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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1888, p. 5

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-. r · 1- Messrs. Williama and Hall shipped a Mr. R. Moore, of Brool"rn, gave us e. Cl\r load ot pigs last week. call on Monday . 1 r he S11_Jvation Army bn.riquet 011 Mon- . Mr. W. 'l 'amblyn, of Whitby, was cby evemng was a grand nucccss. rn town on .,aturday. Mrs. Morrison'a stock pl' f'.all Millinery Miss ~_utledge, Sa_lem, has returned is now complete. Call awl inspect. from a v1s1t at Brookhu. Inspect 'l'od Bros. wi11t <1r stock ; you The Ontario Bank has issued a new se">'~~ do yourse~f wrong by not; doing so. . r ies of $5 and $10 bills. '/~. Wheat is up to $1.25. No change in The American Ma.gazine for October is bo,rlcy. Market report crowded out. an exceptionally brilliant number. The most comple';e ancl choice stock of Straw and felt lrnts r e-shaped in all millinery is fou nd at Mrs. Donnelly's. t'he latest sty les at Mra. Donnelly's. All tho new shapes and styles in Fall A very special line of Black Cashmer e and Winter millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. Hose. All sizes au John J. Mason's Mrs. R~ .. Sh~w le'.t this. week for a Port Hope is agitating· the abolition of month's v1s1t with ·friends rn Montreal. the toll gate on the Rice L ake road . The choir of St. John's church has ~rhe Weekly Mail, Farm and Fireside added a number of boys to its member- and tho STATESMAN to the end of 188·9, sh ip. for $2. The Weekly Globe, Rural Oirnadian and Before ordering a winter rnit inspect the STATESMAN to the end of 1889, for · Tod Bros. stuck of Canadian and im· $Z.25. ported '£ weeds. THE J3EST FOR BEEF TEA. The charge of perjury against Rev. T. Ladies, look! Mrs. Mouison's is the S. McKee, of Beaverton, ho.a fallen place for b argains in Millinery, Fancy THE ONLY EXTRACT OF BEEF There are n0w so many makes of Stoves, r,hat i t is often a puzzling through. Goods and Wools. · ·imitable for making JULIEN and other t o make a choice. A stove that is yearly b ecoming more in favor matter CLll:AR SOUPS. Mrs. R . Sylvester, of Lindsay, is visit· Dr. A. M. Ro~ebrugh, OculisL, etc., of is the Grand Duchess Range, which is made in 16 Styles and Sizes for iug her sisters, Mrs. J . Percy aud Mrs. Toronto, will visit O·hawa professionally A FINE RICH FLAVORED SOUP coal or wood, ancl warrn,nted first-class and perfect in every respect. T ole, of this town . on Friday, N ov. 9ih. 'Can be made IN A MOMENT by adding Mr. W. Thickson has a t urnip grown Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Christie, of Mon· The D uchess is the finest and most complete cooking apparatus that has boiling wa t~r. by Mr . J no. Gtiml weighing 26 lbs. and is treal, spent Sunday in town at Mr. R d. ever been placed on sale, a nd t he manufacturers guarautee that thei~ 41~- inches around. Shaw's, Centre Street. sales have doubled t hat of any other competing Range. A few of the Just let us whisper that it will do you The W.,st End H ouse is without doubt valun,ble features possessed by t his stove are a I.ARGER OVEN THAN ANY SOLE AGENTS FOR CANADA. good to inspect Tod Bros. large stock of the best place tc go tor U nderclothing. Blankets, F lannels, etc. A large variety to choose from 1 m d very COMPETING RANGE, a Patent VeJ,?-tdated Oven D oor, Front Over; Shelf, very large Bailed Ash Pan, Front Feed or Bi·oiling Door, very large flush Mr. J. Black of the S1in office, left on cheap. Monday m orning to taken po3ition in the For men and wmnen The Century Hearth, Plated Panels, Trimmings and 'fowel Bar, highly Burnished .Advance office, Sto::iffville. Magazine and for children St. Niohol ..s Edges, Patent draw Centre Grate, Iron-st one Linings, Check J)raft in Mayor Randall is furthering a scheme are leading publications of their class Stove Collar, WORTH rm WEIGHT IN aoLD for r etafoi.ng fire over night of railroad from Port Hope to connect See fuller d<>ecriptiou in ether ct>lumns. and completely checking the draft. Every Range is supplied with wood with the O. P. R. at Pontypool. The most dandy outfit that has appear· grate and fire back, and has a water front suit able for auy size. 