· ~auadiau ~~ Jtattsmau. Wait HOUSEHOLD. The Dearest Ties of Home. "Th · k8 t he eradie, ·· a power _ e H an d t hat roe TH£ LON£ SNAKE HUNTER. A. Qn~er eld llan tn the Catskl!1· ()atellcs :Live Rattlesnake! · WEDNESDAY, 4PRIL 10, 1889. Fine-:· Hair~ Goods. LADIES th~t rules t~e w~rld, . · Storm King Mountain, in the Hudean HighThe voice nbu.t 2mgs its sweetest songs in I lands far above tho river and tibout an loving lull~~y, . · · equal' distance below the l;ftieat pinnacle of . The bannor, beanDI! child-love, lil flowmg the towering hill, livea old z.chary .Archer, f~dB unf}lrled. . who supports hie wife and himself, the only Until your hair becomes. dry, .thin, and . .A ha~d, a vorne, a banner, whose memo- inhabitants of the cabin, by catching gray before giving the attention neede<i nos never die. snakes. . The cottage ia not visible from to preserve its beauty and vitality. above or below in Summer time. The thick K eep on yo ur toilet-tal>le a bottle of The heart that beats in nnison with child· foliage of the trees, and the dense under· like faith and fear, Ayer's Hair Vigor-the only dressing jl'rowth which arises almost to the level of The eye that marks caild coming, and its low roof, dfectually conceal it ; and as you require for tho hair-and use a little, grows brightdr when they come, the old man has an insurmounta.ble objec· daily, to preserve tl;le natural color and The ear that opes to childhood charms and tion to a fire in the kitchen lrl the wi>rm prevent baldness. holds them ever dearweather, and makea his wife walk two miles Thomas Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky., The neart, tbe eye, · the esr .that know every day to a small ct:\ve to cook their food, writes : " Several months ago my hair the Dea.rest Ties of .dome. which is always eaten cold, no floating smoke commenced falling out, and in a few betrays the presence of their dwelting. But weeks my head was almost bald. I at this season, when the mountain trees have Choosinii: a Husband. tried many remedies, but they did no putly withdrawn the curtains that covered Don't be a.fro.id to marry a poor man ; but it, while the gorse and brushwood are cow· good. I finally bought a bottle of Ayer's be sure tnat he has something besides pover· ering close to the ground as if for warmth, Hair Vigor, and, after using only a part ty to ·aommend ·him. Be snre that he has the de~ohl.te little building is very conspicnof the contents, my head was covered with a heavy growth of hair . I r ecom- · two strong nands, not only skilful, but ready oue. No other house is near it, and it is a for hard 'l\ork. Be sure thab he has an oc- picture of loneliness. mend your preparation as the best hairT ne venerable snake cat cher does not cupation,' or a position0 which may res.sen· restorer in the world." 8 ably be depended on to yield a ~ood com· like iO in the Winter months, and passes as "My hair was faded and dry." writes · fortable Jiviug. Be sure that he ie industri- much time as he can away from it, lewiiog ous, ·and not se\f-indulgent; be sure tha.t he his wife and the snakes to keep each other · Mabel C. Hardy, of Delavan, Ill.; " but is stea.dv, w.orlr.ing six days iri the week, an:i oompanv. They hibernate together, the after using a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor ~about 52 weeks in the year.:·. A good, true, serpents uleeping in the cold back ro.,m and it became black.and glossy." / ' fai thfulyoungwoma.noughttohave no "Yes" the old woman dczing before the wood fire, for answer to a. propo,150.l ofma.rriage from a which burns night and day when the snow lazy man, or a man who has no fixed occu· is on the ground. 