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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1889, p. 2

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· . .:n.-PEATE, T al·1 ' c. - chucklinir to hims9ll't to spread thel THEQU.EEN'S KEYS. WOMAN AGAIN ST S.f.RPENT. iU1·s. Strait ' 'anqulshcs I\ Bon <Jcn strict ol' "Well I felt t errible. w e lived on a Further!' Gr eat <Ju res of Slti n J>Iscasr·. · by · ____.:. farm a mile fr;im tbe vlllago, and I hadn't A (Jeremony Which Bas Ileen Perfo1·med in a Dark <Jcllar. iltlte Cuticura 1:cm t 1 Ucs. 'g: J tY WEDNESDAY l'tlORNING ·~ . . · h eerd a word about the fus·· I wenb back for Eight llnmlr ed Years. One of the most perilous battles between "The quilt itself was a double nine.p11tch, to the house and there tho)' set, their needMore Amerimms, it is said, tha.n English· a woma n a.nd a luge boa constrh t or occurr · Boy one year an cl a h a lf' nl·l . Faeri 1mcT -BYa.nd I had it quilted in a feather a.nd herrin'· Jes fl yin' but their tonirues utill, which muet men of this geneution ha.ytt visited the ed a.ti Grand View last evening. lrndy In a terrible "ond1tton. {)em g .. 0 ..,-;-rbone pattern·' said Mn. PAxton, when sbe h11.ve been a dreadful trbl to Melissy and Tower· of L'>ndon, but how many have vis· A bout 7 o'clock, aa Mre. H. N. Stl'ait, t he erccl '>·llh Sores. Sul (lhur !iprin g~ t 1t1l, <Jur ed by Cutlcura R ewed !cs. told me the story that I now tell to ~cu in Calisty but they seemed to be be11.rin' up ited it by night, asks a Lmdon letter to the handsome <J.ndaccomplished young wife of H. AT THE OFEICE her own wordP, · . pretty' well und~r. it,. ~nd not one of 'em New York "Tritune." It i Bby ni~ht that it N. Stra it of the Wyandotte Plumbing Com - I have used your Cunm;RA REMEDIES in two emee Blntlk, King Street, Bowman· · "It was one of the prettiest quilts you showed signs of g1vmg m. is really impressive-so much more so than 1-any, descanded into the cella.r of their res· oases where it proved to ba successful. The in the case of a boy a year and4a hali' · ville, Ontario: ever saw-all red a.nd green and yellow and " !If one of them wanted the thread and it by day that if it waa not for dist ressing the idence on Sixtttenth c treet, Grand View, she first wits His race and body wereln a terrihle con· purple and pink calico, set together with happened to be at the other end of t he quilt, bundreds of thousa.nda who think they know was startled by a loud hiss and two fiery old. dition. the former being complet ely covered TERM ::I: white, with a set-on border, a red vine with she'd eha.ke it until the si.;ool rolled to ber, how it looks, I should say ·t hey ha.d never eyea looking directly ab her. R eturning with sores. I took him to the Massena Sulphur · 1!11.58 per A.nnum ·. -0r $1.CO If 1111ld In green l6avee. lrhere were just three thou- and they'd get up and walk clean round really seen it. I went there to db: o a few witn a lamp, \he lady discovered a. large Springs, but he did not improve anvJ I was advance. sand nine hundred and ninety·nine pieces in that quilt after the scissors 'fore they'd ask evenings since, not witb tbe ghosts who snak e coil.id around a piece of wood, Tak then ad vised to try the CUTICURA RbB IRD I ES, I did. He took one an d one half bottles Payment strictly !n advance required from. sub- that quilt," for 'em. haunt the place, but with a number of iog a coal shovel in her hand, Mrs. Strait which of Cu'l'ICURA RESOLVENT, when hiR skin' was c llCflbeTB outtide of the county. !Jrders to discon. "I'd ta.ken uncommon pa.ins j'inln" the "So it went on until noon, and we h11.d young warriors who are altogether alive, preps.red to do ba tt le with the monster. as smooth as could be, and is to-da.:v. I used 'tinue the paper must he ·tcbceometpcp·npi:g by ~~'b:~ili~~! pieces.together and cuttln' them a.11 out true dinner My husband was a. jolly, joky kind and long, I hope, may be; ga.llant sons of T he first blow seemed t o infuriate the rep · t.he CUTICURA OD his sores a nd tbe CU'J'ICURA illue or the paper wi 11 nopa:vmen~ is made. · ·1· ' ' and he ma.de it · so lively a. t tbe ga.11ant sIres. "'h · · spra.ng a t t h e SoAP in washing h im. He is now fi ve years of .,.:ftsponelble u~t!J full a.!1d ~ven 1 and ·h · a.t qu! · t cok tbe pre~m~ of a .man, "- e ba tta l' ion o f guar d B now tile, and; witb a. ]oud hiss, at age, and all right. 