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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1926, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN 5TATESMAh', BOWMANvILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l1, 1926 PAGE SkvMi Have You Tasted GRIEEN TEA Those who have used japan. Youngg Mr son or Gunpowder Te& will appre- ciate the superiority of this delicious blend, ..lways so pure and rich. Try it. DO YOU SELL FARM PRODUCTS? How do you lknow he won't buy? Have you called hlm by. Long Distance? < CIsel cntirely by Long Distance- It's quickcr and cheaper." -lia and Grain Dealer THE CANADA STARCH CO.. LIMJTED IMONTREAL BRAND CORN YKiw Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Pain Neuralgia Toothache Lumbago Rheumatism rDOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART A£ oËqn 1"Bayer"package which contains proven directions. s andv "Bayer" boxes of 12 taboil Scqý Alioa botties of 24 and 10-Druggiata. Apirin ta the trade pura (reglîtered in Omada) of Bayer manufactDur Me o acettc- acideter of saiicyiicacid (Acetul saelle Acd. "À. 8. A.-). MlIle il l weu known tht Aspirinutoces. Bayer manufacture. to aaelt the public against imtations,. 5h. Tableta f Bayer Oompmny wi b staisped with teir generul traiS. a U1tthe "Bayer Crue."- THE C. S. E. T. BOYS' COLUMN SPORTING NEWS Canadian Standard Efficiency Train- Gardon (Juni) Chartran, youngest ing-Edited by Alox. McGregor son of Mrs. W. Chartran, Church-st., ______ town, continues to play spectaculart Group Activities hockey with the Canada Cyie.a teain1 Fiv loal rous hld eetngsin the Toronta Mercantile League. Fte local gr apshel meetingsin What was reported in the Mail &t interesting and instructive. Empire to be the wildest and most 1 Stuart R. James' group of Trail bitterly contested game at the newl Rangrs et ondy evnin wih aRavina rink this winter between C.ý fine attendance. The usual programiC .adSokYrswe h wss ollwed Th bos rpo efrmer team won 4-3 in 10 minutesc wsm forty bds aTeadoy s eo d overtime. The Mail makes thisà eacb bory bwas e adysil more.comment: The stick-handling of eare bout aeadth e on, fmoe.Chartran on tbe C. C. M. wing was The disricottein the t S.iC. nthîsoutstanding. Twice Chartran raced gthepdisfrmedt of iveyh e B.S.C owhs through lone-handed for the nig't's who would be a credit ta any boys' prettetgas organizatian. In their mentor, A good likeness of Frank Tucker, Stuart James, they have one who a former Bowmanville boy, appeared1 thorougbly understands the pragrami in last week's Taronto Star Weekly. and the ways in whicha it can be best He 15 evidently going big guns in carried out. Great things are ex- bowling alley activities as tbey terni: pected from this group. hlm a "Five-Pin Spiller", and add, Senegas Trail Ranger Camp, Cecil "F. Tucker is a really and truly 200 Beliman, Mentor, met Thursda clouter, wha bawls for the leading evening. Thsgopi îoan y Goodyear team in the T. and I. Leag- ly organized one with a bright ue". Fanl yngtsoofM. future before it. They have naw Tucker and the late Wm. Tucker fulfilled ahl requirements and will be wbo was a meniber of the D. 0. & duly registered with the Ontario P. Ca. Band for many years. Boys' Work Board. This group al- sa reports success in the B. S. C. HONOR FORMER CITIZEN Beaver Traîl Ranger Camp met Wednesday nigbt. This will be its I To Olier Challenge Cup in Honor of meeting night. Their Mentor, Wii- e the Late Sergt. F. H. Morris frid Carruthers, and Chief Ranger Donald Williams, were in charge and At the annual meeting of the pushed through a snappy meeting. Province of Quebec Rifle Asociation,' The tapic of keenest interest vasi recently beld in the Armory of the stili the Bond Selling Campaign andi 65rii Regiment (C. M. R.,) Mon- the boys ail report success. treai, it was resalved that a chai- Mimac Trail Rangers met on Tues- lenge cup ,in bonor of the late Ser- day. Topie for discussion wasi geant F. H. Marris of the Victoria "How long shall a fellow stay at