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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1889, p. 2

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EDWARD EVERETT HA.LE, D D. she ~ae much deener down in the bog of dis,· 1Jf it had been you would .10t l:e in doubt mutuu.l r'especti a.nd mutual C()nfidences. It WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1889. "' tile Cnttcura lleme1Ue.~. · era.ca th11.n she had kliown. yourself." . 1 1is not in vain t uat we go to the same sclicols, ! I Fortunately she ditl noo understand that, "Thank you," said Edith. "You feel just work in the rnme ca.uses, study in t he same Boy one year · and a half old, Face and CTI APTER V · if anybody had suppvued that she was dis· as I do." Buo he did nob leo her go on. 1circles a.ud, in a. word, live in the same life. borly Jn a ttwriblc <'Onflitlnn, berng <'.ovEdith Liine resoived once and again afcer I honeet in overdrawwf( her ba.nk a.acount, "You.see," he ea.id, "your,unkuown aorres. lfyou_a.11d I were "Henry a.rid Emma," or ered with !Sore·. 8ul11Jrnr srn·lngs. tun. her father's return thab she would tell him , she couid ha.ve been arrested before pC>ndent mighb appear to mori:ow morning, j "Paul and Virginill.," or, "Silly and Billy," <Jnrcd byCuthmraRcme,ues. tha.t she .had lost her bonds. But all de.y he I· she lofb the building. Thie would not and you would want to have her money 1 or "Fergus and Evelyn,' or any other ab· I have used your CuTICURA REMEDrim in two w,a.s a~ hte dlfoe, a.nd each Ume when her~· have ha.ppened, howPver, in any cirqum· ready for her. You would do much better surd P.eople in a novel, of course.you would cases where it proved to be successf.u>:{ -l'he Once said that the secret of good health 1 t d h ht dto tell him a.ndeo put10 m W b l b k f h h h 1 firstwaain1hecaseofa.boyayearand 1 a . 1 alf consisted in keeping the head cool, the .nrn~ s e a. e ·· ·. eta.nee, to her h.th· e r's daughter. "-he 11<V· to orrow yourse t at your au or o some i not w1e to ave me e p you in any sen- old. Hi· face anti· body were in a terrible .ho 3 off till mor.n!ng. E~ch mormng he wa. .m erley BAnk was a new bank, and the people friend." 1 sible W"'Y· a.nd I should never ihink of pro· clition, the former being completely co ITT'ed feet warm, and the bowels open." Had ha.at? for his breakfast, a.nd the po~r girl were very gla.d that he bad bi:ought her " I have r'o many friends," and E iith, posing to. Bat seeing we are plain Ta.m· with sores. I took him to the Massena Sulphur this eminent physician lived in our day, pu,t it off a.gain. After the second or t hese account and .placed it there: Edio.h retired more bitterly than she meant, "that I can· worth people,. memb,.re of th.e siAme churah Springs. but heditl not improve anvJ I was and known the merits of Ayer's Pills 1 h h d h A h then advised to try the CUTICURA REMEDIES, la1 ur~s s e a. no c ance. s B e ca.me to her ca.rrfoge with as good grace a.a she not select, and I a.m afra.id my fa.tber wou!d land C ·.tlioers 1D the same circle, I ~ee no which I did. He took one and one half bottles as au aperient, he would certainly have. hone lil the afternoon from an ear . ly archery could anq ba.de J a.mes to take bee home, be wretchedly annoyed if he knew I was m ha.rm in what I have done, and I will not of CuTJCURA Ri;:soLVENT, w . h.en hiR skin was recommended them, as so many of his party she found a note from her father sa.y. this scrape though rea.lly it is from no fa.ult: say I co. I as smooth a.s o..ould. be, and i3 to-day. I used ing that he was calkd to New York. This CHAPIER VI. of mine cannot well borrow at tne bank Truly yours ANTONY BLAKE. I tbe C'!TICURA; on )us sores and the CUTICllRA distinguished successors are doing. , f 11 db t 1 f .N y ·k · ' SoAP m washmg him. He 1s now five yea.rs of The celebrated Dr. Farnsworth, of wa~ <> owe Y a e egram rom ew 01 She had several courses before hP.r. First, without saying tha.b he has been ca.reless or When Edith ca.me home late from a. long age. and all right. The other case was e. sa.ymg h.e was called to London, And so she could telegraph to her father in London, making people think :so. It gives a. certain J drive which she had ta.ken in the country disease of. the sc!tlp, whicJ; was cured .by Norwich, Conn., recommends Ayer's poor Edith was leh to her