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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1889, p. 1

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- .. Tll:RMS :-:-$1.50 Pu Alf:i.ulll. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD A.FTERWARDS. M, A. JAMES EDITOR A.Im PRoriuETon, VOLUME Nxw S1m1.1i:s. NuMBEB 566. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1889 . HAMPTON. Mr. Thos. Ward is on the sick list. Mr. Geo. Parish is gi vin~ his residence a coat of paint. Mr. Wm. Rowe has bought Mrs. H. Sweetman'11 residence. Rev. E. Barrasa, D. D., · is attending Conference at Toronto. Mr. R. J. Niddery, Claremont, spent Saturday and Sunday here. Mr. Wm. .Allin has bought a fine Durham bull from Mr. Jae. Leask. Mr. T. Burrows spent upwa.rd11 of $50 in gravelling, on Scugog street, last week. Mr. W. H. Taylor and daughter, Walkerton, were visiting friends here last week. A practice game of football was played here on Saturday evening between He.mpton and Haydon. The home team were too many for the viaitors. Master Everett Brown and his dog cap· tured a large porcupine la.st week. The doR got from 50 to a lCO quills in his mouth and head, which were extracted with much difficulty. XXXY. NUMBER 25, ...... COUCE: , ...... BURKETON. CRYDERMAN ARE . NOW SHOWING the Largest and most Elegant stock of (STRICTLY NEW oooos) ever shown by them or any house Bowmanville. lll . #..\bsolutely Pures powder never "\"'ar1es. A marvel ol purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary Kinds, and oan not be sold in competition with the multitude ot low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders: Sold only in oena. ROYAL 'BAK· ING POWDER CU·· 106 Well St.. N. Y. Thia NO LADY should buy a Dress before seeing their -stock of- A WORD TO FARMERS. TO .ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCER~. -I; DRESS ~OODS, I- which, for extent, elegance, variety and value, cannot be approached in West Durha1n, anc! is only equalled by some of the city houses. ------o----·~-£ear in mind that our stock is new and fresh, bought for Cash, and is_sold cheaper than you can 1. buy-f>ankrupt, shop-worn or antiquated goods. Grocers Due Bills taken at par for goods. 1 I take this method of thanking my old customers and the public generally for the liberal patronage extended to me dur· ing the years that I have been in business and having fitted up a ~ood show room and office on the site lately occupied by Mr. C. Rogers on Silver St., between Percy's blacksmith shop and the News office, where I shall be pleased to see my old friends or make new ones, and I in· vite all who want anything in the following lines to call and ·ee me and examine goods and compare prices and quality be· fore placing your orders : agricultural machinery, steam and horse power threshing macl1ines, Brantford binders, reapers and mowers ; seed drills, spring,tooth cultivators, disk, sulky and iron harrows, riding and walking plo#-s, straw cutters, grain crushers, root cutters ; also a.gent for the Goold Bicycle Co., and St. 'l'homas White Bronze Monume.nt Co.; insurance effected on farm buildings and pri vato residencea at lowest rates. Headquarter~ for plow points, machine oil and ·axle grease. J.A.l\IES McLEAN, Bowman ville. 14-tf. Farmers, take your eggs to Tod Bros. They will give you the highest market prices. GOUGH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN. MILLINERY! 'Ve have just made a very large ·---purchase of Millinery and Millinery Goods, at a big Reduction. 'l,hey are the very latest styles obtainable in the market, and will be sold at amazingly low · Please don't delay in -seeing them. pi.:1ces. LADIES - are sho,ving the lai'"gest stock we ltave ever shown here. In all other departments \Ve _any fi1·n1 in the County of Durh.a1n to equ ~I. us quality and price, and any ftrn1 1n t!ie Dom1n1on to surpass us. 1 1. CHALLENGE Ill -VTE- . We are at presen_ t , showing a very large stock of Dress Goods Silk.s and Tri1nmings, Ladies' Jackets, Corsets, Hosiery and Gloves, P1·ints, Muslins? liinens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cottons, 'T'Ye~dsJ Clothing, Lace Curtains, Boots and Shoes, and. M1ll1.nery. LADIES, we