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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1889, p. 3

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-·- - -.--- I HOW TO KEEP YOUNG. WEDNESDAY, CC r. 2, 1889. A DVICE 1 The Origin and Distribution of th Globe's and broken of your re1 by , ;iick child auffering and crying wit pain of Cutting Teeth 1 If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." For children teething, Its value ie incalcula ble. It will relieve the poor little s utferer immediately. De· pend upon it, mothers ; there is no mista.ke about it. It cures Dysentery r.nd Diarrhooa, regulates the Stomach and Buwels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Inflammation, &nd gives tone and energy to the whole 11y~tem. " Mr~. Winelow's Soothing Syrup "Nor children teething ia pleaen.nt to the taste ·and is the prescription of one of the oldeet a.nd best female phyllicians and nurses In the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through the world . Price 26 cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "MRs. W1NsLow's SooT.EIING SYRUl'. 1 and take no other kind. C:O°NSU!UPTION UlJRJm. tm · tl at nlf'ht ro Mo'l.~ERS.-Are you di AD old physician. retired from' practice. hl\V[Dg had ple.cecl in his hands by an East India. missionary the formula of 11 simple vegetn.hle remedyfo:r the speedy and permanent c11 re of <;onsum/?tton, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma. and all l'hro&t and Lunl( Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complainns, after having tested it& wonderful curative powers in thou· sands of cases, he.aielt it his duty to make it known to h ie suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desir" to relieve human suffering, I wi.l send free or charge. to all who desire it. this receipt. in Germen, .lfrench or Engli h.wlth full directions tor preparing and using. Sent by mail by ad!'J.ressing with stamp, naming this paper. Vv. A. NOYES, U9 Power'a Block, Rochester, N. Y. . 41- ly Clonsnm:ption Surely Clured. lJ'o THE EDITOR : l'le11Be infonn your readers that I have a. positive remedy for the above named dieeaee. By its timely use thouse.uds of hopeleaa ca1es have been permanently cured. I eha.11 be gla.d to eend two bottles of my remeay P R JIE to any .of vour readers who h11ove conaumption if they will.send me their Exprees and P. O. address. Respectfully, Dt. T. A . SLOCUM, 164 West Adel11.ide at., Toronto, Ont. I When Baby waa sick, we g a'l"e her C11atorla, When ahe Wl\11 a. Chila, ehe cried for OW<torla, When she beeame JJ:isa, she clung to Caetoria, men ahe hAd C::hildren, ahe gavo thom c...toria, ARM lN PICKERING FOR SALE. F - One of the beat farme in Pickering for aa.le eontalnini<" . acres, all of which are 25 cleared and in high state of cultivation. On the premisee are a good dwelling house and out building· n.nd two wells. Thia proper ty le situated on lot 15, b, f., one mile and a half from Pickering vlll&ge, half a mile from Grond 'l'ru~' Station. three miles from Pickering Hat, r, and six miles from Whitby. For turti...,,..: Pllt"tioulars 11.p ply t o JA:MES Prc:m:ARD on tlie premiAes, or Pickering, P. O. 29- U t..'RM FOR SALE. - 130 acres, com· F posed of south part ot Lut No. Broken Front, aDd three miles from the Town of 19, ls Bowmanv!lle. 