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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Jan 1926, p. 5

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THE CkNÀDIAN 5TATi~SMM4, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1926 PAGE PIVE I * i FIRE ON KING STREET Five of unknown origin did over $8000 damage to the Hallatan Block and furs and equlpaient of the Thuraton Fur Shop, Thuraday af- te'r-oon. The ,fir? sts.rted in Thurston's wokshop on first floor and was discovered in time to con- fine mot of the damage to the one roomn in which furs were stored or in procees, of manufacture. A nu-n- ber of valuable aianufactured fur coats and wraps weve fortunat(dy saved. The fire brigade gave prompt service and kept the flame to the one room. It hs estimated weil on to $2500 damage was done to Thurston's stock and contents, and about $600 ta building owned by M. C. S. Halîman. Bath are covered by insurance. Hallnan Glove & Mitt Co. had slight damage by water to stock in basenient as did also the local head- quartems of the Durham Regimnent whicti us-es hs store under Thurs- ton's Shop as an armories. Some 85,000 rounds of ammunition are e- ported ta be in the building. PROGRESSIVE EUCIIRE A Progressive Euclire viii be held ln S. 0. E. Hall, Bowmaaville, on Thuvsday, Jsrnuary 2lt at 8 p. ai. under auspices of Sons of England asid Maids and Daugiters of Eng- land. Admision 25c. Evemybody weleome. 2-2 WEST DURHAM AGRICULTURÂL SOCIETY The annual meeting of West Dur- ham Agricultural Society will be held in Council Chamber, Bownian- ville, on Friday, January 22, 1926, at 2 p. m. Reports for the year wiIl be given and election of offleers for 1926. A full attendance is urgently equested. Alan Cmapbell, R. F. Aitoluison, President. Socretary. Throug'h an .evror in our report last week of the Music Study Club Mm,. H. M. Foster should have been credited as convener for preparing the very splendid and enjoyable pragramn. Shoes For Special Occasions' Black Satin, tn straps or gores with Cuban or Spanish heels .....................$5.00 to $6,50 Black Satin, Suede trim, low heel, with one strap ............................................... $5.00 Blonde Satin, one strap with Spanish covered heel at ............................................ $6.50 Silver Cloth, one strap with covered heel $10.00 Men's Patent Oxfords, turn sole, plain toe $6.50 Knox's Shoe Store Footwear & Travelling Goods Phone 120 Bowmanvilie The Salesi MiIk To Buy Glen Rae Herd of .40 head has just pasaed an- other successful Goverrnment Test for Tuberculo- sis. The City of Montreal has passed a by-law for- bidding.any milk except milk from Tuberculo- sis tested cows sold in that city after March lst., 10926. WHY? BECAUSE it is almost impossible to destroy the Tuberculosis germ in milk and BECAUSE over 75% of T. B. in children is of Bovine type. Children to be properly nourished must have milk.1 Buy Glen Rae T. B. Tested Milk absolutely free from Tuberculosis Germs-llc per qt. All milk sold is frQm T. B. Tested Cows. Phone 175-3 or 477-2-1 S. W. MASON & SON Special Bargains Big Stock-Reducing Sale of Winter Wear- ing Apparel in full swing. Among the extra spe- cial values are: $40-00 DRESSES NOW $18.75 32 only, Dresses in Satin Crepes, Crepe Ro- maine, CÇ'anton, Flat Crepe, Georgette, ahl lead- ing shades, sizes 16 to 44, regularly priced up to $40.00, now clearing at ........................$18.75 WINTER COATS REDUCED Balance of our Ladies' and Children's- Win.