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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV WEST EAST 5.2 a. m. Dex M 10.14 a. mi. D 4.06 a. m. 2.465p. m. D 8.20 a. m. D 7.48 p.m. D 4.31 p. m. D 11.27 p.m. D 7.0Op.m. D *12.26 a.m. D D *-Delly except Sunday. D, ex. M-Dally except Manday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY Golng West 4.22 a. m.-Flag. Dally. 5.8.3 a. m.-Dally. Stop@ te let off pas- sengers from east of Trenton. 10.07 a. m.-Dally Except Sunday. 2.02 p. ni.-Dally Except Sunday. 7.11 p. m-Dally Except Sunday. 8.24 p. m.-Dally Except Sunday. 7.06 p. m.--Sunday Only. Ging East 8.42 a. m.-Daily Except Sunday. 9.13 a. m.-Sunday Only. 10.14 a. r.-Daily. 1.47 p. m.-DaiIy Except Sunday. 2.46 p. m.-Flag. Dally Except Sunday. 7.14 p. m.-DalIy Exoept Bunday. 9.58 p. m-Daily. 11.21 p. s.-P'Iag. Dally Except Sunday. 12.34 a. m.-Daily. Stops te pick up pas- sengere for pointaseat of Trenton oniy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION WEST EAST Monday, Wedncsday and Friday 8.25 a. m. 6.25 p.m. Tueaday, Tbursday and Saturday 9.00 a. m. 5.30 P. M CARRIED WIFE TO BED Suffered So She Could Not WaILk Restored to, Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetableCompound Minesing, Ontario. - "I arn a -rac- tical nurse and 1 recommend yi E. Pinkbam'sVegetable Compound ta suffering women. For tbree mon tha I was almost beipiesa and couid not ait at the table long enough ta drink aceupýof tes. Many atime ms-bus- band carnied me ta bed, I would bie no weak. Then b. read in the paper of awoman suffernifgas Idid who Stbetter aftem taking the Vegetable ~mpoufld, so he went and gai it for me. When I had taken threa botties I was just like a new woman ansd bave bad splendid healtb aver since. When I feel any bearing-down pains I alwas-s take it; somnetimes a hait hottie or whatever I need. It is my oniy medicine and I have told mans- a one about it. Any one wanting ta know more about Lydia E. Pinkharn'a Vegetable Compound I will gladis- write te he. Irdo all I can ta ec- ommend it for I teel IoCWemeyiife and stength ta it I" --Mrs.NEAL BOWSg, R.R. 1, Minesing, Ontario. Do you teel boken-do'wn, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have thia horrid feeling ut tear which somne- times cornes ta women when thes are net weil? Lydia E. Pnkhamn's Vag- etable Com1Poid la excellent ta taka ai sncb a tiUrne. always helps, and if taken eCsrly and pammtently yrupj for COUGHSCOUS *anad BRONCHITIS Any Ileadacme -Sick -Nervoua IRellved by Zutw fI WON RENOWN 1The vitamlins icod-iver1 J nie Great English Preparaton. *Tomand nvgoratCs the whole sirvous aysicm. makes eew Biood in old Veina. Used for Nervous Dpondencv. Loss of Eusrf, Palpitat5io ioghuHt. àaiNrtMesss> .Price $tpef box,3,6 for$$.»Soid by ait druggiss or niail.d in pain ~Oa- î polf pra Nw pani~ itjailed *W& - -1-U 0JOMT .ONT. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 ORONO THE WINNIPEG CONFERENCE beeaine the concern of ail. Under- standing must precede syrnpathy and (From The News of January 21st) (Continued from page 1) co-operation. Mrs. Louie Junker left Wednesday The people, friendly at heart, and for Kitchener, hier mother, Mrs. Ritz, Our failure to attract and retain s'a different froin varjous nations of being criticalîy ill. eettlers has postponed our hope of Europe ,he feit could be brought to Mrs. (Rev.> A. K. Edînison of Lit-, making our railway accounts bal- solve ail probleins. ance. Hope deferred maketh tbe Sir Thomas struck a great note in tie Britain, spent a few days at lier beart sick-and that generally was conclusion in saying, "Strange in- father's, Mr. Win. Cornisb. our coondition. deed, it would be if our experience W. J. Pointon and W. H. Halatead, The great soutbern competitor has together during the war doe-s not repreasenting the Provincial Fire Mar- continued to be a great magnet for greatly increase our consciousncss shaîl Departmnent, Toronto, spent a our young life. as a nation and intensify aur pur- few days here. Our educational system blas not Pose to fulfil Gonfederation and to Mr. C. R. Carvetb bas kindly al- lent itself well ta directing the lives continue and develbap a British na- inwe