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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1926, p. 1

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taîteman - Y ol. LXXII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Pubiahers. COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN LTD. With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News -- .1 M aking Saving A FamilyAffair This week the whole family will be greatly interested in the many savings we are offering in nearly every department of our store. You will be particularly interested and impressed with the real genuine bargains being offered in dependable weaning apparel. Ail Ladies' Coats Selling At Haif Price l It will pay you to buy now for next winter's needs at these reduced prices. Bargain Counter Offers Worth While Savings At no tîne in the year will you find your dollar buying so much as right now at our Bargain Couonter. Here you find Dress Goods, Hosiery, Blouses, Underwear, Yarn, Corsets, Scarfs, Curtain Materials, etc. $2.00 Kid Gloves For 25c To make a quick clearing of Kid Gloves, srxnall sizes, we are offering a lot worth $2.00 a pair, for only 25c pair while they last. ~ Final Price Reduction In Mf7-~ Men's and Boys' Overcoats We have had a wonderful season in Men's Overcoats, so that we only have a few left ahnd are clearing them at very attractive K Men's Overcoats, reg. $22.50, Now .... $15.00 Men's Overcoats, reg. $25.00, Now . .. .$15.00 jMen's Overcoats, reg. $29.50, Now .... $19.50 k./ Men's Overcoats, reg. $33.50, Now .. . .$23.85 Men's Overcoats, reg. $35.00, Now . ... $24.85 Men's Overcoats, reg. $38.50, Now . .. .$28.85 A few Boys' Coats left at equally good values. If you are needing Men's or Boys' Suits we pride ourzelves in having a* very large and attractive assortment which will pay you to inspect. Our substantial price reductions in these suits makes buying a real investment. During the tremendous stock reducing sale al we ask'is the privilege of showing you the goods. We gladly welcome com- panisons of values. Couch, Jlihnston & Crydermnn 19owranViII. Phone 104 Llmiteu BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25th., 1926 5c a Copy No. PENSIONS FOR THE ____E SLDE Do You Remember When ? Able Addresa Given Bef are Bownan -______ ville Rotary Club Capt. C. W. E. Meatt, inember cf Rev. S. Gorley Brown, Mlinister ofi The meaudering Stream that wau- the Federal Appeal Board, Ottawa, St. Luke's United Churcli of Can-: dereil leisureiy b.ack and forth more familiarly known in bis native ada ,200 Decarie Boulevard, N. D. 1 acroas thea roadway, alternately giv- town (hare as 'Clarence' or 'Bill', waa G., Montreal, writes this moat inter- iug uts smiling waters ta ane farin tite honorad guest snd speaker at the e0ting latter that thousands of f olk I and then ta anotitar, lika a coy Rotary Club luncheon at Bowman froin the Homeland of Darlington maiden unable ta decide on which of House on Friday. and elsawhere will read with keenest bler lovers ta bastow bier favoriug It only seeus like yesterday that zest: amilas seems mucit amaller titan it Capt. Meath was ome of thie popular Dea Editor Jans:-I bave beau once did. boys about town, often taking laad- vary much intarastad in "Whistling Tha aid awimming bale is there, ing parts in amateur theatricals, an Jim's contributions ta yaur paper- tao, quite likaly as deep as it avar end mnan in local niinstrel shows or "Do you remamber When?" as we]i was, but there is no gang of hilar- the silver throated tenor in a quar. as the correspoudeuca it has drawn ious youths ta dlp in its cooîing wat- tet wsrbling sweet inelodies c>n thea froin iany quartera. ara at the close of the summar day. midniglit air. He later became a waa especiaîly intereated inl the The numeraus mills-a-aw milîs, caîcamt o wa r whendBitlsie heletr froinm y old-tinie frienci andi