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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1889, p. 2

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1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!77?!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!-~·· · The Bdtish Biblo Society, of which the De~c·Iptlon -or the IsJnnds u1·on which Eul of H~rrowt>v i· P.re~il1, ,.1t.. r eports an RrnY.i (:uptait1 llluulll I.anded Bis Ship· Au American p a.per referring to the Cal· expendituro fo1· 1888 <if £ 212 (il5, against , wrecked Fnssengers. llope incident ea.ya :-When during the tflr- £226: 663 for 1887. Tne di~rribution of I Tile islands extend in an oblique line from rible atorm in Samoa.n watere the wa.r ves· Bib!en also fell 5 U0,0({), from 4 .000,000 to northwe~h to southeast betwe.in the· pe.r·1 a_ lle!a of 37 dej;(rees an~ degrees north h· sels of the Unittid Ste.tea a nd of Germe.ay 3.500,000. They w.ire in 281 :anguages. were drivinit to oerte.in doetruction and I '.l' he E.npre~a Eug< mie moveo about Eng· t 1tude, aud between 2iJ degrees aud 3l d e. what seemed cerhin dt>ath t-0 all on board land now, 11t·rnotiug very little a~nt1on~ , greea west longit ude. Geographically t hey ·upon the clra.l reefs which skirted the har· 1 In Birmingham recently "he and her oom- 1ma.y be divided in to three groups; t he firsb b?r of Apia, t~e British Ship c~m?pe, by , panioa, wh? fa sa.id t o be the ~a.ughte: 01~ l or e~terly ~rouµ comprises S t. Michael's Vlrbue of supenor power, was fightmg her 1 t ho Du~e di B .·ss,n~o! "au Amer1crn laay, and S~. Mary 'l ;. tlie seco~d or i;en tre.l group 1-Ia.y do for a stupid boy's excuse ; but w:.v foot by foot aga.!nst the raging waters , &nd their conner v1s1ted a hotel i.ad a res- contl\lns Terce1ra, Gramos~, St. George, wlmt oan be said for the parent who tN1ward the open sea and safety. She nar- j t1;.u1·0.11b in the town without their identHy Pico, and F4ya.l ; while the third or wester· ~ his child languishing daily and fails rowlv eeca.ped running down the American being suspected. The Emprt'ss's ebony 1 ly 11roup consists o~ the lonely little isls.nds for and to recognize the want of a t onic and cruiser Trenttn, and as she p~ssed almost wal~ir!g ,siiok' and darken"d eyebrows are I of Florea and Corvo. Thev a.re all very ib;lood-puritl.er? :formerly, a course of. within touching distance the sailors of the htir noticeable features , She seems in ex:- small places; a very good walker might e,l. ibitters, or slllphur and molasses, was the '. "Caatorta is so ,,.,U adapt.ad to children that Caatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Trenton, driving as they were to destruc- cellent spirits, most go round the biggest of them in a day. [recomm=dit aamroetiortoanyprescript.ion Solll' Stomach, Diarrhce&, Eructation, wJe in well-regulated families; but now tlon, a?t. up a. hearty, spontaneous cheer in An arra.ngement between r,~rd Ma.ndevilfo Ev7ry in:ch of ~hem, with t~e exception of a !mown to me." Ii.. .A' Ailct!l!!R · 'M I · D·· Eilis Worms, gives sleep, and p romots Mo till intelligent households keep Ayer's . gestioo re~ogmt!on of th:e pluck and th? seam~n· and his creditors, which promiees ~ 6 be ac· curious httle bit of St. Me.ry a, has been fused lll . ao. Oxford Si., Brookl,fu, N. Y. WUhous tnJurioua medication. ship wh10h combined to save their English cepta.ble ·to the latter, provides for the ex and burned o.17d charred out of a.11 resembl· SarS!l-parilla, which is at once pleasant brethren. Everv oDe r emembers the story ecution to a trustee on behalf of tbe credit- a.nca to anythrng we ha.vein tbi, pa.rt of the Tm!: Cic.~·lUJI. C o:11P.ANY, ..