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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1926, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ISOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11. 1926 M HAMPTrON HAYDONI SOLINA Miss Laura Virtue i. takng a bus- l"be anunal congregational meet- Reserve Wednesday evening, Feb-ý ines course in Toronto. . Miss Allie ing waa heki at the church on Tues- ruary 24th f or the Women's Imatit- Wood Grnois ithher istr, ay venngwhen ail business per- uteconcert. Particulars next week WoodH.OE.oRn is...Mr.tandr sister ay n.ing , hac wr wstakd »* oryt lan htMr. and Mrs Mv..H. . Rnd1e.. Mr andMrsta4ing o curc wor wa takedN. E. Wright and famuly are leaving A. Langmnaid and Miss Evelyn, Zion, over, afterwards refreshmenta were our neighborhood and wish them at Mr.. C.' Lang'mad'e..... Mr. T. served and a very pleasant evening every success in their new Ihome at Wlcox is visitlng hier daughter in spent. .Rev. J. W. Down performied Fonthili ... .Mr. James Reynolds is Bo6wzanville ... . Miss Ama Polard, bis regular duties here on Sunday' spend*ingaseeksWhoteidaysat-home and Misa Annie Jalhns, Bowmanville, Iafternoan and delivered an excellent gu.. .o Miss Bellarht e Toront, apent the weekend at Mr. J L. Johns'1 sermon on "Mary and Martha" which Tet o Mi araret Messock..e was enjoyed by everyone ... . Mrs.. .Terornathe eg me- ...Mies Mildred Souch, Oshawa, Elgin Mountjoy was called to Tor- ing Monday evening conc-isted of Ian- was home at Mr. C. W. Souch'e over1 ont, nFia trul heiîesterri sides illustrating a trip across the weeken-Mrs. James Curtisi f ir father who underw.ent a ser- Cndscrdb e.J .Bc has been quite ........ W. M. S. held 1ionof eran.... r n m from the Passenger Dept. of the C. their manthly meeting at the home, T eraMutiya...... the and M . R. They proved very instructive of Mv.. C. W. Souch on Tuesday af- Teo onjyatnè h at and entertaining Io the large sud-1 ternoon. at *Mr .R. Gilbert's on Friday night iece present, tak oRv r ...Pleased to learn that Masters Biken . ftrtheanks Rev. Mr - --- Lloyd and Gordon Siemon are near- session Afte t Sunday Scort ooler ly rcovred rom meales ...Mr.ance prograni was given. Short talks -Theron Mountjoy bast a valuable dealing with different phases of the young cow recently. . .The menibers qetion were given by Messrs. B. G. of the Orchestra spent a pleasanti Steves .L acoR .MK el;eing ast eekat Ms. Tos.sock and Rev. J. R. Bick. I Slemon. ..* , Ou, mill pond is again Last Friday evening the visit of proving a very attractive spot this the Young Men's Bible Class of Zion winter, drawing skaters froiniea hrch to the Young Men's Class of FREE ! FREE and far ... .Several members of !Ii* Eldad Church proved to b: a v thendaipe.. einwa in shrie onheyoung men gathered at the Son's Sunay venng as n earg oftheHall and after devotional exercises A Limited Number of 1st Vice-President, Miss Verna Tre-1 were conducted by Mr. Arthur Stain- Genuine Leather Needie- by the visitors, with the genial Mr., Frank Pascoe acting as chairmian.1 CaesKEDRON Supper was served by the Eldad boys Ladies' Aid monthly meeting was ably with the service at the Prince containing held at Mrs. A. D. Van Dyke's with George. After supper, toasts to 14 Gld HaedEnliha very nice program by Mrs. E. the King, Church, guests, and to the Messrs. H. F. Werry and R. J. Luke. to by Mr. Alan McKessock and Rev. Needies will be given ab- Refreshments were served... Mr. J .R Bick; Messrs. W. R. Westlake and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Enfield, en- and A. Stainton; Tom Alton and Har- solutely free by tertained Thursday evening guests old, Pasgcoe; W. T. Baker and Elgin from here were: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Taylor. The