'fhle is one or the beet b rms in the county or ha.m. It ls in a h igh sta.te of cultivation and is well fenced. On the pre· mises thoro Is u. stone dwelling, two large be.roe amd other out·bnlldinga. with stone stabling for cattle and horses, ~hroe wells and four cisterns, also wind ·mill tor pumping a.s he looked up at us In t he window, " You water. For further particulars apply on the ma, gentlemen, what I live on- promise." premises or if b y letter to HENRY :.VfANN, Bow· But it wa.s a.11 Vllrv a.musing to myself and ono 31- tf ma.nvllle by my side. others of our party were looking straight e.b the scene and never saw it· t hey wonder ed what we were laughing at ~nd even when we told. the~, could har~ l y c~tch the fi!l.vor of this pa.ea1ng fuc, whrffad lln t ho b z y brecz ' uf v. torrid day ' .' . · ~OJ oyyoung people. '.I: o some men a nd women this come~ natural. [ro others it costs a.n effort t o keep ··h h S · s t ep Wlu y out · ome elderly people say, "Young people are too noisy. They are never aatikfied, '.J;'hey e.lwa.ya want to go n ew · They somewhere else , or do so·nething ,, . vex me. Very w ell. Get left, then. I do not mean to tea.oh Irreverence for age. The kindly for '. superior wisdom . · ' so l · deference t i P easing o r per yea.rs, IS one of the hand· somest adornments of youth. And a n old slmpletl'ln Is a. nuisance. To dye the gray bPoirs of honor is not t o my mind. I am not ashamed of my years. I do nob foroe my stiff, old-fashioned d ancing on young ladies at a time they want the handsomest young fellow in the room. I know my place, and often "two Js company, while three Is a. "VETERINARY SURGEON, crowd." B ut If I c11on make mysetf agreeable JlP:WlllA.~VILLE, ONT. to young p eople, wlthoutplaying the buffoon, I know 1 am t ho gainer by con tact wHh their fresh young life. I will help, not hinder, their morning hour joys of life. H appy is he who ha11 children of his own, who w ill keep .ilm youne, if he will only leti them. The oontp.glon of youth cannot be explained. LOCAL .AGENT F OR L!i.a b year I set out a young maple between two old elms. It is curious, bnb true- the S elms tbie y ear have no leaf worms ; her eto· . fore, for three years they have been stripped b}' worms. · We.a lb bemmae th ~ youthful life - A.ND-'of the maple somehow be.a been oommnni· cated to them t hat t he aged fellows a.re s o clean this year ! A void revenges. BOW!llA.l'tVILLE, · ONT [rhe storing up of ugly thoughts, and followtng out hatreds, is the worst of aging OFFICE AT FACTORY. agencies. I mev e.n old friend in B:i.ltlmore la.ab week. He is several yea.rs my junior. We eat togeth er in college. I I How old h l' looks I" exclaimed my wife. Yes; tha rea.· son is a bmily lawsuit bf queathed t o him by his dead father. F ollowing up his bther'a. enemies is mak ing him 1 m aged man before his time. .Hiu spirit is bitter, H ie wee.lt h will be great; but I would nob p11y his price-nineteen ye:i.rs of fighting I For· give, e. nd you will grow young with eve~·y su ch e.cb. It ls Godlike to forgive, and et ernal y ou th sits on the throne of the un ve.ree. J: challenge y ou, r ead er, to find a youthfnl old man wh.:> ha.a many ha.breda, who loves to fig ht, who enjoys p unishing an enemy , who iu cruel. H appiness, D cimas ss. vs, m a.kes even a wfoked mac good. ·n ~ that a~ it ma y, a hap py dispooit!on ma.kes o.n old man voung.- [New York ·w eekly. RY BARKLEY HARKE R. M. de Qiatrefa.ges, the lee.ding French An :::;~~~; "~1ic~n. ,!~in':~tyonteoJ C8,ounb·due Keep uµ with th~ times. ethnologist, in presentillg the bee" d part ... Tha.ti is, read wh 11 t is going on now, to- of his "fntronuction to 1Jhe Srudv of the quererl l·y l!er;eefnl Jntentlons. d11.y. . HumMI R lees " to the Academy ot Sciences, T th ' £he newap>µer ia a. very b~ttery foe. has given an Interesting aummary of hie wo ouaand armed. men, led by Euro If yoa turn it u\"er only to find "Who i~ dead g1mera.l conolueione with regnrd to the peane, are now followmg the bea.ten trace ?" If you ta.ke little intertJsD in present hap · odgin and distribution. of