-1 Murray Street, N. Y. -to tbe taste, and the most searching and of this ~heer and everr Ame!ican remembera ors of a mortgage on the fee rf settled '!orId. eave a forge heap or. a. sfag...lull. EIMlh -effective blood medicine ever discovered. tne t hrill of pdde with which he read tha.t estates in·Ireland of the Dulte of Manchester little island presents a. solid fronb of . hard, ~" ~I ~ .. ' ~ "I ~ Nathan S. Cleveland, 27 E. Canton st. ., the brave fallows could th11s cry out their for an ammount which will suffice ultimate- black lava. age.inst the i:.a.yag!lil of the great !loeton, writes: "My daughter, now 21 M~r!turi te salu~a~u1 in the midst d the ly to pay twenty sbrlliuge . i n tho pound, ccean w~i~ll thu nders ab the· ba.~e of. . clijfd ') 'ears old, was in perfect he&lth until a dnvmg and sbriek1ng the fearful storm. without interest within a. year after the de· .and prec1p.1cea hundreds of feet hui;h.. ·E ven :year ago when slie began to complain of FOR SALE BY J , HIGGI NBOTHA M &; SON, BOWMANViLLE1 Thab cheer cease of t he pri!sen t D ltke. The Ja.r~eet on the ~tdles u d·a.y the blaclt rocks e:re tatjgue, headac}l.e, debility, dizziness, RANG AROUND THE WORLD, creditors ha.ve eignifhd ~heir approva.l. edged w.1th au ever ·movl~g frln11~ of white tndi~estion, and loss of appetite. I oon~lp_ded that all he1· complaints originated and wherever beats an AngJo.Saxon hea.rt, The Vienna. Tramwlloy Compa.ny ca.me to surf, which !eo.ps up a._gamst their obdurate .fu tmrure blood, and induce d her ro take be it under the flag of England or of the o. final settlement with its striking drivers fa.ca 0.r 3 ullvnly rolls Ill among ~he ca.verns Ayers Sarsaparilla. This medicine·soon United Sta.tea, the pride of kinship.to such on these terms. The working da.y was fixed a.t thei: base. Marvelously f~rtile, .too, are '1restored her blood-making organs t-0 · men was the eo,me and all said than no ex:. at 12 hours, including one free hour for the t hese !slanda ; Almo~t anythmg wall g row healthy action, and in due time reestabploit upon blood-stained decks In time of midda.y mea.l, a.ud three classes of wages there if it. can but me.nag~ to g~t shelter lished her forme1· health. I find Ayer's Sa.n!aparilla a mom valuable remedy for action could be greater or more bra.ve. were agreed on for men who had served (l) f~om the VIO.lence of .the Wmter. wmds. T~e the lassitude an~ debility incident to At Molokai, one of the smallest of .t he Ha.· more than ten years,(2)more than five years, hills of. pum~;e a.n~ cmders ~re l!reen t o their ;spring ti. m e." ·. , w&ihn group of islands, neglected and and (3) ifS3 than five years respectively. very tops wi,h oeua.r and JUDlp.~r and treeJ, Castrigl1t, Bi'Ooklyn Power Co.,'. shunned by all sound men as the embodiment The highe.st cl a is is to receive 1 florin 70 hea.th ; the loyl'6r lands a.nd . leas exposed ,J;Jrooklyn, N. Y., says: "As a Spring of tho ~pirit of pestilence, lived, or rather kreutzers, or a.bout 65 cents a d&y; the places p:row rrnh crops of m·mrn an~ grain, 'Medicine, I find a splendid substitute existed, tho poor wretches who had been at· second d ... >R 1 florin 60 kreutzers, a.nd the ~ans, tobacco, and sweet potatoes_; in everv :for the old-time compounds in Ayer's tacked by the dreadful scourge of that region third cla.sa l ftoria 50 kr,eutzers. Deduc· ht~le glen mi.v be 66~:1 the b~!ght green "&m.laparilla, with a few doses of Ayer's Has received a large consignment of Hats -leprosy The. ish.nd is a laz,retto to which tions will be ma.de for the sick and pension s~teld·shaped leaves of enha.mo, together il'illa. After their use, I feel fresher and these ha.pleBB ones were sent and there left funds, but the drivers a.re to receive full pa.y wit h enormous pendent fronds, six: an~ ei~ht 'Stronger io go through the summer." to shift for themsel res and to sustain as best for one day of absolute rest out of