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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1889, p. 7

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-~---· -- ·-· ·--·-· - - ----~~-·--------~-----~----------------------------------'""° regard for the opinion~ of mankind require Tne arrival. of the ma.tl thro:wa Faya.l 1:ito .l:'reparing for Old Age. that regrets should be shown. :Nevertheless ' a state of excttement. Half the popula.t!on . . there is not so much of lihis unpleasant old then COJJ?PB tC'._ town! and a hot anct steammg WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 1889 The hfe of a ma.n mll.y b.a prop.erly divided . age us there was a centurv a o, or for even crowd p;cks itself mto the one P<Jst Office f~t~ three etage~the permd of mcrease, the 11 inuJh less time back. It i~ difficult now tha._t the 1slan~ possesse~. !'--g the Postmaster, p~riod, of ma.turitv> and the pericd of decay to tell an old mdn or an old woyian by their plam~y cons~10us ot his importance on an o~ de,_ctln~. In the first of !heee the processes dress. Th 0 j iUntieat coats, tho most brilli- o~c:mon which h_appena only once a fort, ct fo. ma._.1on a.re more active than those of ant neckwear the la.test fa.shiun in g.lovea mght, advan . ces with the letters to the l\ttl"ldestmct!on; In the second t hey are about are now ofted seen on men who have p!llssed de£k which separates the throng frcm the equal. ; 1n the t hird .the proce.sses of des· their three-score and ten. The mos ti costly ~ffic9s the stranger i!l struck by the ridicutrnc,twn are ~or~ aotlve than tnose of _for· j~wels adorn the necks and hands of women ioue ,disproportion. between the aiz3 .of the !Da.t.i;n. It 18 this htter we have to consider who have loog since pa.ssed their prime. crowd a.ud that ot the p:i.ckot, a. circnmin t?is pr~sent pape~. . . Al! thl~ is as _ h should be. The terrors of sta.noo which is expfo.imid by the fact that . Tne perwd_of ~echne is mark_ed by as str1k· old .age disappear before those who fa.ca every woman expecting tidings from bus . mg cha.~acter1~t10s as those wbwh belong to them bia.vely. band or son is accompanied apparently by for and the p_er1cd of mcrease. Afte! the body . has WlLLIAM A. HAMMOND. the rest of the family. The j \bber subsides remamed at nearly a fixed point of developinto a buzz of eu:;ipre1 soi excitement as t;he '. "Cilstorimis !Knrell ad&pt,ed toclllld?'en th!\t Castcr!a c1ll'ES Colic, Cotu!t!ymtlon, menu fo~ a few ye_a.r11, va~~mg from five to Poatma.ater adjusts his spectacles with the [recommenditassuperiorto . anyprescription Sour Stoma.ch, Dia.rrhre:i., Eructation. te i, a d~Eposition 1s manue3ted towards .deSWEET PEACE IN LII'.E:. moat exaapero.ting comp<>sure. He calls out blowatome." 1J. A. A:amn:1t u D Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotec di< generation. Th? process of decay becomes the name tm the topmost letter · a shrill · ' · ., · gestlon . ID So. Oz:ford SS.~ Broo~, N, Y. Withoui injurious medica~cn. more powerful than th11.t concerned in lhe Ho'v l!lnch Happiness Can Be Jltltlc by Gra · voice on the confines of the crowd intima.tes regeneration of tissues, a.nd ~n cona£quence cious !Unnncrs. its destina.tion, when half a dozen ha.nde are Tim CENT.lUR CmrPJ..1"Y, 7« :'1" :-rny Street, N. Y . the body not only loses weight from the B t h ·h ·t h b t th h stretched oub to receive it a.nd ib is passed atrophy of ics pa.rte, but the functions , f ea.uiy ilt 1 8 c a.rfms, ut · 0, c tharms over the heads of the crowd t-0 the fortunate gra.c GU.8 ms.nners a.r OU WeJga em. · . r ., . 