a t PAGE EIGHT .OBITARY CARKEAGRICULTURAL OBIUAY 1 AKESOCIE Audrew Sharp, Enniakillea Clarke Township Agricultural After a serious illnéss in Toronto cîety annual meeting was held at Général Hospital, Mr. Andrew Sharp Town Hall, Orono, on Saturday, J of Enniskillen, passed peacefully uary 30, with a good attendancé away on Thursday, February 1lth. great intcrest showvn. Thé U Thé late Mr. Sharp wa.s born in Fair camée through with a smalls Ballingary, Fifeshire, Scotland, in plus. Prizés paid in 1925 wq 1849. Hé camé to Canada in 1888 $1364.25. and settled in Starkville until com- Thé Society decidéd to enter1 ing to thé présent homéstcad in Field Crop Comptition for 19 1900 where hé farmed successfuily with Qats and Corn. Fair datésS until ili health camé. Thé funeral écted September l6th and 17th. took place froni thé family rési-1 New officers are: Presidént- dencé, Enniskillén, on Monday, Feb- J. Tamblyn, Orono; lst Vice-Pre ruary 15th., where a large numnber dent-George Cain, Orono; 2nd of relatives and friends gathércd ta -F. Blackburn, R. R. 4, Bowmz pa,.v their last respects to a lovéd oneé. ville; Secreta.ry-Treasurér- !Adol Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Birch Cliffé, Henry, Orono; Dirctors-H. and Rev. BE. M. Cooke took thé ser- Souch, Rev. J. W. Raé, W. vice spéaking from thé words "So Rickard, W. S. Moffatt, M. H. Sta in Christ we shaîl Livé", and Mrs. les, N. Hogg, Howvard Gibson,1 Gordon and Mrs. Orr Jéffery sang, Waîker, O. Cowan, W. J. Stutt, "Just Béyond thé River Jordan".1 A. Chapman, John Bigelow, Jam Léft to mourn thé loss of a loving' Brown, Thos. Patterson, F. husband and fathér are his widow,l Brimacombe, T. W. Jackson. and séveîî daughters, M:rs. S. Way, Lady Directors-Mrs. C. A. Cha Kent, Paris; Mrs. Meredith Henry,I1 man M.Nrs. W. F. Rickard, Mrs. Lindsay; Mrs. Harry McComb, Tor-! Cuttell, Mrs. A. Henry, Mrs. A. onto; Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy, Bj)w-1 Rolph, Mrs. R. H. Brown, Mrs. manvillé, Mrs. James Cook, Oshawa,' W. Rolph, Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mi and Misses Cora and Olive Snarp,' Carl Billings, Mrs. C. L. Powei Toronto, and five sons, Andremw, Bal- MArs. M. J. Tamblyn, Mrs. M.1 carres, Sask., William in Seattle,, Staples. Wash., John and Robert, Springsde, Honorary Directors-F. W. Bci Sask., and Adami at home, and thirty- en, M. P., W. J. Bragg, M. P.P one grandchildren. G.' H. Linton, W. lJ Mahér, Prof.1 Beautiful floral offcrings express-i B. Sissons, C. J. Thorvton, J. F. M' éd thé sympath,; of many relatives Millan, W. E. Archer. and fricnds including: Pillow, Fam-1 uiosA . tpeTo ily; Sheaf and Spray, grandchîldren ;jSith Spray, '.%r. R. W. Doane; Sheavés, Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Kent, Mrs. and Miss Wilson, Paris; Mr. and Mrs. J. ,McG-omb, Mr. and Mrs. H. McComb,ý OBITUARY Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrie, Toronto;ý Sanderson family ,Burketon; Mr.' Edmund Cobblediek, Oromo and Mrs. L. St .Thoma.s and Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds, Lndsay. Théré passéd away early Thursda Thé paîl-bearers were five sons-n-1 mornîng, Fébruary 4th., a lifé Io: law-Messrs. S. Way- Kent ,Mere- réesident of thé township of Clarki dith Henry, Harry MeComb, James in thé pérson of M r. Edmund CobblE Cook, Elgin Mountjoy and R. W. dick, aftér three days' illness. Doane. Mr. Cobblédick was born Décéî ber 13, 1845, on bis father's fant Thé flowér b2arers weré six neigh- lot 20co.5ClreHewst hors, Messrs. James A. Werry, John e 0, on.of5,hClaeHé wa t Dorland, James McLaughlin, John'eds o fth aeW.a Slémon, Wesley