Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1889, p. 5

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............____________ _____'""'"' -- - ._..._..- Wall Paper and .Buggies at TAIT'S Corner Store. Mr. Lewis Quick jg payin~ the highest price for wool. Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & Co's Auction Mart. Attend tee garden 1nrty at Dr. McPURE, Lauehlin'~ this evening. I and undiluted, Several Bowmanvilleians attended ihe £till strength. Guelph band tournament. ' Mr. Geo. D eigh ton, Christian Scientiot is located in Bowmanvillc. WHOLESOME, A local paper persi;ts in using the exPurifies the blood, pression "annual anui1·ersary." and aids digestion. 1\'Ir. w m: Caldwell and family have been visitin 0 <T at Mr. R. Mallory's. A double stock of choice new Ties at REFRESHTNG, J. J. Mason's. They must be sold. . Tones up the syste:n. _ Mr. J . M. Brim ~ cumbe now occupies his new dental parlors in Higginbotham's · block Par.awls .. t "bout half-price, Dress FRUITY, Goods at half·price at the West-Endand rich i n fhvor. HouEe. Mr. Daniel Lee, of Bo~ton, Mass., is over on his annual visit to West Durham friends. . COOLING, Mrs. (Rev.) J . 0. 'Yilsou, of Cobour~, Just the drink for warm weather. was a guest at Mr. Mrchael Cryderman s la~t week. Absolutely Free From Alcohol. Finest June butter for packing at W. In ordering specify DOMINICA.. s.nd don't be Brittain's office at H. C. Ilrittain's put olf with imitations. Jewelry Store. REFINED EXPRESSLY FOR S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for egizs X..Vn.!l:.A.lST, SC> N' ~ OC>. and first-class bu tter at the "Mart", MONTREAL. For ee.le bv Grocers and Druggists in Pints Mark et Squ:ue. ur f d b ya caII f rom M r. .and Quarts (Imperial mee.sures). n e were avorc .A LIBERAL DISQOUN'f TO TUE TRADE: · te · 1 M ilIar o f P arkd a1e C o11egm James nsNo charge !or cases. Mention this paper. d S atitute on atur ay. · Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary office to the h ouse between Dr. Hillier's and Dr. Boyle's office. · Mr. E. Fortte, the affable teller of the Ontario Bank, and family have been visiting friends at Lindsay. Dr. J. E. Bingham, V.S. , now occupies We wi~ l send his new rooms int.he rear of Higginbothani's drug store, upstairs. Fo.- the best bargrd ns in wakhes, clocks and jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Coon trial for 4 months, to any person o perative Jewellry Store . -sending us four 3c. stamps, and to Rev. IV. H. Warriner, B . D., preach· each one sending us before July ed Sunday evening on the Johnstown 15th, we will give their choice of flood and Divine Providenc,,. Ch~s. Ruse's Educational School of any two of the foilowing pieces of Music, aummei· vacation begins Mo.y 25th Music : Autumn term begins Aug 5th. DOIHN~CA LI1IE FRUIT JUI CE I 1· Attend Haydon a.oniversa!y on. Dominion Day. See advt. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burke Simpunn are to sail for Europe shortly. ' th· 1· The game of "pigs. in clover" w1 1ve · N I J I 1 pigs at ewcast e u y · Meals at all hours at Mrs. SinolaiF's, opposite Market Square, 25c. Besure and call at the West-End· H<i!l!lSe and see the goods at He.If-price, See the lace curtains at 5Qc · pell· pair at Tod Bros. .Best value in tow11. Head the very gratifying statement e.f u d m · ano ther·c.<»;:;mn. ' · .uan th e 0 n t ar10 · .fames Dayman local B agent·feir-D ·uominion Organs and Pianos_ , owmatl. v-t e. Mr. John Osborne, Wliarf· Roa.d·, has the heaviest field of clover. w-s have seen this season. . By the deat~ of Joseph Heat:~ in his 90th year, D:nlmgton loses one of its oldest re·i·dents. See Stott & Jury's-ofi'El-:1 at t-op co:rner of this page. The musi:J is tlie finest quality published. It was Mies E . Sand8rson, (J'~urtioe, who won the silver medal in Ei:ocution at Ontario Ladies College. By a vote of iti! ratepayers, O!lmpbeHford has decided tg. e:x;pend $25,000 for waterworks and. Gllectllic. light. 