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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1888, p. 2

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'Tr ~f C A!\§ AIJIAN STA TESMA N r. n " I'! rs PUBLISH ED ~T.il>'? ~iiiiiWlllMl&'!lllU!'M ·~~~~MD'J@l!lfi!&&iiililltllll!illllDllltW' I ! oo M11eh 1.'obneco lli11lHJ1ed Jll m . In a. shor t while we hM'e c~ught a nice -BY- , · :i i i!ima.t e 1<11d ~ecessary r~Bult._ of th_ e viola- depr ived. . i;ness of sm!l.11 snappers, fro:n ten to twenty l hons. c:f t he iaws of our physical bemg-the A woman wall d re osed will alwa~s tak e i~ches lo~g. aud wero hav111g a. r eal good 3 AT 'I'BE OFEIOE i cond1t1on of bc"llt h. I t is reason11oble to in- 1 ca.re t ha.t her feet and logs are shod m con- 1 t ime. V\ e bad not fished very long, how· fer tha.t ther e is no pain, sickne~s and but formi ty with her costume; stockiugs unlike ever , before a le.rgeshark put in an appear· - .t!lt Oftlee Block , 'Kln g Street, B·w m an· few deaths which do not result trom in- the gown or shoes which a.re unfit:ted to go a.nee, and stopped our spor t. 'We first knew vill e, Ont ario. fringe~ents of these h~ws-~ealth bei_ng in w~th it suffi~e to Je3troy t he whole t one of a I of his presence by h is greedily snapping off 'I' E R :J.\l[ s : a ce!ta.~n sen~e natu:a.1, and disease accident· todet.-[O u1da. the . fish from ?ne of my ne; ~l:'l~;·~· Eites, , , 1 , Ai i i : , , ., $1 ar paid In a d vance. al, rnfi!cted m the line of pen11olty. havmg followed 1t up from thl\ h"tt~m. He 111 1 1 1 .iPa)'ment st rict ly ln a dva nce required Crom W e may conclude that the greu,t .m d good Colours and Health. exocu tcd t h is preform~nce se..,.rral times, and 1toac iber outside of the county. Order s t o F ather is best pleased wit h His children then i;he snapp".r a stopped biting ent irely. 11 1 '1i;icont!nue the paper mul:'lt be accompanied by when t hey .regai·d all of H is laws, including, Mr. George Aitchison, A. R. i\. , in . a Not ev~n a n~bble could we get, so we for and a amoUllt due, or t he pa.pe w il nu t be stopped. most certamly, the laws of t he body. esta.b- r ecent lectn re on Decorat ion, delivered_ a.t the ha.ulted m our Imes and com menced to pi.v SG.t;f;r!bers a.re responsibleuntl full pa;rment iB lished for the regulat ion of t hat body, by a B rit ish Society of Ar ts, ma.de the following our a.ttention to t he shark. He was a. p~op er observance of which a n a.tun l con· note~orthy remarks on a subj ect which is mons trous fi:llow_, about fifteen feet long, ' "Cutoriala 90 well adapt:ed to children tha.t CAAtem cnres Colle Constlp11.tion d1tion of good health ca.u be secured - our too little regarded from a. h ygienic point of and kept sw1mmrng rou nd and round the · r recommend it as SU!lCriorto any prescript.ion Sour Stoma.ch, Dia.rrhooa, Einctation. ·R A'l'J!:S OF ADVERTISI NG: i; ~ health being as certainly under our control, view, a.nd is lefo too much t o the freaks of vessel! sometimes on t o!,' t he wa.ter and k:nowu to me." Ir. .A.. A=a, M. D., Killll e~~1;i'.15· gives sleep, and promote. els. 'tVblle Column one year . ..... . . ... .. $60 oO :;:;; ;:; i;; and to as great an extent as any branch of fashion :- "In chooaing colour we should be somet imes away .down. deep below us, bu t u " Halfye a.r ··. ·. .i ·· ··· · 36 00' ~ c lll So. O:Uo?:d s;., Brooklyn, N. Y. WiJiou1i injurious ra.edie&tion. our business or employment, -0r our edu ca· careful to have such a. tone that we oa.n Jive always a.t a respectful distance. His reddish ·· " One quarter .. ..... .. 