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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jan 1926, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV1LLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 COBOURG CAME BACK STRONG IN TU E EDITOR'S MAIL Cobourg 9-Bowmanville 8 perSatsa-W htooatî-Th e Nie vv c a -qt Ie I ride A speedy exhibition of the famousi may corne to Our home in future ice sport was shown here Friday as in the past, -Reeping our mirids 1T U S A ,J N A Y2t. 96 night in an 0.I. A. game when Co-} inforined, brightè'ned and cheered'T U S A ,JN A Y 2t. 96 bourg intermediates subdued Bow- by the way, as we read ol the nany -_______ manville by one goal. The game'and varied changes and happenings WLO DL ETHM was inclined to lbe rough, Cobourg taking place in good Old Bowman- NEWCASTLE WLO DL ETHM receiving il penalties while Bow- ville town and i arlng oundn- wcaetle's Newe.t ln.tmthomei manville played very dlean and were ship. As you know we lived from Pawcste'&merstonsituio only given two penalties for minor Bethesda and Tyrone for over 30 frwm PalerHton.t off ences. In the first period Avery years and enjoyed the friendship a- Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard spent part îowdale Rest Home, standing at started with 2 goals while Drun tai- sociations and hospitality of the large of last week with Welcome visitors. the western portais of the village and lied one for Cobourg. Drum again bearted people of those days and Mr. A. Elsworth bas disposed of lending new dignity and beauty to tallied in the second with Baker fol- were permitted to partieipate in bis splendid driver to Mr. Chris L.aw. a ithro ahr li loig.ra lowing with one and Derry with their community affairs and have Ctzn eepasdoserer was given an officiai introduction to Citzen wee peasd t se reortcitizens o! Newcastle and neighbor- three, while I. Piper slipped one in since enjoyed thcir good wishes for of council proceedings in last is!eue. hoo, a eîhfu eeto n for the home team. In the third ou prosýperity and comfort. Andi r.P1ONilbsdee istnghoueaniighlast Wenesdanaf period the play as resumed with stili there remains that tangible feel- IfiedM r.P 'entonbas nd thrEa5ten teonamn evening. da much rougliness, Cobourg being ing that binds us as ids to f rinsitoetn n terE3e N utrse Rowdlavnd adte be s given seven penalties in this space. friends. points. NreRwadhdteal s Bulger bulged the net once with W er hoghTeSemn M r. Harold Clark, Collins Bay, wa5 sistance on this significant and pro- Derry and Bowen gettîng one each elantrigThSaes n recent visitor at Mr. and Mrs. Percyi pitious occasion of the nxemoers of and Bowmanville scored with A. of the many comments and pros- Hare's.1 the Ladies 'Aid group of wbich she Piper shootiu.g 2, Moyse 2, 1. Piper perity attending the many old friends Reeve H. S. Britton is attending 1 is also a member and of which Mrs.i 1. Bulger and Drum who were flot remainiflg in Darlington, and also the Counties' Council at Cobourg Win. Hanna is leader. From early on the ice tbe last tinie Cobourg of the many that have gone to otherlthis week. in the afternoon until well on to played here were a great addition parts and dîimee of adventure. In Mr. A. A. Colwill was in Torontol eleven o'clock in the evening, cutters to he eai .Theîîe-us:Alberta this has been the most* re-o WeedaanMrGo. ais and automnobiles with interested pas- to th team. Th lineups.markable winter we have seen sinceonWdeayndM.G .Giesegr kpdawgu tthe- Cobourg-Goý%1, Johns; Defejîce, here-ju.st enough snow for ideal on Thursday. tsengers kpt r wien uptodtes en- Baker, Druni; Centre, Bulger; Wings, sleighing since Christmas Day. Autosi Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke setwovs or threes or larger groups could Bowen, Derry; Subs., Nules, Gardner. are running continually ail over. The the weekend witb bier parents, Mr. ese lotaytm edn Bowmanville-Goal, Colwell; De- therniometer hanging above zero for adMs mpiUonle. 