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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1926, p. 5

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THE CA1qADIA24 SIATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, TEMJRDAY, FEBEUAEY 11, 1926PGEIE BOWMANVILLE MAILS CLOSE 8 a. M.-AII Points east, includ- ing Newcastle, Orono, Clarke. 9 a. m.-Hampton, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Courtice 1 p. m.Toront6, Osbawg, ail points west of Toronto; Port Hope Peterboro, Lndsay 6:80 p.m .-AII pointsa'west 9 p. m. -East and West, except Newcastle, Orono, Clarke ; rýi6eMt& We are remodeling fuis into the latest modela from those now out of date. We will supply material if necessary to match the skins. We suggest that you send us the furs you cannot use because of their lack of style, and for a mo derate eharge we wiIl neturn to you a stylish gar- ment. QUALITV FURS anct Guaranteed Repairs BOWMANVIL.LE,CT Arthur Everett An Artist Robert Parka Hie Cbum John H. Potts A. Rough Diamond Miss Agnes MacPberson Evenett's Aunt Mis. Munford-Wells A Society Matron Miss Eleanar Ferry Parks Cousin Miss Bella Patta Heires "Willie A Model Pgtsy Wbose Mothen Washes Mary A Maid Alsa a Choice Musical Program and1 ADMISSION 25o e DIRTHS *RAITHWAITE-In Toronto, Jan. $0, 1926. to Mn. and Mn,. Jo.. Bnaithwalte, <fiee Eveiyn Hanna, R. N.,) a daugliter. MARRIAGES RHINEHARtT-KVD-Iii Pheonix, Arizona, an January 30, 1926, by Rtev. C. E. Hamilton, Wlnifred Clara, only1 dangliter of the late Mr. and Mn,. John H. Kydd of Caballas, Cuba, formerly of Bowmanville, and Mr. Claude I. R3ilne-9 hart of Livlngoton, Californie.1 DEATHS LONG-At Kitchener, Feb. 7. John Long, formerly of Osliawa. BENNETT-In Newcastle. on Feb. 6, 1926, Charles Bennett, aged 71 years. CAMPBELL-In Orono, on Sunday, January 31, 1926. Josephi Campbell, aged 89 years. VELLANO-In Exeter, on Jan. 2tl., 1926, Elizabeth Ann, widow of the late Rev. J. 0. Yelland. HAW-In Clarke, Feb. 4, Susie. Rusk, beloved wtt e cf William Haw, aged 58 years and 10 montlis. JONES-At Whltby, Feb. 6, Francia Edward Jones, beloved husband af Hîlda Bessie Jones, in hie 65th year GUY-At Port Hope, February 5th., 1926, Ann Agnes, infant daughter of Frank and Helen Guy, aged 5 days. WAKELIN-At Toronto ,on Tliureday, February 4, 1926, Mary Jane Bassett. wife of the late Henry G. Wakelin. CAMPBELL-At the Toronto General Hospital, Feb. 2, 1926, John Campbell, late of Kngeton Road, Whltby, in hie 55th year. COBBLEICK-On Thuraday, Feb. 4, at Orono, Edmnund Cobbledlck, dearly beloved hueband of the late Mary Waleh, ln hie 8sit year. ..SAILSBURV--On February, ,11926, at the residence of hi. brother-inlw, j eph Argue, 389 Ossington Ave., Tononto.j Edmund Jonathan Salisbury. Itret at Cobourg. Itret RYLEV-Saturday. Feb. 6, at Ileth- any, Harry Heaton Ryley, beloved lins-1 band of Minnie MeGilI. and youngestl son of Alfred and Elizabethi Argue Ryley1 ln hie 54th year. SCOTT-At lier home "Angus Drive", Vancouver, B. C., Januany 18, 1926, Cynthia Amnelia, eldet daugliter of the late R. Wellington of Oshawa, and be- loved wlfe of Geo. J. Scott. WEBBER-At Lot 27. Concession 4. Whitby Township, Feb. 3, 1926, Eliza- beth Chapman, beloved wife of John Webben. innlier 7th year. Interment at Oroveaide Cemetery. Brooklin. Seed Grain For Sale CLOVER SEED FOR SALE-Early Whte Bioesom Sweet Clover Seed, $5 per bushel during February; $5.50 dur- ing Match. S. G. Chant, Lot 27. Cop. 5, Darlington, R. R. l1 Hampton, P. 0. 3-3w Help Wanted WANTED-Marrled man witli exper- ience to worki on farm. Free houes and other conveniences. Apply-A. E. Rund- le, R. R. 2, Bowmanville, plions 124-4. 