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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1889, p. 8

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----- -- lflTORE MOVING L ist of Fall Fn.irs . Port H ope-Sept. 3 to r·. Toronto Indu~tri><l-Sept . 9 t o 21. Lindsay- Sept. 24 t n 26. Wh ithy- Sept. 24 to 26. l'eterboro- Sep t. 24 t o 27. Port Perry-Oct. 2 to 4 . INDUSTR I AL JJ1I.A.I:R.. - AND- (JANADA.'S G:ElEAT S. H. REYNOLO~Y Agricultural E Kposition We must clear out the balance of the 1889 AUOTION SALES. McClung Bros. stock. SATURDAY, SEP'l'. '7 TH.- Mrs. R. S trowger given the uudersigned instructions SEPT. 9th to 2ilst. Over ($10.000) ten thousanG. dollars thoassell by public au ct ion at the Arling- Increa.sed Prizes. Greater Attractions and a ton H otel, K ing st. east, Bowmanvilla_, Grander Display t han ever before. worth of NEW GOODS have been on Saturdaj , Sept. 7th, at one o'clock, N ewest· and B est S pecial F eatures that m., tho wh ole of her househ old -fur· Money c:m procure. ,ordered for the new stove, and the old p. oiture, consisting of comp let e sets of The Greatest Annual Entertaiument on dining 'lnd bedroom furniture, the Amt:ricau Continent. goods must go.· We will. lose one half sitting, crockery, glasswa r e, stove&, hotel ·furCheap Excursions on all Railways. nishings, etc. S. B URDEN & Co., A.uct. Over visitors attended Exhibition rather than move them. last year. E ntries clos<i Aug ust 1'7bh. T UESDAY, Sept. 3rd. -Messrs. John and S hor t will sell by public au<: lion, For Prize Lists and Forms,Prol{rammes. etc., You can easily understand why we Geo. on Lot 20, Con . 3, Darlington, their ·drop " post c"rd t.o farm, far m stock, implements, roots.,iha.y, WITHROW. Pres. Mana11:er, Toronto. make such offers as below: et c. S. C. H UNKING, Auctioneer. -·-·- Desires t o thank his numerous customers for past favor s, an d re;-;peet:. fully solicits a continuance of their patronage He has so increased his business lately, that he has found jt necoEsary t o move to a more commodious place, and-has leased TO RON.T O 250,000 t h is Ja.tely occupied by W. R. R. CAWKER, where he has opened out, a full stock of H. J . H IL L. J . J. ALL WOOL Dress Goods worth 20c. for 10. P arasols & Umbrellas Coats & at ab out HALF PRICE. SUMME!R ALL WOOL Tweed Ve&ts Pants at $1.00. Remnants of -------..,_-------,..-------.-------i Beautiful all color s, A L OT O F SOFT and ST[FF for $1.25. SILK S, Linen Collars at 2 for 5 cents. HATS AT Factory C tt 0 worth $1,: for 50c. COST. on by t he pound. SATURDAY, S ept. 14th. - At t he Bennett H ouse, Bowmanville,a valuable farm of 100 acres will be sold by auction. K C. H UNKING , Auctioneer. 1 'f!'UES D AY,Sept. 24th. -Extensive sale of far m st ock and implements, the property ' of A. Gifford, Esq. , Eaet Whitby. :S. ' C. H u NKJNG, .Auctioneer. ·0cTOBElt - At H amp ton , on Fair Day, s~l e of farm stock, implements and ·h ousehold furniture. S. C. H uNJrrNG, Auctioneer . T hree very valuable houses and lots for · I -sale in town of Oshawa. Terms easy. . For further particulars apply to S. C . . IBit:NKING, Auct ioneer. including Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausages, Corned Beef, Hams and Bacon of the very best quality. Will pay H IGHEST PRICE IN CASH for all kinds of FRESH MEA'J', live weight ; also Hides, Tallow, Eggs, &e. SH OP OPEN ALL D AY. Ci}'"'Parties intending t o buy Meats or sell Stock will do well to call on ' S. H. REYNOLDS. Bowmanville, August 27, 1880. The Most SucceHful Remedy ,e:.:er discovered, n!i i t ts certain in its eftects and tloes not blister. r. ·atl proor belcnY. STnEllTSVILLE, P. Q., May -ll, 1889. Dn. B . :r. KE!'IDALL co_, Enosburgh Falta, Vt. Gentlemen .- I have used Kcn - 35tf. Our sales for July n1ore t han d ouble last year's July and we expect t o triple last year's August. The goods must go. DIST R ICT NOTES. The police paid a visit to t h e P eterboro bake shops last week and a q uan t ity of ligh t-weight br ead was confiscated. THOROUGHLY TRIED.- H aviDg given Dr. Fowler's E xtract of Wild Strawberry a thorough trial, I do not hesitate to say that I behave it is th e best remedy in existenc e .for Rll summer complaints, diarrh i:ea; dysen tery, colic, etc Mrs. R. S. Waite, Springfield, Ont. Mr. G-eo. Mor3e Boswell, late Judge of the united counties of N oFthnmberland and D urham, died at Cobourg, last week in h is 86t®- year. A ComrncT SYSTEM.