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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1888, p. 3

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~~adillU ~~~~~_. r ~ 11Wi.3F ···-~yiii·,rni~~"'""'~!!9illiil~~,_~~~...,!!~.,,~-!!11~m~-~~l!!li~'ll~if~ ttts! · e~~~~!.,~¥'1~W'! ~! ·"'h~"rh! :~ 1!iie~ -!f!!iih~ - ..~ .,. .c~ -, !'immr~ · ·!· -~ ,·~ ·· ·~ · -!~'~!!~!!!!!!!!!! =!!·rn::~~·~111~ · 1·~ ·~-!!~~=!!~~~ m~rm~!!~=~~~~r~·~~~~~·~=~,,~~~~~~zr~W~ "!"~~·~wri!~· ~ ~~~~.!!!!:! g HOU~=.~OLD. Want of Sleep Is sending t housands ann 11iill y to the insane asylnm; and foe doci <>:·s say this trouble is alarmingly on Ll·e increaB c. The usnal remed ies, while they may give t emporary r elief, are likely Lo do more harm th an good. ·wh at is nee(l ed is au A lter ative and Blood-pur il\er. Ayer's Sarsapal'illa is incomparably the best. It corrects t.bose clisturl>anccs in the circulation which canse sleepless- . ness, gil· es increased vitality, and restorea t he norvous system to a healthful condition. Rev. T. G . A. Cot.e, agent of the Mass. Home Missionary Society, writes t.l1 at his stomach was ont, of )r der, his sleep very often disturbed, and some impurity of t he blood manifest; but that a perfect cnre was obtained by the use of Ayer 's Sarsapari.lla. Frederick W. P rat.t, 42<1 Washington street, Boston, write1,t: " My daughter wa<i pl'ostnited w ith nervous debi lity. Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her to health." 'Villiam F. Bowker, Er ie, Pa. , was cured of nervousness and slecpiessn eRR by taking Ayer's Sarsapa rilla for about two months , ih1ring which time his weight increased over twen ty pounds. ,..:. WEDNESDAY, DEU. El, 1888. . . . ... . -· ··=== IOh, for the dear old.fashiontd p osies Growing close by the kitchen door ; Poppies soft__ t~at will bri~g. forgetting, Ba.lm and mmt for a spirit sore· Heartsease sweet for hearts that are aching, R9.gged ladies, and four o'clooks ; Marigolds with wealth uncounted, Cabbage roses and hollyhocks. Old-time pinks with their spicy odor, Tiger lilies a.nd columbine, Honey-sweet in its golden ohalice, Humming birds in the climbing vine. Sunfl~wera tall that turn their faces Out to the west as the sun goes down; Morning glories which close a.nd cower, Under the rays of hie burning frown. Clover fields with the bees a -humming, Drowsy grasses that sway and nod ; Busy reapers the ripe grain nutting, Fragumt breath of new-mown sod. Oh, for the dear old fashioned posies, <.>-rowing close by the kitchen door; And for tho loved familiar faces, Gone from our sight forevermore. -[Good Housekeeping. Modern Cookery. Modern cookery is conceded on all sides to be of b enf.:fit to the race. There was a time within the memory of men s t ill young when all New-E ngland and the agricultural portions of every aection of the cou~try w.ere commonly said to havt dyspepsia. How much suffering has been caused by cold pie and hot bread for breakfast can never be computed. Those delights of the Yankee palate killed more men from that section tha.n ~he wv.r did. The Southern frying pan ha(world -wide notoriety. ~veryb~dy who visited that snnny and gen1a.l section from a section where food was well prepared got indigestion and a ba.d temper instead of the pleasure which would have flowed from normal gastric conditic;ns, and thEoir scolding has been heard a.round the world. If it wasn't the frying pan that stirred the vexatious bile of visitors ib wa.a the everlast· Ing round of hog and hominy that made them r ail. It was the la w of contrast t hat idealized the bouquet of the Southern mint j ulep. J ustasg. od ajulepcouldalwayebe h!!.d in other places. The reason it nevet tasted as good was because during t he presenfJ gener ation afJ least