~auadhiu - Jtatesuuln. ° HEALTH. Unimpeded Perspiration. Among the various p11.rts of the human body none seems most strikingly sugge~tiva of dcRign than the skin, regarded as part of " " 'VICE TO MOTHERS.-Are you dis- tli.e excretory system. A single sweat·gland ~ f t with ics spiral dnct, seen under the micros · turbed at night and broken Y.our r? 11 cope, is m>rvellous if considered as a product by a sick child suffering and crymg with of evolution, but when we consider that acpain of Cutti.ng Teeth 1 If so send at cording to the calculations of Eichhorn there once and get a bottle of " .Mrs. Winsl?w's are no fewer than 10, 000,000 of these glands Soothing Syrup." For children. teeth~ng, scattered through the skin, the complete Its value is incalculable. It will relieve system seems as if _ m ust be the result of the poor little sufferer immediately·. Do- special design very specially carried out. , pend upon it, mothers ; there 18 no ·Assigning a.n average lenvth to ea.ch, if ·rniiitake about it. It cures Dysentery stra.iglitened, of about one·sixth of a.u inch, _... ~nd Diarrhrea, regulates t he Stoma.ch and which is short of the truth, their total length, Bowels cures Wind Colic, 1oftens the for a. h~man body of a.verage size (with a. · ' d · surface of fourteen square feet), amounts Gums, reduces lnflamlllation, an gtVl!i to more than twenty·six miles. Through tone and energy to the whole sy;tem, these twenty-six: miles of tubing, divided " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,. ~for up into 10,000.000 sections, the perspiration children teething is pleasant to the t&.ste is com!Jantlv exuding, passing away in the and is the prescription of one of the old- form of invisible vapor except when formed e&t and beat female physicians and nunea rapidly as duriog violent exercise, or in cerln the United States, and is for 11a.le by tain forms of disease. all druggists through the wo1ld. P1ioe The H11id which thus pisses away ts chief· 25 cents 8 bottle. Be sure aud ask for L y water, in which minute quantities of ani" MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SY:rtU:r," mal and saline mJ.tter are dissolved, with lactic acid, nitrogen, anll carbonic acid (or and tak e n o other kind. c~rbon dioxid· ) It is estimated th.i.t on the avera.ge, the s11dorific glands remove each CJOXSUl\lPTJON f!ITKED. rfay trom the body a.bout 2~ lbs of watery .An old physician. retired from practice hav- vap ·r. B·1t the amount varies largely, not ing bad placed in bis bands by an Ettst India only from day to day, but from hour to missionary the formula of a simple vegetable hone ; besides being different with different remedy for the speedy .and_ permanent cure of individuals. In a warm hall or theatre in Consumption, Bronchitis," Catarrh, .Asthma · . and a ll Throat and Lung .Affections also a which two thousand people are gathered to· positive and radical cure fo_r Nervous Debqity gether, a ton of vaporous or liquid p erpira· and all Nervous Compl:imts, after . ha.vmg tion will be excreted in the course of a single tested its wonderful curative powers m thou· h th t t I I . th f h I d sands of cases, h as felt it bis duty to . make it . our-:- e ., .a enp o .t e sw.eat g an s known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by Ill act10u durmg the evenmg b emg no less this motive !Ind a desire to relieve human than 57,000 miles, or ~ore than 2l times the sufi'.eria,g, I 'Y11l sen!! fre_e of charge. to all who circumference of the e<'orth. desire it, this r eceipt. m German, French or English , w ith full directions for preparing and NATURE INSISTS ON A F REE SKI~. using Sent b y mail by addressing with Since death results when t he cutaneous sta mp 1 namini< this paper, W . A. N OYES. 149 respira.tion is absolutely or in a large degree Powe.