'l'here · T eild & Bros., Scarb(oro sowed 9 bush- ed on our ·tre.,ts for a time is Mr. Mark is emphattically no superior Range in the nnrket. F o1· sale ;in B owma.n- WlTHels, 20 lbs of .Amttrican Wonder peas from Prout's milk Wal;(on Parker's dye works which they realized 137 bnshels. wagon must take a back place in the pro· ville by R. WORTH. The Duchess is mauufactuacd by · the E. C. cession. GURNEY CC>., the celebrated Stove Buildersi which is a guarrantee in Mrs. W. R enwick, of this town, was itself of their merits. called to Hamilton ycsterd11y by the suclF ')r the lOOOth t ime we repeat that we den death of her son Thomas, of apoplexy. shall n <Jt ~i ve free n otices of church teas or other m eeting~ h olcl for m!\ki ng m oney B ARLl!lY.- 'J'he highest price paid for unless the printing for the S:\me is done L adies you should visit McClung Bros' any q uantity of Badey "at Bowman ville at this office Millinery show room· to see latest or Newcastle harbours. Murdoch Bros. The selection of a Base Burning Coal Stove for llall or P arlour uee, is a matklr S d R" h p h d Couch, J r.hnston & Cryderman are now novelties, Those German Mantles are ic · eate _a showing a fin e range of Mantle Plushes, of no small importance, as upon it depends to a very large extent, the comfor t and Chas.. tewa.rt an very fine. each a finger. amputated last week, havmg Silk Sealettes aml Uls~er Chths. Every health of the house hold duriug t he long months of our Oaoadian Wint er· 'l'he COUNlT MAKES NO DUST, A weather observer declares that there g<:t a haud mto tho press at the N ovelty 1 lady shou Id see their stock of these ~ood~ TESS FANCY BASE BURNER is all that its narne implies-a parlor heating stove of IT REQUIRES NO MIX ING. has more rain fallen in this district in Works. before buying. exquisite beauty , and embracing all the principlea necessary to secure t he otmost the padt six weeks tha.n during the pre· Al ex. R u tl It requires but lit tle brushing. · 1erf or d ' H a ld. irnan d town · Attend the concet in t ho T own Hall, durability and extreme economy d emanded by those who use anthraciie coal as fuel. cedinn - raise · d t w o mammo th 1a te · Ro~o po - Bowmu.nvillo, on Tua·day N ov. 13 n uder As a dvuble heater or floor ventilator it has no equal. By a patented device tha " eighteen montb11. sh iq, It make11 a very fine polish, E xt ensive sale of household furniture tatoee, one weighing 4 lbs and the other tho auspices of the Y. p. A. of the Church heated air usually confined under the base is conduct£d upwards through fou r tubei1 St. Methodist ch urch. CaMda Presl:iy· arranged in the corners of fire chamber t o a receiving apparatus and thence into tha at the Mart on Saturday next. Every- 4 lbs 9 ounces. PRICE, ONI.Y 10 CENTS FOR A thi11g gc1 od, clean and well kept. · S. Overcoats and suits in boys' and men's terfa,,, Oct.. 17th says: Wherever t he room, st riking the ceiling, is deflected in different directions, and £ ndmg its way to LARGE BOX. BURDEN & Co. Auctioneers. · R ea d y-mad e or ma.d e t o or der. McGibney fomil:v hu.vo gone they have all parts of the room, perfect circulation is thus obtain ed, makiu~ th'C far a way corners sizes. as comfortable as a place near the stove. The ornamentation puts this stove in The Bay of Quinta Conference of the Best goods at lowest prices at John J. produced a most favorable impression . Never use any Stove Pipe Varnish until Methodist Chu.