Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1889, p. 5

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Wall Paper and DOMlN,CA LIME FRUIT JUICE A buggy bargain is offered this week. See advt. Flowers in lovely variety at. Burden & Co's.Auction Mart. Miss Brown, of Haydon, is visiting at PURE, Mrs. Thoe. Trick's. and undiluted, Hon. 0. Mowat and family sail for full strength. Europe on June 2Qth. ' Mrs. Daggs, of° Rochester, N. Y., is th e guest of Mrs. Isaac Talib. WHOLESOME, The Trustees are asking for tenders for Purifies the blood, the old Kirk Burying Ground . and .aids digestion. There will be an Oddfellows' demonstration in Oshawa, on July 1st. · A double stock of choice n ew Ties at J. J. Mason's: They must be sold. ... REFRESHING, Tones up the syste:n. Miss Braden, of Orono, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in Bowmanville Attend Providence tea ne:'.i; Monday. AtMaple Grove Tea. next M ;}n day. tend. , ' J usUce Rose ha.s q uashed P e t" r b OPO high license by-law. Meals at all hours at Mre Sinclair's, opposit e Market Square, 25c. Besure and call at the West Encl-House a.nd see the ·g oods at Half-price. See the lace curtains at 50c per pair at Tod Brns. Beat value in town. James Dayman local agent for Dominion Or2a11s and Pianos. B owmaoville. F or ty tons .Bran and Shorts for sile at B owmanville R :>ller Mills, only $11 per t on. J. C. Vanstone. A horse belonging to Mr.J. W. Gifford, Clarke, died in Mr. Long's yard one day last week. Prof. Ruse will be out of t own d uring summer vacation but letters will be forwarded to him that are addressed Box 88 B owmanville. · Butter for familv use-I pay cash for butter and only take the finest quality. Cro:iks carefully packed by W. Brittain, Market Square. 1 During the to urnament meals and lunches, hot tea, coffde, etc., can be had in Horsey'e block opposite S. S. Edsall's hardware store. Are you in need of a pair of specks, if so you can get a pair of fine perescopic glasses for 50c, a t the Co-operative J ewellry S tore. Atte ntion is directed to the "l3ig B oot" d isplay announcement by Mr. Trel even. He keeps one of the beat and biggest dis· play of boots and shoes in town. UHAS. R usE's E rm cATIONAL ScHOOL OF M us1c.-The m ost logical, thorough, rapi1, sure, delight ful and economical sys· tern in use. See advt. in another column. 1 · at TAIT'S Corner Store. Watch, clock ~ nd jewellry repairs promptly attended and satisfaction guar· anteed at the Co-operative J ewelry Store. Morris' Carriage works has got a firstclass painter. Part ies in tend ing to have thtiir buggies repaiut ed this spring bring them along at once and have them done up in good style . · In 0 U TINI; for June Alfred Balch ditieusses Camping Out fits and E quipment. This article will be of great va.lue to all who contemplate roughing it in the most comfortable way. THE WASHINGTON TREATY is one of the impor tant topics of the day, bu t mor e im · portan t still tu a sufferer from catarrh is t he questio n what remedy shall I u se ~ Try 1'1 Mal Balm. It never fa ils.. Mr. J ohn Kelly, Comb:irmere, says :.- Nasal Balm has hP.lped m e more than ,{ expected it would . 1 have noi. felt so well in nine years. I am sure it .will make a permanent cure. The MusICAL WoRLD,published mGnthlv by this company, is the oldest musical magazine in America-each n umber containing an immense amount of valuablQ musical information and a selection of choice new music. S end l & cents for the current number, or $1.50: fora y ear's subscription, and if you need anything in the line of sh eet music or m usic books, write for descriptive cat1>logue t o the S. B RAINARD'S SuNs Co" 145--147 Waba!ih A Te. , Chicago. Yourn:rUL MARRIAGES.