mantlings l CLDTHH,IG [MATERIAL. A choice lot of Black and Colored Worsted Coatings, 8cotch Worsted Suitings in plain and fancy designs, Overcoatings, Canadian Tweeds new designs and ftne value ~&£~~~&~o Grey, Union and all-wool Flannels Plain and Twilled. Navy Blue all-wool Flanntls Plain and Twilled. Opera Twill in all leading shades. Fancy Checked Flannels in great variety. White and Scarlet Saxony Flannels in great variety. A fine assortment of Blankets in Grey and White. o~ c~m CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. In Fit, Style and Workmanshi p oar CUSTOM CLOTHING cannot be beaten. We have a choice stock of Fine Y or-k:~,bire and West of England Clot hs. Scotch, Irish and Canadian Tweeds wit h H UNDREDS Ol·' PIECES t o select from. Our Stock of CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS and GENERAL DRY GOODS is very large. · Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. We are doing a Jarge trade in Hosiery and Gloves as we always keep a large choice. In Corsots our Featberbone is still the leading line in the trade. We excel in assortment of l'he on ly season during which the follow fog game rna.y he hunted, taken or killed is aR follow~: Dee1·- 15th October to 20th November, Moose, elk, reindeer or caribou may n ot he killed before October 15, 1895. The number <'f den which may be ki:Jed nr t aken alive in any one Eeason, prior to J 89.'i, is limited follows, One person,5; two persons huntA grand choice o f Neckware, all s tyles of Linen and Celluloid Col1ars, &s ing t ogett1er or from one cam p or rendez. L inen and Silk Handkerchiefs, 100 kfods of BraceEt, Waterproof Coats, vous, 8; three pcnons, ll6 before, 12. Umbrellas, &c. Partridges-1st Septemberto 1st January. \Voodcock- 15th Aui::u·t to 1st ,Tanua.ry, Snipe, ra.il and golden p lov6r - lst SeptP.rnber to 1st J i.nm\fy. Ducks of all k inda and all wo .ter-fo wl·- l st buyer~. Soptembtr to !st J anuary. Geeee- lst S eptember to !Rt M 11y. Hare - lat September to 15th March . 'l'he above dates a.r e inclllsive . These mil.y be expo~ed for ~ale for fifteen dayM after expiration of t ime for ki!iini;:", No 11ggs to be to.ken or destroyed at any time. No t raps, nets or snares, baite d lines or simili& r c.mtrivances t o be used. 'l'h ese mo,y be de·a troy<d L)· uny person without. OU URTIO!p. AUCTION SALES. liability·. No contri v:mees deecribed or ~ wr. itn -n:; fl!"it \~ !!! wj~b inll~1uma~::.;;, I -- . JI.Baa Ut yil6rtuan. of DoWlilil.hvllle, ls visiting SA'l'UltDAY, SEPT. 22. - Mr. yY · Veal~, known as batteries, swivel guns, ~unken 11.t Mr. :L. M. Couriiee·a. Albert-st, South Oshawa, will sell lus pul'.lts or night lights to he used for k illing ·riie " Ste.rs" wer .. d C1fea.ted gn Se.t.urda.:v by h ou se. lot and furn iture. Sale at 1 p. wild fowl. tho "Beavers," or Haruptcu. ~core, 9 ~o u . m. ll t!NKING, Auctioneei'. ~'m· hearing animah m ~y he only t !l.l t'cn, Mr c W Lent ia improving the appearance cf hls premises by p:i,inting hie house and SATURJJAY , Sir.PT 29.- The furniture and hunted or killed as follows: driving s'hed. househ:ild effects of the la te Thomas Bea.Yer~ mink, muskrat, s8.0l'e\ 'martiu, M r. <:oorge '.l'uoker, t'lho ha· '?een visiting b Id "Tl M " otter or fisher- l at :N'ovembet t c> l at May. bore fut· r;avere.l weeks, left on !:'e.