______ * - PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ISOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 FREE ! FREE! A Limited Number of Genuine Leather Needie Cases containing 146 Gold Headed English Needies wiII be given ab- solutely free by A Detroit Newspaper Corne in and arrange to get yours. A. L. Nichoils This Is Incubator Season BUY CANADIAN MADE MACHINES AND SAVE THE DUTY We have thern Fire Proof .~Jackets, hot water heated Swith the right prices. 160 Egg Size $28.00 250 Egg Size $M-~00 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Back FEED BLATCHFORD'S EGG MASH It helps fil the basket with good hat-Il chable eggs. Start now, we seil it to a M niumber of poultrymen. It is cheap when you consider the quality.Y L. H. PEARNj Agent for Model Incubators and Brooders ] Phone 304 Liberty St., Bowrnanville You Can't Get Away From These Facts That too rnuch attention and care cannot be given to your heating and plurnbing problems. It takes expert and experienced mechanies to give you reliable and dependable service. We have made a scientifie study of these problerns, and besides our long and practical ex- perience we have taken a special course in sanitary engineering frorn one of the best technical schools. This places us in a desirable position to give ex- pert advise and do a job RIGHT. Take no chances when you can have the bene- fi four experience and special training. Frnace and Plumbing Work la Our Specialtiet, L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Bowrnanville Fifth Annual Sale of SHORTHORN S Under auspices of Durhamn County Shorthorn Association will be held at Beith's Stables, Bowmanville THURSDAY, MARCH 4th at 1 P. M. This Sale offera a good opportunity to secure sorne of the best foundation stock with 21 fernales and il buils. They are a choice lot of individuals frorn high class sires and good Scotch breeding. Write J. Baker, Hampton ,for catalogue of caîl at Statesman Office. R. T. AMOS, Auctioneer TYRONE1 Miss Florence and Mr. Theodore Down have returned from a visit with Rev. and Mrs. A. McLaughlin, Keene.... Church shed bee was post-I poned. Plans for the new sheds are being prepared. . .. Services next Sunday at Betbesda, Salem and Tyrone. . Last Sunday Pastor Down preached an excellent sermon to men; -next Sunday evening he willl Ipreacffi to the ladies. All the gentle- Imen should hear this. Our church is very comfortably heated with the new furnace.. Mr. and Mrs. Ruther- ford of Colborne, visited at Mr. Wil- lis Stewart's ... . Miss Dorothy Walk- er is spending the weeken.d in Tor- onto.... . Mr. Willis Stewart is under the doctor' scare .... Young People's meeting on Thursday evening was opened by -the President. Mr. Floyd Dudley gave the bible reading; topic on "Alcobol and the Four Fold Life" was well given by Mrs. Russel IWright; solo by Mrs. L. J. Goodman was enjoyed by all.. Tyrone friends are sorry to learn of the serious îll- ness of Mr. M. J. Werry, who is in Oshawa Hospital. If Miller's Worm Powders needed the support of testimonials they could be goit from mothers who know the great virtue of this excel- lent medicine. But the powders will speak for themselves and in such a way that there can be no question~ of them. They act speedily an.d thorougbly, and the child to w'hom they are administered wi11 show im- provement f rom the first dose. 1er, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Mr. ried en the 24th of August, 1871, and Mrs Everett Cryderman, Mr. and and celebrated their golden wedding Mrs. A. J. Balsen and family at Mr. mn 1921. Rer cilîdren are Mrs. s 'O W Ernest Larmer's, Blackstock; Mr. (Rev.) W.M. McKay, ToVinto; Mr. C. Bickle, Bownianville, Mr. Wmn. E. G. Lytle, Manager ef the firm Walters, Mrs. Wni. Wood. gnd Mrs. ef Hogg & Lytle Co., Oakwood, and Dry Gi M. A. Wood, Owen Sound, at Mr. J. Mrs .Harry Graham.i ef Cambray. Kivell's; Mr. Jack Resynolds apent a Bargain counter of oddu and ends Phone 106 f ew days In Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. in bosiery, underwear, corseta, Sam Brooks end son Glen, Oqhawa, scarfs, curtain tnaterlale, etc. Couch, at M1r. W. N. Van Net'a.. Johnston & Cryderinan. HAMPTON