-Nine-tcnths of tbe unhap pymarriages a re the r esult ot green human calves bein~ allowed to run at large in society pastures w ithout any p oke on them. They mar ry and are the fathers of . children b efore !,hey ar,c possessed of moustaches. Thtiy are' fathers of twios b efore t hey are proprietors of two pairs of pants, and the little girls they marry are old women b efore they are twen ty-one yea.rs old. Oc· casionally one of these gosling warri"ges turr:s out all right, but it is a clel\r case_ of luck. If there was a la w against young sprouts sparking and marrying before they ha"rn cut all t heir t '3eth, we su ppose littlo pdr ti"s would evad~ i t 111 somu way. But there ought to be a s entiment against it. I t is time enough for these bantams to think of finding a mate when they ha\' e raised money enough to buy a bundle of lath to build a hen house.-Call. cLfVELAND's .SUPERIOR BAKllG POWDER THE PUREST AND BEST B S OAT WANTER_:_A g;~;r ··ae~o·Jdhand row boat. Inquire 0 1'·V. HEARi, at l\i. TRELEVEN'S, 19 l·f ,. OAT . FOR .SALE.'--V arnished bc ;;t' . with 2 pair ot oars~ and boat house. ·\.~ ply to MR .. GEO. SHAW, Liberty-st. 2Z-l ,v - - - -· B ~EEP M:iTRAY.- Came on the pr: ; : isee· of the subscriber in April, one ,,. e The owner la requested to prove pr oper ty, llllY costs and take her a.war; JOHN l!,I,R'l'C lm R 2:1;3w ' Liberty Street, Bowmanville. ANTED.- A Libraria n and Caretaker f or the Bowmanville Mechanics' Institute. A.pplioatione to be in by 15th J une· For fur thElr psrticulars app ly to JNO.KE.ACHIE, IS MA SON, Sec. 22-l r i;i. Pres.. or FRANC W I l\liss°Kate Dobson, of Bowmanville, is FRUITY, the guest of Miss Carrie Green, Port and rich in flavor. Hope. . Mr. J. M. Brimacom be now occupies his new dental parlors in Higginbotham's COOLING, , block. Just the drink for Parasols at about half-price, Dress warm weather. Gooda 'at half-price at the West-EndHouse. Absolutely Free From,Alcohol. . Finest June butter for packing at W. Jn.ordering speoif:v DOMINCCA.', and don't be Brittain's office at H. C. Brittain'a put off with imitations, .rewelry Store. REFINED EXPRESSLY FOR L.Y":LVJ:AN", SC> .l -..r db CC>. S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for eggs MONTREA.L, and first-class butter at the " Mart", For sale by Grocers and Druggists in Pints Market Square. and Quarts .(Imperial measures). Mr. David Towns and datighter-Mrs. A. LIBERAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE; Thos. Brodie-left last week for Scotl11.nd N ()charge for cases. Mention this papee. to visit friends. . Mr. T. Kirby went to Cobourg on Saturday where some of his friends h11.v.e suffered by the floods. Mr. John Kea.chie has gone t o Spring· field, Mass., where his wife and daughter are visiting friends. Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary R ev. Principal Cavan, of Toronto, office tot he house between Dr. Hillier's preached Saturday ni~ht, Sunday mornand Dr. Boy ]e's office. ing and evening in S t . Paul's church and of the very finest quality for Dr. J . E. Bingham, Y .S., now occupies administered the Sacrament to the com· ,his new rooms in the rear of Higginboth- municants Sunday morning. Currant Bushes an'l am's drug store, upstairs. Thauk goodness we have not found i& Fo1· the best bargains in watches, clocks uecessary to get into every business man's and jewelry go to H . C . .Brittaiu's_ Co- debt in town to compel them to patronize us tu get square, nor to have subscrip· operative J ewellry Store. tions taken "among the party" to keep Chas. Ruse's Educational School of us out of fin:in~ial difficulties. Music, summer vacation begins May 25th ANIMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT. -The new Autumn term begins .Aug. ot.h . S . A . NOTES. ;op and PrscticEl Pedal attachment Soft S 1 Mr.