tile seven. feet Jon~, of the Woodwardfa fern, sprmgmg they rr.ight the remainder of their unhappy The rates of pa.y for overtime work, which from a. cupet ankle deep, of the deneeet e:nd lives. is nevex: to ·be oomp';l§ory will be settled ~reenest lycopodium. The la.va walls wh10b l'REl'ARED DY Left there wibliout a ray of light to mhi. later · ' hne the roa.ds and mark off t he fields are gate their unhappy condition, deserted of The new translucent eubaliance intended green and gra.y with moss and lichen, Here for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and ·soft felt and at prices from ;t)r. "· Ayer "' Co., Lowell, Mass. men and seemingly to them of Goct, herded as a substitute for.glass has been satisfactori· and there are koad "ban_ana l~a.ves and the cents upwards. l'dae $1 i &b: botll<>a, $5. Worth $5 a bottle. together-men, women a.nd children-in ly a.dopted in some of the public buildings crui:ipled leaves. of · niepera P.eer above shameless community, idle in body for bhe ofLondon,andvariouaadvaubgilaareclaim· ~avi?growsofcaneetalk~. trhei~Ja.ndsare WCOME ALONG AND YOU. WILL SURELY BE SUITED. iM most; idle in mind, sa.vewhen they thou'(ht ed for it, among these being such a. devree ri.ch m all .nanner of kiudly frui~s. ~he ~ of their lot to curse it-what wonder that of pliancy tha.t it ma.y be bent backward and vme and fig tree ;8tr&ggle i1_1 all directions they yielded in ·desperation to vices which forward like lea.ther, and be subjected to over t.he stony · sides of Pico;. there a.re promised them at least a few hours of divers- very considerable tensile strain with impnn· pumpkms and pme apples, pa.ss10n flGwer ion and forgetfulness, until ~a.mbling, drunk- ity; it is also almost as translucent as glass, fruit .and pomegrana~ l the peaches are as ennee and all miwner of debauchery made and of a plea.sing amber color, va.rying in plentifu} as th.e blackberries, and ~ranges bheir mmds and souls as unclean AS their sb&de from very light golden to pa.le brown. .a,nd apricots are to be had for the aekmg. I have a large and well assorted stock diseased bodies. The basis of the material is a web of fine "P~radise a.nd groves In such a condition were theae'wretchos in iron wire, with warp a.nd weft thread· a.bout Elysian Fortuna.ta Fields-like those of old er: 1873, and such it would nuw be bun for the one-twelfth inch apart, this being enclosed, Sought in the Atla.ntic main." ' single-hea.rted heroism of one man, ' whose like a. fly in amber, in a sheet of translucent work in the cause of religion, morality and varnish, of which the ba.se is lins~ed oil. humanity has juet been crowned by martyr· There is no resin or gum in the varniih, and, Some Facts About Peru. dom. This was Fr. Damien, a French priest, 11nce h1'ving become dry, it iii capable of The following is an extra.ct from au intorbhen youni;:, w.110, hearing of the pitllul con- sbandlng heat and damp without undergoing view in the Winni;eg Free P ress with Mr. ditfon of these p11oriahs, in the year named any change, neither hardening nor becoming D. D. Mann, the well.known railw"av oonbaok to the island the vigor of his healthful sticky. Briefly, Dhe ma.nufactur!l is accom· tractor, who ha.s just returned from a visit yout h, the activity nf hill keen mind and'.the pliuhed by dipping the sheets edgewise into to South America. :-We remained a week at ' · · . DEVOTION OF HIS KIND HEART, deep tanks of varnish, and then allowing the Calla.o, the principa.l sea port of Peru. We Neade Block, Bowm anville. PRACTICAL H ATT»B. laying them all on the shrlne of,_ duty to his ooa.ting whioh they thus receive to dry in a went from there to Lim .., the capita.I of the f 11 H k h h" !if warm atmosphere. It requires somewhat republic. Owia.g to earthqua.kes most of the e ow~. e new t at. 1s e must _be pa.es- more than a dozen of these dips to bring the b 'Id. · Ih' h ed ~mid the most hor.nble surro~ndmgs a.nd &heet to the required degree of tbiokness, m mge Ill ,1ma are on1V one s torey ig ' unlighted by comI!a.m.ollBhip or mt.ellectual and, when this has bef.n accomplished, the and none are over t wo storeys. Ra.in is a Ti1 pleasures, but this did not stay his steps. ma.terial is stored for several weeks to t hor- curiosity in this pa.rt of the country. The J.."t .