ýr1 THECAADIN TAESMN.BOWANILE. Tm~TIV 1JTNA£& it eê192 WEDNESDAY HM.LF HOLIDAY We, the undersigned Bueinesa and Prafessicnai men of the Town of Bowmaixviile, agree to close oui re- spective places ot business ta give aur clerlke a halt holiday each and every Weùnesday at 12.30 noen dur- ing the ycer 1926, save and except the. mointh of December or any week on which a public or civic holiday occurs en a Thursday. Couch, Johnstonp & Cryderman Dingman & Edmondstone P. J. Harne Dominion Stores C. &. Maeon W. G. Nelles Ca. W. J. Dudley Edith V. Scobell T. B. Glchrist G. C. Bonnycastle A. Tait Thurston Fur Shop C. L. Brown The Hydro Shop B. G, Chartran R. F. Dinniweii W H. Dustan G. A. Edmondstone F. Knox F. R. Kerslake Haddy & Co. J. C. Devitt A. L. Nicholls E. W. Sisson T. H. Knight W. Claude Ives Mason & Dale C. M Cawker & Son A. Harnden Alex. Elliot Harry Allin S. W. Mason & Son H. J. Babcock Rice & Ca. E. &. Nayior A. Dîllick Agents Wanted AGENTS--Get In a profltable .lI-year commission business of yaur owm. Everyj praperty owmner la a customer of prospect. Nine hundred varleties of hardy lRed Tag Nursery praducts. Cash every week. Complet.e quiprnent amd In- structions free. Write-DOMINION NURSERIES, MONTREAL. 90) STEAMSHIP TICKETS- M. A. JAMES To Europe-Canadian Pacific, White. Star Dominion, Cunard, American, Ask toi information. Phone 5C Statesman Office, Bowmnanville. - ELECTED BY ACCLAMATION On. Haîf of Counties Parliament Return.d Without a Fight. Bowmanville-Reeve, M. J Elliolt Deputy Reeve, W. H. Tihickson. Darlington township--Reeve Thomas Baker; Deputy Reeve, C.A Wight. Manvers township-Deputy Reeve Richardson. Milibrook-Reeve, W. T. Wood. Cavan townehip-Reeve, S. Fal lis; Deputy Reeve, George Hooton Seymour township-Reeve, W.S Grills; Deputy Reeve, Russell Peakf Cobourg-Reeve, Harry McGuire Hamilton townsip-Reeve, W. J. Jibb. Campbelford-Reeve, Chas. Dav' idson; Deputy Reeve, Chas. W. PaI Iliser. IPercy township-Reeve, John Me Cubbin; Deputy Reeve, W. H. Nel- son. Colborne-Reeve, Robt. Snetsing- er. Cramahe township-Reeve, S. A. Clarke; Deputy Reeve, C. L. Mur- phy. CHRISTMAS AT HOME FOR AGEI Christmnas at cau.nties Home far Aged was spent most pleasantly by the seventy aid people there thru the kindly spirit of the superin.ten- dent and matran, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan. A bountiful dinner of goase, vegetables, pluin pudding and pie was prepared for the aid people, and everyane did full justice to the fine dinner prepared for themr. Theý balance of the day was spent quietly. The bouse was nicely decorated for the occasion, and everything pas. sible was done by the superintendent and staff ta. make the day a day of contentment for the aid people. On Monday eveninag the Young People's League of the Division Street Unit- ed Church went out and put on an enjoyable Christmas pragram, which was much enjayed by ail. Other Christmnas remembrances were re- ceived by the aid people, inciuding fifty pounds of tobacco tram a Campbeliford man, whiie ather gifts PO U LTR Y wer received tram tbroughout thre counties.-Sentinel Star. WAN TED!1 SOME ODHLHHIT The Faimer's Advacate conducts a very valuable Healtb Department. The nmre of the doctor wha ans- wers questions andl gives advice in Iamn prepared ta handie you a general way toalal readers is flot stated, but we read wth interest towl thus Fali and will pay the and edification weekly his advice. highet cah pre.. er. is a sample article tram a De- highst csh pice.cember number of The Advocate: The treatinent of Bright's disease Get my prices. betore disposlng can be summed up in this an. sen- of yeur poultry. tence, "Uiv. withim your physiologi- cal eeds". That means that you sbouid mt run your car 40 miles Phane 81, Whitby and reverse uniess there is a real need. If yau have Bright's disease your rnachineiy charge, or drap me a card and 1 must run at a much siawer speed willi corne nlght away. than ordimarily.1 Dan't throw amy sudden strain up- on the body mechanisin. Work iess, worry less, and, most imiportant- eat less. With a damnaged kidney you 1. STEiI are handicapped. A one-aimed mian would neyer make a living "buck- Whieby Ont. ixxg waod". If you wiil give