the uadello k ta r. W. hoe. and the enterprise of our young tion within the Empire." Davtey adefly lc a.W . people in the direction of appetite M.ohe great speaker was John Dave an famly.for the work this country bas ta. do M Imrie, a former Toronto man, Clarke Township Agricultural SO. in developing our rich resources. now President of Edmonton Board ciety annual meeting in the Council Gven ntmpoee ad th of Trade and editor of Edmonton Chamber, Orono, on Saturday, Jan- îack of budgetay control in federal, Junl uary 3th at 1 p. m. provincial and municipal gavern- He called for cselected immigration Mrs. Perey Lawrie wbo bas been inents bas wasted untold millions o a large scale and a scheme _of visiting ber father bere, Mr. anullaurtepoiîalprkbr settlement or oolonizatian and fori f rel bt ce onti al be tb ara- the repatriation of Canadians living' Hooper, left Wednesday for eri elsem a otinet h pr-outside our country at present. home in Windsor, topping over for mount influence wbicb effeetually Increase in populatiýon wvas, Mr. a dav or two in Toronto with ber prevents reform. Inrie saîd, at the root of tbe solu- sisters. Ail tbese depresaing factors have tion of many of aur problema. Wormis sap the strength and un- bad a curious way of stifiing enter- Our greatest yearly immigration dermine the vitality of cildren. prise and producîng tbe anomalius was 400,000 wbicb xvas cut -off sud- Strengthen them by using Mther and futile condition wbicb bas led denly during the war. Graves' Worm Exterminator ta drivej first one and tben anotber individual, Our present transportation and ou h aasiated orda. corporation and, indepd wbole sec- government facilities were bujît up $75.0 ws alowe fo daagesi tions of the country, ta run ta Gov- for at least 15,000,000 people. tateLibrary books, whicb the!I ernment for redreas for grievansces President Rev. J. W. Rae, tbe Trcas- 1 loudly alleged but not very defnt- Hgbaevvte rsur fecesI urer, Dr. M. ýM. Tueker and McNl. GiI-' ly set forth. Tbis, instead of eacbý population in Britain todaygaeu fillan will at once invest in neWl man and each section c-teadily ex- aur opportunity. We alFAo had nc- books.1 amining himself or itself ta ascer- ceas ta large numbers in certain Ilepairs bave bheen made ta the1 tain ta wbvat extent the unsatisfact- countries of Europe. Fire Engine, a new clutch collac ors- condition migbt be due ta their American farmers bave been ima- cast in the Bownmanvillc Fourdry 1 ownf unstretcbed faculties and pressed witb the lower production replacing tbe ana which crackod ' brains. jcosta in Canada, comparcd witb U. 1wben the engina was working at the! Take the Maritimes, thes- front S. A. and bere we bava a g dbai big fire. a n tbe sea and the wbole world, but for a new jarge movement. Mrs. Harrison ie. now occupying: tbey do not reacb out ta these mar- New settiement arrangements witb hier own residence on Church St., 1 kets. Britain promise well but we must which she has fitted up for seiniWbîle samne Paciflc-coast packers co-operate fully and take advaitage rooms and dwelling. Mr. Herb. are saltîr.g and sipping 70,000 tans of ail tbeîr provisions. Murray is tenanting the nortb haîf of herrings ta the Orient and a Mr. Inine cailed, too. for a ser- of tbe dwelling. wide range of other comnijodities of Ious effort ta repatriate aur French A vers- generous miscellaneou s imlar cbaracter, on the Atlantic Canadian people now in the U. S. A. shower was made ta tbe Misses Day- Coast tbe business la comparatively He called for Administration of ey whose borne and contents were inconiderable. Immigration and Calonization by an destrayed by fire. Miss Ollie Nova Scotia bas been described as Independent Commission and appeal- 1Davey returned witb ber sister like a bouse roof witb a reservioir ed ùe our patriotismn ta sink ail diff - Mary, teacher at Marionville, for a on top and water ways in variaus erences ta accomplish tbe work. visit. directions sufficient ta transforin it Our efficient and industrfious On- Word is received of the deatb of inta a great industnial area. tario Agent in London, England, Mattbew Miller at Shcal Lake, Man. Their foreat-areas are nat refar- Mr. W. C. Noxon