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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1889, p. 6

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~-~¥/ant Where ~he silv'<r mlloplo grow~, Y ou will find a little nook Tnab wi vh solid silver fl 1ws. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 . 1889. Nick.Nickson' was a woodchopper. These lines we· e signed, " Your Gra '.<J , He had lived close to the fore:it for m_ a ny Goblin." yea.rs with his wife and children. It was T he ma.n a t on ·S understood all. He knew seldom Nick went to town or anywhere where the box ca.me from, and he knew tha.t else, beoa.u1m he had a great der.l of work to t he ? oblin who h u.d be011 in t he oak ho.d indo to keep his fomily alive, Wood-hewfog ·end ed this for N ick. '·Nickie a fool," the Is sending thousands annually to the never w1u much of a paying busiuess, and ma.n ea.id .to himself. "I am going to lift the Nick found it no better. But he never com- tre11.eure. \Vhy did he not keep the box for insane asylum; an d t he docto~s say this plained ; he did the best he could in the himself? ' t rouble. is alarmingly on the increase. be.s t mann~r, and for the 'ree.t he trusted to H e accordingly went into the forest. He T l10 usual remedies', wh ile they m ay a. kind Providence to assist him and his tound the little nook, just as he was told, g i ve temporary relief, are likely to do wife a.nd children. beside the silver ma.pie tree. Exe\mining t he for and m ore hann t han good. "Yhat is need ed N ick had now been !l'Oing iuto the woods ground, he noticed a tiny ktiyhole. He ha.d ' is an Alterativc and Blood-purifier. for twentv-five years, and · as he was a.lrea.dy put the key iota the hole;; he turned ' It.yer's Sar sapal"illa is incomparnbly walking along _ thia ·m.o r_aing h3 was think· ib around, and he sa.w the shining silver in ' ··cutoriaid110well.&daptedtochildre11tba\ Castorfa ctt!'!l8 Colle, Co111t!pation, ['recommend it as llU}>erior to any prescriptiou Sour Stomach, Dlarrhrna, Eructat ion, ing of t hat facb more than once. "I have the nook, when his hand wa.s suddenly arthe best. It cori:ects.those disturbances laloWD io me." R. A Altc1mB " D Kills W ? rms, givea sleep, and promotell dSo worked very hard,;' he mut Jter ed ~!L himself rested by l:he gobliu. ln t he circulation which cause :iieepless· '=· ·· gest1on as he stopped before a b~antiful yonng oak "You are not tho ma.n who liberated"me lll So. Oxtonl SL, ~. N. Y. Wlt.hou' tnjurlows medication. n ess, giYes int;reased v itality, ao<l retree ready to ta.ko off his j acket a.nd sta.1,"t from the oak tree I" Mid the little ma.n. · 'l'mr: C&NTaUR CO MPA.NY, :·7 M urr ay Street , N'. Y. ";.,..;,:::;::::~~.;;;;;""""',a stores tlw h P.n·ous system to a healthful : operations, "I have worked very hard," The t hief t hen h"'d to oonfe3s tha.D he got \~-e on<lit ion . he ea.id age.in, " imd I th!nk I ou11:ht t-0 be hold of the box because nis neighbor Nick WOMEN AND MICE. Re\·. T. G. A. Cote, agent of t he Mass. pensioned off soon. Hut I don't think there could not read backwatd. The r eason why a woman is· afraid of a is much chance. Where should I g~t the Home Missionary Sodety:, IVl'ites that 'Well, y on he.d no buainess t o be a thief, mouse 'is .a profou&d mystery-indeed, it bas money to keep my folks at· home without and you certa.ii::Jy h&d no right to ta.ke t hat never his sto:na<>h was ol.1t of )rder, his sleep been very closely proven that-. sbe is. ·w ork. But there, it is no uee growling now box which did noli belong to you.' ' FOR SALE BY J . H IGGI NB OTHAM &, BON, B OWMAN'VILLE· But some women are constantly in such a very often distnrbetl, and some imnervous, on the da.y of my twenty fi fth anniversary "I am R()rry," repli<id the m!ln ; "if you irritable condition that the slightest pnrity of the blood manifest; but that in the wood chopping line.. Providence h11o11 will forgive me 1 will i;o home aild tell Nick- thing annoys and startles tnem. The cause ot unfortunate state of