01.d z~ck, a.a he ia usual· Seid by Druggists and Perfumers.. pation, or a man :wlio has lived half his life ly called, is gener~lly pursutng his slippery off.the hard earnings of his mother or sister, trade or doing his share· of sl11mbering begoing about the streets mee.nwhile with his fore a barroom stove in one of the numerous cane and his ciga.rette and his fine clothes, small villages or settlements at the foot of pla.ying the gentlema.n. tho mountain. He was enga.ged in the latSo disfiguring to the face, forehead; and ter avoca.tion a few days ago, when. the reneck,, may be entirely removed by the porter arous!ld him and a.eked him how he use :>fAyer'S Sarsaparilla, the best ann Choice. Recipes. felb, He said he was well, but rheumatic, and s~fe;t Alterative and Blood-Purifier ever CIDER VINEGAK ....;;Pub the bYrel on its added that the reptile business was brisk, side and fill it with good cider to _ t.he bung, "It's alwaye a. eight safer in Winter thitu discovered. e Dr.·J. c. Ayer & co., Lowell, Mass. that the pomace may be thrown out as the in Summer,' ' he said, when. he had taken. cider ferments. Fill up the barrel twice a eomethiag to wa8h down his sleepiness; {:!old byDruggials; $1; aix bottles for $5. da.y while fermentation is in progress. At " and though I don'b get a.s many snakes I the close of fermentation the cider should like ib better. In Summer the rattlers and be racked off carefullv and put into another the copperheads stand a. chance of ca.tchh' OB 'PRINTING of all kinds done clea.n barrel, or the same one after it has you instead of your trappin' t hem, You neath· and promptly at 'l'HE STATESMAN bun well washed out. If there are enough see, they're always wide a.wa.ke, a.nd keepin' printing office. Uountry orders and orders by mail receive our special attention. · ·rry us for l:arrels, lti is b3tter to fill them only half full their eyes peeled for danger. I can fi 11d y<mr nex~ printJnl( aud Jl:lU will be thoroughly after fermentntion is finished, a.a this ex- them ready enough, but to get them into satisfied. . W EDDING UARDS, all the latest styles, printed neatly and t&stily at THE poses a greater surface to tile air. The the leather bag I carry is a horse of another more air the better the vinegar wil I make. color. I have all s01·ta of ways of natchin' STATASM..\N Office. No da.llb work. Hmce, a darkened, airy outhouse is better them. Sometimes I. set traps for them, and than a close cellar for the storage of the that's a heap the safest way. The trap is barrels. The cider will be converted into only an open basket, wibh a lot of red vinegar in abont 12 months, and will stead- .flannel inside. Snakes, unless they're disily increa.se in strength; turbed, will always ~o ba.ck to their old Cleane.d, Died,' Pressed an"- Repaired by.I ·SUET PuDDil'fG.-Chop finely seven ounces sleepin' ground when the run is high. of good kidney sueti. Put this into a basin, When I find a snake track I follow it until ' and mix with ib half a teaspoonful of salt, I ·coi:ne either to the serpent or hie bed. If two tablespoonfuls of sugar, half a. nutmeg it's the serpent, I try to pin his neck to the Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, grated, half a. tea.spoonfol of thin lemon rind ground .with a forked stick that I carry·. Gooils warranted to be as no :one wm know cub small, four ounces of fl.our, and three That's mighty da.ngerous work if he's a them from new when done. ounces of bread, crumbs. Mix the .dry in· rattler, for I must go very close tO him, and gredients thoroughly. Whisk two fresh if I miss him at the first ja.h I'll be a.pt to be Comer of King and Onta.rio Streets, eggs till they are light and frothy, add closer in a se·c ond. However, I never Bowmanville, gradually a quarter of a pint of milk and missed yet, and I don't suppose I ever will, stir this into the pudding. Let it stand now I'm that experienced. When I ha.ve half an hour. P1.1t it in one lump into a him down I t&ke him with my hand, cloee 1'0- ~ TORONTO STEAM LAUNDRY. well.floured cloth, plange it into boiling behind the ,ork, so. that he can't turll his '\)i;a~Q~qi 106York St.. Toronto. water, and boil quickly for three hours. head to bite me an_ d drop him into the bag. But if the snake h11sn't gone to bed 11nd .I SHIRTS, COLLARS AND CUFFS. Serve sweet sauce with it!. don't find him I go back about fifty . yards IT"I 11 specia1ty, Oub Of to'IVD work CJ.I IJJ promptly attended to and retUI'lled rI'oMATO Soup WITHOUT M:EAT.