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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Oct 1889, p. 2

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· WJI& _, ?~ -~ ~aua.~iau - -- -· . ·~-~-- - Jtattst·utu. MY I_jADY TONGUE.lone RY AMELIE RIVES, SBEING BY TELEPHONE, ot the _Jmprovements 10 be lllade by Edison · The ieporte1· asked Mr. Edison if it was WEDNESDAY, OCT. 16, 1889. AUTHOR OE "T1rn QUICK OR THE DEAD," "AsMODEus,'1 "ON BoJS'ES ISLAND," ETC. true that he had invented a. machine by the aM. of wh!oh a. man in New York would be able to see everything that his wife was doing OH APrER I. mann I have mentioned- to one oi the in I'aris. INTitoDUCES JUDITH, inclin ions, said suddenly : "l don't know," s:i.id Mr. Edison, lau~h "Are you really going to Carylon I ing, " that th11ot would be a real benefib to People UHed to sa.y ib wa.o almoell a duty What is your name ?" for Colonel HE>nry Merriweather Page to "Houghton," he had answered, gravely. humanity. The women certainly would pro· teat. But , ~peaking seriously, I am at marry a 6econd time. A motherless boy "Philip Boughton." might cto well enough, but when it ca.me to Then It was that this culpably uncon- work on an invention which 'l'I ill al!ow a a. girl growing up ahogcther among da.rkeys ventiona.l young woman made use of an e:r. man in Wall street nou only to telephone 3nd men, It wa.s absolutely blood-curdling. prflssiou which amused B oughton beyond to e. friend in the llentral Park, but to see that friend while he is chatting telephoni· The poor child was really dressed in a man- bounds, until he found out wh<> she was. ner tha.~ we.a a.lmost indeceno, and it had "Gad I" cried she, "not my cousin Phil?" cally with him. This invention would be even been so.id (bere..llbe informant genara.lly He replied, with a bow, that if her useful and practical, a.ud I see no reason , pub an impressive hand in a one-butt">ned cousin Phil also rejoiced in the surname of why it should not soon become a reality ; lisle-thread glove upon the a.rm of the Boughton, their identity must be eatablieh- and one of the first things that I sha.11 no person to be enlightened) that she actually ed, at the s11>me time iI:quiring her own when I go back to America. will be to set up this contriv1?onco betwesn my laboratory and used bad language-In fact, swore, as she my tele:i;hone worknhops. Moreover, l have heard her father do. n11.me. "Why, I'm Judith!" she announced, It wa3 perfectly true that ehe rarely put reaching out both h11>nds to him wibh Haut. already obt ained satisfactory results in rein an appaarance at church, and when she boy's bridle· rein ;yet over her arm. "I'm producing images o.t that diallance, which is did participate in the hebdominal devotions Judith Page, Cousin Phil. You don't look only about l, 000 feet. It would be ridiculous to dream of seeing anyone between New York of Brownsville parish, ·she · was wont to a bit as you used to." c latter up the C6ntral aisle m a short and "No?" said Cousin Phil, smiling a good and P1.1rie. The round form of the earth, if gatberlesa be.bib, which was extremely deal, perhaps not unconscious of a handsome there were no ot her difficulty in the way, shocking to tho tl\ate of the congregation. mustache cli(lped close, soldier.fashion, would make the thing impossible." Speaking of the phonograph, the reporter Sile were booto, moreover, and, it was across his fine upper lip, and of a. penera.l imrumored, a. spur on occasions. Her groatest hi h b h d asked if it had reached Its highest degree of e a perfection. offence, prob11>bly, was her mode of dreaain"' pressiveness of o.ppce.ranoe w c " lacked when they la.at parted, "Almost, I tibink," ea.id Mr. Edison, "in her ho.ir, or rather of leaving i~ to dress "No, no- not a bit," said Judith, bending ibaelf. She had a small, shapely head a. little away from him, while still keeping a the last instruments turned ontof my workclasped closely from brow to throat by friendly grasp on his hands, and eyeing him shops. You must know that the ordinary DE MARCHED WITH SREKlllAl'f heavy red-brown curls. from the crown of his smart Parisia.n hat phonograph employed in commerce does nob Oolunel P11ge's paw wa.s the most con- (there were Anglo·mrrniacs in those days, begin to compare with the la.test machines TO THE SEA; ;, that I use in my private ~xperiment8. Trudged