1A~E FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THUR~DAY, JANUARY 14. 1926 ur ____________________________ -~ -il 'In the Air To-mNight"' STATION se G. Ce' BROADCASTING F rom S. G. Chartran's Clothes Shop, Bowmanvill Men's Clothes, Boys' Clothes and Men's & Boys' Furnishings Tune in Thuraday Morning at 9 O'clock. When This Great Value Giving Event Begins. Every Garment Guaranteeci. No Job Lots or "Seconds". Every Garment Frorn Regular Stock Ail Winter Gooda Must Go. No Matter Wliat You Want Corne to the Store that Always Sella For Less And You Will Find It. Space Will Not Allow Mention of Ail the Goods but RUSH FOR THIS STORE STARTING THURSDAY FOR BALANCE 0F MONTH AND SAVE YOURSELF DOLLARS Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, Penman's, Regular $1.00 for ....................89c Boys' Fleece Lined Underwear, Penman's, Regular 75e for ............................59c Boys' Ail Wool Worsted Stockings, Regu- lar 89e for ...................................69c Men's WooI Work Sox, Regular 35c for25c Men's Ail WooI Work Sox, Reg. 50e for 39c Men's Ail Wool Work Sox, Reg 75c for 50c Men's Ail Wool Worsted Sox, Reg 75e for 50C Men's Heavy l4ackinaw Coats, Regular $9.50 for ..................................$6.W Men's Heavy Sheep Lined Coats, Regular $14.00 for ...............................$1 0.00 Men's Heavy Fur Band Cape, Regular $2,00 for .........................................$1.00 Boys' Heavy Fur Band Caps, Regular $1.50 for.................................... 95i: Men's Work Pants, Regular $2.50 for $2.00 Men's Work Pants, Regular $3.00 for $2.50 Men's Work Pants, Regular $3.50 for $2.75 Men's Flannel Work Shirts, Regular $2.25 for ......................................... $1.50 Men's Blue and Khaki Work Shirts, Regu- lar $1.50 for ...............................$1.W Ail Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats at greatly reduced prices-in fact below Wholesaie Cost Men's Feit Hats, Regular $4.00 for $2.95 Men's Feit Hats, Regular $5,00 for $400 Men's Feit Hats, Regular $6.00 for $3.95 Men's Combination Underwear, Regular $5.00 for ...................................$3.95 Men's Combination Underwear, Regular $3.75 for ..................................$2.95 Men's Combination Underwear, Regular $2.50 for ...................................$1.95 Men's Dress Shirts, Regular $2.50, ail col- ors and sizes, even to Silk Broadcloth at $1 .95 Men's Dress Shirts, Regular $2.00 for $1.50 Men's $25.00 Overcoats for .......$15.00 Men's $30.00 Overcoats for .......$18-50 Men's $35.00 Overcoats for .......$22-50 Men's $40.00 Overcoats for ........$27.50 Men's $25.00 Suits for ..............$15.w0 Men's $30.00 Suits for ..............$18.50 Men's $35.00 Suits for ..............$22.50 Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits, Reg $12.50 for $7.50 3 Boys' Overcoats left, 10, il and 12 year size, Regular $12.50 for .............$7.w0 Men's Ail Wool Underwear, Regular $2.00 for......................................... $1.50 Men's Ail Wooi Underwear, Regular $1.50 for ......................................... $1.19 S. G. CHARTRAN Phone 26I 1 door west of Bell Telephone Bowmanville WORTHY CITIZEN PASSES NESTLETON HAMPTON Robert FiaIding, Bowmanville Mr.