PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 7th.. 1926 U. F. 0. NOTICE1 TYRONE ENFIELDr Providence Fax-ers' Club will Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett of Tor- Mr. Chas. Simpson was re.elected meet in Shaw's School-house on onto, spent New Years with Mr. and trustee. Tu day, Januany 12, 1926. Ail Mrs. W. H. Halfacre. Moaday to Wednesday was much mi bers requiring coa! notif y the Holiday viistons: Miss Fîroence like a Januany thaw. il ensigned. Gardiner, Oshawa, at home; Mrs. Mns .Edgar Prescott i-, convales-. R. Z. a,;, Earl H. Osborne, James Bahl and family ,Orono, ývît cing fnorn an attack of influenza. President. SecnetarY. ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Vir- A baby girl anived at the home of BLACKSTOCK tunned te Centrev-iew, Miss Viola M.TlaeTyo' nDc 6 "ue Short to Bobcaygeon and Miss Hazel Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oriniston, We extend to Mns. John Forder Hodgson te Norwood te continue Miss Myrtie Ormiston, Mr. Hoskin our sympathy on the death of her teaching; Miss Dorthy Walker, Smith and Mrs. N. Snmith attended mother. teacher, back from a picasant disit the Smith-Ventress svedding at Bob. Mrs. J. J. Jobb is vi3iting bier witb ber parents at M.Neaford; MJs caygeon. brother, Robert Knox, who is sen-, Mary Richards, Unionville, .st hc;me; Visitons: Mr. and Mns.. Wilson, iously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Horatlo HuIs spent Lindsay, at Mr. M. Gilroy's; Miss We extend te Mr. and Mrs. Lorne New Years witb is sister~, Mrs Irene H. Bray and Mr. R. Wortbirg- Giffin our deepest sympatby on the Ralph Stutt. Orono; Mr. and M 1r z. ton ,Toronto, at Mr. S. Bray's, Broe, death of thein foun-months baby son. Byron Moore with Mr. and Mrs. side; Miss Myrtle Hobb';, Toronto, at Th* young people of the Anglican Jabez Moore, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mr. J. Hobbs'; Mr. and Mrs. Len. Church, Blackstock, pnesented thir mMns. Sbem-ood Rundle, Grace Pnd Bradley and famiiy, Nestleton, at '.%I play "Chanlie's Aunt" on New Years Jean, Bowmanville ,with 'Mrs Eli- Bert Ferguson's; Mr. and Mrs. H. night in the Town Hall, t wa.s well zabeth Wight on Sunday; Mis-s El,,.a.i- Stinson and Mr. Norman .Stinson acted and cauc-ed much laughter and or Wilson, Toronto, with ber (ousios, with Pontypool fnicods; Miss L. the hall was well filled. -Misses Evelyn and Mac Brent; Mr. Cowling, Purple Hill, at Mr. James Irving Clemens, M.%ontreal, ivith his Parr's; Miss Merle Stinson and Miss While Messrs. W. Taylor and J. fathen, Mr. A. W. Clemens...... Jean Mark at Park Hill. Ruledge were returning fnom Port School had an attendance of 82 on Perry Wednesday evening they saw Sunday with a better that Mr. Redman's baro, Scugog Is- church than usuaL. Ail enjoý cd HAMPTON land, was on fire. They rouw-cc Pastor Down's sermon, giving good him fromn bis sleep and succeede,.I in advicc for the New Year; aIse the MnadMr..F.Cde at puttîng eut the fiames thus savln.athm ung oMr. Leguatnd d afmily C.gFtbern at te the barnoand contents. jprngnamaThunsday was prepancdthe, ________________ preare hyhome of Mr. Wragg, Newtonville, on, Mis-, Evelyn Brent. A splendid talk Christmas. HAYDON on "Thoughts suggested hy the pacs Toefn rs amnlk o ing of the Year" was given by 'Miss Toefn rs amnlk o Holiday visitons: Mr. and M rs. j Hazel Hodgson. Mse lrencelue ogt a o ehda Pearce and little son Cifford of, and-May Gardiner favoned w. a'Hon smsoe.fls atigt prsies Saskatchewan, at Mn. James Cross; piano duet and Mr. Stanley Paynean oefihtrgtpics