spoke wiUb fine on January 11, aged 82 yeacs. De- ested; tbeir applea are stili packed eff eet. He ehowed piýotographs of ceased was a brotber of the late John in barceis; tbeir coal still unmined; several fine British families recently Miller of this town and was weil wile tbeir aider people live com- settled in Canada. Ml aur pm~vin- known ta residents bere in the seven- fortabiy and invest their funds, tbeir ces need settiers. Mr. Noxon gave ties. boys go ta Boston tio get rich. interesting details of tbe new dis- I bave no idea in mentioning tribution of Britisb population and New officers of Ocono Horticuit- these general facts ta indicate tbat tbe great changes, e'cial and indus- aral Society are- President-Mr. tbe Maritimes are any mIore lajking trial, that had involved a new study Tbos. Smitb; lst Vice-Mrs. J. R. in good sense and enterprise than iof the problemi of secucing settlera. Cooper; 2nd Vice-Mca. F. W. Tamn- otber parts of Canada; but it surely Engiisb people love England, be- blyn; Direictors 1925-Mr. E. Pat- gives us pause to find tben sa8 bit- lieve there la no place like it.in tbe erson. Mca. W. J. Stutt, Mrs. Honey- ter in complaint, so insistent In de- world and want ta remain there. well, Mrs. Cutteil, Mrs. McKay; manda while sa many avenues of de- Amnbition, adventure and unaettled Directors 1926--Mr. Stark, Miss M.- velopmet and earnings remain clos- 6onditions are the only Vings that Davey, Mr. A. Henry, Mrs. Dicksonj ed or faintly pMisecuted. move them tio leave. He spoke of Mrs. F. Hall: Auditors-Mr. I. T. The West demanda the Hudson competition witb Australia and New Chaprnan, Mr. E. J. Hamm. 1 Bay railway though files of data, Zealand. Canada stands today Wben the C. N. R. train from ahl available ta reasonabie men, cast fourtb among tbe nations in volume Toronto pulied inta tbe station 1ere mucb doubt upon the feasibilîty of af importe and experts and firat per Tuesday evening, a caw was found tLhat outiet. capita. Britain is aur beat cus- wedged unden the engine, sa tigbtlyi The West, bowever, is our great tomer. British settiement. there- that it was with difficulty by tbe use natural wealth-prioducer and it is.fore, must be encouraged. of ropes and other tackie tbat it was surely a matter for grave concerii, if Americans canneot understand wby hauled eut in sections. The trainmen Ontario can afford politicailv ta we remain part of the British Em- felt an impact a couple of crasitigs tbwart that member of the family pire-even some ln Britain do net; west but bad ne idea tbey bad pick- from wbom cames so mucb tao widen but bath bave wrang conceptions af ed up an animai. Antber dead the foundations of our prosperity in our Natibnal aspirations wbicb are animai wai found near tbe track. the East. bound intimateiy with Britishb con- Mr. Albert Ruiter was tbe owner. Britisb Columbia bas tasted blaad nection and ideals. Asthma la Totu»e. No one wbo -the blo.od* of new foreign trade. One of the very great addresses hasn't gasped for breath in the pow Oriental trade in grain and timber given us was that of Dr. H. M. Tory, er of atbma knawa wbat such and samne metal and other world President of the University of Ed- suffering is. Thousanda do know, trade tbrougb tbe Panamna Canal- monUon, wbo spoke on S.ientific Re- W~iwever, fram experience bow im- the latter enabling Vart*ouver ta seatb in Relation te Industrial and measurable is tbe relief provided by give Winnipeg a run for ber mones- Agricultural Development. that marvellous preparation, Dr. J in tbe distribution of Western needs. We cannot conceive a world ta- D. Kellagg's Atbma Remedy. For Ontarf* meanwbile goe.s abead das- being unscientific; but it is a years it bas been relieving the moat piioducing annualîs-lber ball bul-Ivery few centuries aga wben net a severe cases. If you are a sufferer lion of agricultural wealtb and from single scientic tact was kn'a-wn sucb do not delas- a day in securing this hier great minerai areas and foresta. as mnad'e modern industry passible. remedy from ylour druggist. She is indeed a great servant, ai- Ahl great new scientific principles tbaugb oft beld up as the exploiter bave been more or less resisted byl Mma. Thomas