0 Higginbotham's Block. Ever since the disastrous and mysterir ous fire that 1 originated in McClung's block on March 21st and burned out six stores, carpenters, mRsons, painters, etc., h ave b een b us1·1y ao ' wor k re b m·1d· mg and refittin~ these handsome stores. The firat to be completed is Mr. Higginbotham's block and the great improvements made call for special mention. The Pharmacy of Higginbotham & Son is now a vel'y handsome shop, much larger th~n formerly and fitted up in style and grandeur . most credi'table to the taste and enter; prize of the owners. The adjoining shop . b y M essrs. · Ell ison & Co. is . no-w occupied fitted w'ith plate glass fronts, the windows being nicely dre8 sed by Mr. w. Sev.>Ch , and sister. The shop is now very cheery and inviting and is usually thronged with customers. Part of the block formerly occupied as ~ m· · a family re;;idence h as b een converteu to well appointed and very pleasant o:filces. On the ground fiool" Dr. J. l\L Brima· combe, the popular dentist,has a sui:te of parlors that would do honor to a city :firm, and having an entirely new and mod· ern dentist's outfit, his rooms are.seldom unoccupied by some of his wide cii!relc of customers. Mr. Thoe. Bing_hR.m, the Boss insurance agent, has a Vfmy tony offICe-one of the finest in . town.-also on the ground floor. Dr. Ji E .. Bingham, V. S., has his vffice and reams on the second floor, very nicely fitted and com.. fortable. Mr. Higginbo.thanili has three or four very nic.e ·rooms on the second floor still unoccupid andl very suitable f or o ffi ces. T hese wt ·11 , b a l!'ente d on very moderate terms to suitablG> tenants. The painting, gr aining and: p11iperhangiog was done by t he well known nrm of Kirby & Sherin and t.he ,vork.c1Wtainly doe3 them great honor. _____ .,,..,_ ......... ·--'--- tUN PARALLE LEO OFFER. The Medical Adviser Prof. Ruse wil-l be ou_ t of town during summer vacatiG>JJ. butt l'e!:ters will be for\varded to him. that are addressed Box 88 Bowmanvi'lle. Butter foF familv us.a-I pay cash for butter and. only* take_ the fines t quality. Cro~ka carelully packed by W . .Brittain, Me.rket Square. · Are you in need of a pair of specks, ~f so you can get a pair of fine pereacopic gfass.e s 1or 50c. at the Co-operative Jewellry Store. Newcastle is going to draw the largest crowd ever seen there on Dominion Day. The day's program is out and there's to ba oceaos of amusement. Our citizens should fix: the third or last Friday in June for Decoration D.iy and all the societh·s should decorate the f db h 1ecease graves 0 c ret ten. Attention is directed to the "Big Boot" display announcement by Mr. Treleven. He keeps one of the beat and biggest display of boots and shoes in town. CHAS. R usE's -EDUCATIONAL ScHOOL OF If you want a first-cl~ss cigar you must Anohord, .......... ; ............. pub. price, 50c 1 rap, Bloom is on the Rye.. . . . .. .. . . .. . " 35c go tow. E. Pethick's where you will find Musrc.- The most logical, thor9u1 Children .Asleep. ...... .. . . . . .. .. . . 30.c a. great manv kinds to chooae from. pid, sure, d elightful and economical sys· 40c Daddy... ................ .......... J tern in use. See advt. in another column. £a. Palone. . .. .. . .. . . . . ·. .. . . . . . .. · 40c Robert Am10ur, Esq., Registrar, rnp1 G1vES INSTANT RELIEF.~"I have been Flee s.s a Bird . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . true <J.'he King or Love my Shepherd is, 6!!c the summer of 1842 was similar t o 1889 troubled with asthma. and a bad cough so far and continued wet throughout. k . . for years. I get nothing to help me Ii e This Music is all printed on fine :Mr. 1:?.V~ V:imCamp a~: ended _the um_on Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, and would farmers picmc at Jub1.ee Pornt, Rice recommend it to others as it gives instant toned pa.per of the largest size. L <ike, .June 12 . H was a monstt>r success . . relief." Extract from Jetter from \Valter . Miss Alma Cry~errnan'~ fri~nds ~ill. be \ McAuley, V entnor, Ont. & pleas~d. to know t nnt :;he ta et1ll enioymg 1 We have had several drives into the her vmt a t Port T ownsend, Washmgton j cutrnlry of late and have observed in every N, B.-Do not forget that we Terr. . , _ direction that the crops look promising. sell PARIS GREEN of the very Messrs. J onn \\ esley and W. McKay H ay where the seed had a good c<ltch last of the D. 0 ..