TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 PAGE FIVE -. E U. F. O. NOTICE Plan Vo attend Providence Farm- mr' Club supper to be heid in New- caste Commsunitý Hall on Friday, March 5tb. Supper from 5 te 8 P. M. Miss Agnes MacPhail, M. P., speaker. Mrs. H. C. Garbutt, pian- lat. Providence Farmners' Club chorus. 0. . -BYME, EarI Osborne, President. Secretary. CARD 0F THANKS S Mrs. 'Phos. Brown, Liberty St., and Miss Lila Brown wish te thank the doctors, the superintendent and nur- ses ef Bowmanville Hospital for the attention and kindnes shown them during their recent illness. Also the frienda for the lovely flowers, etc.. sent te them. BOWMANVILLE BOWLING ALLEY AND RECREATION CLUB CET IN THE GAME Bowling is the best in- door sport going. You have a good time and genial company. Try one game and you'll become a regular fan. MARTYN BROS. Phone 36 Bowmanville Given the care that they deserve and a tew repaira wben needed, meet fuis will outlast othen cloth- ing a.nd because oft tieir natu.ral clsanm prove a satistying and practical investrnent. Ask us for any infermation you teed in need et regarding turs-we are. expeits and wlll gladly tell you QUALITY FURS anridtGuaranteect, Repairs BOWMANVILLENT Tailors to Discriminating Men -for three gencratio.us THERE CAN BE NO FINER COMBINA- TION 0F STYLE, OUALITY AND FIN- ISH THAN THAT OBTAîNABLE IN SUITS AND OVER- COATS MADE BY TH-E LOWNOES COMPANY. MAK- ERS 0F TtIHE FAM- OUS TWENTIETH CENTURY BRAND. IT 18 A PLEASUPE TO SHOW THEM TO A P P R £0 1 AT Iv a BUVER. BOWLING AiL1-Y NEWS Bowmanviflo Toani Win& Second Prix. ai Toronto Tournaniont. A team et Bowmanville bowlera representing Martyn Bros. Recrea- tion Club took part in a Provincial Bowling Tournarnent at Onr Bras'. AIleys in Toronto on Saturday and captu.red second prize. Tise Bow- manville team put on tise high score of 3468 which was only 18 points behind the Tarante team which won firert henars. Bowmanville team consisted ot Frank Williams, Lau Roenigk, Fred Moore, Cecil Osberne, Milten Avemy. Teams weme entered From Toronto, Belleville, Hamilton Petembore, Kingston, 'Oshawa and Bownianville. To win second place in such a large tournament le a great honor and credit te the local beys. It al goes te show that Bewmanville can bowl with the best teame in Can- ada. Messrs. Osborne and Williams aI- se teak part in thse doubles, and sfh.awed their ability by finishing in 5th place, about 50 teama conipet- ing. Oshawa Coco Cala izirls visited heme Thursday and played three games with a Lacal Girls' Team. AI- thoghbeaenthey shewed wondem- fuI ability, the last two games being vemy close, the last baIl ini eitbor de- ciding the victor. Miss Hambkv et Coca Colas won Mayor Halgato's prize. Miss Helen Osborne won a special prize; and Miss Hilda Curtis with a 235 score for ene single game, Senior Leagu. Standing No. Won Lest Score Ptsi 1 Harris 9 Richards 3 Roenigk 4 Mitchell 6 Edgem 8 Bonnycastie 12 Glanville 10 Little 11 Harnden 7 Nichails 5 Cryderman 2 Cook 5770 5411 5732 5732 5348 5077 7650 5071 4993 2752 5346 5405 High Average BowI.rs J. Williams 223 A .Piper 193 F. Williamis 205 H. Halîman 192 S. Dumas 204 F. Tomiioson 191 H. L. Pearn 199 G. Wighst 191 Jas. Welsh 198 W. Essery 189 H. C. Raris 197 M .Cook 188 C. A. Smith 197 D. Aldread 188 L. Raenigk 196 F. Cryderman 187 F. Meore 196 W. Sansis 187 C. Osborne 195 Wm. Cale 183 Sid Nichols 181 F. Bombard 179 JUNIOR HOCKEY LEAGUE Rat& Win Froin Tigers The new Junior Hockey League played its second game at Taylor's Amena on Friday night with Rink Rats vs. Mike Osborne's Tigers. Rats winning by score ot 1-0. Thse gaine wa.s very fast and close. It would have been an avertime game ex-iept for taughIs uck on tise part ef Mac- Millen. Th~e goal was scored in the last