·Jas. Millar, Parkdale, has passed to a Newcombe Upwright Piano serves his first exa.JIJination in Toronto U niver- the nerves of the lis te ner or performer, Caot. Ed. White is in t own. H e is a t sity as specialist in Mathematics. when practising, as well as the ins tru- present stationed .at La Ch ute, Que. Mrs. Capt. Luther Werry, o f West To· If you want a first-class cigiu you must ment from. wear, and preserve1 the tone. ~o to W. E. Pethick's where you will find The pulbic meeting ca.lied for Monday ronto Junction, was in t o wn yesterday, a great many kinds to choose from. night to discuss school ma tt ers was a to- en route to Solina. of guaranteed purity both at Edw'd Hanlan has reached.San Francis- tal The mem bership of t he Army in the failure, only about 25 being present,. co from Australia after two years absence One minute speeches were made by D ominion is a l presen t inc reasing a t the lowest prices at and will reach Toronto in a few days. Messrs. Fairbairn, Horsey and J. Lyle rate of one thoueaud a month. when the meeting adjourned without actThe ven tilato.r~ have made a muked .John Goggin, Esq., formerly of Cart- ion. improven)ent in the temperature abd wright township, now of Huron Co., has R ev. Alex. Campbell, a talented minis- acoustic prope.rt ies of the ba.rracks. been visiting friends and relatives in this t er of Montreal, will pr each in C.hJireh·et Statf-Ca·pt. Griffith~, t.h e Welsh minscounty, Meth odist church ne~:J:; . Sunday room ing trel, aud his family will condu ct t he m eetMason's have the l,argest stock of dress and in T ri.ni ty church in th e evening, and ini;:s on Satllrday and Sundliy, 22.ad and goocis in town from $2 per yard d own to deliver a lecture on the J esuit question 23rd ins t, 10 cents.- Positively no five cent dress in St. Paul's church Monday even ing 'at _The Camp Meetings of the Toront o D ig_o.9 .d" in..the 11tock. 8 o'clock. vision, will be held this .year near Whitby Roya\ Templars, .attention ! ]full at Wednesdwy cind T hursday will be cele- from .Tune 27th to July 4 th inclusive . tendance of members urgently requested brated at the West End B ouse by git:inq The B owman ville Band will be in atttlnd· for Friday evening. Important; business ba.,.gains in Gents' Fiwnishings, Silk Hand- ance on Sunday and Mond ay Ju ne 30th and excellent program. kerchiefs, for 75c, worth $1.25. Ti es f or and July l it . L ieu t. Gerow will have Not every man can afford to.run a pa- 25c., worth 50c. Top Shirt and Under- charge of the commissary depar tment on ~OWM._-'?iVILLE, J UNE 12,° 1889. per to announce weekly the visitors at shirt at cost p rice. Don't f orget the place the Camp grounds. S UN·set or to hera.Jd to the world the su- W est End H ouse. l The fam iliar form of L ieu t Gerow, the perior talents of his own family. Io the magistrate's Court last week at .military looking officer of the BowmanMrs. Dingman has moved into the N ewcasUe Archie McN eil was committed ville corps, farewelled here Sunday night for breaking into John Crawford's liquor A dense fog enshrou<l~d the town Sun· STATESMAN Block over Henry's photo gal- store, and held to bail himself in $800, Universal regret is felt over his dapa rt ure as h e has won t he r espect aud goodlery where she intends doing over straw day night. and two sureties of $400 each. Bloomer will of the citizens generally by his p !eas and felt hats in t he lateat styles. Rev. Mr. Talling's letter.. will be r ead has been committed as being implicated ing ways and afft1bihty. We hope to hear That excellent farm, the Br.adley Es- in the same job and sent to jail, but sub- of his promotion to t he rank of cap tain with interest. le. sequently let out on his own bail bond. at an e<1rly day . 