mnan's; Miss Dora Mount joy, Oh-ý gave a good reading on "A Happyl Miss M S. Waugb, Mn. and Mrs. awa, holidaying witb relatives bere;ý New Year". A. J. Wragg, Mn. Oswald Wragg of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Giffler, Mrs. JohnI Newtonville, and Mn. Bob Wragg, Rutledge and Miss Effie. Salem,_Mn.i Albert College, Belleville, speot New an dMns. Win. Challis and daughter jNIKLE Year's day with Mn. and Mns. C. F.' Phyllis, Town, at Mn. Theron Mount-ENIKL N Corden. joy's; Mn. Cecil Slemon with fienle Mr. Arthur Brunt is visitîog in Visitons: Mr. and Mrs. C, Clem- in Toronto over the weekod; Mr. Rochec-ter, N. Y. ens ard daugbter, Oshawa, at Mrn. and Mns. Milton Slemon and sons Howard Cole's; 'Miss Lottie Challis, with Mrs. C. Johns, Hampton; Mîr. Miss Maudie Ashton spent New O,ýhawva, witb bier sister, Mrs. H. andMrs J Miunjoy EnisillnYear's with friends in Oshawa. Wilcox; Mn. and Mrs. R. Metcalf and Mn. and Mrs. J. Cnossma'i at Mn. Mrs. Wm. Herring is visiting ber and children, Base Lins, at Mn. A. Elgin Mountjoy's; Mn. and Ms C. daugbter, Mr,. W. Wotten, Union. Tnenouth's; Mn. and Mrs. A Martin Briggs, Toronto, Miss Rilda SIsmin, Mrs. Gordon Jeffeny spent New and family, Bowmanville, at Mrs. E Bowmanville, Mn. L. Mountjoy, Nest- Year's at ber home in ,pexigog. Martin's; Mn. and Mrs. F. K. Kens- leten, spent Christmas at Mn. Thos. Glnd the young cbild ren ýVho, lake and Miss Reta ans spending the Slenion's; Miss Rema Bradley vis- have biad meaeles are able to attend winter with their son, Dr. E. G Kens- iting cousins at Enfild. .. Mn. Win. scbool agaîn. lake, at Orono; Mn. EF. L. William- Trewin is necovering fnom an nttack Suoday Scbool and Cbunchi notice:1 son bas retunned home fnom Wood- of quinsy... .Haydon youne people ville; Mn. J. B. Hern and son CIiff- are busy pneparing anothen play te S.S. at 10:30 a. m. and preacbing ord, Peterboro, and Master Donald lie presented later. .Sunday flhurcb service at 7 p. m. Hood at Mns. Chas. Horn's .... Mn. service at 2 p. m. Pastor J. W. Down Mr. and Mrs. Hoski'o, Cobourg, Albert Martin bas been engaged as in cbarge .... .Mr. A. Beecb and Mn. andi Mn. and Mrs, Sopen, KensIal, janiton for the Public Sebool.. A. Stainton aVisting with music at visited at Mn. James Bradley's. Mn. and Mrs. Enoch Stevens visited a social funiction at Pontypool ne- Mn. and Mns. A. W. Herning, thein daughten, Mrs. Elmner Boyd, ia cently. .. School is again in action 'King's Castie', Oakville, Sundayed Toronto, who is veny ill with Mns. Homan of Pont Hope, in at bis fathen's, and called on fiends_______ charge. bore. Mn. Milton Tamblyn, Orono, vis- CARD 0F THANKS COURTICE ited his mother at Mn. Win. Stain- _______ton's. Glad te report Mns. Tamblyn Mn. W. W. Hern, Hampton, dec-in- Mn. Harry Osborne, South Beid s ome betten. es te thank aIl bis customers and f has returned home aften spendiog Boys and girls of this section ewe friend s for thein generous patronage the holidays witb bis parents, Mn. heanty tbanks to Trustees and col during the past year and bopes te . and Mrs. R. E. Osborne. Miss. Inspecter Col. E. E. Saider for the' menit by fair dealing and honest Dorie Countice, Toonto, spent Sun- way in which tbey are se ably tny- pnîces a continuance of thein trade day at Mn. Charles Osbone's... .Mr ing te erect a new Public School. during the corning year. Wishing ail the compliments of and Mrs. Elmer Rundle, Teronto, Misses Ella and Susie Flett and the seasori. spent New Year's day at Mn. A. E. Messrs. Ed., Joe and AIex. Flett,_______ Rundle's... .Misses Ethel and Don- Cartwright, Mn. Billett, Reta and othy Brooks, Tononto, wene witb Mn Fred Hampton, Mn. and Mrs. Fred SOLINA and Mrs. S. S. Brooks oven the bell- Ellis and Master Fred Thorne ____ day.. Mr. Glen Courtice, New York spent New Yea's with Mn. Wm. Mn. John Baker attsnded a con- City, is home for two weeks' visit Lamb. ference at the O. A. C., Guelpb, on ...Mm. Susan Short celebrated bier Pastor E. M. Cook gave a very in- Tuesday. 