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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Feb 1926, p. 8

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UntUAW ltT- PfTsTP7fl V NA V t'.O TARDV11-1028 PAGE EIGHT THE CANAIJIAN SIATESMALN, BDU LXSKAis an Indien word meaning Once Alaska was id'îîtiîed with the saw nth 3ratrho--ue.the bottom [h)e reat Country." an inter- gold seeker. Td' ts.scol îkdfgr sIhy-hnag.teld~ prtto oacutlydsrp îl orst traffhc. for inen ha.ve fond Atlas w!o holds up the earth. 'ib'ou- tîvo ci us charmsh thatStncie th a lere is more sheer g.ld in one saiids of toter as curicus and w. in- unirlofitsls arova cfailt rcuivs t ewhoAlaskan sunsot than ever cimei out Of tercsting arc te be seon in Alaska. unit Alapp a thug ofhy alltoirsbstwit s rock-bound mines. It is a land cf The log cabin at the tep is claimed viitAlsk touh he raysus sttragocontradictions adcfieyr ebc that which was eccupied by the an eCcentuated -Somne- ferTheGreat. endin g surprises. llo1wers l.loem eat famous Sam McGee, immentalizcd by The oil-burning steamships of the thelie bcdof glaciers as large as some Robert W. Service, Besicle it is a pan Canadian National Railways plying European principalities The primitive of g,,,d washeià from the crceks cf the Up and dlown the Inside Passage off totemopole cf the Indian Stands next Yukon whichbobrders on Alask L. The the Britiqh Columbia coast have breught door to a building whicli is a monuiment , old in th4 pan was said ta b.. wontb Alak vr cos a anove edte modern architecture. The pack $ 10,000 Alasa vey cose o Vacouer ad tail cf yestenday is the meton road of Prince Rupert and therceore witbin oday. The large picture la a view of Skagway; the means and time of the army cf On the lef t cf the phetegrapb is the home part in Alaska cf the Canadian tourists and holiday makens who visit seen ane cf Alaska's famous totem poles. Natienal steumahipa and the gateway the. Pacifie aIope cf Canada in flic sum - It is that cf the Raven; the creator of te the famous White Ilarge Paicf the. mer time.' It i the ncw playgroundj man and the bet which surmounits Yukon as well as ta many beauty spota of the. Pacifie. the totem is that which the Raven that are without--ivsA.t the continew'\, net1e Iridiepende.,rit ýBRUARY llth., 1926 NEWCASTLE CITIZEN DIES BIBLE SOCIETY MEETING The death of Charles Bennett. A public meeting under the aus- The N4 e NAc ,% took plac onSatudaymornng'pices cf the Newcastle Branch of Febrnary 6th., at the homeocf bis the Upper Canada Bible Society was brother, Franký, George Street. held in thle Council Chamber cf the THURSDAY, FE The late Mr. Bennett was born at Community Hall Thursday evening. Bond Head, Newcastle, and celebrat- The Prosident, M r. Thas. Moffat oc- ed his 7lst birthday on Tuesday îast. cupied tho chair and these officersNECSL Ho was the son cf the lato Richard wero prosent: Mrs. W. E. Beinan,NE AS E and Eliza Clarke Bennett, wha wero Vice-Pros.; Mrs. J. C. Hancock, Mr. Eric Wicks visited in Oshawa. among the oldest settlers in Bond Sec'y.; Miss Boatrice McIntosh, Head. Hia mother was a daughitor Treas.; Rev. E. B. Cooko, Rev. E. R.1 Miss0O. Thorne, Toronto, visited cf Sir Edward Clarke, wha built and James, Mrs. J. W. MeLaughlin, MV.r. frionds here.1 owned the bouse knawn as Coppor Geo. P. Rickard, Directors. Rov. E. R. Jam~es was in Port1 Beech, now used for a summer camp. Meeting openod 'with singing