10,000 cJozen Eggg wanted at Tod Bros. tate, near Brook lin, is offered for sa. See advt. on inside page. Applications Lusk bas skipped. Highest price paid in dry goods. may a.lso be ma de to Mr. Thoe . .Bradley, Hats in all the latest styles just to Columbus, Our readers will be pleased to learn l:fo ! For The Old Country. hand at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. · that Mr. G. Andrus, formerly teacher of Mr. R. Windatt, our . respect ed Town Tyrone school .and later of Port Hope Everybody bear in mind Providence Clerk, has been attending the annual M. A. JAMES is agent for some of the anniversary next Sunday anti Monday. meeting of the Diciples of Christ at St. High School, but now a teacher in the best lines of steamships, and is geftinii: London Collegiate Iostitute, h as r ecently Tea at 4 o'clock. , Thomas, where he was elected on the Ex· had his salary increased by 200 per an · up a party to go the Old Country the last Monday Aug. 5th, a good time to be- ecutive Board. num. El.is many friends here, and par- week in June or early in July, at very gin a full course in Chas . Ruse's EducaMr. Alfred Wilfred Bunner, who has ticularly his former pupils will be much tional School of Music. low rates. For example he sells a steer· passed hie perliminary examination for . The West-End-House are making big the ministry, will preach his fi rst sermon pleased that his abilitie~ a.r e so highly ap- age tick~t from Bowmanville t o Liverpreciated. reductfons to clear out certain Unes of in the Church·st. Methodist church next pool for only $26. 30, also Cabin and InAN INDIAN CuRIOSITY.-Mr. Jno. Lane, g9ods. Call and see them. Sunday evening. termediate tickets very cheap. Reader Mrs. Dingman has new stock of millinRev. W. H . Warriner, B. D., has been Caesarea, showea us on Thursday an Inery which she invites ladies to inspect. reappointed Secretary. Treasurer of the dian tomahawk apparently used as 1:1. piJlle if you think of crossing the Atlantic, or Rooms over Henry's Gallery. Congregational Union at the aanua.l head, that was t urned up by Mr. .John kno w of others going, it will pa.;y you to , S1'ATESMANS in wrappers all ready for ' meetingat Brantford where he bas been Bartlett on lot 17, con. 9, Cartwright, on call on or write to M. A. JAMES, Pubthe shore of L:ike Scugog, a few days ago. mailing at the office 3 cents per copy. in attendance the past week. It is composed of lead and though ' ' home li11her of THE S1'ATESMAN, Bowmanville. 1 Send this weeks n_ u mber to your frienqs. Suits, Suits. See the immense choice made" is p.icely traced and ornamented. The centre of population in the United of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c. at Mason 's; It looks like silver and is bright and clean. Dominion Day in Newcastle. 1 States is steadily moving westward. The they are selling many lines of fine Scotclt It is many years since the noble red mau Esterbrook Steel PenR are mGving stead- tweeds (portions of the McClung stock) basked on these shores, s o that it must at less than t hey can be bought for to- have lain where found a long tim e. It is N ewcastle Lodge, ·No. 46, with comily in ever~· directio!l. day. mend able courage, have decided to hold quite a curiosity. Two ca~ loads of Frost & Wood's single Porter's Foundry and Machiae shop is The oldest and largest Music Publish- one of the biggest and bbl!t demonstra-,a pron Binders were unloaded here thi<J tions ever seen in this section on July 1st. week. The delivery takes place t o-day. reopened. All kinds of castings made ing House in the U aited. States is S. A wide-awake committee has been appointand machine repairs done on short notice. Brliinard's Sons, established in Cleveland Look out for the big procession. The buaiuess will be car:ied on by the in 1836. The entire business of this ~d and arrangements