PREPARE -FOR~- - CLAR.KE UNJUN. Mr. W. L, Cobbledick b at Cobourg assizes· Mrs. L . Berry l:lnd Mr. Jn hn Allin, sr. arti sick. Miss·F. 0 . Linton, o~, has been engttged for a fifth year here. 8oribner's Magazine F or 1889 Tbe publishers of SCRIBNERS MAGA· ZIN.El aim to mak~ it the most popular and enterpri,ing of periodicals, while at :J.I times preserving its hight literary character. 25,000 new read~ra have been drawn to it during the past six months by the increased excellenci- of itd contents (notably the Rail· way articles), and it clo~es its eecond y ear with a new impetus and au rweured success . '!'he illustrations will show ·ome new effects, a.nd nothing to make Scribner's Magazine attractive and interesting will be neglected. The R,.ilroad articles will be coutinmid by eevoral very striking papers; Illustrated . Mr . Robert Louis t5ievenson'e serilll uovel "'!'be Maater of Ballantrae," will ruu through the greater J)art of tho year. Begun in Novemher. · A Correspondence and collection of manu· eoript memoire relating to .J. £ . Millet and a famous group of modern French Painters will furni·h the substance of several articles. Illustrated . '.l'h e I?~ie f ond papers written last ye1<r by R obort Louis Stevenson, will be rephced by different famous authors.. Many yaluioble Literary Articles will; a paper on -Walter Scott's Methods of Work, illustrated from original MSS. , aud many other articles equally noteworthy . Illustrated. Articles on Art Subjects will be a. feature. Papers are a.rrangecl to appear by Clearence Cook, E. H. 13la.ohfidd, Austin Dobson,and many others. Illuatra.ted . Fishing Articles descri bi ng sport in the best fishing ground will appear . 'I'h1; authors are well·known sportsmen . Illustrated. Tllnst ratcd Articlea of gr~ah variety, t ouching upon all manner of eubjects,tr:wel, biography, descript1on, etc , will appear, but not of the conventional commonplace 60rt Illustrated . i\ mong th e mo3t intereeting in t he list of scieu t itlc papers for tbe year will be a r ll markable article by P rofcBSor J ohn 'l'rowbridge, upon tho mos\, recent developments and uses of l'hot.·graphy Illustra.ted. A class of articles w'iich haa proved of special interest will b e oon tinu~d by a grou p of pa.pers upon JClectricity in its most recent applicat.ions, hy eminent anthon t.ies; a remarkable pa.per on Deep Mining. and other interesting papern. Unique illuBtrations A Special O:ffor to cover b > t yeal"s nnmbors, whid1 include a ll the Railway Arti· cl es, M follows,: A year's subscripti·m (1 889) and the rmmhere for 1888, , · . $4.50 A year's subanription (1889) and the numbers for 1888, bound in cloth, $ 6 .00 $ 3 00 a year; 25 cents a number. CHARLES SCRil:!NER'd SONS, 743-745 Broadway. N. Y . 'XMAS GOODS - KIRBY. Mrs. John Miller, jr., of Orono, was vishing at her father's last w_ eek. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Belleville, are the guests of Mr. H . L. Powers. Mr. Edward Birch is unable to do any work on account of rheumatism. Mat. Elliott; E sq., made up a carload of sheep from this neighbot·hood, last week. Miss Mary Powers is very ill with congestion of the lungs. Latest accounts re· port her improving. Another rehident has been lost to Kirby in the persfJn of Mr. Henry Birch who ha.i removed to Pontypool. Cold Weather ! Owing to an anticipated change in our Business, we are offering our entire·stock at reduced prices, to facilitate a change about FEB. 1, next. You will do well to inspect -our Large Sto_o~ before purchasing. A large stock of Furs, incI-udi11g, DOG COATS, WOLF· AND GOAT ROBES~ BEAVER, LAMB AND IMITATION OAPS, all boug;ht before the recent advan.ce. An immense choice of BLANKETS, FLANNELS, UNDERWEAR, OVERM COATS, MEN'S and BOY'S SUITS, &c. All at Sharp Clearing Prices, J'~st&rrived -..A..T- 1'1t1PLE GRU VE. R evival services start ~d on S:1bba th evening last. Mr. D. H. Coa tes, B . A. inte nds moving into town shortly. Mrs. W. Foley and Arthur spent a. fow days at Cobourg recen tly. The Division will h ol d their annual Oyster Supper J anuary 7th. Mr.