PÂGE 01311TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, )5OWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 ENFIELD ENNISKILLEN Mr. Fred Smith has been visiting Enniskiiien S. S. No. 16 ratepay- at Yelverton... .Mrs. Frank Gibert ern are cailed ta meet in the school- bas been visiting at Whitby. ..Mr. bouse at 1 p. m. on Saturday, Feb. 2tb., ta bear the repart of the a'nd Mrs. H. Trull nad Miss Eiieen trustees negarding the new scbool Truil, Harmony, have been visiting proposition and vote on the same. ait Mr. John Hepburn's. .Mises Ruby A repiy ta an enquiry from the Smith attended the Old Girls' Re- Secretany of Janetvilie Continuation union at Ontario Ladies' College, Schooi says: "The section is appar- Whitby, aver the weekend. . .. Mr ently satisfied with the change froni L. Pascoe and Mrs. J. Parr recently a two-room public achool ta a one- visited in Toronto ...Mr. Lloyd raam public and one continuation. Ferguson and Miss Elva Ferguson After the finst expense when the have been visiting at Haydon .... .Mr. grants came in ,they will heip out. Wallace and Miss Dorothy Pascoe Having childIren attending High have been visiting at Columbue. Sehool and returning home at night is something ta be considened. Mn. For years Mther Graves' Worm W. H. MeNei further says: "If Exterminator has ranked as a re- your people put in continuation work liable worm preparation and it ai- you will have done something you ways maintains its reputatian. wiii be praud of in years ta camie." You Save on Every Purchase Men's and Boys' Overcoats 1/2 Price Men's Ail Wool Mackinaw Sox ...............98c Men's Heavy Winter Caps ....................95c 20% Discount Off Ail Lines of Wool Underwear Fleece Lined Underwear Clearing at 79c Garment TB. CILCHRIST Directly opposite Bank of Montreal Phone di Every article ln the ortore guaranteed ta give beat satisfaction. VALUE AND SERVICE IN SEASONABLE FOOTWEAR Men's Plain Toe Brown Boot, welt sole and rubber heel .............................$5.00 per pair Men's Blaek Box Caif, full leather lined, double soles ............................$7.50 per paii Boys' Hikers, black and brown .... .$5.50 per pair Women's low heel Oxfords, in patent leather and black caif .....................$4.50 per pair Women's Patent Leather and Kid Strap Slip- pers ..................................... $3-75 per pair W. Claude Ives The Home of Good Shoes Bowmanville QUALITY AND SAVINGS Go Hand in Hand at the Dominion Stores. Get Your Share by Dealing at the. Dominion Stores 4 lb. TIN No. 3 Pail 15 oz. PKT. JAM PURE RAISINS APE& RASPBERRY LARD SUNMAID 39CR EASTER BRAND CANNEIANNEW CHEESE 21lc FRY'S PURE BREAKFAST, COCOA 1½ lb.24c DOMINION STORES TEAS CHIALLEN4GE COMPARISON RICHMELLO 79c SELECT 69r D.S.L. BULL 59- LENTENSUGGESTIONS MACARONI or SPAGHETTI 3,-5 LOBSTER 1/2 s 44c KING'S PLATE SARDINES 2«25 CHICKEN HADDIE 25c KIPPERED HERRING 25' CUBES 2for LIBBY'S PREPARED MUSTARD 13C DOMINION BRAND TOMATO CATSUP 19C 1 IL.JAR CRABAPPLE JELLY 19C U. F. 0. NOTICE SOLINA TYRONE FARMERS' CLUB Providence Farmers' Club wiII Recent visitors: Mr. A. For-icythe Meeting of Tyrone Farmers' Club *meet at Shaw's School on Tuesday has returned to Toronto after a will be held in Community Hll, Ty- *evening, February 23rd., when pleasant visit with his sister, Mrs. A. rane, on Wednesday, February 24th eMaple Grove and Ebenezer Club E. Jennings; Mr. and Mrs. C. Mac- at 8 a'clock. Ail those interested mebers will be present. Ladies of key, Braoklin, with Mr. W. N. Pas- requested ta attend. *Providence Club kindly provide re- coe and Mrs. R. Pascoe; Mr. and Simn McCoy, A. W. Aunis, efreshments. Reserve March 5th., Mrs. Elmer Wilbur and son Gardon, President. Secretary. n ta hear Miss Agnes MacPhail, M. Taunton, at Mr. W. T. Baker'3; Mr. ____ P. Particulars next week. and *Mrs. W .T. Taylor visited at 1O. R. Braug, EarI Osb~orne, Mr Will Carruthers', Bowmanvilie MAPLE GROVE * President. Secretary. Solina Women's Institute are Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Halfacre, Ty- giving a concert in Eldad Churcb, rone, recently visited at the home Wednesdaqy, February 24th., nt 8 of bier brother, Mr. John Aldworth. ENNISKILLEN P. m. A short play "Aunt Suwan Thply "eAceFr wl tJones" will be given. Local talent Tepa RdAr ar"wl The community extends sympathy will be assieted by Mer. kad be presented by the Young People's to Mrs. Andrew Sharp and family Wallace, violinists; Master Clare ocFityof Merave, ithe Ais in their sad bereavement of a belov- Coui-tice, Courtice, Soloist; Miss son 35e day 15ebrury 2mh.admis- ed husband and father... Good Louise Courtice, Ebenezer. Reader; in3cad1c on n no turnout at Sunday School on Sun- Mrs. H. C .Garbut, Providence, Pan-a play "BrtHaeath".s h day, Temperance programi being in ist. Admission: Adults 25c; child- pplr"a ae" charge of Mrs. H. J. Werry; Mrs. rep 20c. Miss Gladys Allun, Oshawa, spent H. G. Macklin, Tyrone, gave a spien- Sunda.y with Miss Viol aStevens.... did talk on the subje.ct. A duet by League meeting Monday evening Mr .G. R. Pascoe, Toronto, spent the Mrs. Will Ashton and Mrs. R. Or- was in charge of Mr. Percy Dewell. weekend with his cousins, Mr. and. mistan was enjoyed by everyone. . Bible lesson was read by Mr. Ern- Mrs. Thos. Snowden and other rela-, -Sunday evening our Pastor, Rev. est Hockaday; piano solo, Mrs. Isaac tives ..Miss Mabel Stevens '%penti E. M. Cook, gave another of his ex- Hardy; tapie was well taken by Mr. a few 4ays with relatives in Peter-1 cellent sermons ta a good congrega- E. R. Taylor; piano duet, Mrs. Ever-, bora and attended the Normal "At tion. The choir sang in good form ett Cryderman and Miss Margaret Home". She aieao visited hier un-1 . Sorry ta 'report tl'at Mrs. Burg- McKesqsock; reading by Miss Edna cle, Rev. H. W. Foley, Fraser- 1 master bas been very ill with quin- Reynolds; vocal solo, Mrs. John ville .. . .Mrs. T. Hunt, Darling- sy under the doctor's care; and Mrs Baker; a guitar duet was given hy ford, Man., Mrs. Perry, Town, spenti ICharles Stewart is very ....... Mr. Miss Marguerite Tbompson arnd a few days last week witb Mrs. F. I ames Mounitjoy and Mr. Charlie j Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Attendaîîce Swallow. . Miss Dorothy McGregor, Virtue who have been quite iii are 35 Maple Grave League are ta Mr. Bruce McGregor, Miss Conlin,1 improving..Mr. and Mrs. JamnesIvisit aur League Manday eve ning, East Whitby, visited the former's Bradley's friends wili he giad ta February 22nd. Everybody weicoine cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snow- know they are nat leaving the vil- .. . Young Ladies' Class 'held their den ........ Mr. Noble I. Metcaif's lage, having bought the praperty be- monthly meeting in the Sunday herd of Holsteins bas just passed tbe longing ta 'Mrs. Samuel Haskin. . *. Scbool room on MaInday afternooi,j inspection of Dr. Wood for tubercul- Dr. Fe-guson's Ciass, of young men wben the folio,%ing officers were asis. .Mr. and Mrs. R. Stevens enter-I1 held their annual banquet an Fni- elected: President-Miss Margaret tained bis Sunday Shool Clasa, of day niglit ln the bafsement of the McKessock; Vice-President-Miss boys and girls on Saturday after- church... .A number of aur young Kate Cryderman; Secretary-Treas- noan wben all h.ad a jolly good time. ladies spent a pleasant evening on Miss Lauretta Naylor; Teacer-Mr. Friday at the home of Mrs. Gardon Chas. Shortridge; Assistant Tea -ler' Jeffery.... Mn. Gardon Werry re- -Mrs. Everett Cryderman. ProgramHAP N turned home on Saturday from Tor- i eacb montb ta -be in charge of theHAPO onot looking gaod ...Mr. Natban hostesa. A short program was en- Byers is borne again after spending joyed after wbich supper was serv- Hear "Bar Haven" at Hampton part of the winter witb bis son in ed...Tbere was a good attendance Wednesday, March l7th.1 Toronto. at the Women's Institute meeting Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns cele- I at the home of Mrs. J. W. YeLlow- brated