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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Feb 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SIX RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAV WEST EAST 6.28 a. m. DexM 10.14 a.m. D "sOa. mn. 2.45 p. m. D 8.20 a. m. D 7.48 p.m. D 4.31 p. m.D 11.27 p.m. D 7.10Op. m. D- 12.26 a. m. D D 0-DaIly except Sunday. D ex. M-Daily except Monday. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAV CoIng West 4.22 a. m.-FIag. Dally. .33 a. m.-Dally. Stops ta let off pas- sengers tram eat of Trenton. 10.07 a. m.-Daiiy Except Sunday. 2.02 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday. 7.11 p. m.-Daiiy Except Sunday. 8.24 p. r.-Daily Except Sunday. 7.06 p. m.-Sunday Oniy. Going East 8.42 a. m.-Daiiy Except Sunday. 9.13 a. m.-Sunday Oniy. 10.14 a. r.-Daily. 1.47 p. m.-Daily Except Sunday. 2.46 p. m.-Fiag. Daiiy Except Sunday.1 7.14 p. m.-Daily EUxcept Sunday 9.58 p. m.-Daliy. 11.21 p. m.-Fiag. Daiiy Except Sunday. 12.34 a. m.-Daily. Stops to pick up pas- sengers for points eant of Trenton oniy. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY TYRONE STATION WEST EAST Monday, Wednesday and F'riday 8.25 I. M. 6.25 P.M. Tuesday, Thuraday and Saturday 9.00 a. ta. .30 p. ma. BOWMANVILLE MAILS CLOSE 8 a. m.-All points east, includ- ing Newcastle, Orono, Clarke. 9 a. m.-Hampton, Enniskillen, Tyrone, Courtice 1 p. m.-Toronto, Oshawa, al points west of Toronto; Port Hope, Peterboro, Lindsay 6:80 p.m .-AIl points west 9 p. m. -East and West, except Newcastle, Orono, Clark OPERATION LEFI HER VERY WEAK Letter Telsa of Wonderful Reli.er After Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Coctiston, Ontario.-"After a se-' vere operation and a three weeks' stay in a hospital ~'I returned home so weak that Iwas Sunable ta move a chair. For four eredagoy eerymonth. One ay l p m arinrs awife yo boxe ofthe mpurd~e t tol botîs o Ldi E nkhbca's Bloo Medcin, nd avealoued t heSan- Boxd 10g oniston, Omntri. O a Zut w oT abl ets m -f VtoHadae Copond20 mnten breaok iup1 sa CId asornighott andto mohy s paids' hefivmn iherc is pose ahng tby wI am-able tono'tl hur y ou hee ntee n.In al taend ha' enyt l m poufcind, fi bxs of teComondweaboes botees pcial Pnkhed fo d co-ive al. r.L. IJU S«Cot EOntarion Do pured-er Oi s -tp ea ichesiofvitminus -tbrak a Chld es t s an ersoe th Lis tey wf ta m tak es aend ahre ia si ed o SCeII T Mato.Ont R oberts yrupj *for COUGHS, COLDS *and BRONCHITIS* THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARLY 25, 1926 OUR TEXAS LETTER-NO. 1 Somne turne ago I received an in vitation from my brother-. citizi in Uncle Sam's domein- to be hi guest for the winter, s0 I bought strip of paper 3 inches wide an( about a yard long, covered wit] stamps and signatures, and whieî read from Bowmanville ta differen places the last being El Paso, Texas and return. I packed a few dut in my grip and on Friday, Januar, 8, off 1 came ta the sweet Sunnt South where perhaps the mockirj bird will sing me ta sleep every nigi and fiowers bloom ail the yea through. I must confess that I feit a tint of eihame leaving between sunse and sunrise-blame the railway fo that. It took saine effort ta get t the station at 5 :25 a. m. I got t my son 's home in Cleveland, Ohi.,a, 5:30 p. mn. that day and spent a feN days greeting aid friends in tha fine city who are getting fewer i number as the years go by. Do not imagine that it is neces satly t travel ta learn about thi country, for in your cozy carne with your feet on the hearthstone ai4 a geography you can learn the nain of cities in the United States ari Canada. In the St-ates many of t)i streets are named after differen states and then start in with presi dents and other great men. Il Mexico with saints of which there i a iist of over 300 frein which t( choose. In Canada we naine street froin Kings and Queens. But wher one gets off at the Grand Centra depot in New York City it is notE question of streets nor blocks, hi of how many stories high. C1 course, in travelling you learn wherE ta locate Vhem. Many at home asked me ta shar( with thein my pleasu.res as I tried ta do a year ago by writing an ac. count of places and things I saw.1 hope their pleasures in reading wil neanly equal the gladness that wil be mine if in any way I can give thein saine profit and pleasure. 