are in progress. A full program of sports and games, a' . Some people even prefer travelling Porter Estate under management of Mr. concern has recently been removed to second-class and paying their debts to Geo. P orter. Give them a. call. Chicago and incorp orated uuder the laws band tournament during the day, and a a;rand concert in the evening wiJl be some living in s tyle and having everythinP.' in The publisher of every newspaper is of Illinois as the S . Brainard's Sons Co. of t he good things presented. This is their house and office covered by mortnot so fortunate as to be secretary-treas. Their publicatiJns embrace nearly 20,000 t he first time for many years that Newgages. for an association that enables him to different pieces of sheet music and music Burglars entered the resi'.!ences of travel in Pullman palace coaches,and put. books, cata.logues of which m lly be mail- castle has assayed to get up anything bi<> _ we expect th~ Messrs. Geo. S Shaw and Dan. Gilbert, up at the best hotels,-at the expense of ed free to anyone applying for them . for D omiuion Day and " Liberty street la st, week and stole articles, said associatiol\-:-and to have the use of Correspondence is invited from music whole country side to come and partici.papers, &c , t n .the value of nearly $300. the funds year m and year out. , teachers and musical people everywhere, pate in the pleasures of the occasion . Keep your doors and windows se.cure. and orders by mail will receive prompt Mrs. M. Jennings, teacher of painting, 0ur Carpets 'are selling fast but we in oil and water colors, scenery, figures, and special attention. HYMENEAL.- On Wednesday June 5th , want room and wiil clear Brussels, Tapes- flowers, fancy work, etc., is no~ forming· tives and friends tries or W ool, Union and Hemp at lower new classes and a few more pupils can be quite a company of rela_ prices than you ever saw for same goods. accommodated. Her class the last two met at the residence of l\lr. and Mrs. Geo. Do not buy befor e you see J. J . Mason's mcnt hs has numbered about 40 pupils .Bickell, Bowmanville, to witness the marstock, and they are exceedingly well pleased riage of their third daughter ( Miss K. T. Are the people of Ontario becoming with her instructions. The STATESMAN Bickell) and Mr. F . Brimacombe, of more litigious7 The total number of suits has seen some of the work done by them R ochester, N. Y., formerly of this town. The ::cremony was performed at 5 o'clock .entered last Vflitr exceeded the total of an'd pronounces it very fine. by Rev. J.E. Sanderson, M. A ., pastor the r:revious year by ·4, 600, and showed T he Victory still perches on the banners of of Queen-st. Methodist church. · an increase in the amount of claims of the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. Band. bridesmaid was Miss Joanna Bickell, sis$231,447.tll. In the tournament at Port Perry last ter of\the bride, and Mr. Geo. Brimacombe Rev. C. E. Mcintyre; of Orangeville, week Prof. Carey, of Kingston, was brother of the groom, acted as best man. SOOTHINll, CLEANSING, will preach . Anniversary SermonB for the Judge and awarded the priztis as follows : The bridal presents were numerous and HEALING. Church-st. Mef,hodist Sabbath School, on D. O. & P. Co. Band, B owmanville, 1st useful, including a nice pair of va.ses from Instant Relief, Permanent ·Cure, Sunday, July 14th. Mr. Joblin is train- prize, $200, n umber of p oints 43; An- her Sabbath School class, a handsome Failure lmpo'ssible. fog the scholars for the occasion. The derson's Band, Toronto, 2nd, $125, bible from the officers and teachers r.nd .a nnual pic-nic in Stephens' Grove the points 38; Heintzman & Co's Band, 'T o- a nicely worded farewell address from the Many so-called diseases are simply symptoms ot followin g Mondsy. ronto, 3rd, $75, 37 points. The highest Queen·st. Sunday School. After r eceiv- Catarrh, such as headache, partial deafness, losing · f · d sense of smell, foul breath, hawking and spitting, If there are any of our subscribers that possible points were 45. ing the congratulations of their rien s nausea, l';·neral feeling of debility, etc. If you are have n G t tri~ Imperial Cream Tartar NERVE ToR'.IURED.