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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1888, p. 5

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' ~~~~~~ -~~ ·~~~~~ -~~~~~ -~ -~ ~ ~ -~=~~~ - ~-~~~~~~~-~--~~a;w~~··~'""*'~·~ ·..............,~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! _ I ZDAI-IL BRAND OF P C RE Call on H. C. T~IT for Photographs, School Books, Fancy Goods, Picture Frames, &c., Bowmanville. BI RTHS. To A d vertiseni . US E .ONLY THE Mrs . Morrison offers her whole ~tnck I M ust Blackst.oek, Dec. the of new winter millinerv nt cost, I Next week we shall sen.I r,ut our big be c]oal't··d n11t in I hree" weeks t o make Christ mas E d ition <ind Beud a copy to more r oom fr>r fancy g nods. \Ve have condensed late corresi_)onden ce every househ old trading in Ho wm im villc No change in market r eport from last Aft e rnoon T eu.. week. Mr. T h os, Creep er h as been laid up The Young L adies' Aid Society of St. with a li<me back. Paul's Ch 11rc'1 will hold an afternoon t ea That Chinaman in Maynard 's jewelry in tho basemen t of t he ch urch on M on· store don't get tired . day, D ecember 17th · from 3 to 7 l fancy Young men, spend your epare evenings o'clock. A n umb er of usefu l anc articles rnitable for Christmas pr esents in the Re ·d in g Room. A craze 1 F o · Crescent R eel Plat es is will be off.ir ed fo r sale durin~ th e after, noon. A.t 8 o'clock a musical progr a.m going on at Hellyar's. will he rendtir ed by some of the best loCrescent H eel Pla·es will make the old cal t.alent r1 f t he t own. Silver collection walk e>1ey at Bellyar's. at the d oor. Rev. T . Dunlop preaches for Rev-. Mr. Preparing for Christmas. Matthews 11ext Su "d "Y· Mr. Thos Bnrden will not likely be op· ,JO HN LYLE. posed for 1he Reeveship. LMest d eeig ne this week in T ea vond Th e public can depend on procuring Dinner. sets n.t Murdoch Bros. frCJm L:vle's the best of every~h ing in his Crescent Heel Plates ! H ellyar has line of b usiness for tht H oliday season. sole control for Bowmanville. H e is u ow r eceiving t.h e choicest now Who will be Mayor of Bowman ville for frmte and his suppl y of fancy and staple groceriB s will be unsursassed i n t hese 1889 1 Mr. Younie, of course. Cheas and checkers are the popular United cound ee. M ark Ayre is going to make a d isplay of t he best mea t s t h at games at the Recrea tion R ooms. Ontar io a nd Durham coun t.iea will afford. Toront.o Daily World and T nE STATl~S, Look out for fu rther particulars. lli\N no w t o end of 1889 fo r $3 ~---·--....-------~-E veryh ody likes the Featherbone CorR. C. Tait sells best spectacles. get, for BBle at J ohn J . Mason's. M urdoch Bros. are b uyi ng barley . Spectacles with inlaid cases suitable for Crtiscent Heel Plates ! are cont rolled by X mar. presents at StoH & Jury's. Bargains I B argaina i n Millinery and H ellyar. B lankets in all weights at T od Bros. fancy goods at Mrs. Morrison's. Q 11estion of the hour- Wl1y did Mr . from $2 a pair up. F or a good choice of fea thers, wings P rower r~ sign tlie Treasurership 1 Overeh oes t o last for ever aud e ver I and ribbons g<J t o Mrs. D onn elly's. Straw 1111d felt h ~ts r e-shaped in all Crescent H eel F lutes at H ellyar'a. R umor ea1tb Mr . D. T . Morris will th e latest styles a t Mrs. D onnel ly's . 