your kidneys work they cao readily do, the 84-tf. chances are that tbey will outasat the other organs in tire body. I do mot need ta tell you what ta eat-rather what yau should mat eat. The great aistake is that you eat too muc-the quantity and mot ---- the quality. If you eat mare than the body eeds, every argan suffers EVERY M ONTH -the stomaoh dta digest it; the kid- IEVERY M NTH noyata get rdof the was-te prod- MAYWME.ucts; theheart topump bood thr Take ZUTOO Ta blets and are# less of everytbing. The exactî fre. of the Grlping Pain and amaount wiIl vary greatly, depemding SIck Headaches. Io n the amaunt of work yau are do-a R«d hatMrs.Wrîht aý 1in g, whether yau are rumning the R.a wht Ma. ngtt y chuin or are eating the, butter, 01 recelved yaur &le of Zu0o ab. whether you are turning the grind- jtst. and taok them for were pan stone or are holding the axe. (monthly) and headache. At the. end of0 So minutes. I wa» cnîireiy fret of pain Another important factor is the I a"d expertenced no mare throughout the amount of outdoor sunshine you arem perlod. 1Isuffer a grost deai nt ticac timct getting. If you are indoors aIl day and feol gis teful that I have a remedy long bebind glass wbhich shuts ont3 whlch affords qulck reitaf. Evezy wamao those vaIuable ultra-violet rays, do- il du gla, land ahoald know about Zutoo ing the saine aId tbings, 21 meals a rr Tabtata and whst they wllldo." week, saine diabes, saine brooni. Mms. 4LLEN WRIGHT, Pulford, Que. same clothes, sane husbamd, you 1 O amnot be a "Sumny Jim" ail the T A KE ZUT OO ime. You cannot buin up ail the, C _______________________food you eat. And this extra to d t, that is mat burmed up actsalamastc E hke a poson-makes you dul and tîred and even batefui. KNOW EDGE If you were autdoors in God's IhtÎe on and old yourseif, happy and healthy. *alike neej vitamins to as-. Woxen and children fli the dorr- 3sure growth and bealth tor's office anid the husiab&n.laista = in ai the usefulnms blanie. Re daca mat let bis wife n« oi~~1f oI doo~r. h 5-be yfrtrmoman- ingtonihtjust t at get caugbt On Up with ber work. Buy a present for your wife-.-nything thnt wil Scoff s [i Isi make ber work leus, because doctor of invigorating cod-Iiver expensive than a mew washing mas- -oiL It is a ricb, vitamin.* chine or a new churm. activated food-tonic that The wife then couid have an out- p romotes growth and dear ;hobby --- hickens..and she builds strength to re- would have the egg maney; or a fresb the rundown vegetable garden and then every- stem.Ask or ~ body would get thei share of vita- ste. slfo mins and minerais or a fiawer gar. ,.vcotts Emulsion! dem and that wauld give you a iscott & Bôwne. Toronto. ont. 237 glimPse of Heaven. The patient - ....,..I with Brigbt's disease needs the out.. door sunsbine more than the per- - - ----fectly hcaithy persan. Cýoo1s Rgulaing ornpund A fairly safe mile about eatimg is tihis: Eat emough but mat amy more Asafe, reliabla ,egutaiîng than will keep your weigbt the sarneL ,nedicine. Soid in three de. as it was when *you were 30. Why w gre of strength-No. 1, $11 t' No.2,83 No. 3. S5 Pr box. do I amy 30 instead of 20 or s0mie g4 1;î Bod b I druggiats or tnt oter age? W hem ouaie 30y as I Vreeel1pamphlt. Addreâs: aid, you have îeached maturity. You IIE COOKMEDICINECO., are as tai! as you ever wili hc, per- y4 TouONto,NT.FormeryWndaX, haps taller because train then on kE you wili tend ta become niai. and more stoaped. ac -SPHOSPHODINE.' At 30, you have reached yaur max- 77le Creat Engtish Preparatuin. imuin weight. From 30 on, yau V. Enrossse.mln e io dmtgtTones and invgarates the whoie should ny g t atter but, if amy. re in oid Veins. Used for Nervous tig it~tmnr eebr DepndnDeblity. Mental and Drain Wory thçre is only anc exercise you need, ai ZWohe , ' ' Loo Ener*Pliaino if you wamt ta keep thin. Exercise V( teeraigme y PricceP bxP o ugh will-powert bv ak r (or $5. 