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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1926, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL.-E, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 Far.mers' Attention We carry a complete lune of Animal Feeds including ORL CAKE, COTTON SEED, CORN and etc., and handie ail kinds of CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS, both in and out of season. We still have a limited quantity of the fol- lowing varieties of Peas to grow on contract and we believe a few acres, sown on properly fitted soil, will produce more dollars than any other crop grown on the farm. Price List We will pay the following prices for the 1926 crop of Contract Peas. Please understand this does not mean Peas as they come from the threshing machine, or Peas containing a large percentage of splits, but dlean, well-milled goods. Alaska Admirai Dewey Advancer American Wonder Alderman Coryell's Glory Extra Early Gradus Green Admirai White Admirai Horsfords Laxtonian Profilic Early Market Perf ection Peter Pan Stratagem Surprise Telephone Thomas Laxton French Canners Scotch Greens $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2,00 per bushel $2.50 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $1.75 per bushel $1.60 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $1.75 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2,25 per bushel $1 .60 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2,25 per bushel $2.25 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel Market Price of Common Peas Market Price of Common.-Peas I NOTE: Only one variety on any one farm. Order at once while we can give the variety you pref er. Hogg & Lytie, Ltd. Oshawa, Ontario SThose Deliejous Roasts These winter days are the ones when those good roasts and fine soups taste the best, and when you want the choicest cuts of meat the best place in Bowmanville to go is Edmondstone's. Prime Roasts of Beef Choice Cuts of Pork Select Pieces of Veal Fine Roasts of Lamb Bacon and Cured Meats Homemade Sausage I fact there is hardly a eut of meat that you could desire that you will not find at our counterss Bought right, kept right, eut right, and sold right, the meats you buy at Edmondstone's are the best that you can procure. G A.Edmondstone Phone 21 sowmanville M M Dependable Footwear Reasonably Priced Men'e English Iiv Boots, guaranteed solid leather, double soles and ful bath. er lined A Shoe for ieal service .. *7.50 per pair Men's Military Brown leather boots with sewn soles and rubber heels, $5.00 per pair Women's fline black kid Oxfords...............*3.98 Per pair Banse Suipers lu E. E. lftting...............*1.90 per pair Growlng Girls' Oxfords in patent leather and bi bekc eu, with rubber beels ............... ........... :...*4.50 per pair W.Claude Ives The Home of Good Slioes Bowmanviile 1926 CANADIAN TEACHERS FEDERATION CON VENTIO The above convention 'will be he' in Oh&lottetown, P. E. IL, Augu 2nd to August 6th., and arrang inents are now being completed fi an all-expense, personally conducti tour via the Canadian National Ra ways, from Toronto to Charloti town in connection therewith. T] tour will include a trip down theE Lawrence Rapids, the Sagueni River, through the beautiful Br d'or Lakes, and the Land of Eva geline country with stopover at Qu bec City and trip to St. Anne Beaupre ,returning by way of B( ton, the White Mountains of Ni Hampshire and Montreal. A lei let will shortly be issued giving coi plete information regarding t tour. For particulaxrs address Mr. Mi tin Kerr, (Principal of the E Kitchener School,) 4 Beulah Av Hamilton, and Mr. A. . Brye( (Principal of the Silverthorn Seho( 44 Silverthorn Ave., Toronto.4 STAON STOVE.p OLISH Id e- ter -ed il- te- bis St. lay ras au- uo- de ýos- few 5f- )ni- he [an- ýarl ve., ýon, aoi) 4-11 brate tue fifth anuiversary of your I weddiug sud ta express aur good wLehes toward you. We bave had t5ie pleasure of sbaring ylour genial friendships sud