it has not been off. set here either by monotony of diet or in· feriority of food, Modern cookery has done wonders toward sending cold breakfast pie, hog and hominy, and t he .frying pan to a pla.ce of merited seclusion.in history. · When coo~ery was. vile, men tried to make up for 1t by drmk. N early all the promi11ent char acters of Amen ca down of small ones,) p ut a good handful of hops j fo a muslin bag (to save the trouble of i 1training the te'I.,) and put it to boil in three pint s of water ; when it ha.a boiled y.rell, take _ou.t of hops and squeeze , it, then stir m the '; . he bag gr ated potato and keep ! I I I ~~~~~n~tt;~et~:e~ir;::dti~~!nc~1::i8 !~o~;hi~~,1 cL · .bear your fioge1 in it , put in one t eacupful of good brown e.ugar, one tea.cu.pfnl of salt, and a cupful of old yeast or two yeast cakes --0 F - to start it, set it to rise in a warm place, I covered closely. Four tablespoonfuls is e nough for two quarts of flour. Crn.&R PUDDING. -One and one· half cupfuls cf sugar , one~half cupful of butter, two eggs, one fourth cupful of milk, two and one-fourth cupfuls of flour, one-fourth teaspoonful of soda dissolved in one-half cap· ful of cider, one-half cupful of raisins. We are pushing on our Great Clearing Sale·: of Dry Goods Bake, · RASPBERRY B LANO M.ANQE.-Boil togeth - and Clothing with unabated vigor and earnestness, and to er one qu 11.r t of milk, four tablespoonfuls of smooth corn-starch, and four teaepoonfuls ensure complete success, we are reducing prices to a point of sugar. When t hick, stir in one-half cupful of strained juice from canned r asp never reached before in Bowmanville. berries and mould. Serve with sugar and cream. I EA R'~ · · ~ .· · .. · · . ..IN -~ "-:Ir ....:::tt ~a.m ~ ~ .JIL · - . · ALE Dry Goods & Clothing I ----o---- Maiden, ah, how cold thou art ! Ha.et thou then for love no room ! Does it need a sea.Jakin aaque To inaugurate a boom?" EVERY ARTICLE IS R E DUC ED FROM 15 TO 25 PER GENT. But all Dress Goods, Cloakings, Tweeds, and R eady-made Clothing must be sold at any sacrifice. Absolutely Pure. This powd.er n ever v:i.rrns. A me.rveJ ol purity, strengbh a.nd wholesomeness. More economical than t he ordin>try Kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude of l·YW test, short weight, alum or phosphate poW'ijera: Sold onl.y in <Yans. ROY.A.L BAK· NG POWDER CU ·· 106 Wall St .. N. Y . Ayer' s Sarsaparilla, PREPARED nY ".A reliable Watch is of more val%e to sinner than a B ible or an Ei·angeli~t." I Exchange. "WATCHES. ELLISON & CO. P . S.-During the sale Due Bills will be taken on a cash basis only. Dr. J. c. Ayer & co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by nil Drnggi·ta. Price $1 ; oix botlles, $~ AUTHORS I COX, ;TRUSSES, .&r1ificial J_,i111bs, .A.nd .Appliances for all De!ormitiesoftheHmnanBody Manufacturers of j)~~~~~~ DE~~::~aHl~/0t~! Knee and Ankle, Knock Knee, Bow Legs, Club Feet, Etc. ALSO CRUTCHES. . 117 CHURCH ST TORONTO ONT ·J 1 I - - - -- -- - - - -- - - -- - . . . · pa.mted on the outside. It l S 12 mches long and 8 wide, fringed at each end and tied a.round one end with a ribbon and bow of lihc ribbon to 1111:\tch t he p ainted llowera. A very pretty little iqnar e sa.chet shows white satin ends and pink s ~tin sides, over which is a Equare of bolting cloth, handpained ·with daisies. 'rhe edgea are cut in small equares and gilded. Acr~ss one end is tied a na.rrow pink. satin ribbon with a tiny bow, on which is painted in gilt letbere, ·'Merry Christmas." Novel sachets for boxes of l etter paper are in cardboard tied up in envelope form with tiny ribbons, one aide handpa.inted w ith flowers and the other side addressed with a painted stamp and postmark. Another square sachet in duck is painted with clover blossoms and with a bow of pink satin r ibbon in one corner. 