-and Mrs. Albert Nairu ( nee Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy bas returned ýBlanche Malcolm), with thefr two home after a pleasant visit with One of Our highly reapected farm- 1 children and Mr. Norman Malcolmn, friends in Toronto and with her ors, upright citizens and worthyl Lemasford, Sask., are visiting their mother, Mrs. E. Brimacombe and uulalibora pased to reat after a long, many relatives and friends around 1 sisters, Mount Hamnilton. ilUnes. con Tueday, January 5, in the 1 her.... Miss Ruby Veale, Toronto Vernon Of Robert Fielding, aged 80 is home with her parents, Mr. anil SALE M years and 4 months. Mrs. A. H. Veale for a few weeks. . ____ Mr. Fielding waa born in Norwich,. . Mr. George Marlow in sick. Hope A high-class concert will be given Pngland, being a son of the latei for a speedy recovery. .. . Mr. Wil.. at Salem Church on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fielding. With; lisa Porteous, Peterboro, spent a January 15 at 8 p. m., including a bis parents h. came to Canada when f ew days with hie son, Mr. Harold draina entitled "Bar Haven", pre- q uit. young living in Clarke town- Porteous. . .. Pleased to hear thru sented by Tyrone Youtng People's So- ahip until nome years atter hie mar- The Statesman of our old friend, Mr ciety, with miusic between acte by M!age with Rachel McClelJ.an. Thomas Swain, that he is hale and Tyrone Orchestra. Don't misa tues Over forty yeavs ago h. and bise hearty .... Mr. James M. Emer.son opportunity of a splendid evaning's family movod to hie farm in the baving returned froni his daughter's entertainment. Admission: Adulte north-east part of the town of Bow- at Gravenhurst is spending a few 25c; cbildren 15c. nanville where h. carrled on favm-i days with Darlington frienda. _______ Ing until about eleven years ago; New officers of Court Nestle.ton1 when ho retired living part of the! C. O. F. are: TYRONE time. wlth bis sister and balance, Past Chief Ranger--J. L. Joblin1 wffth hie daughter, Mrs. H. W. Jew- Chief Ranger-R. W. Jackson Youjng People's League on Thurs- ell, who resides on the. homestead and Vice Chief Ranger-T. G. Wilson day was in charge cf lst Vice, Mrs. where ho passed to rest as above Recording Secretary-H. Thompson Russell Wright. A chapter of Bar- stated. Financial Secretary-Peter Wright bara Worth was read then Miss "i. Fielding pas.edl away about' Ghaplain--J. . Wilson Leverne Burgess as leader took 23 yoars ago. S. Woodward-N. C. Marlow charge. A splendid topic on The funeral took place on Thurs- J. Woodward-P. M. Philp "Does the Condition of Body affect S. Beadle-G. Y. Black Character" wae given by Miss Loia day, January 7th from "Lakeview J. Beadle-D. M. Black Richards. An instrumental by Miss Farra" the. residence cf hi.s son-Tute-.G.hipT..Wlsn Kathleen McCullough and a remding ln-.aw Mr Hebet W Jeel W Hnvy Thompson "Uncle Joe's Easter Thaink-offering" Dervicebeing coDncte byfRet.i Auditors-C. H .Porteous, M. F'. by Miss Mae Caineron. Piano duet D. . es, . .,miiserofSt Emerson by Misses Mae Brent and Mary Paul's Chuvch.1 Janitor-S. Crawford Brigbtwell and the Rol .1..... Mr. The bearers were four nephevs:-: The Canadian Order cf Forester and Mrs. Normam Woodley celebvat- Mes'srs. Adidison Rickaby, Edward' never wa in a more prosperous e" ed their wedding on January 5th by B. Fielding, W. J. Fielding, Abert, tion than at present. entertaining a few frie'nds .... Wom- Chapna.1 en's Missionsry Society meets in the He leaves te mourn the was cf a, Bargains in bats from $1.00 to church veatry on Thursday, January kind father, three daughtevs: Mrs., $5.00 at Dingman & Edmondstone's. 14th. AIl ladies welcome.... H. W. Jeweli and Mrs. Melbourne' Churcb service Sunday at BethesdaI Wight, Bowmanville, and Mrs. J. Saleqi and Tyrone .... .League on i W. Jowell, Buffalo, N. Y., ali cf Thursday in charge cf Missionary. wliom were present at the tuneral;ý AUCTION SALE Vice. Miss Dorothy Walker will alto one brother, Edwavd Fielding,ý continue the. map talk on the "Mis- Toronto; and one sister, Mm. Johni Wednescday, Jan. 2th.