· s B lock, B ochestwr, ·""'· Y. 41- IY _ interrupted, it will be understood that even Consumption Surely Cured. partial interrnption of the process must have misJhievous effects. These, appar· To THE E DITOR: ently, are not usua.lly loc:i.l, that is, the part Plear.e inform your readers that I ha,ve of the body where the p o .res a re clogged a positive remedy for the above named .~loes not ~ppear to suffer dnectly fro.m .the disease. By its timely use thousa.uds of mt errupt wn of the cu~aneous respiration, hopeless cases have been permaaently b~t the general health 1s affected., Othe; cured. I shall be glad to send two b ottles wise the us~ of p lasters, coverecl with 11km of my remedy F REI<: to any of your readen on .the outside or made of ~on-porous m: · who have oon~umption if they will send me ~enals, would be locally d1s. a stroua. As it their Express and p . o. address. 1s, such plas.ters ar.e usuall,Y too .small to do _ tf 11 D · T A SLOCUM: ~"ll much 11uscl11e[ by mterfermg with the p er· R.eapec u y, · " · · · ,_,., · t· Th · · t th l · d b Yon re Street Toronto, Ont. spira ion.. e inJury. o e s nn one y g ' such applmncea as foolish persons put on the face and arms with t he idea of improv ing the :i.ppe..rnnce prob~bly d oes not arise d irectly fr<>m the clogging of t he sudoripM'ous an d sebiwaous glands, being due rather Wben &by was sick, we gave her Caatorla, to physical than to phyeiological causes; Wben she lVM " Child, aho cn'ed for Castor ia, yet there is something singularly perverse When she became Mies, ah e chlng to Castoria, in the folly which, wher e nature h r.s iudicatWheli sho btid Childron, aho gavo thom Ca.st1>ria, ed the necessity tor a free skin, insists on obst inately clogging t he skin wHh matter which must be mischievous, even though neutr<1l in chemica.l constitution, a.nd which usuillly- as in the ca.se of p earl powder, for example- is very far from being neutral. A lt\J.ough it is absolutely essential to h eal th that the perspir<.1 tory pores should be kept free from obstruc tion and in a state of d ue ~.ctivity it must not be forgotten ~hat there is room for error on the aide of ex cess in t his as in so many other m att'lrs. N e Have now full ranges of all their Newest qnid nimi.g is a golden rule in all such Ci!,ses. Designs, and invite MERCHANTS to T here are many, h owever, who seem t o examine same previously to think that because by clea.nliness and the buying elsewhere. fnquent use of the cold or tepid bath the action of the sweat gh.nds is encouraged 93 ~ · T. ' and the health preserved, therefore it must be still better to use the hot b,i,th freq.ientMONTltJi;AL. ----------------·--·--·----·- -·- - - - - ly, and even ocoasionally to use sudorifics when they are not called for medicinally. This is a mistake and m ay prove a serious miat e.ke in the case of pers'.lu. s constitutionally disposed to p erspire freely. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 7, 1888. ness of the hair. These glands a1 .. absent ' from the· under part of the feet a. .d hands, I and are most abundant in the sc · p, face, i canal of the ear a.nd a.bout the .. ose and I mouth, Those in the ear secrete die earwax. An f xceas in rhe secretio renders the face fh iny; a deficiency renders the skin and hair dry and harsh. The glands. are sometimes obstructed, · when the oil becomes thick, or when there is a. n1>glect of cleanliness, This gives rise 1 to papulw, or pimpJea, which on being I pressed ont through the narrow mouth of the oil duct, resEmble