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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1889, p. 6

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... ' ;;:; '· ..·.... es of which resounded ·lVer and over again through the awful cavorn. We passed under a gracefully turned arch into anot her Is senlipg thousands annually to the grol!to, and then land.,d on. th~ solid salt Miss Moriarity. ETEBY WEDNESDAY MORNING ag11in. A long walk Clown 1!1chned planes insane asylum ; and the doctors say this Mias Moriarity and an occasional fl.ightJ of stair~ brought. us -B·Ytrouble is alarmingly on the increase. Was dnesed for the party, to the last lion ·of the excavations, wh1oh The usual r emedies, while they may In satin and ribbon and lace. was a ball room, brilliantly lighted~ for our A.J~MES, ii-give temporary r elief, arc likely to do· She called on the cat, reception. '.l"he Emperor of Austria, after AT 'IHJI: OFJl:ICJI: And Inquired, " How is tha.t ?" m ore harm than good. What is needed whom it is named, has held court here. It . And the cat lau11:hed on~ in her face, Post omee Bloek, King Street. Bowman· is an Alterati ve arnl Blood-purifier. it provided with galleries, and is lighted ville, Gutarl·: with chandeliers made of Hit. The drops Ayer's Sarsaparilla is incomparably Miss Moriarity, are of the whitest kind, and they sparkle the best. It corrects those disturbances All dre~aed for the party, TERM3: like diamonds. ' in the circulation which cau se sleeplessWent out to get into the gig. $1.liO per An·nm, er $1.00 tr pald In At one poinQ in our w11lk we were told that She was white as a sheet, advance. ness, gives increased vitality, and re· the Ja.ke over which we hld crossed was For there on the seat etores the nervous system to a healthful " Payment Ffrictly in advance required from. sub· directly over our heads; but the lloor was Sat the widow McGafferty's pig. eoribere outfide of tbe c<unty . ~rders to d1econcondition. d!'Y and there was no oczing overhead. tinue tbe J>·p<r must be acccmpamed by !be am~unt Rev . T. G. A. Co~, agent of the Mass. due or tbe po per will not t e ·tcpred. Subrcnben Miss Moriarity, The ascenb of the stairs was exceedingly are;.sponeible until full payment ie made. Home Missionary Society, writes tha.t Dre1sed up for the i;arty, · Jtryinp: after the long walk in the depths bet:'JUTES 01' AD1'EB.TJSJNG: . g~ low. The light· boys seemed to be not at all Inquired of a tro~gy the way, his stomach was out of order, his sleep Whole Column, one year ...... . . ... ._ .. · · $60 00 ~? The fro~ with a grin fatiuued. They W6re forbidden t'o ask visvery often disturbed, and some im" ·· Hft.lf year ... ,.. . . . . . 36 00 ~...., Said 'twas time to go in, One quarter...... . . £0 00 ~ itors for money, and the officials enforce purity of _ t he blood manifest ; but that llt.lf Column one year...... ... .·· . . . 39 00 _::::__ For the chickens were raking ha.y." the rnle ; bull the boys are CO-!ltinually a perfect cure was obtained by the use " Half·yea.r ·· ·.. · ·.·· .· 20-00 _ thrustiDg their hands very slyly into posi" One quarter_ .. · . .·.·· 12 60 _ cf Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Mies Moriarity, tions where a few kreutzers could drop in·Quarter Colun.n one yes.r .......... 20 OV Complete for. the party Frederick W. Pratt, 424 Washington " " Bait year ·....··..·. 12 5() _ to them unseen. by the incorruptible guide.; " .. One quarter.... .. .. 8 00 _ Jn farding11J, bodice and frill, ' Btreet, Boston, writes: "My daughter and it is very 11musing to see them do thlS !I'm lines andtmd first inserUon $0 50 _ Then gszsd a.t her clothes, at every opporiunity. was prost rated with nervous debility. Each subsequen insertion ..... 0 ~ _ Till she fell 1n a dose, Fn1 m ·ix to ten lines.first insertion n 75 _ _ .Ayer's Sarsa.