1 wrote five letters for The Stateamai last year and am in the saine city, stili I shaîl do iny best ta avoid re- peating what I wrote then. I left for Chicago at 5 p. m. an. in a short time was aboard a train on the Chicago and Rock Island call ed the' Golden State Limited. Tfiere is a wealth of significance .the naine Golden State. The word Limited implies a train that c'overs the distance in the least pas- sible time. The engine drawin1 this train was one of the mountain type of passenger engines-the lar- geai and fastest buiit. No inatter how heavy the train it starts almost imperceptably and runIning an 100 Ibs. steel rails keeps the heavip-st train on schedule turne. After we were out of Chicago, hlour afier hour, it speeded or flew through cit- ies and tawns which with their lights was so it seemed snatched past u.,1 began ta nealize what a limited trait ineant-very few stops. On this train were a club, smok- ing and w-riting car. In the diner on the bill-of-f are although in mit winter and a cold night there were s1trawberries, oysters, clama, set foods of many kinds, fruits and veg- etables froin variaus points of the compass. We stopped at Kansas City for twelve minutes; then att we sped pa§t fields of wheat anc corn stalks frorn last year exitending ta the sky-line, on past comfortable homes connected býV teleehone. An- other very beautif ul sunset was seen and night solan set in, thcn came rest. When 1 swoke we were in Oklahoma and the big mouutains loomed up but kept at a respectable distance. Otn and on the train da.thed through level plateaus and' bhen aven the road I came 10 yearsi age, through aIother irrigation sy- ttein that is making the dese.rt blos- tom as the rose. No pen can portray, nor tangue lescribe the wonders which are be- ng worked im the pursuit of Agri- culture in the S.outh West by 'the hand of man which is wonking great changes by irrigation frein streains and wells. Fields of grain, cottoni and alfalfa now fiourish where tes year., ago the deserts' face was cov- ered with cactus. Thoroughbred cat- lie now graze in pasitures where formerly the long 'horn ýàteer eked out a precariaus existence. On the esert range little villages and towns now lie peacefulby under sinil-i ing sun where once the marauding Idians waged warfare on the few white setitlers. In this country hîings are dune on a gigantic scale. At Gary near Chiago 1 saw a sign American Cernent Co.--capacity 80,000 bags a day-7,500 bags an aour. East of here la a town 1 Go e way. At 1:30 p. mn. El Paso was ached when good.byes were saidi Ld we left the train. Brother Berai ras at the station aud in a few min- aes in the auto we were once more this cozy bungalow at 1230 Myrtle ive., makîug the journey 14 hours icker than I ever weit over the oad before. Sa much for the ilden State Lirnited. Alpha Pinch El Pea, Texas, F'ebruary 15, 1926. h- enj ls a id tht e et aht int lhy dnL LJou wrîLte, for the FREE Osa Cook Booc end lea. n ,ew ways of making delicia., S Up. and Consommes - haw ta put the fresi. bcd flavaur into icit ove,. how to make dozea. of otiier attractive dishes. Write to.day ta OXO LIMITED. 356 St. Antoine St., MONTREAL BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Work cominenced last week on the pumping plant. The second story of the workshop has been completed and the roof- beains placed into position. The concrete work on the well has been finished wit'h manholes and other fittings put into place. Two new boys arrived last week, bringing the total up to 27. One lad came froin Toronto and the other from Ottawa. The staff entertained the Public School teachers at a sleighing party Thursday night. Mter hoping al week for snow, a little too much ar- rived ail at once and ail but spoiled the riding part of the party. AIl en- joyed theinselves and the cheery at- mosphere at the Darch bhouse soon m.ade the crowd forget the weather outside. ý PARENTS, RECALL The boys nurnbering now 27 are te YOUR YOUTK taking, withouit exception, a great ______ interest la the Agricultural work un- id A pies for aider children is made der the supervision of R. Ross Bur- es by Aunt Susan in this weekts letter. rowa, B.S.A., of the Provincial Sec- td She bas the correct ides regarding retary's Departinent, Toronto. The