~urday last Lightfoot will e so at 10 art, tor his home in 'l'oronto, acoomJ:!amed by ~1.~. Market Square, Bowmanvill.,, 1 o'clock Nor shall any trap or snar e 'O'r other con. John Courtioe, w!lo mtenae doing the oi.:hi· ] shar:::, Sell bill~ . $. B v RDIIN & Co., I trival)c~ be set for tbem ot;t"i,i e tbi~ se.~sou, bition e.nd citY. ·; Well, Mr. Editor, I notic0 "'1'1 -iu1" recelvc;a_ Auct!on eet~. . N or shall any muskrat house be out, spear· eome attention from one of rout lt>~al . oin'I: l\foNDA.Y S EPT. 24.- Mr. 'l 'hos. Rowe, ed, broken or destroy~d. a t ·a ny time . Any temporaries as well a s from seV:eral or your ' . } . .. correspondents. It'a all right, Mr. Sun, tho l ot 20, con. 5,. Darh?gton, w 10 IS r etn person may 'd esti:'dy '~nch trap s, snares, etc. , ··S'te.rs" will very likely be on hand tot· your ing from farmmg , will sell the whole of so sd, witllo'ut auy liability. b a ee ball tourna.ment. but you need not have . l b f t k h· tat<: en up 80 much space ln your ·v al1mble paper lus v a ua le a.rm s oc , mac rner y , N. B .- No poison to be us& d in k illing malting your explana tion in such a round imple ment s, etc. S ale a t 1 p. m . S ee the · a nl.mals named and no poisoned bait t o about way e.s to.lead _People to for!fet your la.r ge .moaters. S. C. H UNKING, Auc. ,, lllunder in not rncludmg the " Stars·· at lirst. be e'xp cised in any locality wh ere dogs or "'Dexter" acoms to ht1,vo been badly hurt by t10noor. t attle roay have access to the s 'l.me . tb.o strny shot .. Trim" fired t wo weeks a.1?0. _ ..Trim" has no wish to carry on a war with the T ummAY, S EP'.!'. 2o.- Mr. Job T homp~on , No deer ·dog to run at larg-e from tlle 15th co.m bination known as "Dex t<!r," as t hey a.re will sell his v aluable farm stock, 1111- ; ~ovember until the 15th Oot ober. too nimble in eluding a purs11cr. The supoosed t S C H A tramp could not catch him, and now !n order plem en s, e tc . · · UNKIN0 , u c. Foreigner s must not hunt, take or kill to esca1 rn he hidas u uder hoops, So long, T S 25 Mr Job Thom'p deer in Ontario . except a~ follows : Share· 'l'RIM, . \.JESDAY, EPT. .· . " · " Dexter." holders in an in~orpornted company, on the - : - - - · - -son . l ot 35, con. 6, Darlington, w ill 1 H AMl'TUl\ · sell his h1gh g rade cattle, Clydesdllle grounds of such company, or \\ho ohta\n Mt\ Geo. La.ngdon ha.~ sufficiently recovered and o th er valuable h orses, ot h er farm from the Con.mi·sioner of Crown J,and's a 1 t o go to t own last w eek. s tock a nd valuable lot of implem e nts, per mit at the cost of Sto, and under the rcA largo number from here are attending J carria<res etc. S ale at 1 p. m. , sh arp . etrictions above quoted. t he Industr ial nt 'l'oron to. . S l "' ' t 'l'h fw' JI 'b Mr . H . Elliott will exhibit a. great variety of j ee arge pos ers · . e arm , .1 e D eer may not be exp orted. Sewing machines at the W hitby fair. I sold at the same t~me . See aavt. S. 