'rhe other case was a ·o·A.TES OF J.D"EKTISIN'G: I ~°' six b'11e~ hand-runnin to cur country f~1r.. table that we got along first-rate, but in .possession ar~ there for a year, and 6Very now thoroughly alarmed but bra.ve woman. disease of the sea.Ip, which was cnred by 'Whole Column one year .............. . $60 00,~? "I wanted it quilted well, so I didn't when he'd gone, 11.nd t he women had i:one visitor will remember the spacioua barracks, A blow from the sbov.el knocked t he thrust wash ing with tbe .CUTICL'RA Soap and rubbing " ·· ' Half.year ........ · ·· 3 ~ ~55"""' ma.ke a. reg'l~r quiltin' over it, but just in· back to the quilt they were silent as the which_ a.re, I suppose, the mos1l modern of aside, a.nd with the:rapldity ot ligbtnir..'( tbe in t he CUTICURA, one .bottle ot CUTICURA REsor,NE:S'.r being nsed : 'l'hey have p~ovod · ' all structures within the ancient tnoa.t a.nd snake again prepared to strike. Five con- snccessfnl,ln " " One quarter ...... · · ~6 00 ~ vlted in four or five of tbe best quilters in grave every caee where I ho.ved advised 'tialf Ool~ ~1I~~~;:::::.: 20 00 the neighborboood one da.y, and the r~t I "r'ktp1l talking in to one or the other of walls, and tbere tbey make their home. secutive times did the hu'(e monster retreat, the use of 1 hem. It is surprising how rapidly " One quarter_ ......... 12 50 _ quilted myself, and it took me the better them as I wasbed the dishes, and they'd Your baneom is allowed t o drive in af ter and t hen plunge through the dimly lighted a child will impro<-e nndn their treatment, - ltuarter Colun.n one yefl.r .......... g'Jpart of a month to do it. Them feathers il seemed to answer back sprightly enougb, hailing t he gate, but you will notice that a air at the woman wbo was so nobly defend- I recommend them for any disease of the skin ag being the beet In the world. Tbb is m y ,.:· .:· ~~lfJu"!:ter::::::;: s oo such slo_w work. . but never a word to ea.ch ot~'er. · soldier marches in front , pl\rtly as guide lng herself. At last a well-directed stroke experience. and I am l'ead v tn stl\n<:! by my 5 ~ 11 lines andnnd . first Insertion eo 50 _ · "Mebssv Grant was the best and fa.stl!_st " Soon as I'd done my d1sbes I went Ill and ps.rtly because it is a. fortr ess Into which knocked t he reptile to the floor, llnd seemed BLatement JOHN BERO, Amer.can House, Hogansburgh, N, Y · Each subsequen insertion· ·· ·· O 25 ·quilter in the country, and her tongue was and sat down to the quilt with the res t of you have penetrated, and past 8 o'clock. to atun it for a moment . 'J.'he glisteninR . From Fix to ten Jines f!rst ln.sertion g~ as fast and a.a sharp as her needle. But she "them a.nd just then Hiram Hoff, Ci,\liaty's You go at almost a foot's pace down the hill eves bad now become two fascinating balls A.n Unb ra r able Sllin D isease Cored, iivuE;~ ~~~=~~~:~i~~~::i~~~;e;iiu o 10 10 was splendid oomp·ny and real good ~atured, hnsb~nd, dro!e up on hie wa.y to. the mi_ll. and then to the left along the inner road of flame and the great fan'(B worked with I ha.ve been afflicted sinca last March with a .Eaeh enbseouent insertion" o 03 _ spite of her sharp tongue ; but once riled she He had his h ttle four-yea.r-old girl, Jame, parallel with the :rhames, Let ween grim awful velocity. Following u p the blow, skin d iseaBe the doctors called Eczema. My ~ ·ne ..umber of lines to be reckoned by the staid r~led, and she nEiver said ~o one's ha.ck with him, and he s11oid he guessed he'd ·in-anite walls, where the gloom grows dark· Mrs. Strait succeeded in killing the boa, face was cover'3d with scabs and sortis, and t!Jl&te "ccuf.led, meaaured by a scale ol solidiwhat she would not sa.y to their ~aces. lea.ve her with Caliaty, as it looked some er, through grim gates, ben<:abh grim . arch· a.nd with fast tailing strength she reached the itching aod burning were nlmoa t unbea.r· Seeing your CU'l'IC URA REMEDIER I' so Nn>P"rti. · "Then there was Mahi.ly Hacks. She like rain, ways; the burden of this mus of masonry the fl ior above, where belp soon r eached able, highly recommended. concluded to give them was 'moat as good a quilter as Melissy, She "So the little girl ca.me fo and went to lying heavier on your soul at every step ; Iler. a trial, using the CUTICURA and CUTICURA DRS. Hl'LUEB d: LA.MMIMA.N, was ev'ry mite _and j!raln a.a good o~ straight playing 'round with mv little Hattie, who the vers- ehadows weighing on you ; .and the Mr. Stra.it is in W yoming Territory, where SOAP e'xternally, A.lld RESOLVE!ST !Internally . HYSICIANS, SU RGE ONS,~ETC lines, b!1b, Melassy was a leetle m1t~ better was 'bout the ea.me age. They run out into sky on this clear night-for it is clear out- he is largely interested in a newly discover - tor four months. I call ruyselr cured, in gt"atlI make th is p1 1bhc