(larilla r estored her to At the head of the staircase certain pre. And dreamed that she led the quadrille, .E·ch subsequent Insertion ... : · O 35 _ health." sons are permitted to sell carvings, such as Over ten lines, firstinsertion,perlln 0 10 _10 books and toys in pure white sa.lt, as souve· 'Villlam F. Bowher, Erie, Pa., was Mies Moriarity "Each subseoue11t Insertion " O OS nlrs of the vldit, of which our party carToo late for the party Tiie number of line& to be reckoned by the cured of nervousness and sleeplessness ried off a full supply. I h11d realiz~d my &pare ~ccupled, meatured by a scale ol solidlWith her laces and satin and silk, by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for about ·Ncnpar<il. dream as a boy, and the book I brought Was ready to cry, two months, during which time llis away reminded me for yea.rs, till it melted, But an owl said " Oh, fie !", weight increased over t \l enty pounds. ~~ ·· :Dils. iniiiEil .t '.tAMllnuif. A!lg a!l ele!?li~!l~ ~99~h~d her with milk, of the geography which ha.d induced me to J visit the miuea. · ·p ·· BYSICIANS, SURGEONS, ETC Office :-Cor. Church and Temp_erancl! : Mias :Moriarty . "bte. Night calls attended from Dr. Hillie~ . So dreamed of the party, }'BEPARED BY Msidence. . SHE SERVED IN THE EOUDAN. She.danced herself all out of breath; S,Q,:H1LLIJl:R,M.1l. h :b "' ... T. u . And ere it was day Dr. J. c. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. B L.AlllldJMAN, m. . <J, .m. rm. n1v. · Fellow of Trin, Med. College. The moon heard her say : A Plucky Nnrse, Now 1n on Amertean HOS· !ibid by all Drugrlsts. . l'rloe ·t; em bottles,., l'1elll ber Coll, Phys. Burg., ont . "Why, bless me I I'm tired to deatb." pitaI. Bl"Mll AIKP891',' Miss Lonisa Parsons, head nurse of a ward THE SALT MIN.BOP WIELICZKA. ;ARRJBTE t . SOLICITOR, &;c. MOPRIB In Johns Hopkins HosFita.1, N. Y., a.nd a.ct. A.RTILLERY fIR.E. BLOCK. upstairs, King Street, Bowman· Ing superintendent of nurses pending the · · Ville. Bclioitor tor the Ontari Bank A. STORY FOR BO YS, arrival of M!SB Iaa.bel A. Hampton, of Can l:.tfantry Stand Before I t ?-A.n lnet· c · ·J'h'll t~ llenel'& loaned at the lowest rs.tea. dent of the AuUria·Prussian War. What you are now, my boy, I was once: Canada, has an intereating hi,story. MiBB .lebR Iel&ll Gal'braUh, but it ls more than half a century ago. They Parsons is one of the N uraing Sisters, a The ' idea prevaillng before the FrancoA.RRIBTER OLIOITOR, NOTARY say tr.at old men remember things that hap- Nightingale nurse, trained in 1879 at St. Pruasian war that the effect of artillery fire PUBLIC, &;c. Otllce-Bounsa.ll's Block, pened long, long ago better than events that Thomas' Hospital, London, Florence.Night· " Streat, Bowmanville. Money to lend, ingale, e.fter the Crimean war, started this on the ranks of the enemy was moral i:ather occurred recently. In the geography which field of instruction under the name of St. than actual is conclusively wiped out by the I used in school when I was a boy like you Biiii, JleLA.lJGHJ.IN d BEITH, Thomas' Training School for Nurses. For account of two actions found in t\Je recent 'l'I aa a picture of a acene in the ralt mine work by the ~reat authority on this arm, OPJ'ICE :- MORRIS' BLOCK, BDWMANVILL:&. whose J:'olish name ie !riven above. ~he text aervicee in Egypt during the Soudan war· Prince Kraft Hohenlohe. Although Ptuseia -Dr..J.W.McL.A.uGHLIN, Dr. A. BEITH. Gradu told a wonderful story of things a long way M.isa Parsons has been highly commended dcentia te of the ~~ya! ate of the Toronto 1nderground, and I wished very much to and handsomely decorated. She received gave the Austrians a treinendou11 licking in CJollege or Phys101ans ·Uni.versity· l'hyeicia.n, wander about; In the bowels of the earth from Q11een Victoria the Royal Red Cross, 1866, ·she recogniz~d the bet that the Ausmember of the 1 which the Queen, the Princess of Wales and trian batteries were fa.r snperior to hers and ~~7·1 College of Bur- Burgeon, &;c. among the scenes described in the text. immediately set to work to improve them, -'aeons, Edinburgh. .