their fortieth wedding anni- lees on Tbursday afternoon, Mrs. El- versary at the home of tbeir TYRONEgin Taylor gave a splendid report daughter ,Mrs. Lorenzo TrulI, an TYRNEof the W .1. Convention in Toronto;1 Wednesday, Februaryl0th., when a a piano duet was given by Mrs. Ev- very enjoyable time was spent wîthi Mr. Evan Smith is quite ilI witb erett Crydermnan and Miss Margaret relatives and friends. an attack of jaundice. MeKessock; reading by Miss Laur- Mrs. William Smale bas returned Choir practice was held at the etta NayIor. Two letters recently ne- from visiting ber husband who is home of Mrs. L. J. Goodman on Fni- ceived from Misýs Lena Tavlor, ili at hospital for consumptives at day evening. China, were read by' Mrs. Evenett Weston, wbere he.bas been for seven Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- Crydermian. Refreshmcnts çvere weeks... .Mra. W. H. Gay flas re- dence, Sundayed witb Mr. and Mrs. served and a social haîf-hour sper.t. . turned after spending tbree weeks Clarence Woodley. . Parents and fniends of SDlina with friends in Toronto. Tbursday evening Mrs. Russell School, numbering aver fifty visited Women's Institute met on Febru- Wrihgt will give the tapie on alcohol h colo rdyatrontay4ha om ofMsR.K x and the Fourfold Life. enjoy the Valentine Concert put on ary 4tb at hoenda f Mrs.R 4no by the children. Rex'. J. R. BjckPweith nttend. ae.of aven e40 Sunday Sehool was well attended very ahly accupied the chair. A CPresit Ms. Bagwt.isscHre and a good missianary pnogram was good program was provided consist- aCoMunity . esinggw t Miss no. given by the King Guards Cless. ing of readings, vocal axld piano andlMrs .C. J. Ktriake a ntpiano. Miss Mary Richards bas returned music, drill, physicai exercise, anmrilCaprow taiveak elpau ingtot ta Unionville after spending two choruses. Short reminiscent ani morgpge s ie ad elpfui"no Piao weeks' holidavs wvith hier parents, Mr cangnatulatory speeches were madeperFednth aiyfrelh and Mrs. T. Richards. by Reeve Baker, MnI. A. J. Reynolds; ppn"edn h aiyfrhat Thursday night's League was in Trustees John Baker, S. E. Werry, and Efficiency" by Mns. H. E. Rund- chage f Mssonay VceMis L FrnkWestiake. The valentire le; piano solo, "Marcb of the Tam- chare ofMissonar Vic. Mis L.Fr1n hanes" hy Mrs. C. J. Kerslake; con- Richards. League decided ta giveI mail box was then opened and the; test led by Miss J. Knox and a $50 ta missions. Miss Ruby V,.«tue mail distributed by the teacher, Mr., social time with refreshments at gave the Bible reading and Miis R. J. McKessock. This proved a' fmeigmd eyitr Rose Short a chapter of the winninglivery enjoyabie part of the program' leofmeig ada rynt- of Barbara Worth; reading by Mrs. Ia the valentines appeared and seting ndea sAtB.aftennoon sx C. Woodley. Topie on work in namnes were read. The children then bn March 4th. Recent donations West China was well prepared by treýated ail ta candy, piop corn and given by aur Institute are: $10 ta Miss Tena Ferguson and read by appies, during the passing of whichCetaDaintn Rrl Soo Miss Mary Richards; Fred Goodman a social time was spent. CetaFaiPriziFnd;$ta Natial San-o ghtav ainuetian.isRs About seventy-five of the friends itarium Association; $5 ta Merchant Shor a eadng.and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. N.E. Seamien'-, Fund; Aprons valued $4 ta About 50 attended the regular Wright gathered in the Sons' Hail Bowmanviile Bazaar for Hospital; vaintie scia aftheW. . on Friday evening ta bid tbem good- 14 doz. eggs to Bowmanville Hospit- which xvas held in the vestry of the bye before leaving for their r.ew ai; Clothnig valued at $56 ta needy church an Tbursdày, February l1tb. home near Fonthili. ones in Musicoka. AIl ladies inter- A good program consisting of a M.Jh ae ce scara ested in the Institute work are cor- reading by Miss Kathleen MeCul- M.Jh Bae cdashirn dalyivtdt oetth me- lough; achorus hy the HeIping Hand and calied upan Mr. A. L. Pascoe in edt.am ath et S. S. Class and a splendid paper on who read a nicely worded address nGs.