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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1889, p. 5

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W$11 -Paper and Buggies at TAIT'S Corner Store. Monster Union Picnic. Meals at all hours at . Mrs . Sinclair's, \ Mrs .·fas. Gale is visiting friends in opposite Market Square, 250. Cobourg. The schools in the Taunton and surby Auction, at HODGSON'S HOTE L, Besure ·and call at the Wenl;-End-Hous.e Mr. Harvey Burk, ex-M. P. P ., is serounding districts have decided to hold Raglan, on and see the goods at Half-p rice . a picnic in ]\fr. James Leask's crrove . riously ill. Wednesday, July 10th, 1889, See the lace curtains at uOc. per pair north of Taunton, on July 5th, pro;.., t~ Mr. Lewis Quick is p!!.ying the highest At Two o'clock, p. m., Lot No. lfi, in the !lth at 'rod Bros. Best value in town. be continued al! day. During the afterprice for wool. Con. of East Whitby, between Mvrtle and no~n addresses will be delivered by Mr. James Dayman local agent for DominR_aglan. 'l'his farm is the property of Mr. Geo, Flowers in lovely variety at Burden & W. Smith, M . P. and Mr. John R. Liddle, and contains 100 acres. more or less. ion Or12aus and Pianos, Bowman ville. Co's Auction Mart. all cleared and well fenced, and in a first-class Clarke, ministers and others. Games of state Great reduction l.n prices of Cabinet13 of cultivation, On the premises are.& Mrs. A. Ander2on, of Toronto, paill a f<?ot ball and base ball will also be pro- good frame house and barn, with suitable and Family Groups at Henry's, after July visit to friends here this week. outbuildings. There is a small orchard, .a vided. The whole proceedings will be living stream or water, and a good Do its Manufacturers Publish all enlivened by the presence of tho splendid splendid A double stock of choice new Ties at 1st. well. The farm has not been rented for .a. See Stott & ;Jury's ofter at top corner J. J. Mason~s. They must be sold. Newcastle F irst County Prize Brass Band. number of years. 'rhis farm is within one mile the Ingredients Used? of this page. The musb is the finest or school. churches, post offi.ce and ratlwar Mr. J . R. Clarke will also lecture in the station, Great reduction in prices of Cabinets Taunton Hall in the evening on "Gough 11:11'.· Liddle. having purchased another rarm and Family Groups at Henry's, after July quality published. Dont forget the excursion bv Steamer U .BE As is well known, ammonia is unhealth· in Dialect, Humor · and Eloquence." adJOlllllll':' his homestead, near Brooklin, can1st. not handle this !arm any longer and would "Hastings" to Rochester, N . Y., on the ful in food, and dries up the bread Everybody con;ie, · rather sell than rent It. Mr. J. M. Brimacombe now occupies LYMAN'S CONCENTRATED 22 iIJst. Further particnlars next week. material. TERMS.- Tcn per cont. down, and enongla his new dental parlors in Higginbotham's to make $.5,00Q by First of October. 1889, bala.nc1' Protection to consumers of food comGreat reduction in prices of Cab- secured Prof. Ruse will be "Out of town during by mortgage, payable November 1st, block. . pounds' lies in their ability to choose Parasols e.t about half-price, Dress summer vacation but Iettera will be for- those made from healthful substances. inets and Family Groups at Hen- 1893, and bearing 6 per cent. interest. WM. HEZZLEWOOD, warded to him that are addressed Box 88 Goods at half-price . at the West-EndAuctioneer: Unless manufacturers publish just what ry's, after July 1st. Bowmanville. June IGth, 1889. 26;3w Brooklin, Houee. their baking powder is made of, do not THE EA~IEST TO USE Butter for family use-I pay cash for use their goods, but buy instead ·Rev. E. R. ar!d Mrs. Young were the BIRTHS. only take the finest quality. _ AS A GALLON CAN BE MADE AS guests of Mayor Younie while in town butter and Cro~ks 1 c:\refully packed by W. Brittain, MOl!NTJc;>Y.-In Cartwright. ou the 19th inst.! EASILY AS A CUPFUL. last week. the wire of M r . Henry Mountjoy, of a son, I Market Square. ,, . Mr. and Mrs. A . H . Adams, of ToronAre you in need of a pair of specks, if STAINTON.AtEnniskillen on the 19th inst the wife of Mr. James _siaintbn ofa daughter.' to, spent Sunday and Dominion Day with so you can g-et a pair of fine pereacopic RAYNHl:!