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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1926, p. 5

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Farm Wanted FARM WANTED TO REfiT-50 ta 100 acres, mght purchase if suitable. Land muet be tharaughly productive. wel bult an, with good water supply, pre- terably with wood lot. State refit and taxes. Reply W. M. Stewart, Newton- brook, Ontaria. 3-3 FRAME BUILDING FOR SALE T1wo-storey frame schoot ituated at Maniillen, 30 x 40. Saled tenders re- oeived until Frlday, February 5, 1926. Also th e lot on which Il stands. Migbest or any tender flot necessarlly accepted. H. FERQUSON, M. D., 3-w Secretary-Treaaurer, Enniskillen. FULS Have you ever thought of the scieitific knowiedge, the siill the care that niakes possible the transformation of the raw askin into the soft, supple seai of today that draps so beautifully in the designer's hands-that wander- ful fur piece that you admire. Se- lect your garment here and you may know that the finest of furs shown here are absolutely authen- tic for the entire season. QUALITV FURS and GuaranteedL Repaira B OWM A VI LLE,O NT. LOCAL AND OTKERWISE Renew your subscription now. Goad Fsiday is on April 2nd. Ms-s. Anna Eliord is visiting hor son. Ms. A. A. Elf'ord, Buffala, N. Y. Mies Alice Thompgon attended the funes-al ai the late Miss Alice Qui- bell at Toranta. Ms. Mas-y A. Dus-ko, Port Hope, ha. been visiting lier sistes-, Ms-s. Robt. HaInes. Mss. J. T. Hooper attended the funeral of thse late Ms-s Ed'ward Max- son ut Lindsay. Ms-s. R. Greeneas wuî called te Part Hope, owing ta the death aifies- aunt, Ms-s. Wn. Taylor. Glald ta see Ms-. Laves-ne Clemens out again, lie living recovered fs-on a seriaus case oi scurlet foyer fol- lowed by pneumania. Miss Edith M. Smith wio lia& been convalescing at lies- home in Ty- rone for seves-al weeks ince ber ses-- ious ilîness has sesumed lier duties at Las-ne Villa.1 Rev. W. A. Bunner seceived a cablegs-am froni bis son Kelvin an January 2lst annouaiing bis sase as-- rival at Accra, Gald Coast, Bs. West Afsica, having sailed is-om Liverpool on January 6th. Ho la engagod- on the staff ai Achinota College. Ms-s. Fred Goddard's group ai W. M. S. was pleasantly entestained at the home ai Mrs. Robert W. Rolmes, Chus-ch St., on Friday aiternoon. Intos-esting seadings were givon by Ms-s. (Rov.) W. A. Bunner, Mrs. (Dr.) C. W. Slomon and Mss. C. A. Wight. Five new members were reposted for this yoas-. Reiresh- monts wes-e served by Mss. flolmes and a very happy social time enjoy- ed by ail. Ms-. Alex. Taylor liad a vos-y pleas- ant surprise on Wednesday, January l3tli., it being lier 69tli bisthday. On setrning is-om town she found lier chldren and grandchilds-en there and the table set witli cnt glass and il- ver and a liot supper ps-epas-ed ai raast chicken, pie, scald creain and otlies good things. Af tes- eves-y- thing was cleas-ed away elie was ps-e- sented with an elect-ic hostos- and plate. Ail enjayod a good time. D.D.P. Rundle and staff ai Osh- awa installed thse iollowing offices ai Bee Rive Rebekali Lodge Monday evening: J.P.N.G.-Mrs. F. Baker-; N.G.-Ms-s. E. Prout; . Treasure- Ms-s. Wn. Bagnoîl; Ward-Mrs. Fred Lple; Clap.-Mrs. Maurijce W. Tain- Lyle; v.G.-Ms. C. W. Huckney; R.S.N.G.-Ms-s..Ras-sy Rar-vey; L.S. N.G.-Mrs. Thos. Hughes; R.S.v.G. -Ms-s. Ada Dumas; R.S.v.G.-Mss Jas. Williams ;I.G.-Ms-s. Sid Mos-- ris; Pianist-Ms-s. Ras-sy Smithi. Special Prices FOR Friday and Saturday Only Women's Patent Oxford, low heel, Special $4.00 Women's Tan Caif Oxford, low heel ,round toe $4 Women's Black Caif Oxford, Iow heel ....