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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1926, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 PG EE FARMERS 0F ONTARIO ORDER YOUR FARM HELP NOW To make absolutely sure of having FARM HELP FOR 1926 Send in your applications at once to H. A. Macdonell, Director of Colonization, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. SPLITDORF RADIO RiECEPTION q4)kna~e Iub.u. Attractive cabinet b d.rk wuiOut and lishi tutsJ grain. P~4es 0W fh Orsede 5p.sket.1flu5 stud. 030 extra. Othar od.1 from *75 te P~. 0' F ALL the qualities that recomMend SSplitdorf Receivers, their dependability la service la perbaps the mat important. Splitdorf Receiver ame simple ta opeate-there are Do intricate adjustments ta bc tinkered with. TheY will bring in distance if that la your plessure. They wM give great volume îf you waat it. And: above ail, yoez wMl have the wonderful tonal quality for whiich Splitdorf Receivers Re aated.. Purchas a Spitdorf frooe u3 sud we wifl sec that yau get the dependable aervice k h sbalt ta give. Agent for Bowmanville and District T. A. GARTON Phone 412, Ontario St, Bowmanville "Neyer too Late to Mend" May be a very good maxim, but "IA Stitch in Time Saves Nine" is much better DON'T Let your Home, Outbuildings, or Fences get toc bad before you commence to look after them. We shaîl be glad to give you estimates on Lu1uwer, Pine, Hemlock ,B. C. Fir and Cedar. Shingles, B. C. Red Cedar, and Quebec White Cedar. Ruberoid Roll Roofing, Shingles, and Building Paper. Ten-Test Fibre Board for insulating and wall board. Cernent and Lime Seamnan Kent Hardwood Flooring a specialty. NOW is the time to put in your next winter's sup- ply of Coal and Coke. Our Watchword je SERVICE Cali and see what we can do for you. McCleiIan & Co., Limited King St. Emt Office Phone 16 Bownianvlle Bouse Plieo IS, 238 74, 214 Prosperity is Neyer Safe Prosperity is neyer saf e unlesa it reste upon protection. Your home is neyer safe. PROTECT IT BY INSURANCE Your business is surrounded by risks. Imeure it. Your valuables are always in danger unlesa protected by insurance. Imsure your present prosperity to remain prosperous. We can help you. For Ail Kincis of Insuranc. Comuit J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Inurance Brokers Phone 50 King st E. Bowmaaville C. S. E. T. BOYS' 'COLI Canadian Standing Efficii Training It has been arranged tbro kindness af the editiors( Statesman that necessary spý bie devoted weekly ta the rg af C. S. E. T. boys' activitie bebaif of the C. S. E. T. Bownianville I wisb Vo thý editors for their kindness. D. A. McGregor, Boys' Bond SelIiang Campail At the recent Boys' Pa beld in Toronto it was fat 1$11,000 wviould be needed to( the C. S. E. T. programn in1 an important act called th Selling Act the Parliament] for the raisine af this mo: ineans af a Bond Selling Ce sirsilar tko those conducted the past two years. The first question invaria' ed is, "What is this nione: for"? The following tate estiniated expenditures and issued by the Ontario BuyW Board ta each meimber ôf ment answers this question: Disbursensents Travelling expenses of field Secretaries............ Postage ................. Office expenses, rent, etc.. . C. S. E. T. vrnted matter Phone cal and wires. .. Seicretaries salaries, office staff ................. Older Boys' Parliainent ... Provincial Leadership Training Camp ........ Bond Selling Campaig .... Father and Son Promvotion work ...... ........... Sundries-... *.... ........ Grant to National Boys' Work Board .......... 1Total $1 Recipts Refunds on travelling ex $ 200.0 Sale oi supplies ...........75.0 Grant fi-ci Religiaus Edu- cation Council......... 1300-00 Estimated sale af b'onds. .11,050.00 $12,625.00 Expenses last yeam were $10,621.