Rifles of Canada, for years among School?" Several points were ke*'n-1 the best of local marksmen, be pro- ly deb'ated but the final decision was vided for by the Association. Each generally canceded ta be correct, unit in the Province will ho given the After a short business meeting, in- priviiege of contributing. Several cluding the B. S. C. report, the boys new rulee were adopted,- one of journeyed ta the Public Schooij wbich is that the Asso.ciation bas de- grounds where they were able ta cided ta adopt the Bisley target, study the Stars. These youthfull wich the Dominion of Canada has astronomers are very keen and ex-1 decided ta use in its ineets. pect ta show their skili by winning It la a generous and magnanimous their Star Guide Badge. 1 tribute ta aur former Bawmanvilleý Onendagas Tuxis Square. Dr. R.1 citizen te cammemorate bis name in1 E. Dinniwell, Mentor, hehd a short this appropriate manner. snappy meeting Friday eveninig. This square is rebuihding and soon will be one of the best groups. In- BOWLING ALLEY STANDING opportune hockey matches seem ta be their worst foe and tend ta keep MartYn Bros. annaunce the final the attendance at a îawer level. standing of Senior Bowling League as follows: Sioux Square did not bohd its Namie Won Lest Total regular meeting thîs week but pre- SoePit parations are being made ta mnake Scnigke0Poi882 ts the next meeting an interestingeone.ihell 032 384082 43 Evrh ebe r i epe te t be Bonnycastie 27 18 37794 38 tre.clNw Edger 28 il 32995 38 Prvnia eîHarris 28 14 33903 37 A News Service Syndicate bas Ormiston 23 22 35736 30 been establisbed in connection witb Gibbs 21 18 30914 30 C. S. E. T. Boys' Columns and Pap- Harding 21 18 30496 28 ers. Ry this means a central editor C. P .R. 20 25 34686 27 collects the best articles frein these Nichais 20 22 31565 26 papers and each week prints a news McMann 16 23 26672 21 service sheet. This sheet is sent Rotary B 14 28 29355 17 te the variaus editars, thus iinking Little 9 28 30061 15 up the Boys' Work af the Province. Stark 13 26 28648 15 The first copy of this news shaet varcoe 10 26 25889 14 bas reached the editor of this column Rotary A 6 36 28925 7 and it is, indeed, very interesting.__________ This issue is mainly cancerned with the progress of the Bond Selling M NSB W Campaign. Several chies and towns E 'BO L repart excellent resuits, but none SECOND SE send a better report than Bowman- Sville. This c-beet will be of great Team Captains value and we hope ta print seine of 1-as;-C k;3R nl its articles. 1Hri;2Co;3Rei 1County News 6-Edger; 7-Nichais; 8-Boni. Orono senda an interesting des- 11-Harnden patch: A social evening was heid by the Tuxis and Trail Ranger Groups Monday Tue.. Wednesday evening. A large crowd attended and enjoyed the fine pro- Feb. 8 Feb. 8 Feb. 9 gramn. Orono orchestra provi-led 1-2 3-4 5-6 several excellent numbers and sev- eral boys spake on subjects widely Feb. 15 F'eb. 15 Fub. 16 differing in the ground they caver- 2-3 4-5 6-7 ed. Alex. McGregor, member Boys' Parliament for West Durhami, Feb. 22 Feb. 22 Feb. 23 spoke, outiining the work done dur- 68 7-9 10-12 ing the past session and especialiy Mar. 1 Mar. 1 Mar. 2 emphasizing and explaining the Bond 6- -10 s-îî Selling Campaign. Objective 'for Orona is $50.00 and the generai feel- Mar. s Mar. 8 Mar. 9 ing is that there wîll b. no trouble 12-3 1-4 5-8 in raising this amount. Fats were served by the boys and were very Mar. 15 Mar. 15 Mar. 16 mucb enjoyed. Special staff of boys 10-1 2-5 3-6 remained ta wash the dishes and put a.2 Mr.2 Mr.3 the roonv in order. Ma.22 Mr.22 ar-2 It might be well for Bowmanville 82D3 1- boys ta take special note of the iast Mar. 29 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 paragraph. 