20 00 ;::? ~ 'l'az CENTA UR C OMPANY, 1"7 ~forray Street, N. Y. '11.a.lf Co lumn one year ...... . ... ..... Sil oo - - tion -while disobedience, a nd const qu enb with, for most people hwe'their dislikes and brown body could be pla;inly seen through ·· Half year . ..... ....... . 20 oo physical suffering and disease, not only a.re preferences. The colour of a. lady's boudoir t he clea.r t ra.Rspar ent green water, and you One quarter .. ... ...... 12 501her com- ma.y be sure he was the cynosu re of a ll not in a.ccordtJ.nce with H is pleasure a.nd de- is mostly chosen because it set s ll ~rter Co~?u:.n one yea.r .. .. .... ... 26 ooi.::: sign, bu t such viola.tions of His laws will con· plexion (?) . In a. room where we wor k we eyes. ~ great ma.ny plans for his capture Il11olf year.. .. .. · .. ... 12 50, " " One quarter . ..... .. 8 00 5 stitute sin, as cer tainly as a violation of a a.re soon conscious of <J.n o11 jectionable were d1s~us~ed, bnt n~ne. appeared pracbi~en lines a ndunder, ftr st insertion . $0 50 · moral la.w, both having the Sil.me divine colour, which irritat es instead of sooth ing cab!e w1t hm our limited m eans. T he F OP. SALE BY J . H IGGINBOTH.AM & SON, ROWM.A.NVILLE1 Ke.ch subsequen 1 lnsertion ...... 0 25 ori~in.. us. Cert11oin colours a.nd cer tain tones are e~gme?r sl!ggested t nat if the shar k would _.l'Omsix t o ton lines,ftrstinsertlo~ 0 75 ... Agam, when more food is ea.tan than can ben~ficial or prejudici11ol to health; very give In~ t ime. he would ferge 11. p r oper hook Each subsequent insertion .. .... 0 35ll . ver tan lines, first inaertion,per lin e 0 10 .l O be dil[est~d, t he r ema.iuderferments, decays, dark rooms are prejudicial, and rfd or a~d ch~m, bu t as the sha.rk wa.s unable to Il:&oh !ubsequentinsertion " 0 03 -putrifies in t he st )ma.cl, t hr eatening hatm yellow will also have a. prejudicial effect on g1v~ him a. guar ant ee he abandoned the . f.he nu m ber of linoe t o be reckoned bY1 =:t o the whole syst em. A n ausea is ins titut- our health, if we have to remain in r ooms of proJect,. 'lbs space occupied, measured by a scaleoC J ed, followed by convulsive effor ts of nature eit her colour all day and every day. A. '\Yhile_we were t hus talking I no b iced 1:1J.e alld Nonpareil, to expel the pu trid and poisonous accu mu- manufact urer had a women's workshop native pilot ever y nuw and then t hrowing ~..- - ------.--- - ---_, - - -----·-""" Jation in mercy, which we call disease - painted yellow, and found much more th;i.n overboard one of t he snappers we had so v omiti!lg-;-whioh, should aiway be encourag- the usual sick ness amongst h is hands ; his ~eoen~Iy cau~ht, a nd a.a the current carded D n s . M c J;A.IJGHl.IN .&" BEJTD, ed, " r msmg out ' the stomach with warm doctor r ecommended w hitewash. a.nd the i t a ltt ole distance cleo.r of the vessel the OFFICE :-MORRIS' BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. w~ter till cleanliness is secured. Yet, nor mal he11olt h was restored. Growern· of ~hark would gobble ·i t down , a nd in faci; t he Dr.J.W .McJ,AUGHLIN, Dr. A . BEITH, Gradu oprn.te1:1 ar e often given t o foil na.t;ure in . hyacinths have noticed a mar ked £foot on mterval~ wer? so r ogulo,r t hat Mr. Shark \lcentiate of the R!JYal ate of the Toronto her merciful efforts for pur ifioo.tion e.nd t heir blowing when t hey are put in glasees s~emed imp11ot!cnt