'fhe most complete and choice stock of not ae ~ k r e-election to the Council. Mr. H . Benm t t h as sold his ho11se and miiliner y is tou nd a t Mrs. Don nelly's. Crescent Hef.'1 1 P lat e Mach inti i& a won lot on B.or!ey st., t o M:r. W. Scott. Ruhber1< t o 11e,. er wear (\u t ! Crescent. d erfu l Nnnd er l At wo ,k at Hellyar's. F ARMERS. -Bebt powf· r St.i aw Cntter H eel P late!! at H e!lyar 's. Se11 nd vt . t 25c with reverse gear w ld by CHAS. R ouEus. Orderp fnr the Ch r ist mas Globe. A Cresce nt 8 eel Plat~ s ! are the l(reat each, roceivetl et t he STATESMAN offi~o . L ook out. for Cawk er& Allin's a.nnciu uce, save rs of OV tlr shoes I See H ellyar's ad vt . FIRE, LI FE, ACCIDENT Ins urance. ment of Christm· s meat s and groceries. RonT. V mTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. Ladi ~ e C!lll at Mrs. n.)nnelly's an d eee For the be~t cutters made anywhere go those new st y Jes of Fall and Winter hats. le . T ho H appy T hought cookiu g range t o Haines' Ca.rriago Works, Bowruanvi1 Th e Weekly Mail, F arcu and F ire·ide sold by S. S. Ed~all is t he beat stove i n and th e STATESMAN t o the end of 1889, the market . M AN WANTED nmEDIATELY t o do for $2. F ew · can meet an d non e can beat 'f od choors for the winter. A pply to M . B rr·s. r emarkable low p rices in \Yin ter 50-l w. BURK, Bowmanvi!le. C ott on Combine is broken and prices Dry Goods. Our s tock nf Christ~as goods is lar ger a re lower . See the 7c Factory at Tod and pri ces invar iably lo wer th1 m e ver beBros. Special prices by th e web. Subscriptions t aken for all Canadian fore. J. H. igginbotham & Son. Finest stock and largest assortment of and American ne wspapers a ?Jd m 'frnzinos S ilverw are in t own. Want t o sell it , low at l o we ·t rates at the S·rATESi\~AN office. . BARLF.Y.- T he high est price paid for pr·cos, a r. Maynard's ,Jewellry store. T he W~ st E nd H ouse 11;uarantees t o any q uau tity of Barley a t Bowma1n ille or N e wc··sth· h" rhou rs. l\Inrdoch Br os. !liV <3 ~s good value fo r you r m on ey in I uspect our Xmas goods before p ur· T eas as any house in th o country. Try chasing els.-" he·e. They are all new, them. L1 dies you sh ould visi t .M:cClung B ros' n ovel avd cheltp. J , Higgin botham & Milltnery show room t o see la test Son. Ther e will be n.n ento· tainment in th e nL.vel .ies. Tbose Ge rmt~11 M an tles ar e schoolroom of St . John 'sch nrch o n W ed - very fine. nesda.y n igb.r, Hlth i nst.. Splendid proGold mon ey, Paper money, Silver gram . Ten cents admission . Begins at m1mey, Copper money wanted at 'l'ucl 7:30 Bros. for the ea me we will gi\'e good value T he Oddfellow's ent ertainmen t next in seasonable D ry Goo d ~. Wedoesd ~ v niuht will be a splendid one. Ladies' Short J ackets i.nd "Clsters made A very interestin g prograu1 will b e pre- i n- Ge rnian y. The cui; of t hese Coats is seuted. E very body a tt end. S ee pr o- sim ply per tection. You will find them a t C b J h & grams. ouc ' o nst on Uryderman's. W. R . R . Cawl;er has bough t ao m T he largest assortment· and best val ue choice bee ves from the bebt Whitby breeders and feeders for Christmas a nd is de- i n Gent's Wiuter G lo ves and Mitts in t ermined t o lead with t he biggest and tow n is at J oh n J . Mason's Dry Goode & b est d1sp!ay i n town. J ewelr y s-oro. Call and see them. The Baines Carriage W orks received We can fit any person with Spectacles the Diplomrd or the bcstdbplay ofcarriages whtither we see them or uot. Eve glas·ea a.t W es!