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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1889, p. 8

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· CYCLONE SALE / PAR.TING WORDS- TOWNSHIP COUNCIL. - .A.T- MA.SO N'S. ----oINDISPUTABLE FACTS: V\Te are now showing the · largest stock of D RY G 0 0 D S and CLO'THIN-G MATERIALS in town. Our stock is ·the best bought stock in Bowmanviile, quality and price considered. Tremendous Bargains in Tweeds, Dress Goods, &c., the balance of McC~ung's Stock. V\Te are in' a position now to undersell all competitors on leading lines. VVe will sell to any one buying large pa·rcels at less than we or any other dealer can buy wholesale, as our desire is to make a rapid clearance. "'W'"e have sold to merchants· last week of the highest standing, A 1 cash men~ Remember, this is a mat.ter of dollars and cents to all who want goods. Do you want to buy? -VVe _ c an and will save you money. "'W'"e don't say goods at half p r ice, but if we can't match any reliable goods shown in town, at less' price, we will not a sk you to buy from us. "W"e are, &c., JOHN J. MASON C~.A.S. Fl."USE;'S . ~ o.-v..0 . 011al ~'\; ');. SchooJ ~~ . . 4.rq-6". 0 .r · BAXTERIAN EDUCATIONAL COUR S E S :to for the study of Music in its several departments Over 600 Lessons in one School Year. Special attraction for lady studentP by uniting with the first and only LADIES' BAND in Canada. Tuition, $8 0 p e r Scl1ool Year, OF FORTY WEEKS. Degrees Conferred ~ . Diplomas A warded of Baxter University of Music, ~ew York. Fur ther par t icular s by addressing BAXTERf by DR. O :::S::..A..S_ R U-SE:i Ml. Box 8f:, BOWM ANVILLE, ONT. R .. -W-OON &CO- , SUCCESSORS TO Tile .JO§EPD R A L L ~la nutact uring Con1pan y, Tbe followin!l resoluu on has been preT own Hall, Hampton, June, 2!Jth. sented to Rev. E. Barraos, M. A., D. D., bv T he Cou ncil met pu rsuant t o a dj ournt he Ministerial Associa ;on, on bis r emoval ment, rnew bers all present, minutes from the Hampton Cir-Hlit :r ead and confir med . Rev. E. Barrnss , M.A ., .D.D. 'l'hc following petitions and comm uni· DEAR BRo'rBER -Yo11 r bielh ren of t ho r;f inislerial Associalion of t he West Rid ing cat ions were presented . H enry Mann a nd others, to be allow· of Durham , feel thul tb"Y can not allow you to leave t his v1Cinity wi thout making some ed t o erect a wire fence , in the r oad adexpression ol their high appreciation of joining the eas tern b oundary of lot 19, your Cbrisli!\n cbi\racler and u sefulness. B. F. · In parlint? wilh you WC lo se on t of J ohn Elfl)r d and Saml. Allin, to be the most indefa tigable member of lhe As- allo wed to erect a. wire fence on the sociation, a brother wi~e in counsel,regular · east eide of lot No. 2, in t he 2n d. Con . in a\tendance and ever readv to lake a full (seems to b0 a mistake, as there is no share in every good work. r oad on eal!t side of No. 2.) J ohn 'l'he Aseocialion showed ii~ appreciation WigM. Wm. Crago and John Elford, to of you when on 11 former occasion H elected you its President, and ite prayer now is b e allowed t o erect a wire fence o n t he that God' s bltlseing may resl upon you in east side of lot 3 , in the 2nd . Con. The three petitions were granted a n d your new bowtt, and when your labors here are end ed that you may have an abundant ordered t hat B y ·laws be passed at n ext enhance into the eternal home. m eeting, in compliance >Yith prayer of On behalf of \be Assomaiion, the petitions . . A. L ESLIE, Presiden t, L evi M orrie notifying t he Cou ncil of w. B . WARRINER, Secrelarv. his appointmen t as inspector of AnaBowmanville, June 17, 1889. tomy. Received and filed . F rom J ohn Gilby, Sec'y . of Public The Philharmonic Society held a picm eeting at Burk ton, t r ansm itt ing copy nic a\ tlie Agriculture! Grounds, on Satar· of a resolution in reference to building day afternoon ltiet,and had ll very pleasan\ for P ublic School, a nd o t her pur poses time. in ea.id Village. The Clerk w aii inS1uw's Sca ooL H oosE.