1 0 ARE LESS PERFECrLY PERFORMED. The manners tha.t express a kindly, sympa· recipient. he bvzz 1a renewed after es.ch Thus, the action of the ,heart becomes weak- thetic heart, open to the influence of an- announcement; t~e Poatmaster ~as co!1· er a.nd less frequent, the respira.tion slower, other personality as the flower to the sun, st_a!1tly to ~epJa.t his d~~and for silence, m FOR SALE BY J , HIGGINBOTHAM &, SOX, BOW.M..1.l'iVILLE: the digestion weaker, the muscles thinner, and as unconsciously giving ba.ck its own wn1ch he Is of course iom.ed by such of the .TENKS' DRE.L.111:. the skin shrunken, the joints stiff; the tl!eth fra~ra.noe,are a gift th\\t far outshines phys- crowd ~shave not yet rece.ved a letter, As : Jenks had a queer dream the other night. the fehver~· proceeds the - crowd gets na.t· Re thought he saw a prize-fighters' ring, and fa.II out, the hair becr:.mes grey, the arteries -ioa.l graces. Who of us .have not forgotten a. plain face, ural.y nol6ler, ~nd the Postll!aster becones in the middle of it stood a doughty little ·become ossified and the entire form loses champion who met !Uld deliberately knocked Ha elasticity and beccmea less erect than in or seen it grow beautiful under the wltohery ~ot and angry 'Y1th the exertion of shout· over. one by one, a score or more of big, adult a.!_e. The whole tendency of the body of beautiful manners, the expression of a. mg aboye the dm . . ~lthou~h tht p.umber.of burly-looking fellows, as they advanced to well loised mind! _ Learning oan be ao- letters is small-Christmastide brings quite the attack. Giants as t hey were in size, the as to consolidation. valiant ]ligmy proved more than a match for Tile organs of special sense also become quire , politeness may be cultiva.ted, but as large a pocket to .ma.1!y ~ c01.~ntl1'. house them. It was all so funny that J enks woke a.f'ected. ~he eye loses its brightness and manner is the expresshn of the nature, and at home- ~he work of d1st!1but1on 1s. l~ng, np lllughing. He accounts for the dream by the fact that he had just come to the conclu- the sight grows dim and presbyopic ; the brings the object to its o~n level, a.t least-for fro~ the circumstance tha.~ ea.ch rec1p1~nt sion, after trying nearly every big, drastic taste is lees a.cute and the sense of smell is the moment. We go out ~from the presence has on the 1w.:;rage five or six names, w ~ich pill on the' market, that Pierce's Pleasant almost, if not altogether, lost at a compa.r- of gentle manners at peace with the world. Portuguese etiquette seems to demaI1d si:11oll Purgative Pellets, or tiny Sugar- coated . s~me of us carry the ideal of perfect grace be duly .set forth on su..:h a formal occasion . Gran_ules, easily "knock out" and beat all atiVtly ea.riv period, With these changes t he mind also partioi· with us, aspiring but never reachiof.", say- as the dispatch of a letter. the big pills hollow ! They are the original wid only genuine Little Liver Pills. eheld on -·- · Beware of Imitations, which contain Poi- pates. Tne memorv is the first faculty to bg wlt.h Petrarch, "I have once b_ They are me.king fun of £> Biff.-Jo jctdgsonous Minerals. .Always ask for Dr. Pierce's fail, and the others follow in rapid succes· eal,'th a.ngelic manners and celestial charms, , whose very remembrance is a. delight for calling a. double· barreled gu!l a. ' ' two l'ellets,. which are LitLle Sui.rar-coated Pills, sion. or Anti-bilious Granules. One a Dose. Has received a large consignment of Hats If these alterations are ~radua.l and uni· and an infliction, since it makes a!! shooter." form throughout the system death from old things else appear but dream a.nd aha· ~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~'!:!