[!J yy He knew that his dea.th must in the nature oughly set. first shower io seven yea.rs fell during our of .things be as lo&thsome as tha.t of the po?r Another device · or method has been added visit. The. na.tiona.l debt of Peru ls so heavy "1'URES_ T, STRONGEST, BEST., bemgs who!Il be went to a.id, but this did to ihose heretofore proposed to preveon . the that the entire country has been rendered oot deter him. · burning of cotton when bein:;i conveyed tin powerless since the war with Chili. The --MANUFACTU RER O F - _, -, -Alum, Am~~n~~A~~!aN, oPhosphateQ.J Once among the aba.ndon~d, he b~ga.n like vessels. The sa.fegua.rd now brought for· oeople seem to ha.ve µo ambhion, and there .., ..., "'man of sense to better their materia cond . t · , h b-' f is very little doing in the country. Even R AN.(.U!JWl!ltll!S ~TAN_C..E. _ _,_-;.-~-ditfon W-ol'kfng·wt1ift-his-0 Wll h d t war. C01;1Blll ·S Ill ~rappl.llg eac <LLB O 9ot· the interest on the na.tiona.J debt bas not been (£. W. G 1LLETT, TonoNTo,moNTcAGO.( ,- ILL. b . · k fill h . a.n cover ton m wire ga.uz~ mstead of the usual coverf d th G th · 0 t, 'de1rtnha. ed~teh8P 1h lt t e1rdstOt1;J1&Ch)S :ind pro· ing ~li!fglllg. ha.a been it is claim· pal d or.ri~ars, a~ d rl GVefnmen ave IS· .-'.,, MANUFACTURER OF v1 e em w1 s e ·e.r, an a imu a~mg thflm ed, subjected to all kinds cf tests mclu in - .illil;_ l ions o o . a.rs o pape~ money KING STREET, BOWMA.NVILL / ~ CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAS'!' CAKES. oo self·helpful efforb m the S&me direction h k d · d 1 ·t . 'n d h g which tlie now repudiate, an which may He was their physician nurse 0 teacher ad: op s:u.tcoUpresei~u,_an Ii isa. eg~ '. as be bought in the brokers' offices for 3 or 4 Bas now on h.a.nd t\..number or Yehlclea (and Is ma.nutacturlng a great many more) o f tlle ne _,. patterns S.Dd best-tlnt@h, which.] am otfsrlnq (or Qale a t the..J.o..,.ee9~eonehte1iti- ·~---~-,.. viser, friend, aerva.nt Someti mes his h~nda ~rov~ 1 seTb equ~ . m a i res pecdts. 0 JhUt.;:' cents on the dolla.r. Some of the people had with due rega.rct-to workmanship and quality, The tollow!ngfe a !fat of 1 1 . food and · t a.w ·11· f d oIlars of t h' -· tli eir_ · oookEd their aga.ln he dug the fl e.ggmg.11 t e prmc1p th e h nvo ve 1s h · m1 ions o is money ~nn the principal vehicles manu:aotured by me 1es· ha.nds At_the close ot the war, and the above gra.ve and laid all' that was mortal of the lme wi no press roug very sme.11. o_ dead in its final resting place, a.ccordmg t\) ~Le well· lmown construc~1on of percentage is a.11 they ca.n rea.liza on it now. Double C overed Ca.rriages ........................ -·· ·························$150 Upwarcla D .i.vy safety la.mp. Cotbon packed 1n the At Lima we darkened an engine and wen t Single Phretons .. .. ...... ..... .............. . ................................... 100 11 P .coof'edi n~ f rom the ma.t eri a.l to t h e the h Id f 1 ·11 h fi b ht- h" d 1 o o a veeae w1 w en once on re urn up the Oroys railway. The scen1>ry on this l F D . · Open Buggy ······.············.·····.·······.. ·····.·····.·····.· ············· , 70 morn. , r. ~mien uaug · is war s c ean- more or less slowly for wetks even when · · Top B uggy .................... ·......... ..... ..................................... 