hospitality likewise your belpfulness in tîme ai need. In Vimuos suih as this we like ta show aur appreciation for your belpful- ness bath in tumes of oladness sudi aorrow. Sa wo would ask you Vo accept this chair in -nemory of tVi your weddiug day with best wishes for a long sud haiPDy liue. Give theni I pray ail good Bid ailI he buda af pleasure grow To Verfect fiowens of happîness Wbero'er their foot niay go. Bld truth% bright shield and loves stroug anm Proteet tbem froni ail earthly banni. Signed on bebaîf of the Comniittee Gardonm Beech, Wilbert Smnith. Laten in the eveniug aixty fniends aud neigbbons gathered ta engage in s real lively party wbicb iasted ta the weo amali bouns of tho nioruing wben ail departed with good wishes ta hast sud hostess. MUST ADVERTISE FOUND ARTICLES Do al aur readers know that it lis the legai duty af auybody wbo finda an article of auy l,>md ta advertise the sanie at once? Sanie pe ' le fa.ncy that by iholding a thing witout aay- ing anytbiug about it for an inde- finite period, sucb article beconies thein own property, if for sanie reasan the lawful owner bas noV ad- vertlsed bis loua. This ls the wroug ides. It is ouly aiter eu article bas been legally advertised, and the owner fails ta show up, tihat the finder bas any semblance to the right of possessioni. Hard aud soit corna both yield lia gollowayts Corn Remover, whichi la entlrely mie ta use, sud certain an su.tisfogtory ln itsacatlan. SURPRISE PARTY A very pleasant eveniug wAs spent at the home of Mr. sud Mns. Frank Purdy, Bowmanville, wlien a number of their friends suýrprised theni sud preseuted then with ' sevenal very useful gifts ou the occasion of the seventeeuth auniversary of their marnied life. Mr. sud Mra. Purdy appreciated the goodiwill af their frienda and aiter the presentation the guests, which numbered about tbirty, joiued lu dantdng sud ather amusements. Lunch was served sud the guestis departed for their homes lu the eaniy nîorniug. The addness waa as f ollows: Dear Mr. and Mr&. Purdy: We take great pleasure lu comng ta your home this eveniug ta wlsb ou bath very niany happy returns ai your wedding anniversary aud ta ask you toasccept these 'siall proseuts hop- ing tbey will help ta lighteu your bundens througb the future years. We trust that the future yesrs wili, bring prosperity and pleasure. Sign- ed on behaîf ai the Conimittee- Aunie McDonald, Ruth Varnuni. 1 TAKE NOTICE NOTICE IS IIERFEBY GIVEN that the Partnership subsisting between us, LEON GODFREY GREEUNAWAY and WILLIAM LEONARD ELLIOTT, the un- derslgned. carrying ou business au plumbers and tînsmnithe lu the Town of Bowmanvilie, will be on the Eighth Day of February, 1926, dissolved by mutuel consent. Ail debta owing to the sid Partuership are ta be paid ta the said Partnership at their place of business on King Street, Bowmanville, before the said date sud ait! daims against the said Partuership are to be preeented ta the sald Pantnership before the said date b>' whom the sanie wiil be settled. of Jaiiuary, 1926. L. 0. GREENAWAV W. L. . LLIOTT M.G. V. GOULO, W tnsa.8-w PAGE TEllE PAGE TH 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. aud Mrs. Jebu Mutton, Duke St., will be At Home to their fniends froni 2 ta 5 and frioni 7 ta 10 onE Tues4ay ,February 9th., Vo celebrae i the fiftietb anniver-zsry of their mar-1 niage. Everybody welcome. 4-2 Mn. Gardon Chatran who was the chief goal-getter of the Bownianville Junior hockey team foar several years, is this season playiug brillUant hockey witb the Canada Cyles of Tornto who load in the Mercantile League. In proportion ta population the city papers have no langer circula- tion 1,han the weekly papers that would reach the buyiug public in the districts that they circulate lu. In the sinaîl towunierchants expect ta hold bis own,' with good roads, bus lino" and automobiles, ho must change biis nietbods and advertise correspondingly ta reach the public with what ho bas ta offer.