- 00. Increase is due Vo adding a field &ecretary. The money is to be raised by the sale ai $1.00 bonds, the dividends, frais these bonds ta be padd in Be t- « ter Christian Citizenshiv.I The objective set for Bowmanvillel -100.00 and rural West Durhaam -50. On Satumday, January Stb., the Tuxis Boys and Trail Rangers oi the town and caunty will start their1 drive ta raise this money. The cani- paiga will last until Fiiday, Feb- ruary l2th. The boys wish ta go cansiderably aven their objective as another clause ai the Bond Selling Act pro-1 vided that 10% up ta the objective1 and 50% over the objective goes1 ta local Boys' Wlaîk Board. We have such a board in West Durhaam and a considerable amount of maney la needed ta carry on oui local boys' work. Medals are being awarded ta in- dividuals for selling certain num- bers ai bonds. A district shield is aiso given ta the group selling the nilost bonds in the district. A B'awmanville group captured this last yeam and we would like to do s0 again. We, heîeby. salicit your most gen. eraus contributions in this campaign. When the boys came tio yau, en- courage theni by buying bonds and help theni ta win their medals. The money will be used in a good cause, namely, for caîrying on the greatest Boys' Prograni ever deveioped in the Wold's Histjory. Group Actvitie. Trinity Church Meetings are beld in the new C. S. E. T. roam bebind T. B. Gil. christ's store. Sioux Tuxis Square-Wmeford Sauch ,mento-Regular meeting af Square was held on Tuesday, Jan- uamy l9tb. Aiter the usual open- ing and devotional exercises, and business meeting a repart of the Fiftb Ontario Older Boys' Parlia- ment was given by Alex. McGregor, member for West Durham. The Square discussed the diaings ai Par- liaxnent and muade plans for Bond Selling Campaign. A good game ai basketball followed. Onendagas Tuxis Square-Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, mentor-Owing to the bad weatber and other adverse cir- cumstances no meeting was held last week. Two Trail Ranger Camps bave been recently arganized, one under Stuart R. Jamnes and one under Ceciu Belîman. Stuart James' Camp held its regu- lar meeting on Monday, Janay l8th. Aiter opening ceremony and business the boys heard a talk on "Playing Square". Tvo co'n-1 aittees reparted on a name and col- ours but no decision was reacbed. After a game ai basketball the meet- ing was dismissed. Cecil Bellman's Camp met on Thursday evening, January 219t. Meeting took form ai an organiza- tilon meeting. Officers elected are: Ohief Ranger-Alla n Osborne; Tai- Iy-George Weekes; Cache-Bert Mutton. Jini Devitt assisted dur- ing the meeting and in the games that iollowed. st. Paul'& Chureh Meetings are held in basemeat of church. Micmac Traîl Ranger Cap-Alex McGregor, menton-Regulai meet- Ing of the camp was held en Wed- neaday, January 2th. Mfter the de. votional periiad and business the camp initiated a new meaubem, Gai. don Adamis, and engaged lu same challenge games. Beaver Trail Ranger Camp-WIl. frid Carruthers, mon or--Owing tc unforeseen clrcumatance. meeting set for Frlday. Jaeuary 22nd., was cancelled. Notice of Na" bMtado Anmssmeeting of ail tbe Tuil >7w aud Trail Rangers willb. bois on friday, Jsuuary 2%h., &t 8 Bes-idles ber husband she leaves r ta maurn ber early departure bert father and raother, Mr. and Mrs. W.1 H. Barrie, and one brother, Mr. Har- - vey S. Barrie, ahl of whom bave the( sympathy cf the canrimunity in tn.eirç irreparable boss.r Tbe funeral on Monday was large-1 ly attended by friends and relatives,T many af wbbcra, despite unfa'vorablec weatber had travelled a long distances to psy their last tnibute of respectr ta a very dear relative, and friend.a The service was conducted by ber0 pastor, Rev. J. W. Down, assisted by Rev. Fred Lane, Canton, bath paying beautiful tributes ta the true vAorth and noble character of the de-c parted.a Six cousins lovingly bore the re-E mains ta the last resting place : Dr. J. Harold Coucb, Mr. RusselI Bragg, Mr. Howard F. Brent, Mr.