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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1889, p. 3

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< The Soudanese ha.ve been adva.ncing very The habits and customs of some of the ThGse who are a.cqualnted with the peculiar Fra nce Invad c<l Through Swltzcrlancl. Territory Western tribes are so little kuuwn to the virtues of a pilfow ma.de from pine etra.w in elowly since they oroased the frontier into ~ Railroad from W11.11btna:ten F rance is too well g u1J.rded upon her Alpiri Egypt. A few miles west of the Nile are general reader tha.t, perh11.ps, a description relieving aufferers from lung or bronchia.l lhrougb British Columbia and Alaska. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21, 1859. of some of their curious practlo·1 ri may be of troubles may not be surprised to learn that ranges of high hills which run pa.ra.llel wi ch frontier to allow the co-operation of tli .. lt is highly proba.ble that a r11.ilway from some interest. Mr. Paul B okwith has fine, soft pine shavings are an excellent tho river for a. long distance. It is among Italian armies to be of any real service l"l Spokane Falls to Alaska will be oonatruoted published an interestirg p &per on the substitute. People effi!cted with coughs these hills that the Mahdist force is m11oking the Germa.n empire. But no serious 1111... within the nexb few years, said Mr. H. A. Da.kotahs in the fast report of tllil Smithson. its way north , and from his gunboats in the struotion up to t he present could hiDder tlag Johnston. I am on my >!Way .home from a ian Inetitutfon, and among othor thinga he asthmatic and bronchial comp!a.ints have river Col. Wodehouse oa.n see t he a.dvancing Italians from penetrat ing the territory of business trip to Wa.shingbon Territory, aud remarke bhat t he medfoine man or high priest derived muoh benefit from sle~pinF' for a few column aevera.1 miles long when Wa.d El the Swiss Confederation, a.nd opening up I\ while out there my a.ttenlion was called to is Invariably a chief, and although he main- nights on plllows or ma.ttreseea filled with Njami'e expedition, a.bout 5,000 strong, ls direct road to the valley of t he Rh()nl bo. this project, a.nd I spent coilsiderable time tains his sway by the nee of mysteriea and pine shavings. on the march. The rebel army has bern north tween Lvons and Parle. The Sirnplon neck.. The New York E vening World will of ths frontier aince the fint of this month would offer a wide and easy e.coeaa to an in looking into it. [rhe movement is in lta incantatione, neverthelees at times shows a , infax.cy, but it ha.a the backing of the wea.lthy power which ia not understood by those out · present\ the mother who has the greatest but much of the t ime It has remained in vo.dinll( army. Thia route between D ->mo. , men ot uhe Northwest and of the people of side of the colt or brotherhood, and through number of living children a $100 gold ce?tifl· camp, and when on the move its progress d'Oasola and Btieg is an easy one. The Britjsh Columbia, and I believe tho road will a knowledge of the medicinal properties of cate, while those mothers who oome seoond has been from three to seven miles "\ da.y declivity is very gradual, and the ground be built. Toe idea lcioks etrange Sind herbs often performs cures tha.t lea.done to and third in the list will reoeive ?espeotive· only. c..n be t ra.velled over not only by wagons, impracticable at the first glance, but, as a. believe he is not altogether the cha.rlatan he ly $50 and a double ea.gle. '.Che offer la not: .Both t he Soudaneee and the Egypt ian bu a by t he heavieRt artillery, without tho.. matter offact, the obstacles to be encounter· is represented. His cures are often the open to Oanadian mothers, but the par- forces a.re playing a W least difficulty. From Domo d'Ossola to·' l\iting game. W odeents of average-sized families may oon- houae, with hie black E11yptia11 troops, num- Brieg t he distance c1J.n be covered by an, ed in the construction of such a line would not wonder of the army surgeons. be as grea.t as were met with t.y the Central An incident in point is cited In the case of tent themselves with the refleotion that it bering about 4,000 men, Is waiting for the ordinary stage coach in nine hours and a., Pacific &nd the Northern Pacific. It ie pro· an Indian who one day ca.me staggering Into is quality, not quantity, tha.t is going to Britieh re-enforoementawhiohare hurrying to half, and one can travel it on fo.:>t in fourteen. posed