-~Colling- wood Bulletin. Stili funther improvement in the appearanco and contents of the magazine Rod and Gun is shown in the February number whicb bas just been issued. There is a very gaad lino-up af sporting re.adiug matenial in this issue and good illustration isi also a festure of the number. The series of descriptive articles, A. Br-yan Williamis' Breezes froni the iWest aud Raymond Thompson's In, the Big Woods af Canada, continuel with interesting inýstalments, wbilel complete stories, fictitiaus, true and instructive, are of autstauding menit.1 A short sketch of Outdoor Lufe, from the peu of F. B. Doud, entitled Oct- aber Days, is a gem af its kind. A pooni oi great merit, Nocturne aiý the Prairies, by David Howarth is, also one of the features oi the issue. It is usually safe ta say that when a cbild la pale, sickly, peevish and retless, the cause is w¶rms. These parasites range tbe stomacb sud in- testines, csusiug serious disondens af the digestion and prevouting the in- fant from deriving sustenauce froni f ood Miller's Worm Powders, by destroying the forma, correý_t theat faulta of the digestion and serve tc restore the organs ta heslthy sc- tion. BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS A book of pîsys has been donated by the Dodd, Mead & Ca., publishers, New YAork City. Mr. Spall's mien are at work laying the water line f nom the Danch houae te the Supeintendent's resideuce. The School is very grateful ta the publishers for donations of subscrip- tiens to the Farmers' Advocate and the Toronto Daily Mail and Empire. Dave Weller, a membor af the farn staff ,was badly injured çtbout wheu hoe was kicked by the driving pony while atteuding ta the hanseq at the Somers' barn. Mn. Hobsan, father ai one of thé boys, was an intenested visitor tc the School asat week. He expressed inunxc uncertain ternis bis hearty en. dorsenient of the Scho.ol and his ap preciation of the work being doue. About baîf the boys underweiý m their physical exauinations las Weduesday. Dr. Storey spent Vig entire aftermoon at this work and VIý disciovery was that the boys are i *v excellent physical condition gener ally. A party conisting tif Mn. R. Bur rows, Mr. J J. Birown, Mn. Wm Hamley and three ai the senior boy visited the Ontario Hospital at Whit by last week to look througrh t] plant aud study their systeniso handling the varions departments3. Mr. W. A. Edger rof the Bowmar ville Intermediate O. H. A. team sen out a donation ai hockey sticks laE -week. Whie these sticks hav passed the stage of usefuinesin fai conipauy, they are lu good enaug condition for the boys to take great deal ai good out of themn. Ma' thanks ta Mn. Edger. IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL INTERSCHOLASTIC HOCKEY Frank A. Cole, 325 Willard Ave., Oshawa 4-Bownianville 1 Toronto, in renewrng bis subscription says, "We are ail very well and are (Froin Oshawa Reformer) always glad to hear from the home Osha'wa High School commenced town through The Statesman". their season's schedule Thursday, January 2lst., in the Interscholastic Alfred (A). Luket Whitby, writes Hocke yLeague by handing Bownian- -Enclosed you will find 1926 sub-1 ville High Sehool a 4-1 defeat. The scription to The Stateaman. 1 look game wae fast and dlean through- forwand to it every week to esee how out, with the local boys outskating the old town is getting on. Mrs. the BowmanvilleUsquad. Pnobably Luko and I often look back on the the most outstanding foature of the good times we had there and were game was the sensational net guard- very sorry it was necessary to beave. ing by little "Red" James of Bow- Things have been coming along vory manville. Time after time James good for nme this last year and 1 fooled spectatars when one of the hope one of theso days to be in good Oshawa boys would break tbrough shape once mare. 'Hoalth has been for what seemed to be a sure goal, very xnuch better this last year only ta have it cooly pk-ked off by whch -sure helpe a lot. the little Bowmanville wonder. Lur.- ney and Jackxnan of the visiting crew worked somne combination only Mrs. G. W. 