0 MAYNA RD, 'J'HE JEWELLER, has the finest stock of Watches in Town. We carry a full line of Gold, Silver and Nickle, Hunting a nd Open-face Watches which we are s<:lling very cheap, so cheap in fact that no one need be wtthout a good reliable tim ek eeper. We can supply · h h II · f h you wit t em at a pricas, · rom t e ch eapest "Waterbury," at $2. 75, to t he mo6t expensive Gold ones made. We h ave also in s t ock a full line of thos e celebr ated " Rockfor d " Watch es, for which we are the sol e agent s for t he dist rict. We have a lso com plete lines of Elgin, Waltham, Columbus, Illinois and Swiss makes, all of which we g uarantee . to give good satisfaction. Hat and Fur Store. CASH IS KINC ! -----wo----For Cash I am selling my entire stock of F elt Hats a t and below cost. For Cash I am selling my Furs at reduced prices. · we "e ~J(~J{glf VETERINARY SURGEON. i Graduate o!the Ontario Veterinary Co!lege, .Registered member of the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association. · WOfilce and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. Will visit Orono every Tuesday andjSaturda,y emce hours fr m 10 a . m.. to 4 p. w .. . at Coul ters' Hotel Calls by Telegraph receive imr. ediate attention. CH.Al. GES MODERATE. BOU NS ALL'S Marble and Granite Works, BOWIUANVILLE, Ont. ESTliBLISHRD. 1857. .ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY done in the latest styles a.nd material11. SCOTCH, ENGLISH, GERMAN AND 'rr NEW BRUNSWICK C R A NITE MON UMENTS I N STOCK. Call and see our designs and get est imates b efore p urchasing ou r - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - -- DUNN'S BAKINC .THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND ================~ · POWDER - Elegant in Design Solid in Constructio n ; Excelle nt i n T o ne PRONOl'iNCED BY ART ISTS TO BE HI E FINEST MAD EIN"CANADA , and equal to tho best l!Ritcd States instrume nts, at(when duty and freight is paid) 2~ . · · f1 Per Cent loss Expanse BEFORE PURCHASING OOMMUNIGATE WITH THE l'J.llUUfACTURERS 2Q.!_ A VIUS Nt!WCOMBE & co:!. I07-109 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO For Cash I am selling my entire stock of Gents' Furnish-. ma.n's house was complete without a side- plain, gentlemen, that we cannot wait upon boa.rd wel! fill?d and a cel~ar a._bundantly you ourselves, and a.re obliged to keep ser · In our Silver ware and Jewelry D epart- ngs at great reductions. stooked with liquors, of which wines form. vant8 to do it, adding that Eve did not keep m ent it is our aim and pride to keep ed a small part. People thought they any. Do you know why she kept no eer- always the nicest a nd n e west ~oods t o b e needed liquor as a nquisite to hea.lt l:. They vants ! B ecause her husband Adam never h ad and we can furnish you (our variety may not have realized that vile cooking came home with .h oles in his stocki.ngs .for is unlimited) with unytbing in t h ese lines created and sustained this desire for strong her to darn, or wit h the buttons off his shirt, at the lowest possible prices liquid stimulants, but a t otal abstinence or with 11 pair · of gloves split open. He did , ' Cash I am wanting and for cash I am selling. movement when the war broke out would not tra.mp ab·.'ut in the mud, smoking cigars, T..F. ha.ve been scoffed out of the country. There and expect his wife to black h is boots for ~Cash paid for Raw Furs. might be two honest opinions of t he slavery him. H e dirl not sit yawning over his newaquestion but upon tho necessity of ci. modi· paper, inquiring every minute if supper We :i.lwaya have on h and a n ice variety of cum of good old bourbo,n or apple jack for wasn't ready. He helped to prepare the