Oké and Thomae Mary Ann Couch Cobblédick, ai, Craig. thé last one of their family of oi Thé ntémen tok pacein thédaughter and thrée sons. family plot, Bowmanville Cemetery, r O Misschar3,J1871,h,was ia Bey. R. MeDerment taking thé ser- rCdt isMr J asas vice. larke, who predeceaséd hbu Fel 17, 1923, two yéars aftér they hag CARD0F TANKSthé happinéss of cèelbrating théi ____OF___NK Golden Wédding. Mrs. Andrew Sharp and farniy, Thére are left ta mourn thé lo Enniskillen, désiré to thank all their of a loving father, two daughters friends for théir kindness and *yr-m-i Mrs. (Rév.) C. A dams of Toronto pathy, and for thé beautiful florali Miss Florence at home, and one soi offerings in théir recént sad bénéa.Té.. W. S. Cobblédick of Clarke. Hi ment. was educated at thé old Rickalj School, Antioch, and Néwcastl - -Grammar School. In politics Mr Cobbledick was a stauncb Libéral,i WEDDING finm prohibitionist, and a loya Methodist, having been a membei Weddup-Bbow of thé Quarterly Board and a Trus tee of that church for yéars. Hé ww A véry pretty wédding was sol- a man of sterling character, géntie emnized on Wednésday, February kindly disposition, a génerous givei lOth., at thé South Oshawa Parson- and a friend to all. agé, by Rev. R. A. Whattam, of Thé funeral was Jiéld £romi Parl Hazél Muriel, youngest daughtér of Street United Church on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Blow to Norman Fébruary 6tb., thé services béing L. Wéddup of Lindsay. Thé bride conducted by bis Pastor, Rey. S. T. was charmingly gowned in powder Tuckér, assisted by Rév. J. W. blue géorgette with metalic and 1Reo eteSre hrh white mari,)-ou trimming and carriéd Bco eteSré brh a corsage bouquet of rosés. Sh Thé following lines in bis own was atténded by Miss Hazél McNal- hand writing wéré found among his y, who was dressed in peacb crepé privaté papers. de chêne gown with briliant trîi- "Dust, ta its narrow bouse beneatb, rings. The groom was atténdéd Soul, to its placé on hie!h by Mr. Gordoni Blow, brother of the They that havé séén God's face in brnde. After thé icéremrony a ré- death eption was héld at thé home of thél No more may féar ta die". bride aftér whicb thé happy couplée ________ éft for flieic honeymoon ta Toron- o and éastérn points, thé bride IOIUR ravelling in a néw rust costume _________ nd black satin hat with trimrningsj Elmer Lkk, Oshawa Lo match.i Thé bride is granddaughtér of Mr.I and Mrs. W. H. Osborne, Bawnian Suddéniy on Wédnesday morn-ing, ville.Fébruary 10, death claiméd a wéll ville.known résident of Ontario County, in thé person of Elmén Lick, pro- Use his lubing ist minent fanmer rèsiding on thé King- Use hisClubingLst ston Higbway 'baîf way bétween Whitby and Oshawa. Dèceaséd was The Canadian Stateamau wiîi hée ili for only a féw hours and passed clubbéd with any of thé failowing away at thé home of bis siatér, Mrs. fl gIsaac Wray, an thé Sevénth Conces- publications for 1926 at théefllW- sion of East Whitby. Ing picés: Hé was in bis 65th yéar aîîdl was Globe....................... $6.50 thé son o! thé laté Jecemiab Lick, a Mail & Empire.............$6.50 pionéer in thé district. Hé spént Toronto Daily Star..........$6.50 46 yéars of bis lifé on svbat is known Farer' Adocae ....... $80oas thé aid Lick honiestéad. Hé was Fanmr'sAdvcat.........3.00idéntifiéd witb manv comniunity and New Outlool'................$4.00 country-widé moveniénts, and wasaa Christian Hérald.............$.00 man who was notéd foc bis higb Ladies' Home Journal........$3.00 integrity and bis intereat in -,héebét- Saturday Evening Post . 3. 