peribd on a abat w'ich dropped tram MacMillen's pads into the goal. Altisougis the Tigers fought savagely they could net tie the score. Thse gamne was rougis at times. Referee Crossey rneted out penalties and gave the boys ta understand hat they couldn't win games in tise penalty box. High School Te&= Wjns Rink Rata were deteated by Righ Sehool Monday night by a score et 4-1. The game was exciting ai- thaugis few tans turned eut te see it. Candler got thse first and last geais for the winners, while Osborne se- cured tise other two goals. Cameren got tise goal for the Rats. Thse boys were a little rouît at the end et the second period but a tew penalties stopped the rough stuif and tise gamo ended in peace. This le the asat garneand the Higis Seel intellect- uals are winners of the se ries. (Continued on page 7) LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Marie A.mes and cousin, Tor- ente, spent Sunday at home. Reserve Monday, March lst for the Progressive Euchre in 1. O. O. F. hall. Miss Marjorie Robins, Miss Marion Pickard, Toronto Normal, spent Sun- day at iorne. Miss Bertha Cann leaves on Sat- urday te visit her brotlher Harold, at Blayonne, N. J. Mrs. F. A. Foster, "Norwood Place" ,will net receive on Friday, February 26th. Mrs. 1. Naylor, Fenelan Falls, is visiting her sister-in-Iaw, Mis. J. H. Smith, King-st. Trinity C. G. I. T. are preparing a rich treat for Wednesday, March 17. Reserve the date. Pleased ta knaw Mr. F. R. Kers- lake, the West End Druggist, is slowly regaining health. Mr. and Mis. G. A. Cook, Aiten, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Fred J. Spry, Liberty Place. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. E. Staples, Toronta, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. B. James. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnston are visiting their daughter, Mrs. <Dr.) W. T. Veale, at Harrow, Ont Mr. Fred Merritt, Stouffville, and Mr. Hubert Stacey, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. John Stacey's. Mrs. Roy Nicholîs and baby Jearn, Wesleyville, are visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. T. Bragg, Carlisle Avenue. Mrs. R. J. Luke, Kedron, spent Tuesday with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James, 'Lamne Villa" Miss Doris Foster and Miss Gracel Tremeer of Toronta, spent the week-1 end at Mr. F. A. Foster's, "Narwood' Place". Mr. Jas. Thompson and son Stuart, Part Hope, and Mr. H. L. Creeper, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. H. B. Creepem's. Miss Agnes K. Haddly, Miss Coraý M. Scott and Miss Myrtle LeMay, Toronto, spent the weekend at Mr. F. A. Haddy's. Miss Leone Wallace, Oshawa, je visiting relatives in Brantford. Mr. borne Plununer, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards, Mr. Rey Ric'hards and Miss Mitchell, Oshawa, recently visited -Mm. and Mrs. Thomas Hughes. Mrs. Nelsan Smith, FEnniskilen, is visiting Mme. Adelza Hoar who is nursing a breken arm, the result of a faîl on the îcy pavement. Miss Corey Cahoan of the Univer- sity, Toronto, Misses Marion 'and Helen Rutherford, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. Claude Ives. CapI. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Ot- tawa, spent the weekend heme, Mme. Meath emaining far a visit with ber father, Mr. W. B. Couch, whileý Captain Meath makes a business trip to Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gibson, "Hazel Dell Faima", Newcastle, Ont., announce the engagement ef their daughter, Hilda Burnha.m, and Mr. James Willison Nelles, Grimnsby, Ont., the marriage Vo take place early in March. Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg will be "At Home", on Monday, March lst., from 3:30 te 5:30 p. m. and trom 8 until 10 p. m., it being the 5th annîversary of their marriage or golden weddiîng. Mrs. W. J. Ward, Owen Sound, and Mrs. Roger Fish-1 leigb, Toronto, will reeeive with thzns. A vezsy haprpy birthday party given by a few ladies oi St. Andrew's con- gregation in 'honer of those whose birthdays corne in the month et Feb- ruary was held at the home ef Mrs. S. J. Henry, Silver St., on Friday. A delightful program was gien a_ atternoon tea was servod. Proceeds $40. The following were a.mong the honored ones-Mr. D. Keith, Mrs. S. J. Henry, Mis. Ada Dumas and Betty Chapnian. Spring Clothing and Furnishings Now is the time to choose youri Sp ring Coat or Suit Men's Spring Overcoats from .... $15-00 to $30.00 Men'is Spring Suit& from......... $15.O0 to $35.00 Men's Spring Hats from......... $ 3.00 to $ 6.00 Men's Spring Caps from......... $ 1.00 to $ 2.50 Men's Spring Shirts from......... $ 1.50 to $ 5.00 Men's Spring Neckwear............... Irc to $ 1.5 I keep the largest stock in town in Men's Work Goods as Work Pants, Shirts, Overaîls, Smocks, etc. 7 WINTER COATS LEFT AT HALF PRICE Sole Agency for 2Oth Century Brand Clothing S, G, CHARTRAN 1 door west of Bell Telephon. Phone 26 Bowmanvile BIRTHS Pi1PER-In Bowmanville, an Sunday, February 211st, 1926, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Piper, a son. NICHcILLS-At Sanya, on Thursdy February 18th, 1926, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ândrew Nicholse, a son. GRANT-In Bawmanville Hospital, oni Sunday. February 2lst, 1926. ta Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Grant, a daughter. DEATHS GRANT-In Darlingtor', on Wednes- day February 24, 1926, Anthony Grant, aged 54 years. Funeral on Saturday et 2 p. m. ta Bawmanville Cemetery. ALLIN-In Bowmanville, on Wednes- day, February 24th., 1926, Annie Jolliffe, beioved wife of Mr. A. W. Allun, aged 56 years. Funerai fram the iamily residence. 26 Carlisle Avenue, on Friday, February 26. et 2:30 p. m. ta the Cemetery. BROWN-At Hampton, February 201h, Elmina Robina Johns, widaw ai W. Nel- son Brown.1 MORE-At Toronto, on February 17,' Richard Moore, forsnerly aifBakin, aged 87 years. Interment atGrvsd Cemetery, Brookli. REYNOLDS-At London, on February, 22, Edith Luella Reynolds, daughter ofi Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reynolds, In her 31s1 year. PAYNE-In Ope, Feb. 15, 1926, lien- rietta Winslow. beloved wife ai Gea. Payne, and sister of the late Major Chas. Winslow ai Milibrook. HUGHAN-Ii1 Lindsay, February 20, Amella Ida <Minnie) Somers, beloved wife af Mr. C. W. Hughan, in her 66th year. Interment In Bowmanville Ceme- tery. MeNTGOM ERY-Adda Sanmantha Gor- danier, beloved wife ai th, 1- %.. XV. H. Montgomery, died 31onday, February 15, 1926, at ber home, Ferndale, Mich., agedj 46 years, 7 months. 17 days. TiNGLE-At 12 Laurier Avenue, Tar- ont,), Mary Jane TIngle, aged 73 years, and John Tingle, aged 84 years; leaths occurred on February 21st within a few hours oi each other. Cousins of Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty-st., Bowman- ville. GORDON-At ber late residence, 251A Franklin avenue, Toronto. on Saturday, February 2th, Mabel 'Matida Gifford, beioved wiie ai William J. Gordon, aged 51 years. Youngeel daughter oi the late Clinton Giffard, and niece ai Mr. Warren Dingmnan, Bawmanville. - IN MEMORIAM iIn lavlng memory ai Alexander Taylor, wha passed away on Marcb 1, 1923. We 11111e thought when he lef t home That he in lufe would nat returfi, That he In deatb sa soon would siee, And leave us here taeinourfi. We do flot knaw what pain he bore; We did not see him die; We only know he passed away Without the lasî goad-bye. Wife, Sons and Daughters. COMING EVENTS Rebekah badge will hold a pro- gressive euchre on Monday, March let in the 1. O. O. F. hall. Admission 25C., A Dance will be held at Banner. Hall, under auspices of Loyal Or- ange Lodge, oh Friday, March Sth. Admission 25c. You are invited te Sons of Eng- land Euchre Party on ThursdÀay, March 4th., at 8 p. mn. Jelly timê assured. Tickets 25c. 8-2 Don't miss seeing tl4e IniAi com- edy and hearing Master George Granville, elocutianist, in Trinity Sunday School room March 17th. Music Club meets in Principal Jolinston's Rorn at Public Scheel on Wednesday, March 3rd at 8 p. m. sharp. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Con- vener. Regular meeting of Bownianville Women's Institute wiIll h held in S. O. E. Hall on Friday afternoen. Al members crne and bring your triends. Verty important business. Reserve Friday, March 5th., for Benefit Recital given WY violin pupils et Frank Converse Smith and vocal pupils et T. W. Stanley in Opera Heuse, Friday, March 5th. Proceeds for Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary. Thse annual meeting et the North- umnberland and Durhamn Apple Graw- ers' Association will be held in Co- bourg, at the Opera House, on Mon- day and Tuesday, March lst and 2nd. Sec particulars in advertis- ing columana. Reserve Wednesday, March l7th for the C. G. I. T. concert. Special musical selectione. will be rendered. An Irish comedyi will be presented. Master George Granville, elocution- ist, pupil of Owen Smily, Teronto, ,*ill give a nurnber of readings. LOCAL AND OTHIERW19E Mrs. Florence Sinyth, Superin- tendent of the Hospital, spent Sun- day in Toronto. Mis. W. F. Quick has returned tram a pleasant visit witis Mrs. E. R. Thurston, Torent o. Now for another geod time at S. O. E. Euchre, Thursdsiy, Mareh 4tis at 8 p. m. Tickets 25c. 8-2 Mr. Gea. F. Annis, Ebenezer, whe isad bis finger hurt by a circular saw has been very iil in Bowunanville Hoapital. Lateat reporta say he is gainirlg slowly. Dr. B. J. Razlewood, M. H. 0., at- tended a epecial meeting of thse Aca- demy et Medicine in Toronte on Monday Dr. Forestier ef France an r ase et Battie Creok, Mich., were benored guests. DO0 YOU REMEMBER THESE OLD PICTURES? A pistograph of the old Souths Ward Fire Brigade in W. T. Allen'. "Big 20" Booketore windew tise past week has been attracti.ng. consider- able attention. The pheto belengs Vo Tises. Bottreil, Liberty-a'x, and shews tise "boys of tise aid biride" ail dolled eut in tiseir iselday re- galia, Vie occasion being tise Queen's Jubiiee. Membera efthtie brigade are: Ciiet Tisas. Tucker, Win. Edgen, (pres- eut Fine Chief), J. Bottnell, A. Hume, G. Peach, Gea. JolI, Gea. Maynard, Chas. Cox, Tises. Bottreil, T. Lyle, Wan. Todgham, Wim. Tueker, D. Lockhart, Jas. Moyae, A. Matthews, Jehu Thlcksen, Tom Spry, "Tlurkey" Torny, driver. In thse bacis gs'osnd are notteed Mlcubel Leekisart, Br., Oàd J. Rad- dy. Seed Grain For Sale SEED GRAIN FOR SALE-Banner Oats, government certified seed. ger- mination 95%. Imrited quantiîy at 90e bushel. Russell Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcasle. 8-3w* FOR SALE-White Blossom Ilweet Claver Seed. Price $4 .00 a bushel. Aiea 2 colie pupe, 3 montlis aid. The motherl la pure-bred ,the father ls imported. the same.strain that won the championsbip at the Wembeiy Exhibition 1925. Appiy W. J. Leask, Taunton. 8-1W- Articles ? or Sale HAV FOR SALE-5 tans ai Claver and 6 tons ai Timotby Hay. First clans hay. Russell Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle. 8-30 FOR SALE-Four Hoîsteins, due ta, freshen in about two weeks. two reg- istered. J. L. Parsons ,R. R. 2, Bow- manville, phane 176-6. " -2w FOR SALE-Thorobred Boston Blull Pupe, 9 weeks aid, nicely marked, very dark color and small, cheap. Came quick and get iret choice, bath sex.. Thomas Percy, Bowmanville. 