to begin the:railroad at Spokane .Falls, camp with hie leg hcrribly ewoilen from a tell an the next generation. Aasouan, The oommo.ndor of the W u.dy Ha.lfa or fifteen h oura. A congreH;of Amerioa.n nations h&B been e;'Arriaon doea not think it prudent to offer mi.killg that city the southern and ea.atern bite of a venomous 11nake. The camp surgeon In this short lapse of time 1 mTtalia.n arm)" terminus. Oompetent engine6rs pla.ce the could do nothing for the sufferer, but he was invited to ' tneet at Waahln~ton. Oa.n- battle to the enemy a.mong the hills, though could captore the head of the railroad line net· a ' nation, bnt a depen· in the fight at Arquin he defeated them. and of the en tire r~ n ue lea.ding to tlie French. total coat a.t $130,000,000. Mr. Walter Mober- completely cured by the medicine man. An· a.da la lalmed, and. therefore, Meanwhile he has ordered t he destruct ion frimtier. The gn .. t10r portion of the Simly, engineer for the Government of British other caae le quoted in which &cat&racb of dency, it le D waa not Invited. Why then W&a not nf all the cr9ps on th. Columbia, bas examined the proposed route, the eye w&a cured by Inserting bra.111 filinga e west aide of the river plou, and P'·rtlcularly the ntek, ia aituated A HORSE WHO OA.N TA.LK.1 and believes the route could:be b11ilt for Jen into the affected organ. To lmpre11 upon Great Britain bidden to be repre1ented? a.nd a.t last accounts the fields had been laid on Swiss ~~ rrltory. At this strategic point, She po1&eue1 b.r more lr.nd on thle oontlnEverybody bas heard of a ··horse laugh," money per mile than the Canadian Pacific, the mind of the patient tne divine na.ture of waste more than half the way to Aseouan, the importance of which is manifHt, tne but who has ever seen an equine gifted with and would prove profitable. bia medicine, the medicine man adde to the ont tha.n le comprised In the United Sta.tea a.nd the natlvea were flocking into the forta lino ot tbe fronbler runs along at a.bout the power of speech? Such an animal would As to the route projected, lb Ui necessary effioa.oy of hia remedy myaterioua panto- and her intere1te are greater than the m&jor- at Wa.dy Ha.lfa for food. Wa.d El Njami's half the height of the lt<lli..u side of the. be pronounced a miracle ; but so would the to explain the phyaica.I conditions of the mlmee, oontortlona of the body and fea.turee, hy of the other countries put together. Bnt 1low progress le said to be due to the fa.ct Alps. telegraph and the telephone a hundred years ago. Why, even very recently a cure for con- country so· that the feaBiblllty of the plan alwa.y11 to a drum accompaniment. If the she i1 Ignored, Why ? Becau1e the Congre11 that he has been awa.itlng auppllea of food t;witzerland has, therefore, In her hand· eumption, which Is universally acknowledged may be seen. Xhe Rocky Mounta.ina enter patient ie affected with a serious &ilment, i1 summoned in direct antagonism to British r.nd re·enforcement a from Dong1>la. the key passage t hat, wit hout natural diffi,. to he soroful11. al!'ectlng tho lunge, would have British Columbia. in a.bout the longitude of intere1te. he place11 a paper b!!ork figure .o n the It is poeslble that when the British a.nd culties, would lead an ltalfan army into th& been looked upon tui miraculous. but now peoElise Ei1ler, of New York, recently ap- Egyptians are rea.dy for the enemy they will valley of th e Saooe. Only three old forte ple are beginning to realize that the disease Sil.lb L\\ke City, and tend weatwa.rd until round, and, while the pa.tienti ls held over 1s not incurable. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical thehjoin the Alaska, ooast ra.~e, breaking it he fires a. gun, by which 11oct the alck- plied for a divorce from her huaba.nd, whom not force the fighting, beiieving that theisuf· are in existence t o ba.r a route so important :Discovery will cure it, if taken in time and in h f B "'"i h I b" · t given a fair trial. This world-renowned remt e nort ern pa.rt o rlu 8 o um ia. an o neBll passes Into the Image in the ground a.nd on two occa11lon1, when he came home in- ferings of the lnva.dera from hunger and - the fort s of S11oinr, Ma.urice, a lhtle town edy will not make new lungs. but it wlll re- three parallel ranges, The ea.stern range is is killed by the discharge of the gun. They toxica.ted, she had locked out of t he house. thlrat will compel t hem to retreat southward of 15,000 inhabitants, situated at the en. store diseased ones to a healthy state when the