own newly !l.C· "I am disgraced and without money. Wh:1.t publicity to the mistake he ma.de when he this note was ws.iting for her ~aehmg with the CuTICURA Soap and rubbmg Pills as the best of all remedies tor ma.na.ging her own business h . h th t f ·. k I ld 'dl . · . m the CuTICURA, one ' bottle o! CuTrnURA q uired skill in · · shall I do?" Se3ond-and of this ~he t oug t a ~;&IX wee s cou -pall e She read 1t more tban ha.If through with RESOLNENT being used·: · They ha,·e p:oved u Intermittent Fevers." tor the next six weeks. thought seriously-she aould go to Dr. my own ca.noe. · · · appro'l'al o~ th voung feHow's. pluck and successful In every c~se whe~e.I haved adV!sed Dr. I. E. Fowler, of Bridgeport, What soon baca.m~ very clear .w'.ls tha.b Witherspoon, who had christened her "I do not t hmk there. rn such publicity pride. But when she came to "F~rgus and the use of t.hei;n. It is surpnerng how rapidly Conn., says: "Ayer's Pills are highly ah~ mue:.h.a.ve mo~~[' Indeed, ihiu: someb twenty yea.rs ago, and had received herinto as you fear. You sea," said he, good natur· Evelyn" the words seemed to stand out of r~~~~m~~~ ~~~of~~ ~~;0 .iis!~:!ri;i~~ms'l.:~~ and universally spoken of by the people tb11ig "'. lCtl geneu ~ becom?s.c ear 0 mos tne Church six yeara ago, and loved her a.a edly, "the ba.ok people W!JUld be only too the raper. a.a be\ng the best in the world. Thig is my peopl~ 1Il moder_n society. J!]i1th first ma.de her father did. glad to lend your fa.ther'e daughter anything. Or was she crazy herself? Did she see experience, and I am readv to stand by my about here. I make daily use of them the mistake whw\i many other people make T . his would ha.ve been the wisest thing for It mm be most easily arranged. How much words which were not there ·1 statement JOHN BERO, In my practice." · of thinking that it wiU do any good to say do you wanb ?" . . 0 th t . 1 - 1 · Amer.can House, Hogan11bnrgh, N, Y. · · ,, Sh her to do ; but she had a. sense of mortitic!lo· · · r were ere ever wo peop e. an ove Dr. Mayhew, of New Bedford, Mass ·· 11 I al?~d, · must hav;e some mon.ey. e tion whiah hindered her from doing this. "Oh, I want as·much a.s $250. These are with each other with those-two na.mee? An llnbrarable SJ1Jn Disease Cured. says: "Having prescribed many thou· sa.td this to tlie lookmg gl~a ·twrne ae she Then she thought over the list of her mother's all the subscriptioils papa. lik:es me to make She rea.d the note through and then went I have been afflicted since last March with a sands of Ayer's Pills, in my practice, I dressed heraelf. But ~o money came from old friends !!.mong the ladies of T<1omworth, -and- -" to her father's den, S he looked in the skin disease the doctors called E czema. My can unhesitatingly pronounce them the tha.t. AzJ to housekeepmg and wa.gcs there and there w·s no· one of 'hem whom she The yoang man laughed lightly, a.s she Telenhone Dinclory, aud then asked for face was cover~d with scabs and sores, and t ble The housekeeper had bee11 " u u h h r the itching and burnin~ were almost unbearbe8t catharticJ iu use." was no rou ·· · liked as a aounsellor. Then she remember· t OU!? t. 297. able, Seeini;: your CuTICURA REMEDIES so The Massachusetts State Assayer, Dr. supplied. Bllt for herself, Edith knew ed a sermon which Dr, Witlierspoon had "Pa.rdon me," he said, 11 From your "Hello l highly r,eoommended. concluded to givA them A. A. HayM, certlfles : " I have made a there would be trouble very soon. . prea.che .d a few Wt>eks before, of which the tone I thought you were goinu to_ sa.y t-:vo "Does Mr. Antony B la.ke live in the S b. a trhl , using the Cll'l'HJIJRA and CuTICURA · once putherse1f on 8 h or t a11owe.nee. doctrine wa.s, " F ...ce ·Your Perplexities." h und red an d fift · SoAr extorn111ly, And RESOLVENT > internally careful analysis of Ayer's Pills. They Sh e a.o . Y th·ousaud · I WISh · M188 Clair?-for four mont.hs. I call myself cured, in graticontain the active principles of wellShe did not ~o into a &hop. She passed the He had told them they should~not ruu _ away Edith, you would let me lend it to you my· "Ask Mr. Autony B!a.kc if he ca.n come tude tor wbich I make this pubhc s·Mfment. known drugs, isqlated from inert matmosi a.ttractive book stores, saying, " Limd from th<iir perplexities, bu.t must look them self. You ha.ve been kind enoug!J to a.sk my to No. !JO Curwen street." MRi:l. CLARA A . FRFDERICK, ter, which plan is, chemically speaking, ut1 non into temptation." She went on foob iu tQ.e fa.co and find out how gre11ot they a.ivies. V\ill you be good enough to take In ten minutes Mr. Antony Bl11.ke wa.a C&Hcura ne~1~1d~!'