affairs is usually <tt perfllct cure wa~ obtained by the u se atood by me so Jong, and I don't think I son all about this silver treaeur.,, a.nd he ca.n this some f unctional derangement: some dist ress-0f Ayct·'s Sarsaparilla. sh.ill be forgotten in the futnre. Do your come and get it himself." ing or painful irregularity, some derangeFrn,]en ck W. Pratt, 4'.l4 Washington duty with all your might, with all your "No, there ia °:o neceaoity for tha.t. Any- ment or peculiar weakness incident to her or, it may be due to intlamrnatlon, ulatrtingth, with a.11 your abili by, a.nd with an 'how, I do not behove you would keep yu11r sex; ~trcet, Boston, writes : "l'ify daughter ceration or displacement, of some of t he nnwearyicg spirit of energy and p ersever· '11'.ord. But now tha.t you ha'\ a found this pelvic viscera, or t o other organic lesions was prostrated witlt nervous d ebility. a.nee · that is my motto and succe!s is 11lver tres.gure, take i~ t o y our home ; h peculiar to her sex. From whiche,·er cause .Ayer's Sarsaparilla r estored h er to it may arise, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescripbound to follow some time' or other." shall be yours." Then the goblin vanished. tion Is a. posttive; remedy, so certain in its t:Jealtli ." By thia· time Nick had taken hia top coat The .man at once began to fill his pocket· curative results that its manufacturers sell "Vil!iam F . Bowker, Erle, Pa., was through druggists, under a guarantee of off and laid it aud h is hat down in ' the long ~ith silv~r. \Yhen they w~re filled he took it, giving satisfaction in every cMe, or <Jnred of ner vousness and sleeplessness 5rlL88, ['hen he took his ax in his hand~ b11 c~p, tuen bta ha.ndkerchtef, then he t ook its money paid for it will be pr omptly 'reb.r taking A_yer's Sarsaparilla for about and after looking a.t the tree from ivs bas.e t~ off hts coat and used it Ir.II a ba.g. Bu~ when f unded. As a soothing and strengthening 'two months, during which time hjs its crown he gii.ve the first blow. Thick ~11 wai filled he c~uld not carry the load ; nervine, "Favorite Prescription" ls uneand is invaluable in allaying and sub" splinters fl~w In all directlon1 a.nd Nick tt wa.a 000 heavv. _Se he ha.d to lea.ve some qualed -;weight increased over t wen ty pounds. Has received a large consignment of Hats duing nervous excitability, irritability, exdropped his ax anJ jttmped ba.ck from the behind. ~e ~urned home snd ga.ve the haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and tree ~uver to his wife, the.n he took the wh1&el· other distressing, nervous symptoms commonly attendant upon f unctional and organic "What is the ma.tter ?"ho ea.id; "did I not barrow and returned to the brook. He disease of the womb. Jt induces refreshing hear 11 noise nomewhere like the whining of l~aded oho wheelbarrow t o ite ntmo~t ca.pa.- sleep and relieves mental anxiety and dePREPARED BY a. child?" ,c ity .before he left for home. Oa h1a way spondcnoy. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowe!!, ·Mass. Copyright, 1ES3, by WORLD'S D IS. MED. ASS'N. He etood and listened for a few ·moments, to his co.ttage, ~owever, he ha.d to oroa a for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and soft felt and at prices from Eold by nil Drnggi·t<i. Price $1; six uottlcs, $5. but a ll seemed to be quiet. Then he re eroall b ridge, ~htoh led over a ~trea.!11· a.nd cents upwards. sumed his t !lak. But he had only made one ·when he was tn the c~nter of th ta bridge the more blow at the tree when he was stopped ~oarde bro~e under h.m and, the wheelba.r. <i~;~;;~~~~~ again. This t!me he heard these words, ow, the silver and the man .eli down int o Laxath'e, or CathartiC, according to slze of WCOME ALONG AND YOU WI LL SURELY BE SU ITED.