- ter Coats ail marked down to clear quickly at greatly reduced prices. HARVEY KNIT UNDERWEAR We carry "Harvey Knit" Underwear in Vests, Iloomers, Slips and Gowns, ail shades and Mies. S, W. MASON & SON Dry Gooda and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville LOCAL AND OTKERWISE Misa Mary Mutton, Cobourg, spent New Years with her sister, Mvi. G. T. Charlbon. Miss Florence W. Morris spent the weekend with hem 'sister, Miss Greta Morris, Toronto. Mrs. W. 1. McTavish and son, Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. P. J. Manning. Mrs. M. H.' Minove has veturned f ren visiting hem daughtev, Mrs. (Dr.) Westninn at Urbana, III. Rev. Dr. Laird, Toronto, was guest of Rev. and Mns. J. U. Robins at the Parsonage while in town. Mm. and Mrs. Andrew Nichoîls andI son, Sonyn, visited hie parents, Mr. and Mn,. A. L. Nicholîs ecently. Mr. A. J. Fallis, M. P. P., Mill- brook, was in town Tuesday and gave Thse Statesman a fiendly cali. Miss Nellie Burke bas gone ta Montreal as pupil dietatian for six months in Royal Victoria Hospital. Mm. and Mrs. William Douglas, Port Hope, celebrated tbeiim Golden Wedding Anniversamy on January 12th. Mn. E. H. W'orden, Crystal Çity,l Man., is visiting bis mother, Mrs. John Worden and other Darlington relatives-. Misses Aileen and Yvonne Hazle- wood left last week for Edmonton, Alta., wheme they will be guests of Dm. C. AX Totham. Mrs. Charlie Wamder, Ro-h.tr N. Y. bas. turedhome after IN THE EDITOR'S MML Enclosed please fid mnewal for your valuable piper. Althougb liv- ipg in the buey "Motor City" of Osh- awa, we deMi't t get the newa from our home town and vicinity.-Milton J. Werry, 117 Coborne St., Oshawa. We stiil enjoy the home paper, It keepa us in toucis with the genemal news and editoriaîs are good. We are baving grand winter eo fer, no snow4 Sorry to know that the old land mark, th. Elliott Store at Hampton, is Up in smoke. I bave b.appy and fond vecollections of the hours spemt in and around the cor- ner. How about a Community Hall theve? Mv,. Clarke and I and f amiiy are aIl well.-T. J. Clarke, Watrous, Saék. Ms. Tmos. w. Jacklin, Chagones,, Sask., wites:-Tere 1, very littIe snow avound Melfort or Star City districts. We are baving very nice winter weather with a real cold snap around Christnas-40 below zero. Crops weme good but weather -very wet during thmeshing season. I arn enclosing enewal fer your paper for next year. It is like news from home. On Dec, 22nd about 25 neighbors gathemed at our home ta celebrate the 5th annîversary of aur marmiage. Many very fine gifts were eceived. The evening was spent in games and songs tili the wee smnail hours of movning when al went away wishing us many vetumns of the day. pleassant visit with hermmther, Mv,. D.R ec elwohsalc Willmatt, Church-st. rative dental practice at Owen Mrs. B. M. Warnica spent the Sound, writes: weekend with Mr. and Mms. R. G.j It is a long time since 1 have been Dickinson, Toronto, enroute ta Cal-r £0 interested in a reminiscence as I lander where she will visit ber son, was when I read "Do You Remember Mn. R. W. Warnica. When". It almost seemed to me Mr. J. Gurnsey N<cClellan bas ac- that you had gone to the Registvy cepted a position with the flrm of Office and iooked up people's bith Bell, Gouinlock & Ca., Bond Brok- certificates so that you would know ers, Toronto. Gurnsey's tevritory whbo lived in Bowmanville at that la from Toronto to Kingston. lime, as there wasamot ane item in Mrs. Percy Hammn, (nos Ruth the column, -which I dould not vo- Rohdor) and daughters, Domothy memnber as if il happenod yoatorday, and Juno of Toronto, ave visiting although il i. now somo thirty-six hem uncle, Mn. W. F. Qulck, Quoon yeavs sinco I JefI he faim town of Street, and ther relatives home. Bowspanvills. Mrs. F. J. Ells and son. left at Izhowsd the copy to Mr. Howavd week to spend th. wintev at Chaleau, Fleming, Editor and Pmoprletov of DeBlois, Three Rivers, Que., where the Owen Sound Sun-Tumes, and he Mr. Ellie