mankind. Neg· oowai·ds Centrt>.l Africa, made famous by the penlnga, but are ir.ournfully <.ntertained with !eating the minor dlfidrencee, he estimates nea.t e:::plorern who were the first to gaze some dry old editorial ; if you ha.bitua.te that there .i.re no fewer than 72 dloth1ct ~po~ the equa.torfal lakes, The pa.the which yourself to admiring a. former llge to tho r!l<les in the human species. Al! these Speke._ Bur~on, Gra.?1-t, and S~ley followed exciueion of this-vou will not keep young descend or bri.nch off from three Juada- on theu peaceful mis.Ion a.re now the route Jong. mental types-the bla.ck the yellow aod of an r.rmy benb upon destroyinii: th(; rebel Welcome new things. the whit.e-which had their origin ~t the chief Bnshiri, who having been driven out When yon hear about th~ electric car, d.; great central mass of Northern Aelo., which of all the coa~t t owus he defended, · ha.s not promptly.scowl a.nd 8 ~y, "In ca.n't suo· is thus the era.die of m ..nkind. Representa.· ta~en refuge In tl;.o mountains. lb IS a ceed,": R~ther eagerly believe in i~. Sly a.t tives of these diff<·rent types llnd the races ·trildng lllu~tratlon of the grea.t oh1mge tha.t let.et, "I wish it could succeed. I want to which apra.og from them a.re Gtill to be haa come over the e"'et coe.et, that the ma.in sea someuhing heLter than the noiey, dirty found there. The whites aocordlog to M outlet through which the secre~s of inner steam-engine, Hurrah J I believe m light- de Q110.rtefe.gee, appear to ba.ve originated o~ Africa. have re11oched the civ.iliz~ world i~ nlng." Make yourself believe in the new, the west of the central mass1 the yellow on the now the P"'thwn.y of a.n inv..dtng a.rmv. heco.use itlsnew. Yon a.re on the side of aor hh and the blacks on bhe south The No.other pi1rtofAfric11haobeenma.deso a!lything new. If anv new idea. presents white~ extended westward and norbhwe.~d, ~~n~~~ar to.us the ~e.rr~t.lv:s ~~xplorere · itself, rapping for recognition, be eure t ~viDg birth to three seoonda.ry typee-th11 11 regw~ roug .w ic 1eema.nn's 1 finds a friend i? you. L·t a ne·N thing be Finnish, the Semitic and the Aryan, if we !!:ina.rmy IS e.dvaoc&ng. To dl.loy he ts two ·third~ r eceived by you an d only_ ..one E ·xoepb the Al_lo»hyles, which form a. separate P .g ACROSS THE ;TUNGLE . third "S Do.nd a.nd prove youraelf." group. Th e1r area of dietributlon le conf poe·lble, be the advocate of a t hing tinuou s, a~' in that of ~he yellows, beca.u~e of a.nd the dreaded Me.k9'ta ow11mp, through r11.ther than a.juryman on it· A new wrioer, nhe e:i-tens1ve la.nd surface of the E11raelan which many a tr..veil er h&s floundered, kl~ new book, a naw candidate for dlice a Continent, The yellows ~pre11.d eaebward buoyed up only by the hope of i:eaching the fresh voice ln~ung, the labtisb aolor--a.IJ p~a· and crossed into America.. 'f}ie whites and grea.c mE>unfJaipe looming before him scores Bible vou ng things that promiue to make the yellow~ checked or blend~d with each other, of miles a.w11oy. "The Ghan ts of Africa. " world ha.ppier, or better, or easier under Its producmg many va.rieb1es of man, The l:SuT1J,·.> called them, a.nd their dimly discern· burdens, g1we them your hand. D.> it among blacks, or Negro typa. which. odv.inated on ~d outlineu, rising for away, always ::hoer the first; not among the r eluctant lasfJ. 8ta.nd the 1Sauth of the cen~ra.l mass, wa.e <~reed by the weary traveller with the certainty that with bhe boys, nob with the old fogies. Be nhe nature of the Continent, ..nd proMbly beftre him is a refuge from the miasma of like the morning l117ht, not like evening by the l\ttacke of the whites and yellows, to the cos.et, I\ r egion of invigorating ~ir, pure lamr·light. Take the firsb views nf new go south into Africa e.nd. east into the India.a cold we.tar, and food in plenty ; 11ond the thlngg, If they seem pointed in the rl.ght Archipelago, or lVIel~nes.ia. _Thi: proto -Seml, beob known ~ea.t among a.11 these U.aga.ra dlreotion,'gaz~ on them in the sunlight ra.