toast to the ladies Detoi Nespaer Pascoe, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott, receiving the banner share of the1 A Deroi Newaaper Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Werry, Misses applause. The balance of the night Hazel Van Dyke, Dorothy McGregor, away into the small hours of the Corne in and arrange to Marguerite Thonipson, Marguerite morning, was spent in gamnes, stunts ConinLuela epbrn ndKath- and contests, which taxed the get yours. leen Conlin;. Messrs. Harvey Cross- strength, skill and ingenuity of al man, Earl Van Dyke, Malcolm Me- present and proved to be ludicrously a . u~Gregor, Arthur Hepburn and Fabian entertaining. "Comne again Zion Choli~S Cnln ... W e regret to report th( death of Miss Euphemia Beath ol Ae Le N cil Barrie ,sister of Robt. Beath. Inter. nment in Union Cemetery, Oshawa.. Bookstore Bowmanville --.Mr. Hugh Leask, Greenbank, solé Bible lass will spend a social even. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs R. J. Luke on Thursday evening. IVALUE AND SERVICE IN SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR Men's Plain Toe Brown Boot, welt sole and rubber heel .............................$5.00 per pair Men's Black Box Caîf, full leather lined, double soles ...........................$7.50 per pait Boys' Hikers, black and brown .. . .$5.50 per pair Women's low heel Oxfords, in patent leather and black caif .....................$4.50 per pair Women's Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip- pers ..................................... $3.75 per pair W. Claude Ives The Home of Good Shoes Bowmanville - g g DOMESTIC SIIORTENINC No. 3 PAIL 43c Crown or Beehive CORN1 PERFECTION BREAD SYRUPjIFLOURj 5 IL PAIL 33c 24 lb. Bag $1 ORUî',ISWICK SARDINES 23 TIîN ..NY CAKE BISCUITS 1 9c,. ..1)JPoîi,19c iowntree's Cocoa 23c WHEATLETS 4 Ibs. 29c BEEKIST !; Lb.PAIL HONEY 14 ... J., 75e 30e COFFEESpecdal 55C* THE TASTE WILL TELL. BAYSIDE CORN 2 ti.- 25c Blayside Tomatoes Ilc Shirriff's Extract 10c CANDLES 20c doz. TOMINIQ UIQ CHOICE PEAMEAL DOINON T QUAKER COTTAGE Richmelio 79cgb. OATS O L SELECT 6,th C"i"Pr.mium O L D.S.L. Bulk 59C 39e 29c ib. Theze Prices lu affect for one week from date of this paper c iii PAY YOUR MERCHANTS' BILLS Rev. Father Maloney in bis pul- pit in Walkerton denounced in no uncentain tones aIl those who hold up their heads and strut by witbout paying their accounts. He depicted in anything but a favorable light that ilk who will indulge in fur coats, automobiles, radios and other euc% luxunies and yet keep merchanta and others carrying thein on their books for long perioda for the necessities of life. "Thivty days is sufficient ta owe any man", said the speaker, i"unlees other arrangements are made". Placing prominently in the category of sin the practise of baving Imoney in the Bank and owing others a t the sanme tinie, Father Malony stresed the unjustness of the or- dinance that compelled merchants ta borrow inoney and psy interest ta meet their drafts while their debtors wene drawing intereat on fat de- posits, mortgages and loans. ENNISKILLEN League apened Wednesday even-1 ing with president Frank Dorland in chair. Bible readinga by a number of Leaguers ,after which Mrs. John Pye led in prayer. Miss May Wer- r y, lat Vice-President, 'ben took charge. Tapic on "The Indignity of the Master" was ably taken by Mrs. H. J. Werry. Miss Laura Andrew and Miss Gladys Stainton favored with readings. Meeting closed .with Roll Cal...Sunday evening our Pastor, Rev. E. M. Cook gav n other excellent sermon. of "The Bread of Life". He explained the true meaning of the "Sacrament".. .Sunday morning a representative of the ýTemperance Society will give a talk on his wo...... .Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeffery and baby and Miss Alice Mark spent the weekend with Scugog Island friends... Mr. Ira Trevail, Oshawa, visited at Mr. E. C. Ashton's .The many fniends of Mr. Andrew Sharpe are sorry to hear of bis sev- ere ilînesa.. Mr. and Mrs. D. Burg- master entertained over a hundred ed os Friday wben the best of hast and Bwavlewsdfae yOh f Her school chuma in Solina are hostess gave everyone a good time wanieia e eeidaby niht pleased to hear that Misa Marguerite in their genial and hospital an-74anda1 nteiaebawe ay h un Wright who is attending St. Cathen- lner. A delicious lunch waa served ions 6-3. Oabiawa Intermediates dI mes Business College, miade 100% to wbich aIl did justice. TPhe party were at their best and tisne after lt on rapid calculation test recently. broke up in the wee ana' hours of time came down the ice but Col- 1- the morning. well ususlly was rigbt there savng ____.__ the locals from being swept under by a big score. The first period end- COURTICE TYRONE ed with the score 4-1 in favor of ________visitors. In tlhe second periad Bow- Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt, Ennis- Young People's League on Thuya- manville got going and 'worked bard killen, has been visiting relatives and day night was attended by 28. The but could not score on Smith. Third friends in tibia vicinity..Visitors service was well conducted by Mn. period tbey slawed down but were at Mr. and Ms.. S. S. Brooks an F. Dudley, aur new president, assist- Still checking strong. Locals se- Sunday: Misses Ethel and Donotby ed by Miss Mae Gardiner. Topic on cured tbree goals in this period wbile Brooks, Miss Clark, Mn. McCrohan, "The Stewandelhiip of Life", was well Osbawa netted tbnee. The game was Mr. Conley, Toronto, and Mr. Prior presented by Mrs. C. W. Woodley; very dcean only one penalty being of Oshawa.... Mn. and Mrs. T. San- Misa Rosie Short read another chap- given for rough tactica. The line up: derson and Mr. Smythe, Toronto, ter in "The Winning of Barbarai Oshawa-Goal-Smith; Defence- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Worth", in fine voice and f arm. Two 'Johnston; Cente-Tott; Wings- R. Courtice.... Drawing ice seeras ta vocal dueta were exceedingly webl Rowden, Howke; Subs-Walker, be the feature of the day. A good1 rendered by Mr. C. Bigelow and Mn.! Stephen. many loada going through the vil-1 H .Brent and Miss M. Moore and Mr. Bownanville-Goal-Colwell, De- lage every day from Mn._ Brooks' i W. Staples; also a good readiog by, fence-Piper, Densem; Centre- pond..Services on Sunday werej Miss E. Brent. .The new furnace Moyse; Wings-Avery, Piper; Subs good. Paaton Washington was in installed in the church la giving great1 -Luxton, Crossey. Ref eree-Lowry. tbe pulpit and preached two fine ser- satisfaction ...A new metal and 1____ morts, the sermon in the morning be- concrete shed la ta be finished by the 1 Wbitby Juniors were beaten bere ing very helpful and appropriate ta middle of Auguat. ... Official Board Monday nigbt by 5-0. The play was the sacramental service..League met in the S. S. Rooni on Monday keen and the ice neyer betten. The service althougb flot large in at- afternoan and was argely attended.1 boys were on their best bebavior on- tendance was splendid. Mrs. Cecil 1Tne finances were in good shape. ly two penalties being given in the Found who was ta present the bible1 Our Pastar tendered bis resignation, last period. Wbitby had a lot of the tapic could not be present"but a very Iafter wbicb many nice and kind play but couldn't get past Goalie interesting topic was written out by things were said by the niembers. He Hooper. In the first period Morton Ms.. Found and given by Miss Marie ia now closing his 45th year in the took a abat from autaide the forty Rundle an "the talents". Rev. Mr. miniatry. A