'l'he pena lt isa imposed by t he Act are as There will be eevc1·al sales in thi· viciail,y in 1 C. H UNKING A uctioneer. follows: In case of d'eer, elk, mc,ose, rei ndeer ·the near future, See n otice in t his pa.p er. T k · Mr. Jo a. William s. Oambrie.n ,gives a ~pe cial WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 26 he stoc -.m- or caribou, not exceeding $ 50 or le88 fha.n pnze of $10 at Port Perry fair for colts aired by t rade, h orse, harness, cutter , peddling $5, with cost s, for each Qjfence ; birds or wag on, dry good s, cr cckerr ,b oots? et c. , bi's horse, "'Volunteer:· eggs, $25; fur-bearing anim~,l s , S25 to $ 5; Mr. W esley.Co0:ch !:J.as .engag\'d Mr. Jf!mes ! of R M. Kirk patr ick S ohns will b e other branch es of the A.ct , $25 t o $ 5 foreiign· Pooley to assist lum m h is fe.rnung operut10ns. , · . · ' S ' 2 Jim w ill live in the old Couch homestead. sold without r eserve. a1 e a t P·. m. ers, $20 t o $10; e:xceeding number of deer, Our esteemed friend Mr. R . H , Eunt has 1 See a d vt. S. C. HuNKl NC: , Auct10n$20 to $10. fJeE)n assisting 1\1r. S. Eingbam . 'l'yrone. to , eer. . In default of immediate payment of fine . M J h T · k to xnalrn barrels recent ly. The Ca.pt, makes ! S an Al. barrel. . W EUNESDAY, El"f. 26. r. 0 n r1c and costs the defendant may be imprisoned Our j uveniles had a oicnic on ' 'Bald point." II w ill sell on lot 39, con . 4, Darling ton, 11orth·east shore or oilr ch armin)\I p ond one the whole of his far ru s tock, implements in the county jail for uot mor~ than three uftern<,>on last week . They en.J oyed them· &c . S a 1e a t 1 o'clock As Mr Trick months . aelves nnmensely, . . . . mpetent and com· 'l'he accused shlt!l be e& J\llr. Joseph D. Trelevan continues to m ake is giving up farrnm g t_ h e whole of lns pelled to give evidence. extensive improvements on bis fa:·m south !Jf 1 stock will be sold without r eser ve. thio viUnge A fe w more me.n of .his stu.mp In I L E 1 A '!'or E Auctioneer Convictions shall not be quash ed for wan this section would make things lively, , V · · ' · of form. Our young "Bea.ve'.e" take thelt· defe at ,bY SATURDAY SEPT. 29.- S. C. flunkin g '!'bet w hoie of the fine sh all be p aid to t h e . ·' · f f ~1 J t he Enuiskillen boys m good part. I t bem1~ their first match they were a little excited. will sell b y a uct1on the a.rm o " r . . proeecut1ir, un less the convicting j ustice has '\Ve trust they w ill take things more cool when Munson, at B eer's Hotel,. Hampton. they play tho return match n ex i. Saturday, reason t o believe t hat accuser and accused The · llee.vers" of thi s place and " Sta.rs" of SA'.l'URJJ.l.Y, SEPT. 29. - T h e Hancock are in oollusion for the purpose of benefiting '.Ebenezer had a practice !{a.me of base ball on Ho . m est ead Tyrone will be sold at the the latt er, in which case the justice ma.y the grounds or the "Stars" on Se.tur nn.y. The 'H 'n '11 t 2 Rue bottom - ouse,, ow~anv1 e, a. score we.a 9 to 13 in favor of t he .. Beavers." order tlie disposal of the fine as i n ordinary Mr. Eli Pascoe acted a.s umpire a.nd gave good p . m. Full particulars m adver bse- cases. saUsfaction. ment and bills. L. A. TOLE, Aue. SLow BoY. · . j MONDAY, Ocrr. 1.- S. C . Hu.nking's anFmE.-About two o'clock on 'l'bursday 0 R ANGE J u o n, w h o was the builder i nual sale .of farm a.tock, . i mpl ements, morning the alarm sounded out , "When it and for thirty y e ars the Editor of the old , e tc. Entries for which will close S ept. was discoverea t h at nn empty frame house Amer ican A g ricult ur ist , an d for four j 20th . belo:1ging to F . Mason, e.nd situ ated n orth r ears p~st of the Pra~rie. F arm er, is now I T HFRSDAY, Oc.'T. 4.