90 linesa, sobriety, continence and honesty, the hold is flooded with sea w~ter and when hne 1s pr?bably ~be grandest in the worl~. and his words, supported by his deeds of removed the cotton will burst i.n~o ti.a.mes There 1e pra.ct1cally no ~ravel on. th!! ra.dDemocrat Wagon.. ......................... ... ................ .. . ............... 65 pra.ct!ca.l benevolence gave him such in- b . fi , d d t ' 1Vay, as the portion tha.t 1s now bmlt 1s useLumber Wagons....... ..................... . ............. ...... .. ............. .. 55 urn111g eroe1y an most es ruct1ve1y. less until the road is extended to the Oroya lluence tha.t he relorm'ed L ight Wagon..................................................................... 40 Cot~on bales have even b~en known to fl.o&t mine, which is claimed to be a mountain of THE SAD COMMUNITY, Express Wagon, ········.·····..············ ······· ······ , , · ···· ··· ··· · ········ ·· 75 bia.zmg · away when thrown . overbord silver, and is considered one of tht richest establishing self.respect where there ha.d after .b emg ta.ken from a b~rn1og vessel. mine11 in the world. The mountains on our Skeleton.............................. ....... ...... ............ .. ............... . . , 50 WORLD'S ExrOSITIO~, NEW ORT.EANS, been a sullen abandonment of a.11 efforb as of In this case .the co!to:u becameibea.ted &!mos~ transcontinental lines here are a.a footlights Sulky······....·.············.....·····.·····..····..·········....·.······.·····...· 40 11 U.S;.A., 1834-5, in competition with. th" all hope, and bringing out of the cha.os of to the eharrmg pom~ by_ the long·:ontmuea compared with the mou'lta.ius on the Oroya Possessing superior facilities tor manufacturing ca.rrla.p;es. I intend t o sell very eh t :pmnofortes of Europe a nd America. The deb'll11cherv a dec · 3llt order. Then, on the fir.e close by. But. whlle such ware :iloth railwa.y. The track ·is laid to Chiola., 139 or approved credit, and by so doing I hope to grea.tl:r increase m:r number of sa.le:apWo~.o <()n.ty U.S. Interuational Medal ever a>Vard· bn.&es of materia.l comfort and moral correct· might sta~d a considerable degree of he~ o kilometres from the coast. The grade can sell the wood pa.rte only. or the gee.rings of buggies Ironed, ' 0 ... 4 --ed to a Canadian pianofor~e ; also Me~al ness he ereoted a. religious edifice which for_ s?me ume, so01~er o~ later the metal wall beima.gined when we trayelled up 12,2'20 -:ami Diploma at the Colornal and ~nd1an stands as his nobleat monument and gives to o:x:1d1ze and ~all Ill pi~ces.. It sllj!gested, feet in t hree hours. The line up this ca.ny.::.Ei1:hibition, London, Eng;, 188fi, -w1tJ;t the his flock a. hope for the future which is de- t~erefo~e.' tha.t JUte bagi;:mg migh~ be treated on is a series of switch-backs and loops aJ. supreme honor of supplyrng Her MaJesty ~1bh sd1oa.t e,, of sopa. or some nrep~oofiog most the entire diet~nce. At places there .At the Shortest N ot lce, Painted a.nd Trimmed lf D esired. -the Queen with a Newcombe Grand, nied them ln this world. At last his conta.ct, da.ily a.nd hourly con- . waber·glass, to rtinder the fabrw non· are four tracks immediately above each At the Fe.<itory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning and Sawing with Circle Band ·. selected by Sir Arthur Sullivan. For tinued for years, witb. the terrible disease mlla!llmable. · · · other-, sometimes pa.ssing through a sncces. Saws. and vrepnr~ all kinds ot lumller tor carpenters nd otb,ers tor building purp088flt .lllu:strated Catalogue, prices and terms, · Orne.menta.land Plain Plokets tor fences in every style reon!red, ma.de to order. . bronght the inevitable, and four years ·aao ~mts for dr1vmg of an ~nusua.lly a.n~hor1- aion of tunnels which are also one above the , .Address Octavius Newcombe Co., tie beoame a leper. He continued his work, tat1ve character are found m the BM!mmton otner Sdries' volume on that art, from the peno of ' ' however, until six months since, when weak· ~MANUFACT UAER3 ness compelled him to desist, and on the several contributors ot recognized competI 'WAREROOMS, 107-109 CHURCH ST.