· Tbe picture represented . a workman other members of the royal family of Eng- with the following result in 1870, as deacrib· land wear; a silver medal from the English doubled up in a narrow place, dlgglng · oub D&.J. (). Kft()BEJ.L, War ~ffice, aud a bronzs medal from the ed by Prince K raft : "I could ·never have ···EMBER 01!' COLLEGE OF PBYBICIA.NS great blocks of salt. I used to think he Khedive of Egypt. believed that the instruction eiiven in time mnst have the b&okaohe, as I looked at him UJ. and Burireon11, Ontario, Coi:oner, eic. Miss Paraone ia an Englieh woman of me· of peace would have borne such excellent omoe and Re11ide.noe, Ennisk1llen. 7' · . year aftilr year from that time to this, for I frn1t in spite of the excitement of action. ha.ve seen that man, and I Wai!, inotlned to dinm stature and active movements. She Standing behind the Captain of a batte'f, I BB. E. C. JldlO'WEl.J.. pnsent him with a bottle of linimeut, for l sailed from London for the Soudan March 3, heard him quietly give 'the order: 'Agamst --OF-1885, and ·y ICENTIATE OF ROYAL COLLEGE believed that he needed it. infantry in front, 1. 900 paces, from the LANDED AT SUEZ, .Jl...,t of Phyeiclans, London, l£ng.;Member of We were told in the book that whole vilCollege of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. lages of people Jived in this mine, and that from which plaee she had a ~wo and right flank; ready I Fire one gnn !' Then be waited, holding bis field glass to bis eye, "BtiRGERY AND Ri!SIDXNCB::-Rear of Meeara. some of 11hem never came out. All this wae a hall daya' trip to Suak1m. She untill the enemy approached the point on fi'"oinbotham's Drug Store, Bowmanville, , '6-lyr.· simply fiction, for no one lives In the mine ; . was stationed on the stream tran· ..... which the. guns were laid, and gave the but, in spite of the big stories it did te!J, 1 . sport Ganges, fitted up as a hospital. order, 'Rapid fi ring from the right fla.nk I' the cavern is vastly more ,wonderful than ['he boat received its complement of patients Then there was a hellish sighb, tor t he adFl ELD & ·McCOLL. the description. After I had walked about from the seab of war, wounded and feverARRIS'IEB S, ~licitors, N otlll"ieP, &c. seven miles through these subterranean gal. stricken. There were about 400 sick on the vancing enemy disappeared from view in the clouds of smoke which t he shells threw leries.I was sure that the half had not been Ganges when Mias P"rsons was ~ssign_ed to up as they burst and tore their wa.y COLBORNE and COBOURG. told. Wieliczka is about six miles from that posb. During her stay on th5 steamer through the ranks. Aftec one or two for Men and Boys, Women and Children. Cracow, the ancient capital of Poland, where the ship was cleared of all who could be minutes the attacking enemy cat;ne out Jl4fNE'I' TO LOAJi. one ma.y look npon the coffins of J obn moved. They w.ere transftirred to t~e Iberia on oi:e side of the smoke. It had passlJ'. M. FJELD,B. A. JOBN B.tMcCOLL Mobieski, Pontitowski and Thaddeus Kos. aid.sent to London. Suaklm le said to be ed the point on which the guns were o'usko, · 1the hottest place in the world~so hot that laid, and, in spite of terrible loss, apWJI. BINGO.ill, Wleliczka. is a town of 5000 people. lrhe flies can not live there; The last popular be· proached with undeniablo bravery. Then SSUER OF MABRIAGE LICENSES, earth under It is honeycombed with excava-1 llef, Mias Parsons say11, is a mistake, for she t he Captain gave the command : ' · :Jease Residence, Ennislr.illen;· tions, beginning a.bout 200 feet below the saw and fcught millions of flies there and a.11 firing I 1,600 paces-one gun-cease firing !' s11rface, for three miles in Due direction by the plagues of Israel. . S. «;. UlJNKUiG, Repairing:~ And when ~he guns were now laid, he cried: Miss Parsons, with two other Sisters, took " At 1,600 paces from the right flank , rapid ICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR one mile in the other. The sa.lt was dis· covered 650 years ago, '11ond the mine has back to England 400 pa.tients on the Iberia, firing I" The Effect was brilliant, horrible, the County of Durham. Sales attended tD on !!hortest notice and lowest rates. A~~~ess been worked all the time since. ~here are and only lost four on the way. She l'6turae? overwhelming. No attack could have re · ) Ol!BTJCB P. o. ' 36.tf said.to be over 400 niiles of galleries and overland to Brindisi 111,1d crossed the .Medi. sisted it." Again, we have the effect of t he tunnels dug out; but I did not measure them, terranean to Alexandria, whence she went German guns a.t St. Privat: "When the S. BlJJlDEN 4 CO., though I found no reason to doubt the state- to SuEz by rail, passing the head of the French column became visible ·A UCTIONEERS for the ' County of ment. In fact, when I got OD the face of BATTr,EFIELD OF TEL EL KEBJIR, the hill our trial shots reached it at a .B... Durham ; Insurance and General Agent!>. the earth again 1 felt a.s though I had really where the Arabs in l SS ·i on 5000 in killed. ·over range of 1,000 p11ces, and my thirty guns 'Valuator and Real Estate Agents. Salee and walked 200 of them, though I had really 3 other business promptly attended to. Box ·172. made but about seven miles. These mines 'Xhe journey is described as terrible on ac- opened a rapid fire. Tbe enemy's infantry '13cl'Wmenville P. O. 30-tt _ was enveloped in a thick smoke w4ich the yield an . annual revenue of $1,000,000. count of the hea.t. With three other Sisters shells made a1 they burst. But after a vary Though pure white salt is found there, most she was stationed at Suu , and received all short time we saw the red trousers of t he Pia.nos Tnn~d and Revalred. of the product is mixed with a dark green. sick forwarded from Sua.klm. As soon as masses which were approaching us appear It ill taken out in '-piecee of the average size convalescent they were -put aboa.rd home· through the cloud. I stopped Qhe fire. A ARTIES WISHING TH EIR PI ANOS of one's hea.d, or a foot-be.II, and in this bound ships. shot was tired at I, 700 pilces range ; ·: Tuned or repa1ren can nave thom attended shapi! hauled to Cracow in wagons. It was intensely hot at SuEz, and Miss trial lilly leaving wordiat the DOMINION ORGAN this was to show us the poiM up to which :oo· Oll'rICE, Bowmanville A tlrat·clas man Our party of three were on the way from Parsons bad a thermometer, from exoeHB of we should let them advance beforereopening St. Petersburg to Vienna, and we atopped to heat, to burst in her pocket. The hospite.l the rapid fire. We did the same for t he '.SOW 'DelnK In their em.J;>IO!" see this wonder of our boyhood. 'Xhe first yard waa gorgeous with beautiful flowers, ranges of 1,500, 1,300, 1,100, and-900 paces." WIJ.J.IA.M FEUD. formality at the entrance of the mine was but they had to be gathered before 4 o'clock ·p J'tACTICAL BOOK BINDER. .All to pay a fee uf about $9, which covered all in the morning or the hot atmosphere robbed In spite of the horrible devastation which · . "'01 k done in fitet-claea style at the t O ti them of their fragrance. In some of the the shells caused in their mnks these brave f th expenses o . e :par y, ur re nue con- m·rohes the men, suffering with dreadful troops continued to advance ; but ab 900 jc""f st Toronto price·. Orders