12-4 10-6 9-6 Bond Selling Canîpaislu Apr. 5 Apr. 6 Apr. 6 Shortly after this article appears 10-2 4-s 11-6 in print the Bond Seliing Campaign will be brought ta a close. It is Apr. 12 Apr. 12 Apr. 13 almost impossible ta state the exact 1-5 3-10 2-6 ainaunt of money that bas been rais- ed but it is nat toa much te hope that Apr. 19 Apr. 19 Apr. 20 aur objective bas be obcd - -2 8-3 There is no doubt that Bowmanville bias set a record that will be bard tae- Il you do flot see in these cohumni the locs.l item you expected ta see, it is probably more often your fault -if you do net tell us we cannot tel others. Use t(he phone-53-we'Il be glad te make a note of your nevws. It is one of the best com- pliments you can pay your gueste ta send their names 40 tthe local newspaper. Winter Winds Will Not Chap Campana's Itialian Baîni prevents cbapping of the banda and face in Winter time.' Thse cohd wnd evap- orates the natural moisture of the akin, leaving it dry and shrunken. Campana's Italian Balin replaces this natural moisture. Ail druggista and departmental stores seil it. A special sampie battle maiied on r.- celpt of 6c. CAMPANA'S Italian Balm now than I eaw in Canada ast month and it drifted a great deai in places" writes Mrs. James A. Phiips on Saturday, February 6th. Social functions were postponed and school attendance was greathy reduced-a new experience for Gothamites. This part of Canada escaped thatï big storm. Strength and nourishment of prime fresh beef. Oxo adds flavour and food-value to soups, sauces, gravies, stews, hash and meat pies AUNT SUSAN'S GOOO ADVICE Few parents but will heartily en- dorse aur dear Aunt Susan's advice te parents in this week's splendid letter to ber niece. It is very easy ta recagnize that Aunt Susan .3peaks from experience-Nature's al.uost infallible teacher. The aound advice she off ers ta parents of young children may well be fallowed by ail guardians, superintendents of Children's Shelters and other juven- ile institutions and especially by teachers of Kindergartens an~d ather primary schoals. Aunt Susan writes: ING SCHEDULE SERIES 1926 àand Numibers ik; 4-Mitchell; 5-Cryderman; nycas tle; 9-Richards; 1O-Littie; n; 12-Martyn. Tionrs. Friday Feb. Il Feb. 12 Feb. 12 7-8 9-10 11-12 Feb. 18 Feb. 19 Feb. 19 3.9 10-11 12-1 Feb. 25 Feb. 26 Pub. 26 11-1 2-4 3-6 Mar. 4 Mar. 5 Mar. 5 12-2 1-3 1-6 Mar. il Mar. 12 Mar. 12 6-9 7-10 11-2 Mar. 18 Mar.19 Mar. 19 4-7 S-il 9-12 Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 26 11-6 12-6 1-7 Apr. 1 Apr. 2 Apr. 2 2I-7 1-8 11-3 Apr. 8 .Apr. 9 Apr. 9 1-9 12-5 3-7 Apr. Ir. Apr. 16 Apr. 16 7-11 4-9 8-12 Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Apr. 23 1-6 11-4 5-10 ONE THIN WOMAN GAINED 10 PQUNDS IN 20 DAYS Skinny Men Can Do The Same Ail weak men and women. Ahi nervaus men and women. Ail skinny men and women. Can grow stronger, heaithier and more vigorous and take on aoli needed fiesb in 30 days just by tak- ing McCay's Liver Extract Tuableta four times s day-sugar coated and easy ta take a9 candy. And wbat a bit these flesh pro- ducing tablets have made. One drug- giat tripled bis eales in one week. Everyikody knows that f rom the livers of the humble cadfish cames a first clu. vitamine that is a *on- derful vitalizer, flash producer and heaith creator. Millions af McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- tract Tableta are eoid every week and thousands of frail rundawn un- derweight people are heing heiped. A box cf 60 tabiets for 60 cents and if any skinny man or waman doeen't gain at leust 5 pounds in 80 day--een.y back. Aek any Bru re tand et u mcrcyu heo- derurelstandwhee lMAiorls er t-on snethlng en earth ae good te mk. baekward, foise, undor- wMet ochildrpow shww gma ro- bwe .4 rGIVE AWAY $10I ARE YOU NEEDING A NEW SET 0F HARNESS? For a limited time we will give a $10.00 pair of Horse Blankets free or other goods in the store to the value of $10.00 free to each person ordering a set of Home-made Team Harness. This is an offer you cannot afford to, pass, up. So corne in today. MASON & DALE The Popular Haidwax--Quality and Right Price PHONE 145 BOWMAN VILLE Farmers 'Attention We carry a complete line of Animal Feeds including ORL CAKE, COTTON SEED, CORN and etc., and handie all kinds of