·-In Darlington. near Enfield, on friends here. 12lasses ior 50c. at the Co-operative This powder is made only of strictly pure the 29th mst., the w1fo of Mr. Daniel Raynes grape cream of tartar, and strictly pure of a d:i.ughter. Made from the Best Mocha. and Java Messrs. Wesley, Hillier, Edsall and Jewellry Store. bicarbonate of soda, with a little wheat In the Matter of the Estate of' McKay have returned from their outing The July Outing contains an excellent flour to preserve it. This is attested by the MARRIED. . A HO,vIE COJl4FORT. THOM~S WILSON POWER, at Bobcaygeon. · paper entitled A Memory of the Thous- official analyses of Government and State SPENCER-MCCONNACFIIE.-At Glenelg the r For Hunting, Fishing Travelling, andespP.ciaL of the Township of Darlington, Finest June butter for packing at W. and Islands. The article recommends it- chemists, and physicians, and chemists of residence or the bride's rather. by Rev. 'J. A. Iy serviceable for camping out. Boards of Health throughout the country. McKeen, ~·A., on Jimel9>.h, A. J. Spencer. V. Brittain's office at H. C. Brittain'& self strongly to canoeists. in the County of Durham, de.. to Marian, youngest daughter or Duncan For sale by all Grocers and Druggists in 1 lb Jewelry Store. CLEVELAND BROTHERS, ALBANY, N. Y. ~ Attention is directed to the "Big Boot" McConnachie, Esq. ceased. ~lb, and }lb bottles. S. Burden & Co. will pay cash for eg2s display announcement by Mr . Treleven. Mention this paper. Silver Wedding. L . G, MclUBBON, H. D. C.H. lll. C. P . 8, and first-class butter at the "Mart", He keeps one of the ·best a;nd biggest dis· OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN PURplay of boots and shoes in town. HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND AC· Market Square. · . SUANT to the provisions of the Revised One of the most plcasa,nt social gatherCOUCHEUR. Late cf the firm Stewart UHAS. RusE's EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL OF of Ontario, Chapter 110, Section 36, Statutes Mrs, Benj. Brittain and two children, ings of the past month in this district was & McKibbon,Teeswater. Office and residence that all creditors and others having claims of Marshalltown, Iowil>, are visiting friends Musrc.-The most logical, thorough, raPresbyterian Manse. Blackstock. against the estate of Thomas Wilson Power, pid, sure, delightful and economical sys- the celebration of the silver wedding of or the Township of Darlington, in the County and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jame;i Pollard, Clarke, at OA.T WANTED .-A good second- of Durham, deceased, who di~d on or about tem in us~. See advt.in another column. Mrs. Wm. Mason, Peterboro and Miss hand row boat. Inquire or W. HEARD at the. Eighth day of May, A. D .. 1889. at thetheir fine residence on Tnesday evening, We direct attention to the sale· of last week. From 160 to 200 friends, M. TRELEVE::-i'S, 19-tf sa.i_c1 Townsh.ip of Darlington, are _hereby reMinnie Bruce, Port Perry, are visiting at quired to deliver or send by post prepaid, to Townsely House advertised in this pa.per neighbors and relatives assembled shortly Mr. Thos. Sheriri's. JAMES GILFILLAN, of the Town of Bowma·· TORE AND DWELLING FOR by Mr. McArthur. This is a splendid We win send ville, one of th~ Executors of the Will of the Dr. Spencer has removed his veterinary after four o'clock and spent the too :fleet11 into SALE.-That fine' new store and resi- said Thomas Wilson Powe.r, deceased, on or property and we hope to see it fa office to the house between Dr. Hillier's ing hours t ill near midnight in various dence. elegantly fitted for 1'Ierch1tnt 'railor or before the 1"irat day of August, A. D., 1880, & go9d hand·. amtrnements. Tea was served on the Fancy Dry Goods now occupied by Mr. John statement in wrtting of their names and ad· and Dr. Boyle's office. Apply to WM. H . IVES, Bowmanville. dresses, and full particulars of their claims If you want to buy or sell '!