-"I suffered with and partaking of the wedding dinner, the troubled with any of these or kindred symptoms, you · have Catarrh, and should lose no time in procuring Baking P owder, we by all means urge neura lgia and found no r elief until I used h appy coup1e were esco~t ed t o the B t at ion a bottle of NASAL BALM. B o <11ar nod i1I t ime, Since then I where they took the express for Port neglected cold in head results in Catarrh, followed t hem t o d ose/, as it really is the best we Hagyard's Yeliow Oil. by consu?Jpliona~d death. NAS AL ~ALM is so!d by ever f_o:ind ,,..a,nd makes biscuit that is r~al- have also found it an invv:luable remedy Hope from where th.ey crossed next day all druggists, or will be sent, post paid, on receipt ol ly dehc1ou~ · ·~[Eo.] . + for all painful burns and cuts, rheumatism on the Norseman to Rochester where Mr. \ price (so cents and $1.00) by addressing, _J:N"RICU .~E BLOOD_by_the use of !till· and sore throat" Mrs. P. Cameron 137 Brimacombe fills a responsible position FULFORD & CO., BROCKVlLLE, ONT, burn'aBee1. 'lrona1&tl'ffine,wbtchsapplles R ' h dS ' W T 0' in the office of the American Express Co. l -:;ir.. Beware of imita.tions similar in name. tile ;g.ooe&sllrY bloed bulldtDg material. , .1c mon treat est, oronto, nt. HRLEBORE Pa. r is Green _ Medical Hail. · STOTT & JURY'S Local and Otherwtse. TOR E AND D WELLING F OR S SA.LE.-That fine new store and res!. Is made on ly of sti-ictly pure g11ape cream dence, elegantly fitted for Merchant Tailor or of tartar, strictly pur e bicarbonate of Fancy Dry Goods now ocou p~ed by Mr. J ohn. Apply to W M. H. I VES, Bowmanville. soda, and a small portion of flour as a Lyle. 23- tf, preservative, nothing else whatever, and is war 1·antP.d entirely free from alum, ANTED, AT $40 PER M ONTH ammonia, phosphates, lime, a nd a ll the .AN D EXPENSES PAID, a few good salesmen to sell Nurser:v Stock. Steady emadulterants frequently found in baking ployment the year round to successful saltiB· powders. 'l'he charact e1' of materials l men. Address. with references, D. H. PATTY, used, their purity, a nd the-nicety of their I Nurseryman, Geneva., N. Y. 2! ;6w combination, r ender Cleveland's superio1· baking powder the most healthful and most I STOCK F OR SALE.- I have several horses, hea.vy draught, !"eneral purpose economical in use, and it always a fford s drivers, for sale or would exchange for wholesome, nutritious, and delicious food. . and Cl\t tle. Will give good bargain. I have alsc> It is recommended for purity, healthful- for sale a litter of.extra fine thoro'·bre.d Berkness and efficiency by Government and a l)i re pigs ready.t o wean. W M. COURTICE, lot con. 2·. Darlington, Courtice P . 0 . State chemists, chemists of Boards of 28. 23-4w · . Health, and professors in institutio~s of Cash will buy a good scconrl·hand learnin g throu-ghont the country. covered buggr (Morris' m a.ke>. Sold only in eans; ftill weight. ' with small seat for children· CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALBANY, Df, y; · H ad new $25 top in 1887. It is a great bargain. I nquire of M. A. J AMES, Editor, Bowmanvllle, H. C. Tait sells best spectacles, See the new p rint s j ust opened out at Couch J ohnstou & Cryderman's. ta! stock, Steady work at good pay. No F IRE , LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. ~xperienc<> necessary. Any man not a.fr11.id to work csn. succeed with , us. '511.l ary and exRoB'.I'. VIRTUE, Agent , B owmanville. tf. penses paid to good men. the year round, Ocean tickets by different lines. of S uccees guaranteed. Writ.a fror terms. E. C. SELOVER &. CO., steamships for sale at the STATESMll{ Geneva. N. Y. NURSERYMEN, tf office. 