·r as. Adams haa gone to Orillia to spend the winter in the lumber shanty. On Friday evening, Dec. 14th, Rev. R. D. J!'raser. M. A., of B owmanville a nd our pastor will deliver addresses at Maple Grove on behalf of the Bible Society. DEXTER. McOLUNB BRO'S. Plush Boxes and other N EWCASTLE. We are glad to see friend H ooper 's stalwart form m oving to and fro in our stree ts again. Mr. Charles W ilmot is in town again, aft er an ab sen ce of several weeks on D epartmental business. T he display of H oliday Gonda in our store3 is 9lready quite a t tract ive, and we are told t here is st.ill m uch "to arrive" T hero are men of taste a mong our m c:irchants here. ,.; I am pleased to h eur that Mr. Patrick Ma.ngan has purchased a residence here and is ahout to become a denizen of our city. Mr. Manga" and family will be an acquisition to N ewcastle society and will I aw sure, receive a cord ia l welcome. Fancy Goods suitable · for C~is ~ N~ Y!AR'S PeESENTs: OUR BIG HOLIDAY GOODS Please remember that M cO!ung & Bell's is the proper place for the N ewcastla people, the Clarke people, or any other peop le t o procure their Christmas and N ew Years goods for pteeents,&c. M.cC lung & B ell are G 1v1NG AWAY useful aud fancy ai:ticles of every description with their CelebJrated Tea. Also please b·,ar in mind that .McClun~ & B ell's i11 t he pop ular house for cheap Dry Gouds and choice Groceries. M cClu ng & Bell, Post Office, N ewcastle 0 .F GREAT UTILITY. - There is no other mtidicine of such general usefulness in t he household as Hagyard's Yallow Oil for the cure of rheumatism , nenralgia, sore thrmit and all internal and external pains and inj nries. GR.AND Altoration Salo of Dry Goods is now in full ·blast. RESULTs.-For several yeors . R. H. Brown, of Kincardine, suffered 1 fro m dyspepsia, he said he tried sevel'al . physicians a nd a host of . remedies with-1 ont relief . His dr uggist r ecommend l"l B. B. B . which h e declar es produced " grand results, " for which he gives his highest recommendation. JNOD J. HAYlJUN. M r. Jas. Mann ia vis iting rela til""es in W estern Ot1tario . M iss S , Malcolm in visiting at her ·c.<Jusin's~ Mr, W. J . H a!cr[ift'\: MASON·~ l I McCLUNG BR OS. We c:i.11 special at te11tion of r eaders of the STATEllMA N wan ting atoves to a few of the lead mg points of merit of " The Art Garland, " th e leading BaRe Burner of the world, and cl"'im for it in general all of the ad vantages that generally claimec! for stoves of t his class. ht. 'fhe bottom floes give greater radiating surface from the b ot tom of the stove than h as ever yet b6len 11ttempted. 2nd. One of the di8tinctive f H 11tur"1s of utility is t h e original patented fly stem of heating and ventilat.ion, the cdd air i~ admitted to the stove thr ough open ing under ash door- the supply being reg ulated by the i ndicator shown u pon t h0 front door. By this means pe1·fect ventilation in secured, and th e air so used fa made to pass throuuh the .!ire, tht1 same as air which ia usually introduced throu11h the draft 5Jide in the fron t. door ; t his improvemen t alone will r ecom mend t he Art Garla nd to all t hi uking consumers. 