< Fa.rm, a.d- spacious lawn. When the shades of even- Lyle. Dr. J. E. Bingham, V.S., now occupies 23-tf, . and the nature of all securities, (it any) held vertiee in the Toronto Weekly Mail. ing came the grounds were illnminatecl by them.. -. ~11 trial for 4 months, to any person his new rooms in the rear of HigginbothThat paper reaches 100, 000 farmers' homes with Chinese lanterns. About eight o'ANTED, AT $40 PER MONTH And notice i~ farther given, th at after th& ::iending us four 3c. stamps, and to am'!! drug store, upstairs. AND EXPENSES PAID, a few good said last named date, tbe executors actinc-. every week ,and your advertisement should For the best bargains in watches, clock.a meet the eye ot someone who wants to clock the large company was called to salesmen to sell Nursery Stock. Steady em· under the will of the aaid Thomas Wilson . each one sending us before July order in the front lawn by Mr. M. A. ployment the year round to successful sales. Power. will proceed to distribute the assets or jewelry go to H. C. Brittain's Co- purchase. Advertisements of thiR class eaid testator arnong the persons entitled' 15th, we will give their choice of and James, who after a few remarks, <tsked men. Address. with references, D. H; PAT1'Y, the thereto, having regard only to the clai ms or operative Jewellry Store. Nurseryman. Genovu, N, Y. . 21_;6w a.re inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail Robert Colville, Esq,, ex-Reeve of Clarke .any two of the following pieces of whicb. nr,>tice ~h~lLh.iwe been given as abov& The Bowmanville Canton's excursion for Five Cents e. word ea.ch insertion, or · to read the following address: reijuired, and the said executors will not be Music: TOCK FOR SALE.-! have several liable for the said assets. or any part thereof, to Rochester, N . Y. on the 22nd inst Twenty Oents a word for five insertions. Mr. and Nrrs. James Pollard, Clarke. h<;>rses, heavy draught, general pnrpose to any person or persons of whose claim or will be well worth taking in. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. RESPECTED FRIENDS, a.nd driver~{ fo! sale or would exchange for claims notice shall not have been received b;r Ancho~ -·-· ·- ...... --···· ...... pub. price, 50c Bloom is on the. Rye..... _. _ _.... _ " 35c cattle. "'i 1 give good bargain, I have also them at tho time aforesaid, 27-tf. Chas. Ruse's Educational School of It having come to the knowled"e for sale a litter of extra fine thoro'·bred Berk· Children Asleep.------,, ___ _ -·--·· " 30c Music, summer vacation begins May 25th at Dowmanville, this 2J,th day of June, EDITOR'S ENGLISH ADDRESs.-Persons of some of yonr friends that this was the shire pigs ready to wean. WM. COURTICE, lot A.Dated .Daddy, . ... ...... ...... ... ... ...... 4Vc D., ISSU. .La Palona .. .... .... .. ...... ..... . -toe Autumn term begins Aug. 5t-h. · 25th anniversary of your marriage, they· 28. con. 2. Darlington, Qourtice P.O. desiring to correspond with the Editor of JAMES GILl'ILLAN, l E . Flee a.a a. Bird .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. OOc 23-iw· CHESTER POWER, J xecutora. If you want a first-class cigar you must TuE STATESMAN during his absence should have taken advantage of the occasion to ".J.'he King or I.ave my Shepherd is, 60c . by D. BURKE SIMPSON, URSE LOST.~At the Drill Shed go to W. E. Pethick's where you will find address: Mr. M. A. James, .ttolsworthy, mamfest the esteem which your many their Solicitor. 26;5w Grounds. on Wednesday, -.Tune 12 a purse Devon, England. He expects to sail for friends ente1 tain for you and to express contaming This Music is all printed on fine a great many kinds to choose from. $10 iu. monev, and a. note for $40 made by H. C. Hoar in favor of W. II. Riches' Eight,membere of Bowmanville Cycling LiYerpool for home the last week in Au- their joy over the event which you are, and ·toned paper of the largest size. due Nov. I, 1889. Persons a.re hereby for; . Club went to Newcastle on their wheels gust. Anyone wishing to send for friends under a smiling Providence, permitted bidden to negotiate said note, as payment has to-day to celebra-te. \Ve felt unwilling to in the Old Countries would. do well to arbeen stopped. W. H. RWHES, Tyrone. 