îe the relations of parents ta their old- boys inake each week between 35 and nt er children. Too many parents are 40 pounds of butter, and have a gen- si- far toa stoical or prudish* with eral knowledge of the desirable n chiidren. Far better ta encourage types of dairy cattle, beef eattle, ichildren ta be and act as children swine and hanses. :a in their youthful growing turne than ýt ta deprive thein of their rights as While the senior boys are studying n children bry endeavoring t'a make general farming, which includes. al them live a nd act like old folk while ifield and animal busbandny and a they are yet in their teens. True, the fa-m inechanics, tthe juniors are ut teen-aged boy and girl canstitute studying vegetable gardening snd f one of the greatest af parental prcvb- poultry. One of the roins in the e leins but hy follawing Aunt, Sussu's dining building is used as a "Green- advice a very great ahane of the diffi- house'", in which each boy bas a ~culties wiil vanish'. Consider care- number of seed boxes containing pnyrfly h sg sg ettuce, onions, radishes, cabbage, d guesyind she makes about parents etc., and flower seeds. This work cormpanioning with their children in willb oowdyeahbyavn itheir associations with other yau'ig a plot or two of bis own in the main Il fok. Here is Aunt's advice. garden ta ilook aften when the le My Dear Niece:-I think 3rou willwahepeni. 1 do well ta join the newly formed The hockey teain came into its ,~club in your locality. It should be own lasit Wednesday night when the a great help ta you î in any wsys, School boys hoaked up with Scotch and particularly sa in drawing diff- and Irish in what turned oult to be a erent neighbors together and fOr thriller. Thene was not the aprawl- ýd helping the "yaounger set" ta know ing and awkwsndness that was so neach other and intermingle. apparent at the firat gaine. There Pastirnes where parents can asso- wss no score in the firat period al- ciate with their grown-up sans and though the Scbool had much the bet- :daughters cannot be too highiy ne- ter of the play. In the àecond!, ýe commended ,and I arn pleased you period the Scotch and Irish scvred kt are allowing youn two eldeat ta join 'the only goal only ta have Walters 3the club. of the School drive in the equalizer 9 Sinaîl communities get along eanly in the last period. It was a n much better as t.he result of social wcked drive froin the right boards1 rgatherings, and gaines and dances and was well plsced in the upper1 !r are far better when attended by corner of the net. Scotch and Irishi It aId as weîî as young. scored again mear the end of the1 0 It is too often said arnongst par- po enio poiud . A that thho t n e2- ;t enta that they are too old and ta o h poiin I thatte ,e they prefer the youngsters should r keep together and amuse theinsel- -ves. 5There is no one tata aid ta be Isufficiently unselfish ta wish yauth t ta -have a good time, and by their own experience and maturer years t- ta be at hand ta guide suc.h pas- ýr times in the right direction. d If you want ta keep the children 'e on the farm in such country districts sas yours yau must allow them free- -dam and recreation, or eventually e they wil seek the towns, and then ,s you know not, what company they n will keep. 1 The young must play. To draw 9the hune between old and yauug is bath difficult and foolish. The oid are as young as they wish ta be. DaoP snot be too severe about dancing, join in with them and you wiUl soonp F hdiscover how the weight of years, sthat you now coutplain of, willIn odc tslip away. Itout We can abuse anything but with increased careful reasoning, tact and n-m- gv t u pathy you can sa guide tihe young givCompanyu that they wiil make of dancing aCo pn happy gaine. Do not be a pessirniat modela exci and throw cold water on what you personally do not cane for- at any rate, you can be there and look on. > Neither la it poiicy ta pass unkind remarks on those whose apirits getF the better of thein-rather hyF laughing with thern <sud not at thein> you can better check rowdy- isin, when it becomes necessary ta T do sa. Be a sport and do nat stand on 4> C eue side ta citicize. A good sport is soon recognized and alsways re- spected, sa by being one you ivill have far more autherity than wcre Added refin