when t he regulari ty was Collq;e of Phys1cwns Md member of the Umvere1ty, l'b ysician t hese efforts .of t b.e young prac tition- of certain colours." b~oken by a l ittle ?elay. -yve ~aw that our Royal College or Sur - Surgeon, &c. <'r to ant agomze .the recuper~tive powers 'Pilot had some ultrn.iate obJe?t m view , and gooris, Edinburgh. too often provm~ a partrn.! success. H £ it d!ew our attention to h im. I had not DR · .J. c. Ml:J'()BE'EJ., T he reeulta.nt discs.ati, so-called may be a ope or the Sleepless. p<i.rhoularly not iced tho man be.fore this ~10CMBER OF COLLEGlll OF P HYSICIANS fl ux ; na.ture., foile_d in her attemp't t o' rid t he The moet r ecent of t he new discoveries in m~re th11n that h_ e was a fine-looking, dark'. A'l'Jt 11-ud Ontario, Coroner , e tc. · Office a Surgeons, nd Residence. Enniskillen. · stomach of rts poisonous burden by vomit- tned' rcme, of w h' 1ch i·eoent yoars h ave been s k mne d man, w i t;h good E L 1r opell.n features - - - - - -- - - - - 74- ·· iog, hustles t he mass into t he bo.:Vels, where so prolific, is one which, if it ha.s t he benefi. but eviden t!y of mixed blocd , As he wa:i Dn . E . c. lhJHl~J J. l.. another effort at expulsion is ins~ituted. cial effec ts claimed for it, will be haile:l as a born and raised on t h is coast, and ha.d pro· ICl! JS TIA 'IE OF ROYAL COLLEGE N":ture is generally prompt in suoh measures, : · boon and a. blessing " by t he ever-increas· bably served his pilot's appr enticeship as a. ot Ph~ ~icians. London. Kng. ;Member of domg the bel:!t t hat ca.n be done, under the m g army of persons who from v ..rious co.us - fisherman, he knew !\ow t o deal with his inCollq~e or I·hy~iciuna ·net Surgeons. Ontario. circu~stll!lce.s, a.tle~st, unaided. By the use es are unable to obtain the needful amount vetera.te foe, t be ahar.k. Anyhow, we all SURGEllY .t.J\:D R ESIDliNCE:-Rear of Messrs. of op1a00s th is merciful effor t of nature may of sleep. The new sleep -producer is named thought so, o.nd gave him crt.d it for it a.nd Bigginbotham'a Drug Store, Bowrnanville, 1~~ suspended , the impurities retained in the "Sulpboral." It is said to be t 11.s teless, althou~h. he did not s ay much, he went body, yet nature is not so easily pacified, not odourless, and harmless. It does not de · abont it ma very earnest manne·r. After 6- lyr,* nge t~e st~mach n.or int erfer e in any way having t hrown ove~ ten s mall fish, he easily coi;quered. The next e!l'ort to purify r a._ B. J,Al11JIUJU N ltl . D .. C. ltl., ma.y ba to productl cula.neous diseases thl'OW· with d1gest1on- ne1ther does it affect selected a.noiher a. h t tlc larger t han t he EMBER OF COLLE GE OF P H Y ing the visceral impurities to the surface, as the heart, respiration, temperat ure, or others, and :With a. s tick of wood rammed a. the next most available mea.ns of avoiding pulse. It simply throws the mantle r oll of cnew1ng tobacco, nearly as large a.s a. :>ICI ANS .AND SURGEONS, Ont . Office au<l. R sidence : Enuis.killen, Ontario. worse diseases. J ust to the extent t hat of a peaceful, gentle sleep over a vict im of a. !11an's hand, down int o ita belly, and pr eesed 30 these discho.rges a.re efft cted, health may be ceaseless insomnia. In abou t an hour after its thi·oa.t together again. He held it ready secured ,_the syst ei;n puri fied. If astringents a moderate dose ha.s been t11oken, bhe recipi· t o thro~, and as. t he. shark ca.me up._ anx iousD, RtJRKE SJJllF!W N, are applied, the d1acho.rges