$4.00 Women's Ail Wool Hose in brown and coating $1 Woxnen's Silk and WooI hose in three colors $1.00 Knox's Shoe Store Footwear & Travelling Goods Bowmanville Phone 120 An Explanation As has already been announced the partner- ship existing between Greenaway & Elliott has been discontinued by mutual consent, I feit that an explanation as to future relationships with the public would not be amiss at this time. In discontinuing the partnership I only dis- posed of my share in the stock in trade, equip- ment and real estate. It was distinctly under- stood that, if I so wished, I was at liberty to start in business for myseif in Bowmanville. This I have decided to do in the very near future just as soon as suitable premises are secur- ed and other necessary arrangements are complet- ed. However, should an emergency arise requir- ing my services I will be pleased to give prompt attention if word is sent to my house, 12 Carlisle Ave., or phone 393. I also wish to take this means of thanking my many friends and customers for their patronage while I have been in business. I hope my past dealings may warrant a continuance of your con- fidence and a share of your patronage when you need the services of a plumber, tinsmith or steam- fitter. W. L. ELLIOTT Bowmanville, January 25, 1926. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1928 PAGE FIVE _____________________________________________________ __________________________ i Ms-s. William A. White and Ms-s. James A. Phillipa ai New Yor-k City have enjoyéd a round of social en- tertaînnent and functians since their arrival on Januas-y l4th ta, unite i.n celebruting theis- iatlieys birthduy. Besides thees- engage- ments noted in last issue, tbey were guests on Monday, Jan. lStli, at the Women'a Canadiap Club; Tuesday tliey wes-e guests of the Five Run- drecI Club at Ms-. W. F. Dale's; Wednesday and Monday of this week tliey attended aites-noon tous given in their hancs- by Ms. Gea. W. James; Thus-sday a Fous-O'Clock tea given by Ms-s. Ras-sy T. Fastes-, Wel- lington St.; and an Thus-sday even- Ms-s. (Dr.) A. S. Tilîey gave a din- nes- in their lionos-; Friday they were guests at the Rotasian Banquet and Theatre Party given by the Club neznbers te theis- wivos, sweethearts and othes- guests; and Satns-duy ovening tliey participated in an aId tume skating pasty at Taylor-'s Rink given by the James Famiby and on- joyed an oyster suppes- aites-. Tues- day this week they wes-e guesta 'witli the Five Rundred Club wlia wore guests ai Misa Addie Cawkos-, Centre St., and Wednesday tliey were gueszts ut a 6 o'clack suppes- givon by the Misses Mosris, Harsoy St., to a com- puny ai iriends. Thoy expoct ta louve for theis- liaes on Fsiday ovening sites- an exceedingby pîcat- ant fartnight's sajous-n in theis- old lione town. See the play "Ris Model Wife"l, St. Puul's Lecture Room, Wednes- day evoning, Febs-nary l7th. Roses-vo Tneaday evening, Feli- suary l6th for Pbay and Entestain- ment in St. John's Pasisli Rail. Par- ticulars luter. Sale ai home-made coaking, white elepliant table, aiternoon tea ses- ed, St. John's Parieli Rail, Sutus-day, Januas-y Sth ut bahf paît three. An aId time daice will be helcI at Banner Hall on Wednesday, Febru- as-y 10th, undes- auspices ai Campan- ions of the Forest. Admission, 25c. 4-2w Bowmanville Women's Institute vihl liold the regulas- meeting in the S. 0. E. Rail on Friday, Januas-y 29 ut 3 p. n. All ladries cordially wel- corne. The White Sbield Club wil ive an entertalnmeut an Tuesday, Feb. 9, 1926. Ree *the date as a god evenlng's enjoyment lsasasured. ÇE'erybodyoêeme. The boas-es-s wes-e Past Masters aif Jerusalern Lodge: C. B. Kent, Gus B.ounsall, Dr. G. C. Bannycastle, A. L. Nichalîs, John Lyle, C. A. Cawkes-. Besides hie w3.e wlio was Dos-a E. Malone ai Kingston, bof os-elier mur- rnage, tkere are leit ta nsourn five chjîdren: Gos-don, Marion, Ernest in Royal Bank ut Bath, Ontario, Rester and Herbes-t. Relatives in uttendance iran a distanice were Mm-. White and Miss Vida Mubone, Kingston. