~. V' l , , TBRMS :-tl.60 PH \· ' Alm1'ii. OtJR TOWN A.ND OOUNTY FIRST: TBB WORLD . ..... .. . ... AFTBRWARDS. .... . ~ ....~ M.A. JAMES Eimo:R AND PnonuBroR, VoLU:ME . .. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, :ff'!· WEDNESDAY~ DECEMBER 12, 1888, XXXIV. NUlilllll 50. MOUNT VERNON. on Monday evening, D ec. 17th. to begin at 7 o'clock. 'fhe program will consist of vocal ancl instrumental music by some of the b est tal~nt to be secured, 'i nchding singing by Mr. Chas. Murc'loff, one of the beat baritone soloists in Canacfa ; c lar· ionet solos by Mr. .James Wallis, the champiOn clt1rionetist of the Dominion ; popular airs with variations by Mr. Harry Gilbert. probably she moat skillful performer on the Organ in America; recitals by Mi@s Emily Lick, the talented elocutionist., and others. Admission20c. Children lOc. Tbe committee h ave proCUl'ed professional talent at considerable expense and as the proceeds are for pro· curing books for the choir, it is h oped the il.ttendaoce will be very hrge. The program will t1ncloubtedly be the best ever prellented to a Darlin)l;ton audience. KENDALL, Fowler, Sr., is very low . . .. Mrs. JamAs Wa.nnan, Sr., and Miss N ellie Stark, of the 6th Line are also convalescent ...·.· Miss R. McLean is visitin~ friends in Peterboro . ... Miss E. Carr who has been an invalid for nearly 15 years i11 able to be around again ·... Mrs. J, R. Anderson hs.s returned h ome accompanied by Mrs. S. Halliday . ··· A singing school ia talked of. We' believe it is just what is wanted in Kendall ·.·. The Methodists intend having a tea at Chrietmas . ·· · The fence around the Presbyterian church should be r tinovated .. . . The farmers are ~feeling very glum over the decline in barley .... Rev. R D. Fraser, M. A., of Bowman· ville, will address a m eeting in the Presby terian church here on Tuesday the 11th inst., in the interest of the Bible society. We hope to see a good attendance. Business Booming -IN- Mr. R. Hoidge, J. P., has been indis· A ~rand concere and entertafoment will be given in the Mount Vernon church po11ed, but i11 now recovering . · · , . Mre. TOD'S CHRISTMAS SHOW FOR 1888. CHRISTMAS CONFECTIONERY, C HRISTMAS CAKES, CHRISTMAS TOY CONFECTIONERY, &c. NEW YEAR OF 1899. NEW YEAR'S F .R UIT CAKE, NEVV YEAR'S RICE: CAKE, New Year's Scotch Short B read. NEW PARK. Mrs. R. Brooks is sick. Mrs. Wm. Brisbin is visiting friends in Solina. Miss Ida Born bridge is visiting friends in Columbu~. SUl.JIN.A.. Mr. Geo. Lammima.n has returned to his home n ea r Woodstock . .. . Mr. T . Baker !las moved l11s household effects to "Willowglade . ·. . Mr. S. Shortrictge ha~ been engaged as foreman with Mr. Baker for anotner yea.r and has moved into the h ouse lately vacat ed by Mr. B aker, ... Mr. Jno. Y an Nest , Jr., is makmg an ad· ditiou to his dwelling .. .. T he school boys ha.ve bough t a ne w foot hall . . , .Ser vices at :Eldad only every oth er. Sunday eveninl{ now .... Mr. Jordan YanNest loet a brood mare recently valued at $800 · ... Foor vacant houses in Solina, more than for years past . . . . Mr. R. M. Kirk· patri<:k is spending a few days her\l . ... '.l.'he Hall shed is filled with vehioles of all kinds, a driving house fur the villagers. There ie ecarcely room to s tand a horHe .... Me~srs. Jaa. Leaak and W. Riin have had a la.rite number of sheep kille d by dogs, valued nearly $250 .