- Bad blood may cor rupt the e ntire system and cause aero · fulous sores, j! wellin ga, ulcers, salt rheu m erysipelas, sore eyes and skin diseases, as ehiI. gles, tetter, e tP-. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood and cleanses, tonfla a nd strengthens t he entire sytem. The son of Henry George, aged fifteen, living on the base line near Oahawa, h ad . t h e misfortune to lose h is left eye by the ' discharge of a gun while handling it last Wednesday. CoNSTAN'r CARE.- Constant care is necessary against unexpected attacks of summer complaints. N o remedy is so well known or eo m..icesafnl in th is class of diseases as Dr. FJwler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. K eep it in the home as a safo-guard. A valuabie mare belonging t o J. Lick of the 7th con. of D ar lington, died in the vard of the Central Hot el last week. The cause of he!.' death is supposed to be eatiug green clover. A Goon REGUM'lWN.- Disorder ed kidneys give rise to rh eumatism, dropsy, pain in the back and Joins, etc., besides many dangerous complaints affecting t he kid neys themselves, as Bright's dis ease, ur.-croia-, etc. R egulat e the kidneys with Burdock Blood Bitters, the best dinretic and kidney remedy e ver devised. Mr. Hemy Rossiter, a. well known resident of Pet erboro, and an advanced t emperance worker, while bathing in the Otonabee river last Thursday, got beyond his depth, and being a bad swimmer, was drown ed. Re was 36 y ears of age and leaves a wife and eeveral small children. MONOPOLIES A:::<D COMBINES are a source of menace to the public welfare, and should be stamped out. So sh ould catarrh. lVlr. J. Duncan, Maple Creek , N. W. T ., says :- Nasal B alm has done my catarrh eood, more t h an all the numerous reme· dies I had previously tried combined. I have improved so much that I belie· rn one more bottle will completely cure me. " English Past and P r esent" by Richard Chenevix 'l'rench, D. D., .Archbishop of Dublin. Tho Humboldt Pub. Co., 28 Lafayette Place, :New York. This is another standard work added to the H u mboldt Library Series- a work that has h ad a sale second only to The Study of Words by the eame distinguished author. 'J~ wen~y editi:ms of the liitter and thirteen of t he former are the best evidences of the popularity of the works. You can find it in Nos. 108 and 109 of the Humboldt L ibl'llry. Bargains for all! OU, R ' JEWELRY DEPARTMENT is to t h e front as usual. This year our sales of Watches, Clocks and J ewelry du ring t he usu ally quiet m onths, has been very large. and show s that the public know where to g et good value for their m oney. REPAIRING A S P E CIALTY. --o-- <lnll'a Spavin Cure for 8 1 mvlns and nlso in a c.nsc of Jmueu css and. S tiff",J o ints mid found lt:ieure curo lu e > -er y 1-e"pect. I cordially ·rocommentl it to all horacm en. Very respectfully yours, ~lilllil<MllJjll"' CHARLES J . BL.lCKALL. THE PHARMACY. - --o--- · Dtt. B . :J. XF:im2i. i~~M~~o~b~i·g~~~li~~~!I. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. Gents :- 1 llave used n tew oottles ot your Ken<lall's Spavin Cure on my col~, J.BIGGINBOTBAM& SON'S Chemists and D r uggists. ---o- - - ··.,,.__~- _ !~1i~1;~a~e~~1rb~~111fof.~~1~1~~a~ ~Jr:1~fi~cl.,"~;,~~~i~1~~ds~~~~~ ouro. I cnn rcco1111nen d i t as t h e b est antl most effect.Ive liniment ,. ' _ l have e ver handled. K indly send me Ollil of your va luable books ent ltlctl " A Treatise on the Horse." Yours r~.·poctfull y , I . F. W ILKINSOi<. Seasonable Goods. - ---o-- - Da. B. J , KmmY~~b~~~~s~fi~:ii ~Sis. ~t~ ' Gentlemen :- I always koep your Kendall'· KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. 1 889 ~Vo~ ;~t l6nb~~~~ ~~o~~r:~;{/;!~.~ not seen any signs or disease In Spavin Cure a nd Blister on h and and they !lAve n e;-er failed in what you sttLte they will do. I have cured a bad case of Spavin and. also t wo c ases of Rlngbone 8 WDALrS SPll'llNCU RE thelr offspring. Yours t r ulf>. J. O'KKEFFE. Price S t per bottle, or six bottles tor lllll>- All druggist· ha Ye It or can get ·t for you, or itw!ll b<> sent to any address on recelp t ot price by tlla .Jij~,fiolllil(I" f>~~'i\~~..."kE:o<DALL co., Enosburgb Falls, Vt. S O L D BY AL J~ JOHN J. MASON. l\l[ _A_-Y-N .ARD_ D JtU GGI STS. INSECT POWDER, pure and strong. FLY PAPER, all kinds. MONTSERRAT Lime Fruit Juice, Fowler's Extract Wild Strawberry. Woulff's Cholera Remedy. CASTORIA for Children. - A L 80__.,.._ F ine Bath Sponges, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, etc. 