.'OGk, Oonn. of great importance to their usefulness. if she could not ride in her own ca.rrhge; were. She nmembered tha.b soll!e mi:.n she it." . · ' there, though it was half·p,.st ten a.t night. It insures actiYity, certainty, and uniCure every species of torturing, humiliating. by which I mean she never took the people's ha.d talked with not long before had told her Edith was ll.OW ta.ken wholly a.ha.ck. She "Mr. Blake, pardon me for troubling you, itching, burning, scaly formity of effect. .Ayer's Pills contain and pimply diseases of no metallic or mineral substance, but carriage-the sbreet ca.~, S~e W'il.B even that the turning point of Robinson Crusso's ha.d chosen her a.dviaer-El.B he said. Here but who a.re Fergus a.nd Evelyn?" , the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair the virtues of vegetable remedies in mean enough to put a mckel mto the con- fortunes comes in the moment when he fa.cas wa~ a proposal whioh would lift her out of "l am sure I do not know. · I wish I did " and all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores, scales, and crusts. whether simple, ocrofo.lous skillful combination." tribution box at churoh, sitting in the very his perplexities. OD ·some piece of pa.par the d epths. For the instant she felt that he sa.id rutfully. ' or contageous, when physiciand and all knowu ~ew where th6 <lea.con was alw~ys sure of a he ha.d, with some ink he ha.d ma.de, he wrote ii only she.had the three bi1e of p:i.per he Poor E::lith. She could. have dropped on remedies fall. five dollar bill. Bub then Edith ma.de an them down sc that he could look at them spoke of she should be perfectly happy. the floor for her disa.ppointment. .s()Jd everywhEre. Prrne, Cuticura., 75c.; "What did you mean, then, Mr. Blake, Soap. 35c. ; Resolvent $1 50. Prepared 'oy the a.ccount of t~is, a.nd aole'!'nly pled~ed herself and see what they ,.ere. Edith took a sheet Sho could see the two notes of one hun· Jllepared by Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mau. POTTER DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co.. B oston, for every ll1Ck9l she laid on the altar to of note pa.per and proceeded to write down d:ed-a.nd one note of fifty-clean two of when you ea.id Silly and Billy E velyn a.n j ",. Sold b:y all Dealers in Medicine. Mass. · pl11oce a. ten dollai: bill w~en-she had it. hers. The list took the following .order:- them appeared, crisp and clean, and one fill>b· Fergus?" ' Jt;iTSend for "How to Cure Skin Disease," 61 Dear child, she kuew the .difference between 1. la.ma fool. by and rlirty, before her mind's eye. She had read the words forty times while pages, 50 illustrations, 100 testimonials, little turtle ~ovea e.nd good la.rg_e lambs. 2. I believe 1 am a thief, bat am not cerBut ehe did nob waver, even for that he wa.s coming. SkinimdSCJ<lp preserved and beau· These economies she kept up SOO!!odlly. Bllt ta.in. instant, Her.n1a.nner wa.e kind enough, but Now io was nis turn to bln11h a.nd sta.mmer, . A tifted by CUTICUR.!. SOAI', AbSO· economies do nob create money. ;{, I have no money. absolutely firm as she declined. "You are Nor did he see bow near wa.s the crisis. lutely pure. And it seemed a.a it neYer were· the un· 4. I have ta.ken frem the Waverley .8J1.nk quite right in S!\ying that I ha.d better ask "Oh-only-well you see-well I once ~ expected expenses so terrible. Then Cl!.?16 $47 wbfoh I had no right to. the b!!onk people, I will cert~inly do so. had some letters-I' thought they V:ere love . . a bill for annual cost& a.t the cemetery wh.1ch By ~ddi·na up the a.moun~ of her checks You a.re very kind, and I shall a.lwaye be letters-addressed to Evel"n Somebody and ff ti db h· · tten. E · · h pro mp tiY and compa.riog ~ .., it with her own " account she gratef u 1 to you f or your WI ·11· " know who the 0 ema1es mstan Y re1ieve y t at h er f 11other h ad f orgo 'd10 lllgness. B 11t it Fergus Somebody. I d() not new, elegant 11ndmfallible 11 ntidote P."'id th11ot. Then ~a.me her annual eubscrip· ha.d found the fa.ta.I mista.ke wbic.h.