-ch h"s been allotted $35,- Mason's. See advertisement. M Cl n· d d t h.ld n ADVANCE OF ANV ART STOVE in the market. This stove is sold :ilso by n. WORTH. " t h f th f d t b · d . . rs. 1as. .LO an wo c i re , Bowr:oanville, snd is made by the Gurney Co. you have tried ours. 00"'ns i s s are o e un s o e rarne Every lady adnute that we are showmg , Mamio irnd Robbie, arrived home from the finest and most elegant atock _of Dress J their visit to Scotland by the early t rain for the Colleg<' federation scheme. 7.&""lT BAS NO EQUAL.~ The summer is over. Thoughtful peo· Goods ever shown by any h ouse m town. yesterda.y mor ning. They came over on pie look a.head to make themselves com· Couch, J oh nston & Cryderm!l.n. the splendid Allan Line steamer Pari,sia1~ Another stove of great mel'it, a base burner, is t he "Sultana;' which is powerful, Just r eceived at the West End House and had a r"ther rough passage, hut they PRICE, 15 CEN TS AND 25 CENTS fortable. This can bEI done by calling at McClung Bros , the leading Dry Goods Ladies' and Gents' Liued Kid Gloves, 11t ood it well, M~m1ie only being sick a. economi.ial and simple, perfectly fitted aud thoroughly teated , made in a large variety of sizes and styles, to suit the wants of all clasaes-the mechanic, the mernhant, tha House, Bowmanville. Aistrachan backs alao Ladies' and Gents' short t irne. STOTT & JURY, Several dozen of Christies of London, Lined Kid Mit.ts which will be sold very Our business men complain Jondly of professional man and the fa rmer ; a stove that has never been kn.::wn to fail, under the change in t he G. T. R . mail t rain any circumstances, and whose name Sultana has i n conseq uence become a "householCl The Druggists. Eng., samples for next season's trade in cheap. stiff Hats bought by J. J. Mason, from The Red parlor at th11 West End H ouse fr. m Toronto. His nearly noon now be· word" throughout the land, is the one ~ha t particularly recommends itself to t he notthe agent. See the new styles for spring, is worth a visit fro m anyone. It contains fore the P. 0. delivery of Toronto morn- ice of parties about making a selection. N o Base B urning Coal S tove mrnufactureCl 89, if you want a Hat, one of the finiost assortments of Dinner, ing papers begins. '.l'he trnin is not due in the Dominion 1s better or more fav orably known th an tho bultana ; its reputatiotl Rev. Dr. .tlare, Principal of the Onta- Tc'a and Toilet Sets ever shown in town. here till 10:04 and it has been late oftener as a Handsome, Efficient and Easily M.anaged S elf-:F'eedor, h aving gained fo r it an unpreeeclented large sale ; indeed of the many thouMnds now in uae in Canada, not rio Ladies' College, Whitby, wa3 present- 'l'he prices are away down. than on time. ed with a handsome silver headod ebony A BIG DEAI,.-See J. J. Mason's n{lW A se~ming injastice was done to Chief a single complaint iu tesp.~ct of operat ion, has reached t he manufactu rers. The cana, as a birthday memonto, NC'ently, advel't!serrnmt. He has bought from l~l.e Coleman in our bst issue. T he sneak· peculiar construction of the Sultana, however, wl1icl1 secures great heatin.g power, with Gconomy of fuel, perfec t consumption of gases ·and simplicity of manilgemeut, ha1:1 kept by the facuhy of t he College. trustees of a large bnnkrupt wholesale thieving spnk en of as obtainiog in the it ahead of all oompetitore and 11.iven it the name antl fame .i t enjoys to-day. · T he popularity of our T ailoring Depart· house a large quantity of seasonable dry town h as n ot taken place. F ive alleged · ment is manifes ted by the gr eat rush for go,. ds at panic prices for ~pot cash. cases have b een investigated by Mr. "ART SULTA.NA."