CLOVER and GRASS SEEDS, both in and out- of season. We still have a lirnited quantity of the fol- lowing varieties of Peas to grow on contract and we believe a few acres, sown on properly fil±ed soul, will produce more dollars than any other crop grown on the farm. Price List We Will pay the following prices for the 1926 crop of Contract Peas. Please understand this does not mean Peas as they corne from the threshing machine, or Peas containing a large percentage of splits, but dlean, well-milled goods. My Dear Niece :-There iasainme-' thing about the past that is very fascinating; perbaps it is because we cannot relive it-it bas gone forever. The future is unknown, and ofteni aur dreama can be planned and work- ed for, and achieved. But witb the past we hold me.mor- ies that cannot be altered, and near- ly aiways these memories bold recol- lections of giad tumes and happy events-at any rate these are the things of the pust which w. like ta think about. Particuiarly is this true with the remembrances of the infant days of aur children, the childhood days, and the scbool days. How quickly tney have grown up and ieft us!I There seems a mighty void wben we recali the rollicking beavior-ý the extra work and worres--but al s0 dear ta us now that it te past. Perbaps we do nat remember the many ti.mes we became impatient and grumbled at their r-ugîne's their untidiness, the wtbrn clotbing and the cale free disobedience. But that is the reasan yau faund that mother of sa many, happy and patient, good-nabired and tolerant. Mothers of large familles remem- ber the days when the eider child- ren were as the young onee now; thei.r experience tea.ches thein for- bearance; they know so> weli haw quickiy tume files and these worries jover childisb grievances wili bave' come ta an end. Over and over again tbey have had it repeated-as the children one after another grow out of babyhood into childhood, and then ta youtb. Such sinall faulte that will cause a mather of one to nag and wcrry, they pass over sure in their super- iar experience that tume warks won- ders-and also sure that aften a fretful, worried parent wiil influence a chiid's character and spail it. Such parents are impatient and hasten age upon their cilîdren. CbiIdhood cames but once, (and it is the shartest period in 1f.; see that it is care free and happy in the case of your ow'n. Sa do not heap your awn troubles -on the littie ones' shouiders, nor fi11 their smali minds with prebleins they are in- capable ol understanding. Their tume will cose-never let a cbiid worry. Keep in mmdd that these days will neyer caine again. Scotch Greens $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.50 per busheP $200 per bushel' $1.75 per bushel $1.60 per bushel. $2.00 per busiiel $2.00 per bushel $1.75 per bush.! $2.00 per bushel $2.25 per bushel $1.60 per bushel $2.00 per bushel $2.25 per bushe! $2.25 per bushel $2.00 per bushe! $2.00 per bushel $2.00 per bushe! Market Price of Common Peas Market Price of Commnon Peas NOTE: Only one variety orl any farm. Order at once while we can the variety you prefer. one give Hogg & Lytie, Ltd Oshawa, Ontarjo When You Think of Best Quality MEATS YOU JUST NATURALLY iHINK 0F CAWKER'S We have been purveyors .to the people ol Bow- manville and Durham County for over 50 years. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville 1:- I W~DOI~ PMÔSPMODmE~ Cooks Regulating ComPound r4ai"e, retibt ,.slim m. S,' oUm i.thr«e- d grmo! f etlrNo. 1. 811 o 2 8; o. 3 85per bo.. ~t a TUE 00KMEDUINEof . Y Tm. amnu<OeMnuWm. pmom1erae sysqî. makes new BI.od o~j n aId Velus Used for Narron $oW 5.9 SoM iby alldeugists, or nailled. l, I. ek& on ruceipt ot vue.mevpUhi .ii &wMW W0 U0E00JUSNL t. Alaska Admirai Dewey Advancer American Wonder Alderman Coryeli's Giory Extra Early Gradus Green Admirai White Admirai Horsfords Laxtonian Profilic Early Market Perfection Peter Pan Stratagenâ Surprise Telephone Thomas Laxton French Canners

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