··· Visitora this week : Mr. R. Branton, Tyrone ; Mr. Isaac El ford, Cmaarna; and Mr. and l\'Ire · .J.C. Vanstone, of Bownanville ..·. R eY. C. A. S impson, of Willowdale, will preach a missioaat·y sermon at Mt. Ver· non on Sunday mornin~ next. JACK. n oon. Messrs T. W m. Brisbin and S, Mc, Rober ts have gone n orth to cut timbe r thie winter .Aanong ecent villitors are: MeearR. Wm Beni.li and Full er, Columbus ; Mr. I Williamson, Bnllyduff; Mr. Jae, Beath, Drum; and Miss .f. Dam0s, Tyrone. King e.nd Divisfon Sts., Bowmanvilie. 50. . It would be a good idea if the boys who carried off the buggy wheel laat Sunday night, would take for a motto "Do unto uthers as you would have others do unto you." It is not very pleasant to have to walk nine milt:s on Monday m1'>rning. · Mies Mina D ames who has been so ill with' 1.yphoid fever is recoverin({ .. .. Mr. Z. Pollard and family intend moving to LindsRy to Ii ve .... New P'l.rk baa alway rs been noted for quiet and order, but I First, A UNIVERSITY DEPART:MENT organized for the promulgation of tbink it won 't retain its good name very B.Nl!IELD, the Bax.t erian System of Musical Cultllr o, which 11d v 11no.'f' fa all the s1.1 hjecta, branches long if some of our young men, if young men we can cllll them, don't learn to con· One of our east end villagers was 11ur- and proceBBeB of culture from t he begit.rning, at the same t ime by an organized duct themselves in a mo!re respectable prised la11t W edneeday evenin!{ by a routine of classes, r ecitations and graded courses of st udy, ex teud ing from thc .. iirst way. la rge pany of people, mostly youths of initial principle to t he highest artistic at tainment. By this or gamzed arrangeme nt of proc · · ss~.s , t he stnde r.t is led t ·) lay hold of the this section · They were hospitably received and ware JUBt starting to have a spirit of music in its theoretical, teclmica.I and reathetical p rupe rt ws, a nd to mould '1.'YRONE. joyful t ime when aurpri5a p ar ty No. 2, them into a vitalizPd educat ion, impat'tiog t hat i;:racH a nd ch arm to the execution Mr. J. H. Allin, of Courtice, was h ere matle their appearance. Althougb S . P. that springs only from 11. r efi ned a.nd W t·H culti va 1ed r.a~ · e; tlrn11 placir,g >\ compreon Saturday. · No. 2 was inferior numerically still they hensive and philosophically developed musica l ed ucu.tion within the sume easy acoeas, Two new membe rs init iated at t he Di- ste rned t o be auperior in discipli11e and and appl ying it as a mearis to the same i ut ellectual devf'l· ·pmeri.t ~ s &re corres ponding vision Thursday night. courage, a nd after sevm:al skirmishes a grades of literary or Rcientific courses of efi1dy; in a ilcli tion t:o the m ore ;,x ecutivo e rn societ y. Mr. Wm. Delle]liiy left Saturday t o 'general &ttack was made and an 'e,Jtrance a.t tainrnen t th at is allotted so conspicuous a pb co in many pharn3 of mod. was e:ffeded. Then t he bin tle star ted in Thie department req uires t he student to be in daily a.tt.,ndaneo. · visit; with friends at Millbt"ook. 'fhe other is a CONSEH.V.ATORY DEPA RTMENT, whne :\toden ts pumue the Mr.'