all tbe way on foot, over mountain spicuous in the pretty sandstone church ; but they were the exception and not With tb.e latter I can obtain a sound power· f h" h and through moruss, ca.rrymg knapsack and 11nd the nape of hfa daughter's handsome 1s patent·leat er fa! enough to reproduce phr11ones of speech gun1 slept on brush heaps t o keep out of the neck, expo~ed in all its chignonleEs effron· the rule) to the toes o mua_, caught cold from the effects of which terv of a Sabbath, was a. never· ending source boots t hat can be h11ard perfectly by a lar11e bi.s rr1ends tboug·l1t he would never recover of diHpleasure to the outrnged Brownsvil"Not a bit," she repeated, earnestly. u.udience. My last amoliora.tiono were with L mgerrng with slow consumption for man "Why, In what way?" said Boughton. the aspirate sounds, which are the wel\k years, he saw Dr. Pi~rce's Golden Medical Dil- lians. covery advert1~ed rn a country newspaper Had not Sb. Paul Expressed himself clear"You're-you're-well, you're such a poinb of the graphophone. For seven and he dct crmmcd. to fry it. A few bottles ly, notJ to say strongly, on thievery subjec~? dandy," replied candid JuJith. "However months I worked from eighteen to twenty worked a change; 8lX months' continued uso g?roo him. Always too independen t to usk ·was not a. woman's pie by almost as eurely to can you wiggle your toes in such boots? hours a day upon the single sound 'speclo..' 1 s country for a pens10n, he now says he be m(HlBured by the length of her hair as the Gad I ib makes mine ache to look at 'em," I would aay to t he instrumenll, 'speci11>,1 needs n<?ne. He 1!Plped save bis country, be age of a horee told by the length of his nipThis made t wice tha't she ha.d used that and it would always say 'pecfa, 1 and I saved }umself { C~usumpt1on is I,ung-scrof- pers ? Could a young lady fly in the face somewhat extraordinary form of expression. couldn't make it say anything else. It was lf'it- :Ji or scrofula, m all its myriad forms tho DJscovery" is an unegualed remedy ' lt not only of tradition, but of the Scripture, Besides, Philip did not exactly enjoy belnjl enough to make me crazy. But I stuok to cleanses the system of all blood-taints from in this fiu hiou, and yet be all tha.t is req11ir ~a.lied a dandy. it until I succeed.ad, and now you can read whatever cause arising nud cures all Ski 1,000 words of a newspaper at the rate of "You have cha.nged, too," he remarkE>d. and Scalp DJsease8_. Salt-rhcnm, 'l'ctter, Eczc~ ed of young ladies by a country parish? NQt "Me?" said Judith. " Oh I do tell me l 150 words a minute, 11ond the instrument ma. an~ ,kmdred a1\me11ts.. It is gnarautecd so. ['be rector's wife went alone in her to benefit or cure m all diseases for which it ~tate co.rry-a.ll t o remonetrv.te with Miss How?" will r epeat t hem t o you without an omission. is recommended, or money paid for it will , Page upon this very subject. " W ell, for one thing," said Boughton, You can imagine the difiiculty of the task I be refunded. Sold by druggists. She waited for some forty minutes, and slowly, "rou- er- didn't swear when I last accomplished when I tell you that the (Jopyrlgbt, 1888, by WORLD'S DIS. M:rnn, ASS'N. impressions made upon the cylinder .i.re not when a~ h.st her hosless entered, it wa.s not saw you,' n a uea1J magenta-colored paduasoy, neither It ia impossible to imagine the effect that more than one· millionth part of an inch in ' . DR. SACE'S CATARRH REMEDY a black or salt and pepper bo.rege, trimmed her placid reception of this ecathing remark depth, and are completely invisible even cures. the worst cnscs, no matter of how long with braid and pearl buttons, ae was then h,a.d upon him. with the aid of a. microscope. " etnndmg. 50 cents, by drugg·ists. Reporter-And wha t new discoveries will deemod the thing, but- shade of thiit godly "Didn't I?" she said serenely, still hold- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - woma.n, "Mrs. Colonel" Henry Merri- ing his hands. "I must have been very be made in electricity ? Mr. Edison-Ah, that would be difficult weather Page-In a blue ffo.nnel w11>lsb, an ;young. Yes, I was- I remember all about old homespun skirt pinned up about her boy· it now. You used to make me dolls out of to eay. W e may some da.y come upon one ishly straightl hips, and muddy boots that radishes, and cut turnips into flowers for me. of the great secrets of nl\ture. I l\m u.lwa.ys leftl apparent impressions on the red velvet Oh, yes, and you taught me to fish with a on the lookout for something which will help me to solve the problem of navigating carpev of the dr11wing·r oom. crooked pin," --OF-When Mrs. Nelson, afte1~ much dextrous "You have becomo a fisher of men by the air. I have worked ha.rd upon this eubma.nooavreing, had finally led the conversa- now, I suppoae," said B!