4.00 ter things of lifé. Hé was a prom- inent prohîbîtioniat, and at thé tmé Famuly Herald & Wéekly Star.$3.00' of bis death was Président of thé Weékly Witnéss.............$4.00 South Ontaria P¶rthi'biti.sn Union. Canadian Home Journal . ... $33.00 Hé was Vice-Président of thé Unit- E'arm & Dairy ........... . .$2.50 éd Farinera' Co-opécative Associa- tion of thé Oshawa District Fruit Fanmera' Sun................$3.50 Growers' Association and a mnénîber McLean's Magazine .........$4.00 of thé Christian Church; Oshawa, Canadian Countryman.......$3.00 and Cièrk of thé Church Conforencé.* Canadian Poultny Réview .3.3.00 At one tué hé was a menîber of East Whitby Township Council. Thé funeral took placé Fcidny a!- F r ternoon froni bis late résidence on Q uik Reiefthé Kingston Boad, ta the Union Cémetery, service béing conducted by Bey. W. P. Fletcher, assisted by R lleu aIlcs Rev. Mc. Focklén, Késwick, Prési- Rheum tics dent of thé Christian Church Con- ________férence and Bey. C. F. Félton of Local Druggsts Sell Rheuma on Tacronto. Mr. Fockiec spoké of thé Money-Back Pla.n late Mn. Lick's connection wtb thé ________Conférencé and Mr. Felton of bis If you sufer froin. torturing rhéu-I activitiés and untiring efforts in thé matie pains, swollen, twisted wakaof thé Christian Church. Dur- joints, and siffer inten.sely bécausé ing thé service Mca. Boy Bennett your systeni is f ull af that sang. Thé paîl-beaners weno: M. langerous poison that nuakes thous- Crawford, William Hepburn, Il. B. anda helpless and kilîs thousanda Saméils, J. J. Morrison and B. W. years before their timé, thén you Grierson. rieéd Bbcuma ,and nééd it naw. Deceaséd is survived hy is wid- Start taking it taday. Bheuma acts ow and twa sons, Boy and Harold, at once on kidneys, livér, stonîach and five isters: Mca. C. A. McCIéi- and blood, and yau can sinceréîy ex- Ian, Mrs. Hugli and Mcs. Arthurc caim. "Good riddance ta bad ru'o- Jèffcéy, Whithy; Mca. Thos. Bonnet- ,îa".ta, Whitby Township, and Mcc. Is- thé moataac Wray, East Whitby. Many people, th aos képtical Many floral tributes testified as of akepties rigbt in this city and in ta thé éstééni in which thé late Mc. hé country héréabouts, blésa t hée ikwa ed day whnnJur'y & o e l>Vi iootnér ___ drutgglst offered Bheuma ta thé affleteri et a emusl pricé and Bargain countér of odds and ends giaranteed money refundéd if flot in hoiery, undérwear, corsets, atlafied If you have nheumtsm scarfs, curtain enaténlals, etc. Coucb, get à bottle of Rheuma today. 2 Johnston & Crydérman. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1926 EThe Ncevc4aestlqe Iridiependgent Sa- the Jan- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l8th., 1926 L925 sur- NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE CHURCHES RECEIVING THE PARSON té Bankér Sutton is ill. Newcastle United Church, Bey. E. Thé présentation of ýthat fine muai- te Miss C. B. Butler apent a few B. Cooke, Pastor. il a. ý'i'.-Morn- cal comédy, "Beceiving thé Parson", sel- days in Toronto this wéék. ing Wonship. 2:30 p. m.-Sunday in thé Community Hall on Friday sel Mr. Lonad, akeiel, i viit-School. 7 p. m.-Evening Service. evening by thé United Church Choir igMrs. Leoar, akfiedisviit Anthéms-Thé Choir. Duet-W. provided an evéning's entértainniént -A. în c.S.Sto.J. S. Rickard and Mark Allin. of thé utmost pleasure and satisfac- éei- Miss Nellie Garrod recently visit- St. George's Church, Rector, Bey tion to thé members of thé large do éd Toronto friénds. E. R. James. Ash Wednéaýday, Di- audience in atténdancé. Thé pro- an- Mr an Ms. . ndéso Smthvine service at 10:30 a. in. Friday duction of such a play with aIl its .Iph~ are in Toronto today. Litany at 4:30 P. nm. Friday eveiiing variéd character', its intéresting and J-1 Miss Naomi Horrocks, TorontQ, is. prayer at 7:30. Subjéct "Studies on spicy dialogué and its many musical F. visiting friends in town. Thé Baptismal Service". Sunday il nu.mbérs was a big undertaking for .a- Miss Estélla Blackburn, Omémééla. m.