new designs in Walnut, one and eight every male inh11bita.nt. the country was one dinner. He lit t he fire, dng up t he potatoes day, weight and sprin~ Clocks, together and indivisible. The advocates of tota.l ab- and peeled them ; in short, he did his share. with a large assort ment of N ickel times atinence could hardly have n: ustered a. Cor· A single dish sufficed for him, and he did not NE.A.DS' BLOCK, Bowmanville. and a larms. THE PRACTICAL F URRIER. poral's guard. grumble if it was burnt. He did not always There may be a.s much liquor oonsu med ask for a clean na.pkln; he simply Ul!(,d a to. da.y a.a ever there wa.s, but its ue~ 1is by pci.lm leaf to wipe hi11 month wfth. He never · . no means genera.I. Tempet-a.nce reform is brought half a dozen friends into dinner l . . k "d . strong enough to have acquired a political without first tellini; hie wife. H e did not t ts a mista en l ea that many people standing. Gou t and rheumatism are on ~he frequent t he cafes while Eve stayed at home have that they sh~uld limt off wearmg wane. They are no longer paraded, admiJ'. to rock lit tle c~in to sleep. It never enter - si;>ect~cles as long as posswle bec11i;s~ by ed, or honored. Drunkenness is a disgrace, ed his head tha.tEv-e w..8 created for the · ole s o domg they often do permanent lDJUry ~ and heavy drinking a positive detriment to purpose of waiting upon him, but he to th.,;i~ ey· sight. Good. Spe~taclee, cor- Ar& showmg a larae and varied assortment of Dry Goods for t he a yo=g man seeking a plaoe in the world assisted Eve as much a.a lay in his power. rectly fitted, can n ever lDJUre y our eyes, ~ · and to an old one trying to maintain a.place. Nted y ou t hen wonder that Eve kept no but on the contrary are always b eneficial. F .ALL and WINTER TRADE. So great has b een the change of public feel- servant?" If yo ur gla~sos d o not suit you or if y ou o --ing in t nis re11pect that even those whe sell · ~~ liquor try to disguise their business under h ave never worn them and fine your eyeeuphemisms. Wino, beer, and light drinks French Coffee. sight f ailing we can supply you with a are supplanting heavy drinks in pnblic favor. The F r enJh have t he reputa.tion of making .it:i~able pair at any price you wish from A large stock in newest ~hade s and fabrics. We are showing a special That modern cookery has played a n im· t he best coffee. Their met hod is very diffor· · 25 cts. to $ 12. line in Dress Meltons at 12! cents, t hat can't be beat. porta.nt part in this change of habit and ol ent from t he .American method. They take public feeling a.11 p~ysioia.ns agree. A a gre11ot deal of ca.r e in making this favorite st?mach properly nour1~hed does not c~a.ve beverage, and the result is that when French sttmulants as does one di fed or one ~xmted coffee iii taken one drinks tht> pure fl~vor of Housekeepers requmng Table Linens, Table Napkins, rowels, by_ poor food. Ev~n where the desire for t he berry, They always grind the berries W e are alway s prepar ed to do any kind drink may be ~ereditary good food tends 110 j ust before they a.r e to be used and do not let of Watch or Jewelry r epair ing n eatly at Towelings, &c., &c., wou ld do well to inspect our stock before buying. check that desire and to avert the conse- a quantity of ground coffee stand and get d . . mo erate cost. quences of · tnd u1 gen('e. 'rhe t empera.t ~ and stale. The French cook t hen pours br,1lmg C OTTC>~S. r ell.l!onable use of well·cooked iO<?d 18 thl'. water on the ground coffee ; t hen she filters A large con~ignmimt just received which have been marked at very great boon of the prcsen~ . generation. O' t his, and, after boiling t he wa.ter again, 38. ?ourse there a.re excess~s. Modern cookery pours it on the coffee once more. This is low prices. The J eweller. 