7-1w* FOR SALE-3 piece upholetered cheel- erfleld suite in good condition, also a fumed aak library table and Perfection oul heater. Appiy ta Mrs. J. H. Johnston. Horsey St.. Bowmianvilie. 8-t! FOR SALE CHEAP--Gun, breecb bcad- Ing, mangle, for iaundry work. Vaporizer for making dietilied water. black goal rug for cutter, carniage wbip. Appiy to Jdrs Jos. Brittain, Manvers Road, Bow- .'manville. 8-1w STOCK AND GRAIN FOR SALE-3 good young cows, one juet renewed. athers coming ln soan; aiea about 300 buehels of! aas and mixed grain 50e per bushel. Apply to J. R. Metcaif, R. R. 2, Bowmanviile, phone 183r33. 8-1* FOR SALE-Dominion Pianos ai ail kinds sold an Payments opread aver twa years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- bard Heinîzman used pianos taken as part payment on Dominion pianos wili be cleared at bargain prices and on easy terme. P J. Miitchell, Distributor. liaw- manville. 6-t Help Wanted MAN WANTED-Experienced in farm- Ing, single Naîhing but first-ciaes man need apply. Good wages. Start April lot. Russell Osborne, R. R. 2, Newcastle. WANTrED-.-Capable yaung ladies to enter the Training Scboal for Nurses at Bowmanville Hospital, Nex cans. en- tered ln April Apply to the superin- tendent. 8-tf Property For Sale FOR SALE-A goad central residential property ln Bowmanvilie. For Informa- tion address owner, box 225, Bowman- ville, Ont. 8-1 HOUSE FOR SALE-A Two-sîorey brick house, 6 roomne and batbroom. hardwood floors; aIea bard and soit 'aster ln house, with McClary Sunshine fur- nace There are 2 lots witb fruit and fruit trees, large garage, pouitry house, t001 house. APPly ta W. J. Baker, Duke Street, near Brookdale Nursery, or P. O. Box 517, Bowmanville. 3-lw* FOR SALE-The borne af the laie F B. Whiting. situated at the Farks ai the Scugag Road. This properîy ls ln ee gant condition; cansisesoa goad bouse and four acres oi land with abundance of fruit. For particulars appiy et resi. dence to Mne..IF. B. Whting, Bowman. ville. 23-tf FARMS FOR SALE-Father & Son or twa brothers, 200 acres, dlay loam. be- lween Oshawa and Bowananville, Broken Front, Darlingtan. an gaod road, close tu sdhoal, canning factory and station, 170 acres workable, balance bush and past- ure, watered by creek and sprlng, 66 ac- res ploughed, 50 acres new seed, 7 acres afalia, 5 acres of Fall wheat, 4 acres orchard, 2 sets of gaod buildings, $20.000 buys these two good farm- oniy the price oi buildings; $5,000 cash, balance ai 6%. Âpply ta owner, John L. Metcazf, R. R. N. , Bawmanville. 6-tf COMFORTABLE RESIDENCE IN SOLINA VILLAGE Frame bouse ln gaed condition, weil equipped barn, suitable for Blackernltb Shap; large lofti; stabling for 2 cowe. 2 borne@, chieken bouse. pig peu. garage-, %1 acre land, excellent gardon, aShl fruits, bard and soit water; splendid Public Schaol; cburcb near by. Good bar- gain for quick sale Apply Narman E. Wrigbt, Owner. R. R. 1, H-amptan. 5-t Eggs For Hatching I X L Peultry Warm-Now le the lime ta place your orders for Baby Chicke and Hatching Eggs, tram aour brod-to- lay strains ai Single Camb White Leg- borne and White Wyandattes. We &IsO spedialize ln custom hatching. Book or- der now and avoid disappoinîment. i X L Peuitry Farm, R. R. 1, Oshawa, Ont. Fraser & Dunn. phone 1654 R. 4 or 21. 7-41I Frank Converse Smith Teacher of Violin In Bowmaville on ffidayi, at Dr. Roaana. Corner Temperanco and Lowo Uta.. phono 893 Articles Wanted APPLES WANTED-APPly J. H. Me- Ewen, Hampton, P. O., phone, Bowman- ville 133r2. 