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Anuual 'lests-y Meeting Woll Attend. md. Annual Vestry meeting ai St. Johin's Churcli wa.s leld in Parsbh Hall an Monday, January 18, and was vos-y well uttended. Meeting wus opened witli prayer by the' Rectos-, Rev. R. J. Shires, M. A., B. D. Minutes oi previaus mneetirngs wes- es-acI and adoptod and financial report for 1925 seceived. Thse state- mont was a satisiuctos-y one con.-îd- ering wliat had ta lie done by way of repais-s ta the Chus-ch property. Cor- dial and uppreciative votes ai thanka wes-e passed ta thie setising offices-s. Election of offices-s for 1926; Rect- as's Warden-L. R. Wood; Peapl's Wasden-T. R. Sps-y; Secs-etas-y- Treasures-G. R. Rattenbury; Voit-; s-y Closk-T. Annisan; Envelope losk-Mis d. Pawson; Sideimen -Messrs. T. Coultes-, W. H. Dustan, F. C. Pethick, W. F. Depew, R. Ras-ding, F. C. Palmes-, J. ]!Belle, C. B.. Kent, H. Pawsan. L. Cryder- man ,J. R. Rallowell, G. W. Patts-bck, F. B. Crydermun and A. Munn' 'lests-y Council-Dr. G. C. Boriny- castle, Dr. J. Spenices-, Mossrs. G. Beitli, P. Crydermman, W. H. Dustan, R. Ras-ding, C. B. Kent, E. S. Nay- bs-, R. Pawsan, F. C. Palmes-, F. C. Pethick and Dr. J. Baldwin, taget- lies- witli ail officessoa the clich and two lady neanbers, one eleçted by the Ladies' GuilcI and one by the Woman's Auxiliary. Delegates ta Synod, Mesrs. E. S. Senkler, T. R. Sps-y and L. R. Wood. A graceful tribute was paid ta Ms-. Afred Mann, the retirlng People's Warden, secfgizing bis zood work dus-lng thse paît yeas- and regsettlng hie enfos-ced'retlrement owlng ta 111 healtis. Dou't mi"s Auctéon iale ai Ben- Inett Hardware Stock. 8e. adyt. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE DIED APTER DRIEF ILLNESS Miss Olive Scoley, Tarante, bas Jolm Smith Momeroaft, Eowmanvll. been viiting hier cousin, Miss Ida Weekes. The funeral of the late John Smnith Mrs. Alex. Taylor spent the weok- Motrcraft Who died ater a brief ill-i end with hier sister, Mr-s. C. W. mar- nos. of less than a week frani effects low, Oshawa. cf hemorrhage af thse stomach was Reeve John McCubbin ai Percy lield fs-on bis iste residence, Welling- Township was elected War4en of the ton Street, on Friday afternoon. United Counties of Northuiberland Deceased wss a son of the lato and Dus-ham for 1926. Wmn. Mooscrait, loical Collecter ai Mr. Ewart McLaughlin, Oshawa, Customis, and was a native of Bow- is aimang those sailing an the Medi- manville, having been bas-n 70 years terranean cruise is-on New Yor-kon ago at the homestead an Chus-ch St., the Emprese ai France an Februas-y in the brick cottage wliere Fred Don- 8th. semn, Jr., now resides. Mrm Roger Fiehleigis, Toronto, Easly in lii e lie showed considor- and daugliter, Ms-s. Runter Easly, able executîve abîlîty for finance and Saskato.on, Sask., as-e visiting the'accaunting and entered the staff ai fo-mes's sister, Mrs. John GTigg. the Onts-sia Bank, seciving several promotions in record tirne. His Misses Agnes K. Haddy', Lena talent for financing was appreciated Psiestman, Winnie Confort, Tas-- by bis superiars and whon the On- onta, Miss Myxstle Rendes-son and tas-e Bank seduicod its capital stock Ms-s. Arches - ,obourg, spent the fs-Gin ths-oe million dallas-s ta one and weekend at Ms-. F. A. Haddy's, a haîf million dollas-s young John "Rusholnie". Mooscrait was or-der-ed to Head 0f- The many fsiends of Ms-s. Jesse