· D urham Fall Fair , and h ave now and S pectacles in gr eat variety and the on h ><nd i b.o best assortmen t of cutters b eat. i n the market at Swtt & J ury 's. PLUSH Goo11s.- Many ne w and attrac, ever shown i n t his vic inity. The popularity of ou r Tailoring D epart - tive styles have been lat ely in ttod uced ment is manifested by the great rush for and we ca ~ show you t!1e very late~t .in J. Hrn;gm, styl.ish -ru ade suits a.nd overco 11ts. A very color, qu~llty and design. IR rge assortment of cloths to choose from. bothacu & Son. l ·· H A MProN - Couch, J ohnston & Cryderman. Mr. Tod is to t he fron t again with the · choicest of 1 werythi ng in the confectionX mas E ve entertainment. ary li!lo, Young ladies wbo want wedCouncil meets Sat urday. di ng ca kes nicely dre~sed should get Mr Cheese patrons m eet same d See Tod to do it. See hie largo ad vt. ad vertisement. ay. For 11ome t illle m iscreants ha-we been ~fr. J ohu Kerslake cau' t survive many k n ocking boar ds off t ho fence round M r. days . Heard' a lot on tho corner of Kin " an d Mrs. Marsh goes t o P eterbor o this Scugog st~. · A member of the so-;alled week. " B uokley Gang," ia - snspect6ld, B etter Mr$~ H. E lliot t, son , is con fined to take car e. Hy. C. Tait in vit~ s as man y as can bed yet. Mr. Geo. Kerslake h as been laid up m::ik e it convenient to call and have a look on b is im mense display of holiday fr om a kick by a stee r . and ot her goods which he thinks can not M r . and Mrs. M. B. Cryderman have be surpaimJd i n this t own for q uulity 1111d been Yisiting near S touffviile, price. All r.re welcome . Photogra phing md Annie Cry Misses Hattie B urke 1 going a~ usual. · d erman, from t o wn, are visiting out here. The P late Glass tr ade has become an I'll b et a quar ter t he News ti.an copied important feat nre in Ca nada. N o b usi- his H ampton news fro m t he STATESMAN ness ho ns~ would now dream of havi ng last wel~k. heAt glass windows. Not only t he (ild & A t own young man called White the desigu of t.110 buildin g is vastly im- colidecl with a buggy i n t his village last proved, but t he goods displayed in t h e week , It co~t him $ 15. windows are more inviting w hen ph te Capt. R. H . B unt, President of Hampglass i s ~:se d. McCausla nd & Son ; To· t on Cheese Co. , entertained the Dir<Jctronto, su pply by for the largest quantity ora t o an Oyster Suppor on Monday evenin Canada. ing. At the r egufar meeting of t he Juvenile R ev. S. Salt on gave u s an excellent Branch A. 0. F orest ero on Monday, sermon S unda.y morning. O ur pastol' Dec. 3rd ther e was a good at tendance, preache i an instructive ser mon in t h e one applic~tion fo r memb erahip, and one evening on Ch 1rles Wesley. mem ber c foolared on t he funds fr11J 1:it a '!'he prices o.sked ror Dre~s Goods, Factory br olren collar bone. After business was Cottons, White Cotton, ·w inceys, Shirtini:r. etc. over a. vi.