-y stm. Prsn u "Little tbings that make life beauti- while Mrs. Harvey Hardy presented Gaod-bye stha. Pteel rsang f fui" by Mrs. Harold Skinner. A Mn. and Mrs. Wright with a purse of ert robeko thast etmely tryingt cantata showing the great need of maney. it i aln ihalterbat o missions was sýpIendidly given by the Mr. and Mrs. Wright repiied fel-ecaeis to o aith ailteir heredor Win One Ciass of Girls. A eplendid ingly, tbanking tbe fniends for theïr tbey know when an attack may come taik was given on missions by Pas- good wîebes and rememibrance. and they know that ta struggle un- tor, J. W. Down. AIl enjoyed a Speeches were made by Mr. H. aided is vain. With Dr. J. D. Kel- social hour. The vestry was nicely Argue, Reeve Baker, Councillor S. logg's Asthma Remedy at band, how- decorated for the occasion and each J .Williams, Rev. J. R. Bick, A. J. ever, they can say good-bye ta their one received a vaientine heart. Reynolds, B. G .Stevens, A. L. Pas- enemy and enjoy life,. again. It _____________coe, R., J. McKessock, _Elgin Ta)rior, h elps at once. COURTICE On Thursday aur W. M. S. heid the réguar monthly meeting la the form of an "At Home" at Mrs. S. S. Brooks' whene about 25 ladies bad a most pleasant afternoon. The pro- gram cansisting of readings by Miss Aura Osbarne and Mns. A. E.* Rund- le and the musical selections wene: Piano solo, -Miss Louise Osborne, Bowmanriile; vocal solo, Miss Fran- ces Hancock and quartette, Mrs. G. G. Anal., AMrs. A. E. Rundie, Mrs. (Rer.) C. C. Washington and Mrs. W R. Courtice. The Watch T.ower was responded ta by a number of the ladies and arrangements were made for aur missianany quilting which wiil be held at the chunch on Thursday ,March 4th. At the com- pietion of the programn a most appe- tizing lunch was served by Mns. Brooks witb three ladies assisting. Tables were prettily arraaged and set and decorated with eut springl flowers, which was the gift of Miss Ethel Brooks, Toronto. The whole afternoon was one ta be long ne- memhered and Mrs. Brooks wha is always a very genial hostess, was most attentive ta ail the guests... On Fniday evening the C. G. 1. T. girls held a Valentine social at Ea- enezer Church, which proved a grand success. As the people arrived they wene giren tickets which placed them ia different groups. Oun Pastor having bis lantera with slides gave us a railroad trip through Switzer- land ta Palestine. At the beginning of the evening's program commun- ity singing on the sheet was indulg- ed in, then games were interspersed with the lantern sldes after whîch quite a unique radio conicert was presented by real artists behind the curtain. Besides aur own local talent, Miss Reta Freeman, Bow- manville, sang severai selections wbich were thorougbiy enjoyed. At the close of program a dainty lunch tied in paper serviettes was served and the evening passed away ail taa quickly. Proceeds about $20, la favor of C. G. 1. T. grirle ....Mr. Frank Gay bas returned home ta Winnipeg after an extended visit among relatives here. Urias. Shortridge and S. É. Werr,-.' Mrs. A. J. Balson, Alan and llecn furnisbed music, after which al joined in singing "Biest be the tie that binds". Refreshments were served hy the ladies and a social time enjoyed. Mn. and Mns. Wright and famnilv wili be much missed in aur chur.,'h and comimunity, Mrs. Wright in the choir especiaIly wbere she was a valued member. Our best wishes go with tbem, ta their new home. The address reads as follow-,: Mr. and Mrs. Normnan E. Wright- Dear Friends,-Learning of your intended departure from our midst, we have assembled bere tonight ta do you honor previaus ta yaur ne- movai ta the "Garden of Canada". We are sorry ta lose you fnom our comimunity, for generally speaking "ýwe lire chiefly among aur neigh- bars", and we bave found you good neighbors.