left at the sisted of an offiCJal guide ·a nd four lamp a store cf Mr. Treb11cock cr the t esldenoe of R. s tores consisted of a large thirst, would drink water that had been ly- pa.ces the effect of ·our fire was too deadly P . .FiEld, Centre·st., B.owmanville, 20-3m. boys, and the supply of firework!!. We were provided with IDg bl the ·sun for days in uhe akin b&gs. for them ; they turned and fledcould ; we . . j huried shells after them roµnd 11.11 long as we fnll uniforms of green baize, The lamps 'Xhe result was always a largely increased see them. Here was an infantry attack ROBT. TOIJNG,; T. s. were open pans, with several wicks at the number for the hospite.Js. She was herself FFICE IN THE WEST DURHAM rims, held by three chains, .80 that they attacked with typhoid fever at Suez, suffer. which wa.s repulsed purely and simply by · News Block. where himself or assistant could be dropped to the floor to light the ed a relapse on the homeward voyage on the fire of artillery." ['he proposition is also laid down that a line of artillery cannot :l~e~fd~~':i~?d~~I~~·~~!?t: B~1Bi 1 ~JI: -Way. ' the steamer Ganges, dahnd hhad a second re- be broken by a frontal attack by infantry. by telf'graph or telephone' will receive prompt There were two methods of descent-one lapse after she reaohe er ome. Mias Parsons sent her resignation to the 'Xhe effect of shrapnel! · reaches out to 3,800 attention. 17l·yr by a windlaaa, the visitors being seated in yards, and from 1,100 · to 1,200 yards the rope slings, the other bv a staircaee. We War Offic!I · before coming to this country. effect of artiliery is absolu.bely annihilating. ID were taken down the stairs. T hey consisted She came to the United States on a visit, . l l:\,. · · . ' . . .. ,..- · of seven steps down from one pla.tform to bub circumstances caused her to remain CATARRR. G entlemen's Clothes MadetoOrder. another, on each of which one t urns around, longer th11on she expected, and finally to repi!ating the operation until the bottom is accept a place in the Johna Hopkins Hos· reached, We went down 750 feet, but it pital; She bas never served In any other A N'ew Rome Treatment for the Care et seemed to be about. 2000 when we walked hospital in the United States. Catarrh, t::atarrhal Deat'nesa, and n _ Some s.:y the la. t ter is the aatual depth Hay Fever. · b · I · be'" t d" · b The microscope has proved that thfllle o t h e mine, D.· t 18 uter o IBOoun. a out Prefers the Ca.nadia.n Girl, diseases a.re contagious. and that they are half of the statement. Boston Herald : lrwo points of advantage due to.the presence of living parasites In the The passages or galleries are very like h A . lining 1meml>rane ot the upper air passa.gas the corridors·of a building. In placea where the Canadian girl possesses over t e meri- and eu11tachlan tubes. The eminent sci&lltcan, and these are preolaely the qualities that ists Tyndall. Huxley and Beale endorse t.his, ihere waa any loosene11 in the wails or cell- particularly apFeal to men ; she is more· ro- and these authoriti~ cannot bcl disputed. Ing they were planked, but venerally t he mantle 'a nd more aubmissive. Wnile as full The rell'ul&I' method or treating the diseases. visitor sees nobhing but walls of salt rook. of sentlmen'" aa ·the id Al love letters ·tied is to apply an irritant remedy weekly and N th f 00 t f th 8 t i u even dally, thus keeping the delicate memear e .o e a rcase \Ve were con-, 'l'lith blue ribbon, Phe still regards man aa bra.ne in a constant state or irritation, d~cted to a_ chaple dedicated ,to the patron her lord a nd maater, She rarely dreams of aooompa.nled by violent sneeziDg, allowing saint of. the mine. !l'h!' apartment was a- disputin the nnremo.mr of husband, father It no chance to beal, and as a natlU'al conse· bou~ 50 by 30: In a mche at the back of · or even ~rother, ~d bi;; privilege and plea· ::~o'li:! s!