Hope Tuosday.t Sir Edward Clarko was ono time "How Firn a Foundatian," playedi Miss Ethel Allun is visiting Bow- harbour master cf Bond Head or by Mrs. W. E. Beman on the Coun- manvillo -friends. Port Newcastle. cil Chamber organ, the words bing Misses Gladys and Marjarie Jonos As ayoug inn dcoasd ws aprojocted on the Za11 with United S' As S.ylanternnby thesregularaoperator, are visiting Toronto friends. sailor inder the lato Captain Francis Mr. Onm. Parker. Rev. E. B. Eaglss ogeain in Al- Gibson and othor lako captains ivhen Coake read Psalm 19, commented exandra Hall are incroasing. Port Newcastle was a busy and thriv- with loving regard on the invaluable Mrs. W. H. Clark is in the City ing shipping part. Later in life hoe riches cf tho Ward cf God and off er- fer tho bonofit cf lber oye sight. movd o Trotowheo o rsieded prayer. Mrs. Hancock, Secre- Mr. and MrE Frank Rickard en- for a number cf years, coming ta the tary, road the minutes cf last an- tertained frionds Thursday evening. homeocf bis brothor hero in April nual moeting for bonofit cf those Mrs. George F. Clarke, Elm Lodgo, 1925, wbere lho livod until bis death. present, executive meeting for this Collins Bay, is guost cf Mrs. P. H. For the past wbile bis health 1.ad yean having been beld an Jan. 25th, Haro. been faili.ng and hoe was conflned to when prsent officors wore ro-olect- bed a montb bef ore bis doath, suffer- od and canivasso.rs appointed. Sing- Principal and Mrs. Thos. Rodgers ing with heart trouble and astlima. ing 11Holy Bible Book Divine" wa wero weekend guests cf Oshawa Ro had a kxnd dispasition wbîcb won an apprapriate byrnn. frionds. him many friends, bing highly ne- Rov. J. S. Herrîngtan, Tononto, Mr. J. McFanlano, Maine, la visit- spected by everyone. gave a vory clear conception cf the ing bis brather, Mr. John McFarlane, The funeral an Monday aftornoali tremendaus and widely suppanted Boaver-st. was conducted by Rev. E. R. James wrk of thbe Bible Societios, the Miss Darotby Nichols, Bowman- frein the home cf bis brother, Frank printing cf whole bibles, testaments ville, visited bier grandimotiier, Mrs.i Bennett, and from there ta Bond and partions cf the scriptuno, witb- P4. Waltan. Head Cemtory. o ut note or comment, into alI the Mr. Harold Clarke, B. S. ACl The casot as avoed thprincipal languagos cf the world and lins Bay, was guest cf Mr. and Mrs. beautiful floral tributos from Mýr. distrihuting thoni ta alI the pOoplOs P. F. Haro. and Mrs. Frank Bennett and Miss cf the Earth. Ho s-poke cf William Mr. and Mrs. Percy F.- H aro, son Sadie Bennett, Mr. and Mrz. Fred Tyndale, the martyred scholar, wbo JcadMjrDde ooàt Culley, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. translated the larger part cf the Toroktoan ajr undy mtrdt Blaicke McMurtry, Bewmanville. lbbl it Engliff from the originalTcrnao Snay The bearers were Mossrs. Frank texts just 400 years ago, and whose Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rogersan and Gibsan, William T. Lake, Robert 1I niientous work rendered se vastly family, Toronto, spont thbe weekend Cowan, John Gibson, Frank Bane1 important because it followed just with Mr. George Singer. and Anson Walton. aften the introduction cf printing Mrs. Eilbeck and Mrs. J. R. Fish- Those left te niourn bis death are into England, English speaking er are attending the big Hoticultun- two brothers,' Fnank of Newcastle peoples everywbene have lately been ai Convention