> TORONTO A Whiteohape l Victim. 10th of April he le.id down his life, Surely, ence. The Duke of Beaufor~, for instance, ~ FACTORY, 09 TO 97 BELLWOOOS AVENU!i says that the whip should be held at the col· greater love hath no ma.n than this. The Pall Mall Ga.zetta aays:-In his speech Prelates who wear the scarlet and fine tar, the silver plate a.bout·io inches from the at the Presbyterian Synod the other e-vening linen of ea.se a.nd men in every place 1who end. Two·handed driving is protested the Rev. John MacNdll crea.ted quite a repine under small diecomforts or are exalt - against, "The right hand has no s9rt of sensation by. telling the following tale: H e ed by their own petty virtues should re· business to touch the reins, except for the ivas speaking of tempera.nee. and said that member the leper priest and be humble ; and purpose of shortening or lengthening one or lnat Sunday, when he preached a temperance from the8e two heroic examples which come both of them, or of supporting the left hand sermon a.t the Tabernacle, he received a flo us in a year of peace, the world should should it rEquire assistance," such as hold- letter t hat had b tJen written by a. lady on din? a ,puller or in turning. Folr driving the danger of the uae at communion of ga.in thankfuless and coura.ge. four horsea "the driving ha.nd (the left ) fermented wine. The lady in her letter should be straight in the centre of your body, told a. sad atory of au inherit ed passion for How We Taste. with the knuckles·of your hand tu the front drink. There were four or five of themStrictly speakin~, with the tip of the and your forearm exa.otly aqua.re to the upper several brothers and two sisters-the ohiltongue oue can't rea.lly ta.ate at all. If you srm." Then, "having 11ea.ted himself on the drflll of int.emperate parents. H er sister put a ~mall drop 'of honey or oil 0 £ bitter box, the coa.chman should put both his feet had unfortuna.tely inherited the craving, \VilCJI. I f,oz C' <:r.:z I do n ot mean merely to almonds on that pv.rt of the mouth you will close together. His left hand should be and before she was fourteen h .,_::j aken to '1ito;p tll'.e.--n !or ;i time, and tllen have t hem return find, no doubb to your great surprise, that about where the top of hia trousers would drink. The others became convertt.( a.nd ~'1\ln., I YIEAN A RADICAL OURE. it produces no e.ff~ct of any sort; you unly come-tha.n is, the forearm pretty nearly or dlc1 all in their power t o cure their sister, J.have made the disease of taste it when it begins elowly to diffuse it- absolutely horizontal-the band almost, if but it was of no use. The' sister at length self, and reaches the true tasting region in not quite, in the centre of the body, with married comfortably and children were born. .-· -:F:IT~, EPILEPSY or. th~ middle distance. Bllt if you put a little the back of his fingers a.nd his knuckles But the craving for drink grew greater and -.~J..'1.L~LING SICKNESS cayenne or mustard on the same part, y ou 'str'light to the front." Another contributor, ~ ~ ;Ji F""'-"' .A. lifo long studv. I W ARRANT my l'emcdy to will find t he.ti it bites you immediat ely-the Lord Algernon St. Maur, says, "as to your greater, and at leJSgth she was sent to a ~t.110 wurst cases. Becanse.otbers havefa,1led u11 :.is u~ 11e;;,y.)U !or not now receivmg a cure_ Semi experimenll should be tried sparin~ly- reins, they ebould be held aa neo.r yGur heart .;at<Jnce for a treatise and a FRI<·~ BOT TLE of my while if you pub it lower down in the mouth as possible, if you'.