Rockie· proper, the middle range is the ola.im tha.t &ll this power is received from Her oomphunt wae tba.b he would not live over the desert. If, however, the rebel lea.d. trance of r,he fil'Bt defile whichiscncountered other means have failed. Thousands grate- s lk" k d h t th C I bia theGrea.t Spirit, who confers upon them a with her. Whether 11he expected him to er still pushes north or attempts to oross the in going up the R hone from its source in :tully testify t o this. It is the most potent e 1r s, an t ewes ern e o um n t onic, or streDgth restorer, nlterative, or range. The Columbia River rises in the Ppiritual medicine eo powerful that they or.n spend the night on the doormat, to ascend to river, we shall hear before long of another La.ke Geneva.. At thfo point t he t wo route1 blood-cleanser and nutritive, or flesh-builder, valley bet ween the Rockies and the Selkirke kill ..twill, resuscitate the dead, and cure the house-top, or climb In some other wa.y big battle on the Nile ; and unless they are and the two lines of railroad coming from known to med ico.I science. For Weak Lungs, and flows north until it reaches the ex- the sick. Thie spiritual medicine is repre- like a thief and · robber, ls not 11pecified, perishing from st arvation, It will not be like the lake unite. The enormous rooks of the. Sp!tt!ng of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, Ca. tarrli in the Head, and o.11 Lingering Coughs, tremity ot the latter range, around which sented by anyt hing that strikes the fancy, She did not get the divorce. Americana these desperate fana.tics t3 t urn south a~a.ln Dent de Mercie on t he north and of the D3nb, it i-il an unequaled remedy. In derangements it turns and flows back 2outh between the M a. bunch of feathers, a cla.w, a bird, or the gra.nt divorce& pretty easily, but t hey draw before the arm~ of t he hated lofidele inflict du Midi on the sou th come eo close to eac'ithe line at a woman whoca.nnot perceive the upon them a crushing reverao. of the stomach, liver and bowels, ns Indiges- Solkirks and Columbian ranges into Wash· bead of an a.alma). other t hat the Rh~ ne at that epot passe& . tion, or Dfspepsia, lliliousness, or ··Liver ington Territor y, A b the point where the through a narrow gorge. Tha R ?mans knew When a council is held, a barricade is ineurmounta.ble diffiJulties of living with -a Complaint,' Chronic Diarrhea, and kindred ailments, it is 11 sovereign remedy. Columbia turns the north end of the Sel· erected in the form of an ellipse, and a tent person who locks the door in one's fa.oe. the impt>Jtance ot this post, wl1ich they na.m·.. Where They Rear Girls in Cages. " Golden Medical Dis- kirk range, it receives a. strong tributary in is raised a.t each end of the inolosure, one The little island over the posseaaion of ed Agaunum. Thr ee for ts stand there to decovery" ls the only med- the Canoe River. The roo.d as projected for the high priests or ?:"'ldicine men and the whioh, It is said, the U nited States and In the report of United Sba.tes C o nan! fend thh p a@s, buti t hey are far from being _ _"""'!_ _ _ _ by druggists, of Its class, under sold a would run aloug the valleys of the Columbia other for ten men who have been selected France may have a quarrel, is oa.lled Great Griffin, stationed at Sydney, t he consul tells formida.bl<>, and probably would not hold · !cine printed g-oarantee, from the manufact- and the Canoe, t hen over the hills from to keep order a.nd conduct the ceremony, Inagua a.nd is under the jurisdiction of the of a. remarkable custom of the Inhabitants oub long against modern art illery. rhey ds, that 1 ftwillhb enhel!tt orcure lncvcrycase Tate Cacb.e, a.nd down along the F raser acting as a sort of police. The high priest, Ha.ytian Government·. The U nited Sta.tea of New Britain, as follows: "The Inhabit- constitute the only defences of the entire·· ufrer o 1sease or w 1c 1 Is recommended, or t> · t F G Th · Id from his seat in the medicine tent, appoints ha.a long coveted it , because of its suitability ante, it is said by Wallace, have a peculiar v8.lley, There are no other red oubt s, not money paid for i t will be promptly refunded. r.iver o ronv eorge. ence ~n wou Copyrlgllt, 1888, by woitLD's 1119· Man. ASS'N. have to cross a long, but not d1fl:Lnl~ pa~s your aesiatants, one bearing a. drum, one a for a naval station, I t commands bhe chan· custom of confin[ng their girls in cages until even at the Simplon neck. to t he valley of t he Ytlkon, down which 1 t willow and stick, one a re