-The annual st ructed t o ask for mor e definite infor . picnic of this echool will be held at Winter- mat ion in r elation to the matter. From Jno . A. Galbraith, and 16 green point, on F riday next. A grand o thers, for aid t o J no. H olland, an in· time iR expected. digen t. G ranted, see poor list. F rom Thomas Creeper,and 35 others, Fishing parlies at Scngoit Lake, are making ~i g catches this season, and the for a id t o ltioh'd. Cawke r, of the Vil· :fi sh yarn has to be ma1e larger \hie year, la~e of T y r on e , g ranted, se e poor list . From Co. Clerk, advice as t o amt, of to fill 1111 requirements. Co. and Gen. S chool rate, r eq uired to e voted a botiue of b e r aised in t h e T ownship . Oshawa Council haY $15.000 to asiet a Company in building r. From Rousell & Hutcheson , and r ailway from the town to foe station and from Harts & Co., offer ing t o s upply n ew ed. of M. Man ual. Th e Clerk was harbor, incluiling a belt line round the inst ructed to order a copy. \own for th'l convenience of the F actories. Complaint was m ad e t o t he Counci l. Thie latter is to be in running order the oi a sluice-way b eing o u t of order, at coming Fall. the entran ce to John Oke's pre m is es , The D. 0 . & P . Co's Band aUende d an t he Clerk was instructed t o com muui· alleged contest a\ Guelph la; \ week and cate in r e fer ence to the matter. From Mr. L a w, t <> b e r ecompensed were beat en by a professional combination · for s tatute labor , t aken from hie bea t . known as Anderson 's Ban d of Toronto. A Not enterta in ed. peculinr ity of the conies\ was lhe judging A rium.b er of accte. wer e presented, of the band and awarding the positions ·a i.ud laid on th e table. wrnk in advance of the ccnleel , P ort H ope _ Mr. Awde p r esented a report on t h e application of M r . Rich'd . B en tham , t o Times. An old bachelor of seventy.t wo years a11d havtl the p resent travelled r oad, re · moved from his iot to t he r egula r road a widow of forty were married lately in allowance. Recommendin~ that a s it Campbellford. The bridesmaid was a is impracticable t o make a road in its young widow, end the 11rocmsmen a wid. prop~r p lace, Mr. Bentham be i;a id a ower of nearly four score years. It is fair. reuta~ for h is land, so u sed. ad opted. rumoured that another widow threatens a The Reeve presen t ed a r eport from breach of prom:se against \he h appy the co.nmittee, t o which was r eferr ed bridegroom, th e matter of improvements on t he A LIVELY TowN.- lmring t he band sou t hern town line, recommending that tournament iu Bowmanville last week a t he mat ter be p ostponed t o a more a nu mber of serious accidents occurred. ccnven ient seas on. Concurr ed in. M r. Smale pr esent ed a r epor t from One man had his legs cul off by the cars the commit t ee on improvements asked an d died ned day. T he catcher of Bow· for on the road b.e t ween 8 a nd 9 , in the m rnville baEehall.club had bis chest caved 4th C;in . , makiug certain recom men· in by a bas6-run ner's knee an d died from dations, which were concurred in. t he effects af it. A. man was kicked by a Mr. T. .McDonald a pplied to the horse so badly that he died, and a boy \vas Cou ncil to open the road between 34 an d 35, in the 9 th, Con. Referr ed t o seriously hurt by being trampled 011 by a the Reeve, and M r. Awde. horse.- Uxbrid9e Journal. The Trustees of school sec. No. 22, Fnauns ON F A RMERs.-A. bulletin,dealing asking the Cou r.cil to levy $Ul for with frauds <>n farmers in On tario, was school purposss, (other Trustees will issued by the Provincial Bureau of -Indus - con fer a favor , by sending in t heir applications at once. ) , \ ries las I week. H covers all kinds of The Reeve was instructed to gran t swindlee, expceing lhe tricks by which far. orders on t h e Treasurer for the follow· mers arf\ so oft~n robbed of their hard ing sums :- Fred. Clemens, 237 loads earned ca>h. The little volnme is 24 pages of gravel, $ 11. 85 ; Dan. Cornish, 189 and proves very in terestin g readin g. E very loads of gravel , $9.45 ; .John Stainton , farmer should get one, which no doubt can 63 loads of gravel, $3 5 ; Mrs. D. Hooey , 54 lna ds of g ravel,$2. 