~~~-~ age is the result; bat i rarely happens that dow. " Tennyson says, , 'Kind nature is deravgement of sJm., <Jne important function best," foi: he knew that offense could never B ilious Headache, does not produ e this result before the come where the heart felt the brotherhood of Dizziness, ·co-nstipa- general breaking up of man, What is rudeness but a disregard of for Men, Youths and Boys, hard and soft felt and at price~ from fi tion, Indigestion, Bil- . THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OCCURS. another's r ight$ ? Wha.t is discourtesy but !lo ious Attacks, a nd all decents upwards. rangements of the stomach D.i iD the first ten or fiftee:U yea.rs the de·' disregayd o~ a.t:.other's f.eelinga ? WJ;o that and bowels, are promptly rf hg · · · "' d h loves h1S neighbor a.s himself ever gives of· 1 1 t 6 orgamsm is so sow y eilecte t at fen·e , W th'i k f It th h" h ·t ca.yo r elieved and permanently · · ·t d · · e n o cu ure as e .1g e. (£?'"COME ALONG AND YOU WILL SURELY BE SU iTED .~ · cured l1y the use of Dr. verr l I't·I ' e mconven!em~e ~e~ul s, an oc form of;the intellectua.l, but it is per fect only Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They caswnally; we meet w1~h md1v1dua.ls who are as the heart has kept pa "th the he:ld are gently laxative, or strongly cathartic, according to size of dose. Smallest, Cheapest. able to withstand the tende!1CY to d~geuera· I and sees in its own deve!~v m':~t a new reB'. / Easiest to t ake. 25 cents a vial, by druggists. tlon to a. very a.ivancsd period of exietence; I ibil't d bt to Id M: but it is, nevertheless, progressing, imper· pons 1 Y· a. new e. e wor : !loll· C(>ptibly it may be, but Eurely, to the extinc· ~er~ a.re nature; .p1h~eness, veneermg ~ a.nd tion of that mysterious principle we call life. e !~a dullard wno is nob able to d1stmI have a large and weU ass·1rted stock Sach Is the brief outline of Eome of the guis · · conditions which a.ttend the period of declb1e. Let us lose the ]?hra.se, Learn to be pollte, 'fh ·di ea.see to which it Is eepecla.lly lla.ble and say, rather, Cultivate the hearb and Cleamd, Died, Pressed and Repaired by areetbo~e which are related to the prlncip~I head_~hat t?,e sta_ ture of a perfect man .m~y organs of life. Apoplexy, pa.rS.lysis, c;rganic be. reached. · Tr,ue mar.ner sees the limit· diseases of the heart and lungs of the large at10.us of a.nother s temperament a.nd oppor· . . . · ' OF 1 Capital paid up, s1,ooo,ooo. Red, ·~.ee vemla~f liver and kiineys, ~re frequently :::; !~e~d~~~v~~:~~:1 ::!rac1::d:iel~t· !~~~l~ _.., Dyer and Clothes Cleaner. :r~l~d d t 0 th ha.a EB that· and politeness which ~nlylindividua.l develop· to be as no one will know TD.ls Bank h prepared to do Legltt. en~o:n · a.v. a e ec g ensue ment can chll.nge, feelmgwith Goethe: "We Goods warranted them from new when done. mate Banking ln all its branchea. In t~e mmd as a. conSEquence of advanced ~ge, arrive best at true toleration when we let Corner of Kmg and Ont.ario Streets, Farmers notes discounted ; Deposltl bt~i i t is DO~ to be supposed th~t there 18 a pass individual peculiarities, whether of Dowmanville. received and Interest paid on amounts of fa1 ur~ of a.l ·. the mental facultle~, Indeed, personR or peoples, without quarreling with 15 upwards in Savings Bank Departmenk; t~ere. is, d~nog th~ first ten~ fi~!een yea.rs them_; ~olding fasb,. nevert~eless,: to ~he Nead s Bow m au vi!Ie. o_ this period, a'l 1ncrea.se 1 t " .strength conviction that genume exce:leuca ts distm· ~1 \W 'I V DRAFTS . an~ powers of_ endurance of·. the mind, and , guished by this mark, that it belongs to all· ~-~ · 'lf" J ' " . , · '~ ~-:I Is1med and Collections ma.d e In Europt qmt_e_often this proc,e:is ?o~.uiues for s:iven~ mankind." Could we only hold fast to United States and Canada. add1twna.l_years fl.he 3aog~en,~·· owing to the thought of the divins, in every man i th~ .