2Soid by al druggists.or malcd inpi i~n Oert bv bck r p&g.on recel»; af puce. Ngais'mphlet mai y our chair when you are half-way ev à Ç MWOU *M vcCig o_of»om'om.thraugh yaur meal. fil i<deg,whcnLydiaE. Pinkham's seherd theauh mecessity, huf ni egtheCompound wili give you gtngme by choice.uti -ief? In Killin there are two churches,l kick< In a recent cauntry-widc canvass bath Presbtycriam. Ono of thein,1 )fpurchuscrs of Lydia E. Pinkbam's which they caii the Eatablished Pr, etable Compound, over 250,000 Church, is over 300 years Id. Ali of r plies were receiyed, and 98 out of though bis church-gaing habitýs muatW very 100 reported they were bene- oi mecessy lavp coat the Scotchman ardi ed by ita u»d. c some rnoney, stiii bis aid instinots embar 1 PERCY HARE REMEMBERED A GLIMPSE OF THE HIGHLANDS it Presentation on Leaning Collin's By Sam Brown in Farm and Dairy Bay. Note by the Editor-We have tt, From the Kingston Standard of neyer met an intelligent individual December 17, we take this article wbo wasn't interested in hearing or e, referring ta Mr. Percy Hare who reading about travel in the Scottsh A.was recently pramoted ta bie Station Highlands and other places of in- Master of Canadian National Rail- terest in bonny Scatland, 50 we pass e, way at Newcastle: an Mr. Brown's very interestingi About e-ixty frienda and neighbors trayel talk ta aur readers with fuill gatbered at the home of Mr. and credit ta Farm and Dairy of Peter- al- Mrs. Gea. Clark on Momday evening bora. in. ta bld farewell ta Mr. and Mrs. Percy S. Rare and son Jack, who are leaving Altbough I knaw that not ail the ke Collin's Bay for Newcastle, Mr. readers of Farin and Daîry are of re. Rare bhaving accepted a better posi- Scottisb parentage, stili I think that J.tion as Station Agent at that place. the majarity of tbem are interestedý A very pleazant evening was spent .nough in aid Scotland ta put up with' i.- in gaines and dancing. After refresh- a few words tram me again in con- l- ments were served Mr. and Mrs. nectian with my wanderings through Hare were called ta the front and that part of the country that gaes c- presented with a beautiful electric by the name of "Breadaibane". I.- flaor-lamp. This address was read Wby aur grandfathers left such a by Mr. H. R. Clark: beautiful district as that which sur-I 9- Mr. and Mrn. P. Hare--Dear rons Loch Tay, and tbîough which Fniends-It was with regret we te Dochart and the Lochay rivera >4heard a short time ago that you run, I can't understamd, unless it was r-were about ta leave us ta take uap because they couldn't live upon scen- lite in a new district. Your go- ery alone and were campelled ta ing tram aour midst rabs us of true miove ta where they had beard there friends and neighbors. We feel that was something ta eat. Di words cannot express how greatly I must admit that the sides of Ben your presence will be missed nat Lawers and the other mountains in )r nly by each one but by the commun- the neighborhood don't look as Y!ity as a whole. It would bc impos- though a fariner would find bis for- Msible ta enumerate the ma'xy deeds tune there, but thero is Pasture for i- of kindness you have bath dame for1 sheep on these hbis, and many hum- usdring the past two yeara. You dreds of these «'black faces" did W. )f have prven yourselves active work- see nibbling the grass wherever it d ers in. bath church and social affairs, wvas ta bie foumd. Dgiving v-our time ungrudgingiy ta Sa high, exposed and rugged la the *e the service of the public on every country that there la just this mnet e occasion; we have always found you breed of sheep that can live there9 7kind and courteous, willing ta offer for amy length of turne. Sheep can't ,a helping hand whenever needed and live upan scenery cither, sa only tle1 ;- we teel keenly the tact that y'ou are hardy breeds survive. leavng u. Aong he eopl ta Killin is a smali town situated at fwhom you are going you will 50011 the point where the River Docbart1 nmake many steadfast friends but 6. awe hope the bonds of friendship built runs into Loch Tay, and the sur-r up btwee us erewillneve berounding country, for a distance of up bet nwe u r. ill e yut e about twenty mile s, is called Bread- broken andiwekwouldblikeuyou taafeec hthat in future you shah alway-à be oalbane. I is known b orsand rwelcome in Collins Bay. btesa ivi raabn" We fel t wuldnot e rghttoiIt is the aId home of the Camp. alWe feel told flot e iht ta -beils, the MacNabs, the McIntoshes alloin you tal bewtbashtw tr-and