3rd. The entire back of t h G> stove ie used aa a hot air chamber, t he cold air entering at the b aee of the sto ve and being discharged in a highly h eated conq dition throu gh o pening11 which are on a level with the pipe collar, add in,({ great ly to the capacit y of each aise. The tire-pot ia extra large and is eo arranged that it can be taken t>nt through th e front door without tak ing the stov& apart, a11 can the grnte, and, in far"1 ,t he entire inB ide of t he st ove. The grate iA an improvement over what has been used heretofore. The dust damper, check damprr, ond di::-1.ct draft damper are all upon the &tma ~ide of t ha stove. .A bove the mica section are t hroo reflectors which caet a blaze of ll!(ht from the entir~ top of the stove. There Bl'O. no j oints in the magazine tha t can posaibly leak from putty fall ing out, it being all oMt in one pieoe. Th$ swing cover i11 double ae in all Art Garlands, and very perfectly fit ted. An adequate description of this wonderful stove is practically irnpo11ible ; it pos11esaes all the time· tried features of merit to be found in other 1tove11 and is so strikingly b eautiful and eo replete with new featnrea that it i11 sure to outrank· aoy base bum er that hu ever been made . It must be seen t o be appreciated. Oall at· L . Geo. Quick'~ r.tore, one door ea.e t ()f the SrATitl!MAN Office, to eee tho diffe:Ee~ , styles ·nd aize1. ....,, HA~ T~~ Ii R~~trr HoMES-r sAS~uRHER. - - --·-·----For h eating pur poses the cel,;brll.ted Radient H ome B ase Burners, sold also by PEfRSONS W ltO HA~~ "'RADIENfHoME H:i.p py Thoughts make Racliant Tyerman, b ;is b een i·e -engaged for 188 () · H omes. H ow to possss both is a J.Hiss T. Broad r eturned last week from question t hat shoul d in~orest the The L indsay where she was vieiting her broth· htlads of e very household. er, Will. former is the popular H appyThought Mr~. J as. McNeil is visiting h er friends R ange, so familiar and m nch a pin Clark e, Mis. M cConnachie and Mrs. preciated in over 20,00(_) Canadian Colville. K itchens, and can be obtained in this town only from S. S. E DSALL. Mr. Vt, .T. H aycraf t took a load of t.ur- These ranges are fitted with t he keys to Toron to wee k imd realized a genuine Dupfox G rate, which separfair price. ates t he ash es from the fi re withont M essrs. T . Kirkpatrick and J Cr umb, d ust or waste, giving a clear bright of M apleGrove, were out hereon a hunting :fire without poking or scraping. expedition recently. They are stron g, handsome and M atrirnon ia.l fever h as struck this place. durable, and ar" fi tted for th e most On Wednesday last Mr. H. Ramm, of powerful h eating. They are adapted Blackstock, and Miss M . A v~ ry, d aughter for wood or coal, and are p ositively <Jf Mr. George Avery, wertl u nited in the guaranteed to the purchaser to give H oly bonds of Wedlock . sat1af~ct10n. . . . R ecent visitors in this vicinity : Mr. I As a convm?m g evidence of the and Mrs. H. Samells, M r. T. H. P ool e p,reat popularity of the Happy and Mrs. E . Lambkin, Cartwright ; Mr. 1 Ihought_ Range_, we tak e gr~at aBlll Mrs. J as. Crossman, E nfield ; Mr. , pleasure m referrmg to th~ followmg 'Vm. A. Colvillti, Clarke : Mr. Jas. Coram persons who hav~ the i:i l~ use and can speak of their merits , M ontana · M iss L Broad Tyronu. Our pop ular pedagogue, Mr. P . D. S. S. ED SALL, are d ecidedly the best of their kind. T hey iire heavy, massive, subst antial , durable. They com bine