- To meet the demand t hat haa arisen for a High Art Basa Splendid value in Cardigan Jackets at stylish-made suits aJJ d overcoats. A very "Money fa .King," says Jlf. Mayer in Coleman and he tells us there is no trnth Burner.:...so called to distinguisil the St1uar& from the Round Slovo, the Art S ultana large assortment of cloths to choose from. his new advt. to-day. Why will people in them It is a mystery how the rumors has b een introduced, and its success, as attested by the large aalo, the perfecHon cf Tod Bros. run accounts when they can save more became current. Mies Dimsdale, the evangelist, has re· Couch, Jolrneton & Cryderman. its op3rat ior. has been m est grat ifying. This year i t is placed on the m::trket ina 'fhe largeat pike ever know'n to have than the interest on money by paying "My advert.isement sounds like pretty handsome new dress and its ricl1 Ornamentatio n in Bronzs, Ar t Tiles and Nickel, will covered frou1 her recent illness. wen to the Edi- render it even more p Q The 1'imes is advctating Mr. Pepl~w been captur~d in Canada is now in To· cash 1 See what great reductions Mayer loud t·;lk" said :M.r. Trelr pular with t he public and we confidently rec· ) m1n1md the " Arf; ronto, the properly;of the Natural History is making. tor yesterdav, '·but I can back up every Sultana," equally with the Sultana, to intendin~ purchasers. Th~re arc no ~1ore for Mayor of Port Hope next year. .All t ,0 6 0 of our citizens who ht1ve had word· of." That's righ t., we don't wan t powerful D ouble H eaters in the market than t~e Sultana a.nd Art ~alta.na. Prm!etl FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins1xrance. Society . The pike is 4 feet 8 inches in .$oBr. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. length, measures two feet iu girth , a11d th e pleasu re of h earing the l\icGibney any man to ;isk us to print what he cant direct ions with instructions in r egard t o t he kinds of coal most sm table, accompany weighs 35 pounds. fami ly s trnn gly recommend those who prove t o be true to the letter. Treleven each Stov~. In price the different si:r.es and styles of t h.e "Sultana" and '. ' J\rt S~l A special drive in flannels, h osiery and The Zera Semon variety enter tainments have not had that opportunity to avail h as a fine stock of boots and ~hoes and tana" will be found as low as any Hall or Parlour Stove in the market, of eHmlar sme underweal' at J. J . Mason's dry goods given on four nights of l ast week in the themselves of th eir visit tu Bowmanville n0 mistake. Good stock a.nd low prices and weight and in O])Hntion. Tl~e manufacturers authorize dealers to WARRAN~ and jewellery h ouse, ,ery night on the 13Lh inst. will draw the custom every time. Town Hall wer e well attended e1 EVERY STOVE SOLD. Have you seen the Drees Meltons at and the un anim.01~s vn~ce of all wli~ hav.e . N:.:w Boorrs.-W Bryce, P i1blisher ToSOLD IN BOWMANV ILLE BY Mr. w. Jennings does not believe in 122cts at 'fod Bros . great value, cheaper expressed aa oprn10u m our h earing Is ronto has issued two excellent new nov- lying in h is adver t ,sin g to catch custom !DIRECTLY OP:?POSlTE Tim than wl1eat at 40cts. that it was the b est sho1v ever eeen he~e. els-!' A Q, llant Fight" by Marion Har- See what he says in his new advt. He VV .. r::::L~ ONTARIO BANK ·-· · .... ;, ·· ·' .,- .. ' ·· ··" Mrs. D onnelly invites t h o ladie·s to c~ll ~he progr~ m was well worth the a.d_m1s· lanfl, price 40c., :.ind "Under -Currents" will deal honestly if he hit§ tg loue a i;a,le "nd inspECt her new and lr.rge stock of S!(Jll fe.e without the costly presents given I by t11e Th e Dttche8s vrice 30c. Book- JlQ\V' and then: bul: h .. h~ - \.ontt Iona: ;v.?_e_r~ ;~~~ wil!-~e-~~~~1d an_ e::~e~~~ve assortment of the lea.ding _ ma\:cs of Coal anir each mght ~· I · _ _.,,. ~--millinery before pmchasing elsewhere. . sellers have them, / enough in business to be well known and " oou .., ,vvss aa .........,;es, ovor v . ~ ..