-Holy Communion; 2:30 p. .alclrgnztnad réued . was home over thé wéekend. -Sunday School; 7 p. m.-Evening considérable initial courage to get nés Mrs. T. M. Gibson is visiting hér prayer. Subject for Sunday evening the thing undenway. But once be- M. daughtér, Mrs. Cannon, in Picton. services durinf Lent "What la thc gun thé méembérs of thé choir undér I Ms.E.C. oa i vsitngbe IGospel"? - Holy Comimunion on thé skilled direction of Mns. Lillian Mrs.E. . Har s vsitng ierfirst and third Sundays at il a. mn. Sutton - applicd themsélves witb en- kap- mothér, Mrs S8. S. Bragg, Providen- and on c-econd, fourth and fifth Sun-ithusiasm and a mutual spirit of dé- S.ce. days at 8 a. m. termination to maké thé play a suc- A., Mrs. W. Couch and Miss Hazel ________cesa. Mr. W. J. S. Rickacd, choir O.1 Barrie spént thé weékend with Port ileader; Mrs. Laura Fisher, pianist; :rs. Hope friends. AGED CLARKE LADY PASSES 'thé othér gentlemen and ladies in rs, Be sure to réad Mr. J. W. Brad- their sévéral raIes; thé choir bas-es, .H. léy's big announcement on an insidé Mr&. Margaret M. Andlrews ténors, altos. sopranos al lent their He wli ladl gie ineret-énergies to thé work and put in rnuch ýW-é pates oeifomto on ré- Margaret Morrow Andrews, wi-d- strenuous practisé at thé rehéarsals. MésparisJmCoredoratnd .E.ln wof thé laté William Andrews, 4th 1Thé committeappointéd by thé Pquést.- Concession, Clarke, passed away On. choir at thé véry outset, consisting C. esss. . C Frd ad H E.HanSaturday, Fébruary l3th., at thé of Mn. Howard Cooké, Mrs. Géo. 4c- cock of this village, *atténded thé home of bier daughtér, Mrs. A. E. Honéy and Miss Edna Rickard, ta funeral of their aunt, thé laté Mrs. Walton, North Street, at thé ripe plan and look after thé business in- as Samuel Saundéns at Onono, on Fni- age of 80 years. Thé private fun- terests of thé undcrtaking and an- day ,and assisted as paîl-bearers. eral service' ai thé bouse on Mon- range for thé staging af thé play IKéép in mind thé Mission Band day aftérnoon was conducted by Rey r havé thé gratification in coin'non 1 Concert ta be héld on Fniday, Fcb- E. B. Cooke, with only thé relativeýs with thé wbolé choir ménibrcship of, I uary 26th., at Sp. ni., in t'ie S. S. of déceaséd in attendance. having seen their efforts crownéd' J oom. Excellent prograrn. Ad- Thé remains wene takén ta Ornino with succésa -n Friday evéning and1 mission 25e and 15c. Cemetery for internient, grandsons of having through thé succeeding Mrs. Chas. Murdoif and Mr. and of decéaséd acting as palîbearers. days beén made thé happy récipients Lay.p Mrs. Frank Williams and cbildnen,' Thé laté Mns. Andrews wias a of innumerablé favorable comménts. ngB avlle, véré wéékcnd gucatsi ménber of anc of thé very éarliest RciigtePro" atl kof thé fonxner's cousin, Mrs. I. E. settlers ef Clarke Township. She "Rciigth asn, atl le- Bowcll, Néwcastlé-on-the-Lake. jWas twice m'arriéd, hier first husband izng Tangle, on Fniday evéning was v being Thomas Robinson who inct hi staged by purely local talent, not o m- "Agent Wanted, lady on gentle- death suddenly by a rock falling up- even an outsidé diréctor béing callcd b r man for Newcastle and district. Four on bum. His youngést son, Mn. in, or at all nécessary. Too mucb Sfast selling houséhold spé-cialties. Gea. Robinson, neyer saw bis father can not bé said of thé faithful wiorke lié Big profits. Write at once ta Con- o r.LlinStotecee id haiae aé ok&w ~ wo was killed béfore bis son %vas o r.LlinStoténée aae1born. Mrs. Robincon afterivads ifofarpuarbnéinti 'id Co. Ltd., 800 Burlingtan St. E.,1 s'arried William Andrews whvoni shé regard. She is a trainéd singer, nasb ne Hamilton". 