ttle, and the lasb nel between Cuba and Hayti, t he posssea· they are old enough to be married. The Will the Federal Governmenn heaiba.te . would go to the mouth of that great river, a assisting by grunting. A big drum in the siou of it would enable our nei11hbora t o cuatom is said to be peculiar to the paople of about closing this dangerous opening, which, 1 OFFERED diatance 'lltogether of about 3,000 miles. center of t he circle la being constantly beaten ecrutin z,~ all commerce proceeding to Pa.na- New Britain. The cages are made of twigs might bring into S Ni&a Territory the forces , · Sage's Catarrh by ltcmedy, t he rnanufacturk on 18 · bord er~d mosu ~ by several drummers. Tht1 high priest then ma and beyond. F er similar reason& F rance of t he palm tree, a.nd the pirle are put into directed against F rauce? The best military· era of Dr. for an The y u. of the w·y ~ incurable case of Catarrh Jn the Head. by a wide :flood plam and terrace, and speaks t o them of the holy dance which w.i.a has also been desirous of i t. lt is said that t hem when only two or three years of age. writers of Switz 1 r land believe t ho.t it i& construction along hs ba.nks would be eimple. founded centuries ago, and tells them of the just before ex·Prelident Sa.lemon left Hayti The Rev. George Brown est,.bliehed a necessary t o malte ha.st in closinir this p 3sage " Where would the road get its revenne ?' power of the medicine of their ancestors he propoaed to t he Governmenb at Washing· Weeleya.n mission In New Britain in 1876, while there is yet time; and the Swills colwa.s asked. and warning skeptics not to scoff at them or ton that fo should purchase control of t he and I learn from him that these cages are onels, Siegfried a.od Rothplt z, hold that the Well, to began with, it would touch the their cra.fts, a.a they have the power of thruet- island. built insl:Ie of t he houees, and tliat the girls forte of Se.Int .M..urice can be turned. The famous Kootenai valley, a. aplendid agri- ing a. ola.w or atone tbrough the body of a.ny There la a. good deal ot walling and gnash· are never . to leo.ve the house under any Federal Government haafortifi~d S11.i11t Gothcultural and cattlera.ising region. tl'hept>ople one at will, causing instant death. In proof Ing of teeth in the United States a.mong t he oircumsbaucee. T he houses a.re closely ard, but it has done nothin g with the Slmof Spokane Falls ha.ve tor some time been of this assertion, he ca.Ile one of his aesiiltants Bla.ine Republlcan1 over the fact that Ru11ell fenced in with a sort of wickerwork p l(lu ; and this is tile neck 'h"t ltJa.ds etre.ight. figuring on a road eighty milee t o the bound - to him and points towards him with the Ha.rrillon, the President's eon, baa b-'d some made of reeds. Ventilation u nder the to Lyons by passing throu~h Geneva., La.us. HMjuet received an immmense new stock ary to connect with a. roa.d for which a medicine bag, ab the aa.me instant puffing at honor paid him in Engla.11d. A recent despatch circumstances Is rendered very difficalo. anne, and Berne. K ing R ambert does not . ot all ktnde of Millinery consisting of company of C~nadiu.ne and Englishmen ha,ve him with his l1pe, whereupon the assistant to the New York "Tribune" aaid: ·'The T he girls are said t o grow up strong and dream of a.tracking t he Gothard; he would· securi,d a. charter, from t he boundary to the falls to bhe u;round app11orenbly senseless. presence of President Harrison's son In Lon· hea.lt hful in spite of these disadvantages." prefer to turn it, a.nd establish solidly a . Cana~n Pacific at Revel11toke, 200 milce line of operations of which the Simplon, Then the priest eahr.ams ro t he four points dou has been recognized in a marked W &Y by further north. ['be Eagllsh company will of the compass, and invokes the Great t he royal ti~s. H e is treabed as a. kind of would form tte b 1se. T here the Italian. commence work t his summer, and their road S pirit to aid him and the other members American heir·apparent." Young Mr. Har- , "He Got There Just the Same." army would find an open door for its in all the newest styl es and shapes t o he wouid for m t he firsil link in the Alaeka road. p re@ent in bringing the dead brother to life risen, it eeeme, dined with the Queen, Lord coopern.tlo!l wiJ.h a Germ!l.n army com in~ 11 Ed ith ?" procured. Ladies should call early and T his, however, is merely to show that the from Ba.den an1i Wurtemberg, as i t would The drums a~e tht1n beaten and a frantic Sa.lleburv, and a. number of E