MY FIRST DEBATE MINISTERS AN4D CHURCHES Mrs. W. B. Cunningham, Fenelon By a Dariington Gre.nhorn Bay of Quinte Conference meets Fa11s, with biermoher, Mrs. J. Clat- in Kingston On Wednesday, May 26, worthy; Mr. and Mrs. W. Cryder- For the first time in my if e, commencing at 8 p. m. and will con- man, Solina, at Mr. J. Cowling's; (and I'. noe hicken eitber>, I have tinue over the following Sunday. Mrs. E. Wilcox end children, De- been induced to take part in a de- >troit, with her mother, Mrs. H. Wil- bate. I confess I cannot understand Rev. H. W. Foley, Fraserville, 1cox, Sr., who continues quite ill.... why tbey "picked" on me, as our gave an interesting ilustrated lect-I 1Miss Blanche Cryderman and Mr. AI- village is famous for the number of ure on "West China" at the Ep'worth bert Allin, Toro'nto, visited at Mr. good debaters which it les produced, League meeting of the United A. B. Cryderman's .... .Mr. R. Avery but sumehow nobodîy seemned willing Churcqb at Bailieboro. bas ben under the Dr's. care but is to undertake the task of meeting Rv r .J brywobsfo improving ... . Mr. and Mrs. A. Tren- our two formidable opponents, and e.D.SJ.hoywobant outh with their daugbter, Mrs. Roy se, inl my ignorance, I agreed to fIll been in good health for tbe past MtafBaeLn.Atralne-in the blank. year and a half, bas recently taken ing illness Mrs. R. Brown passed t is said that people are neyer tr o h os n snwsr peacefully away on February 20th. too old to learn, and I have learned iously ili at bis residence, Main St. Funeral was conducted by her pastor, several things from that debate. west, Picton. Rev. J. R. Biek. In the first place one bas te be pby- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, New shipment of Finnan Haddie, sieaily, as well as mentally fit, bef-re Corner Temiperance snd Church Sts., Fillets, fresh salmon and flat fish venturing on tbe debating platform. Rev. Robert McDeriment, M. A., Min- just in at Horn's store. Prices right. 1 have been suffering froan a severe istr. Morning Worsbip il a. M. cold ever since, the origin of w"ich Evening Worship 7 p. m. Sunday I attribute to having to emerge f'om School at 2:30 ri. m. Everybody wel- HAYDONthe super-heated platform atmos- come. HAYONphere into the cbilly night air. Hitherto I have been under the im- Trinity Churcb, Rev. J. U. Rob- Mr. and Mrs. Tberoa Mountjoy pression that a debate was suppos-IisPatr llpec on uda royally entertained the members Of ed to be a calm discussion of both ail a. .a nd 7 wllp. m. o Sundayj tbeOrcesra itb oter riedssides of a given subject, but 1 nowl School at 2:30 p. M. last week. .. . Our sympathy is ex- know that to be a successful de- St. Paul's Cburch, Rev. D. W. tended to Mrs. Milton Slemop on the bater, one bas te adopt t'le fIgl igBs, 1se. ila ."h death of her sister, Mrs. Nelson attitude of a losing political plat- Hig'best Point that Life has Reach-1 Brown, Hampton. Also to Mrs. El- form orator, and 1 believe it will ed". 7 p. m.-Series on the1 gin Mountjoy on the death of hier be to my advantage before under- Teacbing of Jesus. II "Tbings New father, Mr. A. Sharp, Enniskillen. .j taking another debate. to take les- and Old". 2:30 p. m.-l-Sunday . Our Leaguers enjoyed a visit from sons in Ju Jitsu! School and Bible Classes. Salem League on Friday evening My colleague is an experienced and were well entertaîned witb tbeir debater, who bas already won laur- St. John's <Anglican) Cburch, splendid literary and musical pro- els on the debating platform, and Rector, Rev. R. J. Sbires, M. A., B. gram. Afetr refres2hments were she undoubtedly was worthy of mnucb D. Second Sunday in Lent, 8 a. m.- served and a social bour much enjoy-. better support than could be ie Holy Communion. il a. m.-Morn- ed. ..On *Sunday afternoon Pastor by a novice. By virtue of her sup- ing Prayer and Litany "The Condi- Down preacbed an excellent sermon erior knowledge and debating ex- tion". 2:30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool. from John 3:16. Sacrame'nt was perience, she ought te have taken 7 p. mn.