E. fice. Tas-onto, and given charge ,of L. Cale will regret ta learn she uan- the responsible and exacting duties dos-went a vos-y sesions operatian in cf transies-ring this stock. Bowmanville Hospital on Monday. When Part Daslington Harbos- was Latest reports state she is deing as a hive of commerce and shippîng well as can be expected. depot fs-om the grain elevators Ms-. Ms-s. F. A. McCluskey -of New Moo-csaft was bead book-keepes- of Yor-k City, gave us a friendly caîl on the Has-bor Company. This was in Monday ens-oute to viz-it lier uncle, the days before the McKinley Bill Ms-. Ras-sy Rogers at Enniskillen. came into effect which stopped ex- She was called ies-e by the death oi posting ai barley andI other graine lies- mothes-, Ms-s. Pied Rogers at ta United States. Whitby who pass-ed away on Friday Mr-. Moos-csaft was a nman of ont- and was buried in Bowmnanville* standing executive accamplishments Cemetes-y on Sunday aites-noon. and sound judgment, being partic- Ms-s. McCluskey (Lottie) -still takes ularly thorougli in any wvork entrust- an interest in lies- native home and ed to him: Ris services as secs-e- keeps in touch with the people and tas-y and accountant were always in ovonts tlirough the columins of The demand. For many yeas-s lie was Statesman. Town Treasures-, Clerk of the Div- Music Study Club held a vos-y ision Court, Secreta-y-Ts-easu-es ai pieasant and profitable meeting on West Dur-hanm Agricultural Society, Wednesday, Januas-y 2th, in the member of Public School Board, Central Schol when this program in membo.r of Board of Managers of charge of Ms-s. J. Albert Gale was St. Paul's Presbytes-ian Chus-ch. At spiendidly prseented: vocal solos-~ the tume ai his death hie filled these "Land of Hope and Glos-y" by Mss offices: Secretas-y of Rigli S'lool J. E. Ander-son, "Like unto a Dam- Board, Secsetas-y-Treasus-er of Can- ask Rose" by Miss Mildred F. Cale, adian Club, Secretary of Sparts Lini- "Pleading" by Ms-s. T. W. Cawker, ited, Audîtos- Horticultural Society, "Be net extrenie, 0 Lord" by Mrs. Dis-ectos- and Auditor ai Port Dar-- Cecil R. Dudley; Piano duet "Salut lington Harbor- Company. D'Armour"' by Miss Milds-ed F. Gale It is sonewliat of a coincidence and Ms-s. J. Albert C oie. Ms. M. that tlireo direetars of Port Darling- A. Neal gave an excellent papes- an ton Har-bor- Company have died s-e- the Lif e of Sir Edwas-d Elgar, aIl of cently within ten days of each othes-, the above musIcal numbers being by in the persans of D. B. Simpson, K. this clever composes-. Ms-s. R. C. C., David Galbraitlh, Whitby, and J. Gasbutt, (Sycamoze, 111.), rendered S. Moozirat., two very brilîxant piano solos. Ms-. Telt r orrf o Ras-sy Wagner and pupils compasing Telt s.Mo-ri a o the orchestra sendes-ed a couple of many yeara an ardent and enthus- numbers, sîl of which wes-e higlily iastic member of Jerusaloni Lodge, appreciated. Next meeting will bo A. F. & A. M., No. 31, G. R. C. He an Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, Ms-. T. W. was lionared with the offices ai Wos-- Stanley in charge. shipful Master and Secs-etas-y ai the Rerinay Bwmavile ad Ds--local lodge, and at one tume was a lington relatives and fs-sonda will lie omebs ite Maai rn glad ta sead this complimentas-ys-e- Lde fes-ence ta a well-known inusician, in Ithbas -often been said that iew Port Hope Daily Tuimes: Comnpli- men wos-e his equal in seady know- nênts have been showes-ed upon ledge of municipal law and civic Mise Gladys Westaway. AT.C.M., procedure and uutliasity. H iq L.T.C.M., dauglites ai Ms-. and Mrs counsel, advlce and assistance on J. L. Westawuy, Pine Street, on hier sujch natte-s were aiten souglit and periormance ut liers- ng-recital