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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1926, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVII~s,.E, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25. 1926 PAGE TERIE i I IN THE EDITOR'S ML Rev. E. W. Tink, 4417 N. Kastnea Ave., Chicaga, nI., a highly esteem- ed and former pastor of Newton- ville circuit, in renewing his sub- scriptian ta The. Statesman writes: We enjoy your paper and like ta keep in tauch with the peaple who meant much ta us in aur pastoral work in thaL district. We are en- joying aur work here and the Lord has blessed us in preparing a blessed c ompany of young peaple ta go out ln His work inta sa many different parts of the warld. Many wonder- fui opportunities for aur three boys here and God is blessing ithem and leading them aut in His work in the cburch, etc. We remember your kindness ta us in always lending a helptul band in so many ways and wish for you many blessed years. HAYDON ('Racived too lata for last week) League service here Sunday aven- ing week was splendidly attended, Mrs R. Crasaman, Presidant, presid- ing. A splendid program was given in charge ci aur Missionary Vice Presidant, Miss Meta Ashton ... . The play I'Nathing ta Do" il in full swing and will be presenlted haro in the near future .... The sympathy af the community is extended ta Mii. El- gin Mountjoy in the death of ber father .... Missionary pragram in S. S. an Sunday morning week wth Mrs. H. Ashton in charge. Readings were given by Mrs. R. Crosqman and Miss Mabel Beech. A chorus was also nicaly rendered by the Inter- mediste Girls' Class. Why Buy Wallpaper at Home? rBECAUJSE j You will have no Express or Postage to pay. You will have no Money Order to buy. You can pay for exactly what you need, get- ting more if required or returning unu§ed rolls. You can see the Combination complete at our store in the roll and know exactly what you are buying. You will have our large stock to select from. We now off er the most selected stock of Wallpaper from the most reliable manufacturing houses. The design and coloring will be found at- tractiv*e in every line of our special collection. We ask when possible a personal examination of our stock-in every case more satisfactory than look- ing at samples. We can please you both in price and quality. ODD LOTS AT BARGAIN PRICES W. T. ALLEN BIG 20 BOOKSTORE BOWMAN VILLE You Can't Cet Milk Out of a Cocoanut Unless It's in There Nor can you keep people buying meat from you every day in the year unless it's GOOD MEAT For years now we have been supplying cus- tomers with good meat that gives satisfaction both as to quality and price. We don't seIl cheap meat, but we do seil good meat as cheap as it can be bought any place. People often tell us we give the best values obtainable. Guess that accounts for the steady growth of our business. G, A. £dmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville ISIDE TALKS ON BREAD NO. 5-Bon Boucheis (Small Mouthful) These good things are unusual in this country, but those people who have been fortunate to travel on the Continent, will recaîl those dainty and delightful little rolîs and cobs served in the hotels, unique shapes and flavours, some plain, others stuff ed witli fish, meat, game, savour, sal- ads, etc. Now these rolîs will readily appeal to the ladies giving small supper parties. No tire- sime cutting bread for sandwiches, every guest served with an individual plain or savoury roll.. You may fill these rolîs yourself with potages made from fish, game, meat, oysters, etc., with- out any trouble. Here is one suggestion: take 4 ounces lobster (canned) chopped fine, 1 ounce butter, 1 hard boiled egg, a few drops of anchovey sauice seasoning, pound well together, cut leaves of lettuce, place a spoonful of mixture on leaf, rol up and insert into the roll. For other sugges- tions ring up 97. Have you tasted our date and fig loaf ? It's a real treat. To loyers of Malt Brown Bread, our Lactomait will appeal, it is delightful. We are specializing Almond Maccaroons and Savoy Bis- cuits. Ring in your order and make sure of your supply. Our next talk will be: "Bread of the Far East" The Bowmanville Bakery successota te The Big Variety Bakery. C. W. Jacob&, Proprietor Christie'& Baker Bowmanvill. ing carried out and predicted ther( is a great future ahead of th( Perth Curling Club. After wishing the Club every sue cess in the future Mr. Strike said hg and Mrs. Strike are gaing ta conduc- Sa "'wayside inn" at Bowmanville an( he invited the curlers and everiyon else in Perth ta look them ,u> whei passing through Bcywmanvîle t4 Toroynto. 