~xpe~1ence W~tch t~e rnoividual _has Could we only see tha.t in acknowledging W. J ··TONES, ob~&rned m the _affurs of l~fe, becomEs riper his right to his own na.ture, scll.rred or po· and more unerrmg; there 1s a. greater power liahed that i ry b f · · t · · thG 1 e of fa 0 ts 8 d , n eve ac o concession no 0f · d 8 t ~'.:nmmg , va..u n a.. 1ess involving principle it is "Jove nodding to Haa'just received an immme~se new stock dtsposmon to be governed by the emotions. Jove," how much rooia.l friction would be or all kinds of Millinery coo.sining of JlUT AFTEll. A TIME. lost I bhe intellect becomea less absorptive of per· Things a. Boy Sb.ould Learn. captions and less crea.tive of ideas. The -STOCK OF$300.MO P.P' ::;u-p Capital, Ill 711,UOO. ·.· pow.er of mental concentration is markedly To run. Kt..~ -- . in all the newEst styles and sbB.pes to · he diminished. The memory fails, especially procured. L!l.dies should call early 11.nd To swim. in regard to' recent occurrences. The imagin· m '!ke ' their aele ctions be[ore the stock ls To carve. I beg to notify the public that I am t-eoeivin;t 11.ticn loses the vividness and extensive nni;ce picked over. This stock is one of the largest depo si t~ for this company, and allowing a I ever brou~ht to tcwu. of youth and maturity, ·md the jad~m1int To be neat. higlier rate o : interest· than the banksia uuusu ally attractive this se&on'l. becomes feeble and vacillating. The indivi· To be honest, OVER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON. No NOTICE OF W1THDR..\.WAL REQUIRED dual begins to rely on others for advice a11 To make a fire. I am also prepared to grant Inspection invited, to his aff..irs, and little by little he parts Loans on REAL E'§'rA.TE with his own will even in ma.tters of t he To be punctual. smallest importance. The emotions no longTo do au errand. on fa.vora'Jle terms. er sway the whole being a.s they onca ':l~o out kindlings. OF~'ICE: did, and some of them a.re utterly ext in· McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, To sing if he ci.n. gulshed. Often, however, a maudlin or ,V. F. A.LLE11 fretful condition is developed, which ends To sew on a button, bought for CASH at the lowe~t point the markf.:_t ha~ touche~ Bowma.nville, Oct. 11, 13£8. t2-3m · with ibs own expression of t ea.rs or rnifil ~s, To hang up his hat. never pNmpting to volitiona.l impulses or To hold his head ereob, producing I!lOre than a momentary disturb· To reapect his teacher. a.nee. To help hi~ mother or eb ~,.,.. To all this, however, there are sometimes TOWN PRICES KNOCKED OUT. ci>ntlnues to no a General Banklllg Buslne-r-r notable exceptions, bub yet not enough to In· To button his m?ther's b~ ,1 ·. Bo wmanville Bra.nch. validate the law that the period in question To wipe his boots on ths m~ ' · DEPOSITS is one of decline hi fact JLS well as iu 11ame. To read a.loud when r eq t " e·l. :teoelved In Savings Bank DepartmentaJid Undoubtedly much can be done by the ob· iall and interest allowed at oufrent rates,. :t' To help the boy smr.ller r>, ,,, hi:.naelf. Utel' epending much t.ime and money, I am servance of ordina.ry hygienic rulea to retard LOtlce ot withdrawal necessary. .All depceit 1ow prepiired to fili all order6 promptly. I all these changes and to postpone the inevit· To speak pleasantly to r.n · ld woman. payable on rlemancl, ~ve & flne ·assortmentof WAVES, BANGS able death, but it is none the less cert;i.in To put every g ...rment in it5 proper pla.ce. SWITCHES, COMBS and PINS very chea.p.' tha.t many persons live to an advanced old BANGS FROJM: $2 UP.. To remove nis hat upon entering a. house. Joughtandeold and Drafts leaned nponl!:uroi e a.ge and in the enj 0yment of a. fair mea.mrn ld Switches co'ored and made 't o look like 'ro keep his finger nails from wearing Jnew, Jnited States and Canada., also Gold Silver an of health who violate every sanitary law. Highest price paid for long cut hair. Jnlted Staoes Greenbacks bomi:. h t and sold, They take little or no exercise, they mourning. HAIR TONIC indulge themselves In all the pleasures To lift the baby out of