-Mr. W. sien Work of United Church cf Rickaby, Orono. Young, Lot 13, Con. 3, Darlington, Canada"..Mi-sionary prograni at Beautiful floral tributes expressed Just south cf Tyran. Station, Middle Sunday Sehool was given by the the sympathy cf relatives and Road, will sel bis live stock and im- "Win One Ciass" cf girls. A frionds being from the faniily, his plemnents, also somne furniture. Sale chorus by the cIa.. and a geod read- brother and sister, W. M. S. of St.! at 1.30 p. m. See Bills. Tbeo M. ing on "Japan" by Miss Edith Cioz- Paul'. Chuvch, Mns. W. E. Jewell. Sîsmon, Auctioneer. 1-2w* ens .... .Junior League met On Mon-1 andi faniily, Mr. Harold and Miss Ed-; ________________ day with assistant president, Missi na JeweUl, Mr. and Mvs. Fred Wight,1 Loia Richards in charge, Miss Adel-1 Mr. and Mns. W. E. Sno'wden, Mr. Soueb, Orono; Mr. W. H. Jackson, aide Annis in chair. Readings by1 and Mra. Kennetb Ccx, Mr. and Mv.. Newcastle; manl Mr. Geo. Hart, Oeh- Francis Thompson amd a song byg W. W. Hendercon, Mr. Donald GaI- awa, and many neighbors and triends Alice Thompscn, Lorna Hooper mcd1 braith, Mr. and Mrs. George Hart' from town and country. Alice Thompson and Lamna Hocp-1 and others..or. Ail eni.oyed an animal contest1 .Among tii. relatives present tram CARD OF THÀNKS . ... Mr. Arthur Richards and sonsj adistance were: Mr .Edward Fitsld-1 Bob and Roy cf Assiniboia, Sask., ing and son Edward B. Fielding,! The family of the late Robert with hie brother, Mr. Thomas Rich-i Mrg. Chas. Cummnig's, Mr. Addison1 Fielding doine te thank il their ard... . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edwardm,( mekév, Toronto; Mn. snd Mr%. W.'Mfnends and nelghbons for their Oshawa, wlth Mr. mmd Mr&. T. Rich-i J. Fie.lging, Port Hope; Mn. and Mra.1 klndneas and symipathy during the ardson on Sunday .... Mr. and Mns.à johnn mclebyv. Mnsd Mn.. Albert Ilneas and death of their father andI Talbert Fndley, Unionvillo, wlth Mr.1 pmaMr. and Mn.. Eben; for the beautiful floral offeringa. anmd Mns. Edward Vrtue.j ENNISKILLEN HEREFORD SALE Mr. Howard C. Orchard, Aplile- 1 The Sth annual sale oftheii Vict. gate, Mleh., ia visiting bis uncle, Mv.' onia County Hereford Brooders As- Frank. C. Orchad .... Misa Lavernei sociation wlll b. held in Fanning's 1Orchard and Misa Reta Power, Town Sale Bancs, Lindsay, Ont., Wednes- spent the weekend at Mv. Fmn C day, January 27th., at one o'clock Orchard' .... Mv. Milton Staitni p. ni. 24 head-17 malos, 7 te- taking in the. Wintev Course at Or- males, inspected hy H. D. Smith, Sec. on.... .Mrs. Knox, Ovono, Miss Jeif- Canadian Hereford Breeders As. rey, Woedbvidge, Mv. Charles Tamn- sociation. Gqo. and'Ted Jackson, blyn, Woodbridge, Mv. J. Brown mnd Auctioneers. For catalogue apply te Mv. John Tamblyn, Orono, were ne- G.c. W. Taylor, Secretary, Bobeay- cent visiter. at W .Stainton's wheve geon, Ont. 2-20 Mns. A. A. Tamblyn is slowly im- pvoving fvom ber necent ilîneas. Mv. Clark. Dorland has vetuvned te Toronto after spending Chriqt- MAPLE GROVE mas holiday. wlth bis parents, Mr. ____ and Mrs. John Dorlamd.......Mbifs Mv. and Mvs. John Snorwden epent Winnie Ashton i. visiting with Tuesday witk tniends in Oshaw.... relatives in Toroto ... . Mr. Gordon Mr. and Mra. Renzo Bebee mnd Mark, Seugog Island, i. visiting his daught.v Bernico, Port Hope, vislted sister, Mns. Orr Jeffevy.... .Mr. Wmn. at Mv. Truman Power's.... .Mr. mcd Mudge i. with Mv. mcd Mvs. Lockyer