~lea to s~leet from , a.II of which will be sold ai BucKWHEAT. -Wa.nt~ d 3,000 b ushels Mr. Chas. Rus<:l. of Huter University Mr. Geo. Allin, of 1ot 25, con. 2, D al" th e fact tha_t hh business was nev~r bet~er very low prices. A good assortment of all kin~: nf ee~ond - h;:1nd stoves constantly on H ighest price paid. of music, has arrived home and we are lin_ of Buckwl1eat. g ton, has placed on our table the boss than now a::ows lhll.t honest dealmg wms hand. Intending purchasers will save money by seeing '.it. WORTH'S gr eat assor f. Apply to J No. MACKAY, Caledouian pleased to hear is abuut to locate in our potato wcigbin~ plump 5 lbs., and anoth- good and permanent customers. He has ment before purchasing. 44-tf. Mills. 45- lm midst. ' Ve can aesnre him there is am· er 3~ ks. He has scores that wrigh over n "ery l:.irge. stock of boots and shoes for lra B. Carpenter, Brougha.m, went out pie material amon g our people on which 3 lbs. He offors to gii·e TFIE STATESM.t..N Fall and Wmter. milking and some peraon entered his he may d istinguish himself. For instance to the m an wh u can beat his potato. THE MoDu:i OPER.ANDI.- The mode of house and stole $35 from his pants which in addition to the music student, we h ave excellent mate rial in the choir organfaa, . Nearly 1,100 persons by actual count operatiug of Burdock Blood Bitters is he should have worn. · that it acts a t once and the same time . A rmy mee t mg tte n de d tl1 6 S ' Ivat 10n tions of oiar several churches; while, the a m Ca.sh will makci more money for you at choral union, if thay should desire; might the barracks on Sunday · af·ernoon. The upon the Stomach, Liver, Bo1Vels, KidM ayer's fur store thau you think for. fina in him t he qua!ifici\ tions for protit- crowd at 11ight w::~s larger. D. O. Morris nt1ya and t hci Blood, t o clesme, r egul ltte Call an d 6ee what reductions he is making . l ut th e goo d and str1m!!then. Henca its a.lmost n11i· tile a bl e work; and a ll this we believe is righ t Condllcted " · meetl.n" o 0· ) as per hiB new advt. on last page. along the Jin<~ in which Mr. Ruse has that migh t have red11ltecl was prernnted versa! value in Cluonio Complainta. The plan of the Hall for t h e McGibney been especially qualifying himeelf. by the tomfoolery that was permitted. The clearing sale will last t he season. family concert will be opened at the Big We get enough minstrel shows durini{ the Ellison & Co. '.rhe concert, on Tuesday night of last week in the town hall, we don't want 20 on F riday 9th at 10 a. m. Adweek, under t he nuspices of the Y. L. th . h h Cloakings and mantles must be sold. We are selling some of the finest and best makes in the D ominion, mission 3fic; Reserved seats oOc. Aid Society of St. Panl's church, wa~ a em m t e P1aces of wors ip 011 Sunday. Ellison & Co. ·· t Th Por t Hope agricultural eociety h ave decided success the att~mdance being very W e won't sell you 12hoddy goods without telling y ou what they are. Yn: OLDEN Tnrn Sm~PElt AND CONCERT 'Ve mean business and waut the store asked the council to consiaer a proposi- la1 ·ge. While Mrs. C!!.ldwell's eiugiuga.nd given by t.he young ladies of the Queen-st. crowded with customers from morning tion for moving their buildinga from their Mrs. Adamson's violin solos were the church on Friday eveuing was an unique till night. Ellison & Co. present l ocation to the town pnrk. chief attractrnns of the program, the affai1· and an tibundant success. Tho Ladies' Short Jackets ~.nd Ulsters made songs of Miss Hillary and Mr. H. Knight waiters' attire was intended to represent in Germany. The cut of these Coo.ta is were well rendered and were greowd with that worn by their p,re~t grandmothers .JARDINE.- In Da.rl!nittnn 011 the 2nd Inst., FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. simply perfection. You will find them at rounds of applause. Mr. Wallis' elarion- and yet we dare notca.11 them old grannfos, wifo of Mr. G. H..Jardine,'of a son. et solos were ~iven in a masterly style so alert and attractive were t hey. Tile the Couch, John~ton & Uryderman's. WERRY.- ln Sout.h Dal'lington, on Oct. 30th, Follow the crowd to Tod Bros. wh ere eliciting h earty encores. Miss ArmQur solid edibles furnished were pork and the wife of Mr. Arthur Werrv,of a daughter BUX'fON.