£. A. Brown assisted in the ·e n - earnest. Some of S. P. No. 1 immedia> tional pr inciples of tertainment at Pontypool, Frichy night. tely took t o flight, leaviug their accoutre· usual lesson sys t<·m, with the addition, that us m any nE t he educc ments b ehind, and rau as 1f their hves d~· M iss Eva. Hillyar, of Town, was t he ponded on the swift ness of th eir fee t . t he University Depar t 111en t as can be judiciously applied , being intr od uced hore. guest of Mfos Be~ 'rice K en nei:, on Sab· Others make a bold stand, desperate Jn t his depa rtm en t atuoen ts will have one le~son per week, bu t will not be entitled t o any school r egulations a.nd privileges, excepting whit<i in :.ttondauce for their bath. hand to hand conflicts occurred and no lesson. 'fhe a rmy a re contem plating a benquet qua1 ·ter was either given «r expected. Students for t h e Conserva tory Departmen ~ may call a t t he office, u ow open, and here on N 1;w Years. L ook -0ut for a big Fmally B. P. No . 1 W llS r outed, at th e r egister at any time, and arrange for t heir lessons. time. point of a ch a ir h1 g, The shatter ed remThe Univer sity D epart ment will be opened in J11n uary nex t . St udents for this Abou t $40 ai:e being jutliciously sp ent uant, bleeding and torn retreat~ d taki ng by tho Sa bbath School for new seats for their wounded wit h t hem . Many spec- course will d o. well to regist.er before tha h oliday". l!'or fuller particulars ad drees tators vi~ w ed the couflict fo>m a dista uce. the vest ry. The Capta-in from L eska!l'd cond uct ed According t o latest reports e veryt hing is the meeting &t the Barrack s ·o n Thurs · q uiet o.ud no more truublti is expected . The loss. ia estimated r · t one lamp, one BOWMANYILLE, 0 N'r . 40. day nigh t. chair, a ud a large quantity of bang~ . Mr. W. M oroney, of Enniskillen, has 'rhe num btir of wu u:ilde<l is , ot kuuwa. been spending a few weeks at b'Ir. '.I.' . 1'. C~Fl.XS~:f&.;AS Jardine's Royal -Rest . NB W TONP JI.,LE. .AT THEMr. and Mr!. Robt. H odgson will spend the wi nte1 · wi th their dll!ughter, J a m es Bullard, M onaghan, is .\ iaiting ~ W-Y ~ ~ ~ c -rifC.~ Mrs. Smart, P et erbol'O. here, ~-· & fit Uur Hunt Club went, full force, W edMr. Hugh Monaghan an d wife, Walker - & - ~ .S-& ~ n e11day i n search of that n otoriuus b ear . t on, are visit ing h ere. Mr. Bruin could not be seen. Mrs. Jas. N esbitt and i nfant 11on who Our DRESS GOODS cannot be surp asiied, when style and quality Tangle-leg must be a powerf ul medi- were ill, ar e recovering. We invite you t o call and see our splendid Bargains. M r. James B urley and M iss Ella are ta.ken into considerat ion. Our MANTLE CLOTH and OLOAK- cine by the appearance of some here of visited friends at Peterbor o, INOS are said to be the most effective in town- at & ny rate our best bte. Where is the Inspector now ~ Educational sermons will be preached Mr. John Workman intends to offer dress-makers have purcha-sod their own .Mantle Stuff from us. here next Sabbath by Rev. .J. E. Sander- himself once m or e for councillor. And to make this department more succernful, I ha.we completed ar- 1100 · M. A., Bowmanville, and the Hamp· Mr. Robert Decker , Michigan, has h fi t 1 t' t t t 11 th t I t on clergyman. been visiting at Mr . .Jamea Burley's. 0 t t rangemen s wi .a rs -c ass ar is cu a e garmen s may ·.rhose who attended the Oyster Supper M H B f p H ' H aving sold out our entire stock of H oliday Goods last. year; we have require.