statement. Oftlce ·-Cor. Church ·and Tern erance on berr1n bones, though I wouldn t ,have the ya.rd, and 'fore ten minutes Ha.,ttie came side~seen by glimpses, looking infinit ely ed mica. mine, and his wife was alone with tude for which MRS. CLARA A. FRFDERICK, Night 'calls attended trom Dr. flmters' said so for the ~arid, for Mahaly was mighty running in and . screamed out: ·Oh, more remote ~ban the uauail Lon~on heavens, tbe serv~nts. A party of neighbors were Broad Brook, Conn. NSidence. techy on 0tbat p Int, a.nd so was Mellssy, a.nd mamma 1 Janie I she fell in the well ]' whlob 8.re, for the most · part, a canopy of Eummoned and the sna.ke ca.rried into t he S, 0. HILLlER, M. D. . . CJ1;tic11rn Run rdles. · . B. L.AMMllll.AN, M .. D. C. M. Trm. Univ. there wa. nt no love lost; bet~een them, no"Well you'd ought to ha.ve heard them smoke, as it were, just over your head. wood-shed. It poved to be a..boa co.nst ric · FeUow of Trm, Med. College, how. · · . four tongue-tied women 1 They all gave a Presently out you come into. the barta.ck- tor, and mE.asured eleven feeb and eigh Cure every species -or torturing, humilia.tinA". :Member Coll, PhJs. Surg., ont. llt'f "Luc1ndy M~rk~ came in about tbard b~st yell simultaneous and made a rush for. the yard and a bleesed expanse of air a.nd ever· inches from the bead to the tip ot the tai 1 itching. burning, sca.ly and pim ply dise11se~ wt the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair ~mong the good qud~rs, a~d she could qudt door and me a.fter them. · inl!'. light. It is supposed to have escaped from acme and D~ BlfRKE l!UIP30N, a.II humors, blotches, eruptions. sor es;--. "The well was a.bout twenty-live feet Three hou rs later a.a I s"id good-night my menagerie, pr~sumably the London circus, scales, aod crusts. wheLher simple, ~crofnlou~ "'I> A l.l BJ8'l'RR, FOLJC!TOR, &o. MOP RIB Jest a.a fast as anv of em, but when she got ,DFJ OCK, u])stairs. King ~treet, Bowman· in a hu~ry some of her stitches would be a deep with a low. c~rb and windl~sa. host stopp:>d me. " There is somet hing you whiob ia now at Armourdale.- [Kansas City or con tegeous, when physicians and all known remedies fail. ·'>lie. Solicitor for thr Ontar1 Bank le~~le bit long, ·. · There wa11 a drinking· gourd hang~g would like to aee, and it is just time. Come Travelrer. .ir ...tv11tf' 1Jonn1 lo11ned at the Ioweat :i;a~s. Sold eYerywhn e. P rice, Cuticura. 75c.; · Then there w!" Mandy Ma.rtin, Ca.lasty by the side of the window, and little along." As we went out an offi.Jer of the ----------Soop. 350.; Resolvent $150. Prep..red by the H~ff a.nd Betty ld1tchell, e.11 the bee1 kind of J a.nie had climbed onto a tipped·over. guards rusbed by in full uniform, sword Womens of The.East, .J·hn Jlelth GalbraHh, ~~~;~R IJRUG ANI> CHEMICAL Co.. Boston, quilters. . . . woodell pail and rea.ehed our 00 fill the ringing a.galnst the stone steps, huge ba11.rARRISTER OLICITOR, NOTARY The aotua.l posit ion of women In the far «Send ror ' 'How to Cure Skin Disease," 64 '.' B.et,ty M1tohell was the ~if,e of all thtt gourd from the well-bucket, when she lost skin helmet a.r;id all the rest, and cried out PUBLIC, &c. Ofilce-Boupsall's Block, · w1 'll be . t oo l a.t e 1 'f you d on · t eastern countries of Asia is mo&t curious paizes, 50 illustrations, 100 teet1 monials, d woo1 her balance and down she :went. t o us : " y on t d l -~_in,: Street, Bowmanvill~oney to lend, . q?t ~~ s an carpe -rag sew1n a an pickm sin tha.t part of tbe country, she was "Her curly head come up in the water hurry, and awa.y he went at a double quick and cont radictory. While a. girl baby is ~kinao<1Scalp preserved and beau, t1fied by CUTICUHA SUAP. AbSO· always so full of ber fun, and sharp as tacks, 'ust as we got to the curb, and Caliety gave a()roes t he moonlit parade. A moment later oonsldered an unkind favor .of Providence, DBS, MeLJ.(fGBLIN d: BEITH. and I felt drea~ful sorry when she sent word ~ne a.wful acrMch and fell in a. dead faint 00 appeared a. little equad of men, one of them the reverence paid the mother of a large lutely P UT(', 'OITIOB :-MORRIS' ~LOCK, BOWMA. NVILLE. that she oouldn t co~e, on account of having the grass. The well was walle'd with rough in a flowinll sca.rlet robe wit h a lighted family is unbounded ; her permission is ask· DrJ,.W.McLAUGHLJN, Dr· .A, BEITH, Gradu full of coDlp ny. _ stones and it was ' bout twenty feet to the lantern, coming up the steep slope tbat leMls etl by gra.y-be.i.rded sons to do t he most -..:. ~tiate of the ft!lya.l ate of the Toronto a ht;>uee "Ma.ndy Martin's rheuma.tism broke out water.' . from Traitors gate. The sentry cha.llenged ordinary t hings, a.nd her sway appears t o b~ J0o11ege of Physicians University Physician h I autocratic. ne w, elegact a.ndin fallib 'e Antidote ,_d member of the · · the day before and crippled her right arm so "In the twinklin' of a.n eye,Mellsey Grant s arp Y: On t he other hand Confucius and the to Pain,lnfl,.mmation and Weakness, : 'IWl'&f College of Sur· Surgeon, &e. she couldn.'