other Scottish families. In ingin om siaî wa tashw ar act the Killin War Memorial, erect_ appreciatian of your good work. It ed to the memary of the men of Kil. h is for this reason we have gathered lnwode nFac uigtt here this, evening. As a token af our lnwode nFac uigti dee afecton ndregrdwe eg great war cantains the. mes. of 0 taepaffccethis gnd- ogd ehe oftwenty-five soldiers, every one of b you oacp hsgf oehrwt which is as typicaliy Scotch as the a the best wishes of ane and ail for a heew av ytind happy and prosperous future in your A motor dive etook thouh new home.A oodrv eto hug n Mr. . C Brtt adethepreen-the Breadaihane country was one of Mai. M .Bltmd h rsn the most pleasant and interestiig g taton.experiences in aur visit to Sctland. a Mr. and Mrs. Haie in a few well1- Leaving Killin, wbere the Dochart 9g chosen words showed tbeir apprecia- spiashes down over thre roughest and W' tion of the beautiful gift and regret- rackiest river-b.d I ever caw. we Y' ted their departure tram the dis- went for a short distance along the trict. shores of Loch Tay and then turned ir off into a road that took us aver the fi Mamy infants are infested by Argyll hilis in the direction of Glen ci warrns which cause great suffering, Lyon. ei and if flot promptly deaft wîth may Froin the highe-st point on this t cause canstitutiomai weaknesses diffi- road one imagines that they can sec hu cuit ta remedy. Miller's Worm ail Scotiand, or pretty near it. Ai.. Powders wili clear the stomach and great part of the twenty-four mile baweis of worms and wiillSO act length of Loch Tay is visible, and w upan the systein that there will be mnountains apparently humdreds of no recurrence of the trouble. And miles away. The his near at ha-id te mot only this, but they wili repair were purpie witb heather, and what to the injuries ta the organs that worrns level stretches of country we went m cause and restare thein ta soundncss. over were covered a foot deep with us moar gras-s and "bracken". Ith Coing dowm the other side of this ai IS YOUR CHILDi range of his we came inta Glen Pl 7Lyon, anc of the mast beautiful spots THIN AND 'WEAK? in the Highlands. Foilowing the ai Lyon River we soon came ta what BI Cod Liver Extract in Sugar la, calied "McGregor's Leap", the ye Put ~ rocky gorge which Rab Roy McGreg- thr Coated Tablets Pt n or la said ta bave jumped' across as leý Flesh and Builds Themn Up h.e was being pursued by saine of bis a _______enernies-. From one ledge of rock In ju.st a few days-quicker than ta the other it's a goad twenty feet, of you ever dreamt af-these wonder- 50 no one is compelied ta believe th, fui heaitb building, fiesh creat:ng the stary if they are mot sa, inclined, Pr tablets calied McCoy's Cod Liver althaugh such iumps are possible, ha Extract Tablets wili start ta help The next item of interest was the Du amy thin, underweight little anc. remains of an aid 'Roman bridge, bie built when Scotlamd was firat in- frc Atter sickness and where rickets vaded by those ancient enemies of ch, are suspected they are especially bers. On every hand there are oat pbeopek htta h sigms of the "brave days of aid", bel Moesofteol y od hfisb v tamiewhen fighting was the main busaines ml lieof the ia lasa care ex ta es of lite and anythimg else onmly a, gui ofte is cas-aeexrcedtemeans ta that end. s.: kind that heip aIl feeble under- A little further an we stopped ta, twý weigbt mem, women and children. view what is, perhaps, anc of the thiý Try these wonderful tablets for oldest tresith ol. I 4acn 30 dys nd f yur fail puy cildyew tic., right besidfe the main bigh- haé lon't greatly benefit-get your way thiaugr Glen Lyon, and geta' Bla maney back. credit for beimg over thi.. thonsand A very sickly child, age 9, gained yer1I.Sa. ir aebe 2 pounds in 7 months. bitudri ospotteba- i Ask any druggists for McCoy'sI bhes, underita supot th ban. whf Cod Liver Extract Tablets-as casy che, adtaoksig ome thmg lb n-of ao take as candy and 60 tabîcts,, 60 I otcjn, t ook ats ge.offseveral o nt.miles north ta the tawm of Aber- o feidy. This is the place that the tbrg paet Burns put on the map when he sur wrote his sang: si RE T RE O"Bannie lasmie, will ye go and GOGOHEAIT