+ I theref <0re make the following offer to any lady who may at the 0 ccidental on Wednesday speak vdsitin" r. · owen, o < 'rt upe, was in our village last S unday . for this sea.son's trade a. new supply of Plu.~h, Leather and Basket desire to purchase from us ; to cut and fit any garment F REE OF ·highly of the supper. Mrs. Moyse un- . Walte; looked blue . . ... Rumor says we Goods of every kind and co;or purchMed direct from the manu. CHARGE, providing the amoumt of bill exceeds $6.00. That is if you derstanda cooking right well, · arB to have another h otel soon, We fa.cturers, including: get here quickly !Wild not on Saturday, as we have thoo generally toes Mr. Jae. Bingham, c . D. G. W. P., have plen ty of the " undesirable commuch else to attend to. attended the Annu al Session of the mod ity" now ···. N6wtonville is progress- Dre8sin ~ f'ases, J,adie8' 'l'oifo t Ca ~elil, Gra1:1d Division a t T oronto laJt week, arod ing . AnoLher shoemaker . .·· Our brass Odor t -: : ases, Gent's ~ha nng· Cases, arrived home on Thursday night brim band ia steadily increasing and Whisk llold e1·s, Gent' "' (Jon1panio11s1 full. practisinit hard, under the able learlerAt the adiourned quarterly meeting shiF of Mr. S. Porteous, They give proWhisks, Sha vin~ J U u g s, h.,Jd at Bethesda on Tuesday of last mise of being one of the b est band11 in PerCumc1·y , Ha11d llhrror~, week, ·a n unan.imo11s invitation was e~· the Dominion e'er long ; in fact they l·'nncy Vases, Hail· ~rushes, &c., The material to make a q,ueenly garmtint; the most desirable fabric tended t o Rev. L. Phelp!\, of Columbus, stand second to but few now. During t 0 b pa t or of th T C' 't f the p&Bt summer aome new players have for our climate' equa.H.o!:! the natural seal m effect- · prefoc,a.ble in point the e sc e yrone ircui or J'oine.:i notably l'llr. A.Copel·nd- clari ' onand a host of other goods. · o · · n ~xt onference year. ~ ~ of economy. The prices are now so reasonable, this beav.·t1ful texture . _ ette- an Requisition that filled a long felt is hr.ought within the reach of all. Smee the Tm-Pan·Mush:K ettle agent want. The following personal will inwas here some new subsoribors t o THE t erest 110me of your readers: S Porteous, · S TATESMAN have been sent in from this leader - Eb Cornet; J Ptinwarden - Solo Remember you will find the choicei;t ,goods, but not at fancy prices at place. The people knQw what paper B b Cornet; w Ovens- 1st B b Cornet; · our store. contain11 the most local news. If he had J Caswell- 1st B b Comet·; w l'enwarthrown in a mush kettle he mi~ht have den- 2nd "B b Cornet; W M ilH((an- Solo Drug~ists. Alto; A Th ompson- lat E b Solo: W 1\ The new~st, the neatest, and the done bett6r, Reccmt visitors : Mr, R. Moore, Oak- Burley-2nd Eb Solo: C Britton - BariJ~ &. , most stylish, a.t our ho· u.se. BEST'S CORNERS PBOYIDEN OB , wood, at Mr. R. Collacott's ; li{rs. M. tone; S Arnott- 1st Tenor; J Heuder11on We have in this 11ectio11 one of the Jin· Report of s. 8. Ne;>. 