griat railla sud woollen milîs ou its1 cal cae t wa whn Bll nliiedcoinrada, Mr. WilI J. Milla of St. bauiks andI whasa wlieels of industryl as a buck privateansd eventually his Mary'a, Ontario, who mentioned -lia were, once lu the long, long ago,1 Captain-cy in tha tbeatre of war. tact tbat precisely ou the day bie was driven by its waters, have long since A lot of water bas passed under writing, f orty years ago, hae left En- disappeared. For a long time thay vanstone's Bridge since those ear- niakillen for Winnipeg. Althaugit as stood dismautled, mere ghosts of lier days. And now we fiud this boys we kept up a desultry carres- ;their former selves, tbe haunts of illustrious aud versatile son of Bow- pondeuce for a year or se, I have swallows sud bats sud "spooka" sud mauville occupyiug a very respon. had the eiotreme pleasure of meeting exploring youths; even the ponds, sible office as a conmissioner ou the hlm on ouly two occasions sinze that the rendezvous of adventurous youth, Federal Appeal Board. Suehl a time. The iast tîme wa met was long since drained of their waters,, position oaîls fqr tact, diplornacy lu Strstford in July, 1917, and in their banka now seen only lu a dim sud above all e 1mo judgment lu tbe the brief perioci we ware together outlue, bave beau converted imta dispensing of Justice aund a square we reviewed mucit of te juvenile pasture fieldis or fruit gardena. deal ta soldiera who became disabled history of Enniakillen, lu the lata Happy la he, who haviug neyer lu tbe Great World War. 70'sansd early 80'a. seen the changes ithat time lias Capt. Meath's acidress on "Peu- 1 have beau watchiug for saine one wraught, carrnes in his memory $le sions" la a subjec t1that ail ahould be ta say "Do you reeniber James undimmned and undiinished auroral intamested lu, so we have pieasure W.yllie's iLîttie fruit store on the hala of romance whiçà youth bas iu giving herewmth the main Parts Poet'a Corner King sud Silver placed upon these abrines. of lis instructive address: Streets. McClung Bras'. store and Perliaps the niost cruel disappoint-' The questian of pensions should Wyllie's fruit store were about tbe ment of slla, that wben one returns be one of great interest ta every only places 1 was familiar witb lun ta bis aid stamuping-grauud, after a Canadian citizen. The conduct aud1 those tIsys. On rare occasions it long absence, h li as, lu a way, bast achievement of te Canadian &oldier waa my higit privilege ta go ta the lis true ideutity or iudividuulity. On- lias given mucit cause for pride sud "village" with iny father sud while lv a few are lett who remember hum ils cauutry's gratitude may be beat lie dici lis shopping at McClung's 1l--ha is a strauger lu hia honialand. expressed by wise aud ganerous pro- was given a uickle ta spend; Mr. Iu timat conversation with Mr. vision for bis rastoratian ta a life of Wyllle usually got the benefit of the Mils, meutioned in titis letter, has usefuluessansd liappiness. The ex-' luvestinent aud I au arauge-nat al- spoke of baving visited Enniskillen penditure for pensions is iii itself ways toa fraah. Thte shop always an New Year's Day, a .year or two aufficient ta make the matter anc af amelled of over-ripe fruit and, lu ahl previaus ti tlie turne of aur meeting. importance. Titis bas reached ap- the yeara whicli bave passed aluce, I For baîf a century or more, New proximately thte sura of titrea million scareely ever peel au orange thitat it Year' sDay was a mat-ltter day for dollars mouth2ly. does not remind me of those days, the aId Presbyterian Churchin l that The pension laws enactaci duriug sud that little aitop. village. He was passiug titrougit the next ten yeara, aud thte manuer Saine of tite aid-timers who were Bowmanvilleansd tbougittlha wauld iu whîch titey are admiuistered, wlll rustîc youtha, lu those tIsys, lika my- drap aff sud visit the aid scelle