( Wallace Bragg, Mr. C. Ho>wardt Goucb and Mr. Arthur Bragg The many floral tributes showingt the love and esteexa in which the1 deceased was held were very beauti-t ful including wreatbs and spraye fiior Husband, Father and Mother,1 Brother and Sister and littie Gardon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith, Mr. and Mis. H. N. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Tisas. Scott, Jessie and Bruce Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Found, Mrs. F. L. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson T. Bragg, Miss Hazel Barrie, Mr. A. W .Annis and family, Mrs. Thios. Baker and Mrs. L. Snloiwden, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hynds, Misses Florence and Alice Werry, Messrs. S. W. Maâon & Son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gild- ers, Miss Vesta Spargo, Mr. and Mis. A. Tbompsan ,Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Macklin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, Mrs. J. T. Bragg and famuly, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hoar, Mr. Arthurj and Miss Rowena Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cllacutt. Tbe Painton Family, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Prout, Mr. and Mm. E. W. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Masbo, Mr. and Mis. Thas. McMullen and Lulu, Mi. and Mis. W. A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bragg, Mr. and Mis. W. G. Ruade, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oouch, Mi. and Mrs. S. J. Honey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Honey, Mr. and Mis. G. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. W. G Werry, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg and family, Mi. and Mm. 1. R. Bragg, Mi. and Mis. J. Baker, Be- thesda Community. The flower bearers were-Miss Margaret Moore, Mrs. F. Werry, Mis-s Florence D$oiwvn, Miss Florence Stewart, Miss Ma rBigbtwell, Miss Mae Brent ,Miss Elizabeth Bigelaw, Mif-s May Gardiner, Miss Ethel Cole, Miss Alice Wermy, Miss Berta Cale, Miss Florence Werry, Mise Aima Pollard, Miss Theoda Cale, Mrs. E. White, Mis. E. V. Hoar, Mm. S. T. Hoar, Mrs, C. Woadley, Mrs. R. vir- tue, Mrs. H. Skinner. Aimong the relatives and friends present were: Mr. Ed. Scott, Nakina, Ont.; Mn. Nelson T. Bragg, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sharpe, Dr. Harold Coucb, Toronto; Mr. Colin Hainly, Port Hope; Rev. and Mrs. Fred Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Currelley, Canton; Mrs. D. F. Cameron. Ariss, Ont., and a hast ai relatives and iniends irom the surrounding district. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Ronald Scott, Tyrone, desires ta thank al bis friends and neigh- hors for their very great kindness and sympathy during hi. recent ber- eavement in the deatb af is wife and for the many letters of sym- pathy and the beautiful floral affer- ings, especially from Bethesda Com- munity. o'clock In the Sunday School Rooin of St. Paul's Cburcb. Bond Selling Gaxnpaign w;Îll be explained and plans laid for raising aur objective. An lnteresting programis labeing ar- ranged. Everyone will be made wel- aaome. KEEP «YOUR EYES CLEAN CLEAF. AND KEALTIIY wu"n »56 mu T iS00.IISCCU*6h JMN EARLY CALL 0F YOUNG LIFE 1 len.cy Mms. Ronald B. Scott. Tyrone "He Gtveth Wis Beloved Rest' ugh the1 A bright young life passed aw'ay of Thel on Friday, January 15th., when iace ývi1î' Mabel G. Barrie, b.eïoved wife of .eporting~ Mr. Ronald B. Scott. Tyrone, was es. On jcalied by the Master Workman toi boys of the bigher realm. iank the Mrs. Scott, was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barrie, Bow- iEditor. manville, and was born on the farm near Salem, now owned by Mr. C. iu Collacutt, later moving to B<wman- rliaiment ville wbere she grew into beautiful and that girlhood amidst a host of fniends carry oniwhom she loved and wbo loved her. 1926. Ina She was united in marriage witb he Bond! ber nvw 