.t co. m e, but the other four ca.me. bad off her gaiters, and not being cumbered "Halt I Who goes there 7" ~itreODs, Edinburgh, the \; Ll'rrCURA ANTI PAIN PI.!ISTEH· The first classics are filled with scornful and oontenip t T h e ward e,,r h a L t s and anawere : Mahllly Hicks got tbere tirst and · h a.d JUSI -a'th no hoopskirts, or bustles, or frills, she ,, M l 118 G Tb k uone allue.ions to women, and are the an- and only instantaneous pa.in-killing plaster. .....J~ 4), MITCJH:t:LL, set dq. w n to the quilt when e f rant gathered her plain skirts around her, clim e eye. thorit ies for' t he generi!.l belief in their in.· .&·EMBER OF COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ca.me, ', k ,',' Q WhoseVhys?' ,, ferionty, · · T be women of the mid d Ie and . ' over the curb and down she slid on the rope . " I t 1 .; ;ai_ a11d Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, eto. "Come ri,ht In, Mel 111ay, 11ay11 , 'Ma of the bucket tha.t was an the welt ,, ueen IC or"'~ "Y.s·, ,, , p a.as, Queen .v ICt oraa 8 k eye. · "'h upper cluses in ·China are · kept -Om 1oand Residence. Ennisklllen. 7'. ha.ly's got a ittle abead of you, L r;Ub I guef~ cc She went clea.n out of sigbt a.t firat, but .L e · in hseclusion d er i n the fl :>wing sca.rIe.t i;ob~· wa th the 11.1l tbeir lives, given no. voice Ill t e family Wilen Daby was eick , we gr.ve her Castana, you can ketch up witb her. ' . the next minute her he111id popped up out .. .of "!ar DK. E. CJ. MeDll'ffEJ.L. "Neither of 'em said a word, although I ihe water, and ahe drew herself up b.v thti bgbted lante~n, follow ed by has li t tle squad, councils unt il very aged, and are aeldom ., starts off agam b 0 t b lt ag f a.nd ries taugbt even the ru<11menta of a.n eduoation, When ohe was a Child, sbo cried for Caatoria, 'LIOENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE h I h 1 · · a s .. a n c In contradiction t o thia low and mieerable \Vhen she becsme :Mias, ahe clnng t-0 Co.storia., '. . ·of Physicians,' London. Eng. ;Member of didn't hardly notioe -t em at t e. t me; bu rope 'bout ·a foot with one a.rm, while she ,, eatate of some millions of Chinese women "Colle«e of Physiolans and Surgeons. Ontario. Mellesy laid off her bonnet and .,sbawl and clutched at little J;inie with her o.t her hand. al~~d: BUBS-ERY AND RESIDENCE:-Rear of Messrs. sat down and wen11 to work, ma.king· ,her "Tbe well waa only' 'bout three feet God eave Qlleen Victoria! tile preeent EmpreBB-dowa.ger and Regent ~ on ab.o had Children, ahe '&Yo them Ca1t-0ria, "B'fallinbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, need lee fly. ·orosll, and ..,.eliBBy ma.na.ged to get her feet Tb~ ~uard come11 to tbe present, the offi · , ,. , 6-lyr.* ~ .w. cer b hi d t 0 th I te 0 ffi of China is an anomaly a.mong the female "I didn't keep any help then, and, of 1 "n one of the cr·ck:a 'tween the rocks with a d nnga 8 swor e aer a dI h tb sa ut i · i th iO'Vereigns, Sbe is a Tartar by birth, lit e. course, !hkeln ~bwomhan ~a.d a qul~i'.f ehe her back to tbe opposit:e wha.11; bteut most of anki~e!fr:~~:~ n c orus ree mes w ~lly and ligure.tively, and la atrong-minded, FIELD & ! M<'COLL. was pertic er out er nner, an war ber and Ja.ne, too, wa.s ant e wa r. "A A A ,,, independent and masculine, even to onr 1 men · so buay in rny kitchen that I went right out "'.Blow the dinner hor)l for the men,' she men! men Western ideas. While no womii.n can oc _BARRISTERS, '3olicitors, Notaries, &c, there soon as I'd got Melissy thread and says, and I run and got the born, and blow· Aga.in tbc warder sets o~t, p!lsses, tu~i:s oupy t he dragon throne, this R er en.t has needle, 1i.nd I didn't ~o Into the settin'-room ed as if the bouee was on fire. My husb:i.nd square to tbe left, and vamehea, he a nd nis ~overned the empire duriog a mos~ stormy COLBORNl!l and COBOURG. again, where tbe quilt was, until Calil!tv a.ndhie bired. men came running in fr · m fl.owingscarleba.ndbis lanternandhislittle and critical period, Shehaskeptlheeighty MONEY TO LOAN. Hoff came. Then I left my pie-making and their work, and between us all we got J Aney squad. Hs is carryin~ the. keys of t he vast provinces together, and held ID loyal 