call your attention to our present large purchase of Millinery, which every Lady shonlcl see, \Vho is loolring for a ne'v article. E. THOMPSON, & Co. ! Remember the place, GEo. LA.ma's old stand. "Mamn1otii Banlr1~npt Stock EmpQrium." Heigh-ho Walton ! Mr. Parker and wife spent Sunday in Manvers. Mrs. Martin went to Lindsay last week to attend to some law affairs. White appeared to be the pred '>minant color for dresses duiing last week. The wild strawberries are unusually large and plentifal this year and crowds go out each evening to gaLher them. · Mr. and Mrs. Gray and son are spend· ing a few days with Mr. Gilby. Mr. Gray did some extensive engineerin!;l Friday eve. A crowd from Enniskillen passed through the village on Saturday on their way to the lake and we understand re· ceived a good wetting while there. They took with them Mr. Tilley who brought home a. large fish. A black eod white dof( belonging to a person who does not live over a mile and a half from the station 8hould be immediately dispeneed with. It has lately bitten without any provoca.tion whatever three persons and is of no particular use to the owner. ENNISKI LLEN. Up to within the past week we thought, Mrs. Gardiner and child, of Toronto, not kno 1 fiog from experience, but from are viaitrng at her father's, Dr. Mc- ob&ervation, that most girls had a mechan· Cullough. ical way of throwing their arms arotrnd Our path-master, Mr. Jas. Pye, has the their lover, but a little ecene on Wednes· side· walks and roads in good repair for, day evening caused a c'ia.n~e of mind. A another seas0n . _ j young lady who is both medeet and pretty Miss Learoyd, of Belleville, is visitin!.{ after!" w11r~; ardent, . rib·b.reaking, shoulher sister, Mrs. Salton. Rev. S, s~Jton der-d1sl?c11tmg squefze kissed a young is attending conference. man with a smack and a bang, according The fa.moue Beaver Base Dall Club, of to Hoyle, and a~ter the deal loft a. royal HamptQn will play a game of ball with flush to adorn h is cheeks. the old Dragoons of this place Friday af· LUNG SAULT. ternoon 28th inst. Mr. Wm. Oke was kicked in the face Mr. R. G. Virtue wae in Toronto last · bv one of Mr. Wm. Robbin's horses Sun· week. day 9th inst. He was insensible for some William Sproule'e aged mother is visit. hours but haa recovered nicely. iog friends in the West. Mr. Robt. Virtue, one of the early A practice game of football was played settlers in this neighborhood and who here between L eskard and the Sault Ex· resides now ,.near Arkona in Western On- celsiorl!. Victory in favor of Leskard. tario, is here on a. visit among his friends. Anniversary eervices at !'.: ault Church The Ladies' Aid 8ociety will hold their on Sunday and Monday, June 23rd and annual Strawberry social on Dr Mitchell's 24th _in~t. Tea on Monday at 5 o'clock. lawn Friday afternoon,28th. Social to btt· Adm1es1on, 25 cents. Last Wednesdl!.y as Mr. Stanley, Mr. gin at 4 p. m. An enjoyable time ruay be expected. · Richard and Mrs. John Staples were Our young people here had a remark- driving to Bowm~nville, the .horse shied able pic-nic at the celebrated Scugog, last and up~et_ them mto the ditch. Mrs. Saturday, The rain a.t noon found them Staples right arm was broken between at lunch in Prout's woods: All agree the elbow and shoulder. The others es· that it was anythin~ but a dry time. caped unhurt. There must have been lots of fun. Most To open out the subject, I must atate of the party came home iD their ha.thing That every word is correct I now relate, suits. The village was ransacked fur.dry But first I think these rhymes would wearin~ apparel. Fortunately the wea· wund much neater ther was warm and they are not much the If I put my thoughts in other metre. worse for losing their starch. A shower of rain is very hard 0 11 cream p uffs and You've heatd of L ong Sault for many a year, turn-overs. Some of Durham's best farmers are residing h ere, · ORONO. There's John Tape, the great seedsman, Mr. Wm. Newsom, of Barrie, is home and Hichard Hill, ,on a short visit. And a host of others, which, if we'd space Mrs. Eldon Gamsby is visiting her pa.