~i t was m ade to t he anteroom at F. A. Cole's, considering the qnalityof theae wher e a g<·od s upper was ser ved and en- goods wit! surprise you. Call and inspect. 1" . A . Cole's stock of Cloths and Clothing arc j oyed by all after which a pleaao.nt ti mo new u.nrl tasty- all bought for cash, and tt.re w;is s pent. R espectable boys between · off'ered at such prices that w ill aatonish intend. llinr wi.th the price" regubig pnrchas<0ra t he ages of 7 aud 17 ar e eligible for mem, larly a~J;;e<l !orftl.m those goods. A II wool suits to bersh ip. order for $7 and upwards. Over Coats!! to ..r $6.50 upwards. Fit11. a sure thillK at F C.u,A.il. R u:rn's VOICE Cr,A SS is r equealed ord · A. Cole's· Give hi m a call. t o meet Sat urday evening next, as eiirly as 7 o'clock, t hat stud ents may r eceive SA LEM. th eir certiticat e of membership a nd att end A school e nter tainment will be hold on t o uufmished bnsinells, pre vious t o t he regu lar exercise at 8 o 'clock. Presen t Wednesday, D ec. 19 th at Salem S. ~. members please accept this in timation . N o. 9, the progr am consisting of dialogues, Oth ers wiehing t o join may do so, in t he readings, recitations, vocal and inst ru · meantime by ca.lling on Mr. R use at his mental music. T alent expecttJd from r yrone, H amp ton, Bowmanville, office, .M cOiung's block. Tickets $1.50 Solina, · each f.:·r the ent ire term of ten weeks. e tc. D oors open at 7 p. m. P ruceed inge A Church cho ir orga.niza tions admitted for to begin at 7.30. Admission 15c. cordial i n vita.tion ex t ended to a.JI. $ 10 p er choir. wife or l\fr. Wm. Neebitt, of o. son. NESBTTT. -Nea.r 4th. ·-----·- -- MARRIED. CUNNINO HAM··MCDONAI.D·- In O·ha.wo. :N"ov, 30th tiy Rev. J . " '- 'l'oLLen, Mr · A . S. Cunning· ham and Miss McDouald, MANNU<G-LANE,- l n Oshawa, on I.h e 5th inst.. b y the Rev. J. W . Totten , Mr. J . Mann ing and Miss M. J. L~ne. ORMISTON- TAPP.- On Dec. (il,h , by Rev. s. 8alton, at the Methodist Pa.r·onage, Ennis· killcn. M r . William J ackson Ormiston and Miss Ma.··y TapD, youngest daughter of Mr. W . 'l'a.pp, all of .E ntleld. · RAMM-AV ERY.. - On Dec. 5t h , by Rev. s. Salton, a t the residence of the bridll'S parents, Mr. William Henry Ramm, of Cart wriKht, a.nd Miss Amelia Avery, ot Haydon. MANNT:<!G-- BENNJt:TT,-ln Rowmanville, on the 5th of Dec., 1888. by Rev. II. S. Matt.hews, at the residence of t he brlde's pB rente, Frederic J , Manning to Lillie. eldest d1 rnghter ot Mr. H. Bennett.I all of Bowmanvllle. Mu·pr o!'f- Wn.soN.- At t he Queen Street Par~onage, on Dae. 4th, by 11ev. J . E. Sanderson, M. A ., Mr. David W. Mutton and Miss AnDie \Vilson. all ot Bowmanville. RU BBERS~OVERSHOES ! T::HEIR :11088 ' The ,Great Standard Romedy tor all Weak· and dl11ea.ses ot the lungs, impaired nutri· tion, etc This Oil io Pure. Fresh. nearly Te.stelees, and therefore most suitable for delicate dil~e stlon R, None geuu·no with.out the name IZDAHL 's tam. D ed on each cap~ule. Wholeealc by LYMAN, SONS&; CO. Heels to Last ForeiVer ' .. SAND HAM'S DIED. GRANT,- Jn O~hawa, Dec. 2nd, Susan. wife of \ V, Il. Grant, aged 3S years. Fo~TER,-In Oshawa. on the 6th inst., Mary Ann Foster, 11.ged 19 years. DowNs.- At 'l'oronto, on Sunday, December 2nd, John, eldest son of R obert Uowns, aged 52 years. PEAllSON.