worme, or gruba. They are frequently called worms , naturally enough, since the lrnrdened dirt on the outer end looks like a hettd; but they are ody .thickened oil, though occasiovally a minute living worm chooses one of thm tor his abode. Occasion~lly the more fluid elements of the oil are absorbed, leaYine; only tho ad·d, and these harden into cutaneous calculi. Or the obstructed aecretions-yellow, half liquid and half solid, like putty or mortarmay form small tumors on the eye brows, face, neck and head. They should be cut out when small, or destroyed with caustic. Still, their only harm is in the deformity they cause. The various forms of acne, or pimple, are due to ioflammations of these gfands, ·£hey n~cur ma.inly at the perio.l of puberty, and in the years immediately following, and arc regarded as due to tho constitutional changes then in process. There is 11.t that period a. languid and tupid condition of the skin, a tendency to t he accnmulation of sebaceous matter, and a congestion of the follicles. The treatment consists iu removing any exciting cause tiw t may exiet, improving the nutritive powe r of the skin and the general sys tem. < \nd . s ti mulating the p arts affected. There should a lso be close a.t teution to diet and habits of life. . Don't Wait Until your hair be comes dry, thin , and gray before giving the attention needed to p reserve its b eauty and v ita lity. K eep on your toilet-table a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor-t.l1e only dressing you require for the hair-and use a little, dail y, to preRerve the natural color a nd prevent baldness. Thomas Mund ay , Sharon Grove , Ky ., w rites : "Se veral ·months ago my hair commence d falling out, and in a few weeks m y h ead was almost ba ld. I t ried many r emedies, but tl1ey did n o good. I finally bong ht a llottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part of the contents, my head was c over ed with a heavy growt.h of hair. I recommend your preparntion ·as the best hairrestor er in the world." ., "My hair was fa<}ed and dry," writes Mabel 0. Hardy, of D e lavan, lll. ; "but a fter using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor · it became black and glossy ." I I for Infants and ' "Cutol'lais ""well adapt.ed tochild!'lln tba.t [ re·-'Ommend it as superior to any prescription knoWllM>me." H. · · - - - MD I Children. Cutma cnre11 Colle, Co!IAt.IPAHon, '"·· """'"'~'" ' ·· Ill So. o.itoN St., Brootqn, N. Y. . geatlon WWwu5 wjuriows medication. Tim C&NT.t.un COMPANY, ;-7 Murray street, N'. Y; Sonr Stoma.ch, Dinn:hooa, Eructation. Kills Wonns, i;ives sleep, and promotetl &. Ayer's Hair Vigor, ::iold by Druggists and Perfumers. Pimples and Blotches, So d isfiguring to the face , forehead, a nd n eck, may be e ntirely removed by the us e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the best and safest Alterative aml Blood-Purifier ever <liscovered . Dr. il' J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists; $1; s ix bottles for $5.· Stoves and Tinware, Paints and Oils·.. Acute Sore Throat. Among the best re medies for thia common affection is hot water . It shculd be applkd outside and inside ; ou tside by means of flannel wrung out oi wMer o.s h ot ll.S can be b orne, avplied t o the t hroat and well cover e<i, twice n day for fifteen minutes or half an hour. Gargle hot water, as hot ae ci>n be borne, every fi fteen minutes or half an hour until rdieved. Drink plentv of h ot wa t er so as to get into a profuse perspiration. A few hours of t his t reatm ent will effect a cure in simple caees. Surreys, Buggies,Market Wagons, Sleighs, Cutters, &c., P a int ed iri first class style at GEO.