-ln Ilow1 nauvillo, on the 25th ult., you will find a well assorted stock of and M r. B . Gilbert assisted as acc-Jmpan· beaus wi th baked apples, cakes, pumpkin Fancy and Staple D1·y Goods, Cloths, ista. n was truly I\ first-class tinlor tai11· pies, gingerbread, &c. for dessert. .No tho wife Mr. Geo. IL Buxton, of a. daughter. McKowAN- In this to wn, Oct. 29th, the wife etc., to select from and at live-and-let· ment and tho promoters deserve great young m en rendered assistance. They of M.r. W. McKowan, foreman Sun oflloe,of a praise for their enterpriz~ in furnish in" sat on forms by the wall and looked meek. son. Iive prices. our citizens with a concert of such merit~ ly on. The concart was presided over by A11ouT STOVEs.- No stove hus ever MARRIED. TEACHERS' CONVENTION.- At the an- Miss Gale with a dignity and grace t hat taken such a hold on the p ublio as the would do credit to a Queen. The openMARTYN"-WKRRY- Dy tho Rev. J . E. Sa.nder· Art Garland. These stoves aro the nual meetin~ of Durham Teachers' Asso- ing -0 hor us was the D oxology sung as of son, Oct. 23rd, Mr. Wm. l\fartyn, formerly or originals of their class, and cannot be ciation at Port Hope on Thursday and old without.the aid of i nstrument . Misses :R:ufield, 11nd Mrs. Anne Werry, formerly of We do not sell 20 per cent. cheaper t ho:u anyone else; but we do surpassed in 'lumbility, successful oper· Friday, the attendance was good, number· Climie and Glover with plain gowns and Solina, now both of B·)wmanvi!le. d cl h · 1 .1 ation and heating qualities. Fire-Pot ing continuously about 150 among whom SELL AS CHE.AP .as any ot her. were a numb~r of teachers from Peterboro pow ere air p.ayeu n icely a p iano duet, can be taken out through front mica DIED. Rev. J. Thom, B. A., Newc\stle, narrat· . d C b A I doors. Ai;h pan ie very large. For sale an o ourg. . reso ut10n of sympathy ed some old time anecdotes. Mr. H. PENGELLY.- In Cartwright, on the 20th ult. by L.G. Quick, Bowmanville. See fuller with Mrs. W. B. Stott, in the death of Knight sang splendidly, The Mid-Ship Wm. Por.gelly, aged 80 yea.rs, 7 months and 3 days. description in another column. h er husband, who ha.d long been one of mite. Mids McLaughlin captured the· LAK!i:MAN.- Io Tils,pnburg. on October 11, CUltED ]lY B. B. B. WHEN ALL ELS1~ its active members, was paBsed. The audience with her singing and gnitar ac- Margaret Hutchison, - beroved wife ot Mr. ,V , new oflicera a.re : Pras. -Chas. Keith , M L;i;keman, formerly of Bowmaoville, aged 45 FAILED.- Mr. Samuel Allan, of Lisle, Bowmanville; 1st Vice-Pres. -R. A. Lee companiments. oasrs. Murdoff and 7 months and 23 davs. Ont., states that he tried all the doctors :> K night sang a duet that was loudly -ap· yeara, SCO'l'T.- In Loa Angeles, Oct. 26. Ernest Will· in h is locality wh ile suffering for years 1 ort Hope; 2nd Vice-Pres.-DavidH~mp · plauded. lvrr. R. Glidden pla.yed a cor - ia.m, son of Mr. W, 'l'. Scott, j 1 ·., aged i yeus, ton, Millbrook; Sec.- R. D. Davidson, 1 · h fi fl " with Liver nnd Kidney trouble; nothing Bowman l roonth JO duys. ville; Treas.-James Gilfillan. net- so o wit ne " . ·e ct. luiss Edith DOWMA.NVILLE. RENWICK.- Suddenly, on 5th Noveml>er. at b enefitted him until he took Burdock C · · Alle 11 sang a pr etty song wit.h a pleasing omm1ttee- Messrs. Wood, Davidson, grace. Mr. Murdoff sang a capital solo Hamilton, Thomas Renwick, formerly manag· Blood Bitters, four bottles of which cured Federal Be.nk, ·w1nnipe11;, aged 36 years, Prices lowered from 15 t o 95 per cen t , A lovely lot .:.£ Ribbons for Millinery at Marshal, Fenwick, Jamieson, Barclay, with piano i.nd violin accompaniments. er him. 1'1eph ew to Jno. H.enwick, Esq., near Orono. Ellison & Co, Mrs. Morrison's Philp, Stricke and Miss Squair. Miss Caro McDowell, of Whitby Ladiea' . Simpson, MIT.LflON.