1teir way frn various sections of fenice, A. Piper, Densem; Centre, nearly the last two înontbs. Hor-ses, Miss Eva Colwill of tbe nursingj1 the village to pay their respeicts to 1 Moyse; Wings, 1. Piper, Avery; subs, cattlé, (cows) ail out to tbe straw staff, Sick Children's Hospital, Tor- the new Rest Home. Among the Luxton, Crossey. stcsfeigolininteuna onto, was home over the weekend. visitors was also a sprinkling of, co'mfortable as in sumnier time. In Mr. T. W. Jackson was in Cobourg gentlemen. BOW ANILL JNIOS IN closing, Frîend James, I wish for on Tuesday in connection witb a Visitors Vo the Home were met BOWMAVI___JUNIOS_ WI you, your staff and enterprise, pros- civil action that was being tried. at the door and ushered in by Mrs. Bowmianviîle 6--Cob.ourg 1 pety and heal saes to il oli M j 1Herbert Brown and smilingly receiv- Thebet Jnir O H A.fitue fr 1926 ind We s DaintilJohn r and Mrs. Wheeler and child- ed by Miss Rowland assisted be Mrs Thebet unor0.H.A. ixur . irn vGoingdn uaW lest u a.-Jahn. 1 have been spending the week inWWm. Hanna. Mrs. Edniund Tbick-1 seen here ins seaDonwmelpayecbe- 20 192. Bowrnanville with Mrs. Wbeeler's ray presided at a littie table with 1 forn erea large crow Monay n't b-2).6. cousin, Mrs. D. Burke Simipson. tablet and officiai pencil and court-: The ice was keen and the players- Mill-st. United Cburcb Choir will eously requested ail corners to regis- worked bard rnaking a very fast present that tantalizing musical coin- ter. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard and game. EERTE 6hBITDY jedy "Receiving the Parson", on Fi-1 a staff of assistants escorted visitors The first goal was obtained by ________ thBITHAY day, February l2tb. See advt. 4-3 tbrougb the roomss upstairs and other Brinning who went down the ice Mrs. Robert McLaugblin, 337 Sim-1 A trio of Evangelists are holding1 portions o! the house. A dainty with a rush broke tbrough the coe St. N., Oshawa, celebrated bier meetings every evening in Alexan- lunch of jellied chicken salad, bread .and butter, cake, macaroons and tea defenice and lifted one past goalie 86th anniversary of her birth on dria Hall. They are splendid speak- wa evdi h iigro hr Hooper. Wednesday, January 2th., in theI ers as well as fuirnishing saie gond asevdithdnngro wee Secod prio opned iththepreenceof iertwosons Dr Jon sngin an muic.Mrs. A.,A. Colwill, during the after- Secod prio opned iththepreenceof er wo onsDr.Joh sîgîngandmusîc.noon and evening, poured tea with boys playing harder stili and Bow- McCulloch, Lindsay, and Mn. and Don't miss the concert provided by~ matronly gruce and dignity. Those manville started to score. Morton Mrs. Hugh McCullocb, Columbus. Mission Band of U. C., Newcastle, mfs-ting with the lunch were Mrs. scored a quick shot from left wing Before bier marriage to Mr. Mce- for Feb. 26th., 1926, at 8 p. m., in Lorne Cobbledick, Mrs. F. B. Love- into the corner net. Osborne went Laugblin she lived in North Darling- the S. S. Room. Admission 25c andj kmn Mrs. J. H. Jose, -Mrs. Ho'ward up the ice alone for anotber goal. ton. One mile nortb of Enficld 15c. Everybody welcome. 'Allun, Mrs. Chas. Baldwin and Mrs. Cobourg hefties now opened up and was the McCullocb homestead wbere On ýSaturday, January 23rd., Dr. Trurnan Clark. came down the ice but could flot hier family were born and naised. Mr. W. J. LeMay attended the weddingi Musical and elocutionary numbers get through tbe defence. Then Roacb George McCulloch, ber first blsband, in Lakefield of his sister, Miss Ameliaj were provided at intervals by the got the range and scored on a pass. died several years ago. Her par- LeMay, to Mr. Willis Witeside, ai following artists: Vocal duet by Mrs Morton received a penalty in this ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, prosperous fariner of Betbany. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke and Miss Edna pericdl for slashing. McPbee was were pioneers of North Darlingtôn Miss Melissa Stevens, Buffalo, in Rickard; récitation by Miss Margaret given a rest for tripping Binning. and tbey bad two daughters, Eleanor copn Ihle ics r.Hn os in -l yMs ooh .Big Cavanaugb bumped goalie Hoop- and Charlotte who attended wbat is company Wet erniecsrs. Hunti Toms; vpianoslo by M iss Dcrotby er and visited the penalty box. now known as Union Scbool, S. S. .Ir F.th eaest and mrs. Pe re ad Rckad;oale duetMis ith uCokee Rundie was penalized for sending No .17, Darlington, wben John Jes: r.IaF ere owavîe e copnmetb isEle ok a pn- opaftrwads upeintndet o cently spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. by Eileen and Minnie Pearce on three Frise to the ice, Hooper gets apn oatrad ueitneto W. H. Pearce. separate occasions, and piano duet alty for using is weigbt. Frise Schools for Britisb Columbia, was b ienadMs ainRcad comes back at Rundie and trips him.. the teacher and in 1854 the senior Mr. Harry Jose's S. S. Class o!fby Eie t een is io RicarE. B He gets an invitgtion to the mourn-' editor of The Stateiman was a scboi- boys andl Mrs. J. R. Fish.er's lass o o ersnig h ny r er's bench. Meanwbile the boysia n h mt itr ce h girls enjoyed a jolly sleîgb ride Fni- CoerpesniHteClry r have been working - their heads off part of Big Sisters to hlm. day evening and on thein return I. S.Bton Revrpsnig andMoronget anthr pnaly.luncbed bappily and merrily in the the Municipality and Dr. J. A. But- andMoto gtsanohe pnaty The Oshawa Reformer in reporting basement cf Community Hall. er for the Medical profession, made In the third period "Goalie" Hoop-ý the birtbday celebration says: Mrs. Mis. F. W. Fligg was taken sud- pleasing speeches congratulating er trips Brinnings and is penalized, McLuhi' ogadueu ednyiiMna at r u iers Rowland for the foretb,igbht Ogborne going in goal. Osborne went Mba beensen ind Osbawa and e bder rellmovd t TorontouGeer and enterprise she bad shown 'in up the ice like a whirlwind and works hs-be pn nOhw n h a irrmvdt oot eea providing sucb a long feit need for a~ond he et coingby bak-vicinity, havîng corne o this part cf Hospital where an operation was per- the comninuity and commending the and shet ro rigt wigawbcb the country from England wben a formed the samne evening. Latest re home Vo the citizens of Newcastle cold snot have been placed better child witb her parents. ports gives bier condition as beingan vcnty On the next rush Cavanaugh trips She is probably one cf the most satisfactory. Amiong &. sein attendanice in the Morton and la sent off. Rundie -fol- widely known women in the coin- Newcastle's Ancient History by evening weîe Mrs. W. F. Bowen, Imms for tripping Cavanaugh. Mor- munity, numbering arnong bier many Mr. W. F. Eddy, Regina, Sask., in wife of our M. P., accompanied by ton stants burning the ice and breaks j friends, old and new, young and Statesman revived many happy mem- bier aunt, Mrs. Downing -of Toronto. througb the defence taking a clean aged, those who love bier for bier cries Vo Newcastle readers who were Little Rowland MeCulloch Burley, shot in f ront o! the net for a goal. loyalty, bospitality, and never-fail- young in those days and who ta ail first 'babe born in the Horne, accom- Morton gets another penalt fo ing interest in events cf the past appearances neyer seem Vo grow panîed by bis father and mother slashing and makes up for it a lou-as well as affairs cf the present mucb aider, came up fromn Newtonville and bie- le of minutes laer when on a cross- day.MatrJhRiarwî bsea stowed bis greetings on the bouse of off in front o! the net lie turred Her birtbday was spent quietly at and sîeigh took the fellws of bis biTh.oei led nrcito around fast and scored very clever- ber home. S. S .Class along witb their teacher, ThHoeiaradineeîtf ly. Game ended 6-1 for Bowman- several donations of sick room and ville. Line-up: Editor and Mrs James unite wtb Mn. Thos. A. Rodger, and the girlsi kitchen