·ehowed will ba better so." Somebodys were. The letters were not to Pain,JnftB.mmation andWeakness, tio~ at th~ S1helt~nng Arms, he~ assortmen,b tha.t instea.d of ha.ving $40 in the ba.nk she "I hops you are not offended," said he, mine. I pub them a.we.y." the IJUTIC URA AN'l'l P AIN PLASTER. The first " Where did you put them? Where a.re and only instantaneo11s pain-killing plaster. a.ttneLad1es Rehefand the Sewmg Women e ha.d taken out $47 more than she ,h~i,ild ha.ve somewhat proudly. "You seem to he dis. Friend. The sa.me afJernoon ca.me a man done. tressed. V\Te are not in a. novel. I wa.nted they now?" ----~.~------------from the Okla.ha.ma. fre~ sahool. Every Edith's list went on~ to be of use. That is a.II." ··Where! They a.re in' my aafe a.t ths younr( lady of her acq11a.mtance h.a.d sus5. I owe honest tra.despeople w'io ha.ve "Offended-how could I be cffended," said Amicable. I wish I knew where they ought cribed $10. Dr. Witherspoon had recom· trusted me $17211. , sh,e, ~·I a.sked for information and advice. to be." O LEASE, a general store, dwelling mended it, and Edlt·h knew that she was 6. I wish I ha.d a.a much as $75 in the Yott have given me both. 1 shall get out of And Edith was herself a.gain, "Mr and store house. in the village,Oal{Wood. Expected to suscribe. Rndless appeals were house, if it were only to keep up decent my troubles now, I see. And I &hall thank Blake I think it ie for me to turn over to Plate 11:lass front and well fitted for trade. Old mad~, indeed, from o!1e and another similar appearance till papa. gets hoine. yon for showing me how. Will you not come you :ome property of yours I have here ousiness stand of 30 years. Good grain market. Free store house at Mariposa station. Midland charity. Andasaohma.x t?e ht of July 7, Infach,Iha.ve $1197. Isuppose ,tbe in? No? Good night, then," An\l she Indeed, I did not steal ib. But are 110 R ' R, Apply to JAMES THORNDIKE, Oakwood, ~a.me and al~ her quar terly bi!ls. T~e foo.t· housekeeper would lend rne something,. but gave him her hand. " Plea.se do not think these Catta.ra.ugus bonds yours, and this ·20- sm mg wa.s terrible·· And she with so l!ttle ~u I do not like to a.sk her, and I have no right I am offended." hundred dolla.rs, perhaps, too ? ' And she herpocket,a.nd,iftherewa.s any virtue Ill tostarvetheh.mlly. Iti was vary queer. If they ha.d only handedhimthewellknownparcal, arithmetic uot $40 in the Waverley Bank. Edith said to herself, "I wonder if I known, all would have been well, For this · · Eclith, on the 21 'llf July did what you could not borrow $200 of somebody. !_think president vf the Chautauqua. Circle was AnA llst ol 1000 newsvapers divided. into STATES AND SECT10NS will be sent onap· or I would ba.ve done. She ordered her if I were a man. I ehould know how to tony Bla.ke. As ib was they both went home J:A. plication-FREE. . coupe and bade J a.mes take her to the Amie- borrow $200. I observe in books that men -and for ':;wo or three hours neither of them 'J'o those who want their advertising to pay. cable 11.ga.in. Itwa.s just possible that the a.lwa.ys borrow money when they want in. went to sleep. "Onglib I h!?.ve aa.id this? Mr, L:ire's absence in ELgland was pro we can offer no better medium for thorough things might have changed themselves ba.ak I do nob sea why I CJ.nnot borrow this Why did I say that?' in a.11 posliible forms longed, a.nd it we.a September before he re and effective work than the various aelections . , money." till nature and youth a.eserbed themselves tur"led. Edith met him a.t the Tamworth of our Select 1-ocal I.1st. PUREST, STRONGEST, BEST, a.gain. GEO.P. llOWEJ.L.t:UU., The warders knew her :i.nd told her it was a.nd the provoking conversa.tion was forgot· station, with the carriage, to bring him home, CONTAINS NO Newspaper .Advertising Bureau, CHAPTER . Vll. ten, ' "I h, ve so much to tell you, p~p3o, a.nd I a pleasant morning, as it we.s. But itseeined 10 Fpr1ce street, New York, Alum, Ammonia., Lime, Phosphates, . to Eiith thatthey looked on her witli an do not know.how to begin." · OR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE, inquiring a.ir, as if they wondered thllot she It ha.ppened tnat that wa.s the evening CHAPTER VlII. "lt !s clea.r tha.t it is good news," said be A!