~ dose. By Druggists, · ~5' cents a vial. · "Get me out I Get me out I" the deep. T oe load had been too heavy. -~-- o ---· "Who is it tha.t ca.lie thero ?" Nick a.eked, The man w_a.s too greedy; he wanted too who we.8 not Io t he least afraid. much, ru;ia now he was drowned and he "It is I, the goblin of Blinkingdale !" a h~d nothtn~ a t all. h was fortunate for his voice replied. . wife and ch~ldren tha.t he had brought uome "But where a.re you to be found?" of the ireas.._re home, and they we~e saved I have a large and well assorted stock "[ v.m in tile 011ok you have been hewioiz fro':1 !:arva.t~ou. · · No" we wdl return to Ntc.k Nickson,, t he new assortment of summer B ats and 11t, 11ond I h ,uooed out because I WlS a.fra.id you might kill me." woodchopper. Ha never mt~sed the h ttle Bonnet s. No d ifficulty m pleasin g any "Well, tell me where I ought to atrike io black box a t all. NH t morn10~ ho ret urnorder to extricate you without doing you e~ to the forest and worked away at c~op any bodily harm," replied Nick Nickson. · tng down t:ees "' hard as eve~. Somettmee " · \1~ would think aboui the goblin, und then Th~, a.xis t?o big al!-d too &harp alt o· Nick would murmur: "The world is very ¥,ether, now sa.id the voice from the tree; ungrateful. 'l.'he next goblin I find in a tree who chooses to b uy. N o better can be tak t- your pocket-knife and start cntting nas ~o stay there for all I oare " Aft er he had chopped down' one tree he the bark a.bou1J 2Jeet fro!ll bhe gruu~?· But be ~?TV careful or v~u wi~l hurt me. wa.s astoolahed t o find a.2ain a little black N!ck now took bt~ knife a~d he began box at t he root 11· He picked it up &jl&in, a!ld Neads Block , Bo~manvi!le. PRACTICAL HATTER out~tng the b:i.rk. Piece by piece fl ew out, on the top these words oould ha re&d until ~t ln:st ?e got to a hollow spa!l"! whtm o.gain : "Open me." Ba; this time the this side of T or onto. We are n ot t~e vo10e mmde the ~ree let ~ut a shriek tha1 writing was straight, and not ba.ckward; ao \1i as so loud and terrible all tal! tree.t ln tht Nick read it a t once and of oourao underwood 1Jeemed to ba sha.ken bv it. stood. ' ' "Now you have cut my beard, you old "Open you ! All right, tha.t i1 .ea.ally villain of i;- wo_odcbop_ por," cried the goblin, d?ne.·' he ~u t !he box on ·ne ground, took PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, " Oh, I will ktll you if you a re nob careful." bis air, hit 1t ooe ntroke .and the box was but a live to the fact that t o gain a firatPoor Nick trembled with fear, because h · smii.shed. In9ide Nick found a piece of class trade we must keep CONTAINS NO h~d often heard of goblin~ a.'!d their cruelt) paper wound around a beautiful golden key - - M A N U FACTURER O F - Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phosphates, to '{leople. But he soon realized that he was of the :fine11t workmanship. Nick took the OR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANOE. 1 _, yet m11o~ter of tbe sit?ation, a.nd he need not paper and looking a.bit olose, he l!a.w that TORONTO, ONT. E . W. G I LLETT, cmCAGO, ILL. be afratd of the goblin, it oont. incd the following ver.e : MANUFACTURER CF KING STREET, BOWMANVILL "LQok here, Mr. Goblin," said Nick, " ii At the cas~!e 0 11 the mount t k fi l }'RE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAKES. Vou n e ·n to kill me h " ouo, · l ~ oc rst-c ass millinerv. D o not fa1 ' l to i a . w en you gev Is a goMen treamre, J Has now on hand a number of vohlole" (and ls manufacturing a great many morel ot the ne think. I wjU leave you where you are and go Wh~re golden rod is often found select your Hats and Trimmings i n time. patterns and b'eat finish, whloh I am otfering for eale a.t the iowestpriceaoo.11,aistentl ' _ with-due-t"egitr d t o_ workmanship and quality. The tollowlng la a list fbt home. Good-bye." W<\itb11 for your mea~ure, P e rfect aatisfacti t t h M' """ - '.' li£r_ gracions rake, do11't -do that, on a ~ e ieses ,,.,,.,son, ~ the principal vehicles manufactured by me 0 good. ma.n," hallooed the gob1in; " I did not The s1!ii ,f paµer was)!lgn~d : ' 'The G ra.tcDouble Covered Oarrlages ... .. ...................................... . ........8150 Upward-1 mean wh11ot I said then, but you did hurt m· ·fnl G obltn. ' Nick looked at the writing Single Phootons .... ..... .......... .............................................. 