-Evening Prayer and Ser-ý also adniinistered to a goodly num- the leading part, but somehaw, this mon. Preacher-Rev. C. H. Bouldon,l ber. Cboir very efficiently rendered fell te me, wbich, as subsecjuent M. A. Tuesday, March 2nd. Lect-I two suitable anthems. events proved, was my undoing. To ure in Parish Hall at 8 p. m. "Creeds,f be sure, I thougbt I had my points what they are and bow we go MAPLE GROVE all rounded out nicely (or pointed if them". Friday, March 5tb. Lenten _______you like), but the leader of the op- service in Church at 8 p. m. The play "Red Acre Farm" will be position veryr quickly disillusioned _____ presented by the Young People's me. on that score, gentlry but firmly Society of Maple Grove, in the Hall pointing out where I had made "mis- OBITUARY on Friday, February 26th. Admis- takes". I did not mind being told_____ sion 35e and 15c. Come and enjoy I bad made niistakes especially wben Elmina Robina Brown a play by the same autbor as the it was done se kindly and se court- Aleanins o theyar popular "Bar Haven". eously and even an experienced de- Ate anilssothe yar bater is liable toeniake mistakes Mrs. E. Robina Brown passed peace- Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Worden spent sometimes. My colleague support- fully Wo rest on Saturday, February Su'nday witb bier brotVber, Mr. Bert ed her part of t1ie debate in bier 2tb., 1926, at the home of 'ler Wilkins, Ebenezer... . Mms. H. S. usual able and cenvîncing manner, mother, Mrs. Fflina Johns, Hamp- Freernan, Miss May Noon, Town, and by the time she bad fini-sbedl, I ton. visited at Mr. H. G. Freeman's on had begun to tbink that things Deceased was the eldest daughter Sunday.... Miss Chrissie Free'nan looked quite brigbt for us. But of the liste Cephas Johns and wife and Mr. W. Galbraith, Town, visited Nemesis w'as on our paýh, in the of W. Nelson Brown who predeceas- at Mr. E. R .Freeman's on Sunday shape of the supporter of tbe opo ed ber several years ago. ...Ebenezer League visited our sition, w'bose volubility nearly took Since the deatb of ber bhusband, League on Wednesday, Feb. l7tb., my breatb away. I do not rernember Mrs. Brown taught school in Peter- wben a program was given by the that he introduced any new points, boro and in Toronto wbere she was visltors, the local members furnish- but be (metapborically speaking), a member of McMurri'ch Public ing refreshrnents. A very enjoy- took aIl our cherished pet ideas snd School staff. able time was spent ...About 52 ideals and tore tbem to shreds, ruth- She wss a life long member of Leaguers visited Solina on Mon-day lessly trsmpling them under bis Hampton Methodist Churcli and al- evenng.... Rev. J. U. Robins, Bow- foot with sucb convincing force as ways active while able and deeply manville, will preacb bere Sunday to leave no doubt wbatever in the interested in aIl work for the pub- afternoon in the interest of the W. mind of the average listener, as to lic good. Her last illness was very W. S. wbetber or not my collegaue and I patiently borne and 'ler unfailing bad been talkling the sheerest non- faith in the God she worshipped was sense. By the time he had finisb- a beniediction to ail who knew ber. ENNISKILLEN ed I feit very mucbh ike a worm, h uea hc s rvt a Leau~emetin Wdneds evn-wlh bas been trodden under . beld at the family residence on Mon- ingi aeoen by PesdaentFrnk befty farrner's foot or a boxer wbo~ day, February 22nd. Service was Dorlwad o elcomy esdethe an bas been knocked 'out in the tirst condueted by ber pastor, Rev. J. R. Dorlndwhowelcmedthevisiting~ round. But neither worms nor box- ikan itemtto pcen Leaguers £rom Blackstock. Meeting ers are easîlmy killed, and se we still Bimck, nd interetto.paei ws-s in chbarge of the president. A live to renew the figbt on some fut- HmtnCneey good program was given whicb was ure ooeasion. She is survived by bier mother, enjoyed by ahI. A social haIl bour I was supposed to do the sure- Mrs. Elmina Jolins, and three sis- was spent when a dainty lunch was marizing but in this, alas, I fai!ed. ters, Mrs. Milton Slemon, Hlaydon; served and a very enjoryable evening There were many of our voluble Miss Nancy, Toronto; and Miss was brougmbt te a close. .. . Sunday friend's statements wbiçh an exper- Helen, at home. evening