sud have a marked affect ou the social self, will remembar that tite sgme reuew aId frieiahipa during the and moral lite af thte people, sud on wortity always a ia a refrasitint pragresa of tbe 4unual Tes Meeting. the material progresof tha country. bootit at tbe fair--'slwaya on thte But no one kuew blm;- no one me- Wise iaws will came titrougit a wida Saine spot as if ha had proprietarial memibered bim. At last ona imn uudarstaudiug of te problein by tbe rigitste tahie stand ou the right aide did succead lu recalliug that Cal. people. Tbe problein is not simple of thte end doar eutarnug into thte Milla had a brother. "Was lie Cal'a sud miaunderataudinga are mauy. Dr111 Hall. It was net orangea that brother"? The Pension Act raovideg for al ha specialized lu St tite fair, but My omp exparience is somewbat Board of Pension Coinmissione!-s ta atbar home-cmada taffy, made antI paraîlel ta titis. Once upon a time direct penaion matters. Titis Board "pullatI" while you wsit; also al now long aga, I was tairly welI is purely administrative lu ita fuuc- conglamerata mixture which ha, ar known lu Darlingtou, especially tiaus-it puts ino operation the laws we, calletI "Choke-dog pie" whlch round Tyroue antI Enniakillan, wbet- matIe by the Governument for its certainly tickled the palatas of bun- bar tavorably or otherwise la ba. work. It surveys thte damage, de- gry kida tram the country. aide thc point I amn tryîug ta maka. cides the nature af the disability, Soaeana bas rexnarked, thait titis Today, there ara few, 1 imagina, who measures its extent by acale provîd- "tendency ta luxuriata in reminiscen- know Sain Browni or ramamber any- ed and after aatisfiying itself titat the ces" is, lika rbeumatisi-a aign ofl thiug about hlm. damnage was sustained lu tha military approaching aga. Even adaitting Duriug the Isat tan years, I have service of the state, attaches the the trutit of the cynic's reinark, oua visited the aid home ut distant in-' award indicateci theref or by regula- fluda a wanid of plessure living aven tervala but wheu I hava beau there, tians aud issues the chaeque in psy- again the axperianees of yauth sud 1 ain referred ta as soinebody's ment. ranibliiuglu memlory, tlirougit the brother or uncle. It is lu no way Pensions are nat awarded for the scenes se familiar ta the teet of tIarogatory ta be saine oue's brother sacrifices made by volunteera, or im- childhooci, youth and aarly mauhood; ar uncle or cousiu, but it laSSeue- pased upon drafteci men, lu givng mare especially if ana bas net suif- witat distra.ctiug. Oua i8 not quite up the employmeuts of civil life; for amatI disillusiaumant by itaviug beau himnaîlf; h lie as no individuality the disloicated plans, or the asocial back, lu later years, to these scenes spart tram that otitar persan; lie la sud financiailasses that titese in- aud observeci the mauy changes thst reveaied iu the reflected iigitt of valve. Pensions are not awgrded have takeu place te rob thain Of ail, auothar. for patriatîc service; for discoinforta or ueariy ail, of thair former ro- Teall aryaeyhat su waruss fr ail edue; ap a the iustinctive desira ta go back and nomr even for the sufferinga causad by No doubt, titere ara many wlio revisit the acenscf aarîy lita, more woundsansd disesse. These sacri- have not visited Bowinville or especialiy aftem the lapse of years. fices are matters of grave Lmaprt- Daliugtou for farty or more years Mauy feel tIceply agriaved that the suce, sud in VIa nature of tihingsansd their heurta yearu ta go back apbortunutty ta grati1fy titis clesire, they vary wideliy. Te estimate the auce mare. But they would fiud bas neyer coma thair way. A itundrad ecanomic bass attendant ou thein people sud titingasa chauged that tînmes bettar la the memomy of places alOne ta the individual soldier aud they would exparience disasppoint- sud scelles made sacred by associa- his