at willingly given ta members ai the Tarante Conses-vatos-y Tuesday even- Town Gouncil, municipal officiais ing. The recital consisted or aàes-- and private citizens. As one Who ies ai numbers and was numed by oiten discussed and' asked advice critica as one ai the most deligltiul many tumes ai Ms-. bMooscaft on musix'al treats ai the season. The municipal questions, we wish -ta psy Rail was vos-y tasteinlly decorated this tribute tao ur departed iriend and the stage was ursanged in a that we cannot recali one iustance pretty mannes- with shaded lamps, where lie was astray in advico given ferns and pains. Mis Westaway US. looked most attractive in a dainty Rov. Robt. McDermett, M. A., Paris gown ai cyclamen pink geos-- paeter ai tho Presbytes-ian Chus-ch, gette, witli silvors- tockings and afficiated ut the service on Friday. slioee. During the evening Miss A largo number ai Masonic bs-etlisen Westaway was made the recipient we-e ps-sent with Bs-. A. Mitchell, ai numerous bouquets aififowers. Director ai Cesemonios, Worshipful Misa Westaway waa most capably as- Master John Baker in chas-go, and isted by Miss KathleenIrnad R. W. Bs-a. F. C. Roas- conducting MisaEditi Pcte t tie pano the service at tlie grave. NOTICE Under the revision of the Ontari o Com- pany's Act, the Bowmanville Realty Company Limited, hereby, giveu public notice that it will mal<e application ta His Hlonor. the Lieutenant Gavernar oi Ontario for the acceptance ai the sur- render ai Uts charter on and from a day ta be ftxed by the Lieutenant Governor ln Council. Dated at Bownanville 2lst day ai De- cember ,1925. 4-t H. A. TIPPLE. KEDRON Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray, Enfield, were guesta ai Mr. and Mrs. Hl. F. Werry.. .Mrs. Edward Cale la enjoying good health and able ta hoe out around lagain .... Miss Dorotby Pascoe, Enfield was guest ai Mrs. J. H. Pascoe .... .Mr. and Mrs., Wesley Powell and famlly, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bradley, Brooklin, were gueste of Mrs. A. W. Short.. Kedron Adult Bible Ciasa intend hav- ing a concert ln ner future. INTER-SCHOOL DEBATE The firet of the inter-achool de- bates for 1926 in the Whitby-Osh- awa-Bowmanville League took place 'on Wednesday evening, January 20, in the Assembiy Hall of the Oshawa Higli Schooi between Oshawa and Bowmanville. The subjeict of the debate was 11Resolved that the Im- migration of Asiatica nto Canada should be Prohibited."o The affirmi- ative was ably upheld by Miss Beat- rice Cryderman and Ted Mason for Bawmanville, the negative by Mise Minerva Sinclair and John Hare for Oshawa. AU fbus- speakeri are ta be cangsatulated an the excellentI way in which they handled the sub- ject. The affirmative shosved the undesirability of the Asiatics fs-co the religiaus, moral and economic standpoints. The negative called upon the audience ta lay aside race prejudjice and accept the Asiatic as a fellow citizen. They read many quatations te Proive that lie is an in- dustriaus, moral citizen, and that lie does nat take away froni the Can- adian wark whîch h e miglit be doing. Althaugh the decision of the judgcs was in favor of the negative the affirmative made splendid speeches in a ves-y pleasing, attractive man- ner. This is the fisst debate in six yeas that Bowmnanville ha. bast. For five years in succession B. H. S. won eight debates. Res-oence was made in the Osb- awa "Reformer" ta the subject being eimilar ta the <>ne debated last year by Bewmaniville and Whltily, givlng Bow'manviile the shield for 1925. The subJeet of last yeaa'a debate was "ReSolved that thse White Race i la l danger from the Oriental" aid Bo'w- mnanville had the Degative aide of