Miller (Gwyn Mc- of the East and West. tbe people and today we give vers- Gili), anIs- daugter of tbe late jas. Our great ister Province of Que- ittle thougbt of stience. McGi]l of this tawn, passed away in bec bas set quite new records in de- He instanced the diseovery of Hamilton after a montb's iliness velopment enterprise and is said ta Aniline Dyes in England wbicb be- fcorn pneumronia. Sbe is survîved bave as great' a development in- cause of opposition was transferred by bep busband who is an emplos-ee dustrially in a few mkntbs as aIl ta Germnany witb the resuit tbat ot the Postal department of that cits-, other parts of Canada in as many England and America bave apent and three sons. D&ceased was 31 years. millions endeaviring ta overcome sears of age. Hec brother Howard Unlike Ontario she bas power ta their disadvantage. Biology of New Liakeard, was pcesent at the spare for industries and she la using brought the famous Marquis Wbeat funeral. and came down for a look bier advantage in this respect to vers- -wloith aleady 500 millions ta* at the oId borne town, viciting his great profit. Western Canada. uncle ,Mr. Robert Gardon. Naw 1 arn a great believer in tbe Twenty years bave beeni added tai The Agricultural Short Course be- future of Canada and in no Pense the life of the average man bs-! ing beld in tbe Town Hall bere this a pessimist.i Pasteur's discoveries. montb under direction of the Dis- Sir Henry Newbolt on returning1 The wbole development of Ger- trict Rep. is a decided success. Large ta England aftem viiting varîous . many waa due ta bier use of science classes of young men bave attend- lands, including Canada, said in an 1 in addition ta taniffs and ma&s pro- ed regularîs- and abould greatîs- address in London ton bis return1 duction. Tbeir scientific laborator- benefit from the lectures and dem- that "probabîs- in the wbole worldj ies became tbe Mecca of ail civiliza- onstrations. The samne interest is thee i no country as happy as' in taken by a class of women and Canada" .i The National Researc'h Council girls lu Sewing and Domestic Moral earneatness wbicb we are was organized in 1916 in England tO Science, under vers- capable instruct- f ortunate in inheiting tram aur'combat the menace of Geritian resses, Misses Seabrook and 'Short- good aid Britisb Mother la an asset science. They flaund that Germiany reed tram the Department. 75 of wondnous proportions and gives had more trained scientific men in members of the classes enjos-ed a u hw edi eelpn u n six or seven industries than thene of Dr. Thomas' IIXlectrie Oul in cor- great burden of taxation and the 6 recting disorders af the raspiratary need of immigration. pracesses, but the beat testimonial is Ha spake of the need for good-willl oo exparience and the Oul is recom- and capacits- uf aur people ta came mended toalal who sufer tram these togethar and salve their problems in o disorders with the certaints- tbat triendship. tbay will find relief. It will alias- He regarded Canada politicaily.as inflammatDon in the branchial tubes, a tamiiy. One member suffering CUBES Science and Industry. (3) Improvement ;of the present methods ta meduce the coat et pro- duction. The U. S. bas a wide mange ot activities, including 500 firms carry- ing their own researcb laboratiories and including agriculturai research activitier. It is estimated tbeir to- tal research oui las- last s-ear would raacb $50,000,000. XVe have variaus univemaits- and collage affets-but thes- are smali, $30,000 spent on tbe N. R. Council wis the enîs- Governmant support givan. We bhave no national labor- atonies-ne ss-stam of research schoi- arsbips, axcept N. R. C.