nglish nota.bles, make their Belectione berore the stock Is Kootenai region ill valuable and tha~ the dance ie begun,I :; wnen the lifeleee and the Republican Anglophobes across tho " Yea, Tom r' av.i.il itself of i t ro.ther tho.n brea.k it39lf t o. picked over. Tbie stock Is one of the le.rgeat " I - I have a very impo r ~o.nt quest ion to p ieces against the Alps. Spokane Falls people know it. There arc a foirm gradua1ly returns to consciousneBY and line are wild with ra.ge. Thie ls not surever bronaht to tcwn. great many minea and rich deposits of ore epits into his hand a ma.as of froth and blood prising in view of the fa.ct that twisting of ask y ou. And-" OVER $1,000 WORTH OF RIBBON o.long the Columbia, and an English company In which is found a. claw o:r a stone. Thehigh the British lion's ta.il wa.11 one of the prooeeses " Yes, Tom ?" " Now, don't work any sister r acket vn is building a smelter at Revelatoke to handle priest now dances a.round the clrclo, a.nd by whioh tho R epublioa.n victory la.st fall Won a Nose inspection Invited. me." them. Nearly every stream running into the waving his medicine bag, blows upon some was won. " Wha.t la your quest ion, Tom ?" " Seema a strange thing for me to say, bntr According to a. report of the Commission· Columbia carries :fl.oat gold. The Canoe one else, who In the same manner, falls to the ' ' I - I -well, the fact of it is, my name ~-'TAN River runs through a grieat fur and embryo ground senseless. The chief continues, a.nd era in Lunacy recently presented_ to the is goinQI to be printed in t he local paper I really won my wife by the similarity of taste in the matter of perfumes. I t was the, :::_ mining region, and from t he Y ukon came the "dea.d men," r eviviog, assist iu ehoot-· l}ritlsh P<lrli,.ment there were in Englo.nd gold, furs, and timber,and from its mouth Ing others, until t he inclosure ia full of howl- and VI ales on the lab of last January 84.340 soon- in the l ocal paper, down next to the h eliotrope in her her liotle missive that lecL i.dvertiseaienta, don't vou know ; and I was the sea.ls. All along the route of the roa.d is iog sava.gee da.nciog, yelling, and shooting luna.'tics, being an increase of 1,697 on the me to detet mine about wooing her in all ear:·. OF CANADA. valuable country ei ther for mining, salmon ea.oh otber, The dancing is kept up in the number returned in the previous year. Of wondering whether i t would be all a.lone neatness." Ca11lt_ a l paid up, SI,000,000. Rest, 8 260, 0G among the deaths or with yours among "Indeed I Thon in the matrimonial race fisheries, agriculbure, stock r aising, or tim moat frantic manner. After a. certain l ength t he whole number 7,970 were returned as ~~ you ma.y be said t o have 'won by a nose.' " of time t he four assistants, who have been lunatics of the private cla.ss, 75,632 a.a pa.up t he marriages ?" Thia Bank ls prepar ed to do Legit!· ber. "Oh, Tom 1 ain't :1ou cute ?" - [Yonkers Gn tte, " Would not the snow and ice prevent the trott ing around the ring faster ana faster, ers, and 738 as oriminale. Tae increase i11 mate Banking ln all its branchea. . form in line, and a.fter advancing 1md retrea.t- nearly 300 in excess of the average increase F armers notes discounted ; D eposit · operation of such a road ?" The Whole Scheme Given Awav. A new life of B·uno ia to ba prep!lred by That is appa.rently t he greatest difficulty. ing several t imes, thrusts t he instruments for the proceeding ten y ears. Speaking of received and Interest paid on amounts of Any one a.t first would think th&t the climate Into the hands of others who become thsir this fact t he " Times" says :- "Iu ie not A Kingston woman foela very sore over the the Vatican. Effirts at phone~ic writing t5 up w11irdsin Savings Ban k Department . would be au insu1mountable difficul~y, but 1ncceeaors and then take seats, and now rc- easy to sa.y how fa.r this inoreaee is due to a. latest escapa.de of her seven-year -old incorri· are e1otive both ii: F rench e.ud Germany . · DRAFTS i t is positively asserted by chose who ought, f r esents the gods of the north, south, east, positive increase of luna.cy throughout t he glblo. There were some visitors Invited t o ~=====~==========~ Issued and <Jollectious made in Eur epe to kr.ow than t he climate would cause no a.nd weHt, the high prieso r epresenting t he count ry, and how far it la due to the admis- tea one evening recently, and during the mor e trouble than it does on the N oruhern Great Spirit, or Wa.n-kan ·t!lonka. Wnen a. sion into