'Bennett, 850 Kings- to sýhoot wide when they got way, Vanciuver, B. C., says: Iun e-1 througb. newing our subscription Vo The- omnil oiine far Statesman I may say that we findi wa comin o ruh ofce thfaro such intpresting reading in its many wiorwardsobny toubehbougtht toa columnns that we do not desirethr ato by Crarver and u bbel. unneyo withlout it, although it 15 flow tity and byCalrecom Hbine ta work nine years since We left Dalington. tanough. Luncne g ttingnigt i But The Stateman bas come to us ytohoot wide. Lttle took then regularly al the time. We calit op'uck behoodthe defencte in ascrhm our weekly letter from the Old Home bend rln the Bowmceinavileret Town sud sunrounding country. We oeuAnd crl the reBy beaig James do miss a lot of the dear old nar.ies fome the deeceb e. ackmng ameun thatwe ued o loe. ne b ~ ney worked their way through with they are passiug over. There are some very nice combination only to still a lot of dear ones that w'e can- ooivd. J iso soeç not forget and if we nshertmeetb rushes fo th d enc agani d my~emen spirit speed in Lruhsfo tedfne gainin ody ay e met i but could't get the range. Hubbell Mrs.Bennýt-w.,.forer Hmp-and Carver took turns at spurts down to Mgrl ene ett ws-ia former Hiterlthe ice failing each time ta beat o n gi W hrt esie o rt, i stilei, James. Lunney showed some very we lir. W. nD Sonrt, B mavine 'goed bac k checking, breaking up a xvl'ile .h r h ba d f r Er y vd C nS. num ber of rushes. A s Jackm an 's T3rroe. E. C.S.I ub Mundy worked in some pretty S~af-"rctins'passes in a brave attempt on .zom- Dear Statesman Saf "rcig bined rushes for a counter. Iu and salutations: For many years this period Osbawa's pîsys wene ail it was one of dear old father Fol- single rushes, no combination being ,ey's annual Christmas gifts to bis ohown. Bowmanville were not Sa 1children-a yesr's substiriptionti o fast on their skates, but showed more The Statesman. So wben looking combination.r .over some old Christmas mail last Jmssopdanc hta h Decmbe I ouu bi leteraudne-opening of the second period J amie- ceipt for 1925, expressing the "hope son collided with Black beside the that it would bring us eaod ne,'s Bowinanville netc, had his wind for 1925". One of the issues inknkeotadwacridof.A .October brought to us your beauti-I th ce off Bndlacsot ed on A fuI tribute to his life and memory. tJaes wh offBckly tsed e ouc It la needless to say we coul intJa ewocner. Caonly d Lun- mt get on without your great Fam notecrr. CvlyadL - ilyJounalwit te nws f ~'~ney rushed out Vo get fooled by ilyJo nalwih te nws f h are. On left wing, Mundy was Honieland, so I enOcose $2.00 f or very effective, keeping Rowden mov- Il 1926 and ourn sew St. Cathernues ad- ing to hold him down. Caverly ,dress. We hiave not met many had poor luck when hie hit the cor- Durhamites bore yet but those w*e nen of the net after a lbard trip up , have met are worthy reporsenta- the ice. Oshawa now startod a Btives-Mr. T. Frank Wright, Pr'n- back-checking war which bottled the cipal -of the Business College and bis itngareto nthrow BAssistant, Miss Nora Werry; Mr. W visitngr. gregtiOn inth oie r o J. Saltor, B. A., Principal of 'the ehwdorner. Puck by heozen weneop 1very fine Oàollegiate Institute here 1 ping theni off like liail, making save who gnew up at Tooley's Mill, near after savo f or bis teamn. No goals C fourtic; also the Veale brothers,1 wee ocored iu this period due chiefly formerly of Cartwright, wlWo-have to the luck of James. tone of the langest Home Furnishing Afeaprtybakay a- 1,establisihents in this district. Atrapet ra wyCv 9 Thpre may be others bore but we erly spoiled bis chances by missing 5 havent mt them yet. Wherever the twine. Little came back with a tego ]Dunhamitos usaynik rush, and taking a pass froni Rowden e their mark, eh? I was gneatly in- in the corner slipped the rubber by o terested and ainused at y'ur colunin James for the second tally for Osh- d on January 7th "D~o You Remember awa. Rowden and Little combined i- When"? 