the debate. BIRTHS HI LLS-In Bawmanville Hospital on January 21, 1926, ta Mr and Mrse. John HUisa Ennlsklllen, a daughter. SCHOLL-At Kanawha Valley Hostit- aI, Charleston, West Virginia, on Fr1- day, .Tanuary 8,' 1926, ta Mr. and MmU Chas. F. Scholl, a son. (George Stepliens> GREENFIELD-In Stratford. Hospit- ai, -on Sunday, January 24th., 1926. ta Mr. and Mrs. R. Victor Greenfleid, a daughter. DJEATHS CANN-In Bowmanville, an Tuesday, January 26, 1926,4 Mary Elizabeth Col- ville ,widow af the late William Cann. Funeral from boer tate residence, King Street, an Friday. January 29th, at 2:30 p. m. ta the Cemetery. GILBANK-At Whitby, on January 22, 1926, Elizabeth C .Gilbank, aged 71 years TAYLOR-At Port Hope, on January 25, Naomi Stubb, wife of the late Wil- liam Taylor, agedr 88 years. SLEAMON-At Bethel Grave, Hamill- ton Township, on Tuesday, .lanutry 26. 1926, Jane Sleamaon, aged 81 years. CURRIE-In Stirling, January 25, Jas. Currie, late editor and proprietor of thel Stirling News-Argue, ln bis 83rd year. SM ITH-At Newtonville, Saturday, January 23, 1926, Laura Leana, dearly beloved and only daughter of Fred andý Lita Smith, ln ber 23rd year. NICHOLS-At the family residence. Cobourg Road, January 24, 1926, Samuel Nichols, V. S.. beloved husband af Car- rie M. Powers, in bis 74tb year. MORRISON-At Port Hope, an Friday, January 22, 1926, Robert Victor Morri- son. youngest son of Elizabeth and the late Thomas Morrison, aged 30 years. QUIBELL-At 49 Robina Ave., Tor- onto, January 21, 1926, Alice Everett, daughter of Mrs. Bertha and the late W. A. Quibell. Interred at Queensville. Ont. ROGERS-At the residence ai her daughter, INrs Frank Jones. Whitby, Jan. 22, Mary Jane Lee, widow of the late Frederick Rogers, formerly of Enni.4kil- len, in ber SSth year. Interred in Bow- manville Cemetery. DRESSMAKING I wish to, thank my many oustom- ers in town and country for their kind patronage during the past and desire ta solicit their support daring the present year. WiBhing ail a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Sincerely yours, Mrs. E .Delmage, cia John Cale, Ontario St., Bowman- ville, phone 339. 4-tf Lost or Found PARCEL FOUNO-In Bowmanvllle. Encire at Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 4-tf Articles Wanted GOOO APPLES WAN1'ED-Any svar- lety, wIll furnîsh boxes, state prices at cellar. Address Wm. Eliery. Fenelon Falla. 3_t FOR SALE A Big Bargain 5 gasaline engines, varions siZe, msa 2 Melotte Creiam Separators, Pain ta, Ols, Hardware o ail descriptions at 25% ta 50% less than wholesale prIce. Agents and dealers given specili dis- count. Âpply store formeriy accupled by James Bennett, Bowmanville. 4-1 Aricles P or Salqe MANGOLOS FOR %ALE-109 4»tshel af mangolda. Âpply to T. C. »gg, 3.R. 4, Bowmianville, phone l114. $-w FENCE POSTS FOR SALE-Ôelkt themn now whIle the sleighf#d fli Wood. 20e and upwards. Mrs. T. 0;Lýi R. R. 5, Bow- rnanville, phone 18IQ5. 3t AUTO-KNITTER YARNS-Wbeellng, Scotch FIngering, Worsted, Ail Waol, Ninety Cents paund up, delizered. Samples free. S. & Y. Shaps, Depart- ment L., Orillia. Ontario. 2-4w WASHO-best seller, great repeater. Highest commission. Wasbee clothes without rubbing Makes WASHDAY a holiday. Beats everything. Sample free. P. A. LEFEBVRE & Co., Alexandria, Ont. - ENGINE FOR SALE-Six horse pow- er Fairbanks Morse 011 EngInfe, Massey- Harris Chaif Cutter and Massey-Harris Grain Grinder, aIl in first-class shape. W. A. Wright, Bowmanville R. R. 6, phone 146-31. 3-2w FOR- SALEÊ-Bathroni utdt écru- plete, uitable for rural home-bath, tank, toilet. bolier, waterfront, range and ail piplng in good working order. Alea secand-hand piano. Âpply ta AI- Ian M. Willianms, phone 159 or 58, Bow- manville. 