the cradle .ind hold CtJlLLEC'l'JOM~ of the ta.bl!, thev drink alcoholic li· it W11rrantec't to p:-e-rnnt the h air from falling half an hcur. out and will make it grow. Promptly m.a.de at current ra.t.es upon all par qnors to excess, they dlsrEga.rd t,he ob T 0 t t th · l 3 11 h ;>t Great Britta.in, the United Staten and De iigations of chastity, 1 md uet they do not rea . e gir so we t !lot they will m"I have also a fine lot of new Stamping 1 wish he w a5 their brother. . minion or Canada.. P&tferns. A.11 orders promptly attended to. Hampton~ seem to suffar in health, mental or physical. To close the door quietly, especially when These; however, must be regarded as exTelegraph T1·ansrer 11 33 ): Hampton, A1· '.' ll;\, Made tor Ia.rp;e or small sums on a.II part f c~ptione to the general rule : moraover, i~ is there is a. sick person in the house. t'l Neads' Bloak, Bowma.nville. Canada.. This is especially adv&ntageou: 0 quite probable tha.t but ior their imp roper persons living in Manitoba or the North·we~~ mode of living they wou1d have been in.still An African Queen's Sad Tale. as it makes the funds available at onoe ai ~ he bet ter condition, a.nd death would have been place of J.Jayment. Here is a. glimpse a~ woman's lot in Africa still further postponed. from a. chapter in a recent book on South i For fn~ther particulars call a the Bs.nklr> BEARING lN MIND THE FACr Bouse. \· Africa, which describes some of the customs T. B:tCDIE, G;;Q, l\1('QIJ,L, stated in the precedinl( rema.r \ts,· it is e.ppar- of the s~wz~e tribe: "A · beautiful young Accountant, Macu-< ent t hl!.t there la less dem~.nd. made upon t-he wife of the king had in some innocent way -------:!_ organs of life in old age than during either the displeased him, The order was given to period of increase or of maturity, and thllot. smell her out, a.nd the witch doctors did these organs are le>s capable of performing their horrible work. Executioners were tileir functions than in early, middle, or adult told off, and they were sent out to the . life. It follows, therefore, tha.t they~must young wife to tell her of her sentence. She 1 be lesa severely ti:.xed; the stomach, for l!l· dressed herself in her bsst ornaments, and stance, should receive leP.s food, for its determined to a.ppear before the king to power of digestfon h\\s diminished. Severe say 'good·by.' She ha.d been the ruler's, phyeica.l exertion should be avoided, for the playma.te and favorite sweetheart as a child, I muscle&, especfally the hea.rt, h1u lost in and she ventured to send a message to him tone. The man, for instance, who can a.t asking permiaslon to say 'good.by' to him. 3 '} run a. hundred yards or more with scarce- The king refused the request. Calmly prely any a.coelera.tion of hie pulse or 1espir· paring for dea.th, the young woman disreation, would run the risk of falling dead g11rded the denial, and Wllolked to where His Majesty was sitting drinking champagne. if he were to a.ttempt this feat at 70. But nothing is so conducive for hea.lth in She sa.id to him : 'Kiug, I ha.ve come to Ea.y -:.13~old age t1nd the culti vation of a. genial frame ' 'Good-by" ; tell me why you a.re killing of;mind as not losing interest in the alfJ.irs of m ...' [)'he King vouchsafed no ll.nswer and t.EV~ WI am fully prepu.red t.o attend FanHals o life. Tc grow old gracefully is of itself the turned his face away. The poor woman th e &h'?rteat no~ice, a.t tha lowee fpoesible rhtes beet antidote tc the inroads of time. 3'he proceeded to bid ad ieu t o the other .vives aaske ts ~ind Burial Cases ready Gnsh crt nc.. tico mind rett1ina its hold upon matters which and girls of the monarch. They stood in a Flrsli·c!ass htmrMe on very moderate t i.rms row, and ag she walked down in front of Shrouds a nd Coffins conetant'y on hand. Fun ha.ve inkrested ib, and