in Toronto. and Louis Bennett, Part Hope, and commemonatîng. Ho concluded with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose wore in one sistor, Mrs. Davis cf Toronto. an absorbing and instructive talk an Toronto last Tbursday and Friday, Thase attending thle funenal fron Japan, ilustrated with a nicely cambining business with pleasure. outside points wero: Mr. Louis Bon- selected set cf slides sbowing rural Tickets are selling fast for Chair nett and son Mr. William Bennett, and urban scenes and depicting cus- Concert Fiday evening. Btter nat Part Hope, Mr. Alf. Bennett, Tor- toms and occupations and home, delay gotting yours an heur longer. onte, Mr. Blake McMurtry, Bowman- social and religiaus- life of the Miss Elizabeth Hanccck, teacher ville. people. na saa pn h ekn -This profitable ovening with its in ear ara entt e and ekcndJ Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark and tary of goad work well dane and its C.tH br aensM. ndMs.J Mrs. <Dr.> Butler and nepbow, Mr. challenge to evory lover cf the Tratlh MC. Ganorgk. ig M.F Ba Gordon Ketchum, had business in that makes mon free, te bolp send MrGegeFnigMrF.Bak Toronto Tuesday week, travelling by that Tnuth toalal whe knaw it not, ie, Miss Hodgins and Miss Helen that increasingly pepular mode, the was bnougbt ta a close with earnost Tuf, Tarante, were Weekend guests motor bus. prayer by Rev. E. R. James. of Mrs. Frank Branton. The canvassers will in the near At the first meeting cf the Man- Misses Dorothy and Evelyn Rick- future visit the homes of residerits aging Committoe cf Community Hall ard and a party cf young friends cf Newcastle and vicinity and give for 1926, Mr. W. F. Rickard was un- went for a jolly sleighride on Sat- everyone an, apportunity of contrib- animously chosen chairman. urday ovoning and at the western uting te this wertihy cause. Mr. and Mrs. Merkley Clark at- end of their jaunt stopped for a skate I________ ta the strains cf the band music at tended the celobratian cf the 85th Taylor's rink, Bowmanville. Miss Doris Stainten, Bowmanville, birtbday cf Mrs. Clark's mothor, Mrs Mrs. Norman Rickard's S. S. Clams and Miss Dorathy Allin, Providence, Broad at Rossmcro, cn Saturday. cf girls went for a jolly sleigbride were weekend guests of Miss Marion Rev. E .B. Cooke was re-appcxnted Tuesday evening and regaled them- Allin having comne ovor to share in by the Caunties' Council at its Jan- selve satter and anumber of invited the pleasure of Miss Marion's party uary session as a higb echool trus- friends witb a generous supply cf for the yaunger set on Saturday tee on the Board of Education for a solid and liquid,rofreshments in the evening. second throe yoar teri.> basement cf Ccmmunity Hall. The W. M. S. cf Mill Street Unit- Mrs. S. Jose is spending the week Mr .and Mrs. J. A. E. Awde have ed Church beld its regular monthly at Rossraore, whither she bas gone left for their home in Dakota, af- meeting on Wednesday afternoon. to join in the celebration cf the 85th ter a three montbs 'visit with fiends After the conclusion cf the business birthday annivorsary cf lber sister, in the Hoeland cf Durhami. Jona- meeting, the Missien Band prosent- Mrs. Broad. than still bas a Warnm spot in bis ed an excellent pregraini, in paymont i Horticultural Society meets in heart for Newcastle, and intends taoi cf wbich, it receivod the collection I ç uncil Chamber on Monday, ,Feh- return bere when hoe