1e one ot the good t~mgs that has suff~red repeated a third time. She never boils the a.bus~. but e~cessee have not been confined coffee and water together, nor p uts the ~ to thw gene!at1on. . : . ooffee in cold water and th&>n letsHboil. The Saxony Yarns in all colors. FingE:>ring Yarns in both Scotch and A~other import~nt consi~t·ration 1s based F rench Go not know how to make good tea, ?n t ne. altered busmeas habt.ts of men, espec- bnt they give this recipe as the proper way Canadian makes. In this line we make a specialty of Baldwin's Eeehive 1allv. in centres of p_op~lat10n. When ~ad to m11,ke tea ; Pour boiling water on the Fingering. Canadian. Factory Yarns in a large number of colors. cooking and heavy _ drmkmg we~e the fashion leaves and then turn it ou t of the pot. T hen nea.rly every bunnesb man h ved a good pour one-t hird of the water required, an:l ?ea.I ~utdoors. T he oxy~eu t~at h~ took place t he pot over a steaming s.ppara.tue in 1~to his.sy~t~m, the ex ero1 se w~th whtch he order to let it draw without boiling. After at,prices that are bound to sell them. o~ed _ his JOmts, we~e conducive to good a. while add anot her third, and then the la.st d1gestton a.nd heal.uh m a wonderful degr ee. third. Jn this way the full flavor and The a.ver~ge_ bu~mess man to-?ay spen_cle strength of the tea are· obtained. most of h ts time mdoors. Physical exer1nse In this department we have a lai·ge stock in Scotch, English and Irish is generally neglected. The juices of tbo body are not so aotive in sedentary aa in Suitings, Pantings a.nd Canadian Tweede, Small Talk. outdoor life. On the othtr hl\nd, the Mrve ~}lecial attention ;i.·iven to lhe OR DERED UU.OTH ING forces are correspondingly atimulated. N ervSmall talk is thl' small cho.nge of life; ous diseases are now the class that req uires there is no getting on withont it. There are d epa1·tment. Cail and ins1>ect our stoc~i the most attention from medical men. It t imes when a li_tt le nonsense is very palatbefore purchasing. sta.nds t o reason tha.t when one changes able! and gravity ~nd sedate.ness ought to from outdoor to indoor life he should be kicked d?wn stairs. A ph1lospher cuts a regulate h is diet accordingly. So far as can P?or ~gure m the ballroom, unless he lea:res be learned there is a. wide and intelligent h is wrndom at home. W e have met with observii.nce of this Jaw of health. It is there· men who were too lofty fo_ r sm~li talk. fore by no means safe to conclude that T hey were above such t r.fl.mg ; m other (I his E ngraving represents the Lungs in a h ealthy s tate.} digestive derangement in one d sedentary words, they were abo:re makmg t hemsel.v-es THE REMEDY FOR C t:RIN G habits, even in one iu whom t hat habit agreeable. above plea~mg , and above ~emg may have been lately acquired, is due either pleased. The wor~d is made up of trifles: CQMS U ~UTIO N, to modern cookery or to overeating. J t may and h!3 who can trifle e~e!(~ntly and gr!'oe· by the public is unanimous th at the be due to a fa.lure to eat well or to eometh-· full;r 18 a v~lua?le acqul8ltu_ m to ma.n~ind. A ST HMA, CROU p, ing related only sympathetically to the He.is a Cormtfaa.n column lll t he fabric of ALL DISEASES OF TH E THROAT, LUN GS AND digestive apparatus, society. PULMOM ARY ORGANS. ' T he promisesofmoderncookeryare brigbt av r Ts >'All' l!F UL u sE: .....,,. ...... '; );t;.,,"'-fJ .c and reassuring. Since physiology has been Uhoice Recipes. a·oNSUMPTION HAS BEEN OURED inoluded in t he studies of the lower grades :,1 c~:i vw"f,, is t h e cheapest place in the ounty .ior of tho public eohools the eduoa.tion of the Rrn:r. WAFFLES.