7-1 also sunvivéd. had considérable expérience in din- a ir- Hén numérous friends will lié S'le léavés threé sons and thceécting amateur theatricals and Musi- a! of pleaséd ta know that Mrs. Fred daughftérs by hier firt husband: Wil- calés and thréw her wholé sole witb S b. Fligg is well çnough to léavé thé liani Robinson of Ponty-pool, John unbounded encngy into directing thé V d hospital thîs wéék, thé opération of Néwcastlé, George of Pioneer' rehearsals as wéll as taking a lead- ir proving quite succéssful. She will Fanm, Clarke, and Annie (Mrs. A. ing part in thé play.ÎL probably rémain in thé city another E. Walton), Newcastle. Maria ('Mca. All those taking part ;n thé coin- c( RS to weks.Wn. Cowan), Cowanville, and Sarah edy, individually or colléctively, in m~ ~ wowék.(Mrs. F. B. Lovekin), Clarke; also dialogue, action, on sang, did cx- t' rs' Mn. and Mrs. Graves, Graven- oneé-son and anc daughten by ber céptionally wéll, no weak parts, and ti o' 'hurst, bavé béén spénding a few1 second husband: Mn. Norman An- fcom thé playing of thé piano intro- rc n' days with tbein nie-ce, Mrs. S. Mason, drews on thé homcestéad, and Maggie duction by Mrs.' Fisher night thnui leGeorge Street. Mn. Gravés at anc (Mrs. Irwin Farrow), Clarke. One ta final chorus, thé interest of thé cl Y tuée livéd in Orono, and was a part- son, Fred, waa accidéntally killed audienice was sustainéd at a ghe le nér in business wtb thé laté Thomas soe eas goonthe C. N. B. b hich e I.Vènnén béfore thé latter camé ta, tracks néan Starkville Station. Thé stony of thé play witb Pýs fc a Newcastle. Va'tialOILJR tantalizing tangle centcréd anaund th r On Monday évening Upper classes thé fact that a new ministér was ex- cc Sof Public School béld a anieOIUR pectéd in thé village and thé in- et ISParty in thé Cominunity Hall Biase- itials oï bis namne wéne idéntical with 'w e, ment, undér Principal Rodgérs. Con- The Late Augusta Marks thosé of a young city man in lové th nr testa and gaines wevén put on, an*d with prétty Nancy Judd, daughtér M thén a béarty lunch, after -xVn-ich A aad béréavemént camé ta Mca. of a leading déacon of thé church. 'k even boys wené satisfiéd, was servéd Edmund Tbs.ckray on Friday by thé Déacon Judd ,his good wifé and thée y, by Mrs. Radgér and thé Four.th Claca death in Toronto Général Hospital chunch people, in général wéré niak- ki Iof ber only sistér, Misa Augusta ing big préparations ta recéive thée"w ggirls. Marks of Toronto. More than a ycar Parson and at thé saine tiane their 01 Mn. Wellington Farrow had a ago Miss Marks underwént an opéra- daughtcc Nancy was ex'pécting bier til succesaful wood sawing bée on Mon- tion for cancer froni which ahé vas laver who was not héld in favor by e) nday aftérnoon whén Mn. Fired Fligg, sufféning. Thé opération provéd veny lber parents. Bath gentlemen arriv- nthé enérgetié président of aur Hon- beneficial and in course of tume thé éd thé sainie evening and thé fact iticultural Society, at one end of a patient was able ta léavé thé bas- that théin suit cases éach bore in cross cut saw with Mn. Geo. Honéy pital wîth hopés rénéwed. Shé then praminént letters thé initiais T. M., at thé othertjnd showed thé boys came ta Néwcastle whéne shé bas in causéd *thé tangle