6. Darlington. for No·em. Robbin11, Mrs. W. Staples, L eskard at - '.1.'rombone; W Saundere-2od 'l'enor; Woolen Goods a specialty at ou1· place. . Sr 3rd olu1- F Honr, Ji: 'Wight, B Cra.Jro. Mr. A. E. Harri<J' ; Mrs. Mitchell, Ennis· T Hancock- Eb Base; WW Dickey- B est collection of 11h.el11 in On*ario '· at ber Jr 3.ed- 1 Osborzie, M B r al{g, B LaiD~ Sr llnd ldllen, at Mr. S. Polla.rd's ; Mrs. J. Syl- b Bass; A C opeland- 1st Eb Olarionet~ the h ome of Stalker Broe., a 1arge per· - JI' Dlaekblll'zi. W Hoor. s Duweou. Jr ~ndcent~e of them having been gathered in f N Allin, M Wit;ht. A Wight. Part Seeon'Grey Fiann.eh 1he best "l'alue in town at our laouse. Vester and Miss N.Kennedy, Enniakillen, w Thompaon - 2nd Eb Clarionette; w Florida along the Ai;lantio coB11t the Gulf · C Wight , C Bmllle, E Wonuu.oott. ME .M~Nat Mr · .Jaa. Bingham's. Whittaker~Basa Drum; W Jonea.' . ' INQ, Te11cber. of Mex1eo, the Pactfio coast and the -·Snare Drum. B . u u. A number of friends assemblod at Mrs. N. W. Territorie~. Thousanda of shells Food For Oons~mptiv6S. a.nd Mr. R ich. Davey's on Monday to of ~11 ~hapea and 11ize~, numerou11 other Scott'· E mulsic>n of Cod Liv~rOil, with oelebrate tbeir 10th wedding day. They Your waated cheeks may have all the curios1ti~1, atnfl'ed. animals, fish, ~lrda, Hypophoephites, ia a m oat m&iveloW! food were prt:11en t<.:d with a variety of useful plumpnesa and bloom of hllalth through ~tc. , a mce oollectton of .o re, gold, ailver, and medieine. n heals the irritation of tin-wi.re. The day waa apent in social your use of Ayer 'a Saraaparilla. This iron and lead, mo1t of which. WIW! gathe!ed the throat and lungs, and gives flesh and chit-chat and gamea of various kinda. time. honored remedy 11till lead11 the van. b;y · Mr. John Stalker while travelling 11trength quicker than any other remedy Please rernemlier it is not the coat that ma.kea the man, it is the All present aeemed to enjoy themselve:s It impl'oves d igestion, p urifies tho blood, some year11 ag?· Stal~e~ .Bros. ar~ just· known. It ib very palatabl~, having none pants, and HINDSON is up to the business in that respect. Give immensely. 11nd invigorates t he A yehim, Give ft a. ly,proud of 'h111 oollect1on which is cer- of the dis~reeabla taate of the crude oil. trial. 1 him a. taioly of muob value.- Newa Put up in OOc. and $1 size. Vl4:TQRIA. CARBOLIC 8A.LVE 18 n irreat ORDERED 0LOTJIING. - lf you want a aldtotnter1utJ.m.,dl elne a.. 'b" &realn·ellt 11 d S 't 0 C 1 :!UTION.ll. PU.L~ are n .ndl<l pnrgattve S th 1 at 11tJ1·orul11as H1re1, ulcers aml abM1c:11.u·~ or we ·ma 0 111 or ver oat ea ve your aetlug o· llle l!ltowacih, Lher 1md Jhnnh, ee e a l ·wool 11ocka ab 20 cte I\ pair · . an 1unc1~ mlla11ure with M <:Clung Bros, removlua un otJtir1u:uon1. at Tod Dros. · ALL N · ' TS lic~~~o~~~~aar!\~na~i!~~- ~:i::;a Jt~~: DEPARTM E -AT- CANADIAN CONFECTIONERY, ENGLISH CONFECTIONERY, AMERICAN CONFECTIONERY. f:·om t he best makers, all suitable for t he holidays. WEDDING OA.KES :MADE 'l'O ORDER, or foed aml Ornamented for th ose mak ing thei r own cakeB. "KISSES" for parties, CREAM : P U FFS, PASTRY and smM,11 CAKES in great variety, suitable for the fastive season. For sale at the old esta.blishment of O..H..ARI.ES TOD, CHAS. RUSE'S SCHOOL OF MUSIC. ---o--- COUCH, JOHNSTON & IBOWMANVI LLE, ~ A Complete School of Musical Learning in two General Departments. CRYOERMAN'S -·-·- O:S::..A.S_ RUSE:J w .e are e! nabled to offer splendld value in all our different departmients. 4 &W& -·· ,- NewStyles, Latest Novelties, Finest Qualities, Beautifu I Holiday Goods. SILK SEALETTES. I J. IGGINBOTHA & SOii, Chemists and «"!LLINERY To the Gents: . oou.· CEO. LA I N C