& P . Co., and S. ·S. ~dsall summer will be heavy. Grain of all kind1 fi.ne"t quality. and Dr. _Hillter lef~ last week on thmr an- lias made good growth. P ..sture is splen· uual fishing excu rR1on at Bobcaygeon. did and stock is in fine order. Our readora will sincerely sympathize Mr. Thos. W. Underwood, Orono, has with R ev. Chancellor Burwash, of Vic· purchased t.he lot aouth of the 0 rgan Fae· toria University, Cobourg, who has lost tory ~vhere formerly stood the old Kirk th1ea children the past week of diphthe· ~- ~---___....._....__;....._....... ,... ......, ,-_, ..... .,-.... . ..... . churcl1, for $1353, and purposes erecting ria. one of the most handsome hotels in EastB~NVILLE, JUNE ' 26, 188_ 9. . A BARREL Fun OF MONEY is a good thing to have, but health is better than em Ontario. He· intends to have the building under way of eNction at once wealth. Preserve your health by eating and completed by the early fall L~al cookery made wi th Imperial Cream TarEverybody in this district should know tar Baking P owder . t that W. Quick & Co. have moved their A buggy b11.rg11.in is offered this week. Mr. S. Cotton has been buying horses grocery business westward to Mr. Buck:See advt. for Montreal market and paying s~tisfec ler's block, two doors east c>f the post He bought one each from - 10,000 dozen Egg9 wanted-at Tod Bros. tory prices. Messrs. Fred . Rundle and J. Morris, office, where they are now prepared to 'Highest price p~id in dry goods. supply the public_with everything in the Hats in all the la.test styles just t o L ' skard, at good figures. grocery line,and also the beat fresh meats. Suits, Suits. See the immense choice The store has been nicely fitted up, and !hand at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Frank Duubrook h'ld to pay $50 and of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c. at M ason's; is now one of the neatest in town. Call . costs for selling liquor on the drill grounds thf y are selling many lines of fine S cotc'1 and see. tweeds (portions of the McClung ' s lock) :at the -tournament. The final report of the Stationing Comat less the.n they can be bought for to - mitteea, uf To~onto. Conference contains Monday Aug. !:ith, a good time to he- day. the following changes:-Whitby District gin a full couree in Chas. Ruse's E<iuca· ·_ The Young Ladies' Aid Society, and ~Brooklin, Geo. Leech; Columbus, J. tional School of Mu sic. choir of St Paul's church will give a garThe West-End-House are making big den patty, at the residence of Dr. Mc- Whitlock; Greenwood, w. A. Bunner; .reductions to clear out certain Unes ·of L~ughlin, M . P. P., on Wednesday June Scugo6, Thos. Reid; Seagrave, T. W. i strict-Orono, ;g oods. Call an4 see them. 26th. Tea. from 5 o'clock, uutil 7. The Leggatt. Bowmanville D_ Geo. Edwards; Tyrone J. M. Wright; D . 0. & P. Co. baud will play during the Public School uaminations a.re takS ou th Darlington, L. Liddy; Cartwright, Ice cream place this week, and the entrance ex· evening. Admission 25cts. ~·_ Kenner. d 3iev. ~ ~ ~at~ews.js aminations to the High School next week. 5cts. All are welcome. STA.TESMANs in wrappers all ready for NERVE TOR'.IURED - " I suffered with c air~uan, :nB · w. ·ii ·D' ~ . iatrmi Dary Bo o;vmahn~l e l8driRc ., aGn mailing at the office 3 cents per copy. neuralgia and found no relief until I used sReecre v r arrass c airman an ev ' D ·. · Since then I Le ·h · Send tl:iis weeks number t o your friends. Hagyard's Yellow Oil. ec , secretary, of Whitby istr1ct. Mason's have the largest stock of dress have also found it an invaluable · remedy Other ch1mges have bsen m!l.de a3 folgoods in town from $2 per yard down to for all pa.inful burns and cuts, rheumatism lows:- Rev. E. Roberts, Uxbridge,· J. D . 