-At Singham pton, Dec. 4th. 1!!88. J ane Oow..n, wife ot \Yru. Pe1ueon ..ged 59 years. T oronto mails are lat er t h en for merly, B owman ville males secure a snit of unde rwear a nd a good heavy pair of socks a t at T od Bros. to keep wa.rm while waiting for them. COU CH BALS AM Cures the most ob· etlnate case, If taken p ~rseverlng!y. 'Ge 11ava the Only Mac hine Ill THIS PLACE. BuvYouRRunBERs · OF Us 'it taken in t ime. taken by the your1 gest children- is pleasant in ·taste, D er!Pctly safe, and prev~nt11 ooueumptlon SA.NDH a.M.'S COUGH BAL~AM is made ·from a. prescription of est&bliehed value which h M been in use for yea.re. · -0:.arge B ottle, Small Price, 25 cents, SA.NDHA M'd ·.:OUGH BALSAM has stood ·the t eet or vee.re ot trifLI. SA.NOH A.M.'S COU G H BALSAM can be I N A D RIH.DFU.L Co:rnITION.-Hat tie E . Menthom, of Mill Village, Ont., says, " My cough was d readful , I could not sleep ah uig hts on account of it, but when I used H agyard 's P ec' oral Balsam I had rest and was quickly cured. " .All druggis'.s sell t his i nvaluab le cough remed y. H and have Plates put on them. -------------· ~ - -- - --·- . L·-o ok ! Read ! H rn Beel :Ella.ta Ma.chine. J'fa1es on Rubbers double their wear. Accept! 'T he MONTREAL WITNES S, . WEEKJ~Y STAR, MAI L, GLOBE, or EMPIRE. . .. .. $ 1 00 The MEDICAL A.DV L SER. . . . . . · 25 '7. Packages of Oho\ce Garden Seeds, from beet seedsmen i n America. · 35 $1 60 We will send the above to any address frow now t ill Jan., 1890, for This, the most wonderful inventiou of modern times, is destined to revolutionize the wear, tear and slip never qualities of the Rubber Shoe in BOWMANVILLE. It can b e procured ONLY at JOHN HEL·LYAR'S, , $1_25_ Addr ess, MEDICAL ADVISER, BoK 51, BO\VMANVILLE. ·Or ~eave your order with any n ewsdealer · i n town. lt4 1f4G POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thls powd.er never varies. A m arv e l o! purity, strength and wholesomeness. More cc<>nomlc"I than t he ordinary kinds, f!,nd can not b 0 sold in competj ti.on with the multltnde of low toat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders; Sold only in cA.na. ROYAL BAK· NG POWDE R CO.. l.06 We.II St .. N. Y. ' VlU. Gl:\'GIU.H , Bowmanville's roost enterpr isi ng Shoeman, Come one, and come ye all and see this wonderful machine a t tach thid wonde1 -ful con trivance in one half minu te to your Shoes. ONLY! ONLY! ONLY! to b e s een at BoW MANV>LLE, "2Ec. 12, 1888. -OF-· - Local an d Other wise. Mr. J. J . Tilley was in town on M onday. :Mr.J aa ,McLean has moved from Hu.m p, ··t on to BL)wmanvi lle. Gr eat sale of millinery for t h e ne xt t h r ee week o at Mra. Morrison's. Crescent H eel Plates I E veryone in W est Durham should wear them ! Crescent R eel P h t es w ill m ake th e _young wal k chea ply I J . H ell yar . All the new sh~ pes and styles i n Fall and Winter millinery at Mrs. Donnelly's. 'l'he Weeki~· Globe, R ural Oo.naclian and t he STA'l'.ESMA.N t o the end of 1889, fo r :$2.25. A lot of new W111tch ee. Clocks and J ewelry at J ohn J , Masou ·J, P ricol! lower t han ever. TheQddfellows turned ou t in good force >to attend t he funeral of M r . Jno. Do wns -Oil \Vedne~dny. I SSUE .R 01~ M ARRI AGE LICENSES . Residence, Enniskillen. 