-Fry an along the -tra.ok and lay the basket down _ ... _ ;;, . "'~~!nstpiotions. oni01i, slio.ed,. in a ta.bkspoonful of nice. with the·-lid-·· open, Then I · hunt more dripping in the soup pot. Wh@ they u.re serpents. When I come to the basket ~gain, SHARPE, Proprietor. ~ext cloi>r to Palmer house. Handy to Union of a re!1dish-brown_, add a qua.rt of toma.to:s in two hours or so, I creep µp from behind and stir all up ui;itil very hob, when pub ID and "slam ·: the cover shut. The ana.ke is la:{'~~·~~~~~~~~ one qua.rb of boiling water and a table.spoon- generally inside, mixed up with the flannel. fuL oi chopp_ e_ d p~rsley whe~ obtama.ble. . He's found the' place too comfor table to ge_ t Stew half an hour, and strain throng~ a out of it in a hurry. The serpent may be colander. Return to the pot, season with the wisest _ beMt of the field, but he's a. p~pl?er and sa.lt a.nd a teaspoonful of suga!, uxurious cuss, and he don't value . his life ')> Rtir ID two tablespoonfuls of butter rolled m nowhere as comp:i.red witb his comfort. · "When I find a hole with snake marks flour, and when this has been smoo~hlv ~!xed. ~dd a small ~ea.cupful of h ot b oiled about its mouth l just hang a running noose of m~t gut over it and faiiten tile single end rJoe. Simmer ten mmutes, and serve. GATEAU OF llPPLEs.-Stew five or six ap· tJ a stick like a fishing rod. Then I put a pies, pe~ led and cored, wit~ ii:. ~b of sugar, . lump of soft bread soaked in milk before the grated rind of a lemon a.nd its JI.lice. !\'~en hole~and goin' b11.ck I hold the ro~ in my ~hey com?lence to get soft,,keep on st irring hand. Nearly all snakes are deau set on them unt:l they. f'!rm a thick, dry ma.rm.a- milk and the smell of the bait is pretty s1.1re lade, then turn it mto a mound and leave till ta draw the one I'm aftor out of the hole. ti'ter spending m11ch time and money, I ani cold·. Serve with whipped cream or a. well He must iJO.SP his head through the Iooll ·to iow prepared to fill all orders r,romptly. I made boiled custard. T he gat eau will ketp reach the bread, and when he does t hat I > ave a fine assortment of w A YES, BANGS, good for some de.ya. . jerk the rod, tighten the noose, and I have $WITCHES, COMB_ S and PJNS very cheap. .A QU.UNT OLD s,y-EET.-:?ifake som~ uood him. It's just like fia hin.' ' BANGS FROM $2 UPcustard flavoured with va.ndla and stiffened "Then there's my dog Viper. He catch· Jld Switches co'()red and made to look like wi.th a little ~elatine, and w~e~ proparly es a lot of sna.keu and helpn me to ca.tch new. Highest price 11aid for .long cut hair. t~1ckened over the fir e pour this Into a glass more. In the Summer, when he.. finds a dish (a.n old, or for t hat matter a n ew, J apa.n- snake he'll w alk airclind him until he makes DAIR TONIC ese punchbowl loo~s best), . and lat it set. him dizzv tiying to keep his ugly eyes p'intWarranted to prevent the hair from falling When .set firm, "?hip the whites of t wo eggs ed ab the danger. At Ia,~ t ht.'lJ either drop out and will ma.ke it grow. · . U-1 ha v·e also a fine lot of new Stamping to a stiff froth with two ounces finely.grat.ed bis head or ma.ke a turn the other wa.v to chocolate a. la V\nille, an~ pile ~t up in the take tho kinkd out of h is body. rFhen Viper Pa~terns. All orders promptly attended to. centr~ of the bowL If liked, Jelly ca.~ be is on him as quick a!! a wink._ Ho grabs him used mstea.d of the custard, a.r..d the whip of by the back of the neck, out of r each of his 47 Neads' Block. Bowmanvllle. egg can be coloure~ and fi~vo ured to t11.