{M lN PICKERING FOR SALE. E ,.W. GI LL.E TT· TonoNTOCH~~Go. ILL. da.red to come. Still she br11.ced herself to for the meeting of the Chautauq ua.n Circle to "Ycu look so well. And you are a good wo -One of the best farms in Pickering for her duty. She ga.ve the mystic number l\nd whiah Edith belonged. The girl had rather Elith rose the next morning with a new ma.n of business-that has ~ppeared all sale containing 125 acres, all of which a.re MAHUFACTURER OF , cleared and in high state of cultivation. On she produced her key, at which the bolt flew tired of g:i.y society, after the first two resolution. She went to her desk as soon a.& throu1.Yh from your JetterH." THE CELEBRATED ROYAL YEAST CAXES. the pr,cmisce arc a good dwelling house and ba.ck at the rigM moment, jueb a.sit does in winters that followed her "a,o mlng out," breakfast wa.s over and wrote this note:"That you will have to judge of, p~pa." out buildings and two wells. ThiB property i9 the" Forty Thieves." She :::a.rried the tin She ha.d danced quite well, she had received "LETTERS LOST.-A pa.reel of 11ix let· At that. moment as they crossad the sta.tio~ eituated" on Jot 15, b, f., one mile andA-,halt box oub to the very ea.me cell she ha.d a good deal of attention, she ha.d tasted that ters, dated in Ma.y, 1883, a.nd tied together her tather saw Antony .Blake, pressed hie from Pickering village, half a mile fWU.,.~.·a.rid Station. thre_ e miles from Piel~ 91'in11: occupied before. She felt as if she were a cup pretty thoroughly, and then, without with a white ribbon. The finder will be hand wa.r.mly a.nd asked him to _<iome and Trunk Harb"Or, and six miles from 'Vhltby, For nun Ill a convent, She opened the box a.nd being cynical at all abr.ut it, she tl!.oaght tna.nkeda.nd liberally rewarded if he will send see them, which Antony sa.iuhe \)'ould glad- turther particulars avply to JAl\lES P!CKARD -tliere wa.s nothing there. Then she waited sho had drunk about as mueh of'. it'a.s she a. note to-G. R., at the Post Offiaa." ly do. on the premiRes, or Pickoriog, f>. O. 2!1-tt a. little-poor child, this was to deceive the wanted, On the other hand, sopie near This a.dvertiaeinent she inserted in the "Than you1;1g ma.n," s11.id Mr. Lane, as thev ARM FOR SALE. - 130 acre&, comW!!irders. Then she locked the box and friends o[ hers ha.d engaged in the. Olia.utan- Arg11s of tha.t day. The hope she had wa.s entered the ca.rria.ge, "is one of the most sua posed of south part of Lot No. 19, Broken c&rried it back. She da.red not look the111 quan courne of reading; she wa.s sittfog wHJ:i., well enough founded. B11b, alas I Antony cessful young men in this State. Whynclifft Frnnt, aDd is tbree miles from the Town of in the face a.s they bade her good day, but them one ,evening when some reading hated the politics of the Argus, which pre· has been talking to me ahout him h alf the Dowmanville. ·rhis is one of the best farms in ham. It is in a high state of she felt in every bone tha.b they dis!!.pproved aloud went on, a.nd found herself interested tended to be a.n independent pa.per, and was time a.s..Yle came on from New y trk. ·why, the county of cultivation and is well fenced On the preof her and even morned her. S!!odly and in the solid and praotica.l work · whfoh they on any side which the proprietor thought Ed:ith, he has an inven tion which will sa.ve mises there is a stone dwelling, t wo large doubtfully she bade John take her home had engaged in. She thought rightly that profitable. Antony never loo Ired at a.ny part thousands of lives and must bf' used on every barns and other out· buildings. with stone and he did 80~ she h~d t ime to ma.ko up some back work, .:if the Argus, lea.st of all a.t the a.dvertis~- railroad. He has establighed a new ma.cl:ine stablin~ for cattle and hnrses, ~hree wells and four cisterns, also wind·mtll for pumping An idea. had cros3 ed her in the cell, The a.cd sent to Plainfield to connect her&elf manta. So poor Edith's notice might have shop here to make his couplings, and Whyn w11.ter. WORLD'S EXPOSITION, NEW ORLEANS, For further particulars apply on the Zy about him, U.S.A., 18&-1-5, in competition ;vith ~hlJ bonds she had in place of hers were not hers. with the circle, and ha.d become one of the been published fi m()nth a.nd be would haYe cJ!fe and al! of them a.re Cl'& premises or it by letter to HEN~Y :MANN, Bow31-tf pianofortes of Europe and America. The No. But they took the place of hers. Now, most diligenil of the read ers. . been none the wiser. "B·1t, Edith, he is no stranger to you ; you manville · · only U .S. International Medal ever a-rrard- a.e lilhe aouldnot cub off her own coupons and This a.ccidenb determined her now in t he On hie po.rt, he went to the W anrly need to know him. He is the ~ame man who ed to a Cu.nac1ian pianoforte ; also Me~al deposit them in the ·waverley Back as her ahoice of her adviser. Blnk and asked the co.shier if he would lend wac in Y!