·ha.ppen to ha.ve one ; i ·r-.7F '·\LLIBL1c REM rwY. Give Express a nd Post a.fter, · however, her "'"""'""'.,,....-..,,..,.."""'"""""'"' """ .. ._"""'"'"'""'"'""""""""..._""" . ·-----------------will nwallow ib almost without noticing not, where your heart ought to be," The changed husband woman. caught a t'oon severe cold, and before :;c1fioo. I:L .costs you nothi!JJ; for a trial, and It you wmeurnvou. .Address : .li. G. R90T..i.M.C., the pungency of the abimulanll. The rea - expounder of tandem driving ia Lady Geor· goin'l out one' morninu drank a ~lt.\!ls of hot :J{ilra:;o:ch bffu:le, 164 \Vest Adelaide 1:1treet, son is that the tip of the tongue is supplied gina Curzon. whiBkey-baking · e11or~, however, not to do . -11.'orontu. only with nerve3 which are really neIVes of ---------so in the presence of hie wife, Then t ~'J'IU!'&-'!.!3*if.MflW4%'&W! 1%*~ tante, pi:oper; they belong to a totally differas was hia custom before leaving he A Lucky .Physician and His Fee. enb ma.in brancb., and they go to a different kiased his wife. At once the fumes A New York homcepa.thio physician has centre in the brain together with the very oi ~lcohol passed into her and in &n hour similar threads which supply the nerve of recently been the recipient of 11on allopa.thic al~ wa.s a drunk and r oaring woman. She fee. Eight yea.rs ago Dr. Shelton graduated smell foi· mmitard and pepper. Tha.t Is why w Jnt from worse to worse and at last, left Ha s jast received an immmeD se new stock or all kinda of Millinery consi!ting of the smell and taste of these pungent sub.stan- from a medical college, nofl a young mc;n by her husband and her children, one of them any means, but full of hope, if without inces are so much alike, as everybody must fl 11ence. It was up hill work at first, but in a cripple, through her drunkenness. The have noticed; a good sniff at .a. musnard pot husband died two years ago, a white-haired producing almost the same irritating tffects two years he was in pa.rtne1·ship with a lead- and broken-hearted man, though inly fortying college professor, and la.st Winter saw as a.n incautious mouthful. five years old. "Need I add," eaid the When one is trying deliberate experi- him in attendance upon the daughter of Mr. sister in her letters, " what became of her? in all the newest st yles and sllapes to be Flagler, one of the S tandard Oil king. He Her story is tbat of Annie Cha.pm. a n, one of procured. Ladies should call early and ments on the subject , in order to test the · h l · · T make their selections before the stock Is varyfog seuaitivencas of the different parts devoted his whole time to his patient, .accorr- the recent Wh1tec ape vwt1ms. hat was picked over, 'l'hia stock is one of the largest panying her to Florida, and was with her to different sublitances, it is necessary to my sister I" ever brou~ht to tcwn. _ ·"Unlocks all the cloggec1 nvenues of the when she died. He bad his reward for his keep the tongue quite dry in order to isolat.e faithfulness. In acknowledgment of hisser· :ik>wcls, Kidr.eys and Liver, ca.rryOVER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON. the thing you are experimenting with and vices Mr. Flagler p resented the phyaieia.n Much xcitement was created a.t B!l.la,.,;? ~ing off gradria;lly without weakening the. prevent its spreading to all parts of the Merionethshire, t he other Sunday, by an l'!l Inspection invited. : sys·~em, all the impurities and :foul with Standard Oil certificat es of stock to the mouth together. In actual practice this amount of $50,000, which are worth in the accident which happened on the Barwyn - · ---------------t\mmors of the secretions; at the same result is obtained in a rather ludicrous ma.rket $87,000. It was a lucky windfall mountaine. Mr. Ismael R oberts, engineer ·tfo1e Correcting Aci dity of, the A SURE C U R£ blowing upon the tongue be- for the doctor, who was ffltill a poor m~.n at . .