pulpit supply commit- foot line. The goabie tried ta catch Washington gave a fine addres onitee was appointed. A veny kindly it but defbected it inta the net. Then "War", and those who dîd nat at- wonded nesolution of sympathy was Whitby got going and made a grand tend League tbat eveoing missed pnesented ta Rev. Mr. Down and rush but could not score an Hooper. something that was well worth -hear- faniily referring ta the great and Osborne now showed bis stuif and îng. A piano sala was also rend- sad boss they had auatained in the scored on a backlband ahot froni ered by Miss Sadie Muir and a piano deatb of Mrs. Down. The 8alany is ight wing. In the second period duet by Mv.. W. R. Caurtice aod paid in full to date and the Confer- Rundle was rewarded with a goal Clare... .Ladies do not forget aur ence Budget Fund la webI in hand . . after making a fast rush and break- W. M. S. meeting this week at the . .Mns. Wni. Virtue la with bier son, ing tbrough the defence. Morton home of Mrs. S. S. Brooks at 2:30 Charles, of Enniskillen, wbo is quite scored in the final period aften mak- p. ni. All the ladies invited. .. Miss il . .. . Miss Hazel Hodgson, Non- ing an individual rush up the ice Mabel Brawn of, Peterbono, bas been wood, is spending the weekend at and put the pill into the basket for guest of Miss Mabeble Walters. home... . Snows9hoe Club la baving the foîirtb tally. Notffing had been Watch for annaunonient of U. F. fine sport these winter days. They beard of Macphee sa far but hie O. Oyster Supper at Ebenezer. Par- are also putting the vink in goodI started soon after this and slapped ticulars next week. sibape agan . . .. Sacramiental servicel the rubyber in on Ruodle's pass. Two Reput fr Jnuay, . S No 8,was well attended here on Sunday penalties were given in this period Reprt orJanary S S.No.8,monning. The Paston preached a athough the game looked as though Darlington, in order of merit: ý very bhelpfal sermon an the subject, it was going ta be the cleaneat pas- Junior Division "Divine Love Revealed", Jno. 3:16. sible. Hoaper gat thbe finat penalty Jr. IL-Talbert Gearing, Curtis Services next Sunday at Betheada, for tripping. Then. Morton got the Gearng, Florence Wilkins, Mabel ýSalem and Tyrone, pastar in charge. idea, and tried ta trip another man Walter, Sadie Alin, Claude Graham,' - - but mirsaed. The game ended with Henrny Howard, Eldon Essery, Brucel Bowmanville having 5 talles nnd Muir, Rosa Babson, Edith Alin.! Notice to Farmers Whitby being whitewashed. Line up: Sr. I-Marion Courtice, ElsikeBowmanvile-Gaal..Hooper; De- Florence Courtice, Joy Wa!siogn,-i I have for sale the folawing second- fneObre opr ete ge:hand rnachinery, ait in good workjng or- fneObre opr ete Raymond Barber, Elsie Brock, Aud- der, they are prlced Iow for qiji,ek saeMorton; Wings-Willianis, Turner; rey Trevail (absent.> Fordson Tracter, wlth or wthout plow Subs Macphqe, Rundle. Jr. I ta Sr. I-Leslie Kinsman, andI grinder. 6 fi. lindler, Truck andI (:or- rier: il Dise Drill!;2 roe Corn Cultiva- Whtby-Goal-Hawes; defence- Roseina Edgar, Hattie Soudden, tor; 2% H. P. Engine: 2 Wheel Traction B. Smith, J. Sleighton; Centre-E. June Walter, Edith Esseny, John Spayer. with Mustard and Potatot at- Segtn ig-.TceN Walter, Ruth Nichols. tachmnent; Creamn Separator; Set otfloh ilegtn Wis-.TceN Jr. I-Bernice Cochrane, Ivan Sleighs; Single Sulky Plow. Apply S. Cormick; Subs-Mowbray, M. Hall. i.î . Henry, Massey-Harris Agent, phono Sub. Goal-Clarke. Cochrane, Irene Nichols, William office 13, house 232, flwmanviiie. 