'J', X. FIELD, B. A. JOHN B.fMcCOLL. hurried in. to the, governor of the tower. · · · co · and Mellssy out all right, but the· ohild was tower I aub" Ject1on t h e wiliest an d mo11t cunning . "l noticed tha.t Ca.liaty leoked kind o limp as a rag, and we ~11 thought ahe was · twas but a. minute. T~e gu~rd are dis- terie of councillors. The Chinete Emprea· WM. BINGDA.M. queer when she 1aw Ma.haly and MelissyJ · dea.d. mused, the ()fficer marchmg leuurely off. is an ·ct ive a.nd energetic woman, a.od beTBSUER OF MABRIA.GE LICENSES, eettin' to ihe quilt, but she didn't aay any· cc 1 Roll 'ber over a bar'l to g!E the water My friend and l are left there. Only a min· tide t he manly art of state· ara.,b, i~ given .,.J.-Wd.ence, Eunlskillen,\ thing to them, although ahe laughed and out· HY'S Mellllly~ without mindinghenelf, ute; yet t ha.t selhame ceremony has been to out.door and atbletio ·port s. Her teat joked with me all the time I was gettinl! a.nd her hands were all torn and bloody, 'ou, transacted on that aame spob at.that sa.me a.re not dwarfed, and rldln.11:, hungng, ha.wk· '8~ CJ. HliNJUMG, h~r j_hRadJ~.dle and laying off a ~use of tbe rope and~e r~ck1.~ hour ·e very ~ 11omething like 800 fiig, and archery are her pH times. No 'ICENSED A.UCT lON EE R FOlt ,place .for her...tcu:J.~li. · , .."Me a.nd-1d;!l}jl8i-Wenb~tb work OVQ.r yea.YI. · Europ~n has ev.er looked u,pon her, but . < tu County or Durha.m. Sales -attended "W~ile I was doing that Lucandy Marke J a.ney, and Ma.haly and Luoindy 'tended t() there i11 no doubt of the exletence c.f this 9 j,0 ...-,poriest notice and lowest rates. Address ca.me. . Caliaty, for ahe Wl\ll as whlto as a sbeet and Row ther Travelled in Former Times. Orentia.I Catherine the Great. She ha.a '3 0Vll'l'lllll p. o. . 36:tt VETEBI.l'ARY SURGEON. " ·Come right in, Luoindy I' 11a.y11 I, ' the a.11 of a. tremble when ahe did come to. ntiver undertaken any social reforms, or a.tORONO, - ONT. othera all got a.little a.bead of you, but '1:'11 "'J·ney'1a.llright,Ca.listy,··sa.y1 Luoin· All great men kept messengers to ca.rry tempted to widen the sphere of her female So ntlllDES ~ <JO ·· trust you to quilt u mllny blocka a.II any ol dy, lebtera and 'IJarcela; Edward Ill. had twelve aub;ecta. ·,a, TICTIONEERS for the County of 'em Offioa.-Posb Office Block. by noon, You set right down here by " ·Yea, yes,' 11ay1 ?.;Iaha.ly, 'you ohirk of tbem with a fixed salary ; . they "received . In J a.pir.n, women ha.ve alwaya held a" po· ;&.·Durham; Insur11.nee and ~eneral AgentP, Calls by telegr11ph or telephone receive imright up, now.' · threepence a day when they were on the road, aition superior to that of their Asiatic &is· mediate Valuator 11.nd Real Estate Agents. Sa.lea and Oallaty.' att ention. 1D'Qierbnslnees promptly attended to. Box 172, "Bub I noticed that iibe tool: her cheer ·· · o Lucindy 1 O Ma.haly I" 1a.ys Ca.liaty. and four ahillinite and eighbpence a. year t o ters. Their seclusion, even in the old dayli, illowmanville P.O. 36-U a.nd went clean to the other end of the quilt cc Then a.I! tbeir tongues got to going, and buy shoes." Merchant., though nor profei!· · was not so atrict. Tbey led a freer a.rid and set down with her moutb ahet hard a.no I declare if they didn't make .up , for" lost sional travellers, ware cou11tantly journeying more out -door life, ann they were edu cated P l&nos Tuned and Repaired. .her black eyes 11Dappin'. I smelt aouething time I Calisby was all right in ten minutes, to different fa.in, a.nd auch of tbem aa were 00 a cerbin extenr. The family idea and burning out in the kitchen just then, 1>nd J and she fairly cried over M:eliaay'11 bruised .below tbe claH of mercha.nt princes like rule prevailed, and with the exquidte po '\&ARTIES WISHING TH.E lll. p IA.NOS r11n out to see it. Something el11e kept mt hands and would ba.nda.ge them up herself. Whittington and Canynge were to be " met liteness of t hose people ex11ilted deference 'C' "T.aued or repa1ren oan navetbom a.&tended busy for some time, and when l itob time to Janie come 'round as well as ever by night, about the roads almob t as much aa their poor- Wall pa.id the mother of the fa.mily. The -e'tlr lea-ving wordiat the DOMINION ORGAN think of it at all; thinks to me, · Well, and for three hours them womell all talked er bretbren, the pedlars." At the same ~ime, Confucian la.we were recognized there a.s 'W11 0irrrn11:, Bowmanville A 11.rst-clas man them women's miithty queer in there tor at once and tbey wa11 sweet a.11 eugar to each merchanta travelled a.a much t:.y boat a.e they well, and hei:; duties and obligations were . . ,.beilllK in their emplo_ '!"