· we could fill. rents in Stouffville. There am Virtue brothers, who live at Mr. Jas. llallett is applying a coat of Fairview, paint to his residence. Kvery person will acknowledge they're Mr. D. McCullough has built a n,10del smart, upright and true, wire fence in front of his lot. Archie is v.ell ecienced and needs no more, Mr~ John Thornton, of Pelerboro, While Robert, for dancing, can't be beat on the 1loor, epent the past week with friends here. John McComb, sen. has been very ill, There's William Hooey, who resides at little hope being entertained of his recov- · . Glenlee, You will find good. natured and full of ery. · glee, Mr. . William Cooney's outbuildinge near Kirby, were burned the other even- His farm on the ninth is hard to beat, It le adapted to raising both barley and · ing. wheat. Mias Dimsdale, revivalist, ie slowly recovering from the serious illness that be- James Moore.y, many a. paper in his day fell her at Welland. . has rearl, Rev. Elder Garbut President of the ·And reaides on the Rowan homestead Christian Conferenc~ and Mr. W W To live on the income of his real estates, Trull attended the annual meetina' last Which was made in the neighboring week at Altona. · '" United Statea. Dr. Griffin, well known through this There is the famous saw mill situated on section having been a practitioner in this the Sault, village for a number of years, died in Which no doubt will not fall throuE?h Dundalk on Saturday week. As Hare is a well accomplished ·engine Rev. J. A. McKean is attendin~ the driver, Presbyterian Assembly in Toronto, conse· And Gib.·Jardine tb.e famous sawyer and qnently there was no service in the Pres· contriver. bytarian church l~st Sunday nor next. There's the {amous butcher that dresses During his absence C. G. Armstrong's the swine, business will be managed by Messrs. A. F or t elling yarns can' t be beat on the J. Staples and Eber 'rhornlon, both of whole line, whom are courteous and accommodating. For cracking jokes he is complete, Mr. H. E. Beer has received the con· And for droll sayings he can't be beat. tract of the carpenter work in the repaira Farrell Billy,long a. bach and wash-disher, to be made on the Presbyterian church Went angling and fortunately caught a Mr. W. Pringle the brick wOJk and Mr. Fisher. L. Tourje the iron sheeting and furnaces. · Since securing that noble appendage-a At ihe, close of the regular service in 1 wife the Methodist church Sunday evening He has settled down quietly for the rest week an interesting event was the recap· of his life. tion by Rev. T. Dunlop, cf between There're the Capt. of the 45th and Staples twenty-five and thirty persons rnnging in Bros all, age from the child of eleven years to the There's Stanley and Wallace and then adult of fifty, some of the fruits of ,the · Dick and Coll, · special services held in that church last They're in the market yet and have their winter. fish to fry, The Union Tempera.nee Party held W e'Jl make a note of the raat sometime, an open meeting in the Sons' Hall last so one and all good-bye. Friday ni11ht. Mr. R. Moment occupied R OBBIE B URNS. ~he ch~ir. The proceedings were very r mterestmg. Messrs. R. Moment, T. A· UNRESTRICTED RECI:rROCITY may be of Brown, our popular t~acher, and Wm. inestimable advantage - to Canada. or it Armstrong made i;:ractical speeches. R. may ba a mere "fad" as its opponents call B. Thornton read an amusing Irish story it but no one can deny t hat Nasal Balm which took very well. h~s done more for sufferers from catarrh · ,· ·than any other remedy known. Mr. "My father, at about the age of fifty, Thomas R oche, Rochefort, Ont., says : lost all the hair from the top of his head. I have suffered severely from catarrh, and Afber one month's trial of Ayer's Hair never got any relief until I used Nasal Vigor, tho hair began coming, nnd, in Balm. I never thought I could find so three months, he had a fine growth of , sure a cure. It is a pity all affiict~d with hair of the natural color. "-P. J . Cullen, ' catarrh do not know of and use this wonSaratoga Springs, N. Y. t derful medicine. .NEWCASTLE· A C}arden Party wlll be held in] the grounds of Mr. M. Garvin, Rose Dell Farm, half mile north of Newcastle on Friday, June 28, ucder the auspic~a of 1ha Ladies of the Methodist church. The first County Prize Newcaetlo Musical Society'& B.