70 ; 'l' hos. be don e by dropving a posl card to the Mountjoy, 35 l oads of gravel, $1.75; Provincial Bureau c f Indus~ries, Toronlo. J ohn Bray, 100 loa ds of grave l and DROW N!ffi .- .'r wo weeks ago a mar. named damages, $7 .00; J ohn M ountjcy, 167 Alex . Graham . of Cartwright, hired a boat loads of g ra vel , $8,35; J ohn Gilbert, at Cre3area, to cross the lake to the I sln.nd 55 loads of gravel, $2. 75 ; McClellan t o call on ~r.B1imacombe,and l1c was never & Co., t on of coal, $5.liO ; Geo. WilB P.en afterwards. u ntil Sunday morning last, liamse n & Co. , 5 r oad scrapers and \\ hen b is body was diseonredfloating in the freigh t , $46. 90; Treasur er , t eleer ams , 92c. ; W. R. Olimie, pri nting, $24. 50 ; water about a h undred yards north of Jas. T. Pollar d, work on gravel r oad, CreR area. H e was well known in B lack· $31. 75 ; R. Ka.tenon, funeral expenses, stock, having worked . ther e as a t ai lor, $0 .00 ; l\:Ir. Westaway , digg in g g rave, nntil a year or so ago when h e moved t o $2.00 ; Haokins,keep in hosp ital,$ 7.60; Dakota and tnok u p farming . He came back this spring on a visit and intended reWm. McLaughli n ,sh eep dam;iges,$4. 66; turning to Dakota again in a fe w weeks. R eeve, ex pendit ure on Enniskillen SERIOUS AcC.IDENT AT B URTON .·- A very h ill , $100.00; indigen te, M iller, $6; Luff, $5.50; Sproul, Gay, Cornish and ·s~rious a.ccid en t occurred t o Geo. Br.rtley, Wilson, $5 each ; Mallet and Co ur tice, hostler at the R oya l Hotel, Black~tock, OD $ 4 each ; Lane, R obinson, Trick and Saturday morning last , at Burton, a small Staples, $3 each ; Cawker, $6 ; Cam p village about five miles east of Blackstock. bell, D ean, Stacey, Gregory, Lyl e and ' Ve w ere unable to gather full particulars, Holland, $2 ea ch ; Mrs, Campbell, but as far as we can learn it appears t he $1. Orang" Loclge met their Friday evening. and On motion the Council adjourne d to after th" meeting a number remained to hav e a lit tle fun. About five in the morning · Sat u rday, July 2 7th. at 2.30 p.m. they were fooling with a gnn, which was R . WIND.A.TT, Clerk . loaded with powderonly,and by some means or other the 1;un was discharged in B artley's face, blowing off his s:alp and burning his eyes so bP ,dly that it is not expected he will MURDOCH BROTHER'S Chi na Ha11~ BOWMANVILLE, Headquarters in West Durham for·· FINE - - --- - --- Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinaware, Glassware, Crockery, Hall, Parlor and Hand Lamps,. Fancy Cups, · Saucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sets, etc;. ~. OUR FAM-I LY ,__, GROCERY & PROVISION DEPARTMENT Is always well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Hfjiim P~ ~ ·F~ Vic1 oria Buildings, Bowmanville. P~~ Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleas ed t o show goods. I nspect ion s olicited . MURDOCH -BROS. 26 Insecticides. - ---o---- ' Pure Paris Green, Insect .Powder. - -ANP.- ALL KINDS OF FLY PAPER -AT - J.BIGGINBOTHAM &SON'S C hemists and Dru ggists. BOWMANVILLE. recover his sigh t again. MAN UFACTURE THE OSHAWA C:S:AM P ION MOWER . HE Champion enlarged and improved , It is built in the ea.me manner as the Champion, almost entirely of Steel and Malleable Iron. 32 inch Drivmg ' Vheel!!i Wide Steel Frame, Steel Axl88,Soliri St.eel Guard, with 4t and 5 feet cut. 'L 'HE BEST AND STRONGEST MOWER IN THE MARKET. We are offering at close prices to meet the competition in the market of lighter a nd cheaper built machines. T w e bought e.11 the .P at terns, Templets, Drawings, etc., et c from the Joseph Hall E state, and k eep in stock for prompt delivery r epairs of all machines and me.chines made at the .Joseph Hall Works, Mill Repa irs, Champion Reapers and Mowers. Cayuga and Buckeye Mow er s·, New Mode! a nd Hall Thresl1ers. Horse Powers. -Thresher Engines, etc. We keep in stock cylinder and concave teeth for Cha.llenge, Advance and f: arnia Threshers. We repair Threshers. Engines. IIorse Powers, a nd Machinery of any make, a nd furnish r epairs for sam e at short notice. Leather and Rubber Belt ing (second hand and now, sh ort pieces, odd ends. etc.,) at half price. Lace L ea ther, Rubber Packin