'sorrowing husban(d, an providedi December l3th., 1922, and went to ney by reside on the Scott homestead east ampaign, aif Tyiione. Being of a brigbt and during cheerful disposition it seemed bard that she should not be privileged to bly ask- enjoy life which held out sa many ýy used enchanting prospects; but her ment of Heavenly Father called and ber frail receipts barque slipped its xnoorings and sil- e Work ently and peacefully glided out upon Parlia- the stream wdch flows forever be- tween this and the other shore. Tbough there was sadness of fare- well deep and heart searching, there could be no doubt in the minds of the $900-00 loved ones or of those who knewv her 300.00) to the barbor into which ber ship 750.00 wfould anchor. 625.00 al in life she became a mem- 150.00 ber of the Methodist Cburch and ail 7250.001 tbrougb tbe years she took an active 600.00 ichures in aIl the departnenta af! chrhwork, especially the chair of 5.0Bowrnanville Methodist Church of 520.001 which she was a member for many 10.0years. 100.0(0 Mrs. Scott was a valued mernber 300.00 of the staff of S. W. Mason & Son, later entering the eniploy of "The 400.00 Arcade", Oshawa, where she served ____ er customers willingly and cheer- 2,6 2500 ully. Rheumatic Pains Go Swollen Joints Vanish Twisted, swollen, unsightly joints are rapidly freed irom pain and braught back to, normal with lUieuma. Lame people walk without aid; sleep cames ta, thase wbo have been unable ta lie in bed; banda that weme heiples because ai terrible iheuma- tism are now able ta do their abare for the support af the iamily. Rheuma la a woaderiul îemedy for ibeumatiani, gaut, neuritie, lum- bago and neuralgia. It is a woader-w'amker; it neyer f alters, nover gives up until every vestige of poison la expelled froni the body. Rheumns acta ou atoniach, iver, kldneys aud bladder ail at once and qulekly bringe long prayed for cern- fort te dWmmeaad smiNrera. Jur7 & Love!! and a!!good druglata aIl Ik witlm guarante. of Uoo.ey back if Ik lau't matisfaetory. 8 GIVE A WAY $10 FORMER BOWMANVILLE MAN DIES David Galbraith, Port Whitby In the death early Saturday rnorn- ing, January 16, at his home cf David Galbraith, after a brîef iii- ness, there pasaed away -one who for many years bad been identified with the histo'y of Port Whitby, and the last remaining inember of the Port Wbitby Harbor Company which ,operated for many years before the harbior passed into tbe handa of the Dominion Governiment. De- iceased, who was in bis 77tb year, and had long been -one of the tawn's best known and highly esteemed citizens, was 111 f or only a week, so that the news of bis demise came as a severe shock to bis relatives and numerous friends. The passing of David Galbraith severs a link of the present in Wbitby witb the town's earlier history. Deceased was Canadia-n born, tbe son of Daniel Galbraith, a native -of Argyleshire, Seiotland, who with Mis wife came out ta Canada and set- tled as pioneers of tbe townlhjp -of Darlington, near the town 'ai Bow- manville. Mr. Galbraith served in the rebellion af 1837, and was a Captain in the Militia in the McKenzie Rëbellion. The land on which they settled was purchased frais Zabina Fraser en wbich was a log house. This was later replaced by a .stone Isouse. He cleared tbe land under hardsbips unknown ta the present generatiom. Here David Galbraith grew up and as be attained man- 1 vod belped witb the work af the fan. 1He, however, had apparently determmned not ta falloiw up farni- ing as a lufe vocation, and was among tbe first ta be interested in Bowmanville Harbor, being harbor master befare going Vo Port Whitby in 181-45 years aga--wbere for many years he was associated with tbe late John MdClellan, and the late George MecIl of Bowman- ville, in tbe Port Wbitby Harbor. Comnpany. In Vhese days the Parti was a busy place. and bad beenfo many years previaus, as tbe Com- pany operated a fleet of boats car- rying