wakatnhe r ;o bans f te litti r ____________ TU rive dthe and ron yfthe"iks" ingCe ALJNT'S NEW YEAR ADVICE *'The One Worth While is the On. Who Can Sînile Wbe5 Everythjng Go.. Dead Wrong". Oui good Aunt givA us ail some timely and excellent counsel for the opeping of the New Year which if f-ollowed will do us ail good and help ta make them happy throughout 1926. She writes thusly: My Dear Niece,-You and I often meet people who seem to take life easily, who always appear bright and cheery, radiating optiniism-and we envy them. It is these people that the world will smile ujon. giving back what they give toA i. It is aiways so! what you give out will bie returned to you; give a smile and cheerful word and it wilI be a rare thing if it does not came back ta you, sometimes two-fold. Rut kick and yau will be kicked; growl and growls corne back. If we cultivate a saur and dis- agreeable hab it, becaming eventuaily and habitually disgruntled, the ugly, horrid things will push themselves ta the fore where w. are concerned. This is as true witb regards ta the people we live with or acquaintances we meet-we may dislike thein and yet nat openly show it, but sanie- thing seems ta emanate froin you ta them and an 11-feeling arises, devel- aping into disagreements and argu- ing, and an equal mutual irritation in each ather's campany. 5-o toa, when we liate tasks, or the place we live in, country or town- things, go wrong and neyer seem ta get ahead. When things persistently "go wrong" we ýneed courage ta prevent depressian fromn getting the mastery of us-fron continually kicking us. Because if we d on't take care we %hall lose heart. When things go right it is easy tn amile, and ta be- .1ev. in ail that la good, and back cames the good ta us. Sa we must flot allow aurselves ta be beaten when circumstances are black, or the tasks we dislike are 'bossing" us in their own disagree- able way, for th.en we becomne dis- heartened. Losing heait is the surest source if seeing ail things wrong, and every- body against us, and the whole warld a miserable place ta live in. Soon we become' a wretched bundle af nerves. Do not let the things yau dislike get the upper hand-oust thein with a mile; by sheer mastery you re-' gain your awn self-respect and the world remembers ta s-mile back an 'au. There are sa many thin&s that are icurable, and realizing this we must face them with ail the courage we can cali ta oui aid, not always an easy thing ta do, but weli worth trying. May this New Year be a Phone 153 or 202 M 'on 't allow him to give them up. But the thing of perhops mast in- ,rest in. this little old Perthshire own is Finlarig Castie. A ten ninutes' walk from our hotel took is to it, and, upon ringing a bell at îe gate, we were allowed in by the id keeper who has charge of the flac e. The castie it.self is mores or less )fa ruin, but when it was built by 3lack Duncan Campbell, 300 or 200 7ars ago, it was a stone fortress iat could bld defiance to ail enenr- as, those near at home or from ross the border. The tombs of a dozen generations ,f Black Dunc.an's descendants are here, as well as the graves of the risoners he had captured and then anged or be-headed for when Black )ncan wanted ta add ta his estates edidn't go out and buy the land rom the man that owned it. No ance.1 He simply had the nman brought efore him, charged with 3hesp-steal- Ig or somethin.g like that, found hlm ilty whether he was or not, and ritenced him to death by one of the o ways we have mentioned. Then iis mans land was taken over as npen.sation for ail the trouble he id caused, and becaîne part of lck Duncan's estate. We were shown both the behead- gplace and the old holly tree from ich many a good mnan was swung Finto a world where, it is to bc ped, he got a squarer deal. After examining the different oms in the castie and being taken ough the beautiful grounds that rround it, we were finally shcswn rie of the old groups of statuary A stone figures, that had been rved nobodx. knows how, long ago by wihom. One of these groups, which ir, par- ularly well done, represents Black rican "«skelping", or spanking a «an. It seemns that it was the stom for any of Duncan's ;follow- Swho had a bad wife. in