50 HIGH PRI CES. N'90TIOE - '£0- C R E DI T ORS. In I the matter of the E s tate of th e lat e Jos eph Couch . Mr. David D a vis has m oved into t he large 2hop j unt vacated by Mr . B uck who has m oved to W hitby. M rs. D onneliy invi tes the ladies to cal1 and insp,,ct IH ir ne w nnd large stock of m illinery b efore purchasing elsewhere. S . Burden & Co. a.re getting all the tow~ sales now. T hey h ave fi tted up an au tion mart in the Market Build in gs. W e w ill t ake great pleasur e in showing you o ur heantiful stock of Holiday goods w hether you desire to purchase or not. J. Higginb'Jtham & Sou. A Black Fur Cape was lost in tlhis town Nov. 23, by a widow womm with tive ,children who can b adly afford the loss. Will the fo1 der please r e turn it to t his office. Look in the wind ow of 1\' I ayn.i.rd's J e w, ·e llry atoN and you will see the niceat ·g oods in to wn . If yon dont see what you want come iuside and vou will find i t. No trouble to sh ow goods. P .flAS W ANTfrn.- I am pr epared to buy 'any qu ant.ity or Ma.rrowfot P eas deliver ed at P or t D,·J.'iinRt (ln for wh ich th e high est price will b ,1 p aid . .JoHN McDouo.ur,, B owmanville. 49. To Tim DEH .- A P er aoa cured of Dcafne~ s r":d n oises in the h ead of 23 years' ata1.J di n~ by a .~i mpl~ remedy, w1il oend II. d i<S~ tiptwn of it ~'RE& to any per .s,i:m who a pplies to NICHOI,SON. 30 St. .John 8 t . Mont.re!ll. 44-- l yr . J oh n .T. M ason, D ry Goods & J ewelry Merch~nt, infor ms us that he is no w doin~ a larger repairing business th an ever b efore a r: d with th e very efficient ,help h e h a11 ·ii1, b'1und t o give per fect satisfacti on iring o~ Watches, Clocka, J ewelry , i n repr1 etc. - 'l,,i trial solicit ed. The~fountain of per petual youth was on e of t he dream s of antiquit.y. It ha.s b een well-nix h realized in Ayer 's Sarsaparilla , ,w hich puritles t he blood, gives vitality to all the bodily funct ions, and Tf~ I N1" 1G 0 1li\TE b o th t h e 110 1l y a ntl the , t h us restore1:1 t o age much of t he vigor brn lu, u·e the r cllllhlc ton ic. Jllll·u.r 11'~ Ar o · llnd freshness of you th. rua lle Clnl11J11e ,.'l 11c. P ursuant to t he Revised Sta tutes or Ontario CrP>dltors of J oseph Couch, l>l.tc of the Town· ship of Darlington. farmer. deceased. to send on or before 'l'11eeday, the FIFTER NT H DAY OF J A:N UAh:Y. 1889 to D. Bumrn SIMPSON Of the town or Bowmanville, i n the County of D.urha.m, Solicitor for Wesley Couch by WU·tam Brent and Henry Elliott.the younger ' Executors or the last will and testament of the said Joseph Couch, their Christian Pa.mes surnames. addres9es and descriptions with ~1s icy fetters a.re broken, knocked to smitlrnr eens and his power de~ full particulars or their claims in writing and the n..ture of the securities (l! a.nyl held by fied b:y my mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers fand Sliapper, ~all t.hem a nd that o.fter the ea.id 15th day of J an~ar;r, 18gg. tbe siiid Executors will proceed of which are marked down to prices within t h e reach of a11. G 0 OD to d1str1but" the assets or tile ]J.tate or the deceased amongat the p'1.rties entitled thereto G<;>ODS and LOW PR ICES have long since g ained for u s theadmir~ havln!f regard only to the claims or which th"I said ExecutorH shall ha.ve received notice at10n of close buy ers, and this Fall a.nd Winter our prices will comat the