>ughton, with an at- j ecb, but I am very much discour11ged. We tion, by what she considered a master.stroke, tempt nt wib, which, howeveL·, loft his cousin may find something new before that comes ; but that will come, up to the moot quoatlon, Misa Page ha.d re- as unrufiled as ever. Mr. Edison further said that the ir1·eat plied merely by running a slight brown "Oh, dear, no," she 11aaured him. "They !land throug11th" offensive locks and saying : fish for mo ! And mostly with crooked pins. development of electricity will come when "Why do I wear .it this way? Oh ? I like I must admit !" she added, with a laugh. we find a more economical met hod of proitl, e,nd clad l ike s iu, and Dick," then, with a "How ta.II and straight you are, cousin. I ducing it. During hill ~rip across t he ocean sudden oblique glance of her bright red- do believe I could walk under your ii.rm. he remained for houra'on deck looking au t he wa.ves, and he said that ib m~de him wild brown eyes: "I sheJl always wear it so, L9t's try." even when I am married." Philip held out his arm obediently, and when he saw so much force going to waste, for Men and Boys, Women and Children. "You seem to bave no doubt on that she made the at·oompt, hub her eyes were "But one of th eiie d11.;ye," he continued, " we will chl).in IMl that- the falls of Niagara ecore," the rector's wife had replied, in a blinded against his coat sleeve. ' voice which was dryer than the sm;Ie that I know ever so much a better way to use as well a.a the winds-and that will be the accompanied it, Mrs. N elson hl\d what my arm than that," said Boughton, suddenly millennium · . _ might be termed a well·irrigatecl mouth poSl!essed of a devil, and he let his arm ,., "P.ri.y, ia it to be soon?" drop at her shoulders, held her so, and kissed Too High. Mis s P 11.ge had laughed at t his, Jliuf.ling her, :I'he new reporter, a young m11.n whose one blue lfanneled arm over the chair in She d id not burst into tears, and re.foe her . whic'n she sat sideways, and Mrs. Nelson riding whip, and give him a smart blow graduating essay, entHled, "The U naeen had shuddersd both at the laugh and ges- acroea the lips, or rail at him like tho libble }forces of Moral P hilosophy," bad been :E)_ ~ ;;a.A. · · ture, which she found unpleasa.ntly in keep- shrew he believed her to be. When she highly complimented by the professor of l'URES~ ST RO NG EST, BEST, ing with their owner 's cropped looks. saw what was about to happen, she meraly botany, took a seatne~r thecity ~ditor's desk. CONTAINS NO "Dear me, no I Goodness, no I I ~hould drew in her pretty lips t o a hard white line "I am d elighted, " said he, speaking to the Alum, Ammonia, Lime, Phospha.tea, t think. not ,t;"' the de}hiquenb h~d replied , over her teeth, and on that hard white line editor, "to think t hat I have so e~aily and OR ANY INJURIOUS SUBSTANCE. ..· .../' heartily. I haven t even an ideal ; but, fell Mr. P hilip B ()ughton's kisa. lb was with so little delay found the work for- which E W GILLETT TORONTO, ONT. ·?~ ofcouree, ho'li.t urn up- theylllWal'sdo, O!d certainly nothing at all like what he had I am will fibtei. How do you like my · · · · onrru.ao ILL. m11..da ara acmdents." supposed it would be, N either wao her sketch, ' Walraven St. Bo:rrie ?' " "It is magnificent," the editor answered, MANUFACTURER OF ! · "Acciden ts !" the rector's w ife hi.d ex- conduct. She stood quietly, lookiniz at him .'l'lIE CELEl!RA'l'FJ) ROYAL YEAST Cl.AXES. cfaimed, i:a a tone which I a.m u nable tc squarely in the R eyes, and drawing en a as he took out t he manuscript. ··your describle. little further her dog·skin gauutkts. diction ia delightful 1md your st yle is capti- - - - -- - -- - -- - -- - - She held up the grev cotton gloves, "Er- you h ave mistaken your way after vating ; and in nearly every line there is a gent le yeti strong r ebuke to the blunt and orna mented wxth wrist-tassela, these