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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Feb 1926, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL..E, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 PAGE THREZ VERY CHOICE MEATS We always pride ourselves in having the best meat that can be bought, but just now we have sorne exceptionally choice young well fatted beef which we are placing on display. People sometimes think they can do better elsewhere, but they invariably corne back to the old reliable purveyors and tell us that our meat is the choicest and our prices are right. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowrnanville What Happens After the Fire? An analysis recently made of 100 business fires show that 43 Per Cent of the concerns affected did not resurne business after the fire. 14 Per Cent suffered a reduction of frorn 30 to 67 per cent in credit rating. 17 Per Cent published financial statements bef ore the fire but no longer do so. 26 Per Cent were unaffected as to credit rating. With haîf a million fires and over haîf a billion dollars in direct money fire loss annually no man is justified in believing that he will neyer have a fire. The only safe way is to prepare-through ade- quate and modemn fire prevention methods. We can give you expert assistance on both. J. J. MASON & Sc;)ON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Cood Hardwood Floors ADD TO Both Beauty andi-Comfort Every Home Now is the time to have thern laid. Caîl and get our estimates. *We have a price for every purse. We also expect a supply of Alberta Coal' in a few days and shaîl be glad to take care of your order. McClelIan & Co., Limited King St. East Office Phone 15 'I Bowmanvllls Hloua. Ph%ýnkî '28, 274, 211 Good Tools Are lm and necessary, but even portant than these are anical brains, he "kcnoi cornes froni long techni and experience. Ws h this establishment, and yeur needs in every part, RATCLIFI MACHINE SI 1King St. E. SPhone 425W LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Enough snow fell on Mcnday te adern aIl Nature in pure white. Beys' Sweaters were $1.50, now 95c. Coucb, Jobnsten & Cryderman's One eut of 12 persons in hs Unit- ed States dies of tuberculosis we are told. Mrs. Robert CollacotV ha visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Wilard, Toronto. Mr. Harold Rice, Toronte, spent he weekend with bis father, Mr. C. F. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr, Tor- onto, spent he weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dorville Thicksen. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McCullough and son Jack, Toronto, spenV hs weekend with her father, Mr. Nathan Horne. Dr. J. M. Baldwin wvas elected a Director cf hs Ontario Horticult- ural Association at its annual con- vention in Toronto last week. Mr. W. B. Ccuch was in Toronto Wednesday attending annual meet- ing cf sharehelders cf The Canada Landed and National Investanent Ce. Lirited. An adequate water content in he body sbould be maintained. Water noV toc hot or toc cold sbeuld be drunk at intervals during the day but net at meals. Messrs. Milton Virtue and Cecil Sargent cf Orono, and Miss Elva L. Virtue and Richard Sudds, own, were Sunday guests of Mrs. John W. Virtue, Tyrone. A milk, ceceal and vegetable diet is saf e for most folk. Bowel move- ments sbould be established by pro- per diet, exercise and regular hab- its rather than by laxatives. Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn entertained' hs daugbters cf Rebekah and theix friends Vo a succeEsful Valentine Euchre on Monday, February l5th at her home on Scugcg Street. D.D.S.M., F. J. Moore and Tribes- mec A. Worden, H. Ormiston, G. Young and J. E. Hobbs metcred Vo Peterboro Friday evening Vo visit Cyzicus Sanctorum No. 24 -and ahI report a good time. Dr. Copeland endorses ast week's healtb talk in thîs journal-correct eating adds years Vo our lives and efficiency Vo everv year, toc. Making a play bouse cf one's stomach ix folishness, be says. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Little, Bswd- lsy, announce engagement of their daughter, Elsie Mas, Vo Mr. Herbert George Smitb, Oshawa , son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Sritb, Canton. The wedding te ake place early in March. Preventative rather than correct- ive measures must be depended up- on if future citizens are Vo cci iy reasonably good teeth. One cbild in Vree on an average bas decay- ed eeVh, an inspection bas reveal. ed. Mrs. Maggie Hunt who wect Vs Mantoba 48 years ago ast Octoeber with ber parents, and -who bas beer visiting ber father, Mr. F. N. Stev- ens, Ontario Street, and other rela- ives for hs past Vwo rnonths, is retumning home this week o Dar- lingford, Manitoba. Her sister, Mrs. Nellie Perry, acccrnpanied ber Vs Toronto Vo visit their brother, Mr. Willard C. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Henry, foren. erly cf Southampton, but now liv- ing with their son, in Hatzic, B. C.- celebrated their Diamond Wedding on January 25Vh. They were marries in Orono, sixty years age, and liv- ed on a Clarke farm for a number cf years. Later hey lived in In- gersoîl and £rmr there moved Vo Southanmpton where hey resided four years. Two years ago they went Vo British Columbia. Both are enjoying good health, altbough they are both over 80 years of age. Mrs. O. De Long of Southampton, is a daugbter of this happy couple.- Owen Sound Timxes. About a year ago efforts were made o interest the own Council and Chamber cf Commerce ina proposition with Soren Bros. Limited cf Toronto, te bing their plant Vo Bowmanvihle and combine iV with the defunct Ross Can Ce. 0f cours it was expected hs town would back hs bonds cf this newly fcrm ed company Vo hs extent cf $25, 000 or more. Aftem due considera- ioc hs proposition was turned announced Soren Bras Limited werE bankrupt and stock in trade, plant hequipment, etc., offersd for sale bý Itender. Lucky for Bowxnanvi]( Ithat it did noV oucb this "Get-RichI IQuick-Wallingford" seheme. Dr. G. C. Gossar hs emineni ScoVisb philantiropist and workei amongst boys, bas requeVzed Fair knowe Home, BrockvilIc, to plat( some of the boys. Dr. Cossar in ~ expericnce thus gaîied should heo valu e Vo Dr. Cossar iin bis wort', w oîk. The aixouai At Home cf the s]u dents cf the Normal School at J'e orboro, -wus held Friday eveniiîg, Fcb ruary 12, attendle(] by about 300 pur ,iportant ils includiiîg students and thei friends. The evening xas spenti moei-the ]re entaticii cf a choyer one n mos im actplcy eiîtitled "Six isho pass whil gcod mech- the Lentils bail" and in promenad îw-how" hat and the enicymient cf dainty rc ical training fresliments. Duiing the evanin have both in enjoyed violin selections. The Pre', can satsfy dent cf the Normald School Lits'ar icular. Society, Mr. Chas. White, Hamptcc a former student cf BowNvanvi]l High Scbool was in charge cf hs a] Frangements. Mr. Geo. Whitl -F Hampton, and bis daugbter, Mri Chas. McBride, Peterbere, attende BOP hs At Home. f A valentine rnay be a kiss, Bowmanyihh. A ribben or a ring, A sugar beart stuck wiVh a dart V Or any sert eft hing. n, sank in bronze light. A great sta le spread a littîs pathway cf radianc, r- across hs deep. Thc outgoingso te, hs day are frequently cf indescrib rs. able magnificence. led Between hs Hawaiian and Fij Islands ycu alide diagonally acres the Equator. Dsrkness talla fas aV six p. ni. and earlier as we go heaN ing into cooder clîmes and bigge seas towards Maorland. OUR KINSFOLK «'DOWN UNDER" Article No. 2 Most Canadian weekly editors will agree that the best hought about leaving home is that cf the joy cf returning to it. At very short notice 1 Ieft mine on July 29th., Vo represent he Canadian Weekly Newspapers association and the Brit- ish Columbia and Yukon Press as- sociation in the Canadian delegation Vo the Third Ixuperial Press Coenfer- ence in Melb'ourne, Australia. 