checked, in con- e nt falls int o a. sleep lasting from fi ve to ly look~ng for hrs fish, he t ossed it to him -0 A IUUS TER , SOLICITOR, &c. MOP TUS s~quence of t he foolish fear of " running t he seven hours ; and from this long sleep he a.nd as it barely ~ouched the wo.ter the shar k . [il BLOCK, up stairs, King Streat. Bowman- life away, " when not hin"' but impurities usuo.lly aw~k"la refresh <>d and free from any t urned over on itl:I b11ck and sucked it in. le, Solicitorfor ihe On tari o B ank poisons, are discharged-the more t he be tte~ unp1ea.sa.nt eff~cts. 'rhe shark then swam off as usual to t he side IPrtvatc '!o~yl!! loanocl. a ~th~~ wes~a~~~ . . -outraged nature mu.y still attempt a cure of the vessel, and then below us, and was .lohn Keith Galbr a ith, a p.iriffoa.tion, by inst ituting a fever which Cra.mps in the L egs. appar ently rising again in expect t·tion of :J A H I t .l BT E P. , SOLICITOH, NOTARY the ~eddlesome young practit ioner' cannot '.l'n° )h"r fish v:hen the nicotine commenced ·t P UBLIC, &;c . Oflice- Bounsall's Bloc,k so easily control. If t he cau ses are not reM any persons a.re greo.tly troubled wi th its work: . H.1s stru~glea and cont ortions llng:_!)_~reet._!l_~wm~~vil.~e'._Money to lend, ~oved the fe ver will he q nite sure to have cramps in t he legs. H comes on s ud denly were tnr1b~e to be~old, aa he dart ed M re F BA 1' 1' ..~ .l F I , D. B. A . ti~S owndcourse, ta king its t ime for the renova- af nd b id sv (~try selv erel. Most people juhmp _ out a bnl d d thb er et m ha. blmd rage, and vomit ing oo , u aa e s wa.m, or wa.~ carried by t he · 10n an cure. The vital energies quicken o e t near ya ways comes on e1t er JUSt ARRI STER, Solicitor, Not aiy, &c t he ciroulation, sendiog the blood to t he after going t o bed or while und ,eesing ) and current aw;;.y from us, his struggling grew CO BOURG . ~ungs for purification, t hese two acts energiz· ask someone to rub t he leg. There is not h- gradually less, u~til it ceased altogether. Office,-· Armour Block, King Street. 22, mg t he whole system. What nature failed ing easier t han to make t he pain let go its The tot:ac~o had killed h im. to eirpel, in constqusnce of t he astrin" ents hold, and it can be accomi:lished without as t~e next. resort is a.ctual!Y burn~ by sending for a doct or . P r ovide yourself wi \b S. «;. lllJNKING, feverish act10n, the combustion producing a good s tr ong cord, a long garter will do if A New Yor k gentleman who suffers someIOE:N 8ED A UCTIO N EE R FOR the heat of t~e fever. S 11ch a fever, if not n ot hing else is handy when the era.mp comes wha t from self-conceit not long since called the County of Durham. Salee atteoded t~oubled by mtruders, consumes v"st q ua.nti - on, ta.ke the cord, wind it around the leg upon an Alba.ny gent leman. While holding lo ~n shortest notice 11ond lowest rates . ..A.ddreea ties of effete mat ter, pur ifying a.nd restoring over t he place that is cramped, t ake an end a. conversa t ion in the lipr a.ry, t he five-ye1>rJlll R TlCE P . 