retires fromi for the day. The topic was givenir ruary 15tb. Report cf convention active operations. on "China" by Minnie Pearce. Mar-, will bie given by Mns. Frank Rickard. Mn. and Mxs. J. H. Jose entertain- ion Rickard and Phyllis Clernence ,Good program and everybody wel- ed the members of Mn. Jose'sS .road a Chinese stany ,and readings ceme. Class of boys and Mrs. J. R. ise and recitatians wero givon by Evelyn' Mn. H. C. Anderson is seriously and bier class of girls at their home Rickard, Adair Hancock and Ryiîi odn nlnhvn n on edesay vein lstMn JseJones. Eileen Coake, Darotby dergane twc operations. Mns. An- kindly taking the young people down! Rickard and Minnie Pearce sang derson who is staying with ber fnoim the village with seigb and two trias, accompanied by Eileen on mother, Mrs. R. P. Butler, is in ne- teani. A most pleasant evening was the ukelele. Duing the presenta- ceipt cf a cablegrani this morning spent by all present with wholesome tion cf the prograni the chiar was stating that bis condition is citical. gamnes, good eas and agreeable mix- capably flled by the Band President, Mr. Anderson's numerous friends ing cf the joi nt memh-erships Tucker Couch. bore wisb him a speedy recovery. Alaska The New Playground ta entertkLin thein mathers at a Val- t entine Party an Saturday aftennoon. United Cbu.rch, Rev. E. B. Coake, paston. il a. m.-Marning Won- r ship; 2:30 p. m.-Sanday Sehool; 7a p. m.-Evening Service. Anthenis by the choir. Ladies' Quartette-Mrs.Y Cowan, Misses Beatrico and Grace Bragg, Miss Rickard.à Young Peo'ple's League met onà Menday evening, prcgram boing giv-4 on under Chairmnansbip cf Miss Min.-1 nie Selby, Social and Literary Vice- Presidont. Miss Bennico Gilbank1 and Mn. Charles Gilkes read essaysJ on Burns and Coleridge and Miss Minnie Pearce favored witb a piano sole. Evenyone participated in I. 't- erary Contesta after. Rev. E. B. Cooke cf the United Cburch preached on Sunday evoning, Jan. 3lst, a finely illustrative ser-t mon te young mon in wbicbholicacm- pared Life te a Railrcad Systom. Wbile delivered expressly in the in- terests of tihe many young mon pros- ent, the whole congregatian found it1 exceedingly helpful and suggestive cf higb and noble purposes. A choir cf 29 young mon, led by Mr. W. J. S. Rickard with Mrs. E. C.( Fisher at the argan, provided a ,:er-E vice cf saered song, wbich by gener-1 aI consent sunpassed any fermer of- ' ferts cf male choira in this dhurch.1 Inspiring as it was ta the general congregatian, such singing could net1 fail te exert a more positive in-i fluence on the religicus nature cf the1 ycung mon wbc sa wbale-heartedly1 sang in hanmony the sangs cf beav- 1 enly joy and service. Particularly1 geed was tibat fine old song "Life is like a Meuntain Railroad" in .vhich each stanza was c-ung in solo by Mn.1 Nanman Rickard witb the wbole choir joining in the refrain. Mn. Geo. Lumasden bas sold bisl butcher business ta Mr. Pillawortýh1 cf Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. PuIs-i 1 worth and family are eccupying n.. Sam Bonathan's bouse on Cbuncb and jEmily Streets. The chi,,dnen an- rived Monday and were atl~ho Tuesday, Misses Venna and Rutb taking thein places in Principal Rod- ge's room. Mr. Lumsden bas eas- ed the fan cowned by Mns. Jerry Brown lit Mcngan's corners. MILL STREET UNITED CHURCH CHOIR NEWCASTLE PRESENT "Receiving The Parson" A Tantalizing Tangle and a Musi- cal Comedy under the direction