depeudeuts would ha a tremenci- meut, aven thaugit the changes have tious wit frieuds, now us, langer oua task. Te arrive St au equitable beau for the bettar as they surely there, titan the disappointinent cf compensation la impossible, aud have beau in Bowmanvilie. diilîlualonnment. couci he uinbecomutei ia py- It la persouaiity that gives lite U ia a great pnivilega tolilve ail mient wauld ha beyohid thte resources sud charm ta every uook, or trea, oue's lite in the oua comznunity aud of the state. But, pensions are or atone which memary racalîs witi tet hava a large circle of close awarded ta the depandents cf those foucineas; sud wben ana retumna ta friands of longgstading. Tautit la who do nat returu, and ta those who thes, tamiliar acens, the friands uaualiy impatient ta gat away tram ratumu damageci in the service of theansd thea lavad anas who ware iudel- home, for, far distant horizons have stata. ibiy associatad wlth thern ara net ThaePension Act ila aclear, defln- Ittr oe ac hs lcsan ailuring appearance lu compari- ite set af Iawzsud those wha admun- 1sud auyneaitionsblonga bomatown m ister thamu have no alternative but cniinlu ieihd lu daad antI the countryside a grave- ta beythelaw L isaillai tIwnmeinory, are uow ouiy trea-gnarled yard. The compensation is not al lu b the tatittas ot Canaid suad ugly; a atone, snaller than it ou thte oua aide of the ruu-a-gata Oftantimes letters are receivad uedtah; uo, vagriu ittbrother, aveu titougit ho tra wo cfcaesutsiruba or waads; or a meandcinug desn waste ils substance in riot- frmpeoplea no fcae fStreamn, diminished bath lu point otf u iig h tya-oeate returnad soldiers which cail for thea volume and of beauty. bOthervinbashe bis comanationa utmost aympathy, sud har¶m criticianiote bshs cmpestos Laslevelled against those who are 1places lanet the rnemory of these Friensdiip is one of the supremei Act. parliaint makes the laws whidh lancia the charm, but thte about may have met more peopli sud that la ahI theme la ta t. Thara memory cf themin l association wlth aud hava a larger circla of friands, la the duty ta the people wha puy as persauality. The aId companiaus sa caileci, becausa aof lis itiuersry, weli as te those who racliva the antI friands ara not titare wheu we hae will net have the deep antI ubid- compensation, go back, aittr au absence of many iug friendabipa that tic atay-at-hamei Pensious are awamded for disabil- years, sud the chai cf mamory la brother eujoys. The former loses ities due ta iujuries recaiveci, cm dis- broken foraver. the close feilowsitip wbich ha ,may ease c»ntracted, or aggravatad, The oltI atone ut thte antIcf the have forined witan ha passas on ta "whie u"actve erice oratrib lue itee w psye "Dck -fi -take up has so-jaurn lu suother utable o ata service o aett b an h r w l ye D -o ua pis plce. They are ouly "Sitips that 1 mtaun thtanser abvity de fet ia-Rock",was tic raiiyiug point, whereaie in theaNi gît". The latter lias meas tat ny isbilty ue e ds-for mauy yeas, memory, intarmit. 9 esse orijuyocurugtcteso-tuty-gtardtgahr uuurkIr riusiim- on tadn SEED CLEANING TRAIN At >*wnianviIIe, march Zn Farnera in vicinitiy of Bowman- ville are particularly fortunate in having the gav'ernment "Seed Clean- ing Demonstration Train" spend a day at C. N. R. Station, Tuesday, Mai'h Znd froen 9:30> a. m. to 5 p. M. There are three cars: one with power snd hand seed cleaning mna- chinery ;one exhibits dernstra;ing benefits of proper cleaning of seeda; and one is used as a lecture car which address la givean t 2:30 p. m. Every fariner in West Durhamn should plan to corne to Bo'wmanviile next Tuesday andI profit by this de- monstration. It's an opportunity you can't afford te mis a. GOOD MONEY IN SHORTHORNS Lcoking over the list of officers and merebers of the Durham County Shorthorn Association one finds same of the most progressifve and prosperous