0 , 3G:t f in each ha.nd, and give it a sha.rp pull, one health. o~d. so~ of : he · host appeared with the ii. B IJJlDJiN Pl CO., If onr Heavenly Father punishes us for t hat will hurt a. little. Instant ly the cramp VJSttor s hat Ill his hand, industriously ex· ':1 U O'l' IONEERS for t he County of ou r physical sins, our reckk ss disr egard of will let up and you can go t o bed with t he amining its interior. The N ew Yo rker Durham ; I nsurance and fiener a l .Agent ·, t he physical laws which he instituted for the assur ance th11ot y ou will be troubled no more noticing the lad, remiuk<Jd : "My boy: · and Real Estat e Agents. So.lea and protection of our heo.lth and the promotion that n ight. Yal11a to1 wha t do you find in mv h a.t ?" Nothing other bnsinees promptly attended to. Box 1172, of our physical welfare He supplemented air,".said t he little fellow;" I was only Bowreonville P. 0 . 36-tt TC> Sew a Out Fi.n~er. loo!ung. I }J.ear d papa say t he other night ------·-- ·-- ------ ----- such p enalties wit h reconstructive instru· t hat you wer e troublea w it h a ver y t ight !llenta.lities, r ecuperative mea.sur~s, condnc. Many persons a.re familiar with the com- hat-bo.nd." Pia.nos Tuned a ml :Repaired. E xph.na.tions wel'e in. .,,.Jer. r real good. If we suffer, it is be. mon r emedy for a cut- of sewing it up. We 1ve t o ou. cam e we are wrong ; we outrage our have seen p. e rsons suffer great inconvenien.A.H.TIES WISHI N G urnrn. P J AN0:2 physical being. It would be bln.ephem Tunod or repa1ren cannave t hom attended ous to charge t he good Father with ~~! e~d~f : fi°~~:~~v:~~~: 11~':~~:~h:; ~o$Qn TORONTO STE AM LAUNDRY. Oby leavingBowmanville word ., at t ho DOM INION O~GAN 'd" Oe's OFJ'lCE, A ftrst-clae m a.r; creat " mg 1 rot s, monsters, the physically d id ·not k now how to apply tile remedy. , I:;,~ 106 York St., Toronto. ' now beln11 in their em plc~ d warfed and diseased, surcharged wit h the ~a.i t till the ble~ding ha.a c~a.sed,_a.nd t hen SHIRTS, COLLARS AND. CUFFS _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _.,__ __ overflowing rotlenneBB of licentiousness, the w1bh a fine cambric needle, with a. sd k thread .fTI , A e. spocie cty. Out Of town work: Twenty-five cents extra will be charged when accoun ts ru11 gangrenous a.nd the d eformed, t he blind and not more t han an inch long, or thr ee inches lL.11 pron;ipt l:r ot~ended to imd ret urned the halt , the thousands of the victims of it most, take up a sma.11 s titch in t he skin per mstr uct1ons. · . d egraded 11.n d vicious parents, iu whom the aud not t he flesh, d raw only oowards the over one month. G. P. SHARPE, Proprietor. f~ul em11.nations in the form of malignan t door to Palmer h.ouse. ·Handy to Union diseases, are constantly out-cropping from cu t, right and left, which tends to draw the together, and never d raw f rnm the l~~~~ ~ ..-~P~ 2.,.. :'i! t.=====~~=======~ week .t o ~eek , r ender ing morhl life nothing p11orts cut, which only opens it . The relief thus 1 but a series of plagues and epidemics the t( LJ diseased bodies scarcely being ca.pa.hie of ~!~~d:r~elsi:nderstood only by these who ocntaining the constant st ream of foulness which naturally flows from a v icious a.nd Brave and Unselfish. licentious life down to a. sin-cu r sed progeny. No, if we auifer it is because we produce The late Mr . Forster, who, as Chlef Seosufferings, create our diseases.- [Da. J . H. retaryfor Ireland in Mr. G ladstone's Cabinet, HANAF'ORD. made himself very unpopular wi.th Irishmen, ' -·~ AR N O E N , L . D. ~ was a.a brave and unselfish an Engli·hman .as ever lived ; and though h e may ha.n Giddiness. Su1geons, Ontario. ~iddines~ .or vertigo is always a symptom- looked at p ublic questions out of te>o E nglish 1 · U nlooka all ti.1e ologged ..venues of t~'o J O FICE OPPOSITE J<-::XPRESS OFFCE. a~ic condition, and oau. sed by digestive eyes, t hose wh o opposed him when living Kidneys and