~Frederi~k Le.m?, of the Furniture Faclory , was on fire, Tha with his s ons pub lrnhmg a first-class 1 lot 21, con. 4, Darlmg ton, w ill sell his engine was promptly on he.nd, but tha ·w eekly Journal, vi?.., t he Orange Judd farm stock and implements . S. C . fl ame hndgained such headway before beFarmer , adopte d t o b oth Country and H u mnm :, .Auctioneer . · ing discovered, that t he building "We.a en:Vil!age life,_out-door and in-door. Be T UESDAY, Ocr. 9.- Valuable sale of farm tirely destr oyed. Suppooed to have been mv1tes a ll his forme : r ead ers, and any stock, standing timber, cord wo od , etc. ' others, to send for a r r ee sa;~Rle copy, to belong ing to Mr. M . .Ald wor th, on lot lhe work of e.n incendiary. Orange Ju.id Farmer Co ., Cmcago, I ll. 23, con . 3, Darling ton. S .C.HuNKING, BRAINA RD'S M USICAL WORLD.- Thi6 wellAuctioneer. known and popular musical journal is on Always Young. WEDNESDAY, Oc T. 10 - Mr. Isaac Clarke, hand , e.n:i contains a s usua.l much instrnc. Wby is my w ife so precious in my sight ; n or th of Hampton, Darling ton will sell live as well e.s· inleresbng readin g matter. l e it because her eyes i:u·e a lways bl'ight, his valuable farm stock, implem ents, etc. And grace and modesty are m ber air , H C H t· The musfo i!i this number is as follows: · · UNKINU, auc 10neer. N either, believe me. th ongh she's very fe.11·. u Hill; ··Sing me She says and so.ye it w ir,b. an ea rnest diet.ion : T HURSD·\ Y, O cT. 11. - Sale of farm st ock "Time Was," Lady Arth1 ""fbis growing old. I fin d, is all a fiction, · an E nglis h Song," W. J . Wrighion; "Love Since fortune sent mo " Favor ito Prescripand i m plements for Mr. E . Adams, lot Song," A. Hensel~; and " E logy of T ears," tion.'" l, con. 4, East Whitby. S.C.HuNKING, Dr. Pierce's famm.:s re m edy of t hat Auctioneer. for guitar , J. C. Mertz. '.!.' be price of this nam e is, indeed, .~ p er fect specific for excellent journal is but 15 cents a copy, ' 'fe01alc weakness, " a n d k indred ail- T H URSP AY, OcT. 11.- Mr. S . .Holma~, $1.50 peir year. Pnblish ed by S . Brainard's ments. By druggists. Cleanse the li ver one mile west of Columbus, w1ll sell hrn Son s, 52 and 54 E uclid Avenue, Cleveland, 11tomach; dowels a n d whole system by entire h erd of Scotch S h ort Horn catusing Dr. Pie r ce's P el'.et8. t tle . See a dvt. and posters. o. Shirtings, Cottonades Denims, Ticking, White and Grey Cottons, Bags, Yarns, & Warps. 2 - . A T T:S:E- - -----.--- - THE GAME LAWS SICN OF THE COLDEN will be found SHEtP ~~lit~~~ ~liir~llrlr~RIUNl@I~ The Largest Stock, The Best Assortment, The Latest Novelties, The Lowest Prices. McCLUNG BROS. This powder never varies. A marvo1 ol purity, strength and wholesome.n ess. More cconomioA.l than the ordinary kinda, and can not b e s old in competition with tbe multitude of low t 06t, short weight, alum or phosphate powders : Sold onlyin cane. ROYAL BAK· NG POWDER CU ·. 106 Wall S t ·· N· Y. O ur stock now contains the most carefully selected ass ortment ,f best goods and values. We invite the inspection of close and large --==......-- E ...L. ~ - - -- :8 : - - -'!.