you a surly "knocker". The young are fan more sen3itive have necesi than we give thein credit for, snd if thev realiza that their eiders are out cet harmony-that they are con- tinuall.y under reproof-they will stoop to deceit snd enjoy theifnselves out af reach of their eider's eyes. Much better is it that you, and other parents, can be with thei n sd 50 know where sud how they spe>id their evenings, aud wîth whom. Ne- member 'your own youth, and be toi- erant, remember, too, that these days are fan in advance of a quarter of a century aud more ago.Th tuc You won't keep the young back byTh trc harping on aId tinies, sud if you can do ît for a while they wîll break loose sooner or later. Don't koep the reiu too tîght: guide: do noti whip Ford i PLAN NOW FOR THAT PACIFIC COAST AND ALASKA TRIP YOU INTEND TO TAKE NEXT SUMMER Next summer forget the cares of business or profession and take a trip to Western Canada, the Pacifie Coa.st or Alaska. There's satisfaction in this kind of a vacation-a swift journey through never-before-seen country, restful stops at splendid resort-hotels, and, when yau reach the Canadian Rockies, gorgeous vis- tas of lake, forest, and towering mountain peaks. There is neyer an idie moment if yau travel the Canadian National Route on radio equipped trains. Crossing the vast prairie country, the Granary of the Empire is always interesting. Then there is Jasper National Park and Jasper Park Lodge of Continent-wide fame. There are mountains on aIl sides, sky piercing giants, snow..capped massive, many of wàhich have neyer been scaled. Frein Jasper National Park is a never-ending succession of mount- ains-and more mountains--loveiy valleys, turbulent rivers and dashing waterfalls until you reach the Coast at Vancouver or Prince Rupert. To make the most of your trip the voyage through the Sheltered S.-en- ic Seas of the North Pacific should be taken froin Vancouver to Prince Rupert or Alaska. On the voyage you will see from splendid sea-going steamers, alluring inlets, towering headlands and tu.mblîng icy streains and glaciers. On the return jour- ney, see Kitwanga and its totem poles, Mount Robson, the highest peak in the Canadian Rockje-s, and again to Jasper National Park. These trips, as mapped out by Canadian National Railways are not surpassed anywhere and furnish a liberal education on Canada to our Canadian people. Summer Tourist fanes are effect- ive between May l5th and Sept. 30th., with return limit to Oct. 319t., at a minimum of cost. Make sure of your Western trip this summer by planning ahead. Any Canadian National Agent will give you f ull information and illustrated booklets. '7-2 School needs now is a couple of spares of calibre; six regulans went through the entire gaine without relief. Only those who stand high in the monthly averages are eligible to pl.ay on the teain and this leaves very few to choose froin; senie of the best pla>yers being ineligible. tICE Good llardwood Floors "DD TO Both Beauty and Comfort E ver y Home Now is the time to have them laid. Cali and get our estimates. We have a price for every purse. We also expect a supply of Alberta Coal in a few days and shall be glad to 'ake care of your order. McCleIIan & Co., Liinited King St. Eat Office Phone 15 Bawmanvil. House Phonot r28, 274, 214 t' CHANGE tion of the improved Ford closed models in colora has substantially the demand for these popular cars. In lime with the policy to, stomners the benefit of ail reductions in production costa, the Ford Motor of Canada, Limited announces substantial reductions in ahl closed cept the coupe. These reductions effective as of February lth. 'ordor 7udor hassis New Price $755 695 325 Old Price $895 755 335 Reduction $140 60 10 iements in the new mnodel runabout, touring car and light delivery sitated a slight price increase. These prices are now as follows: Runabout <Touring Light Delivery ,chassia and coupe remain unchanged. Coupe Truck New Price $410 440 435 $665 485 8Equipped with starter $85.00 extra Ail prices f. o. b. Ford, Ontario Government Tax Extra Motor Company of Canada, Limited Ford, Ontario CHADBURN MOTOR CO., Oshawa Phone 1160 J. S. AMES, REPRESENTATIVE, BOWMANVILLE Phone 386W "is good tea" I £A 9Jed Avu (9ýaný X5hk à e4a h dcp"8%

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