5-2 WANTEO--Qapable young ladies to enter the Training School for Nurseseat Bowmianvllle Hospital. *Nsxt clamsen- tered ln April Apply to the Superin- tendent. -tf A. R. Scott A. H. Baunsal Alex. McGregar Mrs. W. Adams Mis. M. Murdof Helen Yellowlees Mis. J. H. Swindells Mis. Gea. L. Hall Mrs. Frank Williams Leola McMann Rainbow Drill LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mrs. A. W. Pickard spent the weekend in Toronto. Miss Rutlh Grigg, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer. Kid Gloves, amail sizes, were $2, now 25c pair. Couch, Johnston & Crydernian. Can you play euchre? Then corne t~o S. 0. E. party Feb. l8th at 8 p. m. 2&c. 6-2 Mr. Richard Wight, St. Marys, is vieiting his brothers and other rela- tives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. N. S. B. James spent the weekend in Toronto, guests of her ssters. Fire detsroyed the residence of Mr .Geo. Olhapman ,six miles west of Bethany Monday week. Oshawa police raided five houses Saturday evening .One arrest was made and three charges preferred. Mr. Wm. Pollock, Kenmay, Man., la visiting Mns. Thos. C. Jackson and numerous other old friends here- abouts. Miss Marion Warder, Toronto Normal School, spent Sunday wth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Warder. Mrs. Claie Symons and family of Canton, have been vîsiting ber par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner, Liberty Place. Miss Maude Wright and Miss Evelyn Walker, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Mason, Centre-st. Oshawa Training School for work- ers in Religious Education had a registration of 166 members. Ten, Sunday Schools participated. Mr. and Mrs. E. Bennett, Miss Gertrude Kettie, Mr. Percy Clark,' Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, Tyrone. Mr. Chas. L. Érown who has re- tired from business is selling al his household furniture and furnishings on Friday and Saturday. See sale notices. William Penrose, a well-known resident of Lindsay, died at bis home1 in Buffalo, N. Y., on Saturday, Feb. 6th. He was born near Bowman- ville and was in bis 7th year. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scott and daughter Mary of Vanrena, Alta., are visiting ber sister, Mrs. W. H. Argue, Kingston Road, East. It is eight years since they last visited here. Neighbors and relatives of Mr. and Mns. Edgar A. Pascoe, Thornto(ns' Corners, about 60 of them, gathexed at their home Fiday- evening !pi honor of their 25th wedding anni- versarv.1 Mr. H. H. Ryley, a leadingi business man of Betlhany, pass- ed away on Satunday, Feb.- ruary 6th., in bis 54th yean. He suff eîed from the results ofa gun accident on Thanksgiving Day. A musicale will be givea at the residence of Dr. and Mis. John Spen- cer, "Dunduin", on Fniday, Feb- ruary l2th., from 4 to 6 p. m., af- ternoon tea, and music, and 8 to 10 p. m. First class prograsus will be presented. Public is cordially in- vited. An offering will be taken for benefit of St. John's Church. You are invited to Euchre Party in Sons of England Hall, Feb. 18th at 8 p. m. Tickets 25c. 6-2 After the regular meeting of Bree Hive Rebekab Lodge on Monday evening, about 25 members and their fniends gathered at the home of Mn. and Mis. Wm. McReynolds, Scugog Street, to spenid the remaind- er of tihe evening with Miss A'Edra, who bas been unable ta be among them mucb for about three years. A jolly evening wss spent in progres- sive euchre, music and social talk, afteî which a -dainty lunchi was,aerv- ed, all wishing the time was longer. An old time danice will be held at Banner Hall on Wednesday, Febru- ary 10th, under auspices of Compan- ions of the Forest. Admission 25c. 4-2w ___________________ I e LOCAL AND OTYIERWISEI Mrs. H. Gomme, Toronto, is visit-I ing hIi daughter, Mis. H. Ashlee. Miss Mildîed Lawrie, Toronto, bas been spending a few days at home. Judge and Mrs. Geo. E. Derache, Belleville, are