-tried and true-always wiliing and ready ta beip in a.iy time of need. We beiieve you have tnied ta lire up ta the Golden Rule of doing ta others as they would do ta you. You have been usefui citizens la every way for the upiift of this coin- munity. Ia the church you have 1 done what you could; also in Sun-* day School. Young People'sý Leag-ue you have helped in the service of sang from week ta week. You are the descendants of two of the pianeer familles of Durhasm county who came here in its early days and we well know,' that it is no s-mall sacrifice ta leare the homne of your birth where you bave made s0 many friends. But we are sure that you wiil have good frienils wherever you live. We ask you ta acept this purse of money as a siight reminder of your many friends you are ieaving la your aId homeland. We aIl unite ia wishing you and family beaith, contentaient and pros- perity la your new home and activi- ties. Signed by thbe Committee: John Baker, H. Hardy, A. E. Jeuninge, Elgin R. Taylor, Chas. E. Short. ridge, Arthur L. Pasco. -~i RAISE THEM In Ideal Brooders, burn any kind of fuel, coke or pea coal. Il FEED THEM On Blatchford's feed from the start and con- tinue. We seli Fecds of ail kinds. Before buy- ing get our prices. They are right. We seli tons of Blatchford's feed. L. H. PEARN Agent for Ideal Incubators and Brooders Phone 304 Liberty St., Bowmanville -S. W. MÂSON & SON- Bargain Sale of Women' s S*lk. Dresses Twenty-Eight Only, Silk Dresses, sizes 36 to 44, colors- Black, Nav-y, Brown, FaWn, Bisque, Peneil, Green, Etc. Space will not permit us to enumerate the styles. Some of these dresses will quite probably require alterations.. ThIe materials and trimmings are of the very are Satin Faced Cantons ,Flat Crepes, Crepe de Georgettes of the finest quality in the lot. finest. There Chenes and The Regular Price of these Dresses was up to $39.50. For Quick Clearance While They Last $10.00 Each Please note that this price does not include alteration char- ges if any. WATCH THE WINDOWS THURSDAY MORNING S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville 1Those Prices in affect for one week fromn date of this paper B 112 NESTLETON ladies of the Society. Lunceh was served and a good social time spent Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. ..Anniversary services of South Stanley H. Malcolm-a bouncing Nestieton Preshytenian Ghurch was baby girl .... Mr. John Veaie recent- 'held on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Walk- ly ceiebrated his ninetieth birthday er, ministel' of the church, preachied anniversary. He is stili bale and two very appropriate sermons. The hearty .... .Mr. John L. Power, Cad- choir rendered suitabie music ast- mus, also celebrated bis ninetieth ed by Mr. Marshall Malcolm of birthday anniversary but at time oi Port Perry, with Misa Rose Mount,. witing is very iii ,not expected ta jaoy as organist. recover ...Mn. Robert Ferguson, The ease with whicb corns and Nestieton Station, is under the d'xt- warts can be removed by Hallo. or's cars.... .Women's Missionary way's Corn Remover is its strangest Society cf Nestieton and Caesarea recommendatian. It aeidom faila. United Church beid its flfth anni- versary in Cosarea Church on Fni- Kid Gloves, sinail sizes, were $2, day evening, Febriqary 12tb., wben a! now 25e pair. Couch, Johnston& goad pragram was furnished by the Crydernix. F-ýý PAGE FOUR Fifth Annual Sale of SHORTHORN S Under auspices of Durham County Shorthorn Association will be held at Beith's Stables, Bowmanville THURSDAY, MARCH 4th at 1 p. m. This Sale offers a good opportunity to secure some of the best foundation stock with 21 females and il bulis. They are a choice lot of individuals from high class sires and good Scotch breeding. Write J. Baker, Hampton ,for catalogue of eall at Statesman Office. R. T. AMOS, Auctioneer BIG PROFIT IN CHICKENS HATCH THEM With the Ideal Incubators, a il are equipped with auto- matie turning devices, a child can run them, corne r and see them in operation. L. R. Guild of Guelph, is using them altogether, made in sizes from 85 to, 1200 eggs. L-