£. MANN/NB Begs to inform ths inhabitants of Bowmanville and surroundin(]' Townships that he has opened out business in the old titand, formerly occupied ly Mr. W. M. Horsey, one door east of Standard Bank, and will~at all times keep in stock all goods usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store, comititing of LOWIS~PRICES:IN Pa rties hav ing anyt !ting in 1he above liue tllat requires painting will save money by h aving 1he wo rk done a t my shop. Bring your Sleighs and Cutter s !11 early in the season. It w ont cost any more and bett.er work can be d ono by'h av ing plenty of time, Orders for TOWN. The Magog Textile ~w=anif~Priiit ~~'7~""" ·co:· PETER . STREET for filing saw s whereby th oso Jen.st ~x porwnc~d mt.n~ oth~rs, fol" emumnn cros s·eut 1>awr., by m u.il $2.CO. H nu· dreds h a ve sa.wed ti to 9 COH .nS tlaily, We want flll wbo BV ONE MAN , Gr~o.tly lmpMved. A!so TOOL .Sen t .f 1'N '· ·w1.th not mn.k:e n mi'- takl~. wa.oJn:ne. To bnrn W (>Ocl and all interestet.l in the Umber bnsrncse to write for our Illuetra.tecl Jfree ()atulog ue. We ba·vo e x.. aetly what you vrn.nt, the greatest J ab or-sa.ver and 1!1;J~t selllng t ool now on earth. First o ruer f rom your v1(lu1~ ~~ ~J~°nl~~~e:.agi/JtfiiNJl i~,~.~~J~1l~:li1N1v~6:1:~o1J~~tali S~. Caaal Struut, Chlcugo, V, t31 A, THIS ¥EAR'S MYRTLE CU'r and PJ.. UG \.oi SMOKIN.GTQBA"'CO FINER TUAN EVER. See in b1·onze on Each PLUG & l'ACKAGE. !U-Iy ~ T& . Gents' Clothing ' Cleaned, Died,iPressed ·and,Repllired by THOS. P E A T Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, ox, . Goods warranted to b~ .as no oO:e V!"fij\ know them from new when dona·. '··Corner of King and Ontario Streets, Bowman ville. - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - ERRORS OF YOUTH, Nervous Debility, Seminal Losses and prom&· tureDecay promptly and permanently ound by Does not interfere witl1 Diet or usual gccupaiii:Or a,nd ineure8 tio!l and fully restores lost V rfect manhood. Sent to any a ddrees, poet· d on receipt of price. One Dolla,r per box. on 9. each side. ·.· Foi· women in uhe kit chen slipp ers m ,.de tram to be ; t pped, i1nd thei1 to be bcked le agency, SCHOF IELD'S DRUG STOR E , of woolen uppers and thick felt soles ar e de- down t;;·o miler. 'I'his was done, a.nd t hen · ' . U ~ -1{.tng atr iet, Toronto. sirable. Slippers are preferable for h ome Mr, S goo r: L lt and Wikl ked the rem01h1d cr of il'1!;. ...,-.m :-- -- --use to buttoned boot s, as they facilitate the the dil ;;H!Ce. \Vhon he reached the spot ~-~~~~ n - ~ 1\Jr warming of the feet, which i~ otherwfoe apt wh~re t be men b>.d been perspiring a few Pronounced, by practical con sum-, ,J . J.V.l,0 minut.1·s l.(,for ti:leru w o.d n11t the sligh test l ers, su.p.erior to anythin,·>,- in 1-Kl'":ff" - · ' to he dnly neglected. 1 oz;&> HESUIENCE OFJ,IFID, ~igu of 1:fo 10 "" sum-ey~r} thi1)~ was e,s } thegreatmedica1wor k The Oil Glandi!. st\!! ."" ):.:; grav:.. '.1ihe a"otiou f,rcm ..u! the Canadian M:nfret. ! l!!f:h'>'°" er Ui.e age cm Manhood, . . was Hiiilt for a;d i1~a tirn s boGk cxcmti ned , j ! 'll"'& Nel'Voua and Physical De· Nearly two and a half m1llwns of SWC<\t; whon it wa;;; foun d that full t imo h ad bG£·n l!l'MT ·,. , w ~· 11-· · 1 th f f th b d l 'ir!ll! l'he -~~it .1;1aDt~i<Yf!' ?~1:HhlOH. · 0 0 03 bility, Premature Decline, g1a.n ds i;our ~uu upo~ e _sur :< '. e Y ! given v.11 the nwn for. tba day. Not bei11g l f Youth a.nd the a ~atery fiu1d, V:h1ch aids ip k~epmg tho 1 ,hlc to 0 ,ivll ntisfa·_'tt>ry "'n~wers, tho tn.i.ck· 1 ' . . . . . . , . . .. E . exp.t.ana. , rrorso ·· skm~oitandbyitsevaporation mregulot. ~ t·Jous · lll.mnfac.11ucisA1s>)O!'HteCelcbtated _. !l!J>""...:"" 11 , l!fJlf1'li"!