23-4m ···-- - - - -··· - - - - - --Still the rush for our English H at s contin ues. S ee .J . . J. Mason's Bats at once. Geu tle mei. examine T od Br»s. stock TH E NEXl' E NTRANCE EXAMIn ..tion for 13owmanvil !e High School of tweeds before Je11.ving y our orders for wil l be h eld on a spi;ing i.uit. JULY 4 t h, 5 t h and 6 th, To T HE D EAF.-A Persou cured of D eafness an d noises in the head of 23 Commencing fi rst day at 1 30 p,m.; subseyears' standing l:iy a simple remedy, will q uent days a t !) 00 a. m. l ntending send a .description of it FRl! :Jn o any per- candida tes should send in the ir n ames son who app lies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. t o t he undersi2ned , as anon as possi ble. M . ~.FE NWICK. John :::i t: , Montreal. " 44-lyr. H . M. B . S ., E verybody in . this d istrict should know 23·3w Bowmanville. that W . Quick & Co. h ave m oved their grocery b usiness westward t o Mr. Buckler's· block, t wo doors east of the post office, where they are · ri ow prepared t o supply the public with everything in the ·SEALED TENDERS, addressed t o J . grocery line, and also the best fresh meats. i..:: . B. FAIRBAIRN, Esq. Postmaster, BowmanThe store has b een nicely fitted u p, a ud ville, will be received by the untiersigned up is now one of the nea.test in t own. Call to SATURDA Y, TUE 15r u DAY O l' JUNE, 1880, for the purchase of the REA.L ESTA.TE known and see. as the OLD KIRK PRO PE RTY. situated ou J os McCausland & Son Toronto t he !ho corner of Ub.urch and .' l'emperance streets. · . ' ' . m the 'l'own of Bowmanvrlle, bein11 'l 'own Lots well-k nown d es ·g ners a nd workers m Numbers 1~7 and 153. Hanning & Usher's Plan execute clurmin" Memori al Win.of Bowmanvme, containing half an acre G t lass g f land more or Iese. Tenders may be for the - ' d H h Id "s · d GI do wll an 0 11s o taine &SE> 0 property as a whole. or in separate lot.a. This ever y known de ocription . Th ey also property being in the cen.tr~ of tJrn to"!ll, Is mak e C ut Beveled Silvered and Bent the moat valuab~e for bu1ldmg or busmesa . · . ' . . purposes now ava1lll.ble. Glas~ in all s izes and m1p l!r t direct from 'l 'ERMs :-Oae·halr at time of completion or t he makers an immense stock of British sale. ti.lid satisfactory time for the balance, P late Glass which they ship to all parts ~eb;fe1/t.Bhest or ~ny tt>nder not necessarily ac· of Canada.. · A . A. DRUMMO ND,} RonT. COLVILLE.. Trustees. J . B. FAIRlU.IRN, . MA B.RIED. May 2i th, 1889, 2! ;3w WILLIAMS-JEl' FREY-At the residence of the br.ide's lather, on the 22nd ult., by Rev . .E. .A. Tonkin, Thomae Henry Williama, of the townSAL~ ship of ·Darlington. to Miss E llen Geneva, eldest daui:ihter of Thomas Jeffrey, of the - -OFtownship of Hope. · . SAMELLS - WILLIAMll-On the 5th instant. by Rev. \ V. C. Wasbingt-0n. M , .A.., at the resi· dtoce of the bride's father. Mr, J ohn Samells, and Machinery. Jr. , to Miss Martha. dausi:llter of Mr, Thomas Williams, of Cartwright. There wlll be sold by A.11ction on W I $40 ~~~d~ ~r~p~ia~s ~n~o!a;e~ S Entrance Examinations. Public Notice. AUCTION Valuable Mill Property DIED. PurLP-At Yelverton, township of Manvers, oo 29th Ma y, Mary Philp, beloved wife of Mr, Robert Philp, aged 80 years. V ARN U l\1-0n lot 26. coo. 6. Darlington, on h, 1889. Abrain Var num, aged Sunday, June 9c 71 years,.2 moniihs and 22 days. SATURDAY, JUNE 15TH. A. D., 1889, at the Rucbottom House, Bow· manville, a.t one o'clock