>Ur rea.ding club." and Diploma at the. Colonial a nd ~ndian father had taught her, might not she honestShe had mea.utto day to make scirli.e after- him $250. "\Vhat collateral?" aa.id the '·Yes, papa-and, papa, he Has a.eked me Exhibition, London, E ng., 1886, w1t1?- the ly cut d f these coupons and deposit them 'noon visits. But the day wa.a hot a.ud the ca.shier, who wa.e his old ally and friend. to ma.rry him, and I have t old him I would supreme honor of s upplying Her JYiaJesty when the moment came, by her own? ah sultry, and she made this an excuse for "None," said Antony, "u11leas you wili ask you. But reo,lly, p a.po>., he ie the beat the Queen with a Newcom?e Grand, It is quite clear, dear reader, to a.n in- sending \Yilliam with her carriage back to t.-ke 3fock in the Selt·Acting Ooupler Cor· man in the world, and I. shi>ll nover m ury · selected by Sir A.r Lhur S ullivan. For stru~teil conscience like yours a.nd mine, tha.t the stable, She would go to Vincent Chapel poration, not yet organiz:ed. B9t if you any one else." Ipustrated Ca~alogue, prices and terms, Thus w ns it tha.t Edith made her r eveJa.. she might not; bnt Edith ha.d accustomed in the evening. And to Vincen~ chapel she would endorse my note I think the direct· horself to think of these ooltpons M so much went. It was the last meethig of the circle ors would pass it," t iou. !twas not until! the wedding da.y, how.· Address ~ewcombe money, and as she certa.inly W!)uld ha.ve before the summer recess. "Nonsense," ea.id the cashier. "Ba.nk ever, thab sher.old her fat-her tba.t the new MANUl"ACTU RE RS ta.ken soma.ny greenbacks ha.d she leh them She had been chosen secretary and record· rules will not permib that. But if you machine ahop was built wit;h the pMce~ds of WAREROOMS, 107·109 CHURCH ST.o TORONTO in her bc·x a.o<l found tliem there without er of the Glli Circle a.t the meenfog in April, want $250, old fellow, here ib is, Give me the sales of htr governments and C., B. and FAOTOR'( 89 TO 9 7 BELL.WOODS AVENUE looking to see if they wer:i the bills of one and herreaord was ca.refully prepued. It a memorandum and pay me when you like. Q's, 'mi' bank or of !1.nother, 80 she supposed, though was the year for English history, and t hey M&ke it to me, This is not the bank's monijhe sup·poEed wrongly · , that a coup on of the had set s.parn the subject-always interest· ey, it is mine. You know I am gla.d to W e · t l f M St t f " The bla.olrnmith ought to be :icble to give a Ca.tbraugus and Opelcusas was money as mg o young peep e-o ary .uar ' or serve you. VETER.IN ARY SURGEON. t ruly as a coupon of the e,, B. & Q. , if only their evening discussion, That happened, Antonv thanked him, and said, what W'-S shoer tip on horses. it were dated rightly. . . which is apo to happen, that all the women true, that he would do as muah for him ORONO, - ONT. She was a little aonfused when she found \Vere very ha.rd on poor Mary, while all the gladly. Then he went to the Amiaable Offica.-Pos~ Office Block. that no coupons had been cut off the Ca.t tara· men defended her. As there were more wo- reading room and wrnte to Editn this let· Calls by telegraph or t.elepho_ne receive im. ugus and Opelousas bonds for five yea.re, men than men, the men had to stan.d _wel! to ter :metlia.te a.ttsntion. but little did she know of the weaknesses of their guns. . . AN ONY BLAKE TO RPITH LANE. that enterprise. Shedidknow that her quar"! understand the president very well," WEDNESDAY MORNING, July 3. ter's c;iupons on her own bonds would nave eaid Edith, firmlv. "1 meant to do justice MY DEAR Miss LANE-M I absolutely yielded her $540; she ma.de out that! amount to hie-a.rgument before, Bnt ib seems to me ha.ve these bills in my h"'nd I ta.ke the lib· as well as she could from , the c~ttaraugus to mean this- that because thia woman was erty cf Mking you to use them as you will. ·c and Opoloum~s coupons, took no · mo~e tht1n pretby she is to be excused for. being wicked, There is no reason why you should have the '" ; she needed, wrote 8, memorandum of what and that becauae she was a woman ib' is to annoyance of 'l.ddreseing the officers of t he Y/ :ic.n T :5~!y cui:.J.c·I do uot. n1ean n1erelyto ba.nk. Pleii.se imagine me liO be presiden~ -..