>.w.;n""I'111u11J>. !!"l'<ll lintold miseries cons<equent ~ , · ' 1 n13'·~ t ~r \\' a ~ E)' m 1nrn.w~~. 1,dS ·. . · _...,,I:;lPD t! .l.a-10 l?lJt~~1.:~ · S.a\4. .s.Dil'tt~. ....... 1JA. v.&Lrt~ r..l'W thereon, ~UOpages,8vo. ,126 mgth.ebod1ly temperatu1·e. . l wcrcclHu~>un;,a:~i.hotory thar Mr.Schrie-1" '°' ,, .. , proscrip.-IJQns for all diseaee~. Cloth. full !lilt Beside these awea.t gfonds, the "km oon- b~r orile;·~r1 to:" dJ:,nmsQ;l of the whole batch ! · W he ll 1i' · , : ·; n \..': o.: ')' :-t.·: ·.: \'0Ur dealer onl;r $1, IJ;r mail, sealed. Il!Mtrativ<.1 sampl· ta.ins t he so-called se_baceous glands, th~.t CX · of men. -OF-· j · - · " -· freetoallyoungandmiddle aged men....,.a ude opaque and olly matter. T he ducts ---- - - - - - - '-~ ~HILLA ~!("I T-;'I Jj 1\ff T i\ I: ,ll1 uo\"i. 'fhe Gold and J!lw_elled Med~! awatrda~ convey it either directly to t he surface or 'I" ··: .... , \; '..".. .. J·' ,,J ' 'il .· I! JI · J . . 1.111 rll I. Ir' ~ I' ; l .:.:. ~ 1.1 .. ;.·· ,._x to t,he anther by the National Med1 mil A.~.,eo1- . . h . · f ll' · ' ·te v.n~~ 0 , u., - "' ~ n=-~na >11 - r... I lt atlon. .8.ddrets P . o. Box 18~5. Boston, liu·.. mto th~ !1pper portl'?ll of t c ~a1r 0 101es- mm to Pie!' i:·s !'· x ' ~ ';:l', [C);(l it is rnmrn ed - . Tr.i-' it OP 1..:0, and you will use or DB; W . H. PARJrnm., i;:ra.d~s.te of H:a.1·-.i1.rd , the ca.v1~1e~ from. whl!Jh the hair procetd~.. thr;1; the c;·u,: L H1: 1 "· Gn:n.g bimsdf, tho l Toront o Ofl"k~ una. Warel'cu~e: 20 F i w:::-:T ' Modwal College, 2o 1ears prno~lce m, !lo~"on, The oil 1a dee1gnca to help keep the ~l!:m ~n.c i, .. '-"" ruJ, " (..' · h.,, lllil \' "'O lo l~f<!! Sl'Hl<ll!JT - . i' w)io may be consulted confidentially. SpM1a.lt:r supple and especially to pr(lmote · . "'· ' · "' ~ ,. .-. : ' TJtseasc;;ofMan, Ofilce,No,4B11lJincbSt. · ' l~i::t,, 33-·--6m ·w. C,TIO::-JNgLT,,11-fo"\AGER O' are !J.ppropria.te as the cold weather is about to begin. I . See to it that the children t horoughly ,.iarm their feet before going to school, and on returning home. They are sel dom disposed to do it of themselves. Many a serious cold, or other inflammafory attack, might be prevented by attention to this precaution. 2. Tea.ch the children, when out of doors, to keep their mouths closed, and breathe through their nostrils, This prevents the air- the tempera.ture of which may be zero - from striking directly on the tonsils and the larynx. As the nasal pll.ssages are kc:pt constantly warmed by the breath from the heated lungs, the inbreathed air is warmed, as it passes circuitously through them. 3: Children who are liable to infla.mmation and swelling of the tonsils, or t o troubles in the ear, s hould wear hoods that CJome well 0ver on t he for~head and well down over the neck. Hats are dangerous for such children , and ao are bonnets, unless care is taken to bring them down over the side of the head. 4. In our cities and large towns especially children are inclined to sit together on the stone doorsteps, which are often ioe· cold. This practice needs to be guarded age.inst. Every thoughtful mother wi!lreadilysee how dangerous it is for her girls. 5. On returning from a cold walk or ride, throw off all but the home clothing at once. The outer clothing is nearly at the tempera· ture of the outer atmosphere, and, if kept on, most absorb much heat, which might otherwise have come t o the wearer immediately. 6. In dressing and undressing in a cold room, move about as little as possible, w hen t he slippers are off. T ha carpet under the feet is warmed by abstracting heat from the feet , and the perron h ils t he arlvancage of ib ; while every change bakes addit ional heat to warm a new place. I n undressing keep the · . slippers on as long a.s convemeut; m dress· ing, put them on as boon as possible. 