-no grad- uata achois as in the U. S. A-no foundatiens-no publication in wbicb tao record rasults, in tact ne national spirit foc this womk. Dr. Tory advocated Dapartments et Science, Industrs- and Oommemce in Govarnment-$1,000,OO ta be used during next tan s-aars in Re- search, extra $20,000 annuals- te carry on. Tben collect five or six men of science back et this mach- maers-ta give advica and assistance. Science will add ta the resuît of the mmonid in 25 s-ears ail that was lest in the World War. The deveiopment ef Foreign Trade by Mr. K. J. Burns et Vancouver proved ta ha an interasting subject. The actîvîts- ot the U. S. A. Depant- ment togethar with the diplomatie status of their consular agents was intecasting and wortb studyiug. Contenances in U. S. draw aven 1500 men from aIl parts and iuterest is vans- high. Foreign trade etf13. S. bas gcown in tan s-ears train 48 ta 93 million tons. Exaniples ot U. S. ancroachmient in Australia, South Amanica ,etc., were quated. Mr. Burns straased tbe need fer parsonal contact witb the foraign custamer. Ha referced ta the in- tacesting statements et Mr. Dollar, President of the Vancouver Board, ne growth of Pacifie trade which was reterred ta as et startiing propor- tions. Mr. Burns suggested Round Table discussions Lot trade problems; show- ed baw interested varlous t-oreign agents were and finalis- drew atten- tion te the final pamagraph tram En- cychiopedia Britannica dealing wîtb the undenlying pninciplas requiring study of cheap transport, knowledga et market. law of satety, prompt in- telligence and moral integrit-. One of the great decisions was that to formi a Dominion Board of Trada about whicb more wiillha sean in thea ne'wspapers trin time Io time. The last night, E. W. Beatts-, President etftise C. P. Railwas-, gave a moat instructive address. Ha gave a g4mphic account af the building of tbe C. P. R., the later misconceptians wbîch resulted in the building of more railwass than wa cauid support and the plioblems created Sor ail therebs-. He autljned mans- et aur ecan- orniie needs and circuimtances lead- ing up ta the present situations and made vers- practical suggestions re- garding the bumanizing of aur im- migration prlogramme. W. are la danger of bacoming a nation et critics instead ot publie spirited citizena. Ha concluied with the words et Napoleon tisai "The onis- conquests wbicb leave no regrets are those aven ignorance". C. O. Smith, the brilliant news-j paper man tram Calgars- conceluded in a snapps- address a resumne af the whole contenance which haied with remankable clearness and bre- vits-. The Winnipeg Board excelled it- self in its liberal entertaixmant. The Western delegation as a whole were particularly unselfisis and c'ountrs--wide in their sympathies and did much ta make tisa conten- ance the notable succesa whilcb it was. Other important addmesses ta wbich I can onîs- rater with sati3- faction as ta their importance were: Utilizatian of Maritime Province jparts; Pacifie Panama route and sbipping by A. M. Dollar, Esq.; St. LawTmence Waterways Developrnent, Brig. Gen. C. H. Mitchell; National Econams- and Taxation, Travers Sweetman, Esq., K. C. Resolutions were introduic.d cav- ering the Maritime Economic situa- tilon and aiso mespectîng etiser sub- jacta generals-, giving effecitat the great speeches delivered. Main spring of business Vs pride in the service. Thosa wisa teel no pride in the das-'s wark, axperiance no jios in its acconipiishment, hase mental stimulus wbich wonk ought ta afford and la dep)ression lose their happi-nes and hase their bealtb. Walt Whitman: "Take up the h-rp.-o-oh-r-bnd-c uld hld" plased with the improvemnent afier 30 days-s-your moeas bacis. A vers- siekis child, age 9, gained 12 pounds la seven months and la airong and healthy. Oaa akînas- woimn gainad 9 pounds la 24 days. Always Buy "SALADA"O GRIEEN TEA The littie leaves and tips from high mountain tea gardens, that are used in SALADA are much finer in Iflavor than any Gunpowder or japan. Try if.. 19 i PIANOS FRED MITCHELL Bowmanville WYASPIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumnatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEARTi Acep only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Hase Bter"fb2 xeand fi 12-Druggis Had bayter"ofbo4asf12 tabugita Aeplrin ta the trade mark ('egipitcred in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of %moioaete- acidester of Salicylicacid (Acetyl Saileyiic Acld. "A. S. A."). Wbiie It la weii knoWfl that Aupirin means Bayer manufacture, t~a ,eist the publie against Imitations. thse Tablets or Bayer CJompany wiii be atamped with ther general trade mark, thse"Bajer Orma." 4

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