our pastor, Rev. E. M. Cook ienced debater would have been able CARD 0F THANKS gave sr.otber of bis excellent ser- te refute, but mucb as I tried, I mons preparing the body for- the re- could net persuade my ideas to sort Mrs. Cephias Johins and family de-1 ceiving of the Hloly Spirit. A quartet tbemsèlves out to my satisfaction, sire te thank ail their friends for composed of Messrs. John and Theo and it seemed all the more bopeless, their sympathy during their recent Slemon, Mrs .Slemnon, Miss Andrew When I reslized I only had three bereavement, also for tihe many sang a selection wbicb was tborougb- minutes in whicb to do it, and net kindnesses shown during the long ly enjoyed. Tbe choir alse sang being possessed of se voluble a illness of Mra. Brown. very niceîy a number in keoping tongue or so fertile a brain as My with the sermon. We welcorne Mr. opponient, I was decidedly at a dis- AU TO S LE E. Staples as leader of Vbe choir.... advantage. U TO SA E Glad te see sucb a good turn-enit at The victory went to our opponents Sundsy Scbool on Sunday... Mrs. -as we had exPected. We bad bard- Thuraday, March 4th-Durham Burk, tewn, bas corne te nurse bier Iy looked for a victoay over two vet- County Sbertborn Association will sister, Mrs. Charlie Stewart, who is eran platform orators sucb as tbey, hold its fiftb consigniment sale of quite ..l.... .Mrs. Neil Camnpbell, and I arn sincerely sorry I made 21 females and il bulls. Sale at 1 Oshawa, spent the weekend with ber tbe unpardonable mistal<e by omit- p. m. Write for catalogue John Bak- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stew- ting te congratulate theni publicly er, Hampton. R. T. Amos, Aue- art.... .Miss L. Stervens and friend upon their welI earned victory. If tioneer. Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Howard this sbould meet their eye, I would Stevens.... Mrs. (Rev.) E. M. Cook Iike te assure theni ef our bearby andl family are visiting witb ber congratulations and best wishes for mother. ... Mrs. Wm. Griffin visited a victery (for their opponents) in at bier daugbter's, Mrs. Walter Rabm the next debate. .... Mrs. W. O. Herring is staying It felt te me te move a vote ef witb ber cousin, Miss Ann Martin, tbanks te tbe judges, which I did Haydon, who is very sick. .Mr. and witb the utmost pleasure, realizing Mrs. Petbick and family spent Sun- the tact that they bad performed Congratulations te Mi. and Mrs. or where bonor was due. I did, B a i Walter Rahm-it's a fine girl. bowever, intimate te one of them, sfterwards, that tbe next time bis SOLINAcar gets ditcbed in our swamp, I SOLINAshahl be forced te the painful neces- Congratulations Vo Mr. Harold caîl, unless it is a case ef real bard- Jebson and Miss Leta Vice o'n their ship and 'ne can prove te me he bas recent marriage. been gi'ving bis undivided attention T o Banner Hall Corner King and Liberty Sts. BOWMANVILLE Suinday, Februiary 29th At 2:30 p. m. AND HEAR A Fuil Gospel Message EVANGELISTS J. T. BALL m S. R. WINN The Mesage You Have Been Waiting For SPECIAL EVANGELISTIC SINGING YOU ARE WELCOME -3. W. MASON & SON- rgain Sale of en9s Silk Dresses it Only, Silk Dresses, sizes 36 to 44, colors-- )wn, Fawn, Bisque, Pencil, Green, Etc. ot permit us to, enurnerate the styles. Sorne of Iquite probably require alterations. [s and trirnrings are of the very Cantons ,Flat Crepes, Crepe de finest quality in the lot. finest. There Chenes and rPrice of these Dresses was up to $39.50. Quick Clearance While They Last $10.00 Each that this price does not include alteration char- '-E WINDOWS THURSDAY MORNING r. Mason & Son roods and Ladie8' Ready-to-Wear Bowinanville DRY PINE SLABS AND EDGINGS We have fifteen carloads priced low. Write at once. JOHN B. SMITH & SONS, Toronto ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE Seed Cleaning Demonstration Train will stop at Bowmanville CANR. Station TUESDAY, MARCH 2nd1 9:30 a mr. to 5:-00 p. mn. Corne and, (1) See seed cleaning rnachinery in operation; (2) See exhibits showing value of dlean seed; (3) Hear lectures about seed at 2:30 p. M. F. C.PATERSON, Agricultural Representatîve, Port Hope. IBostreBowrnanville COME? -l Bookstore