licensed establishments of cases course of t he meal John Henry Aui,:uetus U nited Sta.tea, and C~nada. and Cana'.iian Pacific. You know tha.t the new member is initiated, h e Is ta.ken into previously existing buu not previously remarked, with a chuckle . " Mother's got I W. J. ,TONES , ocean brstzas temper tbe climate s.11 a.loo~ the council tent for instruct ions, which a.re brought under the super vision of the Com- all h er b ast things on t he t t\ blo t o night; · Ae· nt . the coast, and and it is very little colder in secret. H e is then stripped of his clotbiug, missioners." ain't you, ma ?" The mor tified mother gavti Cleaned, Died ·. Pressed and,Repaired by In the S tate of New .Tersey it seems that the youngster a k ick under the rable, when S itka than it ia in Now York. N ow, this excepoiug im apron about his loins i\Dd mocroad would run weat of the mountains all ca.siDs on hie feet. He is t hen painted en- children can be seizad on account of their hea.dded, innocently: " 'You needn't kick t he way, and t he further north it gets the oirely black excep b a small red "pot between pa.rents' debt , a.nd tihere was a case of it in me under the table now, 'ca.use I didn't tell · ' nearer does it go to t he coast, so that the his shoulderr. The c11.ndida.te is e.<horted to Trenton. Four children, of four, six, eight a word about borrowing the n a.pkins. " Dyer a.nd Clothes Cleaner. climate would be comparatively temperate he good. and is told that his mejiclne will be and ten years of age respectively, were de· a.II the wa.y. ted to be as no one wlll know correspondingly powerfol, and he must alse> serted by their pa.rents, and while the Dresden china sets ornamented with h noy Goods warran them from new when done. $300.000. Paid up Capital, The road would be operated for the joint give a tea.at once a y ea.r. If he does not, neighbors were debe.ting wna.t ought to be work in silver depoeh :i.re mu Jh affected In $410,000. Jlest, Corner of Kmg and Ontario Streets, use and benefit of British Columbia and the he wi.11 meet wit h misfortunes, ~ickness, or done, a woman appeared on t he scene aristocratic circles. Bowman ville. United States, ancl it is proposed to have the dea.t h. The candida.te now r <"oeivee t he holy and announced that a.s t he parents ha.d boraud had decamped withfllWed $35 from her orstone. The medicine ma.n, approaching claw its proportion of the cost pr ovince contribute I beg to notify the public tha.t J am recelviD g ou t paying her, she meant t o hold the childdeposits for this company, a nd allowing a in lands, and t he United States to g ive itn him from the ea.st, describe!l t he course of ren as hoetuges for the recovery vf the debt, guarantees for the payment of inter est for the eun with the medicine bag, and bowing higher r ate o t inter est than the banks· to the four points of t he compass, mutters and if the parents ever t urned up again they No NOTICE OF WITHDRAW.AL R EQUIRED twenty y ears on $50,000 per mile of t he an ince.ntation, and t hrusting the bag toward woald r eqttire t1J pa.y the loan before ehe cost. I am also prepared to grant There is another imports.nt point in connec- him sa.ys, " There goes the spirit." '.l'he would give np the children. This extraorLoans on REAL E STATE tion with this road. The Russian Govern- candidate then falls prostrate, aod blankets, dinary clo.im was apparently r ecognlz3d as - --MANU FACTURER OF- - on f1wor11 'lle terms. ment is now engaged i n building a railroad skins, ornaments, etc., are thr own as offer- lawful by t he overseer of the poor, who in· across Siberfa o.nd d<. wn the Amoor to i ts iugs over the candidate. ~ At comma.ad of ohe duced her finally to leb the children go for OFI<'ICE: mouth. A roo.d is also projected from t he hi11h priest tho novice recovers and is pre- $30. If there is any su ch law as this on the McMurtry's Dry Goods Store, main line on t he Amoor into Kamscha.t ka., sented with the medicine bag, becoming a New Jereey statute book then the sooner it W. F. ALLE.11 a.nd KING STREET. BOWMANV'ILLE id member of t he order. After is expunged t he be~ter ior t he credit of tha.t to some port on Behring's Strait, only ii. recogr..iz · Bowrnanville, Oct. 11. 1~8. 