spending the winter in Florida. Another jolly nig1ht et the S. O. E. Euchré, Thunsday, February l8th at 8 P. M. 25C. 6-2 Mr. and Mis. S. H. Frenchb, New Toronto, spent the weekend with rèlatives bere. Mr. and Mie. W. W. Down and Mrs. S. Stanley recently visited Mr. and Mis. R. L. Osborne, Toronto. Dr. Jas .L. Hughes, Toronto, was in town Wednesday. He gave an address at Jenusalem' Lodge j~ast evening. Mn. J .Hamilton Bateman was in Bethany attending the funeral Of bis old schaolmate and friend, Mn. H. H. Ryley. Mr. and Mms Chas. H. Mason, Hielen and Donald, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Charles Oeborne, Ebene zen. Miss Doris Faste;, Toronto Uni- versity, spent the weekend with ber parente, Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, Nonwood Place. Mis. W. J. Bragg was called to Lindsay on Friday owing to the ill- ness of ber sister, Mis. C. Hughan, who suffered a stroke on Tbursday. Trinity %iuich congregation wene pleased to hear Mn. R. M. Mitchell on Sunday evening wben be san:g a solo in splendid voice and assisted tbe choir in the anthesu. Meeting of Women's Canadian Club is postponed until Monday, Feb. 22nd., when it is expected that Mrs Wesley Bundy of the local Council of Women, Toronto, will be the speaker. Robbers broke into Coucb, J-ohn- stan & Cnyderman's store, Wednes- day nigbt and canried off ladies' and men's weaiing appanel to the value of over $500. No trace of the culprits or stolen goods have go far been found. About a year ago this same store was visited by thieves when a considerable number of .ready-to-wear gaiments were stolen. Mark the date--S. O. E. Euchie Party, Thunsday, Feb. 18th at 8 p. m Tickets 25c. 6-2 Miss Gwendolyn Williams ariived hum froni London, England, on Fr1- day, baving ciossd the Atlantic from Southampton to New York on S. S. Olympic that came safely through the terrible storm of last week and latter part of the wrevious one. She had excellent company and pnoved to be a good sailor. She looks as if the English climate bas agieed with ber. TON OUCI METNG Turu Down Grant to Hoopital For Sick Childien. At an adjourned meeting of Coun- cil held Januany l8th Oscar Hudson Co., Toronto, weîe appointed town auditois at salany of $350. Ail members of council were present at regulan meeting held Feb- ruary let., Mayorn Holgate presiding. Applications for assessor were ne- ceived from J. G. Manning, Geo. B. Bickle and Wm. T. Haigh. Quarry Bridge was neported la un- fit condition for heavy traffic. Request for $10.00 grant to Sick Childnen's Hospital, Toronto, was noti entertained. Deputations from Public Libraiy and Bowmanville 'Hospital Board asking for usual grants were nefeni- ed ta Finance Committee ta report at next meeting. Finance Committee presented gen- eral accounts of $931.62 and water- works dept. $164.69. Fire Commttee was authorized ta secune pnces as ta necessany equip- ment for fine department. Town officials for 1926 were ap- pointed as follows: John Lyle, Town Clek ...$1200 H. R. Jollow, Treasurer...... 800 J. G. Manning, Assessor . - - -250 R. Jarvis, Tax Collectai......8350 R. Jaivis, Chief Constable .... 950 IWalter Hall, Night Constable 950 J. H. Hgfed aeae Cemetery................ 