7. If a chamber is without woolen carpet, be sure to h av e a woolen mat or rug or bit of ca.rpe tin~ uear the bed on which to sbaud. 8. All slippers for use in cold weathsr shot1ld have extra inner soles, to lift the feet from t he cold floor and to rttain the nat urnl heat . W h ere nothing else can b e had , such soles can be cut from cardboard ; a th ickness of woolen cloth should be stitched Some Little Things. The little things we sha.11 now speak will receive prompt attention . I shall also keep a well assorted stock of the best manufa.cturera' Make starch with soap y water. It keeps Shoo over Mc :\!UR.'l'RY'S LIVERY STABLE,· the iron from st icking and m akes a gioasy 11o wMA.NV1LLE , . D!A r D LAD ~TOVE : 1 surface. <Y·r C offee aud tea shoald never be given to s9- Sm Stove Pipes, Micas, &c. _ children at nigh t. They disturb the nerve system ii.ud make t h e cMldreu cross and · Tile manutaclure and putting up ot' Ea,'e '.rrougbs peev foh. uill receive s1u~cial attention. Tomato vinegar is p atented in Englan d. It is made byreduciug ripe tomatoes to pulp , steeping the pulp in water twenty-four hours, then drawing off the liqLlld , adding sugar and allowing it to fermeut. To remove indenta.tions from furniture, wet the indented piaces well with warm water; then take some brown paper five or six times douhled a.nd well soi>k ed in wa.ter, Bowmanville, April 2nd, 1888. and cover with it the bruises. Then apply to the paper a hot fl a.t-iron un til the moisture is evaporated, and, if the indentat ions have not disappeared, rep9at uhe .application ' until the whole surfaoe is completely level. Boiled or roa.sted onions are a specific foi:. colds on the chest. They ma.y not agree with every one, but to persons ·of good dil¥iff' ; Votc. - This fwvorite m edicine is p ut gestion they w ill no t only be found to be a up in oi:a i bottles hoidfoy· ~hree ounces most excellent remedy for a. cough and the each, w·illi the narne blown ·in the glass, clogging of the bronchial tubes, which is and the name of the ini·entor, S. R. Campusually the cause of the cough; but if eat en bell, in rod i nk across the fa ce of the labe l. freely at the outs et of a cold t hey will Beware of irn itations, refuse all m bsti· break up what p romised, from the severity lu tes, and you wi ll not be disappoi nted. of t he a ttack, to have b een a serious one. W hy do so ma11y women olljecb t o methoda of m aking their work easier? Some sa.y it looka lo zy? Nonsen se. Men always improve such con tr ivances to the utmost and are never c r.lled lnzy for ao d oing. Now, for insta nca, why should not a wonmn ha.ve a chair high cnongh t o sit iu for many opcr ·Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accounts ruu ations of kitchen and r ooking work, arranged to permit a free uso of the urms? It arising from a <llsorderetl state of the Liver, over one month. would promote health, save strength and Stomach and Ilowels, such as prevent much wearine~s. Dyspepsin or Indigestion, Bilious Because man is t he' only animal that ca.n Affections, H eadache, .Hea1·tburn, laugh one might naturally conclude that he Acidity of the Stomach, Rheumatis m , ha.a always Jaug ,ed, but such is not the Loss of Appetite, Gravel, Nervous case. At least In.ught er, as our Expression Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &c., &c. of merriment . or plea,suxe, has only been in v ogue for a short time as oomp11red with Price 25 Cents per Bottle. PREPARED OM Y BY the age of the race. The Puritans a.nd Qualiers who came to