le engaged as Cvil Engin- made the reinavk w1ilch I tolld him I ler in tise construction of a large conjd verify, that theve was no edi- bridge. tei- in Ontario who made it quite so Women'a Canadien Club will hold much bis business to koep conslantly Iheir regulsi- meeting lInlte Lecture ln toucis wlth the former resîdonla Rooan of Trinlty Churcis on Monda y of bis community titan did T'he Gin- January 131h et 3:80 p. m. Dr. G: adian Stateeman. E. Reaman will give an addrese on _______ "The Unadjustýd Boy." Men's Canadian Club will hold GOLDEN WEDDING their next banquet at tho Balmoral Holel on Tuesday, January 19tb at Mr. end Mme D. B. Four, Rocitetr 7:15 P. M. The speaker in Mr. C. L. Burton, Genemal Manager of The Many old friendi and former as- Robt. Simpson Co. Limitsd, Torontt. sociales wlll be pieaasd Vo read 1h. Miss Anne D. Pope, ropresenta- folowing froni a R»Chester paper: tive of th. Upper Canada Religions Mv. and Mri. D. B. Fogg of No. Tract and Book Society, is in îown 163 Fulton Avenue, celebraled their titis weok aolicitlng subscrlptions to golden weddlns annlversar lait pid la eariylng on tise commendable evenlng by entertaining lilty-six 'vont of titis ocieîy eanong sailova, guestiaet dinner at their home. Mr. soldieve and lumbermenin n Canada. Fogg la, formian of tise finishing de- Sisould you be overlooked donations partaient at tise Huidgavd, Eldredge may be sent direct ta thse "Mey as & Miler furnilure factory. Mmi. Confederalion Life Building, Tom- George MacLean of Brantford, Ont., onto. Canada, one of tise weddtng gueula Bowmanville Rotary Club enter- flftYy ,ars &go,»'Wa. mong thos tainod members of tawn council and preet. tawn officiais at their woekly lun- The couple wus given $600 in cheon at Bowman House, Friday, gold hy frienda and meinhers of the wben a very enj.oýabIe noon houri famiy, as weli as numomous other was spent in addmesses and mu sic. prosents. The dir'ier table was do- Rotarian AI. Stilîman, Belleville, de- corated with yeilow roses and cand- lighted the gathering with two vocal les. The centerpiece was a large solos. Severai visitors were pro- white pyvamid cake sent from Oshawa Club. President Mr. and Mrs. Fogg were maried Brent Hazlswood had charge of the in Oshawa, Ont,., Canada, 1876. meeting. IThey came 10 Rochester tiwenty- We wore pieased ta veceive a cail on Wednesday froni Mr. Cedii Congdon, Duhamel, Alta. This is Cedric's first trip back ta the East since bis parents, Mm. and Mrs. John Congdon, lofI Tyrone for Western Canada 14 years mga. He repoirts bisj family ail well and vemry salisfactamy cmops Ibis year. He bas been visit- ing hi, sister, Mv,. John Van Gelweo,j Rochester, N.Y., and is now renewing i acquaintances aound Tyrone. Don't missalise Eucitre ln 1. O. 0. F. Hall, Monday, Jaauazy 15h. Real bargaina in Hats at Dingman & Edmondstone's .Ladies, don't miss Ibis chance. Dance will4 be hoid in Banner Hall, corner Lberty and King Ste., Bow- manville, on Tuesday, January 19th et 8:30 p. m., under auspices of L. 0 . No. 2384. Good orchestra in attendance. Evevybody wolcome. Admission 25c. 2-1 Open For Business 1 ocpoct my shop, wbich was ecsntly visitod by a disastrous fimo, yul be epairod and eady for business about January lSth. Parties having furs in my aiuop for repairs or storage will please oeil at sariiest <opportunity 'Bo that flue ow adjustmsnts may be made. QUALITY PURS and Guaranteed. Repairâ BOWMANVILLF-,NT. three years ago, when Mr. Fogg took a position with the company with which he in at present associated. They have three children-Mvs. Mande Broadhead of Japxestown; Mr,. Lela Wood of this city; and John Fog of this city, and five grandchldren. Besides Mrs. MacLean the out-of- town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Broadhead, Mr. and