p. m., the propert:::v lately occupied .by w_. S . LOBB, consisting of six acres ot land situate on lot sixteen in the ninth concession of the township of Darling· ton in the County of Durham. On the prem· ises is a saw mill with much valuable machinery, consisting for the most pa.rt of a steam engine and boiler. saws, plainer, &o., all of which will be sold with the land. Full par· ticulars wiJ.h terms and conditions will ba furnished at time of sale. Information can be obtained from o.ny of the undersigned at any time. F. VUB I'l".I.' , Trustee, or LEVI A. TOLE, Auctioneer, D, BURKE SIMPSON, . 23-2w. hie Solicitor. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J. lllcMnrtry, every Tnesday FLOUR, 'll" 100 tbs .······· ·$ 2 WHEAT, Fall, ~ bush..... 0 11 Spring, 11 0 BARLEY, tybush, No. 1.. .. 0 Ii II II II II II 2 . . .. 0 3... , 0 R YE, II · · · · · · · · · · 0 OATS, II · · · · · · · · · 0 PEAS, Blackeye, ty bush ... 0 11 Small, 11 0 11 Blue, " 0 BUTTER, best table, ~ lb. . . 0 E GGS, 1JI' doz ............. 0 P OTATOES, ti' bush .·..·... 0 PORK,~ cwt . . . . .... . ... 6 HAY, ~ ton... ., ..... . . . 12 00 1343 50 to $ 2 00 11 0 00 11 0 50 11 0 45 11 0 45 ii 0 60 II 0 30 " 0 70 11 0 60 11 0 70 11 0 00 " 0 00 11 0 15 " 0 50 ii 7 ii 80 90 90 00 48 00 65 ' 00 00 68 75 14 12 20 00 13 00 1880 THE WORLD' TYPE.WRITER. SALESMEN . WANTED. Sma.11 FruitB and Bulbs-all of our own li'roW· . in~ ; and o:trer ~peci!il inducements for ind\lstri· O\ls,a-ctive men. Perseverance, not experieace, · nece..arT. f end for a escriptive pamphlet and mention GEO. l10ULSON & SON; this pajler. ><l-lOw. RocHF!ITlll!., N. Y. in E HAVE A LARGE STOCK OF W all the leadlnii \:"arieties and N0Yelt1ee :E'rnit and Ornamental Trees. Shrnbs, RQ8es, PRICE, ~10.00. The on ly practical Typewriter in the world. It is simple, practical and durable. No machine ever invented does neater work. It writes 35 to 40 words per minute. · ·Never gets out ot ali~nment or out or order. No expense for ribbons. No instr uctiOne required. It is a marvel of simplicity and usefulness. Over 40,000 now in use. The Typewriter Im_provement Co., 4 P.O. 8qr.· $S8 5 for Solid Gold old SJ. OU .. u ntil lat ely . Beat t &O wa.lch In the world ~ f crfc1a '1mekeeper. Wa r· W a tch.FREE o( tl'}Ud ranted. Huvy S olid Gold a nd <!tue!t BOSTON, Maes, Branch Office : 7 Adelaide St. East, Toront.o. Agents wanted. Address main offioo. '.I~ ~:::::i~::=:~.1!::1~ ~~r~ t~ethc r One rerson in each lou ltiy can secure one free, value. with our farge and vatu.e.hle line of ll.uuse hold Snmplcs. These &&mples, u w ell a t Oie watch, we 1end Free, an.d after you ban kept tbem i n your homo for 9 m ont hs and 1hown them to those '~'ho~m.!iit~a!: ~~!;d~!~eb!~~o;:,ie:,o~!c~~?n~r~~~\WZ:~h St~:.~r;:~e~o~c.; J;1 ~i~i!O~t~g~;:;:M~~:c:: THERE ARE JIU.NY INDICATIONS ot worms, but Dr. Low's "tVorn1 Syrup m eets them Ln every ~a8e 8Ucccsstully, (A., D UNLOP, MASTER,) Will make her regnb r trips rm this r0t1~e, 00 leavin Cobourg every morning at 7:30 and P ort H o j>e at 9:50;o'clock,on arrival of Grand Trunk Railway t rains from the east and west; connecting at R ochester with the New York Central, N orthern Central anti Erie Railways, and the Lake Ontario DiVi· sion. of the R ome, W ate~town & O~dens· burg Railway for all points ea.st , weH and south, RET UR N I NG Wilt leave Cha.:rlotyi (Port ·of Rochester,J on Mondays, Wednesdays and F riday11, .11t 12 o'clock p. m. , Tuesdays at 9 o'clocjcp. m., 'l'hursdays at 11 o'clock p . m., and Saturdays for Port H ope direct at 4 p . 'm . Thi> is the cheapest and most expeditious route to Oswego, B oston, Albany, New York, &c., d:c. Connects with early train for North, on Tuesdays, Thnrs<lays and Saturda.ys, a.t 'l a. m.

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