last all," she remarked, finally. & haring in the good lady's agitation, Their "How?" he asked, feeling somewhat commonplace writer." My dear s ir," ex claimed the r eporto1', frisky bobbing~ developed a kittenish desire curious and extremely uncomfort-able. iir Miss P&ga to seize and secure them. She still looked qufotly at him, while "you chM'm mi:i." "For insbance, " said the editor, 1 mkina no H ow delightful it would ha.ve heen to settling her cuffs and pullinv. forward t he notice of the reporter's enthusiasm, "ycu "se.y observe the face of theit wearer had she billy-cock hat. · done so. "Er- you have behaved like a beast when that W alra.ven located in this 11orLion of t he - - MANUFA C'.rURER OF- Misa P ago did not always control hereel} you should have behavec l like a gentleman," country." "Yes; do you like the way I express it ?" so well a~ on this occl\sion, h owever. She ~he r~plied, nlmost sulkily. "Good afkr"I am delighted. Some writers- old yielded to her inclinatione without atint noon." And she turned about in t he other KING STREET, BOWMANVIJ,LE nob w:ifr£ quently. direction and walked off with her lame Pinkney, out there, for iusbanoe- would have said bha.t W a.Iraven settled in this parti 11 now on hand a numl> e~ or voh lol8· (and ls manufacturing B great many mor One of vbese events t ook place not long horse, patterns and best finish, which I am offering for sale at t he lowest prices consi Sten after the visit of the reotor's wife, and that He had no one but himself to thank for of the cou ntry." with due regard t o workmanship and quality-. The t ollowlng l a a li5t ot .,.,.,.__...,,,,.,,.,,.,.,,,.,,,,...--== was when t hf) rector's sen propoe ~d t[l her. all t his, but that! did not in the le~at miti- ··Yes, I see, He d oesn't understand t h e principal vehicles manufactur ed b:v roe W ilPn I say cunE I do not mean merely to ['hie gentleman wae a pretty little person- gate his violent indignation. To be ca.lied rhetoric very well, does he ?" "Oh, no, .not at all. Here is another .stop them for <t time0nd then have them return lll!'e, with tho physique of a t<>ler1\bly well· first a "dandy, " and then 1~ "beast," in less Double Covered C a rriages ........................ ............................ $150 U p ward i; a,~al.n. I MEAN A ltADIOAL < JOHE. sculpt ured snow-man . His orange-colored than twenty minutes, by a very pretty excellent point," said the ed itor, turning S in gle Phretona................................. ................................ 100 11 I btwc made the disease of hair surmounted his orange colored e~rc with young wom1 m, la not calculated to add to the leaves of the manuscript. "You say Open Buggy ............... .. ... ................................................ 70 :E'ITS, EPII.1EPSY or a pinion-like atiffaese, which suggested the one's enjoyment even of an Albermarle that Walraven went to a hardware establishTop Buggy.......... .............................................................. 90 FALLING SICKNESS idea of a pa.Ir of Mercury -like heel.wings scene in the flush of a November sunset. ment and procured a rifle." D emocrat \Vagon.................. .............................................. 65 ":I'hat 's good, isn't i t r· having aprouted !n t hewrongpla.oe. He had And, by George I if one wasn't to k iss one's A life. Jong study. I WARRAN 1' my remedy to Lumber Wagons..... . .. . ... ................... ............ ...................... 55 ".1!1rat-class. Old Pinkney would have -Ou Jrn t he worst cases. n eca.use others have failed orange·colol'd eye-brows, above little dark cousin, who was one to kiss ? Ligh t Wag on............... . ..................................................... 40 Doughton was actually more furious than said tha t he went to a hardware store and is no re:.1 .sou for not now receiving a cure. Send blue eyes, like raisins set into hie pudding at onec for a treatise and a FRRE BOTTLE of my f&ce, and bis orange-colored bee.rd grew one lie remembered t o have been in the whole bought a rifle." JN~·'ALLI Bf,E JtE;MEDY. (,five Express and .Post way on one eide of bis face, and anot her way ooune of his life. "That's because he is crude in his man· Skeleton ..................................................................... .. ... , 50 ~!ficc. I~ costs you D()t.hl.,!1$ for a trial, and it As for Judlth- well, I really do not know ner of expression, ian'b it?" 