accessories, vegetables, fruit, Cobour-GoalAndrew; De-ier hasts cf other Dalington, East o! Miss Lillian Clemence's Class foran vriudeiacewhcwile Forise, CavaAnugh; Cee Whitby and Oshawa fiends in sin- an enjoyable ride in the country on lacnvolede in ncext week's pare fenceFrsCvnuh Cete, cere congratulations on reaching Saturday afternoon and then drew i ______inet ee'spaer Coole; Wings, Rollings, Binning; sus, an advanced age in the use cf up at bis home "The Grange", for Suba., Butler, Walden. her natural faculties and stili inter- lunch whicb bis mother and sisters PASSING 0F Bownanvile-Goal, Hoopen; De- ested in local and public affairs. graciously served in dainty fashion FORMER CL.ARKE BOY fenoe, Osborne, Hooper; Centre, Vo the youthful buncb 'cf merrymak- Morton; Wings, Lunney, Roach; ers. Stanleyr F. Gilmer, Carievale, Sask. Suba, McPhee, Rundle.YON E LES EAU Twenty-tbnee neimbers of Durhami Relatives and fniends in Newcast- ___________ YUNGPEOLE' LEGUE Lodge, A.F.&A.M., by invitation of le and Clarke were grieved Vo learu Mr. Henry Ragen, son-in-law o! Mr. last week o! the unexpected death Oi.. FRIENDS Social nigbt at League Monday John Douglas, tnipped Vo Toronto by o! Mr. Stanley F. Gilmer at bis _____night under Miss Minnie Seiby, pro- speciai bus last Tbursday evening home near Carievale, Sask. Mr& We love them very deanly, the nid vided heaps o! amusement for cI Ii and attended the meeting and instal- Chas. A .Cowan, North St., received famliar places, and young. A group cf female lation o! officers of lXric Lodge A. a telegram on Wednesday acquaint- The roads wbere every turn we Masons rebearsed one of their pri- F.&A.M., of wbicb Mr. Ragen is the ing bier cf the sad fact o! ber know, the trees that 'er it bend vate meetings for the benefit of the newly elected W. Master. The vis- brotber's death, due te a stroke, the The meadow grasses waving, end the audience, disclosing witb kindness I iting bretbren sinîce thein return day before. Mn. Gilmer was just little flower faces, many secrets of the inner sanctum, home are ful of praise for ail tbey in the prime cf life, being 43 years And the lifted bis benignant 'hitherte unknown Vo the eomo saw and heard i n Donic Lodge. At cof age and altbiough bie had flot eacb one a steadfast friend. ' berd. Two newcorners wer .1125V the banquet at which over 200 sat been well for somte montbs nothlng being initiated into the mysteries cf down Vo the tables, Dr. J. A. Butler1 serieous was anticipated. Mn. and We lve he oftand prigin s maIte Msore nicLodendewctFe- replied in a neat speech to the toast Mis. Gilmer (f ormerly Miss Bella oft as our footsteps press "t;-ml aoieLdVo ewate o the visiting brethren. The New-! Samis o! Newtonville), left for the The littie wayside biers that by the Most High and Mighty Sky castle bnetbren reacbed home abouti West some fourteen yë>ars ago and reacb their clinging fingens out; Racket and bier comlbanions and bad I12 a. m., making the return trip in located near Carievale, Sask. her The lcwly nest, baif bidden in the been given their weapons (nolling on~oradtît-lemnts te civdsoesad e;tIish- dusky hedge---God bless itt! pi and broom) to bie used in war i ed for themnselves and family a bap- And ail the comnion bhing-s thatl against that lowly insect man, when Bro. J. H. Jose, D.D.S.P. for Dur-; py and confortable home. .,i,.A th, ,i,~v ~ 1Ithe police discovered the Counicil bain West, installed officers cf. New-ý ,î.,.,,,,.. There's one wide bnancbîng maple that wag tail when we wene tending The baby lambs beneath it in the years of long ago. There's one great sbadowy oak that stocd, its !iendly shelter lend- ing To cur parents wfhen they cou.ted, its tending sbadows below. The treee, the his, he pastures, the Lanes we oft have trodden, 01 us they are a part, our blood has caugbt a tbnill from th em.