~~r ~~e~!c~~~ec:i~e P\~m~ne:! HAR·NDEN,, L. D. 9 stage was a life-alze crucifix. At_ the ends eure ia to minister unto them. She la so affeo· absolute' fact that these diseases cannot b6 Qraduate.i>'tthe Royal Collegeof DenW.l of the 1tage were a statue of the K mg cf Po· tionate In her home circle that the average onred by any application made oftener than Surgeons, Ontario. land and the saint ~he la~ter was a duch once in two weeks, for the membrane must ' li · man has only to be admitted there to straight· get a chance to heal before any appllcation ·1 ·0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. ls now 7 yrs. since Mr. Dixon £ss, an? on spot they be eve tha_t the mine way fa.Ii head over heels In love with a eirl is repeated. Jt _ BOLD E'ILLING A SPECIALTY was , d1Scovered by men searchmg for the who wor1hips her brother, is forever kissing discovered the par..slte in Catarrh and tormla.dy B wedding ring, which IJhe had lost. h f d f th d dis tee with her sisters ulated bis new treatment, and since then his ,hTIFIOIAL T EETH INSERTED WITHOUT There is another statue and some ornament- er on a er an pu remedy has become a honeehold word in p 1 k ll 0 f hi h 18 · d t f th the honor and delight of warming the p11oter· every country where the E nirllsh la.ngu&Ke LA.TES. a. ~or · a. w c ca.rve on e nal alipJ>ers. Even when of "high ste.tlon," is epoken, Cures e.ffected by him seven Years Great Reductions In price on. a.II Dental sohd rock of_salt. she t akes her turn In making the tea and ago are cures. still, there having IJeen no :W.ork. Vitalize!!. Air, constantly m use pro· After looking at the chapel we took a h d · ~--di t h return of the disease. ilucing Palnlell8 Operations. Particular atten ve lon walk throu h the loom vaults preparing t e toast an superm!""' ng e Bo highly are these remedies valued. and :bn paid to the teKUlation of Children'a Teeth tilP'we cag~e to an im!ense c!vern Yin whloh breakfast generally, a task which ma.m!lla t so gi;ea~ is the demand for them, that ignor· Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the .,- .ALL WORK W .ARR:ANTRD b ' reli'tates to her daughters. The Canadian ant nm~ators have started up everywhere, · · a dozen citv churches could e oomforbably i 1 air h6 h. of domest icit pretending to destroy a para.site, of wl1 ich 1 Branch office, Dr. Ruther _ ford's Orono , stowed. ['he boys touched off some Roman Lr rd eat ,~t IS eng~gHg h n wa1i1' they know ~ot1!ing, by ~emedies the results LIVER, STORA.CD, KID:NEYS A..ND BOW.ELS. - - --· . · candles and the place was brilliantly illuan _ oesn say, ow s e 08 h z, of the application .of wh1 oh they a.re equally · ' mh· · · h how well she looks an t he opera, how s e ignorant Mr. Dixon's remedy is a pplied T.nc:. ·1: -invigorate and restore to health J)ebilita.ted Constitutions> THI~ l'.'EA.R'S mmate.d. "' is IS the pomt, or one oft em, 11 th other iris in t he cotillion!" only once ,In two weeks, and from one to are hivaluable a.11 Oomplalnta lnolde nta o ~ ema.lea of all Ages, Fo1 . . _ ,. . where 1t would be quite propi!r to go Into Nrpass:~a toe h t gd antage she may three applications effect a permanent cure In 0 Chlldren and the a ged they ar~ prlcele111, ecstasies and "gueh," for the cavern of ma r w a a v f d" most aggravated cases. N. B.-For catarrhal g rand and the idea of being hundreds la appear in evening dress, under the so t ra. I· troubles pei:uliar to females (whites) this reme· ' · · , a.nee of the wax candles, what the most ID· · dy is a specif!c, feet below ground 18 appalling,l but ~he~e ls veterate bachelor wbiepera·to,himseH)s ibis; Mr, Dixon sends a pamphlet describing his no danger that the thing will cave m. "B G What a wife she would make I new treatment on the receipt of ten cents in an infallible remedy for Bad -Legs, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds Sr~ CJlJT and PL1TG We went into another tremendoua vault Y eorge 1 ,. stamps. The address is A.H. Dixon&; Son. and Ulcers. It 11 famous for Gout and Rheuma.t lsm, For dfsordera of t)o of the same kind provided with wooden gal- And what a home I 30S K?