Mr&. John Sanders, Westmount, ne- wbo have been ilI recently .... Miss cectîy visited ber brother mnd sister- Luella Stevens and friecd, town, mn-bmw, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snowden spent Sundmy at ber hme... . Mr. .... Miss Helen Wovden *Salem, re- mcd Mns. Joseph Topping mnd other cently visltod Miss Marjovie Stevens friends at Mr. and Mvs. D. Buvgmast- ... .Misses Viola mnd Marjovie Stev- er's on Thursdmy, before tbey left ens ave attending Business College on the evenicg train for Alberta. . at Oshawa.... .Mrs. Publ Dorman,' .Miss Melinda Potter, Tyrone, Mr. Oshawa, sport the. Christmnas bell-I Karl Potter, Town, and Mise L. day. wîth ber sister, Mrs. Walter, Reives, TLoronto, at Mr. W.c. Potter's Foley acd other relatives. . .. Misses ... Mv. and Mvi. R. Grifln, Union, Ednm Swallow mnd Mabel Stevens spent Sundmy at Mr. D. Burg- mnd Master Edwmrd Feley ave at- mastser's. ... Sovny that Mv. Robt. tending Winter Sciioci at Cebourg.. Sharp whe bas been visiting with us . Glen Rae Daivy herd cf Hoîsteins, parents, Mv. and Mvs. A. Sharp, in aIse Mr. J. D .Stevens', L. C. Snow- very seviously ill with pneunlenim. den's successfully passed another T. Mrs. Sharp and taunily are on their B. Test, conducted by the Govevoi- way from Alberta te be with him. . ment Inspecter, Dr. Tonnant, Tor- .Mr. James Bradley is under the. ente ... .Pmstor Washiington con- doctor's cave ammd we wish him a ducted a sevies cf special services speedy veccvery .... Service Sunday I ast week which were vevy success- evening wms conducted by Pastor fui. Cook who spoke on the "United Church acd the Mainteniance and - - Extension Fund". Music by the Misses Irene Ferffsen, Gladys choir was much ejoyed as was tI4e Staicten, May Lamb and Me.sýrs. duet "Sweeter than the. Woodland Frank Dorland and Roy McGill. Miss Echo", by Miss Maudie Ashton and Maud Ashton fmveved wlth a solo. Mv.Cordon Jeffevy ..lad t,) 5ee Rev. E. M. Cook gave a short tmlki such a cumber eut on Sucday even- orn the "Maintenance mcd Extension ing deapite the. weathe . .. . Mr. W. Fund" which our League le making C. Fergusorn, Town, wili speak te $63 their objective. Meý>sns. Orville the Sucday Scbool on the. subject Ashton mcd Kenceth La.mb have beon of "Temporanco" noxt Sunday.... appointed delesrates te the Wînter Be caretul ef the slippery eide- Sheol lin Cobourg.... .Congrmtula- walks. Miss Mary Wallace fe11 on tiens te Mr. Jack Smith and bride the. icy street and l'njuved hen night ...M 0r Owald Pethick whlo arm. Sho in carrylng It in a slicg slIegh-riding on aur big bill bruised ...League on Wednesday evening the aide et bis head acd Mes. was In charge of the. Christian En- doavor Depmrtment, Misa May Wen- Core t. Enniekillen 7Frlay ry. Bible readfig wm. takea b; ulght, January 15, to Sunday School moyen ef the. Leagueva durng ibm, concert of sougs ' dial0ges, pnte. presentatlon et tbe tople by MU. L' mine and ceii boys' dviii. Adms Audlrew, Readîngi were glven by aia li 26a&M16C. COURTICE AUCTION SALE Mr. Ernest Wovden, Crystal About Wedne.d&Y, Feboeuary 3,_.