'I'lli; J EWELLER9 Extends his thanks for the vel'y liberal patronage he received since commencing busir:ess. His Stock being New rend Stylish and his prices very moderate, is no doubt the cause of his success. MURDOCH BROTHER'S BOWMANVILLE, Headquarters in W es t Durham for CHADWICK'S LEATHEROID S TEEL·LINEll TRUNKS Ladies' and S Poo L In Sample, all other C Q TT O{~ Li.ID1 test and strongest kin d~. · THE NEW LINE OJ: :S:EAv y · SII1VER 1 China Hall, FINE F01· Hand. a nd Machine Use. HAS rm S UPERIOR. A S K FOR IT. . -W-.A..TCEEES SI-IOULD BE SEEN AT ONCE. - - : o: - - LADIES GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES AT A.LL PILICES. :o- - a :- WEDDING RINGS, SCARF " P INS, CHAINS LOCKETS AND CHARMS l N EVERY S'l'YLE, AT ALL PRICES. - - ::- -Remember mv Goods ar e guarr anted to be just as r epresented. WATCH REPAIRING a ttGnded to as usual, Promptness and skilful workmanship- my motto- an_d all work warranted. Your patronage solicited. TRUNKS In the w orld. ' J, E VELEIGH &CO. MONT RE A L, Sole Mfrs.for theDominion HOTEL BALM ORAL. MONTil.EA._L. Notre Dame St., on0 of the a nd e leg a ntly furni shed Hotels in the City. Accom modatleu fo1· 400 g u e st.q, moat central Manager. Dinner an d Tea Sets, China w are, · Gla ssware, Crock ery, Hall, P arlor and H and Lam ps, F a ncy Cups, Saucers, Vas es, OUR FAMILY Your Last Chance TO GET- $ ~to $ 3per day. Rates: S· v 1 - w OODRUFF, DO MINI O N W at er and Lemonade Set s, etc~ MILLIN E RY and Fancy G oods at the prices they w ill be sold at. The balance of stock belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Morrison is to b e cleared out in two weeks, as the business is to b e wound up, r egardless of prices. Call an d examine the goods, it will pay you to buy if you do not require them for present use. GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN. Remember the stand- next to Cawker's Meat Store. H ; C, Tait sells best spectacles. Mrs. Donnelly is selling h er summer stock below cost . 31-3w FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Ins urance. ROBT. VIRTUE, Agent, Bowmanville. ti. Ocean t ickets by tlifferen t lines of steamsh ips for sale at the STATESMAN tf office. S. B urden & Co. will pay cash for eggs and first -class buttex at the "Mart", Mai·ket Square. Dr. J . E. Bingham, V.S., now occupies his n ew rooms in the rear of Higginbotham's drug store, u pstairs. Everybody in t11is d ist r ict should k now that W. Quick & Co. have moved their grocery business westward to M:r. Buckler's block, two doors east of the post office, where they are n ow prepared to stlpply the public with everything in t he grocery line,and also the best fresh meats. The store has been nicely fitted up, and is now one of the neatest in town . Call and see. PE A ~S , · · · · · · · · ,.....TT sole Air'ts to r r,anaaa, J. PALMER &SON Whole~a.le Imp'trs of LEATHE R BOARD CO M P AN Y, Manufacturers of A SBESTO S MILLB OARD Steam P a cking, DRU GGISTS' SUNDRIES, 1 743 NOTRE DAME ST., ~ 's' 'o"-~·;;.~ ~ .I'." M O N TR E AL . FR I C T I O N Thit is a P erfect F rfotiQft PULLE Y BOARD, CROCERY & PROVISION DEPARTMENT I s a lway s well supplied with the very b est g oods at lowest prices. RECKITT'S BLUE. THE BEST FOR LAUNDRY USE. ; .~TPiiifsi§r?S . CJ-f ~u1_o_!!~_EF: W. MORRISON. N. R - All accounts due the above estate, not settled at on~e. will be put in other hands to collect. l Bw 0.nER.- The Montreal Family Poi PERFECrFOoO Herald and Weekly Star, with a. copy of J. foR THE S ICK '/'\WARM I NG II< the choice picture in eleven colors "1'h e ~UTRl~1Dusam.l'!AGE . Queen of the Garden, "supplied to STATES· MAN subscribers for the balance of this · _A PDW ERFUl. year for 50 cents ; or , t he pfoture, Star - ~ ~ ~N-~ QE__~ and f:iT.~TESJ\rAN for the same time, 65cts. u 1cc.;111,;:.TE 'l'!_H. · 1 , l \'El t :uul now e'ls by Send orders t o STATESMA.N Ofrice, Bowt.b e i n cli clous u se of Nnl ' o u a l Pith, f.ltey :u ·e manville. imrcly ~· e gda bl c. , 'fH E: GREAT . STRENGTH GIVER . . ~~~~~-·~~~ Leading Seedsmen in the district. Alw ays pleased to show goods. Inspection solicit ,,a. M URDOCH BROS. Vic' oria Buildings, Bowmanville. 2G Chil dren Cry for Pitc he r 9S C astoria., ·

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