~her tea arrested their d1sbr1bnt1on ID bhe north mountains is the goo.I of the pree&n t expedi· than after da.rk . of Afrioa., and the mixture of t he two races tion. For Buahirl hl'.s taken refnge at L ook forward, and not backward. gave rise to the negroid populatione. ln the Mpwapwa., near the weet:ern edgo ol thesil . T a.lk a.bout what is going to be nexb year, o~ntre :'nd D?uth o_f Africa th~ ble.~k.s con· highl11onde, where all the explorers have been five ·ten yea.rs from now. Men will laul{h tmued ID their ethmo purity unt11the rnfilbra- wont to pa.uae, recruit ~heir strength, a.nd at ;ov and call you a. fool· but you will be tion of other races from Europe and the gather supp!il'>S before entering ~~he arid here, y oung and hopeful s~ill, when the dead nor.th of Africa. ~n mo~ern ti~es. Those region of Ugogo, further w<ist. ' .El very whita ma.n who ha.s visited this pa.st has buried its uea.d . . 'i ou a.re going to which remained in bhe1r orlgma.l homse do bet ter in business next year; your health became blended ~ith the whites and Ut n !e mountain oottle~ent has sounded its will be Btronger in the cool weather ; your yellows~ g lving. rise to the dr11vldlan pre.tees. About 200 miles ~!most dne w~et sprote.oles will improve your eyesigh t and p.ipule.t10ns which pass by shades lnfJo of Zu·z1b11.r, and in the m1deb of 11 fer b 1le enhance your good looks; your wayward boy three funda.meuta.l cypes. As for the region 5,600 feeb above the sea, itJ ls one of will settle down nexb year; your golden nge Allophyles, represented by the ra.ce of the few Oro-Magnon, they occupied pa.rbs of Enrope OHARMING AND HEALTHFUL is to come. Now, it is no small task to keep this for - a.nd North Africa., frem which they e xbcnd· epots in Eqn·toria.l Africa. At this point ward look in a.n u11ly world like ours. Most ed to tho Canaries. The three fundamental on the great c11ra.va.n route bo the lakes the men give lb up. Hence most men grow old types also ~ound ~hemeelvee. in Ocean!!' ; Church Mlssfon 'ry Seclebv est.abllshed one fa.ab. I heard a. ma.n of thirty-two yea.rs sa.y D he Allophyha.n whites occupymg Polynes!11o, of itil! ev.rllest m!s·iona ln El.ab Afric&, and Io.ab week, "I'm getting on in life fast toward the blacks Melanesia, the yellows M11ola&l!l, here we.a the most Important of the Germ11on the meridian, Jost think of it, in ten vears The latter were, accordlnlj: to M. de Q11atra- itat!ona on the hlghl~nds. lt wae the Gor· I shall be forty-two. I shall soon be gra.y. fages, the !ant to _come mto the marit ime ma.n Lieut. Nielson who for a yea.r p1oet My father was gray a·b forty.five. I have not world· . The peopling of America. dates from kepb the elx Eaglinh mla11iona.riee at Mpwsp · prospered e.e I onght to. It I do not make t~e Quatr~narv period, a.nd Is due ~o mlgra.· w11 supplied with clotnlng from his own my fortune within the nexb t>lght yea.rs I b10ns of different types - Allophyhc whibe etores when ~hey ooulcl get no goods from never she.II." Poor dance I He "eJllinded a.nd yellow blending with the local Q~ater- the coo.st. He w11e killed by Bnshiri when me of the old 'e.dy who roused her daughters nary ra~es, which alsJ belong ~o the yellow 'that chief and hie follel'fera reached Mpwap. a.b four o'clock on washing-day morning by type. Europe, since the Tertiary agee , be.s we. two months n.g.o, and nothing ie known