8-2 EXECUTRIX' Notice to Creditors Notice la hereby given pursuant to Section 56 oi The Trustee Act, R. S. O., 1914, Chapter 121, that ail persona hav- Ing claims against the etate af DAVID BURKE SIMPSON K1. C., late of the Town of Bowmanville in the County oi Durham, deceased, who died on or about the Seventh day of January, 1926, are required ta send by post, prepald, ta Mrs. DavId Burke Simpson, Bowman- ville, Ontarlo. on or before the Tiret day af April, 1926, full particulars of their dlaims, and that aiter the said Piratàjay iof April, 1926, the executrix wiIl proffeed ta distribute the assetsai the said de- ceased arnong the parties entitled there- to, and she wil l ot be Hiable for the said assets or any part thereof, te any persan or persoasoe whose caim she has flot received notice. KERR & COCHRANE, Solicitors for the Executrix. DÂTED AT COBOURG this l9th day of FEBRUARY 1926. 8-3 Notice to Creditors IN THE MATTER OF TEE ESTATE 0F ELIZABETH G. CONNORS. late of the Town ai Bowmnanville: ALL PERSONS having any dlaim against the late Elizabeth G. Connors who died an January 7th, 1926, aI Ca- bourg, are required ta send by post pre- paid ar ta deliver ta the undersigned Solicitor for Michael Cannors, Adminis- Iratar ai the said Elizabeth G. Cannors. their names and addresses and full par- ticulars In writing of their claim and the nature ai the securities, If any, beld by them. AND TAXE NOTICE that aiter the 251h day oi March, 1926, the said AdmIn- Istratar will praceed ta distribute the assets ai the deceased among the per- soa entitled thereto, having regard on- ly ta the dlaimsai whIch he shafl then have had notice and Ihat he will flot be hiable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person ai whose dlaim .ho shallflot then have received notice. DATED at Bowmanville this l8th day of February, 1926. M. G. V. GOULO, Solicitor for Michael Connars. Adminis- trator of Elizabeth G. Connors Estats. 8-1 DANCE Banner Hall Bowmnanville Unden new management will re- open on Wednesday, March 3rd Round and Square Dan-ces The Midnight Revellers (Former1ýr Novelty Six) Oîc'estra will turnisis music ADMISSION 50c EACH Open each Wednesday eveniag Louis Scott, Manager. PHONE 186 SONS 0F ENGLAND ATTENTION I Ail imembers are requested to at- tend the Past Presidents' night to be held in the S. 0. E. Hall on Tues- day evening, March 2ud. Refresh- ments and a short progream la being arranged. Corne one, corne ail. Legal W. R. STRIKE Successor to lste D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solici'tor ftor Bank of Montreal Money te Loen Phone 9l" Bowrnanville, Ontario BOWMAN VILLE e ___________________________________________ MORE WELCOME NEWS Toronto papers are telling about coat of living going Up. Read this advt and be convinced that cost of buying Ladies' Dresses and Coats has corne down with a thud: 12 SiIk Dresses, Fiat Crepe, Canton Crepe, Crepe Back Satin, Velveteen, values up to $25.00, marked down to ..........$15.w0 10 Black Canton' Knit Dresses, marked down to .......$9.48 5 Balbriggan Dresses, reg. $15, now marked down to $850 12 Winter Weight Cotton House Dresses, Marked down to $2.98 6 Children's Dresses, Brodella Flannel, marked down to $5 were $25.00, Now $10.00 were $35.00, Now $15.00 were $68.00, Now $25.00 FISH FOR' LENT We have made special preparations to have a good supply of fish of ail kinds during the Len- ten season. Phone or eall each day with your fiah order and we will deliver it promptly. It will be to your advantage to buy fish at this store. READY FOR POULTRY SEASON We have almost every need in way of Poul- try feed and supplies to give you the best resuitz in raising chicks. We buy ini large quantities ahd, therefore, sell at lowest prices. Get our prices before buying. HARRY ALLIN 2 Ladies' Coats 8 Ladies' Coats 2 Ladies' Coats When we put on a Sale we don't chip off a few cents. We make it a real sale by cutting off dollars. C, S. MASON NEXT DOOR TO F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 161 Rownianvil.e a THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 PAGE PIVE *»Cte4