10 cents. Positively no five cent dress and sore throat," Mrs. F. Cameron, 137 Dyer, Cookstown: W. 0. Washington, Richmond StreetWest, Toronto, Ont. Alton; C. Taylor, Severn Bridge; H. ,V, :goods in the stock. A correspondent writing from Shaw's E. Kemp, Burk's Falls·, A. R. SanderThe citizens cf · Uxbridge presented ·their band with an addrees_and $162 on Suhool section says: "A great deal was son, South River; C. ,V, R1Jynold~, Man·their return with the 1st prize fr om the said about the amount of crime and itowimnin<T ,,. , · . drunkeness that was perpetrated under .Bowmanville tourna1uent. ST. J _. OHN ::s On _URCH. -A musical .and d t t t t d th the' Scott Act law, but when we look at RELU1 "BLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES: r~ma tc en _ er atnmen , .un er . e authe record of the past fe11 weeke, the spices of this church, wa~ hel_d m the -City of London, England, capital £2,The ·000,000; and Lancashire, Engla~d, capi- Newcastle midnight burgfary for rum, Town Hall ' on Monday evP.nmg ·· tal, £3,000,000, represented by JoHN and the amount of crime and drunken- West End A~a~eur Dra~a.tic Club, of ness that is rampant everywhere, who Toronto, cons1strng of Misses Wey and COLE, Sen ., Hampton, Ont. V-6m. can say that the License L:J.w is any bet- W d th d 1\1 W H H 0 ll d a swor ' an essra. · · au 0ur Carpets are se1ling fast but we ter, or even half as good as the Scott Act ~?d G.Donaldaon,gave tha one-act draf!la: want room and will clear Brussels, Tapes- Law." I. n Honor Bou _ nd, the characters _ berng · tries or Wool, Union and Hemp at lower 11 The World says this is to be a good suu1- u:iperso~ate d f air1 Y ~e ' the character of prices than you ever saw for same goods. mer for grass and for the dairy; that much S_ 1r_G. Carlyon.spec1_ally s_o, Mr. Holland Do not buy before you see J. J. Mason's seems assured already. Milk and butter, givmg a spl en d I d d el meat ton o f t h e l aw· stock. and cheese OURht to be in plentiful!rnpply Yer· baronet· The overture by. Messre . · Bowman ville Juniors went to Orono on though that they will be cheap to those Roger~, Meath and !'da:tland Saturday to pl~y· a game of base ba.11 a.nd who lavl) to buy does not follow. Some McEwan, w~s well play~d, mdee~. The smg1~~ of defeated the Juniors of that village by a commodities both rise and fall, but the M·i ss A. McGill and Mias E.Alle~ ehctted score of 11 to 10 with an innings to spare. ca.pability pf milk and butter for keeping Both . were 1 ~ good Bowmanville team go to Washburn on up appears tu be j us : wonderful. L JOk- he~rty ~ncores voice.. rhe song of Miss M~Gi_ll was Monday next to play Port Perry nin9. ing at the fine, J?rowing rains we have had ~eauL1fully enhanced by ~he v10hn ob_ We doubt if there is another garden in and the pasture, we should say that the llgato o.f Mr.McEwan. M1~s A_ lle'!- shows town of ita size that contains ench a vari- yield of milk this summer must be unus· much improvement, both m smg:~g and ety and such advanced vegetables, etc. , ually large. assurance, and is ~ *elcome addition to as Mr. \V. Thichon's, Concesaion·st. Of the case of the Queen vs. Archibald our town solo voc:ih1t~- Mr. W. ll.HolReally we were ~urprised to see it. We McNeil of Clarke, tried at Cobourg, the land eang two songs ~n g.ood style. M~-. fancy :M:r. 'l'. could give many of us some Cobourg World says: "In this. case a Donaldson gave ~ recitation and a co~ic p ointers in g ardening for profit. drunken police brought a respecta.bl"l far- song, both of which were much appreciatCobG urg people have very sensibly de· mer in~o an exoeedingly dangerous pre- ed. Mr. W. ~IcCullo?gh was un~ble to cided to ren dn tangible aid to their band, dicament. The prisoner went to John ~e prewnt, owmg to sICkness in his famabout 45 citizens a lready having subscl'ib· Crawford's liquor store in Newcastle at il,v, but 1111 ~nlooked for pleasure _was ed to a guarantee fund, agreeing to pay a night and broke into it and took a keg of given the audience, by an ?xcellent piano weekly subscription towards Mr. J. J . brandy. The peol'le in the next place 11010 from ~ts~ Wey .., Miss"Wad.swort~ Ansell, the bandmaster's sQ.lary. The or· heard the noise and raised an alarm. It gave I\. rec1tat10!1 en itled · Shado_ws,_ g1miz 1tio11 has been named the Citizen's · was qt1ite evident that the prisnoer was very r_ucely, while Mrs: Lock, of Wm~iBand . drunk and did not know what he was do- peg, d1s~harged_ the duties of a_cco.mpamst Bowmanvillo High School figured re- i ng and the jury took a m erciful view of m?st satisfactorily·. The ".venmg.s enter~ markably well a.t the recent University the case and brought him not guilty. His tamment does credit to Misses Milne and examinationF, fi ve of the former pupils Honor, Judge Ketchum, then discharged Holla1:1d wh~, we understantl, were the taking etall.ding as followa: E. R. Young h:m after giving him a wholesom1;1 le~ur('i. commtttee of management. passed first -year's examination; Arthur You can never know till you try, how SAVED.