~~~=--- ,. ~ John J. Mason's, Dry Goods and Jewellery House. NEWCOMBE Elegant in Design Solid in Construction_ Excellent in Tone I PIANOFORTES We have purchased at a very great bargain a very large quantity of Tea which we will sell by the f CHEsrr ONLY. Every Farmer and Tea drinker should see this tea and get samples and prices before buying. Pedlers knocked cold by our prices. M.cCLUNG B~OS. s. c. I PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FINEST MAD EIN CANADA, and equal to the best United States i nstrumcnts, at(whe11 duty and freight Is paid) THE OLD RELIABLE Still Booming (leads the Van). 25 FOUNDRY & MACHIN E W ORKS p~~o~~~!;uA~~~~o~~~~A~~B . WITH THE llANUfACTURiRS I I. Raving recently aaded more machinery and enlarged our staff of skilled workmen, we are prepared t o do all k inds of Engine, THE J. A. CONVEJ1SE MF'G GO. Mill and Agricultural w ork and repairs. A, '\V. !llOJ:RIS ..t BltO. We have also made arrangements with the leading firms to handle and P HOPRIE'l'OitS. MON'i'REA.L, keep in stock repairs for their machinery . 'l'he following OF ar e a few of t hese firms : PATTERSON BROS., Woodstock; F LEURY, Au rora ; WOON & CO., Oshawa ; L. D. SA WYER, Hamilt on ; W ATE ROUS, Brantford. We are also making arrangem<s with several other firms t o handle their repairs. E xclusive agents for PROVAN's PATENT HAY CARRIER AND FORK- the very best and ch eapest in t he market. A full stock of our Hard-to· Beat Plows, and Famous T wo-Furrow Gang Plows. Pronou nced, by practical consum- Farmers, be sure and ask for .Porter & Noden's Diamond S teel Points. ers, superior to anything in Highest price paid for all kinds of old iron in cush or trade. Best the Canadian Market . brands of Machine Oil al ways on hand. Quality a,nd price-best in t he market. Plows given on t rial. l\IANU~'AC 'f U RER S OCTAVIUS NEWCOM BE&. CO. !_QJ-1 00 CHURCH STREET, TOllONTO ----o - -- JUTE & COTTON s PORTER & NODEN, illnnufncttu ·ers Also of 'l'l·c ()clcbratc<l 26-3m East End F oundry. ;~'.L . . ,.1 ~ "RED CAP " BRAND 0 1" - ! I I I MANIUA ~IN UtR TWIN t. , ToroTi t o Otll cc a nd W arehouse : 20 FR ONT STREET E Ai-:lT. W . C . B ONNELL, M.1NA G1tH. 38- 6m . ... . TD. P . '0 .. . . . .. . . . . · . .. . . . . . . . . BAaHA~y. . . . J· .. . · ' · · · · · · · --- ·O -- - - J~ PON D HIGGIIBOTHA Chemists and Druggists. ----o- ...____ ----o- --PROPRIETORS OF LILY A. clellghtful '£ o!let Article. Not e. face pa i.nt or powder ~.does not cover over . . but cur es: used in conn~ction w ith Pond Lilly Silver Pellets and Pond Lilly Skin i:loap. Most E ffectual and Positively Removes all Pimples, Freckles , Te.n, Bio.ck Specks, BlotcheR 11.nd all H.oughness from the face, hands, neck e.nd arms, leaving them beautif ully w hite and v el vety, Jt'F<JOI.D BY DRUGGI STS E YER YWHERE.'l@i A full assortment of Drugs and Medicines always on hand, also Toilet Soaps, Sponges, Perfumery Cosmetiques, &c. PON D LIL Y CRF.A.M, · · 25 CE NTS, POND LILY SILVEH PELLETS. 25 CENTS. P OKD LILY SKIN SOAP, 25 GE NTS. Binge's Syrup of Horehound, for Coughs, Colds, &c. Nasal Cream, for Cold in the Heado Dr. Woulff's Remedy, for Cholera, Diarrhooa, &c. COR~ s. OU-RE .. l'ERlllN. «Jheu1:lst, L indsay, 1VIanu1acturel" and Pro prietor for Canada.. IT «JAN DO NO UA.RlU to t.ry Freeman 's '\Vorin r owdcr s if yottr cblhl ts ·ailing, I Our Corn Cure is the most popular preparation 1n the market. Try it . ,.. 1 p; S. -We can sup ply you with anything in the Dmg lin e-. reverld· or frcU'u1, Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla~ .....