loses almost im them she said : l am the first, but there percepiiblv the vigor natural to it. The e ral car ds EUJ'.lP HJ IH once. Jnunict.nre Shop E'tow lic, n.s- Ecu n&a· >shcw Iilcrk. various orgaus ci the body feel this influence will be more of you to come after me. a.ud cont inue to p erform their various Without a.nother word she quietly followc;d functions with a promptitude and dfioiency her execationers. ['hey led her a.bout three wh~ch would be impossible in one imbued miles from the kraal, aoross the Tillau river, and there hanged her on a.low thorn with mdancholy or full the consciousness , that life has lost its of charms. It is folly tree. The rein by which she was suspended ~ :. for elderly pereoDs to seclude themselves being too long, her feet nearly toucheQ. the · from the world and to cease to mingle with ground, and stra.ngula.tio.n wa.s completed the young. The inmates of homes for the by beating the rein with sticks, the person ;, aged may sometimes be long lived, but their of royalty being · sa.ored to the .c ommon existence is more that of the vegetable than touch." of the human being. DJath, when it comes, On))' Genuine SJ'·tem of Memory Trlil nlnc. is scarcely regretted, William H. Campbell, ·n old-fa·b1·oned " . Folll'"Beoka Learned in one reading. ~ ~ r' )Uind wanderin11 curc1l; J<'OR LIFE HAi! LOST ITS ATTRACrIONS. Democrat, Who hall baen P ostmaster in a : Every ~hlld and adult greatly beneflttecl. Vermont tGwn for four years, has just step· ,1< . Gre:t '"'-dua~meat~ to Correspondenc_ e 01"8sea. Few persons compara.tively know how to ped out· and his · wife, a " s t aunch ~,-epu P, ·bl " " Pros.Pectus, mth Opmions of Dr. Wm. A. H a m- . .I· by 1· upon old age. As can,,, ha.a monit, the.world-famea Speoialist in Mind Disease~ j enter gently and gr::.cefu.ly been gtven t he commission, whiie Da :fTJD 1on1psodut'thefghreath Psr'*2!: I a rule, elderly persons are querulous, exact- William becomes Aseistant Postmaster 5~1~l,~reBenleka ' ""IJ ~'~'" U C 1 ~y, ·0 '.!.2e 1 oro t e 0 rist--i-w1· ~ d t l l"' h Th · e i·h · a11.. . it as nrne . a. bttle . · dvotfi' .,..v. Y., Richard .l"roctor, the Smentiet, ! 1ng an ex reme '¥ ~e us · · ey are " er T · a k e It m a.ii, arra.ngef~~antln ~d~~~~[s' {:~~g~~~g~· ~,:ida!lP. tirescm3 or decidedly obnoxious to those 1 m ent as the times ha.ve turned up. , Prot; A, l':OISE'l".i'E, 2S7 Fifth Ave., N, y. ' . ~~uadhttt Jtat.tSUHtU. HEALTH. Idie w_ith whom they come in contaot and t_hey I unregretted excepb ill so far a. decent I flS , Delivering the Mail . at Fayal. . I I I Infants I Children. I HATS! HATSll in all the Fashionable Colors ~ .SICK HEADACHE. Shapes Q th ----o---· OF GENTS' FURNISHINGS~ Gents' Clothing STANDARD BAN .l__ T H Q S p E AT t1:; White, Regatta and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Braces, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. E M· 1 ·LL J MED ft '-; Highest price paid for Raw Furs. M. MAYEii, MRS. DONNELLY The Ontario Loan and · Savings Co. Hats, Bonnets, Flowersj Velvets .and Ribbons --o-- DRY ' I Fine Hair Goods. LADIES Some plums in Dress Goods, Clothing and Gent's Furnishings, THE ONTARIO BANK Patronize. Home Fine Ordered Clothing, a specialty EXCHANGE Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. for Our Due Bill taken as Cash by Mr. John E Lott, the reliable grocer. Come along and secure bargains. Mrs. A. DA VIS, F. A. COL13JI I I UNDERTAKIN~ . MORRIS. r MEM _O RY MARVELOUS Dlsco ·VERY. t ~ ! · Childr_ en. 9r)'for_, ~~tch~r.<'~ C' ~-i~l i'l~t:~~ The above brand of Chemically Pur e WHITE LEAD is injxed and ground to an impalpable fineness a n evr p r ocess invented and controlled by us. The lead is Snow-white, \vorks easy under the brush and covers a greater surface t han leads ground in t he old way.

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