ta matenialize. H, baw ta cut trough thé log, witb tuées past been a fréquent visitor But evénytbing turnéd aut happily Bi nneatnéss and Wspatch. and spént a considérable part of in thé end, thé tanglé was uncaveléd le, last win'tén with Mr. and Mca. and thé closing chorui by thé whole ait Bey. Mn. Williams frani thé Island Thackray, atténding chucch services cast rang out tniuniphantly witb thé p of Mormosa, will delîvér a lecture, and taking an agcééablé part in a wards "Neved Mind thé tangles... H4 illuatnatcd b.y lantérn vicws in théenuber of social activitiés. But thé théy'll alI bée straigbténé dout saie a auditoriuin of thé United Church on' inroaýds of thé diseasé could not bée day"'.o jManday événing, Fébruary 22nd.,l stayed and again Mias Marks was cir undén auspices of Young Pe es ocd t go ta thé baspital.Fooigisctof bacts:d League. Admission 20e and 15c.1 Duing'th, many wéeks of bier last Déacon Joshua Judd, a Prom'inént a. Ahl who heard Mn. Williams a few il11nesa, altbough sbé fully realized mian in thé Village-Mark Allin. MEi Sundaya ago will surely want ta thé fatal nature of bier disease, Mrs. Matilda Judd, His no Lésm- bean bum again. Bring your frieiîds. bier spicit always triumpbed over bier Pnoninént Wife-Miss Lîllian Col- flésb and shé looked taward thé fut- will. Childnen and niothens spént a vécy une with thé confidence that Christ Nancy Judd, Théin Pretty, Young énjoyablé time an Satunday aftén- lber Saviaur would transforni ber Lady Daughter-Miss Gracé Bragg. noon wbén thé mmnbérs of thé Pri- arthly sufl'énings into Eternal Peace Déacon Jones, Who Likes His Own ary Clasa, undér supérvisi-mn of Hec sister, Mrs. Thacknay, Bev. Jokes-Clarencé Allin. téacheca and cradlé roll supanin- E. B. Cooké of thé United Church, Mns. Clémentine Jones, Who "En- téndénts, Mca. Hancock, Mrs. Bènian and othérs wlio visitéd lber in thé osPe eat-isHti and Misses Minnie Selby and AIba baspital always faund bier chéerful jays" an HalhMs Hti. Calwill, tféatcd their mothérs ta a and full of appréciation of évéry lit-'MonI Valéntiné party in thé Bible lass tlé kindness, thinga perhaps unnot- Enmabiné Jones, Their Daughter,1- roani. Wbile thé children played icéable ta nature untuned ypi Nay'BetFen- s Mro gaines in thé Sunday School Boom, and lightly thougbt of lsy thpain, Nanc'aBét ,iidMis aron thé ladies patricîpatéd in séverai stowéra. But béns was a gratéful Déacon Samuel Tripp, Who is contesta, aftéc which thé former nature which took joy in cécouniting Mare Déaf than hée wili Adnit- put on a aniall prograin af aîngs andI wbat sérniéd ta bier lifc'a niany bléas- Ewant Clémence. dialogués. Latér a dainty lunch inga. Mca. Fannile Tnipp, His véry En- was sérvèd and enjoyéd by aIl. Thé némains wece brought ta engétic Wifé-Mns. Charles Cawan. Messrs. Archié and Ernnest Brown Newcastle ta thé home of Mn. anti Deacon Glumni, Who, '"Can't who havé béén visiting at Mr. Ciiff Mca.. Thackray wheré thé funenalj Stand too much Sunshiné-Waiten B r o w 's i n c C h i s t m s , e n e i n g s e r v i c e o n S u n d a y a f t é r n a a n , c o n - 1 R ic k a r d . - Bown's qainace Chridtmas, néiawingd ucétd by Bey .E. B. Cooke, wa s . Arii Glu. nHis T.. aIdacuantncs ad avnga o7 attendéd by a large cancourse of ns nge m, tuée in général in cannectiann itb heÏlWf-rs ila aie aur young peopîé's man.y activitiés, frienda. Bfroni thé v i lage and sur- Céru îeMs îianJne nioher brthe ad ssté w~twacidestcoy wacms and drivé theni froni tumés of thé ladies, déscéndéd froua and theniselves ea'twacd cr03sed thé systeni, and aftérwards thé or made aftéc the fashion of grand- 'acb othér at