- Tn the township or Hope, on Our pr ime object is to sell quickly. We claim that Tn.E Snr&sMAN contains V ALUABI.E TO KNow.- Consumption College, eang a solo with rare sweetness. Wednesday. October 8l 8t, Edmund Milleon, Ellison & Co. Grey F lannels at tempting prices. ; twice 'l.S much West Durham news as any may be more easily prevented than cured. Misses Climfo and McL!lughlin played aged 67 yeu.~s. Elliaon & Co, M.~Rn-In Clarke. on 'Vednesday, Oct. Sis$, ' Sweeping reduetiQns for cash. other paper, Compare and see. The irritatiug and hara.ssing cough will the piano and Mr. McEwen t he violin a.c- Alex. Marr , aged SGyears. Ellison & Co. Customers will wonder how we can sell be greatly relieved by the use of Hag· companiments. After expression of LOVEK!N- In Clarke, on Ute 31st ult., John An awful scare has been caused amon"' Our clearing sale beginis Oct. 5th. yard's Pectoral Balaam that et~r..s coughs, thanks by t he pastor to all who contribut- W. LoveKin, aged 75 year~. so <iheap. · E llison & Oo. certain competing houses by the G-reat bargains will be given. E llison & cold3, bronchitis and all pulmonary ed to the su pper and concert, the NationltUNNALB- At \Velcome. on Thursday, Nov. Men's Pants NJmarkahly cheap. pricea we are selling tea at. See our tea l at. 1888. aged ' 2 y~a rs. Betay Groona.w11.y, wife Co. Ellison & Co. troubles. al Anthem brought proceedings to a close. or Mr. Uich.ard Il11nnals, before buying. M oCLUN'l Bitos. YOU O ~t\ t~ HAVE Call on H. C. TA IT for Photographs, School Books,. Fancy Goods, Pictu:Pe Frames, &c., Bowmanville. ~un~era report deer sc~rce. Rev. J. E.~~a:1derson's lctt e1· ne~t;.week. I N o: extra edition tlii~ w~~~· .A CHAPT E R O N l7?lEV .,. J .A : Delicious, Nourfohing Soup .in a moment by using ~f54;~~) LYMAN, SONS &Co., P!LISli]YOU~ STOVE Stott & Jury's STOVE POLISH! M uraoch Bros. are buying barley. TheBank ofMontreal has withdrawn its agency from Port Hope. Miss Mlitthews of Peterboro has been t he guetit of Miss' Ida Shaw. ' Our exact a"gregate circulation tho past two weeks wa~ 4 820 copies. Ladies, get y~ur Hats re-shaped in latest styles at Mrs. Morrison's. For a good choice of feathers, wings and ribbons g0 to Mre. Donnelly's. Ladies c;'au at Mra. D onnelly's and aee those new styles of Fall a.nd Winter hate. Mrs. T. Shaw's new h ouse is going to present a beautiful exterior when finish ed. Have you seen the twilled white Cotton a t lOcts worth 14cts at Tod Bros. selling fast. Mrs. Morrison has all the latest styles in shapes and materials,for Winter Millinery. The Happy Thought cookiug ra.ngo sold by S. S. Edsall is the best stove in the market. .Advertiimrs are claiming so muoh space in Tli·E STATESMAN t hat we h ave con· deneed news items teis week. .At. Tod B ros. for $1.00 you can. get the best Kid Gloves the world produces at the price, (black and colored). Markham Villa.go by-law to raise $7,· 500 for water works was carried on S11t· urda.y week by a majority of 24. Indian summer never comes until after the 10th November. Summer days in Oct· ober simply means decent weather. Mr. J. W . Crosby, Peterboro, was fined $2 and co~ls fur Jeaving a. piano box on the 11idewalk in front of his store. Subscriptions t aken for all Canadian and American newspapers and m11,ga.ziaee at lowe~t rates nt thll STATESMAN office. 'l'he \Vest End House guarantees to give as good value for your money in Teas as any house in the mmntry, Try them. I STOV ES. 't"· Grand Duchess Range~ '.I'he Countess Fancy :ease :Burner~ "Sulta,na," a-nd "'Art Sultana." Local and Otherwise. I .E ,T.,...ORT-r:::r .. . BOOTS and SHOES. ---o- THE PARLOR BOOT &SHOE STORE - --o--- - ------BiifrHS. IiUBBERS P-uND OVERSHOES Felt Boots of every,description. Moose and Buck Moccasins, all sizes. Dressings and Blacking. Please give us a call. No t rouble to show goods. TERMS, CASH. lo;

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