________ women, speshly sich women a.a MeliBBy otber-suga.r would nob have melted in their could, both bees.use libey conveyed their strictly defined by tbem, Her three great Grant and Calisty Hoff, whoae tonguea moutha. good11 more cheaply by water thau they could dutiell were obedience to her fat her, her WILLIAM FEILD. 'Dl:l.ACTIOAL BOOK BINDER. All gin'rr.lly seemed faatened in the middle and . "l got an early aupper and they went by land, and also, no doubt, because t hey husband, and eldest son, ae they in t urn loo11e at '>obh ends when thty got together. ' bome afterwards, Luoindy 'l.nd Mabaly arm were safer from robbers on a river tba.n they became t he ht1e.d of,her family . ..I -work done In first-class , style at the .Jc>weat Toronto priceP. Orders left at the " J'd atep near the 11ittin'-room door, but and arm, and c~liaty and Meliesy each were on a. road. Amonti fo.>t passengers who With the recent ma.rvellous advance of :.store.c l Mr. Trebilcock or the residence of R. not a sound could l hear but the needles holding a band of little Janie, and I never shunned bhe public roads were outlaws and civiliZltion among J apa.n1:se, bas come a. £.Feild, Centre-st., Bowmanville, 20-3m. outtlng through tbe stiff muslin, of the quilt, knew 'of 'em having anv quarT'els after that," v.illaina escaped from bond. The criminal corr(lsponding improvement,. in t heir t reat or the scissors cutting off threa.dL I liete.1.1ed law waa severe, and many fugitives from j US· ment of women, and now the Japanese wife ROBT. YOlJNG,l V, S . again and again, and not a word could I hear. tice took shelter iu the forests, wblch at tha.t bas practically all the privileges of h er Finally I stepped into the room a.nd I says, B' bl8 period extended ov.er vast districta. Au ex· Weatern sister · ·~"'F.FICE IN THE WEST DURHAM says 1 I,· Pears to me you're drea.dful quiet Huxley's Tribute to the tract from the ballad of the "Nut .Brown ' ' -.::7 News Block, where himself or aesletaot We have Professor Huxley's own teat!· Maid" gives 11. melancholy pict ure of the out'Will be.found from 8 a..m. to 9 p,m. Night calls in here.' . at residence, directly opposite Drill Shed. Calls " Not one of 'em ea.id a word. mony not only that he is an a~nostic, but law'.s ·a.mid brambles, mud, snow, frostt, and CATARRR· ·"ti; ~elegraph or telephone will receive pr<>mpt cc· Youd ort to be more sociable,' I says, tbat he is the author of .thci term. It is raio, Neither man 11or woma.n who ha.d fl ~d '!Bttelition. · 171·~ but tbey 'jest set tbere, with their eyes fa.a· therefore especially interestinit to hear wbat from the terrors of the law could daim i ts A. N'ew D·me Treatment for tile <Jure or tened on their work. he has to sa.y a.bout tbe Bibla. "I ha.ve protection; t he life of either,mighb be t\l>ken 4latarrh, <Jfttarrhal DeafneH,. and ~. cc I took a needle and sat down and quilb· a.lways been in favor," ea.ya the Professor, with impunity, for" an outlaw and, aweyve.;: BaJ' FeTfll'. VETERINARY S UR GEON, eii half an hour with 'em, but not one of ~hem "of secular education, In the sense of educa. a.a Fleta says, "bear wolves htta.ds. The mieroaoope hu pl'oved t hat these Gentlemen·s·o1othes Made toOrder. spoke a. word .' ceptn' to me. Then l ha.d to tion without theology ; bub I must cionfees Daring the latter part of the century es- dieeaa· &re eont-.iloue, and that. they are BOWlllA.NVfLLE, ONT. put mv turkey in to ro4·t, a.od tbat I have been no lees aeriously 31erpl_ e xed caped villa.ins formed no ama.11 pa.rt of du~ to:\he preHnoe fotthhvtnir pal'a~1tee ,In the go Out 4nd · w .. h f . S · ll01a·111 ,mem1 nane o e upper air passa.gf's wbile I waa 'tendin' to in acme one rode up to know · by what practical meaaures tbe t e wa.y· armg popu1abon. . · ome gam. aad euataelllan tubes. The eminent aclent· to the ga.te a.nd called out, · Hello I· and l religious· feeling, which is the essentfal basis ed tbeir freedom by remaanmg unclalm· ist· Tyndall, Huxle:r &nd Beale endor;ie tlliB, of conduct, was to be kept up, in the present ed for a year and a. day in a free t own and these 11.uthorltle11 cannot be disputei:i. went out and there wa.a P et er RI . Pl ey, 11 h others ~a.ndered from pl· ce to pl·ce · nd' '.l'he r81(ulal' rnet!'iod or treating t he d!ee11.1Jos gos3ipy old fellow who lived down to the 'Vil· utterly chaotic sta.te ot opinion on t ese " ~ ~ · w i· to appl:r an irritant r emed1 weekl:r 11nd !age, where all my qniltera lived. matters, without the use ot the Bible. The wherever t hey ca.me, brought news to men of even dail:r thn· keeping the