42- Sm · Haa now on h a nd a number of vehicles (a.nd ls manufacturing a. great me.ny more) of the ne abort distance from the mou oh of the Yukon. these cer emonies the £ea.st begins, and the oommonwea.ltb. patterns and best finish , which I am otrering tor sale a.t the lowestp1·ices oonslstenU This line, In connection wlth the Ala.ska. food which has been cooking before the wlth due r aga.rd to workmanship and qnallty. Tho following le a list of A Great Confta.11:ration. road woulil form a practically all· rail route tent of uhe aesistants is distri!:uted among the prinoipa.I vehicles manufactur ed by me ]\irtl:i.!!!" details cf the great firs at Lou the people. The dance lasts from day· to the United States. from E urope .... Double Oovered Oarriages . ..... ...... ... . .... ..... .............. . ..... ....... $160 U pwarcJ1 break tc da.ybrea.k of the day following, and Chow come to t he Shanghai "Mercury" fro'll continues to o.o a General Bsnk1ngBuslntrr Single P h retona . ................ ..... ...................... ..................... 10/1 11 its Cilung -klog correspondent under date of. a.a these dances are frequ ently given in - Bowm&nvill11 Branch. Open.Bµggy................................................ ........... . ........ 70 winter witih the t hermometer oftsn far below May 1. The writer saya:-Over threeVictimized Innocence. DEPOSITS fi!tba of t he entir e city a.nd ·auburba were zero, fo ma.y easily be imagined how t l1e Top Buggy ···.··-:·····.-........... ~-·..! ···· · ··· ··· ···················· ············ · · · · 90 Not long since r. Yank~ made his appear· candidates muat suffer, clad as they are in deatroyed by t he fire of April 12. The fire !teoelved in Savings Bank Dep&rtmenta11c! . Democrat Wagon ················· ~.~ .:··-·. ;;,-;-.. ........... .. . ................ 65 anoe in the goodly Dutch town of German a ooat of paint. I t is generally undurstood is aald to have orig inated 011t·ide of the olt y, ·ll andlnterestallowed atourrent r ates. K Lumber Wagons...... ........................ ............ ....... .. .. .. ......... . 55 iottoe of wlthdrawr.I nec0111a.r7. All de~ Fie.ts, profesaing to be a schoolmaster, and that the members of the orders ha.veaeoret nea.r the river, through burning joaa paper. Lig ht Wagon .................. ....... ;............ . .... . ...................... . .. 40 payable on demand, commenced preparations for opening an signs and paaees,tbut the penalty of exposure The wind blowing strong o.t the ~ime, 1ome Express Wagon .......... . .... . . , ..... ........................................ ... 75 E nglish ach ooL The hon,st Dutchmen, de- is so aure and swift, t ha.t none of t he aeorel:ill of the burning paper wa.1 blown iuto · ataok EXC:DA.l\'GE Skeleton............... ... .......... .. ...... ... .. ....... ... ...... . . . . . . .. .·· ··. . . . · 50 iloughtand sold and Drafts !Hued u pon Kur op lighted with th e project, received him kind· are ever divulged. Tllere are well known of <tried graas uee<t for fuel, t he fire spreadJ'nlted Sta.tee and Canada., &!so Gold,Silver an ly, entertained him ho1pitably a.nd stood instances in which indiscreet members have ing with r apidity in all directions, ao thr.t Balky·········.··············· .. , .········.·.···.· .·. ·········. .....·········..·. .. , 4(j 11 ~nlted Sta:;es Greenbaoksbouirht and sold, ready, as soon as the necessary prelimina.; ie1 mysteriously but permanent ly disappeared, In a ver y few minutes ibwasentirelv b eyond Poesesaing superior faolllties for manufe.oturlng carriages. I Intend to eell very cheap tor , oould be provided, to patronize hie under· at the instance, it issupposed,of the medicine control. The fire burned for twenty-three (}OLLEU'I'IOl'UI or approved credit, and by so doing I hope t o greatly Increase my number of sales. W o11 taking. U nder theso oiroumstanoes the 1ell the wood parts only , or the gearings of buggies Ironed, hours, deHtroy in~ 87,000 dwelliuga. Over Promptly made a t current r ates upon all pa Yankee pur cha.sed of one of them a very fine men.- [Scientific American. 1,200 persona perished in the fl~mea, a.nd of Gr eat Brittain, the Unlted States and Do horse, giving his note a.t six months from minion or Canada, 400 wer e crushed t o d ea.th in t heir i;fforte date as t he purcha.~e money. Flossie lmproves the Occasion. to esca.pa. Nea.rly 170,000 people were Teiecrapl1 Transrer· At t h e Shortest N otice, Painted and T rimmed If D esired. Shortly after t his both the Yankee and F lossie had been eating intemperately of obls,!l'e d t o camp out a.s best they could, Made for larRe or small 1ume on all partl of the horse were missing, and a neighbor, without any shelter overhead, and were A& the Faotor 7 I also do Planing, Mat ching, 'l 'urnlng a11c1 Sawing with Circle, Band Canada . Thie le especially ad vantageou1 to watermelon. Saws. a.nd prepare all kinda ot lumber tor carpenters nd others for hutldlng purpoee1. 