6-2: Cochrane ,Elmer Huggins, Wîlbie NichaIs, Max Nichois. lot. Primer-Margaret Gay, Gor- Mr. Elmer Lick, Oshawa, well- don Balson, Gladys Reynolds, Doris C O 1~ ~ ' known farmer of Ontario Coutity, Wilkins, Ronald Grahani, Jean GayC O T E suffered a stroke while be was look- Pearl Konopacki, Herman Allin, San- ing over bis bush in Cartwright dy Muir, Alex. Konopacki, Rayniond W A r -'rjy Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Lick was Bal.son absent. : M A K E T H Eî.U taken ilI and xvas being conveyed ta Jr. Primer-Margaret Adams, bis home in a wagon when hoe lap- Fred Adams, Dorothy Snudden. ý:ed lOto uncnscOfiousness anti ha.z.ne- Miss Leuta J. Pierson, teacher M s~AN «.»mained in that condition ever since. You can believe it or flot, but 1 'S 1 Use This Clubbing List AUCTION SALES 1 a suit elî kept certainly does ____ Friday, February 12th-Mr. Cha5z.. add ta appearances. TeCnda ttsa ilb L Brown will selI at McMurtry's! clul)bed with ans' of the following, Store, King St . Bowmanville, aý It doesn't cost iouch to have publications for 1926 at the follow- quantity of carpenter and gardený n rcs tools, some furniture, etc. Sale at your clothes cleaned and prc.ssedingpics i~~~~: :0pn. W a utino.Globe.................... ...$6.50 1:0_._._._____ to,(ýr. regularly. Lýots of men have us Maîil & Empire.............. $6.50 Saturday, February 13th-Mr. press their suit each week. Why Tloronto Daily Star..........$6.50 Chas. L. Brown, will selI at hj.s rosi- j Farmer's Advocate........... $3.00 <ence, Church-st., ail of his bouse- not you? 0f course, we cao fit New Outlook................ $4.00O hold furniture, inclu'ling parlor, din- ing-roomn, bedroon and kitchen fur- you for a oow suit if you nîust Christian Herald............. $4.001 nishings. Sale at 1 :30 p. n. Wn. have one. Ladies' Home Journal........ $3.001 Maw, Auctioneer. Saturday Evening Post ..*4.00 1Tuesday, Februar 23rd.-J. E. Family Herald & Weekly Star.$3.0 Ennia, Burketon Village, wiîî sdI lal t l Weekby Witness............. $4.00 of bis household effects, blacksmith J.IeT. Violiof Canadian Home Journal . ... $3.00 tools, blackEniith stock of shoes, Farm & Dai.ry...............$2.50 drills, etc.; about 40 corda wood, TAILOR Fariner.' Sun................$3.50 Ford touring car, poultry, apples and patatoes. Sale at 1 P. M. O ne Door East of Former Shop McLean'à Magazine .........4.00 Tennis cash. Thea. M. Slemon,I King St. E. Bowmanville Canadian Countryman.......3.00 Auctioneer. 1 I Canadian Poubtry Revlew ..8.00 IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL W. R. Cale, Divide, Sask., writes: We vemember many of the old tim- 1ers mentioned la 'Do You Remember When' cloumn, but we haven't been 1able to figure out wiho 'Whistling Jin'i' l. Mrs. Geo. C. Warren, Swift Cur- vent, Sask., writes: We always look forward to the coming of the home paper. We have had very fine weath- er here so far this winter. October was the coldest montb. Mrs. Hannah (Bradley) Cole, Red iDeer, Alta., writing from Camrose, Alta., where she la spending the wintev with ber daughter, in renew- ing for The Statesman saya: We are h.aving a very lovely winter bere- iwîith only enougb snow to make good sleighing-no drifts of any account. Mrs. J. R. Young, (nee Maggie Neads) of Winnipeg, M.an., in re- newîng her subscription to The Stateamau on January 28tb., 1926, saya: Our weathev was just wonderful all thvough the month of December, so mild but we are paying up for it now. We have enjoyed the "Do You Remember When-". How won- derful it is to be able to reniember things like that. Just think if these people had been living in a city they would have been bast in the crowd and their personality forgotten. 