1 MORE PRESENTATIONS TO MR. AND MRS. W. ROSS STRIKE (From The Courier, Perth) There was a large gathering at Asbury Church on Sunday afternoon, February i4th., wben both the mem- bers of the Sunday School and re- presentatives of the various church organizations met to convey to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Strike, their sincere regret at their departure, and to express in tangible form, their re- cognition of the valuable service which these two had rendereti their church during their residence in Perth. The chair was taken by the Rev. Arthur Wilkinson, thie pastur of the church, who after briefly expressing the high esteem in which the church held botb Mr. and Mrs. Strike, caîl- ed upon varjous meinbers of the congregati on w'ho paid tribute ta the devotion and untiring effort with wbich Mr. and Mrs. Strike had worked in every branch of church work. Mr. S. T. bowsa.n spoke om behaif of the Trustee Board of the church, of which Mr. Strike had been tlie efficient treasurer; Mr. Robert Thornbury voiced the appreciatian of the Sunday School which had gtrowri to its present large numbers under the capable leadership of Mr. Strike, and Mr. J. H. Hardy read an address expressing the congregatio'i's deep appreciation and recognition of the splendid service which fhsd meant 50 much to the if e of the cburcb, and their keen regret tsecause of the re- mnoval of such valued and trusted friends. Messrs. T. A. Poole and J. A. Graham then presented Mr. and Mrs. Strike wjth a handsome Westminster dlock on bebaîf of the congregation, and wished tbem many years of service in their new home. Mr. Strike in reply, spoke feeling- ly of the liappy associations which hie had greatly enjoyed in the church, and heartily tbanked the people for the valuabk- gift, assur- ing them that it would always re- main a cberished possession. The address is as f ollows: Perth, Ont., February 13th., 1926 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Strike:-Words seem Inadequate te express the deep re- gret which we off Ashbury Ch urch feel because off your departure ffrom us. Dur- lng the years that you have been withý us, we have learned ta recognize your sterling worth, and ta especially appre- dlate your fine optlmlsm and tireles energy ln church work. Rlchly endowed as you bath are with more than ordlnary talents, you have contributed abundantly to ail depart- ments off church 1f e. The willngness wlth which you entered into ail phases off church activities. your sane judgment andi hroad and progressive outlook, willl render the place lef t vacant by your de- parture. a particularly difficuit anc ta f11. The Young Ladies' Auxllary which was created largely through Mrs. Strike's initiative and the Mission Circle ta which she has always been devoted, greatîy lament the ]oseoff her presence and support. Every branch off women's work in the church bas been benefltted and cheered by her kindly and generaus help. To the choir and musical liffe off the church you bath have rendered hearty and splendid assistance, and we taire this opportunity off expressing aur lastlng appreclation off yaur services. The Sunday Scnoai oof which Mr. Strike has been se efficient a super- Intendent, ls now the largest In lits his- tory, and Its growth and development are ta a great extent due te hie guld- ance and Inspiration. Besides the splendid wark among the yaung people in the Sunday Schaol. Mr. Strikes activities amang the Tuxis boys as chairman off the County Worl. Board, ls a proot off hie deep interest In the youth off today, and their attach- ment ta hlm testilies ta his eminent suc- cess la these undertakings. As mlght be expected ffram a son ai the parsonage, Mr. Strikes Interest and labours have been dlrected ta many spheres off church lite. As a success- fui treasurer off the Trustee Board, as s representative off the church ta the Metbodist Conference. and recentîy