poun~ing the stovepipe and sboutinQ!, "Girls, re ceived only All?phyli111n whites, Fiona of the fate of the mlss~ona.ries, except that here tb le Monday, no-morrow is :fuesd11oy, and Aryans,. Bavtng r!gard to the con- I\ despa.tch from Zuiz 1ha.r announces that next da.y'e Wednesday a.nd not a. thing done ste.nt and various mlgmt1ons of the humv.n they hBve t aken refuge among the wild yet." ' races in pMt times, a.nd the result ing amal- bribes of Ugogo, R'ader, as you look forward, claim the ga.ma.tion of the . varitftliea, whether due to The wa.r in ~Ht Africa bas enbered upon future a.s yours. Truet your middle age. Do colliquest e.nd v1ole?ce or pea.ceful dlffueion, a. new stage. M ost of the long strebch of not belie the yea.rs of your ripest powers. M. de Q11a.trefoges JU&tly obl!\lrves th'lot the coast where the revolt against Germ.ion rule You ma.y "aucoeed" whm you are pa.ab number of races now existing In"' pure st ate began is now ·c ontrolled by t he Germana. A ·e la large pa.rt of the rebel° force hM retreated sixty. The ten or twelve yea.rs then to fol- is ~xceedingly r!*'brlcted, if indeed the1 low m111y be worth all the yea.rs t hat went a smgle one wh1~h ca.n be accepted as auoh. infa.nd, a.nd it is po~sible that Wissmann e before. You will be better fixed to enjoy Perhaps some little gronpe, protected by advance may result only in driving them them. . their isolation, Each a.s the Mincopies, may further tow,.rd the lake·, whence, like the Etij oy a laugh. show an . idenHty of . chancters · attesting· M11hdist1., they ma~ be !"b_le to menace white Thia )OU oon do, or tho reverse, just as their ethmo homogeneity, enterpriseBfor e.n mdefin1te time, or a.a long a.1 they can procure smuggled supplies of you please. A man can Insist on having h is He Oould Watch the Ants on Holidays, a mmunition. fun, or he can let it slip, just a.she pleaees. The fun is gobg on all t he while, But· fun ---------comes from the ea.st, not the west; that is "She.kev, Shakey I' oried old Dinklema.n. the beet fun is new; it happens while you "Bar e I a.m, fa.rder," ea.ld Ji>key as he Mr. Gh-dabone a.Howe e.11 the people in his a.re p11aaing. I sat, yesterday in the ca.me into the store rubbing his eyes. neighborhood a.t Ha.ward ea freely to use window o~ a hotel, feellcui rather old. "Sae.key," went on the old me.n, "you his _ splendid libnry of 20,000 volumes. I saw a ca.b-driver da.sh up _ und stop. He viii neve r be rich if you don't learn to be Unfooked a box under his seat, took out a. industrious. By lndu11trious Wl'I thrive, P dnba.ugh (v ery p ompous): "Well, this canvas pJ.il such as oe.te are fed from, shook don't It? Don't be lazy. Vhat did I tell is a ve ry 1erious ca.ea, and I deeire to get to lb ant, walked round in. front of his bony you yest.erda.y ? Go by <ier a nt, dow slug· bhe. root of the matter ..t once. " Bowles. nag, showed him the empty pail, folded up ~a.rd ; consider her veys und he Yise, ain't "Moet h op,a d o." said pail, returned it ago.in to the box and id?" locked it. You Bhouldh..ve seen tha.thorse'e "Yest larder; d at's vh11.t you ea.id," oountenr.nce, Ev.m yet I haven't decided answered Ja.key meekly. what itJallmea.nt, n orwhather the horse s.,,id "Veil , vhereyou vasyuab now? Upstairs GHA1'EFUL - CO°MFORTING. hl~~~ AFTElt A .REBEL OBI.El'. 8 1 ID 00Rs SA SH \ BLINDS, ' ' and other Factory "Work all Kiln Dried. MOULDINGS, AFul~ Stock always on hand. Call and Examine. ·:ii McClellan Co ·.~ BOWMANVI LLE, sole agents in this locality for GIL~OUR&CO_ TRENTON, ONTARIO. D. A LARGE A.VIS & COMPLETE ASSORTMRNT - - OF - - will be found in his old shop, next door· aoor to Express Office, BO-WMANVI LI~E. ,. where he keeps constantly on hand Coarse and Fine Boots and Shoes . for Meu and Boys, Women and Children. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Special attention given to Repairing. :c>_ :0 A V':CS.._ ~.a I> other~entlema.n Thr~'9 eleepfog 7" "No, ~arder; I v11s in t he bd.ck yard, out by der hammock- " ".Asleepbyder interrupted Dlnkleman. "Oh, ha.mmock Sha.key, l" Sha.key, vhat vill you ever coma to ?" "But , fa.rder, le t me finish," pleaded J a.key. "I va._ s in ~er hnmmoc~, va. tohing der ant~ e.nd oona1dermg her ve.ys. Dinkleman scratcned hhhe~d r~flectively · 'd "O' 11 d 1 un tien Blmp 1 Y sin , n I · . J r.~ey started for the ba.ck ya.rd agam with a. smile of victory on his face whan his father ·alled . · " 1 · ' Shak ey, go outside und call in some customers. Y ou ce.n ve.toh d er ants on holidays." T.74 P.'14 111rm 19 cu E . pp S' c 0c 0AJ HIGGINBOTHAM &SON 'S "1~ . . f[I Q;tr/ 'Jiii . WiWJ · t:jfl· ~ 0---- BREAKFAS T 1 JOHN SPENCER, JAMES DEYMAN Dominion Organ PIA..N"OS:J u.nd nutrition. nnd by a careful appllca tion of the fine prope~Lies or we ll-selected Cocoa, ¥°r. Epi;is has provined our breakrast tables with a delioately flavored bevera(ie which may eave us !D!lnY henv1 doctora' bills. It is by the J nd1c1ous. ueo or wuoh a.rticlea of diet that a const.1tut1on ma.y be gr!ld:.ially built up until strong enough to rea1st ever y tendency to diseuso; Hundreds of subtle ma.ladies are f!oa.tiag around us r eady 10 a ttack wherever the : e ls a weak point. w., may esct·.pe many a rtaltalpuro sl111.r& bbly lrneping es well fortified w1 1 ood a.1d ourselv !\ properly nourished fre.me."- ' "O ivil St1·1Jice Gazette," flo y's flowers. Made . simply with bo1llnt:: water or milk. Litble Floy, six yearll old, h ·s · flow"r out:,:·~ packets. by Grocers. lab"lled thus: ~ ~ " Sold J .t.l!IES EPPS 4' Co., lloru oeopathie Chem· garden of her own, of which she la wonder· lsti, Lonclon. Englund. fully proud. She a nd her father a.re great rivals on this scor e, Mistress F loy stoutly maintaining the.b her posies are " eve.r so sweet er than pa.pa'a," '.L'he other morning she 17e.thered a little ,. bunch of her own nweet poa. bloesoms a.nd then a.nothor of her father 's, and with one in an.oh h and skipped gayly into t he hou~e, ca.Hing triumpha.nt.ly : "On, mamma, mamma, jnet smell the diffe}.'enoe. law~ lh~c~~~ v'!i~ f~~~~~~~~i~~s~~~u~!!~~~ B 0 · · · . · · · Chemists and D r uggists. ----o- - -- Eeasonable Goods. INSECT POWDER, pure and strong. FLY PAPER, all kinds. MONTSERRAT Lime Fruit Juice. Fowler's Extract Wild Strawberry. Woulff's Cholera Remedy. CASTORIA for Children - ALSO- - ---o ----- Signs of Imprllvement. "I wee.Uy think, Cholly," said Fweddy, " that I e.m lmpwoving in my widlag. I sit in my saddle moah gwa.oefully and don't bob up and down so hahd." " How do yon know how you look when · you ride ?" asked Ohollv. "How do I know?" echoed Fweddy. I blah a. oab d wlvil>h to ha ng a. great big Look ing gla.se on the back of his cab, and I wide on t he houlevahd behind that cab every 11.fbahnoon, ba.h J ove I" Fine Bath Sponges, Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, etc. Remedy eYer dJs.. covered, ae lt is certain tn ltR otr.t"cts nnd does not blister. Read proof below. STRIEKTSTILLll, P . Q., May S, 181l9. D1I. B. J . K JINDALL co., Enosburgll Falls, V t. Gentlemen .-I bavo used Kendall's Spavin Curo for S1>n.vhu1 a nd e.lso lo a oaee ot fomcncss ancl. IStifT Joints and found !ta ·ure cure in every rc·pcct. J cordially recommend It to all horsemen. Very reapectfolly yours. cd.&d!M..,,.,. CB..UUJS J . BLACKALL. The Most Suecessfitl HEALTH FOR ALL! trhe bill of a moM)Uito is a Qomplex Jn. stitution. lb ha.a a blunt fork e.t the head, and is app:i.rently grooved. W orkivg through the !