~te. f<longs, and briags him to 'me without h urb· It ma_ kea an exceedingly pretty supper: dish, ing him. In the wi:i~ter he ca.n'.t catch,.the as does also B en lane, a Manx version of snakes himllelf but he leads me't o hQ!eil in curds and whey, served in large bowlo. In t he trees and ~the1· anug places where ' they fact, fo~ su_Ppers, t hese fo,rge bowls 2eem t o lie. Just to be .on the safe side, I p ush a stick into their bedrooms tiri!t ; but they're be com1Dg Ill greatly. OMELETTE FOR ONE.-One egg, one table- &!ways as . gClod as . dead, t hey'ce so sound spoon of milk, one teaspoon of augar . and a asleep, a.lid ;! dan pull thetn out with my pinch of salt; bea.t all t ogether and fry in h!!ond, covered wioh a t hick cloth glove. I hot butter; roll in up as it sJts and do not have to ~ae a good deal of ether to stupefy burn. my snakes when I'm movin' them from one ··- box or b11g to another. · · " Who buy my ser pents? · Well, I'll tell . The Opium Habit in Washington. you; Circueea a nd sm!i.ll museums, as well One of the lea.ding physicians of the a.s old fossils of naturalists, are always American capita.I remarked the other dS:y wantin' curiosities, and when. I cat6h a that if ·a brnnd was on the forehead of snake with two 'heads, or two tails, which I eveiy woman who used opium in some do a.bout three times a year; I get .a good form, society here would go to pieces. price-often as much .as $100-fo~. him. He · attributes this frightful condition of The common reptiles are worth only a ·few r.ffa.irs to the dissipa.ted life led her ~ by dollars each. Hello, here's Viper, Where 9'"Note.-This f cii'O'l'ite medicine is p ut h:s.ve you been, sir? There's no snakes down up in ()?Jal bottles holdin. J ~hree omices · the women of the upper t endom . The here, you know." & ach, with , the na11ie blown in the glass, endless r ound of ba.1h and r eceptions ia An ill·looking dog, with only one eye, and the name of the in ventor, S. ll. Oanip - such a strain npon them tliat t hey must trotted up to the stove and lay down :befo ··e tell, i n reel fok across the-face of tke labei. seek relief in some way. T hey begin by Beware of miitations, refuse all BUbsti· t ak ing a. soothing sy rup, as a rulo, to put bis m~ter · . His worth. aa a serpent cha.s er have been above. estimate, bub his mar tu tes, and you wi il not be disappainted. ,. them to ·sleep, t his after a wh ile fails t o may Mt, then pi.;regoric is resorted t o. From ket value wa.s clearly belo ~ p :i.r. this it is only a st~p to pure opium and abaolute ruin. Sometimes people buy the crude gum . and eat · it regularly every day, A Good One on Dr. McCosh, while others buy laudanum and drink it They tell 11o g ood story on Dr. McCosh, tho in quarter·ounce, h alf.ounce and even ounce potionll. And then t here are Dover 's venerable ex-President.of Princeton Q9llege. pow;ders and mcrphiue pills, b oth of whic,h Horace P .:irter, who graQ.uated ati that college act r apidly, and especially t he latt er. · some :Years ~go, says tha.t he wa.a lyiiig in The habit seems more of a disease than a bis 'room' one day when there was a.. knock at arising front a 1 lisordered state of the Liver, vice, tor the whole nature of the victim his door. "Who'athere?" he shouted. It's Stomach and Bowels, such as · · undergoes a complete revolut ion, moral, me-Dr. M cCosh," w as the answer, in a Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Bilious mental and p hysical. .After a abort time bard Scotch brogue. "You're a liar," re· Affections, H e adache, . Heartburn, the victim will sacrifice honour, friends torted.Porter, who really thought it was a A cidity of the Stomach, Rheumatism, a.rid family for the fatal drug. There ls class mate. "If it were Dr. McCosh, he Loss of Appetite, Gravel, Nervous no cure, for even the asylums fail to effect would say 'It is I.'" There