1 had bec in 'Vancouver on the previeus day and while the mists cf srnoke and f og veiled the Lions which crouch upon hier guardian peaks, they did net bide Siwash rock, that round-pointed pencil cf stone about which Pauline Johnson has woven a legend cf dlean fatherhood. The rock assumes many shapes. To me, bead- ing for Nanairno, where evening dis- closed great meuntains landlockinÉ the blue, the rock appeared as a. Crusader, a mailed knight, witb curling crest cf fir ree on his hel- met, looking owards the Pacific, up- on which I was so, soon Vo set forth. As hough Vo bring additional heartpangs, the drive from Duncan te Victoria over he Malahat moun- rtain ook te itself new charm-dust- >less road, Pink of fireweed and white o f "kecksiss" on emerald green, while acroshe land slanted that long light which cornes at eventide Vo *transforn he aishes cf Douglas fir into temples cf intenser worship. * A lovely mccc spread silvery sheen, *over our parting, as the necklace cf golden larnps about 'Victoria's bays tsank low and Cape Flattery sent a - long flash astern to bid us God- -speed. - "Aorangi" sounds outlandish, buti he Union Stearnship Comnpany cf iNew Zealacd is wiser than many in rits choice cf naines. The greatest psak in the Alps cf Maoriland is tMount Cook. IV.s Maori camne sig- nifies "'the cloud piercer"-Aorangi. It is a happy augury that this largest 'cf motordriven sbips bears the British and Cacadian delegates Vo a ccnference ,vhich should be in- strumental in sharpening those weapcns by which more mecnrnay clirnb tc wider knowledge acd deeper Sappreciation cf he British Common- * wealth cf Nations. 1 On her are gathered rnany whose ' camnes are househ'old words in jour- Snahism-Lord Burnbam, cf The Tels- graph; Major Astor, who saved The -Times focr nîl the Englands; Sir Per- j cival phillipE, cf The Daîly Mail, twhcse spurs were won in he hard .field cf war correspondence; S. J. eHigginbctharn, he Parliamentary Lwriter cf The Daily Chronicle; A. P. -Herbert cf Punch; Sir Frank New- *nes, cf Thie Strand Magazine; Sir î Elrnslsy Carr, cf The News of Thel 1 World. - There are members cf botb Brit-I - isb Houses cf Parliam.qnt. Wa1es bas Sir William Davies, cf The estern Mail, Cardiff, and David Davies cf r Swansea. Frcrn the "north countres" corne Sir Joseph Reed and Ernest -Wcodhead; from Sussex, Mrs. Hec- son-Infield; frorn the Midlands, Sir .Edward Cliffe, Capt. Eden, M. P., .and N. B. Grahamn. The Scotnan 3is represented by a son cf its sdi. tcr, J. E. R. Findlay, and a son of the editor cf Tdxe Sydney Morningi Herald, W. O. Fairfax, returns with -us alter four yeaers at Oxford. Another icteresting personality is -the Rt. Hon. C. W. Bowerrnan, re- presecting he printing and allied 9 trades. Malta contributes a jolly dscholar, editcr, barrister, and bis- 1- terian, in Professer A. Bartolo. Sir r Harry Brittain, who organized the 1 first Imperial Press Conference, ise 0 with the party, and India is repre- d sented by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur y Moore, The Statesinan, Calcutta. 'e Capt. R. J. H. Shaw, The Times, and y' W. Turner, cf Reuters, complet. Vbe 3.party. a The Canadians are seven.-oh -W. Dafos, Manitoba Free Press, an outstanding character in Canadian >e life; J. H. Woods, Calgary Herals il and Canadian Press; John Bassett, a Montreal Gazette; Grattan O'Leary, ýd Press Gallery, Ottawa; C. F. Cran- ýo dall, British United Press, Toronto; ie W. A. Craik, Toronto, representing , he periodical and trade press; and d myself. Mrs. Dafos, Mrs. Bassett, i- and Mrs. O'Leary and several ladies in hs British delegation accomnpac: a- their husbands. ,d There are rnany interesting people s on board. Americans dwindled in e number after Honolulu, but Austra- t, hians and New Zealanders abound. )y The Colonial office is represented by le Mr. W. Bankes Amery, who has beea h- arranging for hs settlement of an "advance guard" cf Hebrideans cn SVancouver Island, and is concernie e, with immigration Vo Australia. In the r-genial Col. James Sclater,.wbo is re- eturning Vto bis pcst in Australia, the Father andi Son Banquet Preparations are being made Vo bcld another father and son banquet. This will probably be beld on Fni- day, February 26th. GeV your dads lined up now, fellows, and don't let thcrn miss this realor good time. Outaide Reporta Enniskillen sends us a bit cf