1200, Special Constables-A. Mathews, Rd. Hall, H. Creepen. Fence Viewes-Harry Allini,Jh Elliott, Wm. Barrie. Inspector Fruit Trees and Noxiousý Weeds-Rd. Jarvis. D. G. M. Gablraith wnote making suggestions as to up keep of plots at Cemetery. Reeve Elliott will represent Bow- manville on a deputation to wait on Govennment in neference ta grants for county roads. Notice to Creditors IN TUE MATTER 0F theEtteo ELIZABETH CATHERINE FITZGR ALD GILBANK, late of the township of Darlington, ln the' Uotnty of Durham, married woman, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ali persons havlng any claims or dlem«ands again4t the' above namde( Elizabeth C'ath- erne Fitzgerald Glheank who died on or about the' 22nd day of .Ianuary, 191-6. ot WVhitby. Ontario, are required toe end hy post itrepaid or tieliver te the inder- signed executrix of thé. will of tht' sai (lecensedt their naines and addresses antI full î'artculnrs in writtng of their cdaims nnd the' nature of the' securities, if any, held by them. ANI) TAKE' NOTICE that 'atter the irst day of March, 1926. the said exeeu- trix will prnceed te Ittribute assets of deceased among pensons entltled, having regard onty te dlaims of whtch notice then received, and will net b li able for sald assets or any part thereof te any person of wbosee daimt she shallfnot then have received notice. Dated at Bowmanvilie the second day of February, 1926. MR$S' EDITH V. SCOBELL, Ezecutrix named in Will of Decsased. Frank Converse Smith Teacher of Violin In Bownmaavilie on fftdays, St Dr. ilama, Corner T.mp.ranoe and Il ywo . . p horne $9 Lost or Found LAD'S PIN LOST-Thursday evening, Februar3y 4th., a P. C. C. Pin, between Bowmanville Hospital and the A. O. P. Hall, King St. W. Reward given. "Inder please leave at Statesman Office. 6-1w Ariclesor Sale JERSEY COW FOR SALE-6 years old, just renewed. T. W. Cawker, Bow- nianville. phone 94. 6-tf GANDER FOR SALE-Pure bred Tou- louse Gander. Àpply to D. Galbraith, Bowmanville, phone 111-12. 6-1 FOR SALE-fi-piece Walnut Parior Suite upholtered in mohair. in good condition. M.ay be seen at Alf. Bick- el's, nea" Duke'St., Bowmanville. 6-1w* FENCE POSTS FOR SALE-Get themn now while the aleighing la good. 20c and upwards. Mns. T. Olsen. R. R. 5, Bow- manville, plions 181-5. 3-tf AUTO.KNITTER YARNS-Wheeling, Scotch Fingering, Worsted, Ail Wool, Ninety Cents pound up, delivered. Samples free. S. & Y. Shops. Depart- ment L., Orillia. Ontario. 2-4w FOR SALE CHEAP--Gun, breecli load- lng, mangle, for laundry work, Vaporizer for making distilled water, black goat rug for cutter, carniage whip. Âpply to Mrs. Jos. Brittain, Manvers Road. Bow- manville. 6-1 FOR SALE-Bathroom outtit com- plets. suitable for rural home-bath, -tank, tolet. bolIer. waterfront, range and ail piping ln good working order. Also second-hand piano. Apply to Al- Ian M. Willlams, phone 159 or 58. Dow- manvîlle. 4-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos of al kinds sold on paymenta spread over two years. Steinway, Heintzman and (1r- liard Helntzman used pianos taken ,as part payxnent on Dominion plianos111l be cleared at bargain pices and on easy terme. F J. Mitchell, Distributon. lSow- manvîlle. 5-t Property For Sale COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE IN SOLINA VILLAGE Frame hanse ln good condition, well equipped barn, auitable for Blacksmltli Shop; large loft; établing for 2 cows. 2 horses, chicken bouse, pig pen, garage; % ace lndexcellent garden, emal fruis, ard 1nd oft water; splendid PulIc Sebhool; churcli near by. Good bar- gain for qnlck sale Apply Norman E. Wrighit, Owner, R. R. 1, Hampton. 5-t HO'USE FOR SALE-A Two-storey brick house, 6 rooma and bathroom. hardwood floore; also liard and sot t water ln houes, wlth McClary Sunehine fur- nace There are 2 lots witli fruit and fruit trees, large garage, poultry houes, tool hous. Apply to W. J. Baker, Duke Street, near Brookdaie Nursery, or P. O. Box 617, Bowmanville. 3-4w* FOR SALE-The home of the late F. B. Wlilting. situated i atthe Parka of the Scugog Road. This property la Ini ele- irant condition; consists of good boanse and four acres of land wlth abundance o!f fruit. For partîculara apply at reai- rience ta Mn,. F. B. Whltlng, Bowmnn- ville. 23-tf FARMS FOR SALE-Father & Son or two brothes,. 