·:;;top :hem for ·a t ime., jintl then have them return ·s he had done and pinned itupon t h!" coupons. be expaoted that sh.i will a.ot like a fool." ··For," she said, "I may die," aud .she re; T4oy all laughed l· , Mrtiiy at this, a.nd thq of the Wavei·ly R l nk, as well l.\B ?resident aga.in. ' I 1·IEAN A l'ATJICAL CURE. msmbered th"'t she had heard her fatheraa.y pre11idenb h~stened to ~ay that this was not of the Chautauqua Oirqle. Very trnly · 1 h«ve inaLle' the disease of tha.t some written memorandum must be left the centre of his poaitiou ; that Mary cer· yours, ~<'ITS, EPILEPSY, or for the banefib oi executors. ta.inly had been V.ery badly educa.ted, &~., BLAKE. ·\ i'ALLING SICKNESS She t hen ordered her ea.rria.ge again and &J,, &c., and that Bothwell had, &n., &o., So poor Edith t>ctua.lly sa.w her way clear A Ille lo-;;g study, J WARRANT my remed~ to. rode to the Waverley Bank. She handed her &c., and that John Knox had &c., &c. · &c;, to p11oy all her debts by incurring this one OunE the worst cases. Because others liave f~1led very pleasant debt t o this one very geutlels no reason for not now receivii1g a cure. Send bank book to the teller, as she had done and so on, and so on, aa ma.y:,be imagined. "Sbill, I cannot see that this changes our manly man. She aeked the eerva.n~ if the at once for a treatise :tnd a J<'RRE BO'l'TLE of my before, a.nd the mllon bowed, as the other JNJ<"AJ,r.rnLE Rm'11mY. Give Express and rost men bowed, and ea.id it was a fine day, She opinion on the question whether she did bearer were w aitillg and was told he ha.d Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, and i t .. gone. will cure von. Address : H. G:. ROOT.i. M.O., also a~id i~ was a fine day, but the. spell· did right or wrong." DR. J.E. DINGR.41'1, V. S ., This was the unflinching replyof the "Sen d J ohn tome. !want to send a.note ' Eranch Office, 16·1 West Adelaide ;:;treat, not work. When he looked at the coupoi;a l:te ma.de no entry in her little bo ok. fod,,ed, stern Edith. "It shows why she did down town." ~orQ'nto. Honorary Graduate Ontario Yeterinary ., ~·~ WMOfM'ff College. she thoue:ht he started, and he uwssed the wrong, but it does not show that she 'did EDITII LANE TO ANTONY nLAKE. "There was a frog who lived in a spring, Calls promptly attended to, night or day. room and spoke to his ohief. The a.ttentive ri?.ht-unless the president·mea.ns that when DEAR MR. Bf.AKE-Yon a.re musb kind. He caught such a cold .Q.e could not sing." abief Doll once ca.me to the window. a woman dresses her hair in a. becoming · Poor, unfortunt>te Batrachianl In what a Omcc. at Central Telephone omce, Bow ~"' "Mies L!!.ne," he said, "your father ha.s way, and ,_ wvent s a new headdress, iwe m t y Bnt already I see my way out of my emba.r· saLl plight he must 1iave been. A ml yet his main-tile 14;3m ·de a mist·ke. "'he·e are C·t·· r·ull!UB do as she chooses." ra.ssments, and I return the notes at onc«.>. 1 misfortune was one that often befalls singers. mw w .... ~ w w uw ~ Af th. . · b · · d th t h Very truly yours. Many a once t uneful voice among tbosc who Opelousas coupons, a.nd you know it is long ter is it may e 1mag1ne a. t e EDITH LANE; belong to t he " genus homo" is utterly spoiled since those could be negoti11.ted, .[ think president and Edith were very .good fri!lnds by" cold in the head," or on the lungs. or both are c., B. and Q., C. K . w., through the rest of that ev. emng, and, the John found Antony at the St, Cta.ir, where combined. For the above mentioned" croakoupons Your C db b'dd t er" we are not aware that any remedy was b b 1 be d h t h Ill t d er w and from United · States bonds, are they rea, no surprise t a· mt e e a eeD en o·go, · ever devised; but we rejoice to know that all not,., simple a.nd admirable code of Tamworth Antony did not quite like the note. It human singers may keep their heads clear and "Are these not J·ust -the same thing?" said 1 and . of tJha.t c!ral~, Edith aoked hi~, seemed lio him a. livtle shorter or more sharp throats iu tune by the timely use of Dr. Sage's th te th t th f tha.n iti need be. Anyway, if she could be Catarrh Remedy and Dr. Pierce's Golden MedEaith, feeling a.s if she should sink thrcmgh as eyldad h eir hicef cream ogelkehr, 1 proud he could also. He put the note i'n 1d·cralu-gD ,is tc sovery, both of which are sold by the ground. ' 'I know nothine about it, only h~ wou o er t e a.!or to wa. ~me w ,.. 