Mv,. Arthur Barnes of Buffalo, Mr. MacLean and Mr. and Mv,. James Wallace of Phil- adelphie,. Mr. Fogg was united in marriage with Miss Agnes Deek of Oshawa, on December 28, 1876, and came to Bo'wmanville as bride andi groom living on Odeli Street. Mr. Fogg was a f oreman in the Upper Canada Furniture Fac.tory for many years until their reinoval to Roches- ter. Bowmanville frlends extend hear- ty congratulations. PETERBORO POULTRY SHOW Sid Little and Reg. Jones of Bow- manville exhibiteji their birds in the Petemboro Poultry Show last week and won these piizes: S. C. Leghorns ---cock, 1 & 3; boen, 1, 2, 3 & 4; cockemel, 1 & 2; pullet, 2, 3, 4 & 5; White Rocks-cock, 1; cockerel, 3. Thoy also won the Peterboro Poultry Association Ctip for best collection of White Leghorns. Their White Rock cock-bird won cup for being best maie bird in the ehow. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Monday, Januamy 18, et 8.30 p. m. Rebekah Euchme. Corne. Don't- miss the Euchre in 1. O. 0. F. Hall, Monday, January :L8th. Hata, Hats, Hats! and more Hats --great bargains at Diagman & Ed- mondâtone 's. Rebekah, Huchre In L 0. O. F.. Hall, Monday, January lSth et 8:80 sharp. Refreuhpsents 25c. Amuse- ment tax 2c. Hate from *1.00 to $5.00 at Ding. -mn& Edmondstone's. Frank Converse Smith Teacher of Violin In Bowmavlleon Pridea, at lPr. Reqomea'eCorner Temàperene ed la"e au., phon» tes aI~ Il BIRTHS PATERSON-At Port Hope, on Jan- uary 9, ta Mr. and Mno. P. C. Paterson, a son. MÂRRIAGES SM ITH-VENTRESS--On Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1925, at the home of the bride'c praents, by Rev. A. C. Hie, Rena Bar- niet, youngest daughter of Mrs. Ventres, and the late W. D Ventress, Bobcaygeon, and John Gilbert Smith, son of -Mrs. Smith and the late Nelson Smith of En- nhakillen. They wiii reside near Bob- caygeon. DEATHS MASON-At Bowrnanville Hospital, on Tuesday, January 12, 1926, Benjamin J. Mason, late of Oakville. aged 64 years. Funerai service ai the nesidence of hie brother, Rev. George Mason, High St., at 8 p. m. Tburaday. Cortege to C. N. R. Station on Friday, Januany lSth., at 10.07 a. m. to Oakville wbere Interment will take place a t 2.13 p. m. PARSONS-At hie home, 61 Foxbar Rond, Toronto, on Tuesday, Jan. 5. 1926, Will Reid Wellington Parsons. THOMSON-At Toronto, on Tuesday, January 12, 1926, Rev. John ThomsonA. X., D. D., of Ayr, ln hie 85th year. SYKES-Inf Seattle, Wash., January 4, Frederick J., second son of the late John and Asenath Sykes. Interred in Oshawa. CON LIN-In Oshawa, on December 29, Catherine JeweIl, beloved wife of Mr. George Conlin, age.i 80 years. Int'.rment at Orono. CON NO RS-In Cobourg, on Thursday, January 7. 1926. Elizabeth. beloved wife of Mr. Michael Connors, Bowmianville, aged 61 years. SIMPSON-In Bowmanviile on Thurs- day, Jan. 7, 1926, David Burk Simpson, K. C., son of the late Hon. John Simnp- son, Senator, aged 70 years. SMITH-At the Port Hope Hospital, Saturday, Jan. 9, 1926, Kathleen Idith, eldest daughter of the late Seth S. and Theresa E. Smith, Pinehurat, Port Hope. BULL-At Newark, New Jersey, on Decembcr 31, Clarence G. Bull, in hie 47th year,, laie of Brighton. Brother of Messrs. Fred, Harry, Claude and P. W. Bull, Oshawa. HOWOEN-At Brooklln, on Friday, January 8, 1926, Hugh Howden, son of the late James Hlowden, in his Snt year. Interred in St. Paul'. Cemetery, Colum- bus. MORRIS-In Bowmanviile, on Sunday, January 1Mt, 1926, Elizabeth Blanche, dearly beloved daughter of Mm. Morris and thie late P. 1H. Morris, aged 15 years, 2 montha. JONES-At Toronto, on Jan. 11. in her 15th year, Jane Mary Charlotte, daugbter of the late CapL Charles Jones of 1-. M. 67th Regiment, and sieter ai the. tais