good wor king qualities, superior heat rn g capacity economy and durability m an eminen t degr ee. In q uality a nd smoothness uf casti ngs, thoro' fittinq and mounting, they aro unsurpassed. The Radi ant H ome Duplex Grate, ~hh which they are furnished takes precedence over They a1e all others. ~ cleanly, t here being no · escape of c~ust or ashes while cleaning the grate. ' ' ' i A G Mr J uhn M cClellan Mr Ge orge P earson 'fhey r equire but little 11 R G McLaughlin 11 W R Piggott OUUR'l.'IGE. M r W F Alle n Rev M Gunn attention, maintaining 11 J K Allen Mr J ames Gale " J ohn Mcintyre for hours an even, steady Mr. Wm. Courtice, jr., is ill. 11 John Allin 11 Henry Gale R and continuous heat. 11 Mr Fred R ogers M Glad to r eport that Mrs James Cour- i Geo H Allin " Rich Gilbert 11 W R owe, (wharf) We submit the following Iisb of purchasers of the R ADI"ENT Hou E in this district, Dr ,T C Mit chell tice is rapidly becomiqg convalescent. B " N M Gage 11 Wm Rowe of whom we shall be pleased t o have intending buyers make inq uiry respect ing the 11 Samuel Gates Mr Jam es Morris Mr. Geo. Morrow has built a. ne w Dr 0 Bird 11 F J Groat mer its of this excellent warming stove. This is by no moans a complete list of perJI J B Mitchel " Ch11S Rose stable. Dr A Beith 11 J ames Roland sons using it in this town an d vicinity, but will sho w t hat it is a very popular stove : 11 C LMunson 11 John Martin R e" . J. W. r otten, Oshawa, preached , Mr F Bleakley H 'A F K Mrs Pearce " J ohn Murdoch to a well pleased congregation on Sunday \ 11 R obt Barrett Dr H~llier Mr R )~.A ndrew Mr Jno Fleming Mr W Keely Mrs Parker morning last. . f 11 J H Bellw_ o od. G Harn ~s, E sq, PM 11 J ames Mun son Mr Gilbert btevens 11 Wm Allin 11 J oho P oster J H Keely 11 1' H S pry 11 J a mes Millar W e are likely to lose m the near fu ~ ) 11 Joeeph Brittam Mr J Higginbotham R I Mrs Armstrong 11T Fitzgerald L ft P Robbine ture a valued citizen in the person of 11 Samuel ~ingham 11T E Higginbotham 11 John Matthews 11 Wm Sha1v Mrs Archibold 11 S F oster Mr Joa Ruebottom 11 Samuel Mason 11 Thos Short :Mr. A. M . }"'owler, our esteemeJ cheese· 11 Geo H Bickell 11 Thos Hoar Miss L oecomba " J PR!oe 11 George Moses " Fred Stilwell Mr Lawis Lyle maker, who has bou~ht a farm near 11 W H Banbury 11 Enoch Holmes "Jas Reid B G 11 11 !' Geo R ickard 11 James Stanley 11 Richard Moorefield and intends moving there E d Bellman Sam Hoskin Mr H W Burk i Councillor Gale M 11 Beoj Smith 11 Edward Moses shortly. ' · " Burk u John Hare Drs Beith & :;·.:o~..".~"!"" Mr W G Glover Dr McCullough 11 SF Hill 11 David Morrison 11 Wm Sampson McLaughlin 11 N M Gage While Mr. L. M. Courtice was driv· Mrs Bnmacombe S S No. l Darlington Mr W McCullough 13 11 .Alfred Mann " Oscar Scott Mr Thos Brudie 11 I) J Galbraith iog to B owm anville on Saturday morning C J " Jas McClellan Union Scho<>l 11 Geo E Maynard 11 J aa BL"'adburn c; J Gray a bolt broke and lt:t the t ongue of the .,. . Mr W Sandercock " And McFeet.ers " F Still well T " ·Chas Manning democrat drop and was soon 11napped off, Col F ?ubitt Mr JM Joness " R Gilbert " s~m Binghom " T J McMurtry 11 " W Scott Miss Moorcraf t Mr Chas Tod " W Bunny 11 W Gist throwing !