\nd will be in attendance. Varied Musical Program and Amusements provided in the grounds. Tea served frol)l 5 o'clock. Admiasion, in· eluding toa, 25 cent s. Strawberries and ice cream extra. The grounds will be illuminated. The public cordially invited to participat_ e. ~~-~---~ NEW HAVEN. Mr. James B. Worden has beenfeeling very poorly of late. .Miss ~ewer of Cartwright, is visiting friends m this section. Farmers have been b usy repairing the roads during the last week. · As the anniversary season pro,,resses our fashionable dres~ maker ha; b~eu very busy making np holiday costumes for the fairer sex. Da?1e Rumor _ say3 : One of oar young men mtencls takrn;{ a whole Peach to himsel~ shortly. Also one of our youog ladies intends moving into au (Engliah)'s house. SHA W 'S SOHOUL HOUSE. B11se ha.II and foot ball is bcoming rapidly in our midot. · The Band of Hope speak of an increase of membership lately. 'f he many friends and acquaintances of the late Thomas ' Vord en will regret to hear of h is death. 'l'hecorpse waa brought to the residwce o! Mr Cornelius Osborne, (aon-in ·law of deceased) to await burial. l< ~uneral cortege left the r esidence on Sa.turday afternoon about 2.30 o'clock a.nd proceeded to the Ilownunville cemetery accompanied by a large concourse of relativeo and frienrla. Mr. James Wcrden, our much esteemed cou11oillor, fa son of the deceased. CUURTIOE. Proceeds of E b;,nezer tea amounted to $135. Misses Janet and Winnie Mcintyre, of Oshawa, visited their sister here lately. Mr. T . Yellowke~ filled the pulpit very accept able on S unday morning at Eben· ezer. · Rev. R. Sanderson and Mr.JohnPe.n · found are attendiug the Toronto Confererwe. We congr.. tulate our old friend Mr. J. H . Allin, of Tyrnne on being chosen successor "to Mrs. K enner, as tea.char of a large bible class. Serv ices were ably conducted at the S. A. Barracks )a;;t Sunday evening by P rivate Harry Ph ..ir, QL1ite a number from here attended the closing &xercisee of Ontario Ladie~· College, Whitby, this year. TYRONE. Iv!r. S, Woodley lost a valuable horse last week. Mr. J. Mutton h a1 started framing with Mr. W. Bamlev. Grandfather Collac>1tt is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J . Hoirlge, at Toronto. H.evs. W. Kenner, J . D. Dyer, and Mr. T. H oar attended the conference. Two of the sports took part in the foot ball mat ch at New Park on Saturday evening.. Mr. J. Congdon, Bethesda, preached here on Sabbath morning .for Rev. J. D · Dyer. Recent visitors : Mrs. Bstes, l'.'l'Irs. L ittle and son, Michigan, and Mrs. Staples, Kirby. A large number from here went to Providence on Sabbath to hear Rev. S. T. Bartlett. Mrs. T . Creeper officiated at the organ on Sabbath, the organist being unable to be preseDt. Mr. J as. Sanders of town preached a profitable sermon to a fair congregation on Sabbath evening. Mr. G. H ; Jardine's saw-mill at Burnt River was burned on Friday laet. He leaves this week for the north. 10,000 Dozl!:N E oos WANTED at the East End Store for which the h ighest price will be given in cash or trade. Mr. 'I'. Woodley's raising on Friday was a great success. About 100 hands were present and all got. a move on .·nd .)lad the barn up by 5 o'clock. To Correspondents. We charge 10 cents a line for all notices of Anni versaries, Concerts, Lectures, and ent ertaiamants, for which no print ing has been, (J r is t o be ordered at this office, when an admission fee i3 ·charged or col· lection taken. The same charge is ma de for all business notices appearing among news items. Cvrrespondents will kindly state this to all applic1 mts for such notices and whenever possible fo rward tho amoun t with the notice, Qr state to whom the account is to be serit. tf. -···- I ~·The benefits of vacation season may bo greatly enhanced, if, at the same time, the blood is being cleansed and vitalized by the use of A;p er's Sarsaparillll. A good appetite, fresh vigor, and buoyant spirits attend th e uae of this wonderful medi· cine. t OCCASIONAL D9SES oJ" a good enthnrtlc like Hunlock PJlls are necessary to kee1· the blood pure and tile body healthy,

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