25;3w· last Thursday evening, led by Capt. Ca.rl -01<'range for them to join Mr. James' party. content ourselves with a formal call and - - - ·-- -· - - -- - - - - - - - - - Kent. & UCTION SALE. -There will be sold He has taken a supply of tickets with him. an. oral congratulation, so we have assemMr. Thompson R. James and bride, of by publfo auction on Lot 18. Con. 4, Darbled in a company to assure yon that we · 3w. lington :-20 acres ofStanding Ha.y, Clover and N, B.-Do not forget that we Cambray, have been spending their lioney· greatly rejoice on this twenty-fifth anni- 'fimathy, lots to suit purchasers on SaturD. 0. & P. Co. MuTLAL BENEFIT Sosell PARIS GREEN of tbe very moon with friends in Bowmanville and OIET:Y .-At the half-yearly meeting of verfary of your marriage to find you both day, July in 6th, at 2 o'clock. p. m,, sharp. Terms in the Town of Bowmanville, in Darlington. 2 mon.ths credit on ap~roved notes. S. the County of Durham. finest quality. this Society 1leld last week, the re· so hale, hearty and happy- still as in your HUNKING, Auctioneer, c. G.DAYIS,Proorietor. Steamship tickets by Anchor; Dominyouthf~1l days, in. each other's society ; 26-lm. ports were most assurin_g, showfag a prosUnder and by virtue of a Power of Sale COl:lion and other lines will be for sale at perous state of affairs. Vi7e glean the happy m your realization and appreciation Cdsh will buy agoodsecond·hand tained in a certain Indenture of mortgage. STATESMAN office, during the proprietors of your good health and of those material will be JJroduced at the time of sale, which covered buggy (Morris' make). there will following : The Society was started 7 be offered for sale by Public Anctioa. absence, at lowest rates. with small seat tor children. years ago in the Factory and during that blessings with which industry, faultless Had new $25 top in 1887. It is a at the Auction Rooms of Levi A· To:e, in th1' Mr. A. R. Dobson has gone for a two time has rendered an incalculable amount integrity and careful husbandry have great bargain. Town of Bowmanville on Inquire orM. A. JAMES, Editor .......-.. J ~~~_,-...,,-.._~~-~. ~~-~. . . . .....,-~ weeks trip through Western Ontario. He of good. During those yearn there has endowed you. Bowmanville, ' '".B~ANVILLE, JULY 3, 1889. will attend the grnnd Bicycle Tournament been paid into t-he treasury $2,607 while . '!'hose of us whp hav.e had the_ favor of bv 1ss9. at the hour ot 1 p, m., the rollowing 1and11 held in St. Oatharines this week. for the same term there has been paid out your acquaintance th2se many years, toand premises, being All a.n<i Singular Blocll:: "A" in the Town of Bowmanville. in the CounSuits, Suits. See the immense choice in sick claims funeral benefits, etc., the day, as much as ever, find reason to es\ '!'enders will be received np to Angust 20th ty of Durham and being composed of a portioa of Worsteds, Tweeds, &c. at Mason's; eum of $2,535.46 leaving a balance en teem the friendship that exists between by the undersigued for that very desirable fo.rm . oCTownshio Lot No.11 L1 the Second Concesthey are selling many lines of fine Scotch hand of $ 161 54. There have been 4 us and therefore all the more heartily and of 92 acres, more or less. being part or lot 35 sion of the Township of Darlington now in tl1~ 10,000 dozen Eggs wanted at Tod Bros. tweeds (portions of the McClung stock) deaths since the inception. Town of Bowma.nville,. and being a porThe rnem· sincerely join the number of more recent cpn, 2. Darlrngton, adjoining Kingston Road: said ~ighest price paid in dry goods. are on the premises large frame dwell- t10n of the southwest part of said uot laid ou~ at less .than they can be bought for to- hers pay in 25c. per month and for this friends, in congratulating you upon the 'rhe.re by Clara Cathlen Burk, said Block"A" being l and cistern, and inl", barn. stone stable, well See the new prints just opened out at day. small fee, the benefits are $3 per week good fortune that has fallen to your lot, good orchard of choice fruit. Situated one chains and JO links from north to south and% in this advent of your silver wedding; and a.ud · 78 links from east to woot. chains ·Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. mile east of Harmony, and 2> miles rrom Osha.