of Mrs. Lillian Sutton in Community Hall Newcastle Friday, February 12th At 8:15 p. m. Admiuuloin 50c; ChIIdr.n 25o Doq't. fail to hear thia huinorous W. J. S. Riokard, Cloir ..d.r Mri. Laura Fiaber, Planlat IMr.o. Cflon dia$s Old hie 2611 Fà A CLD vincial highway and the Base Lino to Mr. Robt. Martini. FOR SALE Tenders wili b. recelved until Feb- ruary 25th far purchase of a woaden garage, 12 x 17 f t. it contains 2 gaod Windows and ls situated on the C. N. R. grounds at Newcastle. Samne must be received befare March lot., 1926. APPIY ta J. E. W. Phip, Box 81, NewOfttIe.6-2 MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D_ C. M. Rlonor graduate of Trinity UniverSit' FeIIaw of Trinity Medical Collez- Licentiate cf the State UniversitY O- New Yark, Matriculate of the Pos: C,raduate Medical School and Ha'- nital cf New York and Fellow of th, roronto Academy of Medicine. Offie. -Mrq. McNauzhton'm Re-siderice '4ewcastle. Hours-8 ta 10 a. In. m n. m . and bv arnpnftmer eral and spoke very impresiive, bearing on the point that ail that is "Essential is Etrnalp'.... Mrs. Wil- fred McKay and daughter have been ill with the grippe .... .Mr. T. J. Bal- lagh has returned froin Kingston, where ho bas been for sanie tume underoeoinoe treatiment for his eyes.i 1 wifllbuY old Postage atampBu8uad before 1870; aioad stamP oolec- tions. Look u:p the. aid letters in your attie or office. stabiIshd 1955 CHAS. CHAPMAN COMPANY 91 Ouiidas St., L.ondonl, Ont. --- --- --- -- Notice to Creditors IN TIIE SURROGATE COURT OP TrHE UNITED COUNTIES OP NORTH- uMBERLAND AND DURHAM: IN THE ESTATE OF BENJAMIN JESSOP MASON, deceased. Notice la herebY given that ai per- sno iaving daime agaiflt the. etate, af Benjamin JesuP Mason, formerly of O)akville, in the CountY Of HaitOn, farta- r, atterlly of Bowmaflville, deceaeed, wiio dled on the lIth daY Of JanuarY. A D., 1926, are required ta mail or de- liver the samne with full particulars to the undersig!ed, on or before the 2th day Of February, A. D., 1926. after which the Executors will distribute thé assetfi Of the Estate iaving regard ni7 i ta the cli.me tien fyed. Dated at Bowmanvie, Ontarlo. Ja- uary 22nd., A. D., 192. W. F. WARD, Solicitor for the. EecutOrR. 4 -3 Bawmanville, Ont. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS 0 F EDUCATIOb The Municipal Council met on1 The Boeard cf Education held iti Monday evening Iast witb aIl the inaugural meeting of the yean in ti members present, Reeve H. S. Bit- Community Hall an Wednesdsý tan prosiding. The principal bus- evening, February 3rd., withtb i mness was the consideration of appli- followi'ng mombers present: Merkle. cations for the variaus municipal offi- Clark, H. W. Dudley, T. W. Jackson ces. John Scott, Rev. E .B. Cooke, Rev Major H. W. Dudley's application E. R. James, E. C. Hoan, G. Gaines for the assessorship was accepted at Thos. M offat, W. E. Benian and H a salany of $70, an incroase cf $10. E. Hancock. On motion cf Rev. E. R. James The request cf the auditors, Mrs. secondod by W. E. Beman, Mr Robt. Gibson and Miss Muriel Brad- Clark Was re-elected Chairmano loy, for an increase cf salary from the Board by unaniancus vote. $25.00 to $35.00 was granted. Tbey Mr. H. W. Dudley was unanimous now. bave four sots of bocks ta audit: îy elected Vice C'hainman on motici Municipal, Board cf Educatian, Pub- of Scott and Beman. lic *Library and Ccmmunity Hall. The standing committees for t)i