'l\1 ll cure )OU. Address . .1:1.. G . ROOT.1.M.0. 1 on the other, as though its ownerwerestan.dSulky............................................................................... 4iJ Q how to write oonoerning Judith's state of '.Bra nch Ofii.cG, 164 West Adelaide l::ltree;, iog in a perpetual draught. "Assuredly. And again you say t hatWa.1Possessing superior facilities t or manufacturing oarr!11<ges, I lntena t o sell ver:v cheap r :I'oronto . But neitheL " a man's personlll appearance, mind, It may perhaps be most concisely ra.ven p l\rtook of refreshmen ts. " or approved credit, and b:v so doing I hope to greatly incr ease my number of sale· w" .......,._,.~Slm!l~~Dlifi1Jll!!l!:!l!illm.illllllll!.:l!lliimlllll!lll nor the foot of h is being a rector's ~on, can expressed by saying that, had she been in "How does ib strike you 7" soil the wood parts on l:v, or the gea.dngs ot buggies ironed, ' on hav e any appreci11blo effect upon his love t ne place of Ler Jewish namesake, and "Way up." ,.. ·-·-~-· · -· ·----- --~--- -··· · ---- - affairs (eo far as he himself is oonoerned). Boughton in t he eandala of Holofernes, she '"What wand Pinkney b ave said?" ['bus it chanced that Timotheus N elson be- would have secured his hel\d with decided " Oh, in his vulgar way be would h l\ve came enamored of the hoydenish Mies P age, feeling of satisfaction. said that Walnven ate supper or luncheon, .A.t the Shortest Notice, Painted and Trimme d If D esired, and proposed to her. It was bad enough · Judith had never'been kissed, 'lnd had had or something of t hat sort." At the Factory I also do P laning, Matching, Turning ann Sawing with Circle Band until he got down on his knees. Judith a. charming "nd romantio fancy that the man "I wonder that he does not learn better," Saw,.. and prepare all kinds or lumber for carpenters nd others tor building purposee, Ornamental and P lain Pickets for fences in every style reoulred, made t o order. could not s tand tli.a.t, and so down she went who married her should be t he only man to said the r eporter. on her knees a lso, just opposite him, and kiss her. Now Bough ton had dashed' t his "H seeme t hat he should. By t he way, said, as well aa she could for laughing : pretty ideal to bits, and broken the cha.rm, we cannot afford to use this sketch. I " Plea.se get up." and polluted - yes, polluted, Miss Page t old too high for our readers." You may be sure he did so with alacrity, herself- with violence, her so long cheriah'ld "What must I do with it?" He did more- he got up metaphorically as lipa. H!a mustache had scratched her nose, "Bdng ih out in pamphlet form and sell well, and remained from bbat t ime In a and whether one turns one's lips in over one's it en the oampus." These r eady Mixed Paints standing p o5ition, teeth or nob, a kise is a kiss, and she would " That's l\ good idea ; I'll do ib. Shall I He admitted th11.t very night what he oould be q nits with him, go ont now i>nd· write something?" are no chemical combination never be perr:iuaded to even so much as listen J udith'e face was decidedly wicked as 11he "No, old Pinkney is covering the ground of benzine or soap mixture, t o before : namely, that for young women to ma.de this last announcement, and there waa pretty well. You m11oy go to the county but are simply old-fashioned paints. apply scissors to their hair is as unseemly ~ ever eo much more red than brown in her asylum, though." " ['o write up the abuses of t he institulike application is meritorious in young wide open eyea. They are guaranteed to give better a tion ?" men. He confided to his mother that he (To BE OONT1NUED,) Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the results than any other paint. "No, t o stay there until we send for you. had once met Miss Pl\ge riding a.long upon Good· bye." · the highway, and thau she was whistlin g. .1,IVE.R, STOMA.CD, KIDNEYS AND BOWEr ... s. Ho went so far as to- etAte that with The Secret of Hea.Ith. h er mouth in tha.t unfeminine pooition T.h ~"'i;, invigora.t e and r tBtore to ha1.1.lt b JJeb;litated Constitutions, Editor Stone, of The New York Journal of D~n'b worry. he considered her positively plain, are 1avalu11iblein all O.nnpfatn+.s lao!dti11 t a v ~ ema1es of all A. ~es, [{' il Don't hurry. ":foo swifb arrives as tardy Commerce, hss not taken a d!!.y's rest from and