* We rnay walk today in pur'le, where once we walked in 'hoddeýn. But the selfsaime soul is in us, we are theirs in root and stem. We love theni very dearly, the old familiar places; In beaven I tbink the road willý wear a look like ours at borne; The fields of living green recall thel pleasant beckoning faces O! the meadow-lands that hold us fast ,ihow far eoe'er we mamn. -Margaret E. Sangster. Doctor says genuine messies are here. Rub it in For Lame Back.-A bisk rtibbing with Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil will relieve lame back, Te skin will immediateiy absorb the cil and it will penetrate the tissues and bring apeedy relief. Try it and be convinced. As the lini- ment inks In, the pa coim out and there are ample ground4 fr say- lng that it ls an excellent article. Chamber, and their excellencies were1 castle Lodge, No. 4 6, S. O. E.,! deceased is survived by one son, forced Vo disband. A debate "Re- Tbunsday evening assisted by Bro. Reginald, now eigbteen years cf age solved that Country Girls make bet-' H. E. Hancock of Lodge Newton and~ and two daughters, Helen and Jean, er Wives than City Girls", issul- r Clarence Allin o! LogWl1 also one brother, Mr. Herb. Gilmer, held on the affirmative side byMi,- venhampton. Othier bretbren pres-1 Starkville, and two sisters, Mrs. C. A es Lilian Colwill and Lilian Cleni-; enV from Lodge Wolverhampton . Cowan, Newcastle, and Mrs-. James ence and on negative by Clarence! were W.P., W. H. Barrett; Sebxetary. Quantrili, Carievale, Sask. Allin and Dr. LeMay. The latte.- Wyven Reid and I.G., Lewis Wood. The funeral was held on Friday, two struggled valiantly against t.heinr each of wbom brougbt fraternal January 22, the rernains being taken opponents but the country girls werei greetings f rom Wolverhampton, Or- Vo Cannduff for burial. proved superior. Other items. on! ono, and made good speeches wben Mrs. Quantril whose home is onîy the programn wene a reading "The 1 called upon by the newly installed' about two miles distant from the Farmer's Girl" by Miss Tucker man. Afte rthe formai losing of Giîmer's in South Eastern Sasqkatche- Coucb and an instrumental by Miss W. President, Bro. Lawrence Cryder- wan visited ber relatives bere lastl Beatrice Bragg. the lodge, the bretbren enjoyed a sunimer and spent some time with most -satisfying lunch o! sandwich- bier sister, Mrs. Cowan, cf this vil-ý es, cake, pies, tans, assorted biscuits lage. Use ThsClubing ist ad coffee provided in abundance by ___ __ TheCandia Stteaau 'Illicbahirmanship of Bro. W. H. Hockin. BOND SELLING CAMPAIGN clubed itb ny f th folowng NWCATLE HURHES At the Older Boys' Paliament pýcublicationsfor192oftthe folow- __EWCATLE____ bS eld in Toronto it was found that pubicaion fo 196 e th folow 1 ill Street United Chunch. il a $11.000 would be needed Vo carry on ing pices: Lr".în . a the C. S. E. T. program inOnai Globe ..................... $6.50 m.Mrnn Worsip; 2:30 . m- f or 1926.' The menibers accept- Mai &Emir ISun day Scbool; 7 p. n-Evening ed the responsibility of raising this TootMaily tare.............50 Service. Young People's Choir in money by means o! a Bond Selling Toroto ail Sta .......86.50' the morning. Young Men's Choir Campaign. Farmer's Advocate........... $8.001lin he evening. Everybody welcome. Tuxis boys and Trail Rangers of New Outlook................ $4.00 - Bowmanvilîe are asked Vo raise $100 Christian Herald ........... $4.00 AUCTION SALE while the objective set for Durham Ladies' Home Journal ....... $3.001 outsîde of Bcwmanville aad Port Saturday Evening Post ...$400 Thuriday, January 28th-Mr. S Hope wias also $100. On January Fami0. Herald & Weoty35,arcon.0Î, Hope, Ï4 30, he boys-will stait their cam- Famly erad &Weely tar $.00 mie foinNewonvlleC.N. R. Sta- paign, and on behaif cf these boys Weekly Witness............ $4.00 tien will oeil bis faim stock, inciud- 1I slicit your support in this wortby Canadian Home Journal .... .88.00 ing herses, Holstein mlch cos work and campalgn. s Faim & Dalry............. $2.50 Anona pullets, Rock liens, grain and Let us endeavour to surpas the Fermr.'Sun..........