100 11 and no mist!i>ko, Bun be ca.reful of my long a.ad intently. "Well," ho said at la.et · Open Buggy······..······· ...···......··· ····..··········..·... ··. ...··· ······· 70 bea.rd; it is very long, a nd it hurts very "I will ab once go and find oub 'whethe; much if you pull only oue of the hairs out. tha.t goblin b~11 pl.oyed a.nether trick on me. Top Buggy ................ .... ... .. · · .... ·........................................ 90 Now I will tell you aom6thing else, If you [ might as well be fooled ~wice an once," Demo crat W agon ................... ...... ... ..... . . ................ . ............ 65 et me out without doing me a.Dy more ha.rm He immedia.tely ran towards the mounLumber Wagons............ . ................. .. ........ .. ......... . ...... .. ..... 55 will give you a grea.t reward, and make ca.in, which stood nob fa.r into the for· L ight \Vagon ..·······.......· ,................................................... 40 you the rfoheat man in the world." est. Arrived there he climbed np the Express Wagon........................... ............... . ....................... 75 ~1 Nick wae well satisfied wben he hearo ste!lp ascent, and when he g ot to the w11.lls Skeleton....................................................... .. · .... ·..... .. ·. ··· 50 W ORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW OR.I.EANS, thab, and he worked with renewed vigor. of t he cutle he walked all around until Sulky.',............................................................................. 40 U .S .A ., 1884-5, in competition "':vith th" In a. few mlnutea the hole wae la.rge enoug.b Ile found the yellow golden rod growing p ianofo1-tes of Europe and America. The and the gobli.D ca.me out, The woodchopper everywhere, Then he examined the wall. Possessing superlor faellltlea for manufacturing carriages, I Intend t o sell very ehea1> tor 0 only U .S. International Medal ever award· was astoniabed when he saw the creature. In a moment he notioed a small hole in the or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to greatly increase my number ot sales. Woub ed t o. a Canadian pianofor~e ; also Me~a.1 1 T_ sell the wood parts only, or the gearings ot buirgies Ironed, he ll~tle fellow wa1 j nst 8 inohes high, and wa.11, which seemed to have been made for and Dioluma at the Colomal and Indian ht~ appeara.nce wae very fanny. A long cap bis golden key. Patting i~ in the hole a.nd ExhibiCion London, Eng., 1886, with the with a plume at ihe end hung down over hir turning round wa. e don· in a aecond, Nick supreme h~nor of s upp_lyi ng Her Majesty the Queen with a Newcombe Grand, back, and hii. bee.rd reached down to hh a.lready beheld the glittering mass of shining At the Shortest N otlce, Painted and Trimmed If Desired. s electecl by Sir Arthur Sulhvan. For toes. Nick looked much surprised when he gold bllfore him wli11n the ¥,oblln appeared. remembered that this little man had beeI> "So here you a.re, then, · he ea.id to Nick; Uter spending mtich time and money; I am A' the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning ana Sawing with Clrole,Band lliustratecl Catalogue, prices and terms, Sa.we, and l)l'epa.re all kinds ot lumber for carpenters nd others for bnlldlnll vnrpoeee. 1ow prepared to fill all orders promptly. I able to shriek so loud, "M you d !d not give the box away this Ornamentaland'Plaln Ploketstor fences in every style reonired. made to order. _ a fine assortment ot WA VE8, BANGS, Address Octavius Newcombe &, "How did you get into that tree!" asked d me. Whv did you no~ keep 1he o~her!" ..ave SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very cheap. ; I MANIJFAd TIJRt:R· Nick of the goblin, Niok explained to ·ha eoblin that he did BA.NGS FR.Ol.