Mn. Gea. Eilbeck's application as year are: tax collectan at a salary of $75.00, Finance-H. W. Dudley, Thoç an increase of $15.00, was laid an Mafat, E. C. Hoar. the table tilI next meeting, a cam- Property-Geo. Gaines, John Scot mittee being appeinted to interview Rev. E. B. Cooko, T. W. Jackson bim in the meantime. Modal and Prizes-M. Clark, W~ Dr. A .Farneoinb was re-appain4ed E. Beman, Rev. E. R. James. Medical Hoaltb Officer at the nomin- In lieu of a visting comrmittoo al salany cf $10.00. was resolved that the chairmana Mn. H .C. Bonathan was no-ap- each montbly meeting, thbe flrst Mer pcinted Clerk and Treasuren, saîary day ef the montb, name a committe unchagýd.of two ta visit the school in tliî uncan1 .mantb. The chainman appointei On the initiative cf Mr. Frank 1 .E ea n H .Hnokf Gibson the counciil decided to close W. Eban n .r.ymec o that delapidated aId bovel, known as Pnincaî . K.GamanTh the lockup on Beaver St., adjoining Picpl .K rhmadTo the cld Caurt Heuse and discontinue A. Rodger and Mn. H. Brereton its use as a lodging place for tramps janiter, addressed the Board in re and vagrants. This will ho welcomo gard to vanicus important schac news te residents cf the vicinity who mattors. Mr. Rodger spoke in favo will now spend their evenings and cf intrcducing religious instruetio go ta bed with a senseocf saf ety tbey, into the public scbool curniculur bave nat experienced in the past. and it is likely that Rev. E B The colIs at the rean cf Ccmmtianity James and Rev. E. B. Coake wi Hall will now ho used for purposos work out a plan together. Mi forïmerly dsed by the aId lockup. Graham in a hughtful addressf relation to the classes and courseso ____________study in the bigh school recammend ed raising the standard cf pnomatiî froni Lower Schoal ta Middle Schoc NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH ta a 50% basis on aIl subjets. H tbeugbt t would be in the intorest Mn. Clarence Allin's Class cf S. S. cf bath the students and the scboo boys beld an enjoyable group meet- The Board endorsed Mn. Graham' ing, followed by a good lunch in the ves S. S Rams bundayeveing A number cf small aceunts wer The Allin Quartet - Mesrs. ondored paid. George, Howard, Mark and Harold Allin-cantributed a very fine sacred selection, "A Little While," at thel NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL evoning service in the United Ohurcb __h_ Puist ofSunday. la l: Standing cf pupils cf Newcasl Pupls f he nianyCîss cf te Public Scbaol for January, figure jUnited S. S. with their teachers, Mns. denoting per cent: 1 J.TfC. Hancock, Mrs. W. E. Benian Senior Room-Examined in Resè in:,Wiig ityadCmoi tio V-eenLcnt70:eog Gai 6, ueyMeGuire76, GLaw- rones GAese53, Alre Garda6- re2c Go ane 5-3.lrdGro 3 J2,RoyV-ougl5a3.nih 6,Ev. Jrn IkaDouanryt 6owan 62 Mun ca Butand59, unreCoatbDd2, 57,ra ABtlPaer5, MraninDRdncy 57, Arie owan5, MaRilchs 48-, Chosie ano1, 5842, Fredl Thoas 53a3,eorgelton8-a4.re Thomas15-Fr Gred Wa 66,essi VadSen 66, e olga Pas6aryk 65, Jahdn cad6, Olet Henning 65, GJahnet Ckawe65, Voe elmaBown60, Donld caer5, WillieownMc- Eoa cachr48rd Couch 45, ucy Sbaw 6-a48, VcrLaockwood59-82,y Bettawak64a2VitorLlanSpncer 59-2 a3. ae54aAln pne 5 a-asn3. ,3,eceaia tien ambsentd ,2. 