· Rev. E. R. Young, a former pastor, led in case of sickness and $25 funeral exwa. The highest nor any tender not necessar· , This property is splendidly situated in th& · , Hats in all the latest styles just . t o the prayer meeting service at Church-st. penses. The Society has been a grand we ask your acceptance of these silver to- ily centre ot the Town with streets on three aide accepted. 'l'erms made known on applica· with beautiful lawn, and there·is erected therehand at Couch Johnston & Cryderman's. Methodist church last Thursday evenin". sµccess and reflects credit on the Factory kens of our friendship, and we most fer- lion to !V°ILLIAM OK~. sen., Courtice, Ont, and commodious two storey solid on a large vently hope that your days here may yet CourtLCe, J u]y, I, I% S9. brick residence containing 17 rooms with good Monday Aug. 5th, a good time to be- Mr. Young, who has recently return:d employees. The pre~ent. term closes with be long; that Providence will still deal 145 members. The officers elected were: nace,8 mat"ble gra,~~~ 1 l~;!'ge double 4all,g111>l fur gin a foll course in Chas. Ruee's Educa· from a sojourn in England, gave during ce11ar. kindly with you in this respect also, and by the evenjng some inter!)stin~ accounts of Pres-EL Welsh; V P-J S Gordon; preserve tional School_of Music. Th~re is also erected on said' property a goor! both husband and wife until the Secy, .,rohn W Dut~on, (ace); Treas, .John brick driving shed and stable. Bowma.nville Canton went to Oahawa his experience while in the Old Land. anniversary of that wise union effected a Keach1e, (ace); D1rectprs; '£ Downing, T~nMs OF SALE.-The property will be eol4 r-' ACH.ES, half MORE OR LESS Mr. Hume Blake, only son of Hon. -0n Monday and took part in th"1 Oddfelqllar t er 0 f a cent ury ago slla11· J rnve yet . , excepting acre of school site' subject to a reserve bid. 10 per cent· of t he purchase Inoney to be paid down at timo '-1>! Edward Blake, : was tendered a compli· G. Baid~n, Geo. Wright, H Moyse, H many returns. lows demonstration there. being lot 22, con. ~. Cartwright, having thereoti Baskerville ; Auditors, D T Morris, Wm and the ba.lance a.s may be agreed upon. (Signed.) Frame Dwellmg, new Barn, 50x30, 3tablin11; sale, The West-End-House are making big mentary banquet at the Royal Canadian McKay; Physician, Dr. E. C. McDowell For further particulars and conditions, ef · R C underneath, good young Orchard. About 5() reductions to clear out certain lines of Yacht Club at Toronto on WednesdQO' OBflRT OLVILLE, } acres under plow, 15 acres pasture a.ad bal- sale, apply Jo, D. McARTHUR, n~ht of last week on the eve of -his marFREELY USED.-Mr. Wm. J\IIann, of W. II. GIBSON, C . ance in timber. Tenders will be rec~ived till goods. Call and see them. Vendor's Solicitor. \V1LLIA.t'1 COLVILLE ·Onllmttee. August 15th. School house on said lot. riage with Miss Law, of Montreal. There Co,r. Spadiua & Oollei;:e St., STATESMANS in wrappers all ready for was a large gathering of yachtsmen, who Ottawa, Ont. , writes: I have used Dr. Ir , Address. JOBN PENFeUND, 1. . Toronto. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbeny in 1\:.1.. A. JAMES, . or w, EVERSON, J Courhce,P. u. mailing at the office 3 cents per copy. 27-iw. gave the guest of the evening a salvo of 1uy family with the very be-.t results. I Send this weeks number to your friends. Mr. Pollard replied in fitt.ing terms and J · · . _ ~6;3w, good wishes. recommend it to my friends and think it requested everybody to enjoy themselves. t · · M. A. James, Editor of this paper, and Miss Carrie Squires and Miss Brima- the best medicine in use for all summer . Dr. Mitchell, of Enniskillen, efficiently Examu~at1ons. party left for the Old Country this morn- combe while attempting to get into a row complaints, diarrhcea, dysentery, e·~: pe~formed the duties of groomsman and ing. They sail byS. S. Vanco1tver from boat from the pier on Monday afternoon, M1~s Clarke made a very