C. JA, Jones, Barrister, O.nawa. IN MEMORIAM ROGERS-In loving memnory of ]MI& M. Hutchoeon, beloved wife of Hen-y Rogers, who died Jimuary lotit, 1925. AT REST As w. loved you, sa, w. misa you. In aur memory you are nar, Lioved, remembered, longod for alwaye, Bringing miany a ualant teer. Sadly mlsaed by ber Blters and Rusband. KILGANNON-In loving memory of aur dear mother .Mary Frances, wha departed thls lite January 4, 1926. Her weary hours, ber days of pain Her troubied nights are pait Her ever-patient worn out frame, Has found sweet rest at lait. This day brlngs back memories, Of aur dear one laid to reat, And those who think of her today, Are tiiose who loyed ber best. Sadly maissed by ber Huaband and Tfanily Help Wanted WANTED-Ezperienced Loope on Hosiery. Apply Zimmerknlt Limited, 330 Dundurn St., S., Hamilton, Ont. 2-3 GIRL WANTED-For generai bouse- work. Appiy ta Dingmnan & Edmond- atone, Millinery Store, King..et., Bow- manville. 2-tf GIRL WANTED-For light housework and take a Uittle boy out. Apply be- fore 1 or after 4 p. m. Mmm. C. W. Jac- oba, Bowmanvile Bakery, RIng St., phone 97. 2-tf To Let WANTED TO RENT-House witii con- veniences, 6 ta 8 raoms, furniihed pre- ferred, early possesion, by good ten- anti, no children. May consider pur- cilase later If suited. Âpply H. W. Lýapp, Bowmaanville, Phone 346. 1-tf HOUSES TO RENT-Brick bouse, al conveniences, on Wellington St., garage, hen bouse, 185 a mantit. Aiea atone bause 2% miles out of town. $12.50 a month. Apply J. U. Metoaf, Bowman- vinle. 1-1w* Aricles ?or Sale FOR SALE-One 8-tube Radia set complete, for sale cheap. Apply Bax 41, Bowmanville. 1-1w COW FOR SALE-Partý Jersey. and Durham, due ta renew Jan. 7th. klarry Brook, Liberty St. North, Bowmanviile. 1-lwe CUTTER FOR SALE-Mclaugçhlin make, in good condition. Apply ta Mi',. John Rutledge, R. R. 5, Bowmanvllle. 2-1w* FOR SALE-Durhanm 00w, 7 years --III Lost or Found MONEY FOUND--On King Street, on Thursday, December 25rd. Owner may have sanie by proving property, Ap- Igly- Stettesman Office. 53-3 PEARLNBiiCKLACë LOSTý-OflSun- day between (Jus Bounsall'a bouse, Chur.r.ii t., and Mr. Chas. Coeu, Ontario St. Reward for roturn te Mmm. OJus Bounsall. Phone 168. 2-tf. SPECTACLES LOST-On Monday, Jan. 11, on King St,, betwoen Flair Ground and Pout OSftoe, a pair of spectacles in cas. with inscription, "'Perey, Optician, Toronto". Reward for return te Knozls Shos Store, Bowmanvile. 2-tf Iii POUNTAIN PEN LOST. 4".d Water-I mma 3'otintaia e, nTltureday, De- 0e0 2 4. etther o elntaIre or On.t Bbe. levrdfrreturs t. UtebemaaoMfce or W. C.Wehn, ILon, W DiisoUt.,DvaIf. Great Price Reductions In Women's and Misses Smart Winter Coats Rich With Fine Furs In The Little Shoppe With mhe Large Stock, Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. GROUP 1-8 Oniy Coatis, of the very higheat grade English Materials, lined-and interlined throughout with Silk Crepe and Satin, lav- ishly trimined with Sable Opposum, Black Seal and Fox Furs Formerly $W000 to $800 NW$%39.50 GROUP 2-il Only Coats of excellent qual- ity English Duvetyne and Suede Materials, llned and interlined throughout with best qualityr Marquis de lux linings, Formerly $3500 to $4&00 NOW $23.50 GROUP 3-6 Only Coats, of good quality Duvetyne and Suede Cloths, lined and inter- lined throughout. All fur trimmed. Some with flare, others straight line, Formerly $2500 to $35.0 NOW $15.OO. 150 Women's, Misse and Children's Dresse, also on Sale Now Ce S.- MASON NçXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. phone loi Dowmanvil. r THE CANÀDIAN BTATÎýSMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUILSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1926 PAGE y M.

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