wa.s no ans wer Debility, Nausea, or Vomiting, &o., &c. a permanent cure except in rare instances. to this, but the sound of feet sbuffiing down the corridor. Young Porter ran to the Price 25 Cents per Bottle. O.oor, caut iously opene_ d it, look11.:l down t he PR.EPARED Ohl Y BY ,. tiall and saw the pack and teJl, stooped f9i:m ~AVIS & LAWRENCE 00, (Limited), cf D r. McCosh disappearing. The Presi· MONT.REA.X... <llent of Princeton never spoke of the incid ent, i;i.or did Porter until he had hie sheepskin., ~ Don't . Scrofulous, Inherits~. Oontagious lj 1 . . Humors cured by Cuticur&. In a httle _ hut on the side of t!·e great Throui;:h the medium of one of your books Who IDISEASED BLOOD. l received through Mr.Fra11k T.Wray, Druggist. Apollo, Pa., I became acquainted with your Cuticura Remedies. a.nd take this opportunity to testify to you that their use has'permanent ly cured me of one or the worst cases of blood poisoning, in connect.ion with ery·ipele.s, t hat' I have ever see-n. a nd this after havin~ been able bf some of the best pronounced incn< physicians in our country. I take great pleasure in forwarding to you this testimonial, unRO!ic1ted· as it is by you. in order th'Lt others suffering from similar maladies may be en· com·aged re give your Cuticura Remedies R trial, P. S. 'WHITLINGER. Leechburg, Pa. Reference : Frank 'f. Wray. Druggist, Apollo, Pa. S<!ROFU.LOUS Tl.<!ERS. 1870 SPRING ANNOUNCEMENT 1889· aa ----o---- -Window Shades, all colors, . both with and without dado1 mass or corruption. Everything known to the medical faculty was tried in vain. I be· ca.mo a mere wreck. At times could not. lift my hands to my head conld not turn in bed; wa.s in constant pain and looked upon life as,,, c11rse. ~o relief or cure in ten ye&rs In 1880 I beard of the Cuticura Remedies, used them, and was pefrectly cured," Sworn to before U. 3. Com. J. D. Crawford. OYE OF THE WORST ()A.SES. Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. ,Bessel Carpet Sweepers.. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. James E Richardson, Custom House, New Orlea.ns. on oath 3ays : "In Scrofulous Sanderson, Percy & Co.'s Ulcers broke out- on my · body until was a I PURE MIXED PAINT. Genuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, White W"hitewash and Paint Brushes. The best goods at bottom P.r ices. 1 Ayer's Hair Vigor, vVe have been selling your Cuticnra Remedies for years and have the first complaint yet to receive from a pu1'chaser. One of the worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured by five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura Soap. The soap takes the 'cake' here as a medical soap. TA'{I,QR &. TAYLOR; Dl'llggists. Frank!ort, Ka.n. S<!ROF1JI.01JS JNUERITED.1 Pimples ·and Blotches, S. S. EDSALL. A.on Contagious Humors, with Loss of Hair, and l£ruptiong of the Skin, are positively cured by Cuticura and· Cuticura Soap ex· ternally, and ICuticura Resolvent internall;r, when all other medicines fail. · Price. Cuticura, 75c.; Sold everywhere. Soap. 35c.; Resolvent $1.iiO. Prepared by the POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co.. Boston, M!iBS. J WJ::!end for "How to Cure Skin Disease,·' 6! pages, 50 llluetrations, 100 test1mo11ials. PIMPLES. black·heads, red, rough. · cha.oped and oily skin prevented byCuticura Soap. , ATTENTIONS o----Tod Bros.' buyer attended the Bankrupt Stock Sales held by Suckling Cassidy;on March "5th in roronto. The bayers. bought like fish bite on a dull cloudy day, anc.. like the fish some got left. We could not buy a stock at such prices ,as were given and give our patrons any bargains. We were able to buy a large Stock of ~ry G9ods just out of bond at prices away below lOOcts on the $.and we only bought what we wanted and at about our own prices, so for the season of 1889 we , defy any competition. All we ask i~ to show the goods to intending purchasers and they will speak for themselves. Goods in our staple department were all bought before the big advance and marked at rock bottom prices, An ear,ly call will convince all that the mighty$ can be spent to the best advantage at TOD BROS. And by , ,the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster. ,a Perfect Antidote to Pain. Inftamma.t10n a.ud Weakness. A new. instantaneou and infallible pain-killing plaster. 