news this wesk. Friday evenhng, Febru- ary l2th., hs boys cf Dr. H. Fer- guson's Class held their annual ban-I quet. This was very welh attend- cd and a compîste success. The visitors wer-Mr. A. R. Scott, Dr. C. W. Sîsmon and Alex. McGmsgom, Bowrnanville. Mr. A. R. Scott in respocding Vo the toast Vo King acd Country, spoke of Vhse duties cf our great Empire te Vhs King. He then revis-ced the conditions in Canada today, especial- ty the present political situation, and expressed he hope that hs present. problemn would be speedilyv eolved. Dr. Shemon, always popular hers, spoke Vo the boys, tellhng cf the chU guard when be lad charge cf hs class. Alex. MeGregor outlined hs work dons by he Fifth Older Boys' Par. liament. Dr. Ferguson, Rev. E. M. Cook, Mr. J. A. Werry and several boys cisc spoke during hs course of he evening. A few jokes and nomne jolhy songs ended a verny pleasant evening. An Oil WlVheuV Alcohol.-Some ails and msaxy medicines bave alco- Shol as a prominent ingredient. A judicious mingling cf six essential cils compose Dr. Thonmas' Eclecetrie Oil, and there hine alcohol in it, no that ItV effecta are lasting. ýl THE C. S. E. T. BOYS' COLUMN Canadian Standard Efficiency Train- ing. Bond S.liig Report The bond selling campaign was brought to a close on Thursday, Feb- ruary llth. We publish the follow- ing report, sent by the secretary of our Boys' Work Board: .Sioux Tuxis Square-Bonds 8old- 83. Awards: Gcld rnedal--Jirn Dev- itt; Bronze medals Gregory Col- mer, Merrili Ferguson, Ernest Brown and John Minore. Onendagas Tuxis Square-Bonds sold-14. Awards: Bronze medal -Harold Gi. Oriole Trail Ranger Camp.-Bonids sold-48. Awards: Silver medals- Brenton Hazlew.ood, Jabez Vanstouie; Bronze medals-Robert Cale, Her- bert Colmer. Sonecas Trail Ranger Camp- Bonds sold-31. Awards: Bronze medals-Lyle Wood, Archie Wood, Harold Sîsmon, ,flm Piekard, Stanton Caverly. Beaver Trail Ranger Camp--Bonda sold-25. Awards: Silver medal-Al- lan Williamns; Bronze medals-Don- ald Williams, Wilfrid Carruthers. Micmac Trail Ranger Camp- Bonds sold-84. Awards: Gald medal-Alex. MeGregor. Bronze xedals-Bradley Honeynian, Joseph Barton, Newton Hgekney, Allan Clarke, Gordon Adamns. Grand total for Bowmanville is $285.00. We were asked for $100 but nearly tripled that asnount. This means that beside setting an envi- able record for our Vcwn we have secured $102.50 for local wcrk. This Imoney will be a great help in any special activi ies we may wish te carry on.1 We wýsh to draw particular atten- tion te the work of Jixn Devitt and Alex. McGregor. These boys sold 50 bonds each thereby winning a gold medal. This is the first time gold medals have corne to Bowinan- ville. IV ie a great credit Vo the C. S. E. T. work that we ara setting new records Vhia year. Three other boys-Brenton Hazie- wood, Jabez Vanstoce and Allan Williamns deserve special mention. Each won a csilver iedal by selling 15 bonds ech. It is a notable fact that ail of these are Trail Rangers Winners of bronze medals also de- serve commendation. It was the number of boys selling five bonds that made the total attain such pro- portions. We doubt if any town will turn in a better report than Bowrnanville. Card of Thanka The C~. S. E. T. boys of Bownian- ville, wish to hank the people of the town for their hearty coopera- tien and support in the Bond Soul- ing Campaîgn. We realize that we could noV have hoped te. even raise our objective without their support. Everywhere the boys were well re- ceived and everywhere a liberal re- rsponse was given to their appeal. The result is that we have set a re- cord which will be liard Vo beat. tWe owe a great debt of gratitude totoewho contributed in this campaign. We feel, on account of the faith that the people of the Vcw'n have shown in our mevement, we have a great responsibility thrown *upon us. We shall endeavor to live 1up to this responaibility. V roup Activities r The six C. S. E. T. groupe held ptheir regular meetings during the apast week and each was a success. During the business meeting of each rgroup returns were made for the Bond Selling Campaign