~iverpccl Waterw~rka, Vyrp.wy, -wa~ :St.omach, curing :m.liousness, Dys- manner-by tween e11och experiment with a. pa.ir of belFOR Bl LI OUSN ESS, CONST! PAT I ON~ drivmg over the range rrom Llanwyodyu to -pepsia, Eer..dach9s, Dizziness, only six yecrs ago-at leasb this i8 tb.e way in lowa. To such seemiaglv foolish and u n- wh1oh other phyoicians liptak of ib-and it Ba.la.; and on reaclliug Rhew Hernanu t ht: lN DIGESITI ON, D I ZZINESS, l!llClt ::Hea:rtbur:n, Ccnstip:i,~;ion, Dryness 1 Pressed and.Repaired by Clean'ed, Died, dignified expedienba does the £l~rauiti c f aeta ordinary people to wondering whet her driver was seized with a fit and foll from 1-!E.' 1.PAC!i E. AMD l)I R£"'6~8 OP' THE! 1' .Jif the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of soience lead the modern psychologist, Q'f l:. MA\:!-! , C.'·'c'I( ~ <':.I'll> "10 Wll: l.S'. ·ww ion, Ja.nnclice, Salt Rheum, the la.tter are iiable to go on a strike at anv the box. T he horses r a.u over a precipice "[jl . 1°~f.:~- i- R~ Ml t..rJ,-..~t -: <J ~Cl~..'.)H ANO PRtO~ ?S" Jilrysipc1as, Scrofula, Fluttering of J:!.I time and give a boom to the price of consui- 200 ft. deep aud were killed, t he c1i.rriage ..lne Hea,rt, Nervousness, and Genn ::i!'~ tt.c·:a o ~l P.l'H> ~O~?Ji fl:. 1.lAi..UAi!lLe. -""~ °' Bright Boy: "l'm a. chip of the old block;· tations. The ouotom of engaging the eervicea being smashed to a toms. Fortuuaately , the D:rer and Clot hes Cleaner. :e:ral Debility; all these and many ·:;o BuAC..OC lt. B LOOD B ITTE RS : n t"'!-it?: ain't I, Pa?" Fond Father: "Yes, my son." of e. doctor for a single family exclusively is passenger had discovered that 2omething other similar Complaints yield to the ·ll'llEATMENl' Arl D CURE O P C i-ll'lONle B. B. : "An' you're the head o' the family ; coming more and more int o fashion, and the was wrong, and leaped from the cs.niage Goods warranted to be as no one will know them from n'.ew when done. ha.ppy influence of BURDOCK a.in't you, Pa.?" F. T'.: "Yes, my son." mass of p eople a.re as yet in doubt whether before the horses ruehed over the ravine, !AND OBST I N ATE D I SEASES. ' <'BLOOD BITTERS. Corner of King and Ontario Streets, ' B. B. : " Then you're a. blockhead; ain't to Io·o k upon the movement ~ t1n evil or ti The driver wa.s discovered alive on the Bowmanville. .. mountain. you, Pa ?" · blessin!:'· Two Remarl·ab lelns!anccs ft'om the 01·le11t. ~auadian Jtatesmau. -- ·- -----· -·- ---,.--====== WEDNBBDAY, JUNE 12 1839. .MOD.E.R.N Bl:::ROIS.M. BRITISH NEWS. i ~ ~RES. l "'Did n't Know 't was Loaded" I 4o I Infants I J Children. ' · ' I t ·1 · ' · HATS! HATS!f JM,. JM A. YEI <., .Ayer's Sarsaparilla, o. in all the Fashionable Colors ; Shapes ff.4P~R14l OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS~ 0 !CREAM White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. 6 KIN 'POWDER Highest price paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYEll, I HA !1\.T s' CARRIAGE TITQRKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, ° ·a OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &m AWARDED FIBST SILVER MEOAL A 11 Kinds of Vehicles Repaired · & I CURE FITS! QuickdrYin durable uu I I or Johns 1nts s }l'S ~~:~ ~~e::f~b!~~:~n~i~:~~i~h:h:~~t~~.: _1neNsn1u15 p- BeautifulFloorsEasr?rtoCle~n iLOt'lR lAINB'S~ fl~[~ i1J1ew-:iv~V~Ei r~ hard as ranite. NEWIHL LH\tERY MRS. DONNELLY itiE KEY TQ HEALTH:- DUNN'S BA Kl NC PO DER Hats, Bonnets, Flowers, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Velvets and Ribbons Gents, u 'loth· Ing · · TH Q s. p AT,

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