capable brides- THE NEXT ENTRANCE EXAMI· Montreal. .!::£:>use Warming. nation for Bowmanville High School ~n someway made a mi~·step and slipped maid. ·T he ceremony was concluded in . William Wilcox was arrAsted by Chief mto the water, but were rescued almost will be held on regular orthodox style by the bride and Coleman Friday evening on the charge of immediately by some women who where On Dominion Day a large number of JULY 4th, 5th and 6th, groom jumping the broomstick. Then obtaining goods in Moses Holland's name standing by. Had the accident occurred the relatives and acquaintances of Mr. followed a very interesting programme of Commencing first day at,130 p.m.; subseto the amount of $3.00. a little farther down the pier it might and Mrs. William Manninrt, Broken speeches, songs recitations, etc; the fol- quen~ days at 9.00 a. m. Intending Front, East Whitby, met at their now The word pamphlet is derived from the have been much more serious. candidates should send in their names A regular ~onth1Y, qua.rterly or ha.tr-yearly lowmg names being on the programme: as soon as possible. payment (a alight advance on the 'rental rate> Greek authoress Pamphyta.. Pleasure is 1:,h? third page of the Toronto Daily bric~ residence which has just been com· Messrs. H. Middleton, W. P. Prower, to the' undersigned, l\'I. M. :FENWHJK. buys the inst.rument. derived from the use of those delightfullv Mail is noted for "Want" adverti~ements. pleted on ~he homestead in the capacity Dr. Mitchell, A. Stalker, W. Chapple Any piano ~ay be chosen out ot a magnillH. M. B. S., cent assortment or l!Prights. Squares. pU'IP easy w/r iting pens inade by Esterbrook. · If you want to buy or sell anything. If of a surpnse party. A good dinner of A. Loelrnrt, T. W. l'nderwood, A. R~ . 23-3w Bowm. : i.nville. Grands, unsurpassed 10 quality, Ministers. chicke· pie and other t~ottsome edibles Messrs. V. Hutchi.nn, F. R. Brown, you want a situation, a mechanic, a busiTea<?hers. Govern\llent Officers. and those :1n . About 3 Dobson, Geo. M. Long, Reeve of Clarke, rec~iptof regularmcomesw!ll1\nd this aeonH.J. Nott, H. Brown, Toronto; Bert. ness, machinery, lodgings, if you have received earnest attention. Jno. Rundle, H. C. Brittaia Dona!(l J ven1ent S.J?d_ ad-vanta.geom· mode for securiAlg a Hutchi1on, Port l>erry, and D. Bruce, lost or found anything, or if you want to o'clo_ck Mr. _M. A. James, being asked to Smith, A. Pollard, W. T. Lockhart, W. · fi1·et cla.ss :nstrument. When tbeinstrt1menti· Stratford, spent Dominion Day in town. find out where anyone is, advertise in the preside, delivered an address suitflblo to H. Gibson, R. Osborne. R. Moment, P. -OFused for practice, our So!t Stop or Practice the occasion. He congratulated Mr. Pedal saves wear on-the nerve, as well as nr&Bowmanvnie ,Juniors played a five in- Toronto Daily Mail and read the adver- Manning c·n the completion of such a M . Several others took part whose nings game with Port Perry let nine at tisements on.the third page of that paper. magnificent and palatial residence, si;oke names were not obtained. ~:d':1~i~~~~e~t~~~:f:::g_si~~~~:1~~~1~0~! · orga_uts.a, stuaents and teachers, Prioes -00 The- bridal presents consisted of a very Washburn on Monday, the score stood 8 'rhe chMge is two cents a word each in- commendably of the excellent architec· 1 l application, Inspection invited, to 8 ,there not being time for another s<>rtion. Address The Mail, Toronto, tural arrangements and couvenienctt as a handsorne quadruple plated silver tea Canada. 27-tf. innings to decide the f!ame. time !"ndlabor saving ~tructure, the very service of seven pieces, supplied by Mr ' Just before Editor James started on his super10r workmanship and finish through- H. C. Brittain, Bowmanville. · .. --.- o - - Warerooms-10711;nd_I09 Church St., Toronto. RELIABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES: There Will be sold by public auction, by Arch'd Fl!