tc the Presbytery off the United Church, as a valued member off ms.ny Communitles as need and occasion arose-he bas serv- ed bis church with distinction and hon- our. Yet, while we keenly feel the loss ai such valued and capable frlends ffrorr aur church and communIty, we wish te assure you bath off aur heartffelt Interest In you as you go ta your new home. We feel assured that your work there will be crowned wth wel-merited success. In token off aur blgh esteem and re- gard we ask Yeu ta accept this clock and wth It aur most incere wlshes for many years off contlnued useffuinesas After the first rounc of the Curl- ing bonspiel at the Perrh Curling Rink on Saturday afternoon, Feb- ruary 13, the President, Mr. Gea. T. Townshend called a haIt in the do- ings and summoned the menabers ta- gether stating he had brougilht their tagether for a very special purpose. He tfhen asked Mr. J. P. Hogan t< performi a littie ceremony wît!h Mr. W. Ross Strike playing the role of the abject of the cereniony. Mr. Hogan stated that the mem'ibers af the Curling Club very much regrett- ed the removal tram the Club and: tihe town of Mr .and Mrs. Strike ta Bawmanville. Mr. Strike had been an Ai curler and sport in everv WHERE THERE'S A BREAK or defect in iran or steel or other bard metal, our acetylene welding will fix it quickly and permanently. Senti for aur welding expert and have him figure an yanr job. Yon will be well pleased witb the splendid results we will obtain for you. RATCLIFF-. MACHINE SHOP King St. E. Bowamvllle1 Phone 425W FAREWELL PRESENTATION Mr. and Msn. Chas. L Brown Reae.mbr.d About fit ty friendo met by invi- tation at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. George Cala,; Ontario St., on Fr1- day evenîng and gave Ms. and Mii. Chas. L. Brown a pleasant surprise and kindly farowell previaus ta, their leaving to make their home in De- trait, Michigan. Mr. F. O. Mason on behalf of the company read the following address: Dear Mr. and Mss. Chas. Brown:- Wa, your friende, bave met here ta- nigbt ta spend a pleasant avening with you, ere your departura tram our midst. We look back, some of us, many years that we have known you, others of us not s0 many, bu t whether many or fe'w alhbave fond recollections of aur associations to- gether witb you. Bath in your home and outaida your home you have always been choarful, sociable, and companionable. As a citizen, neigbibour and friand you have always been the highest type; and bacausa of thase qualitias we feel that we could not lot yon go without some mark of aur appreciat- ion andi love ta Yoii. Theretora, we ask you, Gharlia, ta accept tuis club bag, snd Rosy ,this enveloe as a slight taken of aur esteem ta you. As you leave us ta take your abode in your new home in another country, aur very boat wisbes go with you; and we beliove with your cheerful dispositions you will gain as many friende thora as you bave bere, and in doing so yau will double the triendsiuips and friendly ties that yau bave ait the present tima. We aIl wish you Godspeed, signed, Mabel Callan. Iladell Arn.,, Edith Mazon, Lewis F. 1gwn.. Bowrnanvillo, Feb. 19, 1926. Miss Lena Dilling presented Mii. Brown witb a gift of znoney and Mr. Bro'wn witb a brown leather club bag. Mr. Brown made a suitaiblo reply thanking all for their good wishes and useful gift. Tha evening was pleasantly spant in progressive ouchre, music, etc., sitar which a delicicus lunch ot.good thinge was serveti and the company departati for their homes wishing ,Mr. and Mrs. Brown the best of gaod luck in Uncle Sam's doniain. t Mr. Brown was a partnar in the 1firmn of Brown & Bennett wbo kept a fancy goods store on King Street, but after Mr. Jas. Bennett's death solti ont his business and furniture and decided ta locate in Detroit whore their son Otho and wf e re- >side. SCHOOL CHILDREN'S EYES Defective Eyuight Cause of Retardation. If 37 par cent of school eilîdrea have defoctiva vision-more than one of avery three-alttention ta, childran's eyes is most important andi imperitive, and weabshuld b. glad of any information tram an in- telligent source an thoe ubject. The Medicine Bat News of Feb- ruary 8, eays that Mr. B. F. Souch, Phm. B., of that city, (who is by the way a West Durhamn boy, son of Mr. andi Mme. Samuel