delice.te mem· cc ·Haven't tlwe to come in, ea.id Peter, pagan moralhts lack life and color : and their own cla@s as to how their bret hren far· brau in conatan t ·ta te ot !rr1tat10n, o'· ma"ne won't stand, nohow. even the noble stoio, Ma.rcus Antoninus, is ed in differenb parts of the country. In 11.coompa.ni·d by violent sneeziD g, a llowing a.nd this Crittur ~ d fi d f d" h'ld F f f th· t f · f It no chance to her.I, and ae a natural conse· 0 1 0 18 · ranee, wa.y arere My wife wa.nts to know if you ca.n bring her too high an re ne or !tD or ina.ry sor were ew · or quence of nuch treatment not one permanent three pounds o' butter Sa.turd&y ?' Take the B ible as a whole, make the sever- there, during and'a.fter the English wars, the cure has ever been recorded. I t le 11.n cc I told him I was sorry, but couldn't spa.re est deducti<ins .vhich fair criticis'.D ca.n die- fugitive villein turned brigand, and tbe pea- ab1olu\e fact that t he@e dhea1es cannot be 'o·use I h·d comp'ny. ta.te, and there still remains in this old sautll fled at · t he approa.oh of an armed man. cnred lt:r r.n:r r.pplior.;tonhmade obftener than mn(lh w ~ b once 1 n two week1, ·Ol' t. e mem rane mu11t "'Wbat comp'ny ?" a.eked Peter. literature a vast residuum <if moral eauty ll·t a chanc· to heal betore 11.ny 11.ppllcat!on .. 'Ob · l ·r h l little quilti · and grandeur. By the study of what otber l· repeated. Jt ls now 7 yrs. since Mr. Dixon ng a. n book would children be so muoh humanized? _ The report tha.t an India.n reserve in D·. diaooTered the parasite in Catarrh and formHARNDEN, L. D. 3 to.d ay. , ' says ' ·m a.v , . · ·d b ~ ulr.ted hi· new treatment, and since then hie " · \Vho yon got?" he asked, gos.sip like. If Bible reading is not accompanae Y kota is to be thrown open to settlement, and reiu.d:r Ila· become 11. household word In l:i1.11oduate ofthe Royal Collegeot Denial ", M llssy G t d Mah 1 H" k constra.int and solemnity; I do not believe t ia.t a repetition of the Oklahoma rush ie eTBl'J' eountr1 where the Eniilieh language Surgeons, Ontario, d' e ran an aY IC s there 111 anything in which children take probable, la suggestive. It. is evident that i· 1poken, Cures elfected b:r him seven years "O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. an more plea.sure'." tbe good lllnd available tor settlers in the aa:e are cures still, there having been no " ·Yon don't aay I' says Peter, with a return or the diaeaee. DR. J.E. BINGDAlll, V . S., -aoLD FILLING A SPECIALTY chuckle. United Sta.tea is growing scarce and will b So hichl:r 11.re theae remedies valued, and Honorary Gradu"ate Ontario Veterin11.ry 'bTIPICU.L TEETH INSERTED WITHOUT " 'A d C Ii8 ty H 0 ff d' exhaust ed before very long. Then will com so c~ea~ i· the demand for them, U1at ignorCollel;'e. n a a.n A Visitor to be Dreaded. the time for the fertile lands of Canada to re· , ant imitators llaTe started u~ everywhere, PLATES. " 'WuBB and more of it,' puts in Peter. I r h . · . . · I pretendlog to deetro:r a parasite, ot which Calls promptly attended to, niitht or day. Great Reductions in price on &11 Dental " 'And i..udndy Marks,' I says. The g1.y old Sbah of Pereia has e t ome ceive tbat rapid mcrease of p opulat1on which ; t he:r know nothing, by remedies the results o mce. nt Central Telephone o mce, Bow"'W-crk. Vitalizec! Air, constantly in use pro· cc 'Why, Abbv Paxton,' aays Peter, 'ain't to make a rou.ad of visits among the Euro. has ,in the past ni.tura.lly oaken the direotion ' or the application of whi9h ttiey a.re equally l4;3m .c;hctng Painless Oper11.tioos. Pal'ticular a.tten you heerd notha'nfl 1· pean monarchs, none of whom, it ca.n safely of distriots till la.tely more accessible in the ' ignoram . Mr. Dixon's remedy is a ppliea w nnviUe ~paid to the iegulation or Children's Teetl>. b 8 'd '11 b · dt h· E t U ·t d St t 0 h d · bb ·onl:r once m two w eeks, and from one to aa.a · wa e overioye 0 eee im. n erm e a es. . ur 8 re-yv neig ors a rp I three applioatione effect "' permaoent cure In " 'No,' I says, 'what do yon mean?' .ALL WOR_K W .ARR.ANTED·.._ u 'Have they come yit ?' asks Peter, e.nd ta.ining the Shab, as was demonstrated on pie well aware of th10 fact, wh ich has contrlbut;ed I most auravated cases, N . B.- .For catal'l'hal £ranch office, Dr. Rutherford's Orono wben I said they had, he asks : ·How're former tour of soola.bility, is both difficult t o t heir movement for the assimilation of our ! tro1:1ble1 pe~nl!ar t o fems.lea (whites) this remek" , and ex1*nsive. His last visit coat Eogland oountry. j dy is a epeci..11.c. they ma ang out? h $100,000, of which the greatersha.re wa.s paid · · Mr, Dixon sends a pamp~let describing his TRI~ YEA.R'S " 'They do seem rat er quiet,' sa.ys I. by the Queen Neit her RuHia nor England The tame which it takes to cross t he A.t · i new treatment on the i;ece1pt ot t.en cents !n "'Do they speak at all?