18 I found them in my safe." Here she held I with her. She had no~ hk:ed to fix a time his pccket and turned it over in hie mind, , nf.. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures the worst for the ca.rria.ge she sa.id He gladly a.greed all through a. long interview which he bad cases of Catarrh_ in the. Head, no matter of c1ose1y toth e truth · · 1 ' · .. with the Rumrills who had sent for him how lo!Jg standmg, wb1le for all l~ryngeal, She could see a. vague smile of contempt to do so, 11.s any young man in Tamworth · bronchial, throat and lung affect10ns, Dr. again. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is posi· pass over tha cashier's fa.ce as he eafd "Well would ha.ve been ghd to do. I don't know what hopeful people w~uld sa.y: So soon a.a. they we.re well · in the stre.et, Then h~ determined to call on Miss Edith }~~el~ 0~~'j,~ui;;~~· l~if ~re~;hetb~oi~~8~n'ft~ci WILL CURE OR RELIEVE Miss L~ne, only th~se things have no value 1 , away from light, Edith, ~ho had studied that evening. But lest sh~~hould be out be strength of tllose who have IJeen reduced BILIOUSNESS, .DIZZINESS, on the market. Brmg us around your c., ! ou.t the w:hole,, conversa.tion i.n advance wrote the ~ollowlng lebter. by wasting diseases. It is guaranteed to DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, ~ . .a.iid Q .· ·· and we wi ·11 ca.sh them for you s~.1d to h im, I . have a . que.st1011 .of con· Vi EDNESDAY AFTERNOON, July 3. ' benefit or cure in all rllseases for which it ls i· h h h d M D M L L t 1 d0 t r ecommended, if l{aken in time and given a INDIGESTION, FLUTIERING . gladly." . . . science, on "!' IC I want t e v~ae of a Y EAR rss ANB- es · no fair trial, or money paid for lt refunded. JAUNDICE, , , OF THE HEARf, ·, Then, as he was ttirnini:t away, the teller ma.n:-of a. husmess man. My f~ther 1a a.wa.y find you at home I venture to write. :J'.or I [ ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY OF whispered to him again. and be said, "Do for six weeks., I find there Ja a . mista.ke have at bottom. the feeling that you thmk I . Copyright, 18&3, by WORLD'S Drs. MED. Ass'N. SALT RHEUM. THE STOMACH, not l{ive yourself any ·trouble; but you have a.bout my money. and I have ov?rdra.wn at . have taken a .hbe5ty and presumed on the ) HEARTBURN DRYNESS overdrawn your accoun~ a.little." the bank ;m myac::ount. Now, it ha.ppen& 1confidenc.e which you gave me so generously HEADACHE,' Of THE SKIN, Poor Edith did not known wha.b this : that I ha.ve received $100 by accident ; I last evening. j i I!' meant, and he explained that she had dra.wn , know not from whom. lb i~ lying I~ my I w~nt simp~y to aay that you ar.e unj11st . I· · ~'W f .A.nd eveey spscies o~ disease ILf"lsing &om disordered LIVZJB, KIDNEYS, more money from the bank than she ba.d in desk-unuee~. ~hould you think I might . to me if you think so. I _know_: tha.t from the regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and '\'ETERIN.ARY S ORGEON STOMACH, BOWELS OB BLOOD. it that thiB would be miiode clea.r to her as u'e that, a.a 1f it were lenb to me, and standa.rd of the novel writers of fifty yea.re bowels. They are purely vegetable and per. · 1' lo'okeda~tbeohecks whioh the teller payitwhenmyfathercomeshome?" a.go my proposal was not to be heard of, tfectly ,harmless. One.a Dose. Sold by BOWlllA.l.1VILLE, "t"' l'l'opri~a~Ni:ro. \ druggists. il::i centa !\ vial. atiuiadhiu Jfath:snutn. ASAFE DEPOSIT. BEST IN THE \VORLD. AFamous Doctor I 1 I I i I I Aye r's Pills, B"BY'S PAINS ANO WEAKNESS CREAM Fine Business Opening. T ,·6»~K11'6 TQ. ADVERTISER· s. .;POWDER F F AWARDED flBST SILVER MEOAL oc·lavlu s &Co., 1 1 CURE FITS! ' A I l I I I I 'a. I 1,. D r PIERCE'S PELLETS JD HN sp EM cJli!!: n T. MILBURN & CO., she I o -·,T.; '

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