E. Soucb, now of Stettler, Sask.,) bas just returneti fr»om Edmonton, Alta., where ho ad- dressod the Convention of the Pro- vincial Scha.ol Trustees' Association on Defective Eyesighlt in Relation ta, Ratardatian in school progrese of chiltiren. Bore are a tew paragraphe tram bis opening remarks ta the Conven- tion: Defectivo vision la undoubtedly -one of the chiot causas of retard&- tion in aur scha ais, andi atde greatly ta thbe cost cf educatiion. Eacb yoar that a pupli is rtarded-that is, kept in the sae grade two years in- steati cf one-the cost of educatios, is incroaseti $72, based on the aver- age par capita cost in Alberta. Be-. sides the increaseti cost, the child is humiliateti Und discauragati, and it oten means a yoar cut off the education aof the chilti. The greaitar the number of ratardeti putpils the greatar numbar of young mon and wamen Who are Iturnad ont inade- qnately equippeti mentally ta make their way in the warld. Later la lita thasa atten bacoma a charge up- an thoir relatives or upon the com- snnnity. The scba.al trusteep of Alberta are rosponsible ta a large extenit for the education cf overy chilti in the province betweeil six and fourtéen years of age. The Dopartsnent cf Eduication prescribes the course of study but the trustees have ta fin- ance the onterprise by providing buildings, equipment and "alries for the toachars. Tharetoare, it le suroly the duty of the school trustees ta, remove, as far as possible, every- thing that handicaps the chilti in maldng progrees in echool. Wa use aur eyes for near work under modern conditions a great deal more than people did a ganora- tion or so ago. Our m~odern aduca- tional methotis and tha demnande cf vocation, commercial andi industriel pursuits requise an enirmons amount cf oye work at close range. The buman oye when et reot la adaipteti ta saeing at long distances --a distance greatar than twenty foot. Comimening ait twenty foot, the dloser any abject looketi at is brought ta the oye the greater is the effort of the tîacusing muscles in order to clearly see the abject. Thus yen will sea that school chiltiren ta- day, witb a groat amount of reading that tboy are calleti upan ta do, loati a tremandous amount cf work upon the focusing muscles of the eye juet at the growing perli oto the cbild's lite. Most of our oye troub- les have their baginning in youth andi it is during chilIdhooti that oye came shoulti be taught and practiseti This is especially true as uncorrectod eye detects orease wlth egae. As a vermifuge an affective pro- parution is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator, and it cen b. given ta the most delicete chilt i wtbaut tear of injury ta the constitution. THE EDITOR TAUCS Possibly there are veryj few cf aur reade.rs who are enjoying the correspondenco tarted up by Whistling Jim Do Yau Remembar When? articles more than we are, for w.e are -of the few remaining residents who have known Bowman- ville for aver haIt a century. The letter we publisb this week f rom Rev. Samuel Gorlay Brown of Mon- treal, apipoals very strongly ta us as we are positive it will ta vory many other Daringianians at 'hoîme or away tram the Homeland of Dur- ham. We have mare in store for the public yet. We take the liber- ty of using a paragraph tramn a par- sonal latter ta the editor sent by Mr. Brown, in which he wrikes: If we could only get aur yaung people ta see that there were oppor- tunities at home that will compare favorably with those abroad, it would help to salve the problem of the rural districts end some of the smaller towns, as well as dissipate the nerva-racking restlassnesof the rising gerieratian. STANDARD BANK SHOWS FIVE MILLIONS INCREASE An increase over the proviens year of fivo millions in deposits and an impravement of $85,000 in net earn- inge are outstanding features of the 51st annual statemant of the Stand-I ard Bank of Canada which bas just been publisheti. The total deposits now 9tand at $68,432,044.19, as compared with $63,432,377.46 at last statamant. Net aarnings amounted ta $773.823.