Liv er, c arrytrol ;D E'ILLING .A SPECIALTY disturbance, altered conditions of the circul- cannot withhold their admir ati- from his llow'elB. ing off IJl<·~dnally withou' .vea-Jt.llling ths b t ruly sterling qualities. ARTI FIOU L T EE l'll INSERTJBD W I THOUT }yatem , "l~ t h e .3.m.puritie· e.nd , foul ation in the rain, and a variety of other One day, at a party made up of friends, PLATES. ~UJ::.Ql'!t. ,;if '"1s soc: diicns i at i h t? P'\me ca.uses, suoh as malaria, exposure t o the the quest ion was sta.rbed whether English lime ()Qt -:ttettng ..'.l.ciai C, ot the r I r Great Reductions in price on a.11 Dent al sun's rays, hemorrhage, disease of the ear, Work. Vitalil'lee. Air, constantly in nae pro- or organic disease of t he brain. Digestive po it ica mora. ity was genuine, and one (}f Stoma.oh, :..ll7tin g 'BJ.li.,_l\UIIlOrSl> , .Dy&. 111.cing Palnlees Operat ions. Pa:a:ticular a.tten disorder s a re most commonly t he ca.uses of t he p arty asked how far a p ub lic man was p-ta. £.Aa.t.lal;;.1·J&, Dimzine:!l11, sincere in averring tba.t his desire, while in il.on paid to the 10gula.tlon ot Children's Teetb ·.o., ·.Jonstipatlou , Dr7nes11 vert~o··and the p11otient generally complains P"rliament , was t o s er ve his coun try ann.rt ,_...A LL WORK W ARRANTJJD.11111t of his distress a.fter a hearty meal. T here is f 'V kin, D ropsy, Dimnes11 c1. .rom any persona.I advan tage he migh t t.mon, J":· :nn.dJ,)e; BtJ.t · Rheum, gBranch office, D r . R utherford's Orono. a sense of great fnl nesa, somet imes eruota - attain to. .. · - -- - tions of wind, buzz!ng or other noises in the In response to t his, it was suggested t ha.t llryaipelu , CJc1·ofula., Flut tering of the Heart, N cr-·:msneee, and Gen. ears, and dizzmess which l asts for a few it w a.s l?ossible for a man to become purely ual D~hµity; all ~hese a.nd man) momtlllts, daring which the patient may lose self-seel!iing , however high he might profess BES T L lJBRICATOR I N 'l'DE ItlARKE T~ ~ther a1m11Ar Com plamts )'ield to · t he his balance and fall. The per son may see his aims to be. ha.ppy_ influ enoo of BURDOCK brigh t speaks ot clouds during the cont inuMr. F oster rose from his ch~ir, and, When buying Coal Oil a.sk your dealer for t he N ew Oim, BLOOD Bl'M!.li::U.S. a.nee of t he giddiness, but they do not occur grasping the one in fron t of him, ea.id : " w ell, g.ll I ca.n sa.y is, tha.t if I did not when the head is lowered. E lderly people Ot.. l......,.rleton;. ~ si·ffer mor e than do th ose of any other ape, k now that never, in all my political life, and persons fat igued by overwork, intell- h a.vii I been actua.ted by any other desire or Try it once, and you will use no other. ectual or physical, are quite subject to t he motive than t hat of being a.ble to help m y d isorder . Any exercise immediately after fellow-creatures and serve my cou ntry, I lll~tJOLL BROS. & tJO' Y, Toronto.. eating, may produce vertig o. When t he should have gone ou t of this b usiness long It never was int ended, so far as I can learn W ITHOUT HRTH That either men or womeu were intended tG giddiness is associated with congestion of t he a.go." W ITa TlCJC'r H. be bald. brainthe faceis fl.ushed, and the arter iesof A few weeks before Mr . Foster left you will believe me, indeed I'm snre t he temples a.r e distended. Giddiness of I reland an attempt was ma.de t o assassinate I tbillk you will, PRA.