9lst birthday on Monday. Mn. and structive sermen on "Pilgrims and Mr. and Mns. S. E. Werry attend- Mrs. R. C. Short, Tory Hill, attended Squatters"", distinguishing taiem as ed the birthday party of bier grand- thie celebration whicb was beld at the progressive man and the loafer. mothen, iMrs. Susan Short, at Court- Mn. John Shot's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Let us ail progress in Christiar.ity ice on Mondny. Short were there aIse and Carl. A te the top of the ladden and not Don't forget the Women's Instit- beautiful birtbday cake was the ad- sit on loaf at the bottorn.ut mein atteboeofMs anorentShote caentost table Mr. Robert Sharp, Springside, Suas Williamns, Tbixrsday, January andMr. Sor wa ale e it t heSask. is visitiag bis father, Mn. An- l4tb. table and enjoy the bounteouq meal dnew Sharp. Mn. and Mrs. Mc-L 1d h wbich was madle attractive on lier Comb and babe Misses Cora andi Ourn eague and unday School aocount. We wish bier more bappyOlvShrTotoMnadMsI chose as their delegates, Mns. E. R. - returns ef the day. Few pensons OieSap ootMr n r.iTyo ndM.Hlo ikt t reacli 90 yeans of age . . Mrs. A. F. Henry and children, Lindsay, Mr nd Taylor d n.Holto inkoat- Rundle and Miss Annie Hoît wene and Mns. Mountjoy and Donald, Hay- 1ted Wîn tingSc oeindaoboung with friends in Toronto oven Sun- don, visited thein parents, MrA- ain. cLarge meeti Mnday ev e-g day .... OurSunday serviies the Missionharp.Kessock Reading, Mrs. E. R. Tay- exceptionally good. Rev. FrankI Sue y onintendtnt Missay Wrny lor; piano solo, Mm. (Rev.) Bick; Langfomd pnencbed morning and iueinedn, Bible lesson, Mns. S. E. Werry; evening. In the mrnni-g he gave, presided. "The Life of One of oun topic, splendidly taken by Rev. J. R. us a very instructive address on the great Missionaries" was rend by Mr. Bick on "Stewardsliip of Life"; solo, Maintenance and Extension l'und. In, Ernest Wenny. Miss Velma Or- Mrs. John Baker. bis nemanks hie pointed out venv chard sang very sweetly "Somebody clearly the responsihility nesting on dida Golden Deed". Miss M ary Newly elected officens of tbe eacb person in helping tn carry onn Walace rend the l21st Psalm-the Young Men's Bible Glass9 are: Presi- this the first year of the United missionanies favorite, dent-Mn. Howard Wonnacott; Vice Chunb ad cone p tethemar. Wenesny eenig LeguewasPresident-Mr. Ernest Deban; Sec-, Churh ad cme p t th mak. ednsda evnin LeguewasTreas -Mn. Clarence Tink; Visiting [n the evening lie prencbed from two: opened by President Frank Dorland. Comttee-Mlessrs. Cha" Shortrîdge, texts, John 7:17 and Philippians 4,! Mn. Orville Ashton, Junior Vice- W. R. Westlnke, Ernest flockaday;1 9zl3 verses. "If any man wiIl do His, President, took charge of the pro- Spo0rt CommitVéeeMessrs. Harold will be shaîl know of the doctrine' gram. Topic "Life of Christ" was Pascoe, Russell Vice, B. Montgom- whetber it hie of God or wbether Il tsken vsry ably by Miss Mary Wal- ey ece-r hs hrrde speak of Myself" and "Those tb-ings lace. Mr. Howard Pye gave se lec- ' which ye have both leamned and ne-, tions on bis gramaphone which were Heartfelt sympatby of the reIn- ceived