$850 ay, implernents, dairy uten*ila, enviable record of last year and tamcLenSuMaga.i.e.........$84. 00 od, bousehold furniture, piano, place our town and county among Ceani aan Cosrya ....80 davenport, bedding, etc. ... 40 See billIs.tihe leaders in the Province. Caâia ontya ... $.0Sale at 1 p .m. Geo. E. Caldwell, D. A. MCiemgor, Oinadlau Poultry R.vlew .. .001 Auctloneer.1 Meurber for West Durham. pe re rit PUBLIC MEMORIAL LIBRARY lAt the regular meeting of the Pub- leLibrary Board on January 20, with Mr. J. W. Bradley in the chair and with the new Reeve, Mr. H. S. Britton, present in his officiai capa- city, Miss Ethel Lockhart, Secretary- Treasurer, presented the financial and statistical report for 1925. Newcastle citizens certainly have every reason to be proud of its lib- rary and the capable manner in whileh it is conducted, and e pecially grateful to the Librarian, Miss Cora. Butler, wbo puts so much thought, time and entbusia.9m into her wvork. She is always on time at the ex- change table during library hours, and keeps herself thoroughly postedi on the contents of the library, hence is always ready to give enqu.iringi patrons advice and assistance in choosing books to their taste or, needs.1 The financial report follows: 1 Receipts Balance £rom 1924 report $225.20 Legisilative grant.......... 115.64 Municipal appropriation .. 325.00 Fines on books............ 35.59 Membership fees........... 26.80 Library and donation....... 100.00 $828.22; Expciiditure Adult Class Books ........ $ 69.80 Adult fiction.............. 99.67 Juvenile fiction............ 55.85 Magazines.................72.85 Repairs, loècks. for doors, etc 11.10 Notice Board.............. 16.80 Rent.................. ..300.00 Librarian's salary......... 150.00 Printing library supplies .... 13.42 Postage on books.......... 2.00 Express on books........... 2.25 Bal, -on hand, Dec. 31, 1925 34.481 $828.22 These items and figures are glean- ed from the statistical report pre- pared for the Governrnent by Miss Lockhart. Tbey indicate the ex- ceptional good use citizens are mak- ing o! the library. IV surely speaks volumes for the studious habits and reading propensities of Newcastle folk wben one considers that in ad- dition Vo the magazines loaned out, and those read in the Library and witb ail the other reading matter inI every home, there was a circulation of library books durinc the year of 10,153 in a village o! 650 popula- tion-an average of about 16 bocks for every man, woman and cbild in the village. Here are the figures: B'ooks in Library-1,998; ecirculated! 1925-10,153; magazines loaned- 721; Bocks purcbased-155; mem- bersbip 1925-365; magazines, per- iodicals and newspapers eubscribed fcr-Daily 2; weekly 4; montbly 8. Tbree weekly papens and 7 mag- azines and a number o! bocks were donated. These items show what the people are reading: Religion-21; Natural Science-204; Useful Art-8; Fine Arts-28; Literature-92; History- 76; Travel-liS; Biography-113; Fiction-7,838; Juvenie-1,655. Mn. Pepper wbo bas been work- ing as a carpenter bere for some montbs past bas returned Vo Chi-î cago. il UMM N. H. S. LITERARY SOCIETY In order that training and exper- ience might be given to as many pupils as possible, it waa thought ad- visable to have a second election of officers in the Literary Society, New-1 castle High Scbool. Accordingly,1 Miss Tucker Couch was appointed1 leader of a second Executive party,1 to be chosen by herseif. Friday afternoon a businesslike "general election" was carried on with ballots, scrutineers, poil clerk, returning of- ficer, etc., to decide whether the new or old government should be in con- trol during the ensuing term. The old government "The Buzzers",' un- der Miss Minnie Peamle was defeat- ed while the new party, "The Old Reliabies" won out witb a good majority. The Executive, then, now consists of: President-Tucker Couch. Vice-President-Marjorie Cowan. Se'y.-Treas.