4-tf Seed Grain For Sale CLOVER SEED FOR SALE-Early White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed, $5 per bushel during February; $.50 dur- Ing March. S. G. Chant, Lot 27. Con. 5, Darlington, R. R. .1 Hampton, P. 0. 3-3w Help Wanted WANTEO-Experienced Loopers on Hosiery. Apply Zimmerknit Llmited, 330 Dundurn St., S., Hamilton. Ont. 2-3 GIRL WANTED-For general hÏouse- work. Apply to Dingman & Edond- stone, Milinery Store. lOng-st.,Bw manville. 2t Ail Winter Goods Must Go No mnatter what you want corne to this store first and you will always find niy prices below any other store in town. For Prices Watch My Windows Compare the Quality and Prices S. G. Chartran 1 cloor west of Bell Telephone Phone 26 Bowmanville Women's and Misses' Winter Coats and Dresses For Less I In The Little Shoppe With The Large Stock, Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. I We have only 25 Coats left in our store and in order to clear them out quickly we offer them at a mere fraction of the original price: GROUP NO. 1 7 Only CJoats, ail new this season, formerly $60.00 $80.00 NOW $39.50 7 Only Coats, GROUP NO. 2 all new this season, formerly $35.00 to $48.00 NOW $23.50 GROUP NO. 3 6 Only Coats, ail new this season, formerly $26.00 to $35.00 NOW $15.00 Five Only good qualtiy Black UCoth Coats, formerly $26.00, $35.00, $36.00 and $40.00 NOW $15.00, $2250 and $25.00 125 Dresses in Broadella ,Crepe Cord Serge, Poiret Twill, Canton Knit, Crepe Satin, Crepe Romaine ,Georgette and Damask Crepe ,all new this season and every dress a different style. These Dresses Are AIl Reduced For Quick Sale We stili have a few of those Flannelette Night- gowns 98c, Overaîl Aprons 98c, and Sweaters, Regular Value $4.00 for $2.98, House, Dresses $2.98. C. S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 161 Bowmanvile k s Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F Arthur Franklin Rundle, Deceased. AIl creditors and others i ny way Interested In the estate ai Arthur Frank- lin Rundie, late af tise Townshilp of Darîîngton, Marchant, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day af September, 192b, are bereby n.otfied ta send ta the undersigned Administratrix on or before the twenty-secand day of February, 1926, full particulars of their claîma, If any. Immediately atter thse said twenty-second day af February, 1926, the assets ai the nid Arthur Frank- lin Rundie willi be distributed amongst thse parties entitIed thereto, having re- gard only toa amsai which the Admin- Istratrix shall then have notice Dated this sixteenth day ai Jazîuax7, 1926. MINNIE E. RUNDLE. CourtIce, Ont. Admninstratrix oi thse Estate af Arthur- 4-7 Fra.nkln Rundie. Notice to Creditors 1IN THE suRROGÂTE COURT 0PI THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTH- UjMBERLAtND AND DUERAM. IN THE ESTÂTE0F BENJAMIN JESSOP MASON, deceased. Notice le hereby given that aU per- sans having dlaims against the estate af Benjlamin Jeasap Masan, formes-ly af Oakvile, In the County af Haitan, fas-m- er, lqtterlly ai Bowmanvlle, deceased, wha dled on the l2tn day of January,. A D., 1926, as-e required to anit os- de- liver the sanie with full particulars ta the undersigned, on or before thse lZth day ai Februaxy, A. D., 1926, aiter which the Executors will distribute the assets ai the Estate havlng regard ont to the dlaims thon iyted. Dated at Bowmftnville, Ontarilo, Jan- juary 22nd., A. D., 1926. w. F. WARD, Soicitor for thse Executos, 4-3 Bowmanville, Ont. TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOW-MANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 PAGE PIVE

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