3 t. eaia 'liios. A. Rodguer, teacher. lutermediate Rooni Examîned in Spelling, Arithmetic, Literature and Writing: Jr. IlII-Jamie Wright 85, Tom Spencer 77, Adair Hanjcock 75, Gor- dan Garrod '74, Billy Toms 72, Milt- on Brown 68, Lewis Clark 67, Hel- ena Hayes 79, Mary Brereton 75, Edwin Hancock, 75, Irono Breneton 72, Florence Spencer 70. George Buckley 68. Sr. i-Jessie Geddes 88, Jean Rickard 84, Alecia Williams 83, Har- ry Couch 80, Mary Chaplin 74, Gwen Williams 73, Marion Aldread 69, *Jack Toms 53, Lyle Moore 22-a2, Billy Brunt 86, Hubert Anderson 83, Marie Henning 81, George Grahanm 74, Billy Kinnear 73, *Bily McGuire 69, *Harold Brown 64, *Mary Van-1 Dusen 53. *-..Failed in one subject; A-Absent. Hattie A. Maso%5 teacher Junior Room First Class-Harold Deline 66, Manjory Lycett 66. Lois Martin 64, David Noden 62, Louise Hancock 60, Charlie Brereton 60, Jean Gibsen 53, Bobbie Duck 51-a, Ralph Gihson 48-a, Kate Clark 47, Jini Geddes 46,r Jack Haro 39, Jack Geddes 36, Ia- belle Geidos 34, Taîbent Aldread30- a, Isaibelle Lumsden 23-a, Hilliard Brown 11. A-Absýent. Hazel Barrie, teacher. A large number frein this section teck in the "Short Course" class beld in Oron . .. . Hauling woad is the or- don cf the day new . . One cf tAn-' thur McKay's fat cattle brake it kg a few days before hoe xpectod ta ship it . .. . Tree cars cf stock was shipped fremn our station on Satur- day. Mn. Arthur MeKay sbipping one car of expert cattle.. Mrs. Jen- nie Grahami, Newtonville, is visiting ber brothers, the Hallowells ... Congratulations to Mn. and M, Stanley Jones an the arrival cf a ycung son last Satunday... M s. Clint Brown and Mn,. Roy McKay are visîting fniends in Toronto.... Miss Grace Savery bas been visiting Miss K. Stewart.. Miss Beulah Hal- lowell spent the ,weekend with friends in Mcrsh ... . Miss Dickin- san, aur teacher, spent tihe weekend at ber home in Zion ....... A large gathening of neighbors and frîends attended the funers) cf the late Mrs Wm. Ham which was frein Clarke Chunch on Sunday to Oneno Cerne- tery. Mns. Hamn bas been ill for some menths, but ber deatib came very suddenly on- Thuxeclay. She leaves to mourn ber long a hueband and fIve gens-aUl young men. Rev. E. B. Cooke had charge of the fun- Grouped for quick Clearance twenty only, beautiful fiat crepe canton, satin faced canton, crepe romaine and crepe de chene dresses, were priced up to $40.00, For Quick Clearance Weekend Special $18.75 Twelve Only, Flannel Poiret Twill and Tri- côtine Dresses, were priced regularly to $15.00, Weekend Special $4.98 Fourteen Only, beautiful Winter Coats which represents the balance of our winter stocks, Clearing at Exactly 1/2 their Original Selling Price Three Only, Children's Goats, sizes two, three and four years, Give Away Price While They Last $1.98- S. W. MASON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies', Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville The President of the Mine Workers -Union, says the Strike may continue until the Fali of 1926 or Spring of 1927. Better protect yourself by ordering a load of "WONDER COAL" the hottest coal on earth, no clinkers and littie ash, burns equally well in Range, Heater or Fur nace. 1 have a limited supply on hand. ur George Jamieson NEWCASTLE ONTARIO 1' AI GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- j PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attenîtion and you will get good valut, H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle When You Need -9l it ee Ol TrfyByr wl ltfi o aeavnaeo d the eIne pr ALe :le 'os li - - il

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