30 cents. w~I~e~! ~~t!~~~~:ved Gents' Ulothing T H .·Q s. p E AT AUTHORS &·COX, Hanufactnreril of / TRUSSES, ll.rtificial Limbs, fomµ,ili'8 of the Hum.a.a Body And Apl>llp.nces _ for a.U D~ n -"'11'?1.n.al D. iBeases, Hip Joint Di~ase, Diseases ot the K~ and Ankle. Kn<ick Knee, Bow J;.egs, Clµb Feet, Etc. ALSO CRUTUHES. Fil_ , ' G. P. 117 CHURCK. ST., TORONTO, ONT. W~ We ~l~ItmY, VETERI.NARY SURGEON. . TOD BROS~ DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, - -,- - - Patronize ·Home TRADE. MOULDINGS, aD:d other ·Factory Work all Kiln Graduate or the Ontarlp Tetert~ary Co)lege, Registered membei· of the Ontario Vetermary Medical ABSOClation. . WOffice and Residence, Newtonville, Ont. W.lll visit Orono every Tuesday andf!a~nrday Office hours rr m 10 a. m., ' to i p. m., at Con!ters' I(otel Call3 by Telegraph receive imi: ediatll atM!ntioni CHAI' QKS MODERATE. Dried~ . AFuU Stock always on hand. ·. Mrs. A. DA VIS. . I Co.'> . . BOWMANVI LLE, . sole agents in this locality for GILJY-COUR & GO_ , . . . . TRENTON, ONTARIO. The 11fo!!!t Su ccet<~fi; ! Remedy ever <11£ .cov erea, "-~d£ ~ils~~~'."1Ee~':i1;~0~1['i,';,ti';,':v':'I, doea Camubell's Cathartic Cmnuouud . Cures Chronic Gons·ttuatiun, Gostiveness, and an Comulaints e r . .F.1 7ZI ·..O.ND 0 FPICE OF 0 HAnLlr8 A. SNYDER, ;,. . . llREEDllli 01;· · BAY .A:XD ~'RO_TT~NG n ·aED .HOR SE S. Dea.r Sirs : I h aye aJw ays. pµ rcLU.3etl y ou:r Ken· dall 's Sp avin ·cur e b y t h e tialf clozeu .bottl es, I · would li k e p rices in lnrgcr quantity · . I t hink i t !s on.e of the best liJJimeuts ou earth. ! have u.Se'd i(i en my st a bles for tilreP. yea r s. . · · · ·ciu.n. A. SN~DER··. :. .., You rs t l'uly, DR. B. J.·Xmm ALL Co.· . · · Ei:.~1vto6n; IL!... Nov. 20, ! S&l. ·' ~ - · · ---o--Everbody wants the best Boots and ! _Shoes· to be bought,for the least money.. At my new store, e Public. To th. .. . . ' , . · BRo.oru.:.VN,; N. Y:, Novem ber 3, 1SS3. DR. B. J. K ENDALL De al'_ I desire g!ve t.estlmon!a l good Opinidn of ·y oUr Kendilll 's Spavin Cu r e . I h a. vo u sed i t . for L~menesl.!I,. _Stiff'. J o i 1J,ts and ' ~1f~~~li~~~;~~J j~~~~ffitg~~~~~~~~ ~ure, I cordi~ You r s t rul y, . A. H. G ILBF.RT. Ma_ n ager Tr oy La undry Stal>les. KENDA LL'S SPllHI . CURE. you will find a very well assorted stock of the best goods in the various lines Co. · . · . Sirs : to you of mi that the/ market affords. ~ -- SCOTT'S OLD STAND ~ ' ·. No need to enumerate the. different classes-I everything in foot·wear for men,. women KEIDiU.l'S SPAWH~ CUREa and · o~ildren and at prices that can't be beaten.. ~rt. B. J~-~~~l~l'%~~?~~T~, _0~10_,_ ?,ec.19, 1883. Ge nts : I f e,elit m y <;lu ty t o say what I have done with y our Kenda.H's. Spavin Cur e. I have c u red See our German Felt Slippers. tWenty·flYe h OrSeS-·:t hat h ad !Spavins, t e n or ]ling Bone, nine a ffiict.ed B i g H ead and . RUBBERS AND FELT GOODS, seven of B i i:r Ja'l-v. Since l have h a d one of your books. a!lll .follo"ced t h e · I h ave n ever. lost a of a ny ki nd . · · · -Truriks, Satchels, etc., also in stock. -··Y ours t r uly, Ar.."DREW" Hor se Doctor. ~Ordered work receives special attention. KEI DA~l'S. SPAVHI. ~ CUREs keep vd th ca~ direction~ ,. i' TURNER, ~-' · . tgr~. Y n'i::if.eJ~ i{1iN1;~~~S6.~ ~1~~:b~g\i1 FJif~~~~ Price $1 bottle: o~ . ;;,; bottles for $5. .A.I! Druggists have it or can get it f or you, or it will be se ut 11 per m-can and see me in my new quarters . SOLD BY ALL ID!{UG GIST S. DAVID DAVIS.