\£C $2 UP"To tell you that would be a very long aot know what the box co11tained, WAREFlOOMS, !07·109 CHURCH ST" TORONTO · Jld Switches co!ored and made to look like 1tory to reh.te. Be it sufficien· for you to "Why did you noi open h ?" ' FACTORY, es TO 07 BELLWOODS AVENUE new. Highest price oald ror 1ang cut hair. know that I have been in thab tree twenty· "I 4on'· know." j A list of 1000 newspapers divided -. into HAIR To._JC fiye year~ to-da.y. You have got me out of "Well, your neighbor did, though, a.nd lie L'W - . · S'l'ATES .AND SEC'l 'lONS will be sent on·apmy long 1mpri11onm,e nt, and I will l{lve you 11 got a. 1ilver treasure. But [ punished him Warranterl to prevent the hair from falling LEASE, a general store, d wellmg , pllcatlon-FRZE. · out and will make it grow. and store house. in the v illaii:e. Oakwood. I To those who want their advertising to pay. reward when the times comes." before he wa.1 able to 11njoy it, a.nd he ia 1 .W I have also a tine Jot of no w Stam ln Ple.!e ii:lass front and well fittedfort!'ade. Old I wo can ofl'.er no better medium_ for thor~ugh With the laall word th.e goblin ha.d va.n. now dead in tho stream: Now, look here, g ousmeea, stand of 30 years. Good gram market: I and effective work than the various selections iehed. Nick, y·u f1r.ncied th·· I did no1i mean to Pa.tterne. All orders promptly attended F ree store house at Mariposa station. Midland of our Select J.ocal J.J.s&. "Well, bnt where is my rewa.rd !'· oried give you vour reward as I promised." TS· GEO.P· .BOWEL~~ co., 1R -,R. AppJytoJAMi<.sTRORNDIKE,Oakwood. ·20-3m NewspaperAdvertlsmg Ruroau, Nick. "It ii all very well to say I sha.11 have "Well, it looked like it, did it not!" '7 Neads Block, Bowma.nville. 10 Spruce street, New York. it when the time comes, but wben will tha.t "Looked like it hu nolhiDg to do with it. be? Ob, you mean little 1oa.mp of a goblin, You ahould have tru1ted me, and have · a to get me first io extricate you from an ou little p11.tience. Howanr, you are a prettv tree, where you were buried for tw11n·y·fiV11 j?OOd fellow, .Nick, a.nd now here i1 your yea.rs, and;then to run awlily 'frem me be· urea.~ure. EoJoy it with your wife and ohiloause you are too 1tingy to tnank me for it. (dren, live1 looii and be happy, and remember Ah I this la an ungrateful, cruel world. Jua1 ,aometimes t he Grateful Goblin!' · 'vWuoi< 'I sa:r c::am I do not m eN;i. ~nerely ~o when I thougM that I WM to. be ma.de rich, .: Nick wa.s n ow a.lone with hi1 tree.sure. . ,,, st;tp,~./.'llem tor a time, a1!d then hat e them retwn too. Ah, well! never mind; leti m11 continue He took a. good lot home with him, a.nd .he w-a1n. I MEAN A RADICAL ()URJJ:. at my work of woodchoppiCJg, bu~ I will be and hit dear onen lived in tho future u "' J h;wt;) m:+de the disease of careful not to have any more to do with. .gob- happy a.a happy could be. FITS, EPILEPSY or lina." · NG SICKNESS Nick now worked away with hie a.x In a F ALLI.r · ma.d humor. Hestruck the trunk of the oak There is a. droop about the corner· of the . 1 t dv I WARRANT IDY remedy to i h 'fi f I h . h f f h ~Ji~~ t?~~V~l~t caSP.S. Becau~e.others havef~~~~ W t tern C orml, b seemed to sa.tlsfy hie mout Ill t e case 0 not a ew W 0 were i.s no rea·son for uot now receivmg a cure. anger, bees.use he imagined every time t bll a.rdent supporters of President Harrison at once for a treatise and a ~'RI\~ BOTTLE g~m~ r.x hit the tree he waa hurting the little gob only a. few short weeks ago. They are dis~ INF e\LLIBLE REJl{EDY. (!ive Lxprcs~ an lin. In a few moments t'le roota of the tree appointed bfloause of some of hi1 appoint. .,..·. It costs you nothmg for a trrnl, anu l () u1ce. Add H. G ROOT M c., la.y bl\re, and behold ! wha.t did Nick find ? menta. Particularly ead, in their eatlmation, J3~~~~~b°.