-A fine family of children were E. Mcli:: '-1~glllin and W. E. Parks took all afflicted with scrofula. Two died quickly a dose of Ayer's Pilla will cure honors in En~lish, French and German of early; the rest ·would soon have followed your sJCk headache. Your stomach and the first ~ear; Jno. W. Odell stood first but for the timely and persevering use of bowels need cleansing, and these pills in fi!Jl!til '.ass honors in Mathematics of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which built them up will accomplish it more effectually and Gomfortably than any ot'1er medic'n 3 you first ye -; and Alfred T. DeLury stood into a I'.e\lthy and vigorous manhoo'd. + can find. irst in honqr Mathematic'~ of third yeu. +. Hyn;teneal. WITHEl14llii!OE-PEACH. STOTT JURY. and Otherwise. ing I A ve.ry · plea~ant occurrence took place at the residence. @5 Mr. Geur6e Peach on }'rida.y, June 2':lst, it being the event of his only daughter being united in wedlock to Mr, W. C. Witheridge, of Darl.ing. ton. Miss Mary Mutton acted as brides.·· maid .and M l!'. Harry J one3 as . grooms· man. Th2 ceremony was p erformed by the Rev·. W. H. Warriner, M. A. B.. D., pasto~ oi Trinity church. The br1de was very ta3~efully attired in cream ca.r;hmere with orienta.I lace overdress, and the bridegmaid in pink, trimmed with oriental lace. After tne ceremony a forge numb'3r of invited ·g uest,a sat down tu a sumpt\.1ous repast . After receiving the beat wishes ar:d congratulations of their many friends, the hap;;y couple took their departu re on the 8.29 train for T oronto. The bridal prea, nts were numerous, among which were: bride's parents, parlor'lampandceleryg1ass; Mr Harry Jones, gtoomsman, pair fancy vases; Mi. i s Mary Mutton, bridesmaid, lamp; Mt's G Witheridge, linen table cloth; Miss Lizzie Witheridgo, parlor lamp; Miss N ettie Witheridge, pair vases; Mias S. Witheridge, half d r z, table napkins; Mr. F. Withdridge, breakfast cruet and teapot; Mr and Mrs Eni.bnd" card basket and breakfast cruat; Mr w Todgham, crystal high preserve dish; , M r a.od Mr; J Kerr, crystal high cake strnd; Mro W Mutton, white spread; Miss Cleverdon, eilver butter knife; Mrs W Brimacombe, silve~ pickle cruet; Miss Mary Ann Densom, crystal water pitcher; Miss Bryson, egg stand; Mr Herbert and Miss Minnie Fletcher, b11tter dish ; Mr and Mrs Taunton, crystal high preserve dish; Mrs J Bottrell, teapot and half doz. goblets; Mr@. W . H . Todgham, half doz. preserve dishes; Mrs J Morris, fruit dish and three J silver fork~; Mr and Mrs Tucker, crystal Fwux, ~ 100 lbs.,,,." ··. $2 50 to $2 80 tea. set; Mr and Mrs R Fishley, crystal WHEAT, Fall,~ bush ....· O 00 11 O 90 high preserve di~. h; Miss Armie Hayes, " epring, 11 · · · · · 0 00 II 0 90 Newcastle, parlor lamp; MisJ Mag!{ie B.&~,LEY, ~bush, No. 1. ..· O 50 11 O OO Raye~, pair vases; Mrs A Mathews, fruit 11 11 11 2 .... O 45 11 O 48 dish. 11 11 11 3 .... O 45 11 {) OD I · RYE, II · · · · · · · ' ' , 0 ab II () 65 n the Matter of the Estate of Tbe Gountxes' Council. O.ns, 11 ···· , , ·· . , () 30 11 Q OOI THOMAS WILSON POWER, Pus Biackeye f' bush 70 11 00 o_ f the Township of Darlington, 11' Small ' 11 ·· · 60 11 68 Tll:E WaBDEN's aDDI~Ess. u Blue 0 70 0 75 m the Oounty of Durham, da- worst ·tages. A. raw SON' Crom head to feet. Hntr gone. Doctor,. :n11l hoHpltnls :mu. 