barley, wheat, peas, lumber, coal and other conimodities Vo King- stan, Oswega and other points. Old res-idents wjll remember such oats as the "vienna", "Flora Carveth" and others, operating from this part during tbese years. A man ef tbe bigbest integrity, and one wbose word was known by ail wba came in contact witb bim as being as gaad as bis bond; David Galbraith earn- ed and retained until his death the prlcfound esteemn and respect ai ail. Iln 1912 the Port Whitby Harbor Company sold out their holdings ta the Federal Government and Mr. Galbraith retired f romf active bus- iness. H1e was a famuliar figure on the streets and retained until the st a keen interes-t in the affairs ai the c>ommunity. For over 30 years be was an eIder in St. Andrew's Pbresbyterian Church and previaus ta that be was identified in an active way with it. Even in repient yearE- there were few Sundays in wbich de- ceased was nat in bis accustomed place in the Churcb witb the mema- bers oi bis family wbo worked band in band with hlm ia the advance- ment of tbe cburcb'e interests. H1e was also a imember of the Sans cf Scotland ladge, iWhich for many years operated in Whibby. Ia St. J'ohn's Anglican Church, Port Whit- by, he also tobok a keen interest arnd at different tinies attended service there. It was, theref are, fltting that its present reietoT, Rev. D. B. Langford, sbauld take part in the funeral service. The funeral took place Monday afternoon ilon the family residence, Part Whitby, service at tbe bouàe, wbich was very largely attended, be- ing canducted by Rev. John Lind- say, Pastor ai St. Andrew's Churcb, assisted by Rev. D. B. Langiord, rectar af St. John's Anglican Cburcb, and Rev. C. A. Reeves, Pasthorfa Knox Presbyterian Cburcb, Oshawa, Interment was made in Bowznanville Cemetery, the pail bearers being John Thomison , C. A. McClella-n, .. B. Mitchell, Ridhard Goldring, J. E. Willis and E. R. Blow. Deceased is survived by bis widjow and Vwo daughters, Miss Jean at home, and Mis. (Rev.) H. E. Abra- ham ofi Toronto. Two aisters, Mar- garet and Jean, Queeý Street, Bow- manville, and one niece, Mirs. Mar- garet Wingate, Toronto, ail of wbam were present at tbe funeral and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClellan, Bowman- ville, Mr. Ernest Wingate, Rev. H. E. Abraham and sans, Mr. D. G. M. Galbraith, Mis. Bertha Heyes and nephew, Mr. Elfard Heyes, Itronta, Mrs. Gamble, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Il QUALITY GROCERIES You always find at The Old Reliable Grocery Store goode chosen from nationally well known and highly recoznmended brande-famous for their superior flavor and food value. We are not always boasting about lowest pricea but our customers often tell us our regular prices are lower than some so called special prices You can always depend on Tait's Groceries representing the height of both quality and value. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Whein You Think of Best Quality MEATS YOU JUST NATURALLY THINK 0F lin CAWKER'S We have been purveyors to the people of Bow- manville and Durhama County for over 50 years. C, M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchera Phone 64 Bowman'yille k ARE YOU NEEDING A NEW SET 0F HARNESS? For a limited time we will give a $10.00 pair of Horse Blankets free or other goods in the store to the value of $10.00 free to, each person ordering a set ýof Home-made Team Harness. This is an offer you cannot afford to pass Up. So corne in today. MASON & DALE The Popular Hardwar--Quality and Right Prices PHONE 145 BOWMAN4VILLE Be Saving on Fuel The fuel situation is stili very keen but we are doing our best to keep the community sup- plied with Anthracite substitutes. We advise people to be saving in every pos- sible way on your fuel. At present we have for sale Virginia Domes,- tic Coal and Pocahantas. Je A. HOLGATE & SON PAGE SEVEN

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