and beard and seen in me,, greatly enjoyed. Misses Alice Marks tives and friends bers la extended te do; and the God of pence shall be and Phemia Hall gave readingsanaid 1Mn. and Mrs .Ellis Pascos of Brook- wth you". Mr. TLangford's sermon,ý Master Willie Wallace favored withi lin, in the death of theln littie five E wae one that went right ta the bearts a recitation "Since Grandma Cet year old dnughten, Grace, who pass- and ne one could listea te him with-' that Radio".J ed away on Tue-zday monning fol- out seeing plAinly the wny to find:- lowing an operation in Oshawa Hos- God's will concerning snch him or' Il yen ca.n't pay for a thing don't pital. The funenal takes place on ber... .GInd te know Mrs. Mary buy it. If you can't get paid for it, Thunsday at 2 p. lm., from their - Everson Is borne again after baving' don't sell it. Se you will have caln home in Bnooklin. Interment in been in tbe Geopral Hospital, Tonon- days, dnowsy nights, and ail the good Groveside Cemetery. f-, for a fe ees. W. wihh uiness yok-have-no --Ad -non A Adult BibleGlass noffi-ers -are: g, - - ---.. ____ ________ - - Dependable Footwear Reasoftably Priced Men's English Kip Boots, guaranteed solid eather, double soles and full leath- er ined A Shoc fon ieal service ...$7.50 per pair IMen's Military Brown leather boots with sewn soles and rubben heels, qqah $5.00 per pair Woerr's fline black kidî Oxfords ....... $3.98 par pair House Slipers in E. E. titting ....... $1.90 per pair Growlng Girls' Oxfords in patent leather and black calf, with rubber heels .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . $4.50 per pair W. Claude Ives The Home of Good Shoes Bowmanville President-Mr. H. E. Tink; Sec.- Treas.-M, Edna Reynolds; Look- il out ('&mnmittee-Mesdame.s W. T Taylor, T. Baker, S. Williams, W. j Crydernan ,R. J. MeKess-ock, J. T. I Rundîe; Sick Committee-Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe; Flowen Committee -Mn.s. E. R. Taylor, Mr. R. J. Me- Kessock, Miss Edna Reynolds;r Teacher-Mr. R. J.' McKessock; Ai- sistant Teacher-Mr. B. G. Stevens. Recent vsitors: Mr. and Mrs. A- L. Pascoe at Mr. R. J. Luke's, Ked- ron; Mr. Hugh Leask, Greenbank, at Mr. F. Thompson'.s; Mr. and 'Mr-. L. C. Pascoe, Enfield, with Miss Mary Hogarth and Nlrs. R. Pascei; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Misses 11leen ,Muriel and Kathleen attend- ed the "Bragg" New Yean's gather- ing at Mr. W. S. Bragg's, Bowman- ville; '.%. John Reynolds with her Q brother, Mr. John Aldsworth; Mr. andlMî~ S. E. Werry at Mr. Chas. Werry'c, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs L. C. Snowdeo, Maple Grove, at ReeveJ( Baker's; Mr. Norman Van Nest is. holidaying at home; Miss Honora J. Werry St. Cathanine.q, at Messrs. A. L. Pascoe's and S, E. Werry's; Mr Herbert VanNcst, Pittsburg, Pa.,D Mr. Keith Bertnand, Oshawa, at Mr. N. E. Wrigt's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbompson and Miss Marguerite en- tertained aparty Wedoesday even- ing in bonor of Miss Lorraine Thorupson, New York, who is holu. dayin gat horne. AIl report a neal good time.