'l'rled everything. Cnretl by the Vn·t tenra Remedies for $G. I am cured or a loathsome l'lisease, eczema., in its worst stage. I tried diJferent doctors and been through the hospital, but all to no purpose. The dist>ase cover·d my whole body from the top of my head to the solea of my feet. My he.iR all came out leaving me a complete raw sore. Arter trying everything. I heard ot your CUTICURA K~MEDIES, and after using three bottles of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, with CUTICURA e.nd CU'.NCTRA SOAP, I find cured at the cost of about $&\ I would not be without the CgTICURA REMEDIES in my house. as I ftnd Is made only of strictly pure· grape c1·eam them useful !11 many cases:and I thihk they of tartar, strictly pm·e. bi~1ll'bouate of are the only skin and blood medicines. ISAAC H. GE:rtMAN. Wurtsboro, N. Y. soda, and a small portion. of flour as a preservative, nothing elsa wootever, a nd A. Most- '\'fonclcrrnl ()1ue. 1s warranted entirely firee from alum, I h1tve liar a moat wonderful cure of salt ammonia, phosphates, lime, s.ncl all the sbei;m\Eczema), :rtor five years I have suffered adulterants frequently fiiH!l>l!l>d in baking with this disease. I had it on my face, arms and hands. I was unable to do anything whatpowders. 'l'he charache· r of materials ever with my hands for over two years. I used, their purity, and. the nicety of their tried hundreds o~ remedies and not one had combination, render Cle· ve-}and's superior I the least effect.. The doct,or said my case wa11 incurable. I sP.w your advertisement anrl conbaking powder the most healthful and most l eluded to try the CUi'ICURA REMLDIES ; and, economical in use, andi it always affords incredible a.a it ms.y seem, after using one box wholesome, nutritious,. and delicious food. ot CUTICURA, and two cakes or CUTICURA SoAi"· It is r ecommendedlfu'll'pnrity, healthful- and two bottles of CUTICUJ<A RESOLOE>.L, I I am enti:rely cured. Those who think ness and efficiency, J!>,y Government and find this letier e:x;s.gg.,roted may eome and see me, State chemists, chemists of Boards of for themselves. GR.ACE.Ji\ HARKHAM, Belle River, Ont, Health, and prof&s50'rs in institutions of learning throug)lQllt the country. ~uticnra ltr.1ne·lles. Sold only in cans-, full weight. Cure every species of torturing, humiliatinQ'. CLEVELAND· Bil!.ti'i"HERS, ALBANY, N . 11') itching, bur10ing, scsly and pimp1y diseases ol! the 5kin, scalp, and blood! with Joss of hair, s.nd all h>llmors, blotches, eruptions, soras. H. C. Tait selJls best spectacles. scales s.ud crusts, when physicians and all Trottin~ WJ>g-Oil and buggy for sale-see other remedies fail. Seid everywhere. Price. CuTICURA., Wo.: advt. SOAP, 35c.; RESOLVEN'l'. $1.50. Prepared: bv P0'1 'TERDRuG and C.!.EM lC.A L UuRPOHAill]ON: t.ne See the new prints just opened out at Bosto-· 1. Couch Johnalmn & Cryderman's. .tiw.Send for "How to Cure Skin Diseases," 6! FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insurance. pages. W illustrations, and 100 testimoni~Ls. RoBT. Vrn'.l1liJE, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. PLES. black-heads, red, rough, chapped Still the rush for our English Hats and oily skin prevented by CU'E.:,CURA. contio ues. See J. J. Mason's Hat.a at SOAP. once. Gentromei. examine Tod Bros. stock of tweeds before le~ving y our orders for rheurn11tism. nnd chest paini:i rea spring i.uit. lieved in one minute by the CU'l'I~ cuHA ANTI·PAIN PLAS.TER. The M0.11ris' Carriage works has got a first- fic~. t and only !nstanta.neona pain· killing plaster cla~ ps.iutcr. Parties iutending to have - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - -- their buggies repai1,ted this spring bring ; th.em along at once and have them done up in good style. THE NEXT ENTRANCE EXAMITo THE DEAF.-A Person cured of nation for Bo\vmanville High School Deafness and noises iu the head of 23 will be held on years' standing by a simple remedy, will JULY 4th, 5th aud 6th, send a description of it FREE to any person who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St.. Commencing first day at 1 30 p. m.; subsequent days at !). 00 a . m. Intending John St., Montreal. 44-1yr. Porter's Foundry and Machioe shop is candidates should send in their names reopened. All kinds of castings made to the undersigned, as aeon as possible. M . M. FENWICK. and machine repairs done on short notice. H . M.B. S., The bneiness will b!:l car:ied on by the Bowmanvillt1 . Porter Estat e under management of Mr. · 23-3w Geo. Porter. Give them a call. ANIMPORTANT hrPHOVEMENT. - The new S oft Stop and Practica Pedt\l attachment to a Newc.ombe Upwright Piano serves by Auction, at HODGSO:S'S HOTEJ,, Raglan. on the nerves of t)le listener or performer, when practising, as well as tho instruWednesday, July 10th, 1889, ment fro m wear, and preserve~ the tone. At Two o'clock, p. m., Lot No. 16, in tho 9th IN 10 DAYS TnrE.