and report 1 made out Vo be handed to the Sec- eretary of the Local Boys' Work Board. " Wednesday night a new Tuxis " group was added to the C. S. E. T. i forces of the tcwn. This is an old dI greup, led. by Mr. A. R. Scott last year, coming back under a new rname. Most cf the members cf he iold group were present. It was de- qcided to reorganize completely un- g der the camne of the "Draco Tuxis d Square", as the firat badge they will ttry for will be the Astronoiny badge. ýs Officers: Pretor, Douglas Carruthers; y Scriptor, Nelson Jackman; Comop- tos-Philip Grant. It was decided le, te hold meeting& every two weeks. ,n~ We welcosne this new group Vo our rnnks and wish it every success. We hope each inember will win that As- 'tronomy Badge. BowmanvhiIl. IThe Daily Grocery OrderI It is an important thing for the careful house- keeper. The cook appreciates reliable and fresh groceries. A host of Bowmanville housekeepers and cooks have learned that our big grocery store carnies fresh goods. They use the telephone and we deliver promptly. If you are not using the telephone caîl up 65 daily and you also will be delighted. A few suggestions: Apples Coffee Match.. Baking Powder Corn Starch Molasses Bananas Curranta Mustard Beans Corn MeW Nuts Biscuits Dates Olives Bovril Dried Fruits Oranges Bread Extracts Oxo Cubes Bran Feed Pancake Flour Breakfast Foods Fish Peas Cakes Figs Peel Canned Goods Flour Pickles Catsup Fowl Raisins Candies Flour Rice Céreals Fresh Fruits Rolled Oata Cese Fruits Salt Chocolatee Honey Soap Chow-Chow Jam Spices Cocos Lard Syrupa Cocoanut Macaroni Tea And Don't Forget Our China and Crockery Dept. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Cooka Regulating Compound A mfe, ,oiabi. nu donu Smodcle.. Soid lu t ree de- Veof strenth-No. i. S11 2 C8 O* No. 3, 85 per box. BoId £y ail dnîqat@. or sent *dj ,rompt af prion. ~prplt. Addrms: THE COOK MEDICINE C06 I. Good Prices FOR POULTRY Jewish holidays are corning on and poultryj will be in great demand. I arn prel3ared to buy any quanntity at good prices, and if you have fat hens will, give extra good price. Phone 81, Whitby, and reverse charges ,or drop a card and I will cail. I. STEIN, Whltbr Ont. ,ODIS PHOSPHODINV? The Great English Prcparam». STories a,îd ,nvigoraâs the .whoe U J1 1nervous system. makes new Blond ind Veins. Used for Nervous Debility. Mental and B&ain Wb" DespondencyLau cf Engry,'Palpitation oi SAh Heart, FaitasgMemory. rie ievrbôx,3.0 for 95.9 Sold by ail druggîiss or mnai ed in plais picg. on receipt of pric.m Ng' pamplAWi aid rw.TIR WOODWMKDICUIE CD=rt1ONT.OV., Do You Need A New Furnace ? Has the old furnace played out with long and strenuous use? Maybe you have neyer had a furnace and really don't know the comforts a furnace means? Then corne in and see how reas- onable we can instala real good dependable furnace in your home. Estimates free of chiarge. We have a full staff of riiechanics which will1 give you prompt service when in need of a plumb- er, steamfitter or tinsrnith. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Bowmanville Bowmanville, January 25; 1926 SIDE TALKS ON BREAD No. 4--Date and Fig Bread These wonderful fruits grown' in Asia, Northern Africa, California and Australia are of real food value. They contain large quantities of a very digestable sugar Proteins and that very valuable minerai element Calcium, the bone builder. We are making a combination of these fruits and nuts to make a loaf which we feel confident you will really enjoy. You will like its nice caramel flav- Our. We want you to try a loaf, we feel confi- dent that we will have the same success in the sale of Fig and Date Bread as is the case with our Lactomaît Bread. Ask your grocer for these specialties or ring in 97 and have our driver cail. Our next talk will be on Bon Bouches, or srnall mouthfuls. Bowmanville Bakery Bread is the very best Bread. We are specializing Eccles Cakes-they are good. The Bowmanville Bakery The Big Variety Bakery. C. W. Jacoba, Proprietor Successers Vo Christie'% Bakery 4Ký

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