{rO<ive, e.nd projecting from the angle ol the fork, is a la.nee of perfccb form ahupen· ST. TllOMAS, p , Q., Aprl! 22, 1889. ed with s. fine bevel. Beside it the most per - Da. B. J. K11:NDALL Co., Enosburgh Jo'alls, Vt. Gents :- I have u sed a few oottles o! your Ken feet la.nee looks like "' handsaw, On either d11ll's Spavin Cu r e on my colt. which was sntl'erlng from In1lu'. side of the lance two saws are arranged, en.za 1u a very bad t orrn, a nd can with tha poiu!Js fine and sharp and th e t eeth say that your Kend111l's Spavin Cure n1a de complete a nd r a p tll well r efined and keen. The backa of th6se e uro. I cnn recommend lt as th6 saws p lsy ai<a.insnthe la.nee. Whe n the mos· . b oat and most etl'ectlvc lJnlmcnt quito alighta with its peoaliar hum, it thruete me one of your v1..~~;gl~v;~~~~~iaie~1'.'·'~.f~~~~ its k een lance, and then enlarge~ the a.per- tise on the Horse." Yours respectfully, "\; I . F . WILKINSON, ture w it.Ji the two saws, which ph.y besid e the lancf) until t h·>fork ed hill with its oz.pil · lary 11rrnngt-meut for eucking blood can bs FORT ELJ.ICJC, MAN., l't[ay 10, 1689. inaer ted. The sa.wing proc<its is wha.t <>rn.11 e8 Dn. B. J . K RNl>ALL Co , Euosburg b ll'i.1lls Vt. Gcntlomen :- I ulwnys keep your Kenda!1'1: u pon tho nervlls of the victim 1md c11u.~·~s him S pavin Cur e mid Bllst er on Jiancl to strike wildly e.t the sawyer. a ncl they have never failed In w hat you st o.to they w ll! do. l .Mosquitoes. THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. .LIVER, ST01'1A.£D, KIDNEYS A.ND BOWELS. T.n ~ ' inq-igorate a.n 1l c:Ht) :'e to h ~a.lt b Oeb1llta.ted Constitutions nre lava.lu·b la !n i;n )\~ \ ni· huldea t a v .., emale11 of all A\t~~. fl' J > Ohlldren and the a ged the7 are prlcel e11. · ,,u () T H E ()IN T ME NT! ;rENDALl'S SPJUnt! CURE11 n i nfall\bl» : 1 n1l r ,· ) . -i1\ r. 1{s , Bad Breast s, Old W oun.Js Srr· !llnd U lcer 11. It is famom1 fot- Gout an d Rhe umatlsm, For disorder a of t" -Oheat it has no equal.- A Precious Relic. AND ALL S UMMER COMPLAINTS 't:.· ' FLU XES OF THE. .BOW E.L.S IT S S AFE AND RELIABLE FOR When She was Sure. ~H IL DREN OR A DULTS. · . . "That's a very funny old cane you !ia.ve "h's alwi·ya a reliof to me when ib comes t lm2 to pay ciff Bridget," sa.l.c! Mrs H ~wes· gob t here. I'd like to buy i~ from :you." "Ca.n'b sell i b. It is an old family heir · keep. " V- hy ?" inquired h er l:maband. loom. I wouldn't sell it for any t hing in bhe world: .My great-grnndf.a.th_ e r ::-sed to maul "Bec~:se tua.t Is the ouly time when I my g ~eab ·grimdmobher w1Jih 1t. feel posH1ve that she doesn't employ me," t1hJ~6r,'Ws;~ii:. gns {r~~airuf~. ~ 1 ~1Jo~~fit~~~.~~~l ¥~~~~dv~~~~ 0 0 havo cured a bad case or Spn.vin and ulso two case:; or Ittn gbon e I . Fol· §oll"e T Daw@ats, .BroncJ1iti@ , «Jouglu, Colds, Gl11.ndu.lar Swellings, aud a ll Skin Diseases it has no rival· au 1 oontrn.otell and stiff. joints lt. ~eta like a charm , ' M i:m ufaotured only a t T HOMAS H ~. oLLOWAY' s Eatabllahment, '!R, ""· 1·"~"' 0.!]J'ff?.i') :.:?.It.EE1', (late Gi33, OXFORD '.D. J . O'KERJl'FJ<. Pr !~ "'l per .bottle , or six bottJes for tllli. All dn1gg1 sts Jlave1t or can get ·ttor you, or it w ill bo ~~'.;~..~~ !~~ a ddress on receipt or J>rlco by tile DR. D. J, KENDALL CO., Enosburgh Falls, Vt. "' Anrl S'E~ .r,.ET ), LON l ) J 11 e 111..; .·u in .ls. ltd. , 211. 9d. , 4a. 611. , lls., 22s. , and 3 3 ~.· each Box 0 1 P may b e h ad from all .lltiedlcine V endors th:rougho.it t he World, aT P uroba.eerR ohould look to the label on the Pots and BcxBfl. If the a.ddres(is not S OLD BY ALL DRUGGI STS. 5t>

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