1 remember-Old Corporal Hobbs--the old soldier-wbo drilled the boys at school and the old blind man, Mich- ael Collison ,and bis faithful dog. Will you tell Mr. Geo. Wl James we enjoyed bis write up about bis trip ont West lust summer, bis des- cription of aur old ihorse Prince was very good, indeed. I could almost see bis brown eyes haif closed-and lanky front feet crdssed-as he liked to stand in front of the office. HOCKEY NOTES Grocery Bargains Here are a few extra specials in needed gro- ceries we are offering this week. The quantity at these prices are limited so order early. Soused Mackerel, reg. 25c,....2 for 25c Kippered Herrings, reg. 25c,..2 for 25e Golden Haddies, reg .25c,....2 for 25e Rex Catsup, reg. 15c,..........10e bottle Macaroni and Spagetti, 2 packages 25c Another fresh shipment of Chieken Feed ar- rived this week. IIARRY ALLIN L PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE DESIGNED BY NATURE! MILK IS A PERFECT FOOD-USE MORE 0F IT Rich, purepasteurized milk holds a wealth of precious nourishment for you and your family. Nature has endowed it, in perfectly balanced form, with those essential elements, of nutrition which build bone and braWn; repair worn-out tis- sues; renew bodily vigor and energy. Use more of this splendid food in your home. Use more of the milk which comes from The Bowpnanville Dairy, whieh cornes to, you through one of the most modern dairying institutions in the province. Play saf e-drink pasteurized milk-12c qt. The Bowmanville Dairy King St. E. Phone 446 or 449 Bowmnille 'Special Clearing Prices l For Thursday - Friday - Saturday Men's Overcoats SPrice Men's Heavy Mackinaw Soxý Regular $1.25, On Sale 89c Each Men's and Young Men's Suit Sale $20.00 Suit& *22.50 Suits $25.00 Suit& $30.00 Suits $32.50 Suits $35.00 Suits ......*14.95 ... . . .* 1 7 . 9 5 ...... 19.75 ......*23.95 ......*25.95 ..... . 27.951 Children's Sweaters & Coats Regular $1.50 for........... 1.17 Regular $1.75 for........... $1.37 Regular $2.00 for........... 1.57 Regular $2.50 fur........... $1.97 Men's Fine Shirts at Bargain Prices $5.00 Shirts for............. 3.98 $*001 Shirts for............. ** ,$3*19 $2.50 Shirts for............. $.98 $2.00 Shirts for..............1.59 UNDERWEAR Watson's and Penman's Men's AIl Wool and Merino Com- ination Undenwear as follows: Regular $4.00 for...........3.19 Regular $3.50 for........... 2.79 Regular $3.00 for........... 2.39 Regular $2.25 for........... $169 Regular $2.00 for............1.48 Men's Underwear A lioe o-f AIL. Wool Shirts and Dirnw- eî.s;, Regular $1.-0, On Sale $1.19 E-ch A lino of VaLboo's Shirts andI Drawv- ers, heaviest quality, ail wool, regu- bar $2.00, On Sale $1.37 for each Garment Very M en'a Fleece Lined Combinations ,beavy quality, Reg. value $2,, Sale Price.$1.59 Fleece Lined Shirts and Drawers IBeat quality in natural and white shades, Regular $1.00 Eacb On Sale 79c Each Heavy Wool Work Sox Abl Wool, heavy quality, Regular 45o pair, 3 Pafirs for $1.00 Work Shirts Men's Heavy Flannelette Work Shirts, grey and tan, Regular Value $ 1.50, On Sale 98c Men's Fine Gloves Also Woollen Gloves at a discount of 20% to Clear Boys' Overcoats 36Price Men's Heavy Winter Caps Dark colons, Regulan $1.50, On Sale 95c Men's Braces 150 pair Men'a Fine and Heavy Police Braces, traveblera eanples, Regular 50e and 75e On Sale 29c Pair Boys' Reefers Regular $12.50-%6 Prie.$6.2r, Boys 'Overcoats 1/, Price Regular *1.oo-1iprice $7.50 15 Boys' Suits Lot No. 1, with 1 pair of bloomers, Tweeods anîd Worsitods, Regular val. ues ta) $12.00 aod $13.00, On Sale ta Clear *6.95 Each Lot No. Il in Worsted and Tweeds, aIl w'ool with 2 pair bloomers, Reg- ular values $13.00 to $15.00, On Sale For OnIy *9.89 Lot No. III, ail Wool Irish Serge (Foxes) guaranteed. Navy Blue with 2 pair of bloomers, Regular $15.00, On Sale $9.95 Te B. GILCIIRIST Dlrectly opposite Bank of Montroal Phone el Every article in the store guaranteed to give begt satisfaction. mwAa 'j, PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY il, 192o dm

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