time of l,ucb. distribution and that a.II pletely demoralize the h igh p rice dealers. claims of whicn th11 said Eicecutors shat not have received notice at the time of such This is no buncombe. We never had a more extensive, better assor ted , or better distribution slmll ho cons\derec l to b 0 waived o.nd the ea.id l~xecutors Wlil not ba liable for made stock of men 's, women 's and children's foot~wear-fine and coarse- and our the ea.id assets or any part thereof to any p.or- prices were never lower. Call and inspect our good11 and be convin ced . son ot whoee claim notieesball not b.ave bee n W"Ordered work and R epairing receive prompt attention. recei1 ·ed by them at the time of suoh distribut ion. .D: BU R KE SI MPSON, Solicitor for the stiid Exec utors, 45 . Sign of B ig B oot dra wn by t wo h orses, BOWMA NVILLE. Dated at l:lowmanville, the 8th d11.) ' o! iiO- tw; December, 1888. 1887, Chapter 110, notice is hereby gi"f'en to the Carrying t h e E a rthwork s Storm! . . King Winter Capitulates and well H e may . M. TRELEVEN, T enders will be received t y the underigned until tiatnrday, D ec. 22, 1887, at 1,oon, for the delivery ~f the uncler mention· ed lumber, for the use of t he Town of Bow· man ville. I,UMD·E R . CiDaaa-OUr Home. TO OUR RESPECTED FRIENDS · o-- --- 45000 feet Pire Plank, 12 lcet- Ion"' 2 a widtl . " inches thick 8 t " J 2 inch< 30000· fee t Pine l'lauk,. rn feet bng z inches t hick 8 t o 12 inclies wi de. 2000 feet P ine P lank, l.2 feet Ion<> V 0 inches thick 8 to· 12 inches wide. " 2000 feet Pine Ptank, 16· feet long 3· inches t hick 8 to 12· inc!Je~ wid d, 2000 feet P inc Plank. 12 feet long 3 inches thick 8 to 12 inches wide. 300() feet Pine Piauk, 18 fPet lon" 3xG in<ohes thick. 30,000 foet oE Ct!clar Scantling 3·x5' 12 feet loui;. 0 TTMJl!i:ll, E:lf>t; L THE WOltltJS by u.sln~ Ute 111\l c anll r e ltalll e an thel1Ulnf.le llrcenu1n's 1l'or m Powders , ---·-· ---····---~------- 12 piecee, 9x9, U foot long. 18 pieces, lOxlO ~O feet long. The Tender to be made for tl\e ah.ov" amouut, or more if reqnireil. at the same price. 'l'be whole of the Lumber must . be g~od, sound r.nd square edge, to t ha satisfaction of the Roads and Streets Committee. Tenderers t o eta.ta Price Delivered and at 'l 'he Mill. To he delivered as needed and the wh"le not 1al.er than t!lft 15th J uly next. 1889~ The lowest t ender not ntJoeasarily acce.1 > ted, uuleBS· R atisfactorv. P arties may tender for t he whole or part, When one . half of the whole is delivered the Corporation will pay 25· per c~nt . of t he whole amamkt . R WINDATT. 49·2w . Town Ulerk, W e have gre::..t reason for thankfuln ess and hopes for fut ure prosperity. Our stock is allowed, at the presen t time, to b e on e of the finest in t he Dominion, and the sa.m.e will be sold a t prices to suit you. All of it as w orthy of your attention. F r om n ow· an d during the holidays we sh all not be undersold by either J ew or Gentile. W E HAVE I N STOCK : Gold and Silver Walking Canes, Wedding Rings - the genuine, Stirling Silver Spoons, and all other goods t hat is hard t o b e surpassed. We mean· business, "nd man y ret urns to y ou for many years' past favor s. 48. AARON THE BUCK LER, PEOPI,E'S J E WE.LLER.

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