America a coui;la of DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO. ~Limited), hundred yea.rs a.go hdd it to be a misde· M.OI'ITRE.A.L, meanor to longh boisterously or heartily, o.nd even to this day their descendants regard laughing aa being indecorous, if not a ctually unbecominl." t o a Christitl.n. How we do [,ate t hat expression "genteel employment!" The1 e fo only one thing worse- that is the term used by a , young woman who sti.y~ she is willing to do "anything not menial." Now, doubtless there are son e employrr.ents more congenial than Elegant In Design others, sometliing we all prefer-but silly Solid in Construction t alk a.bout menhl work has ruined the career of many a:working woman. AccordExcellent in Tone ing to its Saxon derivation, menial simply meanR anything ctm nect ed with the house· PRONOUNCED BY ARTISTS TO BE THE FINEST IN CAN ADA, and equal to the best United States hold, the most honorable employment of a MADE i nstruments, at (when duty and freight is paid) gentlewoman, according to old style ideas. The impression t;hat any form of hones· work lowers the socia.l standing is too a.bsurd to he considered, and des erves t o be pushed cut of eight with t he lum ber of bygone · WITH TllE MANVFA&TURERS cen turies. OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE _ & Ci>. .Practical. SIGN PAINTING Iron, Steel, Nails, Builders' Hardware, Shelt Goods, Glass, Putty, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Barbed Wire, Forks, Hoes, Spades, Shovels, &c, 'W. MORRISON. i.,0 nu tt·LL ·~\I YR, " ~- ·. lF~n un ~ o · Having purchased cheap for cash, I am prepared_ to sell goods at small profits and prices will be cut close to suit the times. @~~~@g ~e RlllIJlfllOO@~ M~DOUGALL & METCALF, E 0-W-::M..A..N'"V-I LL E'.7 are ottering Coal as follows : G~mD be ll's Cathartic Oomnonnd Cures Gm~nic Constipation, Costiveness, and au Complaints Stove and Chestnut, .................. $6.25 Grate and . Egg, ........ ...................... 6.o. o LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on hand a lowest prices, McDOUGALL & METCALF·. N 5 2 d h B th ': PIANOFORTES "!-~1:,_ ~~IN_!~A~~S EWCOMBE · where are to be seen How Reelers W Ol'k. The a tmosphere lws got to be verv fr igid 1 when Collin!lwood 8 1hrieber gete left. A ~ few d ays a~o -rlur i ng h is late t ov.r of inspecA., ,'t'. l\IOBRIS di lUtO. t ion- Mr. Schrieber h ad oocasion to go over PIWPRIETORS. MONTREAL, one of-t he branch lines of the Intercolonial MAN U~'ACTUR ERS OF iu Nova Scotia. B very t.hing appeared to be m oving along swimmin gly. The section men were w ol'ld ng like b eavers, 1he pH· spirat ion rolling from every pore, and everybody appeared to be earning his salary. Mr. i:iobrieber smiled patronizingly, 'I professed to be gre.atly pleasEd, and moved l Th l ft · 1 vhe e ·b e ti 21 Dinner Sets, lovely patterns, 30 China Tea Sets, very pretty, p~~O~EeP~!:H~~~~o~~~~A~~e 15 Printed Tea Sets, elegant designs, 50 Superior Printed Bed Room Sets, -·------ · !07"109 CHURCH STREET, TOROlff_!l 20 White Bed Room Sets. THE J A. CONVEDS' E Mf'C GO, '1 SEVERAL GASES S~PERIOR .. GLASSWARE JUST ARRIVED. JUTE & COTTON Large variety Hanging and Table Lamps, Fancy Ware, Bohemian and China Cups and Sau.e~rs, &c. ! :;~D:~vern [.\~0~\1~~ ~:l~a~d, 1.~o ~;~e~e~ ~:. 0 · , 'I -EXHAUSTED T - --- VITALITY I l 'TH B ~. HER s AND FA 1· 1 .1ER·.s · E:\: · Inspe<"tion Solicited. MURDOCH OBOS. Victoria Buildings. 'I ·--- I USE QNLY COLL'S . MACHINE ETY QAP" BRAMO j RED · · B. Na FR T1111 ._ . 1'11'"11~=. A.ii.ii..B:.t "\Ts for the New Oils, ~,,,.L,{\Jmf.{T_lp'W ,. .ua :n...~ ....'ii..~Jfi.. . . S"UNLIG.H TCo ' ALO·, 'IL· . · : no oth .. - ' .. l ·er.