()TI ()..U , D.E N'l'IST, this latter kind has al ways a dangeroussigni- him. . He knew of the pl ot, and yet, after If at tbe "Paris Hair Works" you have called. IJVBR T W ENTY YJC.l.RB EXl'JCRIENOJi:, ficance, and n{) time should be lost in con· he h ad resigned, on hearing of the P hoonix There is one thing Nature thinks of- let us tha nk her for all we cantronOxtdeGas A.d m.t ntstered rot Palntc11 ~~:!:~ :t~~~i~~lblc~~·p e~~~~ :e~ifeW1, ·t!he in n P ark murders,- one of t h<i victims of which was h is owi; immediate successor, L ord She takes particula r trouble with our race · 0 11eratl0 , . . .,~ it is of less impor tance as a symptom ;t han Frederick Ca.vendish,- Mr. Fost er went to She knows a scanty growth of h air, the gr~y I< 1and white.aing looks, E - - - - -nv.,.,11,, ·s BW~-· whfn it occurs in t he male sub1 ' ec~, ' c· t he P rime Minister, and ouered ,., I"-OJ'I' -- - ... - -· part1 to r et urn to Will detract from t he beauty of the face. ula.rly if he has pa.seed middle age, Giddi- I r eland, and take t he pl11oce a.gain unt il the n ess depe~dent upon insufficient blood supply government h l\d found a permanent 1 rncces- But Nature has her laws so strict that you muat never err, of t he bram, is associated wit h faintness, sor. For you'd surely Jtay the pen11olty at laet, pallor of the face, sighing, respiration, and Suetain it . that bounteous head of hair ,... Dr. Dorenwend'eH11oir l\lagle'iJ uu~urpaQGcd, weak pulse. T he o:::dinary faint ing at tack A m odel Woman. is of this variety, and in woman subject to .Tust try it vou afflicted, you bllVer w lll regret such " giddy turn s" tliere is usue.lly baok · 1 J ones ca.me h ome at an unseemly hour 'l 'he Ma~ic wa s never yet known to fail ; ache, irritability, p a.in in t he side, and dis· one night, and was surprised to see Mrs. And the good that It will oo you will make you soon forget btured an.I weakened digestion. J ones sit ting up lor him below stairs. The expenditure a bottle will ea tail. "M-M -M1>rfa," he said, h11skily, " y·you · --ahouldn' t sit up s'late when I'm ou t on bueiThis now famo us p ~eparation for i nvigOu1aa. on Wa.ists ness." · . · orat in g imd s timulating the g rowth of th e T he fat o1.l foll f · h .' · As Mrs. J ones did not answer h im he h air is universally accepted a.e the m ost h Y 0 t ig t lacing, so rmnons cont inued in an a larmed voice, " Shorry, m' lie only J1igl1 cl ass . l l/ustra ted Ca na dian Weekly, gives All -. to ~ e h3~l~h of t he women and of her off- dear but i t's lash t ime- tell you I'm sorr y valu able specific o.o. the m a rket. diseases of t he scalp are e ither r elieved or ~ ~ its i·ea der s tl1e best of liter ature, accompa11ied by ' U ter spending much time and money, I a m sprmg, . ls~gures mode;n co~t~me; t he WO.SJ:.'· W 0~'t sp eak to me !" A rich and r apid tow pr'tfrared to fi ll all orders promptly. I 1ke w~is_t rn.nob beautiful, it IB not ha.rmon At this moment Mrs. Jones ca.lied from perman en t ly . cn~ed . ~ e11g ra vings of t he Jug hest order. T h e Press t hrough·owth of hair will follow a fter judicious '8~a ne,assortment of W.AVES, R.A.NGS, 10us: 1t 1 sst1ff and i;:r.otesque,a.1 d deprives 11obovcst11oirs : " Mr. J ones, who a.re ou :g1 c1ty, softness and pliant talkin 1Jo a t this hour of tlle n i ht?" V n ITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. the fig~i:e ofall ela.s!1 and regular t rea tm en t. l t r em ain s with out the Dom i nion J2a,s declarnd it t o be wol't hy of Canada BAN GS FRO M: $ 2 UP~ undula.aon. N o artist ca.n t oler11.te, no sculp · "T: 'h h I i'k t 0 kng 1f " the user alone t o secur e t he d esir ed 1 a1 1d deservi11g universal suppo1't ; but i ts best r eum11ne1le ..