· ca.n permit an'y deficiency 1 .n the ·p · peRrance lantici is rapiillv nearing the five da.y point. 1 The a d tdress tis ,f . H.t Dixc o n .& Son, · ~!~mKpA_. " 'l do'no as they d~ ' I w·· 'bleeged to w w Th "C't . ,, . d . 11 th ·""·' ing stree wes ' 1 oron o, anada.1 Y 0f p a.raa ~, of hospitality tow¥ds thispotentate, In view e _is omg a at W&& ScU!ntijl.c .American. say. of their Asia.tic interests and rinlry, his expected . ~f her. She has bro!en the ,, 'Must be a jolly quiltin,' aays Peter, f be"ang 4 matter of J!Ome importanoe tci record, hav1niz made bhe pa.ssage in 5 days, Sufforere from catarrha troubles should of hie old avour But tbe w 23 h ours and ~ · t es, a d""' f 2 caretull:r read the above. and then be lay back 011 the ·eat comin~ of the luxurions Shah ' i:mnu iuereuco o · ea.ah. 1 VIJT and PL17G buggy and laughed, · .11 be regarded in European courts with hours and 48 mmutee in ber favour 11s com- I l'REEM.4'.N'sS .. ·Well, wha~ is ib ?"says I, pretty sharp, :~ething of that fe11.reome awe wbich pared with the "Etruri~," whicb c:cssed in I Mrs. E lla Wheeler Wilcox asserts that for I see I'd got into some kind of a murs. avalanches and cyclones inapire.-[N. Y. 6 days l hour and 55 minutes. !rh1ere.cord· 1 " the avera.ge w om11in prefors egotis.m to timWORJ)! P OWDER S. "" Why,' ea.ye Peter, 'them four women S breaking, h()wever, was not a.ccomphahed · ·. . ~lftll'ER TBA- E ·rER. got into a fu&B day before yesterday over un, without great efforb, on t he Captain's par t The great l'&r1s E~posat;on h Iulfillmg :a: n1 Lll · eome quarrel their children had ab achoo!, · , 1 especially, for from Monda.y night when an~ more t.h11.n fulfillmg a.II the ~rea.t expec .Are plea·nnt to take. Contain tbe!r O'Wll and they a.11 happened to meet at tbe school. The Cowes cap ID plain blue, or striped · signs of fog appeared, .until W ednesday Itat1ons which w~re forme~ of 1t , .What a l'lllgative. la & s!lfe, s:ne, 11.nci cttectllaA See he.nae, and when they parted comp'ny they blue and white, and red and white, Is worn mornine:, he remained on t he bridge without tremendous ~i.in1ficance an the difference ~~ ·t wa.r.r::sa in C Q.iJdx.,n Ol' AdaliO . ~all vowed and deolared tbey'd never speak I for tennis, crcquet, ard other out.door lea.ving ib eitber to eat, driDk, . or sleep. ; ~tween t he 89 of a century a~o, ,and the '!· . to ea.ch other a.gain long as they lived and I sports. Think of that for a. careful captam. When 89 of to-d11.y I And yet the one 1s the 101dcal ·< breathed a.nd kept their senses, and here The smallest horse in the world ma.de its questioned on the subject he ea.id there was and not undesirable ou tcome the ot~er. Wha.t Thev Wern For ·. you've gone and got them identikle four a.ppea.rance a1J Ra.cine, Wis., lately. It is the no da.nger to the "City of Pa.rie," but T~ough none o~ us may feel hke shoutmg Poet : "! thought tbis n ew I: ·tlding of . " men shet up together in a. room, and air go- property of Mr. F. K. B.:all, is a. Shetland admitted that there was a risk of running Vive la R~volut_ion, every lover of humanity 1 in bronze on Ing to keep them there all da.y I' . 1pony and weighs 42 pounds, It is 2 feet 5 down another vessel. That is one of t he ca!1 a.dd has voice . to swell the chorus of yours was fire-proof?" Eiitor : "Yes; it " An' that ma.n je11t lay back laughing. ! inches high and 2 feet 3 inches long, a.nd re· chances which have to be incurred when Viv~ la.Frcmce, L1berte, Egalite, Fraterntte, ir.;" P oet: Then why do you h ave those ex· Each PLIJG & PA.CKA.GEI . '"You'd better turn'em loo!e or there'll semblesadogmorethan a horse. ocean cleavingrecordsha.vetobebroken for1nthesela.stthree words, properly un- tinguishers and bottles all through the build· 41-ly j be da.mage done,' sa.id Pet·; r, as he dtlv 1 derstood, lies the hope of the huma.n race. iDg ?" E 1it-0r : "To put cut p oets." ' -~, .· . ~ .CANADIAN STATESMAN ~ itL , . IS PUBLISHED · I M . t.on· s Q '}t" g ::;!: rs. pax Ul Ill 'I ! ~ · 1 I I BEST IN THE WORLD. A.JAMES, g ..:::::: ig ==- =-1 B BABY 'S I I Orr~l~l~s ~S~~t~~~~~~~~~t B I L .!?!BM '\"fe We DJ~~~~Y JOHN SPENCER, I iD ENTISTRY. - a 0 " _.. l llYRTLE I I --------- ·:s .M : .QKf NG .TOBACCO . I l 'T & · I WO·! o! _ Children Cr? for.Pitoher's_ Cast< :·r!a;

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