those Ys, to take her to him for correr- n. He knew how to apply the cure ter than the rest of them appar. y, and, judiging bv- appearances, certainly could lay' it on. panking the wives of aill is re- ners must have kept hlm b uiày it was prohably worth while,,aif -aps (lidn't have to bc repeated. - icustom is no longer f*ollowe,(d ýthere, which accounts for thre tI suppose, that Seotlandj is flot ,quite the great country that she ýcould boast of being. ut greater or less, or just as A~e ,ys \vas, Scotland should bc seen every descendant of the "Sons of heather" who la in this country, wùîl as by everybodly else, for the Ler of that. 'e left "lovely Breaîhalane" full regret that aur (lays there had ep sa few, but also full of the ithat some day we -,vould return, stay there until we had c-een ugh of ber bilis and glens, ber ]lands and rivers and lochs, or ithe natives got tired of us and :dus out. 'oteet the chi.ld tram the ravages warms by using Mother Graves' =i Exterminato. It is a stand- remedy, and years of use have inced its reputatien. Bowmanville SOOTFO What is it? Saves fuel, Prevents fires. Geta more Heat. Numerous fires can be traced to the DEMON SOOT, lost heating energy can be traced to the DEMON SOOT, either as a draft dloser or metals clogged with a SOOT SCALE which can only be removed by pulyerizing the SOOT SCALE and strengthening the metals. This can be done by using "SOOTFO". - The longer you delay means energy Iost throukh SOOT CLOGGED FLUES AND CHIM- NEYS. SOOTFO is harmless and is used by throw- ing on the hot fire-this then ignites and goes after the soot. Call and have Sootfo explained. MASON & DALE The Popular Harýdware -Quaity and Right Prico. PHONE 145 BOWMWANVILLE Eat More Meat During the cold winter months for health's sake everybody should eat more meat. The body demands a liberal supply of meat each day to keep you healthy and fit . You will find at our store the largest assort- ment of fresh, cooked and cured meats that wil satisfy the most festidious tastes. Prompt Delivery in Town G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville JACOB'S BREAD BREAD THAT SATISFIES Delivcred fresh daily to your home. Have the wagon call. C. W. A. JACOBS The Candy Shop Successors to Christies Bakery Bowmanvllea PAGE SIX APPLE AND POTATO EXPORT These officiai figures show the large shipinent of apples from Can- ada and U. S. tao ther countries: Total for the week ending December 19 23,179 barrea, 243,994 boxes. Total thus far for the season 1,- 919,998 barreis, 3,192,923 boxes. Po- tata shipments trm nCanada ta De- cember 19th were: Total this season ta date 703,013 barrels, 12,348 haIt barrels, 498,587 boxes. Total last seasan ta December 31, 1924 743,- 658 barrele, 1,356 hait barreis, 457,- 287 boxes. Internally and Externallly it is Good.-The crowning property of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011 is that it can be used internaily for nrany complaints as well as externally. For sore throat, croup, whooping cough, pains in the chest, colic and many kindred ailments it has qualities that are unsurpassed. A bottie of it casts littie and there is ne bass in ai- appy one for you. i_- ý-- 1 Use This Clubbing List The Canadien Stateauma Wilb. clubbed with any of the ifollowing publications fr 1926 et the. ollow- ing prices: Globe.................... .85 Mail & Empire ............ $6.50 Trnto Daly Star ..... .... $6.50 Farmer's Advcate .......... $8.00 New Outlook.............. $4.00 Christian Herald .........1..$4.00 Ladies' Hoem Journal ....... $3.00 Saturday Evening Post ..*4.00 Family Hlerald & Weekiy, Star.$3.0O Weekiy Witness ..........p. .$4.00 Canadian Home Journal ...$3,00 am & Dairy............. $2.50 Farmers' Sun.. . . .. . .$3.50 McLean's Magazine .........$4.00 Canadian Countryman....... $3.00 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JANUAPLY 7tl,- 1 qqit Serous Fuel, Situation The settlement oi the Hard Coal Strike seems a remote possibility. Anthracite Coal is practically off the market. We can ,however, supply your heating require- ments; with Pea Coal, Coke, Pochontas and Do- mestie Bitumous Coal. Let us assist you in these trying circumstances. J. A. HOLGATE & SON 'i g