- 56. From tuis dividends amount- ing ta $578,808 were paid, $103.234. was set aside for Dominion Govorn- ment taxes, $35.000 was traasferrod ta, the Pension Fuad, and the bal- ance $56,781.56 was addod ta the arnaunt forward in Profit and Laus Account, wbicb now stands at $207,- 892.06. Cash on band and in the Central Gold Reserves is $10,619,667.75 or nearly 14% of the Bank's liabilities ta the ptiblic, while the total as- sets immedately available stand at $41,468,854 or slightly more than 52% of the liabilities ta the pub- lic. Commercial Loans have in- creased by $2,200,000 which would indicate that the Bank je a.ble ta em- 9ploy its funds to adivantaga. On thbe whole, the figures indicate that the year 1925 bas bean a gaod year fýor business generally, that the Standard Bank has enjoyati its ful share of prevailing prasperity, and *bas bean able ta attract itself a con- siderable volume of new andi profit- *able business. VERY CHOICE MEATS' We always pride ourselves ini having the best meat that can be bought, but just now we have some exceptionally choice young Well fatted beef which we are placing on display. People sometimes think they can do better elsewhere, but they invariably corne back to the old reliable« purveyors and tell us that our ineat is the choicest and our prices are right. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville 24-lb. BAG WHITE SATIN FLOUR 99e PASTRY MACARONI DOMINO CROSSE» FISH AND BRAND SARDINES SPAGHETTI BAKING 2 TINS 25c 3 ib. 25c POWDER CRSC 16-os. TOY PAR. I c FOR PEANUT TIN A BKIN BUTTE 23<RESULTS I PRUNES CALWFORNIA2 3.5 j PRUNESLRE IK ý 5 CUBES QUAKER OATS 2rus2S< SME L3 pktà.25'0 CICKEN HADDIE 25e SWEET CORN 2 1cr 25e HEINZ SPAGHETTIS15 & 20c MALT VINEGAR pts. 1 3c Yen'. LigtaingCoqghSyM p3U< BEECHAM'S Pls 25c FRY'S COCOA h-lb. TMN 23e BEEKIST s4lb. PAm 75e HiONEY 14-o. JAR 30e PEARLINE 2 pkts. 1 Sc CHIPSO 9e & 23e BROOMS con 4,5c SOAP CHIPS 2 Dm s.2e T ~ RicIImaw zi<k BUTT ER TEASER 9CT b BALEBRAND 49e1& D.S.L. 59cdb. 1 MÂTFIELDBRAND) 4ic Di, The.. Pri«ne.laEtffe .. me Et woda"aof tis a ?C FRUIT MEETINGS FThe Annual Meeting of the Northuimberland and Durham Apple Growers' Association will be held in the OPERA HOUSE, COBOURG MONDAY and TUESDAY, MARCH Ist and 2nd Some of the speakers will be: Monday: Professor J. E. Howitt, Dept. of Botany, O .A. College, "Apple Scab and Its Control". W. A. Ross ,Vineland Station "Sprays, New & Old". Tuesday: Professor R. H. Roberts, College of Ag- riculture, Madison, Wisconsin, will deliver two addresses, morning and afternoon sessions; And- rew Fulton, Fruit Division, Ottawa and P. W. Hodgetts, Fruit Branch, Toronto. No Fruit Grower can afford to miss these meetings. J.G aite, President, H. Sirett, Secretary, Coîborne ,Ont. R. R. 3 Brighton, Ont. R. R. 4] WHEN NEEDING SBATTERIES SEE MASON & DALE We have Batteries for ail requirements, including Radio Engine Telephone Automobile Flash Lights Volt and Ampere Meters for sale. Get our prices before buying. MASON & DALE The Popular Haa!dwawe-Quality and Right Pvics PHONE 148 BOWIMANVILI.E The Oil of Pawer.-It is flot claimed of Dr. Thaomas' Eclectric Oil ithat it will remedy every jîl, but its uses are so various that it1 may be loaked upon as a general( pain killer. It bas achieved that( greatness for itself and its excel-à lence le known lia alI wha have test- ed its virtues and learned by exper- ience. Notice to Creditors IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTH- UMBERLAND AND DURHAM: IN TEE ESTATE 0F EDWIN ANNIS, FARMER DECEÂSED. NOTICE la hereby gven that ail per- sans haviag clsims against the etate off Edwin Annis, late off the Township off Darllngton ln the County off Durham' Farmer, deceased, who died on the nlnth day off .uly, A. D. 1922, are requlred ta Mail ar delîver thse samne wth full par- ticulars ta the underslgned an or befare the 5th day off March A. D. .1926, after which the Adminîtrator wiII distribute the assets off the estate having regard only ta the dlaims then ffyled. Dated at Bowmanvllle, February Ibtis A ., 1926. W. F. WARD, Bollitor for thse Adminisatrator, Bowmanvillîe, Ont. 7-8w. HARRY WAGNER Teacher ot Hawaliin Gultar. Complet. Courue la Transposition for Guitar, Ukulele, Uke-Banjo. Studio over Couch. Johaston & Cryderman's, Bowmanville, every Wedneaday. Address: Balmaral Hotel THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIAýE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1926 PAGE-TRM,

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