200 acres, clay loam, lie- twsen Oshawa and Bowmanville, Broken Front. Dallngton, on good roati, close te echool, canning factory and station, 170 acres workable, balance bush and past- une, watered by cresk and spring, 40 ac- res plouglied, 50 acres new eeed, 7 acres alfalfa, 60 acres of FaU wlisat, 4 acres orchard. 2 seseof goad buildings, $20.000 buis thleae two good farm- only the price of buildings; 15,000 cash, balance at 6%. Apply to ownerJhnL Metcalf, R. R. No. 2, Bowmnanvle5t Some Facts U There are stili some business men who argue that they know of a better way of in- troducing their wares to -the buyer than thru the newspaper. There may be a better way but it has been conclusively proved that the only "bette?" way is the house th house per- sonal canvas. This is prohibitive, however, be- cause no business man could afford the time to reach his buying public in this way. ¶The newspaper cornes the ilearest to pro- viding this method of any yet devised be- cause it gives the merchant an opportunity to tell his story to every reader every week, and at a minimum of cost. ¶Just what this means to Bowmanville merchants may be better appreciated from the fact that thel'e are over 10,000 people re- siding in the trading area of Bowmanville- approximately 2350 families. ¶A merchant using an advertising space in The Statesman costing $2.00 a week is thus enabled to reach these homes at a cost of one- twelfth of a cent a week-a trivial amount compared with any other method of adver- tising. ¶ Just a word about the circulation of The Statesman. Every week we print 2800 papers. Can you afford to keep your advertisement out of The Statesman in view of these facts? Not if you want the business of this buying public and you are anxious to reach them at a minimum of cost. Get your share of thý increased business in 1926 by advertising ini The Canaodian Statesmanl I - ____________________ -F &.,UW nus. puvu av* 1 1 Rock Bottom Prices BALANCE 0F Women' s and -Misses' Coats Being Given Away For Less Thau The Price 0f The Matrial In The Little Shoppe With The Large SStock, Next Door to F. F. Morris CQ. I PRICES Tell The Story-Quality The Finest-Styles The Best 0f The Latet-Ail Coats Backed By Our Guarante 4 Only, Ail Wool Velsuede and Duvetyne Coats, Iln Regular Value $25.00, GIFT PRICE $10-00U 8 Only, Beautiful Fur Trimmed l Coats of Duvetyine & Suede Cloths 5 Regular Value $35.00, GIFT PRICE $1 '0 3 Only, Hgihest Grade Coats of lm- ported English Materials, Lavishly $ 5 Fur Trimmed with Real Furs, ' Silk Crepe Lined, 1 Reg. Value to $68.00, GIFT PRICE . I, 1 Black Duvetyne Coat, large mie Regular $40.00, GIFT PRICE $ 25.oo 1 Black Wool Marvella Coat, i Regular $36-00, GIFT PRICE $ 22.50 1 Navy Kersey Coat, 20o Regular $35.00, GIFT PRICE $2 .o Corne and Convince Yourself the Best Coat Value& are at the Little Shoppe Ce S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 161 Bowmmnvil.e - -t- r~ --------------------------------------------------------------------------.------..--,------- -~ T "HIS MODEL WIFE" WILL BE PRESENTED IN ST. PAUL'S LECTURE ROOM - WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY l7th at 8 p. M. CAST 0F CHARACTERS: ým' .4 4,,' 'y. Dollar Days at Chartran' s Friday and Saturday February 12-131 Regular 50c ail Wool Cashmere Sox, 3 Pairs for $1.00 Reg. 25e Wool Sox,...S Pairs for $1.00 Reg. $1.25 Work Shirts, blue and khaki r - ~~pS ~$1.00 ~ ~ Regular $1.50 and $1.75 Ail Wool Uncler- ,.Regular 75e Braces,...2 Pairs for $1.00 Regular $2.00 Silk Muffiers for... $.00 ümle ~~Reg. $2.0O0 Fur Band Caps for......$1.00 ~e This stores prices are always below the others and better goods and bigger assortment. S. G. Chartran 1 door west of Bell Telephone 11Phone 26 Bowmanville -I PAOB rivic

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