-"Was troubled Con. or East Whitby, between Mvrtte aud Re.glan. 'rbis farm is the property of Mr. Geo: with headwhe, bad blood and loss of Liddle, e.nd contains 100 acres. more or less. 11ppetite, and tried all sorts of rn£dicines all cleared and well _fenced, and in a :first-class state of cultivMion. On the premises are a without success. I then tried one bottle good frame house and barn, with srrite.ble of Burdock Blood Bitters and found re- outbuildings. There is a email orchard, & lief in 10 days." A.J.Meindle, Mattawa, sp!en:'lia living stream of water, and a good well. The farm he.a not been rented for a Ont. number of years. Thi· farm i· within one miJe or school, churclles, post office s.nd railway station. Mr, Liddle having purchased another farm MARRIED. adjoinini:: hia homestead, near Brooklin, can· J.1.MEs-MooRE-At the residence of the not handle this ts.rm any longer 1.mtl would bride's father, on Juno 19th, by Rev, .Tames rather sell than rent it. Curts, Mr. Thompson R James, son or Mr. TEitMS.-'l'en per cent. down, and enough Richard James, or Cam bray, and Miss Sophia to make $5,00Q by~'irst of October. 188~. bainnce J\toore, daughter of Mr, .Tames Moore, of Ops. secured by mortgage, payable November 1st. 1E93, and bearing ~ ~~r_1;ent~ l~terest. W-'4· fiEl:lZiliEWOQD, · · ' ,, .Auctioneer: BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. 26;3w Bro-:,i1lln. J11n!l lGth, 1889. corrected by J. M:elttnl\try, every T~«_i~~af Eczemu in Us cLEVELANo~s SUPERl1 0R THE PUREST AND' BEST ECZEMA CAN BE CURED. The Most Agonizing,Itching Burning and Bleedi ng Eczema Cured. BAKING POWDER I ! PIM an!4!~i~~Ya~k~~e~!~AJi~~e;s, Entrance Examinations. . FA.RM FOR SALE EXECUTORS' I I N OTI GE TO GREDITORS~ o o o o d The June seesion of the Municipal Council of the United Countie~ of North· umberland and Durham was he1d week · before la.st d · p · . h C . . 1' ar en arr ~n open mg t e ~unci1 · said the Ju?e sess10n may be CQna1dered the most important . . one of th e year, b ~caus.e the Coun~il is ca:lled U?On at th.is session: to exercise their best JUdgm_ent m th t t b I df arran_gmg e amoun 3 0 e_ e~ie or carrym~ on the work of the counties. A part of their du lies would be to equalize the asse·sment rolls of the m1'nor muni ·. ~ cipalities. It would also be necessary for them to examine the Auditors' report and to pass by-laws to levy a county rate and upon certain municipalit.ies a sum equal to the legislative gr . ant for pablic schools. The estimates for the ensuing year show that the d~benture of $2090, having expt . red, (the laBt one was pa.i·d i ' n 1888) i·t is necessary to make a small addition to the hitherto very low rate i'n order to cover all exp1:mses. The Canada. Temperance Act having been repealed, the office of Police Magistrate under the Act has ceased to exist. As a number of fines which were imposed under the Act are yet unpaid, it is necess11.ry for the Council to take action to enforce payment and settle up matters in connection therewith. Tenders have been asked for building a new stable a.t the gaol. Dnring t.he recess the Warden visited the regiatry offices in Northumberland and Durham, and with the exception of the office at Coiborne found their internal .arrangement.a very satisfactory. A special examination of thebridgeatHastingsshowstha.talthough it · might in time ·of unusual freshets be consiaerod unsafe, yet from ordinary causes there seems to be no immediate ~anger of a.collapse. The bridge appears m as safe and good .condition as it did when inspected by the Council two years ago. The fact that it withstood the severe freshets which recently swept off so many bridges in this locality proves that it stands on solid foundations. The County Council of Peterborough repudiate all liability to contribute towards the maintenance of the present boundary bridge or the construction of a new one. (BtfT'1'.El't, 'u be~ttable,~fb... 0 00 :: 0 14 ceased. EGGS, 'II" doz.············ 0 00 " 0 I2 POTATOES,'!?' bush .