- 1_____lu__ i T. B. Gilchrist-Opposite Bank of Montreal JanuairyClairing Sl 10 Big ]Bargain Days Ail heavy goods and remnants left fromn Christ-mas to be sacrificed at tremendous reduction before stock- taking and to make roomn for new goods. Astonishing Reductions in Men's and Boys' Overcoats and Suits, Sweaters, Underwear, Gloves, Hosiery, Etc. In some cases Men's and Boys' Overcoats reduced below manufacturer 's cost. If You Don't Need An Overcoat This Year Buy Now For Next Year. It Will Pay You. Sale Starts Thursday, January 7th. MEN'S OVERCOATS Our entire stock at three pnicea as fouuows: $14.69, $19.69 $22.69 Any Man's Oven- cents in the store, value up te andi in- cluding $25.00, On Sale $14.69 Any Ovencoat in the store, value up te $30.00, On Sale $19.69 AaRy Ovencoat in the store, value up te $32.50 and $35, On Sale for Only $22.69 Each BOYS' OVERCOATS Heavy Overcoats ail wool, 4 only, size 32, 33, 34 Regular $15.00 On Sale $9.95 Each YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS Snappy styles heavy ail wool, size 35 and 36, Regular Value $15.00, On Sale $9.95 FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS Best qu.ality in natural and white shades. Regular $1.00 each On Sale 79c Each UNDERWEAR W'atson's and Penman's Men's AIl Wool and Menino Combination Un- derwear as follows: Reg. $4.00 for $3.19 Reg. $3.50 for $279 Reg. $300 for $2.39 Reg. $2.25 for $1.69 Reg. $2.00 for $1.48 MEN'S SMOKING JACKETS AUl Wool Englisbi Blanket Cloth trimnied, 2 only, Regular $10.50, On Sale $6.48 Each 1 Only, Smoking Jacicet as above only heavier, Regular value $12.00, On Sale $8.75 WORK SHIRTS Men's Heavy Flannelette Work Shirtis, grey and tan, Regular value $1.50, On Sale 98c HEAVY WOOL WORK SOX AUl Wool, beavy quality, Regular 45e pair 3 Pairs for $1.00 HEAVY WORK CAPS Men's and Boys' Heavy Work Caps with ear bands, Regular Value $1.50, On Sale 95c Each MEN'S UNDERWEAR A line of AIl Wool Shirts and Drawers, Regular $1.50, On Sale $1.19 Each A line of Watson's Shirts and Drawers, heavlest quality, ail wool, Regular $2.00, On Sale $1.37 for each Garment MEN'S FLEECE LINED COMBINATIONS Very Heavy Quality, Regular Value $2.00, Sale Price $1.59 MEN'S SWEATERS AND SWEATER COATS A line of Heavy Quality Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats for good hard wea, Reg. $3, On Sale $2.39 A line 'of fine quality ail wool Sweater ,Coats, shades grey and heather, Reg. $3, On Sale $2.39 Ail other lines of Men'e and Boys' Sweaters and Sweater Coats clearing at 2011 Reduction Men's Fine Sox, Men's Fine Gloves, Mitts, Etc., at 20% Reduction off Regular Prices We will have many other splendid bargains that space wiIi rot permit us to make mention of here. COME EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE. 10 DAYS' SALE STARTING ENDS SATURDAY, JANUARY 16TH. Directly opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 T. B. GILCHRIS' Men's and Young Men's Suits An a211 wool Hen- ring Bons Stripe Suit, sinart young Man's styue, Regular Value $32.50, On Sale and Clearing $25.95 Men's Tweed and Worsted Suits Values Up te $20.00 On Sale $14.95 Values up te $25.00, On Sale $1 9.75 Values up te $30.00, On Sale $23.95 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS AT BARGAIN PRICES $5.00 Shirts for $3.98 $4.00 Shirts for $319 $2.50 Shirts for $1.98 $2.00 Shirts for $1.59 BOYS' REEFER COATS Extra Heavy Quality, ahl wool lined with red twilled fiannel. Regular up to $12.50 and $13.50, Clearing for $6.98 15 BOYS' SUITS Lot No. 1 with 1 pair ' of bloomers, Tweeds and Worsteds, Regular val- ues to $12.00 and $13, On. Sale to Clear, $6.95 Each I/ Lot No. II in Worsted and Tw.,eeds, all seol with 2 pair bloonicrs Regular Values $13.00 te $15.00, On Sale for OrIly l $9.89 Lot No. III ail Weol Iisl Serge (Foxes) guaranteud. Navy Blue with 2 pair of bloonier ew Regular $15.00, O11Sale THURSDAY MORNING AND Every article In tho store gaateed ta giv@ beet satiefactIon. w I s' PAGE PO ri-B THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TRURSDAY, JANUARY 7th., 1926