¥ics, 16~e~~st Adelaide Street, At the very hue of the oak he 'Raw a little is Genera.I Harrison's fall in the mire of ~o:ronto. · black ebony box. He picked it up and he nepotism by the appointment of his own 9 1 ·' notioed there wa.1 no look to it. On the top brother to a Federal post. They believe · were written the two words : "Open me I" that he has been weighed In the ha.lance and But the worda were apelled backward, and found wanting. Agalnab Mr. Cleveland not when Nick looked at them it read in his even hie moat impla.cable foe could bring mind: "om nepO I" Nick never had been the charge of nepotism. President Ha.rrivery sharp in book learning, and ib never eon's escutcheon has been stained. If he ha.a struck him to try and make eome eenae oat done .nothing really wrong, he ha.a a.t least of the words "em nei:-0." He sa.w that he not avoided the appea.rancc of evil a.a be did not know what it mea.nt and he did not ought to have done. Hine I llae Lackr11m 'e, trouble a.ny more. When he went home he Mr. Gladstone continues to keep well to iook tile box a.long with hiD?, th!nk!ng it the front as one of the mos~ con11picuou wonders of the day. He is such a ma.rvel ·would. make a toy. for one of bts children. Arrived a..b hla Mtlo cottage be found one that the longer one gszea t he more his of his neighbors sitting on the dooretep1. wonder grows. The old man ie a. phenomNiok showed him the little bla.ck box, told nei:io and no mist&ka. He is the Moses of him where he found it aoa rela.ted to 1:im his Britian's p<>Iitica.l life. His eye seems to adventure witb. the goblin. ['he neighbor lose none of its lustre, nor does hts 'natur· I was a. pretty shrewd old ma.n, a.nd no aooner al force suffer the ah~tement whlcn the WILL CURE OR RELIEVE had he looked at the hl\lldwritinp: on the box lapse of yeu.rs would naturally lead one BlllOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, when he knew what it mea.nt. He had read to expect. His latest proof of versatility a.nd DYSPEPSIA DROPSY it b11ockwllrd. Bull he never sa.id so to .Nick. bon camaraderie was in atteDding a. ba.nqneb . fNDIGESTION1 FLUTTERING r· When he went home he quietly put ~bejbox given by the " funny fellows " of "Punch." JAUNDICE! . OF THE HEAR I in hil pocket. Nick did not netice it· 'He The" old man eloquent" occupied the . seat ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF wa.11 too honeet himself to 1uppose any one f honour, and had a glorious time, throw· SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, elaa a thief. Ing himsell into the spirit of the proceedings HEARTBURN, DRYNESS · Whe.n the neighbor 11ot into his cottage he with llhe ardour. of ii. voungs~er. He told HEADACHE. Of THE SKIN, 1mmed1a.tely got a chisel and a hammer and stories, cracked 3okee and en3oyed himself i A.tid eve77 speofes o:t di6ease az-isbJ.g- smashed the box open. Inaide he found a thoroughly. What a lesson for manv youngpiece of p~per, which waa wrapped around sters who are bla.·e and disillusionize_d before 1 :t:zoom disordered LIVllR'- KIDNEYS, STOMA CB, ;BOWZLS O.n ~LOOD. . II>~) littleallnrkey. On thepaperherea.d they ~re whole lustrums short of being only COVerS a surf~ce m l'roP%!etora, . - fheae lines : half h11 age. -' \ ~ ·1 lrOBON!rO. YOUNG FOLKS. In the fore·t by the brock, THE GRATEFUL GOBLIN. of Sleep Infants I Children. HATSI HATS! 1 JY.[ A ::M:21 YE:E <., Ayer's Sarsapari Ila, in all the Fashionable Colors · s Shapes DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS~ CREAM WOMAN . White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. 8J1Ktt\6 ·Highest price paid for Raw Furs ..' FOUND DEAD M. MAYEli, POWDER HAINES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. .HAINES, Proprietor, IN OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, GUTTERS, WACONS-<&G my " . " B QWMANVI·L LE . - f AWARDED FIRST SILVER MEOAL Fine Hair ·Goods. LADIES .. Patronize Home TRADE. All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired Co., f Fine Business Opening. TO ADVERTISERS· TO I M . tE. A. DA VIS, ' I l .· .FITS! ..a-.. ---=-- .:> I 10 UJLBURN - &co The above brand of Chemically Pure WHITE LEAD is mix ed and ground to an impalpable fineness by a new process invented and' controlled by us. The lead is Snow-white, works easy under the brueb ap.d greater than leads ground in the old way. ·

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