-ctory, _the finest in its equipments and JliP· two months' tour in Europe, his eagle eye out, and then on behillf of their friends, -~City of London, England, capital £2,Bishop. Auctioneer, at pliances m the-city, 89 to 97 Bell wood ave. t his paragraph in the many of whom were unavoidably absent, 000,000; and Lancashire, 'Rngland, caoi- caugh~ sight of . HOSPITAL REMEDIES. Pickering News, a p~per by the way, that tal, £3,000, 000, re?resented by · J oHN. presented Mrs. Manning with a beautihe always peruses with delight and refers fully upholstered parlor sofa. Mr. ManThere fa a new- departure in the treatrii'erit in the villago of Farquhar, ia the County of ' CoLE, Sen., Hampton, Ont. 9-Gm. Huron. on . <l>ur Carpets are selling fast but we to as the best township paper in Canada- ning replied briefly for his wife and him- of drne:ise'. It consists in the collection of SP'eciiics ns-e<t by noted specialists of wa.nt room and will clear Brussels, Tapes- "Ilro. James, of the Bowmanville STATES· self, thanking the donors for their hand· the Eur~p'e an'd America:, and'_ bringing them h oped everybody would , w1 thrrr the rnach of a11. For instance the tries or Wool, Union and Hemp at lower MAN, leaves this week for a tour of sol!1e present and _ 188!!~ at hair past one o'clock, p, m. prices than you ever saw for same goods. Europe. How he deea t & we don't know." enjoy the ga.therrng fully. The chair· treatm·ent pnr~ned . by specfal physicians There is no mystery or secret about it, man then called on Messr~. C. Haskell wlw trea:t 1ncl.1gr.sti6n, s'tomach and Ji-tel' FIRSTLY,-All and singular that certain parDo not buy before you see J. J. nfason's Bros. ~larke: He· pays his money and Little Britain ; D. Cinnamon, Oshawa'; troubles 6hly, was obtafri!ld and prepared'. cel or t_r&ct of land and premises, situate, lying stock, being m the 'l'ownship of Usborne iii the takes his choice and travels the _same as The treatin.,,nt of other physicians, celebra:· and County of Huron, and being composed '01 part We learn that Mr. John Da11ch, New- other people. lfe keeps such a compe- Thos. W. Harris, Ebenezer ; Rich. Manof Lot Number 19, on the north side of the ning, John Manning. and John James, too' for ?u.rin'g cat_arrh \Vere procured, and castle, has purchased the property on the tent staff in, the office that his services Thames Road, inthe.said Township of Usborne sen., Oshawa; Thos. Jennings, Whitby; ~o on td! tllese mcbrfiparable cures now (~djoining the Village o!Farquhar),containing eorner of King and Division Ste. from are easily dispensed with. Watch this T~ompson R. Jam es, Cambray, for mclndedisilastrnf t~e lu'ngs,kidneys, female acres, more or less. Mr. John England and intends erecting paper for two months and see. ·n there brief speeches. All were unanimous on we~kness;rhemh?-t1smandnetvous debility; 65SECONDLY.-All and singular tha.t certain a first-class hotel thereon, the building to were not money enough in the publishing the convenience, design and capita.I work- Ask your drrt:;gi~t for them. Those who pa.reel or tract of lsnd and premises situate PRICE, $10.00. be finished and ready for occupancy by business to give the Editor a trip to the manship S'hown in the erection of the cannot proc\lrc these- remedies fronf their !Ying and· bein(:!' in the Township oc'Ueborne: m·the County of Huron. and being . composed The only practical ·Low PRICED Typewriter Oct. lat, 1889. Price paid for land $2,975. Old Country once a year, he would soon dwelling, th<' credit of which is due to druggist may· remit tlie" price to Hospital of the north half or Lot Num,ber 20 on the . . . m the world. Remedy Co.,-303· WefsfKing St., Toronto, north·sil).e of the Thames Road. in 'the said AKRON, OH10, June 21st, 1880.