- Stir two large cupfuls of Wh ~ n other R emedi es a.n<l Physicians have fail(·d to effect a c1~ re. rising generation has lieen in oonrse of pro- boiled rice into one quart of hot milk, add Cooking Ranges, Coal and Wood Cooks, Parlor and H.ecomm cod e cl b y PH YSI <:~ A ·f-i, ~·1'f l :"I TSTF.ll $, A.ND per development on the subjects of food and t hree fourths of a cupful of fl.our , one-ha.If of Nun~z::;. ln fact hv cvcr. \·hod y .. ; u h:i.i; ~_d'Oen health supply. This study, as pursued iu a cupful yeast. Let rise six hours, and add it a good tri:1.!. .:."l nei;er Pt'illi to b. ·in relil'f Stoves- all the most popular makes and styles. the achoola, proceeds from an elementary two eggs beaten stiff. Bake in irons. AS AN EXPEC·-·:: FIANT I T H AS 1 EG'lUAL l basis, and is carried on until in the higher APrLE P .A'.l"XIES.- Bake, in deep ta.rt ab.ells, Jewel Range, .with the ~ew D uplex . Grate; also Grand gr ades t he children are better informed in mixture of one-ha.If a p'lund of sugar boiled It contahs ;;o O P IU M in r.~;v form. respect.to the lawsof healthlthanjis the average with one-hslf pin t of water till thick, added , Duch ess, Grand U mversal and Diamond Range. educated a.duh. The education is not eon- to one pound of sour, chopped apple, and r Lt I Cf: '2Jc, 50c A KJ) $1. 00 l' I~ :~ 'f.,,,; --_·;. f; . fined to class or condition. It benefits the juice of one ha lf of a lemon, boiled together poor as well a.a the rich. That it will bear till stiff. DAVIS & LAWRENOE CO ....,.,mited.), G eno·al .A.(Jents, lJl'.ON '.l 'iU: : AL. good fruit for t he country in the near future P UMPKIN PIE,- One-half pint of stewed is the confident expectation of every medical pumpkin one pint of hot milk ono cupful man w~o has considered the subject.- [New of brow~ sugar, one egg, one iarge tableY ork Times. spoonful of :fl.our, one-half tablespoonful of butter, one-ha.If tea.spoon e ach of ginger and Nervous Debility. Seminal Losses and prema.vanilla. Hake in one cruet. tul'e Decay promptly and permanently cured by Some Pretty Trifles, Granite, I ron and Tin Wares constantly on hand. , GINGERllRI!.AD PUDDING. - Oae cupful ea.ch Here are some pretty trifles which are molasses and milk, one ta.bli~spoonful of la.rd, being made by women who cannot afford one-half taoleepoonful of cinnamon, one teaEave Troughing, Roofing and Job Work done on shortest notice, and expensive Chr~stmas presents! but who nan spoonful of soda, one·half teaspoonful of prices, considering material, as low as the lowest. . offer some da.tnty bit of their own handi· b~Jt 0 e tablespoonful of vinegar a.ni about Doeu not inf-0rfere wit.h Diet or uaua.l occupa· work as the most charming of gifts A ~ ·, n · · tiori and fully restores lost vigor and insures . d f . d k : t d h "t four cupfuls of llour. Bake. perfect manhood. Sent to any address, post. sach et IS ma e o w 1 e 1men uc , pam e paid on receipt of price One Do·lar per box:. with h1lliotropes or violet s and filled with YE.AST. - Wash, peel, and grate ei17ht Sole agency, SCHOFIELD'S DRUG STORE, NEWCASTLE. ar.ohet powder of the perfume of the flower la.rge raw I rish pots.toes, (or a half gallon .Kiug stnet, Toronto. ~e~:;tJ~~~i~:~£f 1?~:1 l~~~o~ebN~~e~t~:~ r:~b':r1!h~~~E~~~1~\~~~c~e~ic~~y;~e~~i: Why Eve Kept No Servant. A German lady has coire forward ·to Jtw HRY CL · AND s ILY fR w AR f. CASH FOR REP AIRING .. . M~ JI.& MAYER,, SpE C TA C LE S BFf. . OS ITOD , ......,..a:"lL.1-l]SS Q..QC>:J:>S. REPAIRING. MAYNARD, A:B.1'.l"S . BLANKETS, COMFORTERS & FLANNEL SHEETINGS TOD BROS. COUGHS, COLDS, . N ewcastl e Stove and Ti· n Depot Q!Wc)O.- c Hall I ERRQ RS Q F YQUTH Parlor Stoves with and without ovensArt Garlands, Art Sultanas, etc. Orders taken for the best Hot Air Furnaces. W". T. BONATHAN,

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