1 knew almost every ch. ar-- for another score, Little batting the pacter neferned ta and blope there willi third counter into the Bowmanville .be further contributions. Best of twine. On a loue rush Little once It good wishes to you aIl for 1926. more dnopped the puck into the net st Yours sincerely-Fned R. Foley, 98 froni close in for the fourtb and last ke t. au St, S. athrinsOnt. counter. It looked like a whitewasb, e S. Pul t.,St.Catariesbut Caudler eliminated the word e ____________wbitewAsh, when hoe scored on a lone n rush drawing out Rare after beatiug r- WOODEN WVEDDING the defence. Some bair raising r- Mn. and Mrs. Alynier H. Beech slid out several times ta rnçet Raw- n. cd Enniskillen, celebrated the fiftb don on one of bis whinliwind rushes. rs auniversary of ti-eir wedding day on Oshawa were the bad boys drawing t- January 12th., entertaining about down five penalties. Bowmanville Oe twenty-five near relatives for dinuergo one. Jamer. was the outstand- Df and tea. ing star for Bowmanville, for Osh- Shortly after everyone had doue awa it would be difficult ta pick out n-. justice ta a flawl dinner, the bride an outstanding player, s0 well were nt and groom wene called into the par- they matched, although lacking in st lor where a 1lovely rocking chair was olombination. Lino-up: ve pnesented and other remembrances Bowmanville-Goal, J. James; de- st of their wedding day whicb was a ece an* eson, "Buck" CJaverly; eh comnplete surprise Vo thefni. CentreFreld Jcmn igS a A nicely written address which art Candler, Morgan Lunney; subs, iy was read by Miss Mabel Beecli and E. Mundy, Doug. Carnuthera, Peter the chair was presented by Miss Grant. Marjorie Smith. The addness nead Oshawa-Goal, J. Haro; defence, as follows: Scott Hubbell, Stew. Canver; Centre, Dear Stella and Alymer-It is Wes. Little; Wings, Art Black, Doc, N with the greatest of pleasure that Rowden; subs., Millichaimp, Petenson, we, your relatives, have gathered Maclnally. RefdFee, Fred Hardmnan, QUICK PUDDINGS 25 5 lb. PAIL CORN SYRUP 37c GOLD BAR SPINACH 1 9C AS GO0D AS TRIE FRESE VEGETAILE BRAESIDE BRAND CREAMERY MAYFIELD BRAND 46c lb. 2( '- URIE LARD $3.09 1oý. p n a The Satest MAl To Buy Glen Rae Herd of 40 head has just passed an- other successful Government Test for Tuberculo- sis. The City of Montreal has passed a by-law for- bidding any milk except milk from Tuberculo- sis tested cows sold in that city after March lst., 1926. WHY? BECAUSE it is almost impossible to the Tuberculosis germ in milk and deto BECAUSE over 75% of T. B. in children is of Bovine type. Children to be properly nourished must have milk. Buy Glen Rae T. B. Tested Milk absolutely free from Tuberculosis Germs-llc per qt. Ail milk sold is from T. B. Tested Cows. Phone 175-3 or 477-2-1 Pasteurized Milk Compulsory In Montrei For the information of citizens we publish ex- tracts from By-Law No. 891, Chapter III, Article 7-A-B of the City of Montreal which reads in part, as follows: .From and after May làt, 1926, with the ex- ception of special milk or milk which has been sterilized milk sold by any dealer ini the city hail be pasteurized in accordance with the provisions of the present By-Law. Safety First-Use Pasteurized Milk-It coste no more than ordinary milk-12c quart delivered daily to your home. Editor's Note-Through a typographical er- ror we made a mistake in this advt last week by quoting milk at lic whereas it should have been 12e quart. The Bowmanvlte Dairy King St E. Phono 446 or 449 Bowmanvill. SHREDDED WHEAT 2 Pm.* 21c ROWNTRES COCOA,;U. 19C " A TASTE 0F O0W ENGLAND"» CHOICE HAND-PICKED AT LUSS TItAN &e Ybu. WHITE BEANS 4 lbe. 1 9c KIPPER SNACKS 3TNSl4c VERY TASTY FOR QUICK LUNCH -1 Th«e Prio« Go" tili Baturday, Jan. 80th, 19243 C109 TOMATO SOUP 2 TINS 25c m 22 MILK St. Charles, Carmatioa Nestio' 2iNs 25c COFFEE BY FAR THE BEST 165c __1__ ---l - 1 - 1 FIG BAR BISCUITS 19% 1 0 Ir TEAS Fer Quality D..L 59C SELECT 69Ib. Ri chmene 79 a.c« -1

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