\fr. Courtice out on his head. · Mr S Cotton M A James " Jas Stanley " Jno Mcintyre 11 11 ·c W Thompson M eth. Patsonage, 11 Thoe Barrett 11 Jacob Gaud and k nocking i.n his skull. He was imRobt Clar~e J oseph Jeffery Mrs M cCready Church-st. 11 L evi A Tole T 11 Geo Ball 11 J ohn Gaud " John Joll m ediately taken to the doctor, had his 1 11 Wm Colville Mr C LMunson 11 Me th. Parsonage, Mr P Trebllcock wonnda dressed and was then brought " Wm J C-:>le . Wesley Joli Mrs Jacob Gale 11 SW Mooro " Thoa Trewin lJueen-st. V home where he is now progressing fa.vor· i 11 John Cole, tal'lor 11 Thoe Jewell "JosTrewln 11 Geo Maynard Col Cuh itt Mr S Vans!one ably. TRl]I[. , 11 M Cryderman 11 J as Johnson " t;;eo. Trewin 11 H enry Mann Mr Lewis Cornh1h " D 'frusoott 11 W Cryderman 11 J C Y anstono N H Arch Tait " 11 Alfred Ma nn Mt Carswell School reriort for November:11 WmCann 11 J ohn Congdon Mr Jacob Neails 11 G eorge Varcoe K 11 'f hos Tod Coucillor .l:iorne Sr 4th class- W Ilancook, L Cawker, H Caw· 11 W HMay 11 JGhn Cole 11 Wilson Neads Tod Bros Mr James Knight ker, J, Rundle. Jr 4th- L Balson. :McK PenMr Ezra. Rall Mr A Todgham " J B Mitchel " \V Creeper found. B Gay. E Coohrane. Sr 3rd-F Morrow Mrs Nichole D 11 WC King 11 S tephen H oney ' " W 'f odgham .A. Salter, .A Gtty, W Salter. Jr 3rd- S B.dsnn Mr Abram Dean 11 J L Margooh 11 A E Clemens A H rn n VALUATI4!1'f. - " r t there waJJ " J C Vanstone L Lyle, G Tooley. I Horn. Br Z ud- R Tingle. 11 Honey, sen 11 .Jae Millar 11 W Cryderman only one bottle of H agyard'a Yellow OH " Th<>B Veale 11 Geo Detman E" Bundle, E Cornish. N .Armour. Jr 2nd-M Mr John Wesley 0 L " Isaac Hobbs 11 R Moses Walters, W Cawker. B ltlchards, E Courtice. 11 J H Cryderman in Manitoba I would give one hundred Mr ,J W L ovekin Mr Robb Oaboroa " Jesse Williams 11 M Hern .A.veragc·daily attendanco tor the month 3.1, J w 11 Thos Moyse 11 Yv Ohartran dollare for it," write·, Philip H. Brant, 11 EL Welsh 11 Thos Lyle, sen 11 J a.me11 Oaborne ll .A.LT,J N, Teacher. Rev JeHe Whltloo " F Humber 11 Jae Morris of Mpnteith, MAllitoba, after h aving used " Cosby Mr John Weoley 11 Thos Lyle, jr " John Wight F 11 0 Hooper 11 Jno Walker it for a aevere wo11nd and for froeen 11 John Walker Mr R P Feild 11 Chas Lunny l> 11 EL " Welsh 0 D "Anth ony sought for happiness in love, II John Fleming II J:ohn Lasby Mr J oa Pattinson flngera, with aa he aaye "aetoni11hiug re· 11 H C Weeks " Franklin Wright M rs J Otten Prof T L Doyle Brutus in g lory, Cmsar in dominion; the JI '!'hos FitzSlerald sulta." ., Capt Wl.llht 11 E G Powers 11 Frank Wright J Mr M Davies Mr Jno Wyllie first foun:l disgrace, the second disgust, 11 J ohn F oster Mc 11 Thos Powers 11 R Winnacott P Conncillor Jeffery MeHra. Newcombe & Co., o f 107-109 Mrs Walbridge Mra J Downa the last in~ratitude, anct each deetruc· Mrs Fur"e i 1 John Wyllie Councillor Pattinson "We9tcou Mr J A Jerome Ohurch 11tre11t, Toront1J, are closing out at tion." Sufferers from low a nd depreHed u Dr McLaughlin. Mt> P " A P ennington " .A Draper Mr Geo .Piggott ·11 W J ennings reduced p rice11 one of the largest stock s of y spirits, from indigestion, from headache And many others. 11 Jno Pinch ·II W Jackson Pianos a nd OrRans iu the city, previoua Mayor Yo~rnle and heartburn, from slu1rnishnees of liver We call special attention to the number of persons in the foregoing Mr Juo ~ford 11 S P ollard Young &; Co rr Geo H Joli to alieration11 in their premises, which, and sourne~s of stom!1ch, n eed no~ con· list members of the same family who bou<Yht Happy Thought when completed wi-11 give them the m ost 0 elude " all is -not vanity a nd vexation of ' . .· . . . · fi d spirit, " for th ere is poaitivo r elief in Ranges, showmg that the first to buy .must have been welt satu; e 1 " J~lt~11aive Pianofo~'te wa rel!oows in ~he Cockle's .Anti-bilious pills. 6 and re·commended it to 'Others. I I I s ! I s U U H !" c w I s. s. B OWMANV ILl.E. 43