Winnipeg. cild's réat will bé undisturbed. The motber's days provéd a moat pleas- Jpowdérs cannot injure thé moat ing feature of thé présentation. Ai l Ladies' Wintén Coats stili goinIr délicate baby, and thére in nothing thé colons of thé rairibow and in- at bal! pnicé. Coucb, Johneton & so effective for reetoring the heulth tervenlng shades wece represénted i n Cryderman. J of a worm-worn Infant. the ladies dresses. AUl through theé NEWCASTLE HORTICULTURAL. SOC IETY Mrs. W. F. Rickard, officiai dele- gate of the Newcastle Horticultural Society ta the 2Oth annual conven- tion of the Ontario Horticultural Association récently held in thé King Edward Hotel, Toronto, gave a splendid, concise report of thé con- vention, at tbe Febrtiary meeting of thé local sociéty in thé Cooncil Chambér last Monday evening. Shé reported at somé length thé extrême- ly timély address of thé provincial lecturer, Mr. Moore, on thé beauti- fication of school grounds, and also spoké with enthusiasm of thé ex- trémely inteTésting illustratéd ad- dréss of Mrs. George Black of Daw- son City ,where théy grow cabliRges weighing 55 lbs., pansies fivé inches in diaméter, dahlias eleven inches in diameter and other things in sinilar proportions in théir short suinner of tbrée months. Mrs. Rickard also made spécial mention of thé very practical ad- dréss of Dr. J. M. Baldwin, Bow- manville, Diréctor of District No. 2, and preparation of prize lists. At thé conclusion of Mrs. Rickard's re- port, a vote of thanks moved by Mrs. Matchétt and seàconded by Mrs. Ben. Moise was téndéréd ber by Président Fred Fligg on behaîf of those présent. Other enjoyablý numbe-s of the I evening's prograni were community singing, accompanied on thé organ by Mrs. Laura Fisher, two colos and encore by Mr. Harold Allun with Mrs. Fisher accompanying, and a humorous réading by Mrs. Matchett. The annual spring flower show will be héld as usual on March 17th. program thé béauty of thé scènes vas greatly enhancéd by thé ikilîful operation of thé colored spotlights by Mr. H. S. Britton. Thé audience was specially favor- ed during thé evéning with piano solos by Miss Mýfrgaret Abérnethy, South Darlington, who camé down bv thé éarnést requést of thé choir and playéd whilé thé people wéré assembling and during intermission. Sbé was a guest here of Mr. and Mrs W. C. Blackburn and daughtérs. Aftér thé play a comniittee of lad- ies represénting thé United Church ongregation, undér thé direction of Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, sérved lunch to th players, stage diréctors, aind Lheir other halves in thé réfréshmént rom. With Rev. E. B. Cooké acting as -hairman, Réévé H. S. Britton mov- Bd in a happy and appréciative speech avote of appréciation to thé choir tor its magnificént performance ùf te evening. Dr. J. A. Butler se- ýonded this in an equally pleasing 3ulogistic speech and thé résolution 'as carried with énthusiasma by ail -osé compétent to register a voté. Wiss Hattie Mason movéd and Mrs. BRey.) E. B. Cooke secondéd a voté :f thanks to thé ladies who so kindly provided thé lunch and this 'as also carried with much clapping :f hands; and then for thé second Âme during thé evéning thosé près- mt sang God Save Thé King. MEDICAL J. A. BUTLER, M. D., C. M. lonor graduaté of Trinity Univer- ity, Féllow of Trinity Médical Col- gé, Licentiàte of thé State Univér- by of New York, Matriculsite of thé lost Graduaté Médical School and ,ospital of New York and Féllow ýthé Toronto kcadémy of Medi- in. Office-Mrs. McNaughton's Rés- éencé, Newcastle. Hours-8S to 10 .m. 1 to 3 p. m. and by appoint-I ient. DRY PINE SLABS AND