-Judge go back to his former profession, wherein Messn. Clatwcrthy & Johns, carpenters, is l!imple,practical and durable. No mao~e a?d the remedy will be 'shippe·d · to ·th'erii Township of Usborne, excevtin'll' thereout It ever rnvented does neater work. It writes £i E. P. Green at noon to-day heard and he saved enough money in ten years to and E. Trenouth, mason, Hampton:;- and . direct,· (T~~ price"' is one dollar· each). twelve an.d one-half !1Clre11 sold ~n!l- co'lveyed to. 40 words JJer minute. Never ·gets out lit granted a divorce in the case entitled start housekeeping and buy out the F. Patte, painter and glazier and -James· All the med1cmeS'of the ·cm'npany are for to one James G·ardmer, contammg by ad· a}i~nment or <!Ut of order. No expense for 35 acres; more· or .lees. ribbons. No m~tru~tions fequlred. It is · Annita Dickson vs. Nathan G. Dickson, ST.A,Tl:SMAN business. He don't work for ~ellow who did the tinning, ~a.v-e-trough- sale at the Drug Store.s of J . HroGlN:sO'!'li'rn : measilrement The abtlve two parcels·· ol La.nd·adjolng ea.ch marvel of e1mplic1ty:and usefulness. on the grounds of gross neglect of duty. nothing and board himself, if he knows mg and BO forth, Oshawa. It i1 reany ·a & SoN; ·and Srorr&JuRY, Bowmanville~ ; other, and 'Compose one ofthe beet farm in the Towi;tspip o~ Usb.ori;re. ,Soil, A No. J, clay Defendent,. was given the option of pay- it. ~odel farm house, aI)d has few super10rs · loam ; w_ ell fenced and . unqerdra.ined, There ing $200 down and $300 per year until A CLoSE CALL,-After suffering for m the country. An exceedingly pleas~end for descriptive pamphlet and mention THl1 · ANCTl'lNT CAl"ITiu.-Quebec. I are erected on the premises a frame dwelling ~ ~rame barn, 40' by 60 feet, on stone thL!l paper $o house; the child~is of age, whicli will be in 15 three weeks from Cholera Infantum so · ant day was brought to a. close by all have ~een troubled with indigestion for and cattle stables, on founct,ation. frame horse years, or P!l-Y $1,500 in one sum in lieu that I was not expected to Jive, and, at joining in singing the Nationat Anthem. the past. two years and have trie:l many stqne,foundation 35ji'l Ii~ feet. The crops on The Typewriter Improvement Co., thereo.f,::;:Akron Dilily Beacon. the time, would even have been glad had medicines withbut avail. I tried Thlrdock' th'l}ots, coneistinl,i o abom 12 acres of fall 4. P. 0 . 8qr., ; abeiut 12 · acres ot barley · a.bout 48 wheat 1 BOSTON, J\:faBI, death called me, so great was my s\lfferKELLY's CRoss, P. 'E. i.-Kidney comUntil the blood is cleansed of impuri- Blood Bitters and' can say there is noth- acres of oats, and about 15 acres of meadow or. to our ing, a friend recommended Dr. Fowler's ties, .it is useles1 to attempt the cure of ing equal to it. Thomas O'Brien. B .. will be so·d with the farm. · ' plaint~ ~d bad stomach troubled me for Branclt. Office : 7 Adela.ide St. East, Toronto. TERM~ LIBERAL, . year..s,:,; lUt _I was cured by taking less Extract of Wild S"trawberry, which acted any disease. · . R~euma.tism, which is trace- B. B. cures dyspepsia; biliousness and· .Agents wanted. For agency address m·i Flir further particnlars apply to Alex D11.ll· ofiioe. than b~ bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. like magic on my system. But for this able to ~n actd m the blood, has been constipation. can, M,e:foha:rit, Fii.rqiihal', or t 0 Arch'd Bishop, _ __ · ___ __ _ _ __ For m y present good health I owe my medicine I would not be alive now. John cure~, m nume_rous ooses, by tJ1e use ofl Allctloneer,. Ex:eter; or · to- ·w~ - J , McMurtry . OOCA.SIOlHL :DOSES of a good eatttaNle . 'l'llE__ n1.oon N' t;he 1ue nr Hil·' Mail Ilnild'ings, Tororlt'O; thanks to B. B. B., writes James G-or- W. Bradshaw, 393 St. Paul St., Montreal A)'.el" s Sarsapa.r1lla,. exteimal tte~tment .ll.Nltl.f lll · ' like Burdock PUis are nueessary ·to keep bemg af no· avail,. of-_ lifutn'· Beet~' lr()l't and Wine, wkicJt supplies· P. Q. ma.u, sen. 21-Zw. the bloud J1>nre and tile llotly lleaUby, " ~ht ntcesaary bfood bntldlng inutoeriul. j 1 ...p IS YOUR PURE? FA.RM FOR SALE PIGNIC I BAKING POWDER IS IT FREE FROM AMMONIA?, :Extract of Coffee ! -·-·- ·.:. Finest Flavoured! CLEVELAND'S SUPERIOR BAKING POWDER. · lNQT·1·cE TO CREDITORS. N I EXECUTORS' P U N~PARALLE LED OFFER. B S The Medical Adviser W S P AUCTION SALE STOTT JURY. A VALUABLE PROPERTY c: &Jg ~audiir Jtateiua. $40 and Otherwise. Farm for Sale Tender. . Friday, the 26th of July· Farm for Sale Tender,_ 1 0 E n ranee 3 YEARS svsr·EM ~ . SAL E AUCTION I AND CROPS FARM --- --:. ... · ' Armstronr,r,'s Hotel, OGTAVtUS ·NEWCOMBE & Cl. ---THE Saturday, July 13th, WORLD" TYPEWRITER. Over 40,000 now in use. ·1

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