concluded by abating tha.b fluen hair routine work for t hirty years. He has not Ohlldren and the aged t hey are prlceles11. worn in d5mura bands on either side of a as too slow." "Simplify I Simplify I Simplify I ' . mie~ed a day all bill desk ainoe the d eath of flaxen oountonanoe was a. sight at once Don 'lJ over -eat. Don' t l!!tarve. " Let your his wife. Ha has nob been sick once since he refreshing and ennobling , after having lookbegan editorial wo1·k, He recent ly gave hie ed for any le11gth of time upon crisp brown moderation bo known to all men." r ecipe for retaining perfect health in journa- n i n falllb l ~ n n i l v f i t· 8~ 1 (. ){ s, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds SM Oourb the fresh air day and night . "0, curia, and a. face that changed as often as rind Ulcers. It le famous for G out and Rhe uma tism. For disorders ti. listic labors. It r an thus : -"Plenty of if you knew what was in the air!" an autumn sunset. - Oheat it has no equal. exercise, plenty of sleep a11d plenty of relig Sleep and rest abund1mtly. Sleep is Boughton did not In the least recognize ion.' For S ore Throats, BroncJlitlis, Uougbs, Colds, h er. He had not seen her since t he da.ys oi nature's benediction. Spend leas nervous energy each day than Up to last W ednesday evening no lees than white frockll and blue shoes and socks, when Gl.l1.ndular Swellings, and all Skin D iseases it has no rival· an :l you ma.ke. 556 tu.lesmen had be:?n ex r.mined in the weariher hair had been a prebtv tan color, and one contracted and, B tiff joints It acts like a charm, ' Be cheerful. "A light heart lives long. " some efforil t o seoure a jury in the Cronin of h er fror..t teeth mieaing. He hesitated a momant, and then reined trhink only healthful thoughts. "As a. man case in Chica.go. trhe defence had e:x. haueted SALESM E N to soil sevent y and the S tate fifty peremp tory chalNursery Stock, .All up and asked if he was or was nob mistaken thlnketh in his heart, so is he." M a nufact ured only a t THOMAS HOLLOW.A.Y's Establishment, ~' Goods Warr a n t ed in ta.king t he gate to the left the one " 8eek peace and pursue it." lenges, El\ch side is allowed one hundred, FIRST- CLASS. Per" Work like a man ; 'but don 't be worked so t hat it iB probable that the fight over this 7R, ~ ":"M O:XFO'P,,11 !lfREET, (late 533, OXFORD ST-P ,~E'.l'), I.OR .iJq ?J manent. pleasant, proJUable positions for the that led into the Carylon farm. She stage of the proceedings will continue for And " " e 80 ·.cl at 111. lid., 2s. 9d. , 411, 6d., lls., 22s., and 33 ., each Box or p 1-!ght menJ Good 6lllaries and expensoo p11ld nodd ed and said that it was. Then he saw to death." ·weekly. Liberal inducements to beginners, that her horse was lame, and jumping down, Avoid passion and excitement. A mo· aume time yeb. lt would be difficult to fi nd ma;v be ha.d from all M e dlolne Vendorsthrougho at t h9 World , r No provioua experience neoeasarv. Outfit t ree. ment's anger may be fatal. stronger evidence than t his case affords of Wriw fo1· term31 giving ego. CHARLES H. asked if he could not a.ssist her . She thank· Associate with healthy people. Heruth the necessity for some change in the jury ed him, and said no, t ha.t she thought he CH.A Slll, Nurserymen, Hochester, N. Y. er Purchasers should look to the label on t he Pot s and B<exe.1!, If t he addross[is not syBtem of the U.ultcd Stataa, Msn tion this pape1-.~ ....... S7;8* cotllc1 not ; and then yielding- after the is con tagious a.a well as disease. 6~ DOORS, SASH, BLNDS, MOULDINGS, Dried. ·- ----~-------------..l I j and other Factory Vlork all Kiln l · AFuRStock always o nhand. . Call and Examine. McClellan 4- Co., BOWMANVI LLE, sole ag·ents in this locality for TRENTON, ONTARI G-ILlY.COUR&co_ I VI will be found in his old shop, next door aoor to Express Office, BOW-MAN VI LI~E, where he keeps constantly on hand LARGE I A & COMPLETE AssoRTM~NT Coarse and Fine CREAM Bo1JJts Shoes V'JCEL PD KI 6 " Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Special attention given to Repairing. ER I I HAINES~ CARRIAGE "WORKS I CURE FITS! GEORGE C. HAIN ES, Proprietor, OARRIAC ES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 All Kinds of Vehicles Repaired HEALTH FOR ALL! THE PILLS TH.E COOK'S BEST FRIEND D UNN'S KINC WDER THE OINTMENT l of WA NTED

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