EDGINGS We have fifte-en carloads priced low. Write at once. JOHN B. SMITH & SONS, Toronto Grant Shorthorn Farm Herd Sire--Augusta Banner 167584 by Browndale Banner and out of O. A. C. Augusta Fancy 166122 Families in Herd-Brucé Rosewood, Augusta, Cruickshank, Un- dine, Jilt Clipper, Englisb Lady, etc. Do You Want a Herd Sire--Pick one of these richly bred young bulîs guaranteéd breeders, and pricéd to Bell quickly. Bainaykie Sir Undine-By Dale Gladiator 122714 J. M. Gard- bouse's Herd sire and out of imported Balnaly~le Undine 3rd Gladiator.-By Dale Gladiator and out of English Lady 61st. Tw-a Youný Cows for Sale with their heifer calves at sidé. Samuel Sedman R. R. 3, Port Hope Ont. Farm two mniles north of NewtonvilIe Station C. N. Ry., ois Provincial Highway. SCOTTISH BOYS COMING The Fairknowe Home, of the Or- phan Homes of Scotland, announce that they bave arranged to receive and place in approved Farmn Homes, Scottish boys sent to Canada by Dr. G. C. Cossar, some of whom have been trained on his Craigielinn Boys' Farm. In addition to the usual party of boys coming later from the Orphan Homes of Scotland, three small groups of Dr. Cossar's boys will arrive in March. Applications froma Comfort.able Christian homes, only, will be re- ceived by Mr. C. A. Winters, B. A., Supérintendent, box 437, Brockville. EXECUTORS Notice to Creditors Notice ia hereby given pursuant to Se'ction 56 of The Truste Act, R. S. 0., 1914, Chapter 121, that ail persona liaving dlaimns against the estaté of David H. Taylor, late of the Village of Newcastle, Farmer, deceased who died on the Fourth day of December, 1925, are required to seuil by post, prepaid, or te déliver toeIKerr & Cochrane, King St., Cobourg, on or before tlhe Fifteentii day of March, 1926, full particulars of théir dlaims, and that after thé said Fifteenth day of March, 1926, the Exe- cutors will procéed to distribute the a.-sets of the sald decéased amnong the parties entitled théreto, and they wiUl flot be hiablé for thé said assets. or any part théreof, to any pérson or persona, of whosé dlaim they have flot receiveti notice. All persona owing the said laté lDavid H. Taylor are aise to pay thé débts due by thern by thé l5th day of March, 1926, te thé undérsignéd. KERR & COCHRANE, Solicitors for thé Exectitors DATED this 16th day' of Februray, A. D. 1926. 7-3 Laval-Quebec Mines, Limited -Shows Massive Mineralization! Thc untold wealth of Nor- anda is leading Laval en- gineers to concentrate the presenit development cam- paign on the 1453 acre block near Noranda's main hold- ings and contiguous to the latter's "Island" propcrty. Here Laval's preliminary work has disclosed massive sulphide bodies of copper- gold and othér precious metal content. A ,çrew of men is already preparing for the erection of permanent camps with a view to making surveys for a diamond drilling cain- paign. The shares of Noranda and Amulet have attained their present price as the direct resuit of successful mine developments. Mine devel- opment on Laval-Quebec is fully financedi and is ex- pected to bring resuits which will juptify similar market action. Investigate Lavai thor- oughly. Send in the coupon below -no obligation, of course I Mowat & MacGdllvray UNION BANKC BUILDING OTTAWA Please send me the latest particulars of Laval- Quebec and its profit posai- bilities. Name....... ......... .......... Address........................... When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it wiII receive prompt attention and you will gelt good valu. H. S. IBRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newcastle y d a y n CI h. 01 ti A.