-ng etr~t west, Toronto, Cariada.- Ohest lt , has no equal.leries above for t he paasage of t he miners Scientiftc.&mcrica n · ._ ·· '. · from one part to another. Then we walked The Power of Love. - - - - - -- "-For Sore Throats,· Bronchitis, Coughs, Cold·, ·1es, p_.ng· --' ~- · etatues, a Sufferers from 'catarrha troubles should more m1 monnmen..,, !rbere is muoh that may bedone caretnlly read the above. · FINER TDA.l'W EV.EB. banquet hall, and following a railroad miles By a gentle, loving one ! GI11.itdula.r Swellings, and a.11 Skin Diseases it has no rival ; and ' in length, and with oars . dra.wn 'by live Her sweet mercy's prayer to breathe ; contracted and stlfl' jolnta It aotl like a char~. See horses, ·~uded as they were. In one of Ber the me.nly brow to wreathe Mrs. Brief (who haa been readinR an these immen1e·exoavatio111· we come tc a In fadelesa garlands from above, article on sleep In a healt h paper) - John, Manufactured only at Tuo:i.r.u HOLLOWAY'S Eat abllahment; lake 47 feet deep, Moored to the shore was Gemmed with the dew of Heaven'· love ; is it beet to lie on the right side or the left ! a fla.tboat, big enough to seat twenty per{['o soothe the careworn, troubled breast, John (a lawyer)- If you are on the right '18, ~"'.sf: ODlll> .,, "'J !! l'REET, (late 633, STPJ.BT)s tollD05 sons, on wbioh we embarked for a lllill on {['o guard t he weary J>llgrim's reat, aide it uaually isn't necessary to lie at all, these 8tyglan watera. lrhe craft was drawn To oloae the eyes cf age and youth, And· a u s o ,c'hi ls. ljd., 21. 9d., 41. Gd. , lb., 22s., and 83. ea.oh Box·.011 p by wires, like many ferryboats In tile nppi!r rro whisper of ~leatial truth, M ost men are honest as far down a.a their may be had from all M edicine Vendorsthrougho\lt the World,~ . ' in bronze on r egions. · · Much-ah, much- may e'er be done under-clothes, but you only meat one;once in s P urchasers should look t o the label on the Pot s and Box es. If the address is net. a while who is honeH clear through, ·ach PLUG & PA~KA.GEI When we were half way across the lake By a gentle, loving one. 535 Oxford Street, they are spurious. !U-ly a boy leti.ofh heavy cannon-cracker, the echo THECAN!.~~~TAt~MAN · JH:, I YOUNG FOL.ts..S. Want of Sleep SPRING ANNOUNCEMEN1~1889, ----o---- "Window Shades, all colors, both with and without dar_j Genuine Hartshorn Spring Rollers. Bessel Carpet Sweepers. Curtain Chains. Cornice Poles. Stair Plates and Rods. Sanderson, Percy & Co.'s PURE MIXED PAINT. I Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 'Genuine Elephant Lead. A fine Jine of Kalsomine, "White W-hitewash and Paint Brushes~ The best goods at bottom prices. S. S. EDSALL. . B D. DA.VIS~ l}. will be found in his old shop, next door door to Express Office, BOW-MANVILI~E, I - -d where he keeps constantly on hand & A LARGE · COMPLETE ASSORTM"RNT Coarse and Fine B Boots and Shoes Special attention given to· I Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. L :n_ I> A "'VIS. ODORS, SASH, BL11NDS, MOULDINGS, . P and other Factory -Work all Kiln Dried. AFu11 8to 0k aIw _ ays on hand . Call and Examine. O Jt.:J'.i PEAT E Tat"lo-» McClellan ~ Co., DENTISTRY. r· BOWMANVI LLE, sole ag·ents in this locality for '.,. TRENTON, ONTARIO. 6 GIL~OUR&CO., c. HEALTH FOR A ILL l ° I ' ' f' ~ · THE PILLS ;_·: ,_ , ·.··y R T L-E SMOK1 NG TOBACCO In .THE OINTM;:ENTI ox:ro:an

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