-Bertha Cowan. 1 lst Form Rep.-Fred ButIer. j 2nd Form Rep.-Charlie Thackrey. 3rd Formn Rep.-Clara Caswell. Editor-Charlie James. TORONTO DURHAM CLUB Address by Mr. W. C. Kettewell Former Superintendent of Methodist Publishrng Houas Activitie. The monthly meeting of Toronto Durham Club was hield at the resi- dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clemies, 123 South Drive, on Thureday even- ing, January 2lst. The members were pleased to hear of our wortiiy Secretary-Mr. Thoinas Yeliuwlees' recovery froin his recent iiiness buti very sorry to know of Mr. S. H. Jeffery's tontinued ilînesa. The program was one of the best* of the season and consisted of Mrs. Racheile Stepenson and hier quartet of viol-. inists ;Miss Tamblyn, Miss Brisbin, Mrs. Scott and Mra.Reid, soloists. Mr. McGormick with moutji organ was very entertainîng. The address of the evening was given by Mr. Wilfrid C. Kettleweil on "The Rom- ance of Printing Ink" which was very, interesting, instructive and greatly appreciated. The usual social feiàt- ures o! the evening were very pleas- ant and fuliy enjoyed by ail. A vote of thanka was passedl to the host and hostess and anl those tak- ing part in the prograffi. There was a goodly number in attendance. Don't miss Auction Sale of Ben- nett Hardware Stock. See advt. hWhen You Needi GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it wilI receive prompt attention and you will get good valut H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastl. Telephone Rates at this Exchanige T HE following table shows the principal rates now ini effect for this exehange, and the new rates for which we are asking the approval of the Board of Railway Commissioners- Present Proposed Monthly Montbly Rate Monthly Rate Increase Business Service Individual Uine $2.05 2-Party " .b5 Residence Service Indivîdual Line $2.05 2-Party 4" 1.85 $2.75 2.25 $2.05 1.85 (Above rates ore for uall telephones) It will be seen that in order to bring local telephone rates into line with our proposed new sehedule, no change is necessary in the charges for residence service. The tendency is thus to encourage the devlopmnt of rsidence service. Merchants and business men, while asked to pay a some- what higher rate for business telephones will benefit in the enlargement of the scope and value of their ser- vice by the development of residence telephones. We believe our patrons will agree that to maintain and extend a service vital to the welfare of the community far outweighs in importance the moderate increaâes a relatively small number of our citizens will be asked to pay. H. M. BLACK, manager The Bell Telephone Compmny' of Canada 4 O. H. A. HOCKEY SCHEDULES latermediate SerI.. Jan. 29-Bowmanvillo at Oshawa Jan. 29-Cobourg at Port Hope. Feb. 2-Port Hope at Bowmanvlle Feb. 5-Cob>ourg at Oshawa Feb. 5-Oshawa at Bowmanville Feb. 8--Port Hope at Cobourg Junior Series Jan. 29--Oshawa at Cobourg Feb. 1-Bowmanville at Port Hope Feb. 1-Cobourg at Whitby Feb. 5-Port Hope at Cobourg Feb. 5-Bowmanviiie at Oshawa Feb. 8-Whitby at Bowxnanville MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER. M. D- C. M. Hlonor graduate of Trinity Universlti FeiIow of Trinity Medicai College Licentiate of the State University of New York, Matriculate of the Pogt- Graduate Medical School and Ho.- pitai of New York and Feiiow of the Toronto Academy of Medicine. Office -Mrs. McNaughton's Residence Newcastle. Hour&-8 to 10 a. m., i tai 3 p. m., and by appointaient MILL STREET UNITED CHURCH CHOIR NEWCASTLE PRESENT "Receiving The Parson" A Tantalizing Tangle and a Musi- cal Gomedy under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Sutton in Community Hall Newcastle Friday, February l2th At 8:15 p. m. Adni.ssioin Soc; Children 28c Dox4't fail to hear this humoreus Play W. J. S. Riekard, CWor Leader THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1926 PAGE EIGHT iý ; i

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