g, Boiler P urger, J:!elts, etc. Several Second-Hand Portable 'l'hresher Engines, th orough ly overhauled and reva!red, good as new, a t ha lf price, 8econd>Ha.nd New Model and Hall Threshers at very low figures. ?3- 2m, . REP.AIRS- R OBERT WOON & CO., - WILLIAM.ST·· iOSHA W Ji. There was great rejoiciOg in U xkri<lgf' Oil F riday last. in consequence nf the CitizeD3' ' Band having won the first prize at Bowmanville tournament yesterday . On the arrival of the band that morning they were met by an immense concourse of people a.nd were t endered a most hearty receptfon. A pro· cession was formed by a. large number of citizens armed with bwoms; .and the leading streets were tra versed. At njgh t the band were called out and atte£ playing a few pieces of musw . M ayor Smith, in th e vres. encA of about 800 people, read them a congratulatory address, after which ex-Mayor Bascom presented them with a ·p urse cont aining Sl62, which had been subscribed durin g the day hy the people of the t own. T he very handso me gift W !LS acknowledged nd manager by t he lea.der. Mr . McG uire, a_ I ,ow. - Uxbridge Journal, ' The Port P erry, S1mgog and Cartwright Road Company have now. f.Jr t he purpose of constructing the roadway :from Scugog t o Cartwright, four thousand seven hundred dollars, which insures the building of the road. T hey hope to obtain 1urther aid to the extent of a thousand or fifteen hundred dollars . The company purpoEe t o make a tirRt-claE s road, and the more money t hey have at- their r!isposal the better road will be built, and by building a good road at the fi rst the less it will reQ uire for future maintainence. '.l'he company contemplate commencing the ·work as soon as it is practicable to do so ; but the very high wat er of the overflowing t h~ marsh is against doing t he- mn sh portion at present. There is about fifty rods at the Scugog en<l, which it is proposed to make a st art on_ in a short t ime to be ready t o proceed . with work on the marsh part as soon as the wat er gets 1 down t o its usual summer level. l\/L_A_-Y-N_A_R D . 'I':EE JEWELLER fo: . (A . D UNLOP, M ASTER,) Will make her r egub r t rips on t his route, lea ving Cobourg every morning at 7:30 and Port Hope at 9 :50,o'clock,on arrival of Grand Trunk R ailway trains from the east .and we~t ; connecting at Rochester with the N ew York Central, Northern Centra l and Erie Ra ilways, and the Lake Ontario Di vi· eion of the R ome, ' Vater town & O~dens· burg R ailway for all points ea.it, wes and south. R ETURNING Will lel\ve Charlotte (Port of R ochester,) on Mond~ys, W edr.esdays and Friday~ . at 12 o'clock p. m., ·ruesdayn at 9 o'clock p. m . , 'l'hursda) S at 11 o'clock p . m., and Sat urdays for Port H ope direct at 4 p . m. Thh is the cheapest and most expeditious route to Oswego, Boston, Albany, N ew Y ork, &c., &c. Connect s with early t rain for North, on Tuesdays. Thnra· fays and Saturdays, at 7 ·11m. E~teud~ his thanks the v~ry liberal patronage h e r~oe1ved s1~oe comn;i.enc~ng bus1r:ess. His Stock being New and Stylish and his prices ·very moderate is n o doubt the cause of his success. ' ' TltE N~W LINE OF HEAVY SII1VER -W-..A..TO :S:ES SHOULD -BE SEEN AT ONCE. - - -:o:- - - t al stock. Steady work at good riay. No experienct> necessary . Any man not afraid to work can succeed with us. oialary a nd expenses paid to good 1nen, thA yea.r round. S uccess guaranteed. Write for t erms. E. C. SELOVER & CO., N UilSllRYMEN, ~!ii:! ~r~p~ia~s ~n~oTna;~. , S Geneva., N . Y. 23- i m of LA.DIES c.TOLD A.ND SILVElt WATCHES A. 'l' A.LL PB%CES. - - - :o:- - WEDDING R INGS, SCARF PINS, CHAlNS LOCKETS AND CHARMS IN E VE RY STYLE, AND AT ALL PRICE S. ' - - , -:o- -Remember mv G oods are g uarrant11d to b e j ust as r e presented. ATCH n.EP AIR ING att1md,ed to as u sual, Promptn ess and sl~illful work·· man sh1p- my m otto- a n d all work warrante d. r You r p atr on age eolic itec !. W. worm s, bn& Di·. Low ·s 'Vo1·m S:rru tl n1ccts them in every case succes ~ ruuy. TH ERE ARE JIU.NY 11.\'DlC.lT IONS - -Child ren ..Cry for Pitcher's Cast oria.

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