11et:eons living ln MaDitoba. or the North·we1t meeting with the former owner of the horse, " Ma.mma/' she sa.ld, pr essinir her hands dying at the rate of about 100 a. day from 1!red. made to order. Ornamental and P la in Pickets for f·not1e in every styl e r eo1 as It makes the funds avalla.ble at once ai he said bo him : wearily on her stomach, "My sash is just want and exposure. Lou Chow is situated , l ace ot payment. " So, Hane, you have lost dat der horse of ltke a window sash, Isn't it?" in t he fork of two r ivers, very much the J!'or further partloulars call at tho Ban:tb·g yours?" " In what way, dear ?" a.eked the mother, ti&me position as Chung-king, and is the buee. "How so!" second trading ma.rt in t his province,- [Ex emllin17ly, GifO. MoGILL T, BRODIE, " Why, dot Yankee you sold him to h as "Because it's around t he po.ins," ehe reManage Accountant. run away mit him,'· Arithmetic and Ethics. plied, demurely, " Val, vat do I care for d ot i hain't l Jl;Ot · our love, George,' Ca.rl, · bont aix-and-1111·ba.lf years old, wa.a " Give me a proof of :, his note? ' ahe aaid, r.nd George did so by the manifold uked how much a man would gain if he proceaa. bought a barrel of flour for eight dollars and What is Po&? sold it for twelve. Instead of the expected answer- " four In an inter esting letter to "Science," H. crh~ W hit& Ha.rt of Southwark, one o A. Haz en, of Washington, gives some inter- E ngland's moat famous iuns, whose history dollars "- Carl aa.id, with a.Btonishment 11nd eating a.nd valuable particulars resp ecting goes back fivo centuries, is being pulled indignat ion, " Why if he bough t it for eighti d ollars, the properties and nature oi fog. He says down. It has been a.ssocia.ted wibh Jack that it iii admitted that fog is 1in·ply cloud Cade and Mr. Pickwick. Shakegpea.re he ought t" let tbe other man ha.ve it for composed of water dust or 1olid minute makes Ca.de aay , in "Henry VI.": " Will eigh~ dollars, or ib wouldn't be very nioe of spheres of water from 1-7,000 to1-00,0, o of you 1needs be hanged with your p!i<rdons him I" Another caee of ethic1 coming out instead an inch in diameter. Many have supposed a.bout your necke? H a.th iny sword therethat a. dust par ticle must be the nucleus for fore broke through London pa.tea, that you of arithmetic : The question was given, "lf a. man bonithb each sphere, but a.n examination under the should leave me o.t the White Ha.rt in -SV'microscope of evapora ted fog h as proved Southwark?" ['hen in "The Chroncole if batter for fifteen dollars, a.nd, find ing it that such is not the case, Brie:fl.y & bated, the t he Grey Friars" i t Is recorded t hat "at t he dll.maged, sold it for ten, how much did he ca.use of fog is as followe:- It is easential W hyt Hat'te, in Southwarke, one Haway- lose?" fllll.. I am tullyprepe.rcd tlo attetnd Fnin be lralato that t here be no wind lrhe sky must be dyne of Sent M.art'yna was bebeddyd" in Most earnestly a.nd with deliberate severi thf::O llrtestnotwe, at the owes poaa era es . · 1450 B t · > ·1 th ~-..:eta andBurialCo.seaready onshortnotlce clear . The air must be sa.tuut~d or nearly · u more 1n.erest ng a1! th~se ty, Carl replied : "Bu b if the but ter was b!:.d, t he man ll'!:r1 it-clasa hearse on very moderate terma so. J:'he formn.tlon of fog !8 a purely events w as the fact t hat heN Mr. r1ckw1ck Bh1·ouds and Cofflne conato.ntL~ on hand_ . F un mechanical pi:ocees, unaooompanied wit h fii:~t met SIUll WdJer, the White Hi.In ought not tm bell i o I He ought not to eell ei·al cardB eupp rrl f.1t once ·. .l' urnlt ure Shop ! l>c· " - [Ne·~ " o I Her~ldc boots . bact butter.- [ Wide·AW&ke. Sr.ow R(:Om"- Bcuue1ul8 ]'.\ f W l~ lock , - ~ 0· n .L r t .. · _~aundiau Jtatt,;Jmau. I fROM. TflE UNITED S'l'ATES TO BUROP.B. Indian .Medicine Men and Wr1r Dancel'l!· :MISC.ELLAN:EOUS. The March 1'oward Cairo. fO.RTHE COMING EUROPEAN WAR. or IGUARANTEED I S f'.JQQ _ I NEW MILL~NERY MR S. DONNELLY Hats,Bonnets,Flowers. Velvets and Ribbons DAR D BAN I --- I IT Gent s, u ,Ioth"Ing The Ontario Loan and Savings Co. H Q S P :BJ AT -o-- HAIN ES' CARRIAGE "WORKS GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, OARRIACES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O.. ONTARIO BANK All Kinds of Vehicles R e paired - ._,_ - UNDERTAKINC 1.:EVI MORRIS. ! I ~ ~ . '" ~l...&l . #'t. ,~,u~~1en ~;r,v'. if, ~o,lf_ P"t h, e ~- &;'. ~ c. II

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