· · '· ··' 0 15 " 0 20 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURSU.ANT t-0 the provisions or the Revised PoRK, ~ cwt. . . · . . . . . . . . G 50 11 7 00 Statutes or Qntario, Uha).lter 110, Section S6. HAY """ ton 12 00 11 13 00 that. all creditors and others having cla.i·ms ' ,,.. · · ·· · ·· · · ·· ·· against the estate or Thomas Wilson Power or the TownEhip of Darlington, in the county BOA.T WANTED. -A good secon d - th!! of Durham. who A. died or at about Eighth deceased, day of May, D,. on 1889, the M. T~:~::~;.8~s.t. Inquire or W. HEA ~~rat sai.Cl Towneh_ip of Darlington. a.re hereby re1 Q< ured to deliver or send by post prepaid to · -- ·- ----- - - - -- - -- -- J~MES G:tLll'ILLAN, of 'the Town of Bowman· WANTED, AT e 40 PER MONTH ville, one o!the Executors ot the Will of the "" ~ said Thomas Wilson Power, deceaeed on or AND EXPENSES PAID, s. fow good before the. Firs~ _day or August, A. D.', 1889, a sale~men to sell Nursery Sfock. Steady em statement ID writing of their names and &d· ployment the year rouod to successfnl sales- dresses, and full particulars ot their claims men. Address.with refer·mces. D. H. PATTY, and the nature or all securities, (if s.ny} hold Nurseryman, Geneva, N. Y. 24;Gw by them. And notice h further given, that after the STOCK FOR SALE.-1 have several ~aid last named date, the executors acting horses, heavy draught, general purpose under th'! will of the said '.l'homas Wilson and drivers, for sale or would exchange for Power, will proceed to dist,rlbute the assets of cattle. Will give good barge.in. I have also the said tcst.ator among the persons entitled for sale a litter or extra. tine thoro··bred Berk- t thereto. h.avml( reg ..rd only to the claim3 of shire pigs readr to wean. WM. CoURTICFl, lot 1 whtc.~ notice shall h~ve been given as above 28. con. 2, Da.rlmgton, Courtice P. o. 'r_equued, and tl_1e sa1d executors will not be 23-4w · hable for the said as~ets . or any part thereor; to s.ny person or persona of whose claim or puRSE LO~T.-At the Dr:U Shed claims notice shall not have been reooivod by them at the time aforesaid. ·Ground:, on \Yedne~day. June 12, s. pura~ Dated at Bowms.nv1'lle, thi·s 2"h day o· June, con°aming .,.,10 in money. and a note !or $10 "" L made by H. c. Hoar in fa.vor of w. II. Riches: A. D., l&s9. a!ld due Nov. 1, 1889. Persons aro hereby forJAMES GIL1"ILLAN, I E bidden to negotiate said note. s.s payment has CHESTER Pow1m, j x:ecutora. been stopped. vV. H. RICHES, Tyrone. 25;3w· 26;5w by D. Bumm S1~':~~olicitor. Cash will buy a good second·hand covered buggy (Morris' me.ke). with small seat for children. Had new $25 top in 1887. It is a 11reat bargain. ln1J.uire ot JI'[. A. JAlllEs,Editor . ' Bowmanville, ' $40 I THE PIAIOS VVORLD' TYPEWRITER. ONTHE A. regular monthly, qua.rter!y or half-yearly payment (a. slight advance on the rental rate) buys the 10st.rument. Any piano may be chosen out of a magnificent assortment or Uprights, Squares. pm1 Grands, unsurpassed in quality. .l\imisters, Teachers. Government Officers. s.nd those in rec~ipt of regular incomes will find this a convenient and a-dvantageous mode for securing a first class instrument, When theinstmment Is used for practice, our Soft Stop or Practice Pedal saves wear on tke Rerve, as well as preserves the tone of the Piano. Our pa.tent Foot Pedal attachment tor Pianos is invaluable to organist~, students and teachers, Prlces on appll.cat10n, Inspection invited, vVarerooms-107 and109 Church St., Toronto F11.etory, the fl.nest in its equipment& and ap: li>lls.nces in the city. 89 to 97 e.Jlwood ave. 3 YEARS SYSTEM PRICE, $10.00. Th.e o.nly practice.I ·.rypewriter in the world. His f!tmple, practical and durable. No m11.chine ever mvented does neater work. It writes Sii to 40 words per minute. Never gets out of a)lgnment or out or ordWJ. No expense for ribbons. No instructio quired. It ia a marvel of simplicity d usefulness; Over 40,000 now in use. _Eend for descriptive! pamphlet and mention this pap5r. . the 'blood pure ond the 'bocly lleoltlty. OUCA.!UONAL DOSE~ or ll good Clltbartlc lllie Burdock Pills a1·e ncee·sary io keep OCTAVIUS NEWCOMBE & CO. The Typewriter Improvement Co., !I. P.O. l:qr.· BOSTON. ~Q.ss. Branck Office ; 7 .Ade~ide St. Ea.st, 'foronto. A?;ente wanted. Addr. eJs main olllcr,

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