- City, Manitoba, i. visiting bis Sila.s Foster wiil seîl by auction at mother, Mrs. John Worden and other Beith's Wavevly Stables, Bowman- relatives here. GIad te e. hlm ville, about 40 bead cf millh cows looking se well .... Mr. and Mrs. and young cattle. Watch for par- Ch". Osborne entertained a nuin- ticulans next week. ber'of their relatives on Monday _______ evening te a birthday party. It being the birthday cf Mr. Osborne and Mr. Frank Rundle. We wîsh SOLINA thein many happy returns cf the. day .... .Sunday services weve well at- Recent visitons: Mn. and Mns. A. tended. In the morning eux pas- L. Pascoe, Mr. and Mns. S. E. Wer. tcr gave us an address on thie Main- ry attended a dinner pavty given by tenance and Extension Fund and in 1 Mr. and Mns. W. L. Mountjoy, led. the. evening bis subject was "W. non; Mv. Jack Reynolds, Toronto, at Must Worry", tram which. preach- home; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmald ed a nicat interesting and helpful and baby Charles, at Toronto; Misa sermon. At the morning service Elsie Rainey, Orono, Mr. Bill Hoar, Miss Frances Hancoek sang very Bowm.snville, at Mv. Elgin Taylor'.; effectively "Jeaus Will Remember Mr. Al. Ayre at North Bay; Mn. When the. Wonld Forgets"....Mis-1 John Cex, Bowmanviile, at Mr. W. sionavy meeting this <Thuraday 1 at T. Baker's; Mr. L. O'Neml, Toronto; 2:30 p. m. sharp. Study bock t. be Ür. Will Bickle, Mr. Perey Carrol, taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Washington Canton at Mr. John Baker'.; Mn. Program in charge et Mns. J. ShorttIand Mis. John Pascoe, Mr.amcd Mri. and Mv.. Jas. Brown ... . Miss Mar- 1 Fred White and daughtev, May, Osh- garet Abercetby bas resumed ber awa, at Meuers. J. Pascoe's and J. T. music teaching again atter the hali- Rundle's; Mr. A. J. Reynolds in days .... .Mr. Glen Courtice bas vo- Teronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pas. tuvned to New York City afterv visit- ce, Misses Mavjorie and Edith, ing with bis parents for a couple of Hamipton, et Mv. R. JI McKc-s.ock's; iweeks and Mr. Ronald Ceurtice ac- Mrs. E. R. Taylor and Mr. Hilton companied hlm te New York where Tink are attending Winter Sehool be expects te get into cartoon work at Cobeurg ... . Mr. and Mv.. Arthur ... Mns. James Courtice and Mrs. Milîson ectertaiced te a party Fri- T. G. Mason, Bowmacviile, spent day evening. Ail report a veal good Sunday at W. R. Courtice' . .. . Mr. timne.. . .The triends and noighbors Wi!frid 'Carruthes,_ Bowmanville, cf Mv. and Mn .-James Garfat and was guest cf Glen and Renald Cour- Mv. James Abraham assembled at tice on Sunday. their hon* on Thursday evening Now i.. youv time te get a cheap lat to spend a social heur and bld bat. Dingmnan & Edmondstone arethem bcad-bye, liefove leaving for offerng bagares their mew borne at Bvooklin. Reeve effrin bagais.Baker acted as chairman. Mr. - - -- -- ---- Chas. Shcrtridge read a nicely word- ed address and Mrs. Thos. Baker '~Titer'~A ind "W il1 I sentd iMrs. Garfat ith a beauti- entary speeches were mnade by sov- Not C a eral present. Mv.. Gartat replied tha'cking ail for their presente and Canpana's Italian Balim prevents good wishes. Mv. Norman Van- chapping Of the. hands and face in Nest favored with several piano Winter time. The cold wind evap- selections. The ladies sevved ne- orates the natuval moisture cf the fveshments after which aml joined skln, leaving it dryr mnd abrunken. hacds mnd sang "Blest Be the Tie Cmmpanm's Italien BaIn replaces That Binda". Our best wishes go this natural moisture. Ail drug- wlth Mr. and Mvi. CGarat and Mv. gists and departsnental stores sell it. Abraham to their ne hool A speelal sample bottle mailed Oni Bvooklin. . Tiste cftiihomi rocopi e 5c.weather quit. a number attecded the. League meeting Mondmy evening. CAMPANA'S Thi. topie was well tbaken by Mvi. A. J. Bals«i. Readingi wer, given Italian Balm by.Metake.Ch..SOur Lteageepc viaiSt HamPton Leagu. on ffldar BG. W..t & Co., 80 Georae et. Toronto aengJna, h t THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. T"DAY, JANUARY 14, 1926 4 ;m JPAQE POUR