farnera in -the Caunty. So the conclusion to be drawin la that breeding Shorthorns le a pro- fitable and lucrative branîch of farn- ing. i! At the recent convention of Do- minion Shorthorn Breeders the Presi- dent. Hon. Duncan Marsall said: "The ouflook bas seldoin heen more proeznising. For the first time in several years aur registrations have practicaily held their own. Ther, will bie a keen deinand for ours- bred cattle next sprlng". Jamnes B. Davidson, Carman, Man., stressed the saigne point. "Whereever« I bave gone tin the West", hie said, "the spirit of op-. tiRimn is very marked. Partioularly is this true of the sections where men are keeping live stock". 'The pure-bred cattle situation la working back gradually to a more profitable baais", stated Secretary George E. Day, Guelph. "On the whbole, there la reasan for oiptimisin, and the outloak for Shorthoama in more encouraging than it bas hieea for several years."1 It would thus seesu a most Oppor- tune tixne for farinera ta mmprove their shorthorn herds by attending the cousigninent sale et Bow»an- vile next Thursday, March 4tih. A cihoice lot qf indifviduals trini hegh class sires and good Scotch breed- ing are listed including 21 fenWaea and ilhuille. FEnquiries have been recelved tram Western Provinces, United States aud Ontario breeders. 'Catalogues are obtainable froin J.. Bakcer, Sa- lina, R. R. 1 Hamapton, or at Tisa Statem-in Ofilce. ger. It la, indeed, a Lonely place under these circuinstances; but there is no place in ail the world quite sa lonely, or at lest has the saine quality of lonelinesa as bte old homeland where enly unfamiliar naines are heard aud only strange, faces greet the eye. Mr. Editor jI have no tinges of rheumnatlsm in my body, but 1 do find particular delight the "lTendeney ta luxuriate In remlniucencea". This may be a aigu that aid age la ceep- lng on and 1 do flot dsny that thp ysara are pllng up aminous]y. Wlshlny you many more ysarmeto aonhpand association wlth our Litelong friendsl" ef Bown~Ie a5dDarlngtou, Ia&m, Teurs auerely, "8ro wn. 20Duads Blvd., Moa*mt ,Qui. "'HIS MODEL WIFE" Draina WeIi Presonted to Packed Hou. St. Paul'a Schoal Room was packL ed ta the doors on Wednesdaiy even- iug whlen a play eutitled "His Model Wife" was presented under auspices of the Junior Missionary Society. Previaus ta the presentation of the play, a musical program was rend- ered introduced biy Rev. Dr. D. W. Beat, the minister, consisting of a piano duet by Misses Louise Os- borne andI Hazel Rundie; vocal solo, Mrs. A. Colville; ukulele guitar selec- tion by. Misses Marjorie Bounsal Bert Freoinan, Grace Caiverly anâ Audrey Nakea; vocal sala, Mr. Geo. E. Chase; piano solo, Miss Bores Murdof; vocal solos by Mrs. C. H. Dudley, and a rain'bow drill by 14 girls--Kathleen Hall, Bores Mur- daif, Marlon Lyle ,Margaret Colville, Bella Tait, Bessie Martin, Marian Leggett, Jean Clark, Rets C&nnor, Marian Conar, Elva Drew, Alma Richards, Elsie Carrutiters, Geraldine Willia.ms. Mrs. D. W. Best and Mrs .Dudley were the acconspanista. - Ail numbers were well given. The play "His Model Wife" was spleudidly put on, each artisb doing bis or lier part in a way that elli- cited unstinted applause, the trying, aud awkward situations as well as the luxuorous skits and acta were es- peciaily ga-od. Cast off Charactera: Arthur Everelt, An Artlst-A. R -Scott; Robert Parka, His Chum-A. H. Bounsall; John H. Patte, A Bough Diamoud-Alex. McGregor; Misa Agmàes MacPherzan, Everett'a Aunt -Mrs. W. Adàma; Ifra. Munford- Wells, A Society Matron--4Mra. M. Murdoff; Miss Eleanar Perry, Parka Cousin-Helen Yellowlees; Miss Bel- la Potta, Heiress-Mrs. J. H. Swin- della; "Willie", a Model-Mrs. Gea. L. Hall; Patsy, Whose Mother Wash- es--Mra .Frank Williamns; Mary, A Maid-Leola MeMann. $2.00 a Year In Advance No. 5c a Copy CMýýp 1

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