>ld Swit!lhes co\o!ed and made to 10 1>k like t or would reproduce it , The tigh t semias w at ow myse · results . Dr. D oren wend's "Hair M agic " new. Highest price P& ld for long cut hair. masculine costumes of whichEnglish women ataMmmer J onhes.t · . 1o.mp m rs. Jed ones as ened d own et a ir&, iion lies ill its steadily .TNCREA.SING CIRCU LATI ON . ~ da is s~ld b y all d ruggist s at $1 per bottle, ar e 80 pr.on d h a ve d one much to increase the hand W hen she saw t he situat ion she or six bottles for $ 5.- If no t obtainable j BAI R TONI() Wa<rr&nted to prevent the hnir from fallio wasp waist folly: yet it m ay be doubted if laughed, in spite of being very angry. in your loc.i.lity send dir ect to the sol e ' S U S SCR! PT I ON $4 A YE A R. 10 CENTS A N UM BER. out and w ill maim it grow. g any woman of r eally good ta~te would car e " It's the model ," she so.id, " the model I manufact urer, enclosing pr ice. A. DoRN~ B I have e1so 11 fine lot of new stamping w .a.dopt t hese cover coa ts ana narrow cloth hon ht to-day to fin my dresses on " END, Par is Hair Wor k s, 103 and 105 Patterns. All ordCl's promptly attended to. ski!ts ; t he¥ possess n o feminine grace, no .. es thas'h so " saia Jones' tipsily W ~PECTI7Ut 7lf<~7IJ\IGEJdE]\1!F~ wit h M essr s . G. E . D esbarats l! "or sale by oJ , , S· A artlBhtic at t ribute, and g~ve ~wooden rigidity J " .nodel' woman- didn't talk ba~k-mak~ Y<?n g.e St., Toro~to. & S o n, P u bli shers, e n ab l e u s to offe:r the DO M IN ION H iggm botham & Son, a nd all d rllggist J:::1 · ·. 1 to t e w-ho!e person. En<>h sh women make f 11 d 'f " !\1 Neads' Block, Bowm&nville. . it t heir boa3t ~nd praotic; to be out of doors some e ow goo w1 e. B.. L U ST R ATED w ith El'E :RY l lEDNESDAY MCHUHNG 1 ----·r··s1ble ~:;lto w~a.-uhers, but: it ""'~1lu not be impo.s- I find a costume p111ted to uncerta.m D' p - -t d Bl . weat her and country ,,.,ads which would iseasa as ena1 y an essmg. I still retain somethiog of feminine n ace I n a. general s ense, d isease is the leg· of which the "tailor-m tule" are wholly HEALTH . Hiat. 50 ee ·-·---;,_· SHARKS T CREW. . bJmllll~llJ!Dll~ · :~ . ~~~~ · ~-~ · ~~!'!!!!i_l~~i!!~ftSl ~~!!~"~~H~~~~~~~~~!!'_!~~~~llllililllll·llll·i!l!!IBila - - ------ -- -- -- ......~· n Pili !!:!!!! 1\!I · A · J A .M Ji ...iS Infants I Children. · o ff s I . I Latest Desig n s in L TEA AND DINNER S E T S arrived this week at Gre at v ariety of M .Mu , r 1loc l11 Bro s. Tant.I & ltAltCtNC l.AM~S. M~DOUGALL m. B Endless varieties in Fancy Goods d ir ect from E urope. L & METCALF, A B OVT:M..AN'"-VI L LE are oner1ng Coal a s follow s : Stove and Chest n1 1t ,-: ......... ........ $ 6 .2 6 P $ Grate and Egg,............ .. .... ............ 6 .00 l'-1' · text HI (: f:)' J HtALTH, LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, POST & CORD WOOD Always on h and· a lowest p rices. M c DOUGALL & METCALF. THB,ESHERS AND FARIERS USE ONLY M cCOLL'S ____ ______ _______ , ARD I N E MACHINE OI L. D E NT IST RY THE .,.. -...-vw.lf '"' · F.l\ MI LY SAFETY & S U N LJGHTCOAL OIL· ANOTHE R WONDER. J, Jd:, BRIJl:AOOMBE, »·· ~ i1:{Fo11!t~id~O~~ O U tim\IlfK§ ~ Fine Hair Goods. LADI ES, 11-------~ ~ P atronize H eme T RADE. I I l ! I I I ! i Mr DAVI S I I I * I gy GtaRdton 0.,-:1~8( P.Jtoher's Ceet1rJria~

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